HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967 Resolution No. 028;.ll)
nESOLU't'ION NO. 20, SERIES OF 196 7
JlRROl1 llTTON l\U'rllORIZINO l\ND 011mcr11 INO THE C'.ff(•y MANAGl!!R or 'l'H~
TTY OF' F:NGT.P.WOOO TO l"TT.F: /\MF:NOP.O /\PPT.T<11\TTON WT'rlf TJm f'.;f!(1JH~T/\nv nF
11011::1Ntl l\NIJ 111\lll\N 11..:v 1·:1.111•M1 ·:N'I' (Flll<Mli:l<l,V l(NOWN /\!:i '1'111•: llOUS!NC /\ND UOME
I·' I NANCI·: /\t:l':NCY) lfNDl·:H 'l'I It·: rnnv r:aONH (W ·rIThR VII OF TIJE llOUOINO /\Cf1'
OF 19hl, /\S /\MP.NDF.O.
Wllt::IU:AS, 'l'ilJ c-VIC of Lho llousinq A~t of 1961, aa amended,
IJ!U V ltlPJ::f f"u1 lit~ 111nkl1Hf ot q1n11le l,y lhC' Hccrclory of tloue l n g and Urba n
fJP V ~IOJ1UIP l1( (fnrll!Pl·f \' 1U lf'l"11l ;-fl! ffin 1ft111 µi1l'f :-tlld lftollln l•'i11nt11•0 /\•ICJllo'j") lit
:.Jt nl c t> n11d 1.0~·al pul.>l.t ...: l>ud.lt:!t> Lu cH:itiJ.t>l lhem in the acquisition and
development of permanent interests in land for open-space uses where
such assistance is needed for carrying out a unified or officially
coordinated program for the provision and development of the urban
:-ir,,:-i: .,11.1
WHEREAS, the City of Englewood has heretofore made application
to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (formerly known as
hr1 Jl o u o inv and fl o rn e Finum.:e J\qo11 cy ) fur t1 yr11nl under the provisions
of 'l'itl e VII of thC' Jfnu s inq l\r•f of l()(d, whir•h ;ipnli,..;it-inn w;in :-ipprnvnd
.-uu.J ,, ..:uult...t ..:L c 11L c..:.t.c..:u .t.11Lu Lclween llae Clly 01 t:nglewood and the Sec-
retary of Housing and Urban Development (formerly known as the Housing
and Horne Finance Agency) on behalf of the United States of America,
whereby the United States of America agreed to assist the City of
Enqlcwoon in .-i<"qt1irin<1 .,ncl ilf"vc-lnpinq rf"rf:-iin rP,,lty fnr p;irk ;in1l
tcc 1.c.aliu11ul !JUq.>u:Jc::i uy 111._akiny ..i yrdnt in an amount equal to 50
percent of the actual cost of the four-park project, or $307,914,
whichever is less, and
WllEl<EA:.>, :;l nee Llae exee uLlon o1 that contract, it has been
apparent to the City of Englewood that it is necessary to request
modification in the City's application and the contract executed
thereunder in the following particulars:
a. The substitution of other realty for the realty
oriqinally included in said application to compose
that development referred to on said application and
··nnf1:-i1·f :-i n "1'<·11l n 1111i.,f l':itk," n11d
b. Th e increa$c in lhe total acquisition costs to
~cquire all of the realty in the four-park project,
in,..luoinrt nf"rf"r.r.:-irv rt",,1 c-r:t.,t" nnrvi•·"n, fn-1111
~J~u ,uu ~.uu Lu ~4lJ ,J~~.uu dnd the resultant in-
crease in that portion of the grant attributable to
JCquiHilion cosls in lhe amount of 50 percent of the
aforesaid jncrr~sr, nr $16,77S.OO.
Th0 cxtonsion of time for tho ucquisition of all
realty under the original application from the present
deadline of August 15, 1967 to April 1, 1968.
1. That the amended application be filrd with thr ~~,..r0tnry
nl lf••11 :si 11'1 .111.t lltl•.111 11c•v1d111J111•·1il (lu1111 u 1ly known dti llae llou::;lng and
Home Finance Agency) requesting that the City's approved application
and the resultant contract be amended and modified in tho manner set
forth hereinabove.
2. 'l'hat the City Manager of the City is hereby authorized
tind dir uc l c u lo cxcculc ,mu lo fi le such amended application with the
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (formerly known as the
Housing and ll ome 1"inance J\y cnc y), to provide additional modified in-
formation and to furnish such documents as may be required by said
Department, to execute such contracts as are required by said Depart-
ment, and to act as the authorized correspondent of the City.
3. That the proposed acquisition and development is in
accordance with plans for the allocation of land for open-space uses,
and th~t , should snid qrant br mad e , the City wiJl acquire, drvrlnn,
.111.t 1rd.1i11 :a .aid l.111.t '''' 11 ... 11:11·:1 d u :J i•J11.1Lou 111 tidid application
and approved by the Secretary of Housinq and Urban Development
(formerly known as the Housing and llome Finance Agency).
·I. 'L'lld L Liie Unl led 8 la Les of America and the Secretary of
llrna ninq iln<l Hrhan Onvolnpmont (fnnn(lrly known tHJ U1u llou~lny t111tl Home
I-' i nnn c c /\q cnc y) be, llnd Lhcy he· r0by arc assured of fu 11 comp 1 i ;inf'" by
lite· l'ity with ••'•JUI.al iu11:1 u l u,._. !_;c..:t.:.t.eLdt.y 01 Housing and Urban Develop-
ment (fonnerly known as the Housing and Home Finance Agency), effectu-
ating Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
I "
Resolution No. 28, Series of 1967
5. That in all other respects the original application, the
resultant contract hereinabove referred to and the previous resolutions
of this Council authorizing the filing of said application and the
execution of said contract be, and are hereby, fully confirmed and
City Clerk-Treasurer
" •
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