HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963 People's Ordinance No. 001PllO Pl.l'I O PtDINANCll N O , 1, IIPtllll o, 1NJ tW 1-!N(J l'L,ANTH, WOIHiH. MAN U l-'A<:'l'IJltR, UI•: THANIOIIMHIO N ANU 1"111/', 0 1• l~l.ltl ... "'l'ltll!A A!'.I• CIMI, l•:l'flll-:U All'l'lt-'IC:IAI , (Jtl AtlXI,; 1-'lJ ltNISII, SJ•:1,1. ANII I ~fl lU 1,:1.1,:c "J'IU C AI. l•!NJo:110\' AN J (JAH 'I'll l'IU: C l'l'Y 111 ' ICNUl,l•:- \\'u011, M~l > TIU•; I N IIAIIITAN'/'8 '1'111•:ltEOI-', F OIi I.IOIIT, 111•:A•r AND 1•ow 1,:u . 1111 0'1'111.:11 l'IIIIPOMK8, nv ~U,:,\N!,; ut-· Pll'l::ij, MAI NH. cur,,;. 11 11 1'1'/'i , C AJH,l•;H, 1'111~1•:S ANI> \\'llll':li WTltUNl1 'l'Hl~lllmN. 1111 O1'111-:U WJHI':, ON, UV Jell, UNl"llm , Al.0:--:U , AC..:110:{8 ANII TllnO I ll ,\1,1, IS'l'lll-:l•:'1'H, llllC'l'H. DIIII IUEH. lt0 A !'.11 I ITlll•:11 l'U Ul,Jt' l 'l.,\C't,:s I/', SA Ii> C IT \\'CIO U , A N II FIX!. ASII f'ON111T ,11•:CT 1'0 T i ll ~llAl ,ll-'ll•:11 'rQ BH 0 l''rll ,\ i,;p1-;1'JA I. A l 'l'll1 1\',\I, TIIJ.;U l-:0 1•', 11 1•: IT OU l 1AJNEU Ill' '1'111~ C ITY l' 0 U S C I I~ O P' TIU,; C l'l'Y OP' 1•::--'0 U :w ooo , COl~O HA DO: AHTI C l,11: J. , Whl'llt!Yl'r ll1 e wurd C ity I~ ll l!r 1•1t,- 11(l l'r 1•11J11lu ye d , h 11111111 ,1 m1 IKnnto 11111 C lly of En1tlcwoo1!, J\r111,11 hut• l.'UUIII )', l '11 lu r1ulo, the ,rrnnior. n11 d when ever :1~-:,i::~::f: ~~~n,~~~r,. 1111•,~1~~~ '~c:!,11~~ l'm111111t1)' nf Colnnulo, 1\ Culnrntlu cur11- urnlln11, thr ~rnnl li!C. h11t Hll'o It• 1m ·c,•1111u r1 nutl nN lllJrna. AllTIC U : II , ~1-rOu11 1. U1e or Streett. There 11 lif'l""hY ,;1·n 11t l'd lo lhe l!Uml)l\11)' lhl rl.:ht. 11r h'llt'8t nnd ntn hnrlty to h•· clllf', lml hl, r.nnnlrucl , nc 11ulre, 1111r• <'1 111111', 1•x1t111I. mn lulnlu nm\ 011l'r11t 11 l111n, w llhln nnll thr oui::h ,mid L''tt y n 1111011 n r 1•lnnt11, J111l111tn 1lnnN, n11tl v.•or1e ,. for 1he 1111rd1n11ti. mn11ur1cture, 111•n••rntl1111 . 1r n11111nl !'11l1111 UIUI dl111rlhu- lhm of 1•lt1•1rlr nl e ueri;:y nnd ,;1u1, .. llhl'r nnt11111t. nr1Ulcl11I o r mlxf'd , win, lht! r1J1hl 111111 11rl Yll f J;1' fur the 11eri111l n m \ Uflfln llll' 11•r11111 nod r.oodl• 110 1111 h u1f'l1 111 fl c t !'llf'C lr1 cd lo rur11l1h, ~I'll 11111\ 1ltJ11 lrlh111 c Hllhl o lec,rlf'ttl ,.,,l'ti::)' 111111 1(1111 tn lhl' C tty Knd lhe l11hnhl1111,1 1 thf'1en f, for lh:?11 , hl'lll un,I 11u w e r. or nlher 11ur11011111, by IIICIIIIII ,,f 1,1,,ca. 11111h111, conduit ■. CII • hll'II , 11t1lr11 1Yllh wllw, 11t ru11,; t11 o r l!OII , ur 111hl'r\\1~r . (1 11, ove r, lllhlf!t, RIOfll(, n..r11111111111I lhr11u11h flll )'Andnll•trf'nl ll, 11l11•y11, vhuluc:tll, hr ldM•'III , rnn1l111 , ln11f'"· 111"1 ollu•r l•ulillc: Wll)'II n11!1 11l11f'1'11 In 1<nlll C U,\' 111111 Ill!, 11\'l'r, lllldl'r, A111l11(, 111•111,... 