HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967 Resolution No. 01518 1n::-:01.llTION NO. Iii. :-\l·:nn-::-: OF l!Hi RF.ROJ.UTJON AGRF.F.JNG TO PROVIDE FffiF. PROTECTION SERVICES TO AN AREA WITHIN TUE CITY OF' F:NGLEWOOD WHICH 18 PllE814:NTLY PHOVIDED SAID SERVICES BY '1'HE l'llEUUY 1111.1."\ FIUE llt:-:THIC'T ANll nnn:cTJN(: TllE CITY ATTOllNF.Y TO FTT.F. A PETITION TO EXCLUDE SAID AHEA FUOM THE BOUNDARIES OF' THE SAID CHEHRY HIL~ FIRE DISTRICT. WllEllEAS, the City of Englewood has herctofor, by appropriate legislative enactment, nnn•'lu:'fi lo Rnftl f'ilv lhP fo11owfnJ! rlc>Rrrlhro territory. to wit: A tract of land lying in Section 35, Township 4 South, Range 68 West in Arapahoe County described as follows: llcKlnnlng ol a point where the eael ltne of Hlock 50, Evnn8l01t BrolldWlly At.ld - 11 lun ··~···n1f1'fl "'"1tlt1•rh lnl••l'Rl •f'IR ..... Routh lln(' of ~clfon :J!), Township 4 South. UWlKc HH Wcttl, ttatic.J ttoulh line bcin~ lhc app1·oxhualc ccnlcr line of l:attt Jlampc:fon Avenue. Thence Northerly along the east line of said Block 50 to the north line of said Ulock aO. 'l'hcncc Eattlcl'ly tu lhc cuttl lluc ol :::iuulh LuyttJLLc tiL1·ccl, Thence Northerly along said east line of South Lafayette Street to the center line or F.nttl Floyd A vemm. Th1 1111•., Euuh•rl .\' ulunH unlcl 1·1 •nl1q · 11111• uf fo:nAI Fln.v•I Av1•11111• In Hu• l'llAI 11111• nf I h1• SW 1/4 Section 35, Township 4 South, Hange 6M West, Thence Southerly along said line to the northeast corner of the SE 1/4 SW 1/4 of SArtlon 35, Township 4 South, Range 68 ~est, '1111•11•••• Fnnl••rh 11lu11P. llu• Nut'lh 11111• of thr• ~W 1 /4 Hfo: 1 /:1 HPr'lfnn :lfi. TownRhlp -1 tioulh, llamgu tiH Wcttl, Lu lhc 11u1·thcuttl cot·ntu· of Lhc ::;w 1/4 Hl~ J /4 Ht:JcUun :JD, Township 4 South, Range 68 West. Thence Southerly along the east line of the SW 1/4 SE 1/4 Section 35, Township 4 Hooth, llat1Kc Ot4 Wc8l. tu 11 µolnl whtwu sttld ltn@ lnltn'8@0l8 lhfl north rlght-of .. wo.v lint• .. r :-:. ". Nn . 7 0 n ·:i1ft t llnmrwh·n ,\ Vl'nll(•). sntrl pol nt hclnJ! approximately !lO ft,.,I u 1111111111 .\ ••I 11111 n1111l l11111al 11u111u1 uf I hu rl\\' I -! rll •: I 1·1 flo1 1ll1111 :in, T11w111::1ltltt 4 8outh, ltangc GH West. Thence Westerly along said north right-of-way line to a point where said line Intersects the east line of the SW 1/4 Section 35, Township 4 South, Range 68 WP111I. ~ttlf1 1mtu1 11._.ln" n1•1H ·••~tnrn1~·'" no fµpf north nf fhil ,.rneth 'lnttrt~r Pnrn~r nf f'nh l ~·.-llnn . Thence Soulhwcttlorly alonl{ ttuh.I l'il{ht -of-way line of t•:uttt Hampde n Avenue on thti an.: of a curve to the left, the radius of which equals 783', for a distance of 301. 