HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967 Resolution No. 01924 ll1':8ULU'l'1UN NU. HJ, :ll•:JtU;::; UI•' HJU'I IU;:..;tH ,U'l'ION A .. l'llUVlNli Al'l'l.ll..:A'l'IUN tW l•:UWAIUJ 'I'. l.J AH'l'Wltlllll'I' l•'UH A lln'l'l':L ANll IU:RTAIJRANT LJQIJOR LJCJ·:NRF. TO Bl~ J,OCATF.D AT 3517 SO. F.LATI, ENGLEWOOD, CUWHAOU. \\'llEICEA:>, E1lwunl T. t 'u1·twrlHhl hun h1•1'1•tufu1·1• a11pllrt1I tu the' c '11 .v c '1111111 111 of' tlu' City of Englewood, as the local licensing authority, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 7r.. Arllulu 2. Colorwlo lltwl8CJtl Rtnt11lt18 lflfi:t. for the t11uanoa of a hotftl and r@1taurrmt lfQuor If f•t•ns(• to hu 1ocnfr'fl at :J!'i 17 Ro. ElnU Stroot. J<:nglewood. Colorado. and. WllEltl-.;AS, Council has held a public hearing on said application and has duly •(Hlllldurud u,., Han10. N II\\'. TllFlfFFfllffo: ...... rr 1n:Nnt.Vl·:n nv TlfF. rn·v f'OHNrn, OF THF. <;TTY 01'' J.<;N lH£\VOOU Lhul Lhcrc au·c hc1·c1Jy udoplcd Lh~ foUowiug ftndlugt1 u.ud couc1u1:dont1, which flndln,ca and conclusions shall he deemed to be the reasons tn writing for the dec- ision or the local licensing authority herein contained, as required by the provisions of 100!1 r. n. ~. 1:.-2-42 (:1): 1. The application for said license is in proper form, is accompanied the appro- priate foo and all procooural roquJromcnts of Chapter 7G Article 2 Colorado Revised ~Afuh•A 19r.:t. fn<"lndln.c. without 1fmftntlon posting of publfc noUce and appropriate public hu•rlnt;, hH \ 11 1 ... ., .. 1·umpl 1c .. 1 \\'It la. 2. There has not hecn a denial of any appllcatlon for the same location within the two (2) years next preceding the date of this appllcation. 3. The applicant has executed a lease which will entitle him to the possession of the premises for which the application has been made, upon approval of his application. 4. Th<' sn1u of 1fquor os contumplatcd in the appllcatlon ts not prohibited by the r.u11l11K luwtt ul' lhu t 'It .\' or l-:11,;l11wo1_ .. 1. f,, TIN t lcHmllon of llm prmnlHttH al Um ahovu addr1u111 ht not within r.oo fool of nny public or parochial school or the principal campus of any college or uni verslty or seminary. o . Uut1utl UVoll lhv v1 ·1u1· 111vvttllgullu11 u( lhv 1•;11glvwoot.1 l'ulluv Uvµau-luavul, Utt wvll u the evidence adduced at the time of the hearing, the applicant possesses good moral oharac:l6r and 111 fully quallflod, hoth morally and financially, to conduct the type of bus- iness for which the appllcatlon has been made. • The appllcaUon herein is for a "new" license, within the maantng of Htti3 c. R. s. 75-2-38 and the criteria for the Issuance of the same is governed by the pro- visions or 1963 C. It. s. 75-2-42, rather than the provisions of 1963 C.R. s. 75-2-9 (2). tt . Uu1 ·l11K lhu oolll'Hct ul' th•' pulill o h11111·1t1,; Um uppllllHlll n11l11111ttc~cl pc,1111011~. accompanied by affidavits of circulators, bearing the signatures of 1943 persons who either UYOd within, or wcro omployoo within, an block area surrounding the propoled location. In addition to thf s petition. protestants placed before Council, unaccompanied by an nfflcludl or 11 it h •it11lnlu1·. 