111111 1)1r1111,::h rrny e xten11\1111 , ''"'""'l'IIIIII IYl!h or l'Ul1 l111uruln 11 or Ille ~~.:•,\~, 11~::¾1•~1111::,•;~,~u,:'.~y 1~,1~~e~11 "~::~~ nP \\' ,-(1f'N 11, 11lh•,Y11. Yl111hu-l 11, hrl1IK f!A, o,,•u l,o, 111111•11 111,rl nllwr p1tl1i11• wny" 111,,1 11101·"" UII 11111 )' ''" h <'r••n l 1er h1hl ,,111 , Ollt'IU •ol. lnt•ntr1I Ill' l'Olllll l'Ul"INI 11lll1ln lh,. l1 •1-rl lt1ry 1111w n r ht.rc:nfl c:r 1u,•l111 h-•I 1n t h e lmu111lntlr1t u r 1mtd Cl!y . ~rl'l1on z. Ma nner nl UHi • Repair, 1'1111 t: .. 11111nuy IH lnr!ht•r Rl'Ollll'd the 1l11.h1 . 11rlvlh•11 c: n111I nu\lmrlly lo 111• f'llYOI I! In , "''l'UP)' 111111 IIH 1111)' nnd :\1,~,j~_'"fn\~i,/1~1~:i• o11:~~111~:~\i111t 1 ~':~ 111111 rilnM'II mnle r !11n 11111 lf!r vhdon nl 1•r11111•11\• C••llllll!UINI 1111\hnrllY for lhe ~·::~·~~I~ 11~1,1,'.r1~fN:~1 :•,~:i·~~~~ll;~e~fi! 1'11 1• 111111 11111 •1•1,Y ltop, r ll'o •lrlrnl C:IIIH'IIY 111111 J:11 11 In Mid C ll,Y 111111 lht h1h11111 , 111111 11 lhl!l'C:o( 11nrl 1n 11111 tf'rrl•nry nd· J 11<'('III thPl l'ln. 111 o vhll'11, hnWl!Yli!r , 11,111 tho Ci1111tlftll~• llhnll "" IOf!lll fl Ill r,l:,11 111, wor k !!, 1n:h.•1 n 1lnt1 .11 . 1rnn.11 mll1· ,.,,.11 nnd dl11tr1l 1ullon fltr11 r 111r<-11. llnl'II, :\\':s:,11:::i1 ~w~•~•11 ~~:1~~.~~!d u~::::::::,~ tn1 orlr.rc:nr1'1 wllh 1hr 11ro11l'r 11111 of "'rl'l'l .1', 1llh•y11 IIIUI nlhl!r 11111i11c WU)'II and placu end to c1u1r. 1nl11hnum In• 1t1r ferenc:e with the rl•hl11 or r1'1u10 11• :.~~IHlcu~,~~~~~~1;-.~'Jol~~~11~r,:: :r":h: IUlltl alrl'l!III, 11Jlt)'II or nther 1111ti1le Wa)'a and plOCH, Should It tx.•eume i~:r~r1t:r!~1~:~;, "~·r1;r!~r;~lu:~::: & n y 1ld1w&lk, 1'r&V1led or pned 1\rf'oU. ruad11. alle)'-" ur I\Oy uth,r 1•ul.lllc or 11rlvn1 c ttn pruvc111 e 111 , 1111 Clllnlllll\J' 1111111 rt'pRlr In A ll 0 1 km111 - 1lk1• 11111111,r.r 11\ll'h "hl ow11ll1, J:IIIYl'l l!d ur 1111w ud Kllll<'I , ru11il, 1111 .. y "" ul11 or 11t111ruv1•111 u111 niter the J11 11lnlhtl h111 of 111111!111, p l1M"11 . e u11o1u t1•. 11"'"" ur ot he r 111r11rt 111·1'11. 