4 feel, 1111 •11 1•1• \\11•Rl1•rl\' nlonH 1111• north rlp:ht -of-wny Ihm nf EnRI llntnprfPn Avpm1 e pnrn_llel lo and 30 feel north of tho ttoulh line of 8ecUon 35, Towntthip 4 8outh, Hango uti West, to a point where the north right-of-way line of East Hampden A venue intersects the east ltne of South Lafayette Street, Thf'IH'f' i-:nutlu•rlv In II point Wh(•l'f' lht• ('R8f. line or Aouth T.nfo.yctte Rtroct into~ n•·•'ll"l t lu · 011111 h lliu 1 ul :lrn •l lu11 .1:,, T11w11nhl .. ·I 1111111 II , lln11w 1 1111 \\11,al Thence Westerly along said south line of said Section to the point of beginning. Wllt:HEAS, lhc said lcrrilory itt JH'cttcntly wllhln the boundaries of Cherry llllltt fo'iru District , and WUF:to:Afl , it hi tn th e heat tnterest~ of the huw1owner~ tn ~.Uc1 territory and of the City In hn\1p AAlfl h•rrltorv f'Kt•hlflNI rrom I he houmlarfea of llafd dlslrlcl . and Wtll•:ut.A:"l, th•· pn•' lbhu1n 111 1:111 :1 '·. H. :i. tt :1 111 , 1·1;111111 ·u b, 111 ,;i·1tur lur bUhl l u 1111111 .v lo be tto uxcludud, lhnl lhu .covvrnlng hod.v or Um City ogruo lo provtdu survtcuH lo Hnld terri- tory t'Qulvnll'nl to the services prN4<'ntly hC'ing provided to the same by said district. NOW, Tllfe:llEOl•'JlE. Bl·: IT 1n:so1.v1·:n nv Tlrn ('ITV ('OUN('ll, Oft' Tiii': C'l'l'Y ,,. .• I·: Nf: r ,Fwnnn nf4 follow,..: I . Thu City Attorney ht tu•ruh.v nuthorlzud and dtrectod lo fllo with tho l>lt1trlct Court h1 ntMI foe · llM• Coonl .v of A1 ·11tthhtN• n 1"'1111011. JHll'fllllnlll lo lht• 1n·uvhelom1 uf IUO:I t', 11,H, MO .. IH, orwl to tnJw Huch other nnd rurlht•r Mlt•ps ns moy he necessary to secure the exclusion of the ,.1,,,," 1l1 •a ••1 ll11 ••I '"' 1 11111, Ii"'" llu • l11111111l111 ·l1 •n .. r 1111 • f ·1.,., ... ,. 111111:~ 1"11 ·•· IHRI 1·l1•I 2. Tho C ity Council of thu City of Englewood, as the governing body thereof, does hereby exproeely Md epcclrtcally agrco lo provldo lo eafd lorrltory, not lalor than ono yuar nft1•r lfw 1•ff(•f•tf\'f' flAtP of nt1\' f'Ollf'I Offl{'f' f''Cf•l11rffnJ? 8Rfd territory from SOfd district. Scr- \'lt.'t.!b 111 lh11 n1u11u 1111lun1 un 1111111 1n1111tl_r 111 1 111~ 1t1 '11\'11l1 •1l l•.V nulcl 1llat1·l11I, 111., '11111111 .v 111' wl1l1d1 service shall not be lower than the service presently being provided by said district. I I I I I I ATTEST: City Clerk-Treasurer RF.~OT.TTTTON NO. lrt. 8F.RW.R OF Hlft7 (conllnuctl) '~~~~b > Mayor I , StephenA. Lyon, City Clerk-Treasurer of the City of Englewood, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing ls a true, accurate, and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the City Council of the City of Englewood at its regular meeting on April 17, 196 7. City Clerk-Treasurer I ~ t