1mrp11rth1H tu 1•011tnh1 UOH Rlttnnfurr•R . Nnon,., hclWf'vr•t·. WAR able to te8llfy from personal knowledge WI to the witnessing of Lhe signatures being placed upon these latter petttfons. While Council has considered all the petitions and remon- strances submitted, lt has given less weight to those petitions which do not bear a t •h 0 1•11)nlnr'R nrflc)Adl , lhnn fl hnR lo tlmRr~ pf'tftfnnR Af'f'OmpAnlf>rf hy Rt!r.h RO Afffrlg,yft, u. So voraJ porHons toHUflcd In opposition to the application. However, with only tow c.utcoptlomt, JMJrttorut appoarlng lo oppOlm thu application wt1rv lho8o pclrtton8 who 8latod fhnt fh('V we re_• totn11y opposerl to th e use of alcohol. While these persons, of course, ua·u tmllllc ic l lo uulurluln llu 1h· p1 •1·r1uu11l l1t•llttf', p11l1llu pullo.v of' the• Hlut•• of' ( :ulur1ul11 favors the Issuance of licenses for the sale of alcohol where the local licensing authority determines, based upon the statutory criteria, that such a llcense should issue. 10. lt ls the co11cluslo11 or Councll lhal lh18 llcon8t! 8hould bo approvod and , among fl.,-. l'PAflOllR ror tftfR rfpf'lflf(lll nrr• tllf' fnJlOWfOJ!~ a. The applicant herein has established beyond dispute that he is morally, professionally and ftnanclally qualified to carry on the business which h e lnh•1Klt1 lo l'Rrry on nl lhht locnllon. h. W lttl ~ Ut~H~ fiflJ tJtjvt!t·ttl uuUt!l~ tu th~ &fl!&. Ul ~f~ iH~ no outl @t8 w ht1•l1 1•011f,f lu• •·nnFil•l•·•·•·•f In ··~fiql within thP fmmerlfn_f P e.rPR of fhe ..... , ... ., ........................................ ••••· .................................. ; .. 1.1 •. ntJtMht of Lho noi"'hhorhood ro<tufru lh_, itteuw1cu of lhiti Hctjn8tj, HE rr FITHTllEH 1n:sor.v1·:n thnt. hnsoo upon the ahovo findings and reasons, said application should be, and is hereby, approved. llF. IT FURTHER IU~ROJ,VF.D that, should the state Ucenaing authority approve said applh:atlon. no lhmn8C Ahalt Issue until the hulldlnK ln which the bustnesB lB lo lm conducted l o • ''"'" r .. , ''''''"''""''' ,, 1111 """'''' r1u ·11tl111 ·•'. rl'!ll1t ·••R . Atlff ••rt11fp1t1P1tl 111 t•ln••r> AR IF' ltP"''~Rnrv lo culUi'lY Wllh lhb v1·uv1a1u11a ur l.J lutpha' 'In , Aa ·Lh..:lb ;:: , l.J ulunuJu ll&jvli:h::J tllitLUloa J Uh~ uud then only after inspection of the premises has been made by a representative of this Council I I I I I I RESOLUTION NO. 19, SERIES OF 1967 (continued) to determine that the applicant has complied with the architects drawings and plans and specifications submitted with the application. BE IT FURTHER RES::>LVED that the City Clerk-Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to send by certified mail to the applicant at the address shown in the applic- ation, a copy of this Resolution, pursuant to the provisions of 1963 C.R.S. 75-2-42 (3), which shall be deemed to be the decision of the local licensing authority. -~et ~~d~1 er .,.... Mayor ~ ATTEST: City Clerk-Treasurer I, Stephen A. Lyon, City Clerk-Treasurer of the City of Englewood do hereby certify that the above and foregoing ls a true, accurate, and complete copy of a resolution passed by the City Council of the City of Englewood at its regular meeting held on Monday, May 15, 1967. City Clerk-Treasurer . ) ,. ~,,