'l'lu, C 11111111111y 11111111 llMI 1h11' U ll'I! om t (I I !U1 1!rhffr W\lh u r Clll tu:0111 111 1)' Wllh!r 11111 111#, af!W l'l'II, or 11ll1e r ll lt lll'l\lrl)H IIO W lt1 u r whir.II :1 11,.v l1trf'r1t11 •r ht 1•ln l'f'd In 1111111 ll trtmtM, llllt')'H ur ntho•r 1111!o!l c llhll'o'N , Se,·tlun :1. City Mild M·1rmlfU, Tl,e C:um111my ,1111111 110 m11 lr,1nl11 lhl lll t UC• 1urc11, n111mrntu1, 11QU1pm e111. polM, w lrt'H, 11111111 11, 11l1ie11 11 11d f'fl t1du\u1 "" to "f!ul'tl n ll rr.u11on11hl e 1•rnt ect1 0 11 "" l;nlnHI l11Ju ry ur dnma.a:;I' 10 peraon, or 11rop1irl y ll11•rurro111 , nr1tl 1111' Cumpnny Hhnll HUY U lhl' Cl!)' hnrmlf'IIII lrom 1111 llnlolU1 y nr 1!101111 ~1! ""'' 11.II ren11011 - 11hlt1 U~IH!llllil'H ll l'l'l'lllll rlly accr11l11• 111:n l11 111 tlu, C II )' llrl11l n1:: OUI of !hf! 1u•1:lh:1i11 t 1•it!r Ci111• lly t h u Co1111u111y or thu rli;III II Rhd 11rlvt h •i;e11 h cl'eh y 1::rn11111d ; ,,ruwhlfltl, lhlll lhu Com1 11111,· !'hull IU\\te hnol uulh:li! or lhl' fll)llllf'lll'Y nr uny 11c:1lu11 n,;11111111 llw C ity nrl11 • lug o ut or 11 uc h e1urclHu ll )' the t:,11n - 111111y u f 1111111ri1:ht111 ml 11rlvllc:i::rH n rnl ht• 1•e rmll11:d Il l 1111 Ull'II cx1,111111+• t u n1 1- fll:1Lr 111111 ddeml or 1uodNI hi Ille ti ,. rn11J1f' o f 11111 1111111e. S !!Cl o n •· Chang e1 at Comoany Ii•• l)l!ftll!, It HI Rl1Y time II 111111 11 be llfC• 1!111<11r: tu 1'111111M't' 1ht 11t111ltlo n or nn)' 1•11h•. J.;II N 11111111 nr 1111r vlr o< e unnrr l l1m u( the c,1111)!1111 )' 10 l)('t'III II lhtl C it )' t o 111)'. nmke e r c lu11 111c 11 1rec t 1::rn1ll'11. pnvrm,mt a. ,oe wer■, wntc r mlll n11 or fl lhN C ll)' wnrk 11, 1111t h r hn11~e11 11h11II Lt! mn lle 1,,, 11111 Cuuwnny 11 t lu own {'Xflf'll llC c 1~;:'~'t 1 1~ 1 1 1 1 1~n ... ~1:ri, ~,!i11~ 1 w1~~~ 11:i c:~!\~ IU 11"1 ' ull pu lo,11 or !hi' CotllJll\llY IYllh- 111 ,o:i hl CI I)' fur 1hr 11ur1u1111i 11r 11\tlnl• II •~ wlrt•t< th r , eun fu r lu llre nlnr m nml 1111\lt•r ~l .:11nl ll)'lllf llln: 11rowhl l'd , ht1W('\'1•r. 1h r. Co m11HII Y IIIIIIUtllf'~ nnrl ,o lmll l u• 1t11hJ1•1•t lo no ltnblllly Rlld 11hnll 111• 1111hJ111!1 lu nn ntldlllonRI cx- !'Cll "I' ill C:Oll ll<'C tlun thl'l'l!ll'l\h. It Ill fu r the r 11rn vlrl l'd thnt lhl! lllll' Il l anld !~11:~.t~1,:1!1 11,;i'!r;1: 1:~~u::~~ ~-\'t:'[1~: ('u11111nn)•'11 U!'e n f 1111m.,, AIITI Cl ,E Ill, S t'c:t 1011 I, Hutlng Va lue, The nil· 111rnl r.i1 11 tu hr. 11 u1111ll,••I hereuntler 11111111 c n11t11h 1 n monthly 11ver111:li! icro1111 hnutlni:: v11 1u u Ill Ill)\ lt'IIH 1111111 the h c uth1M Yllhrn Nl't fo1·1h 111 11ppllcnhle IIIUI ,,rrl!c:tl vu llull'II llllll Ht1,r11lnlloo11 1111 m e f n•m lime to 110111 .. ,111 The P nMlc lllllllit111 Comml1111ln n of the ijtnl (' of Culorndo, l(l ~lc t~rth~ f~1~f!~r~11 ~~1 l':.~•r~:ur! 11: lnlh1rn nr 1mrllul tallurl! ul Ille au1,11I)' ur 1111 1u ral 1::1111 11val111bll' In Comp11ny t,1•e111u111 ol 1110 d e ple!1011 of 11uch 111111• p\y, th e C11 m11nny 11h11II tnko •II r1•11 • 11m111hl!i! •t111 ,11 to nht11\11 •n n d dlllo 1111I ::•~; 0 :,:ir:e;~s••:~ :ti~10c~~i!~~n~.11~c.~d tr u11nhl., to 11~ure anlllfl II la ht.tfl b)' authort11•1l 111 11u1111ty arllflc:\nl or mb• etl J:h ll lnr !IHI UJIC!llllred \11rm or tht• lrn 11Chl11 e. ARTICLE IV . Secllon I . Ratu • Service Stand • 1rd1, The l "o m1111ny 11h11\ furnl1h t ll'C• ~:;1:~ ,~!~r[ 01:r,;~:~&i:?~:~,~~1:~ffi; lnh11bllant1 thereof, end to an)' per- inn or 11e1r110111 o r cor)IOrntlon d11l111 bu11I011!M 111 lh• Clly or an)' lddlllon ther e to, at the ratea ind under the 1orm11 1111d cnndltlon1 NI forth In the H11le 8 ch11l111c". St11nd11r1'a for Service, Rlllf'II n11d R,i;:ulntlnn11, 1111d Se rvice Connoc t lon Rlld 11:xte nalon Po\1ctu, tllf!tl with or llrl'd by The Public Ulllll le 111 Cnounl ... 1O11 or lhe SIR!!! o r Colornllo rrom lime 10 time, or by 1107 o ther COTil'(lli!I Ollt authority h11.vln1 J urt111llc llo 11 In lhe preml1111 . t!ecllon I . No Ol1crlmln1tlon. The Cmn11 1rny 11h1U nnt, All 10 ralH, c hn r l:flf!, 11o rvle11, f1ellhl1111 , ru1u. re,:ulallun11 or In any olhcr rcari,ct make or ara111 any pnrer•net or ad• :;"!~Cj~~ :~1 : ~:t:~N:~ :: r;:::: to any 11rt1Judlc, or dl11d'f'anta11, ,,rovhl!i!d lhal nothlna In thla arant 11h11II li 11 lu k1m t o prohibit Iha Hlab• ll11h1111m t frum llm• tu tlm• ur • Jrad• Ulllt!d lll'ltll of e hatll!I and chtulrled ~~~~l~~he:1~/~~1 1 ~t~!~:~r1:~c~~,~~~!~ fil'lll h lll would be t1nlllled. tiec\1011 3. lnd uttr lal Rat11, 1'h1 rnl c:11 lo 1141 l'h1tr1111d by ••Id Comp10)' f~~.,,:\:. 11o[i~,:~1~1 r~~,1~,;~~~t.riuJu~~r• "f1~~ u tller lmJu"trlAl jlmCll HH In .. Id City for lhti 11•rm ul uld lra11chlte ml\)' be luw~r 111 111 11l tfrt'tl nl tro 111 tl1u11 e d1111 K•>d ru r u ll"'r 1mr11u11 1•11 111111 thu Cum111111y Nl1 nU IIII YI! lhn l'hlhl , .. l'lllllll U'I wllh h ,!IUHll'lltl UHl'l fl fur !Im 1mlu c,f HIU'h """· 11r1wl1h•1 l lllfll nll l!UCIL f'IIUll"II CII 1:011111lt, II "t•Ul•orf'' clllllllll whic h rti- l'llj,IU lr,t•II the 11rt h)tit•1 I rl11ht ur th• u1 her u,0 1•1111 ovrr h1tlu11lrlal u..er•. i-ect1t111 4 . Exten1lon1, Cu111V111)' wl11 lrum lhlll' '" 111111' l111d 11~ th , ll•tm u f l h h1 fr1111l'11llll' mn k ti HII Ch e 11h1t l(I!• tnl'IIIH !Uhl 1!1 h i1 u;h111H uf lh 1Jl11 1r l• 1,11111'11 11)'11100111 Hll lhc llu,hwlll'I of tho • C u111111111y 11 1,d 1h11 icro wth ul the City J1111tlry , In IU't'lll'tlUlll'I' wllh 1111 Stundurd• ror St'f\!ICC, lluh•11 11 1111 lt1'1,;ulntlo 11"· nnll Sl'r\'lcl! 1'u11ucc 1Jrn 1 kntl t•:x1 1i11 11lon Pollclc 11 for e lrctrlc a11d Jl'Aa 11e nlce c urrm 1tly lu l!UtCI 1i111\ 011 Ille tro m tlm .. tu 1111111 wllh 't'he l'uMlc ltllllltt!IJ Cnmml11Nl1111 o r 1h11 1:i1u :e ul Cnlurndo Ill' .. 1111'1' l'Ullllll'l ••11l Ullthut'II)' hnv h 11,; JurlH1il rtlut1 111 thu 11rr :nl11 e11. l:iec:lluu Ii. Rulu ond R,uul;a 1io n1 . The l:umpuny , from 111111, 111 111111•, n m y 11rn 111uli;n 1e ,uc h rull'I•, n ·i:u ln· t1011 11, ll!r 111111 l\lld 1•u111Uli1111 x ,:u vur n• In.: the 1·11111111, I r,f 11 11 hU~'h 11•11", t 11 - c h11ll11,; lhu ulllltntl,111 ul rh11·11'i,•nl l!llCI''-')' 1uul 1::KH t111tl 1111 ,Y llll'III tt11 •n •f111·, a1111 the h111:r1 er um ·e ll'11 11 , 111 1111 1•111 • lion o r uny uf tl1 l' 1·u1111,n u ,·11 11rt•11• e rty UIK.1 11 thli! lllf'lllh•tll o f 11 11 l"IIII• IOllll'rl!, 11 11 1h1t\l he lll'f'Ctll'III")' In 111• 11urr 11 ,..,,11,lnuo n,1 rtnd 1111l 111 c 1ru1,t • t•tl 11,•rvkc hi l'llC11 111111 nll 111 II~ t'IIII• 1,,mcr ,, 111111 thr. 1•ru1•01· 111~•n~111 c 111c 11t 1111•1,•uf ltllll 1•n r mr1:1 tlw n 11,,r, 11111 , ,•h\r 1l !hut tho ~·u m1 u111)' Hl11111 k••t•µ rn, tllr \11 It!< n(f lt·Q In 1111• I 'll)', 111·nll - ahle Ill •lw l•U l1lh-, 1•u1 1ki-ill 1111 ltn h i i-chr1 l t1lf'II, Ht11.11tlnrol 11 lur S••r\'lt•.,, 111111!11 111111 H1•icul11tl1,11 11 111 111 i.1•t 1h-t1 l:0 11uc~lh•11 11ml 1•;,i11•1111l1111 /'111 1,•l,•11 t•u rre Htly 111 c 'lct:1 111111 RH ri11?1\ t ru m 1h11c IH lhnn with Thn l 'ul,lle Ulll l- tlf!II C 11m111l1111lo 11 ur the 81nte ul c .. 1.,. ni.du nr o the r t•nm1 11•h •nt HUtlm r ll • h n v l11J: Jurl1•llc lh111 In 11\u 1•reml~c11. AIITll.!l ,i,; V Sectlun I . Frarcht111 Payment, ,\11 con1ldc r111lnn lor th l11 1r11111':1l11c. 111111 a cce11l u d lly thll C lly 111 lien nl nll UC:lllllllllll')' 11 1111 llo-0H!U! IIUIJII a11,1 ull othl'r 1111uc lal \&X CII, Ullllllllllllll'tlb or ex c:l■Clll lllMII I thl! l'l['lf'H, oinl1111, CUii • dull11, IIUICI II, wlrca nr othrr 1/l'UI IC l'IY of 1l1e Cum1llny, u r othe r 1,vte ~ 1h111 mlj,1)11 b u l111po1<1d , ollh .. r "" 11 lnrn• c h \'"' IIU, lK.":111111111')' In,_., 111•1•111<1• Ill \, 11ermll c hll'MC, o r for th u tn11111'1'tln11 or ,,111e H, mn\n11, m 111or1, 1mlr1 111111 c 11111lul11. or other 111·111•urty uf 11,c c.. .. ml'IIIIY, nr 1,thfll'"'IIIC, lho Com11111 1y 11!111.11 1,uy Ill u ,, C ity O HIIIII ei11ml to ·two 1H1 rcn11t (:!,_) of 11 11 J:rll!lll r r v. cnue, artt1r any 11dJu1\1111•11t ur dmr 1,1 - c11 there t o fore 1111,hi, lll'rlYN1 fn,in th!! HAi t! of ••" wllhln tbf! ccr1111rata 111111111 nr Iha Cit)', Cl ,\l'llldtn,i tht' r l!Y• onue r ece ived rn1111 thn City f11r JIii tur11111h ed It, and 01dudh111 all re¥• euue rtll'eln1I In cxceH o r 12!.00,00 ~:;. 1 " .. ~~"1~: l~~l~~~~df~~'"ea~~~ c~:~1.~11~! er at 1ny nno locnllon : and t.h rl'I percent (l'I,) ol 11 11 •ro11 rne 11un, "'tor &ti)' ndJUMLlfl1•111 of l'hll.l'fllfl" theretnfoN! made, dl!rlwetl l rom the : 1 :.,:' lln~\f.;t~t\te "t.l::~" ro~ h!111~~~: l'II e l\Cll'«Y furnt11hed f nr lhthl, hnt or power nr other r,urµoHI, 111c\ud- lnlt' the nmm mt N!C'e lved rrom th• C ity ror elec tric eervlce f urn\11herl It. and t1 Ju:lmll11.lf nil rcven111! ~r elvr d In uce1111 nf 1!600,00 .!l!rlvod 1•er 1111- num from the M Ii! nf l!lurlrlc 11nrvlc:e rendered t o eac h e111t n m cr at 1 111 one location : 11rovldl'd th&t Mid tran• c:h lee !1111 ■hall be 1uhJ11ct to mutual pftlodlc r e nego tiation In accordaoM with Section no. Article XIV o r the City C h1rter . Payment11 1ha\l be mntln with in llhCI)' (611) day11 fol• lcwlntc the Ur■t dny o f J11nu11ry arid D :::rrmot,i~~h ,rr:~~o~!~ ~~:,i:i1:;::01~ u,. purUONI of th• Initial and terminal period• or thl• franchl" lhaU be m•d• on thl bull or r■Y1nu1 u abov, d1rlYed for lhl month• and \Hlr11on• of month• In which tht• rranchlN 11 In 1ft1cl. For the pur- ~•"• uf uNrtalnln1 or aud1t1n1 th• correct IUIIOUlll ID bl 1111d under th• IU'OYhilon11 of thl• f)Ualft'&ph, the CIIY Cl1rk a11d 1or any co1nmlttH ■I'" ~::~1e:ha1f h1::e 4;~~~o~gc~lh 1orbo-:~~ of 1111111 Cnm11anr for lhf' 1111 1•110111 ur uheclc ln,r th• 1ro111 '1!Yllllllll rf'• r,•lv1•1I from 111,cr111lnn11 wl1hl11 ,.111td t.!1 1)'. t\11 a furlhor t"On11ldera1lon for thl• rr1uwhll11,1 nml nutw lth11tan,ll11i: thl! 1•fl1i1•tlvt-t.la1,: l1 rteuf, If tl1l1 fran • t hl:<1• 111 1q111roy,-,I l1 y t1111 Yl)ll!lMI IMI • lnrl' Juno 1, l!Hll, 1rnru:hl11e par m11n1 II.I !hi! rltl' hl'n!ln prllVhlt-d ■hall ,.,. 111a tl u fur r 11 v1mue r oC411Yed be- i:11111\n,i Jauunr)' I, 11101. Alt'rlt:1,1•: VI . ~11c t l11n I. RlmDY ■I. U1mn th!! U• 11iri1tiun uf tht11 frnnchlae, tr lhe C.:om - 1w111y 11lmll 11111 h FlY e 11.l"IUlred 11.11 IIK • t l'l 1111!1111 nr renewal th eruor ,uul ar- l'1•1H1Jtl ,nm u, It nm)' hHY I!, anti It \11 h Prflh)' tiran1rd, th,• rl,cht In 1•n 1er 111 ,011 11111 llll'tH·IM . alll')'II, IJrlrl1t<'II, via• tlt11'l ", ro111h1. fnn,•11 111111 11lh1·r 1111 l1llr r1hu·c11 uf thu C ity, tor the Pll'llllllf! of rl'IIIIIYini; thera•rrnm nny 11r 1111 nr ll11 ,,1nut 11, lllruclure~. liilll!II , 11111h111, 1•und111l11, <'Rhlr.11, IMlll!II llTil'I Wirf', nr •~111 \11111ri11 11crt1\l11lnK 1here1n. at nny tlnw 11.ft1•r lhu f "lty h1111 hntl Hfl11JI•• tlmt.' 11ntl n1,11ortun lt)' 111 11111'1°ha11<', ,•mulc mu n r r1 •1•htre lhNII In , .. , re• 111111•1115: 1111111 l•lpcll, mui1111. 1'fl 11tlul1■, rn hll'II, 111111'11 111111 11•lre, \ht• Cu111 111111y 11/111II , nt ha own eiq1enu• nntl In 11 wurklllanllkt' mnnn11r, T'l'flll 1111)' rll• r11 ,•11lln1111 lhllt 11hn ll he• rnn1fo 11)' II lu 1111' 111r111vuhill ur l)Al"etl 1111'/lll l ll, Ill• h•)'II. hrllli::c11, 1•ht1IU CUI, r oa.1'111, 1&111!11 nnd nther 1111hlll' 11larn11 """r th<' rem,n·nl nr 1111111111, 1111,,11, con1lutu,, '"''"" nr othrr s 1rurturl'11. Xocllnn ~. Ae1lrlctlon on Trantter, 1'hr frn111•hl11c nnrl 11rlYIIC!J:"('II l111rl'hf 1tru1111•1\ 11h11.11 1101 1,,. 11111111:netl, h'n11P•I nr 1r11111tf<'rtP•' •xrP111 with 1he cnn- 111'111 or the ,.;11 y 1e lvci n h1• 11r1lln11m•e of tlll' r11,-t'n1 111rl l tn 11cr11rdan1•f! "'Ith ~r-r.ltnn l:lli of Arllrlt• X I\' of tlu• C:11)' f'h"rlf'r. St•cllnn !I , Pollet Po ..... er RUtl'Yld. Tlw rllthl 111 hcr••hy r<'ll~l'V l!d 10 1111• C ity llf Mtl11111, from llme 111 t lm11, hi IH lilltton '" lhf' 1irnvl11lm11' h('rl'ln rnr11nt11orl , 1111rh nr1Unanrl'1 a11 ma)' br, 1\l'l!!lll'cl nr.rl'llltllr)' tn thfl l!Yl'rl'IIII' of 1111 11'011ce p(IIYM', 11roVllll'cl l !"!at ,rnrh rf'1tllllltlllfl1'1 11h11\I he r f!lll'll llllhll! nnd not deatru('l\\111 of tht1 rl1tht11 1,rn•l 11 ,tr11n1,i1I , no1I nnt In ,-onrHrt with th, lnw11 nr 1h11 Stllll' 11f l.'nln- rcu lo, or with nrill'rll nf 11fhf'r lllllhnr. l!le11 haYln,: Jurl11tllct1011 In lhi:i lltf!ll>- tlll'II, 111 8,,r;~~;~ !;,rlAl~~~~~tt'~d ~f,,.,Cll~r·1111! eYf'II I the c1,~• 11hnuld Wlllh to pur- chnlll' or r.111 111emn th,. e lec trlrnl ,1111 . 1rlh11tlnn 11y11la1n or the natural 1t1111 ,1t111rthntll'ln 11y111am or Com1»1.11y, nr hnlh, 1.11 flMJYhlf'il t,y IAW , durln1 1h11 l•l'rl111I 1h11 frllll('hl,I" '" In full fnn-11 nncl uUttt, t hen th, C ity may rmr• r hn11e or ronrfo111n t1 lth1ir tlu, t!lectrl • rnJ rll11lrlhulln11 nr nn l nral ltlll' 11111, t rlbtnton 11y111r.m, nr '"'lh, 111111 '"r 11uc h tillrlKIIII! lht11 fro.11 r l1l 11e 11111,11 litj l'fllllllrllltl "" lwn 1111110.rate 111111 tn - d 111u•111h111 1 ftflnr.hll'flll, onn rnlAth111 10 th n f!tm:trlc•11I dt111 rl hu llnn 11y111rm. and thf! otht.r rcln1tn1 lo the 1111 111 rRI 1'71,II rll11trlhut111n 11Yfllfl111, Secllnn I, Term, The franchl11e, 111'1 fnrth In Arth:lfl I thrn111h VI her11nf, 11hall bt1t'nme errecUYe u1 111n :::,ff~;::~1:]~n :~,l~tt~f1:~~ ~ nf thfl City ChArler. Tho 111rm11 and oonltltlnn11 h11rl'll f •hall rflm11ln In full fnrre Anlt efff!Ct for a perl"'1 !~1::':~:~-r~fr~1\1 :~ dart~~ ,Jf:hin "i'~~ IJn) dll)'II aflnr llllllrflYfll hy lhl' Mid 1•nte nf thll 1111alllh1d IAX•l'lfl)'IIIR Cll'I'• ll'lrll, the r.nmJlllll1 ahall me In lhl' nrtlce or tht1 C lrrlc of thl! Clly an arre1111tnrr In wrl1tn~ of the 1er1n11 •nrl ('(lhllltlo11 ■ lll~N!(lr, Rrr tt11n I , Formtr Fnnchltu lup, erHded-Repeal. lh111n th,i ofrM'IIYe l'lnl u uf th n franrhl11f! hernlt, r:ron1 - <'ll, Mid lr11nch11-. 11h1II •Ulterletle ~~.! ~~~:1c!11~::r,:o~.::,,~e f~~n~,r~n~1,i~ ::i::;nv:t:iiP 1~:c11::~:. ~~t;g_~: ~~-1~ 1;~, 1~::i, o~11Jl'f,y c:::,,,l:::,~~d N":. :n-HorlC!II or lllt.2 u( thn t!lty JIN IIJl'II on J11l y I, IIH1'1; aull ll-11 ACIII, 01'111- IIIUWl'II or 1111rt • uf ur,t1111111Cflfl Ill Cflll • Wei lu1rnwl1h u• hcroby re1tealed, A01'1CL1t VU ~rrll1111 I. lpecllll l:l1cua,, In order IU 1wnYltlr fur the 111•1111:~111 UI '''" l11 r .. N11ln1,: rr11h1iht111 hy 111, 111mUll1•,t ln ~•llll )'IIIII ult!C'IIIIII ut 1hr t !lly lll' X'iW'\~ ,/:~ t~~~ 111m,n:~:r. 0 ~ :;~. 1.'i'!1 ,.11,,•1h111 111 h,rf')1y l'nlh•1I In hi' hl!ltl 1111 Mnll'h II, 1on:1 IMIIW l!C'II Iha hllUrl' llf i :ntl A.M . UMI 7:IIU 1•.M , d whll•h 11nht ••h·Cl<II J< 11111)' vo11• llfJIUI 111n 11111•,u l,,11 11r 1111• n 1111ruv1tr thor11nf, H1-t•llo11 !. Ballet T Ille and U11 of ~~'.)~1,,~af~11i~:·1111~1;!;1:::"~\~~1,::~ ::•: J<ll\<I t1 ll'l'liu11 11hnll lio "" fulh1w11 : SIIAl,I. 1'111': l!l'I'\' (W 11!Nllf.1,;. ~~;: ~ ~~, ,W?,!/~gr ~!TT·111\~~~AJt:';1 "~ 11 !1•: l'llMl 1ANY 111r C:Ol,t1UAl111 I N At "l :11JUIANC:I\ Wl'l'H '1 '111•'. 'l'IWMS ANO C11NIWl'IONS Hl•:•1• FClll'l'II IN pi,;11pJ,t,;•t1 011111. :,.,'A/\'CJ,~ NII, 1-.si::um~ OIi' ,~,:i Ill-" l'i /dll l:11'\'T S lll'h 1111e11ttun 11hell 1111111•nr Ill! Iha hul- lnt lllht l 1111 1111 votlnit IIINrhllll'I whli•h "hnll he U11t1tl to rc5:lator YnlH, 'J'l11 •l't1 ■hu ll he "1-'or" nnrl "A•nlnat" COIUUl!l'I ;~';'c.'~ ~~~1J.:11~11~1:11:n:;,"PT·l~~= ;::=ii ht 11rnvhtfld 11.t ench p11Uln,:-pl11re t wn flllltlflh1 hftlto\11 which llhfl11 he nrm115:,,1 111 the form nf 111U11i:rn111 1hnwln11h11 1111111 11! the vn1l111 ninc•hlue 1111 II wlll np1"'ur arecr the orrlclal ballot lntJc1 111 nrri1111ed t hereon rnr vntln1 011 elecllun 1!111. Xecllon I . Quallflcetlon of Vot1ra. All prr11on1 who Are t111:-pa1ln,t elC!c• :.~~i"'r\Y 1 1 1 :~ 11 r~~T11,;~:rnn o( ft1~"1!T:~1~; 1nw11 of the C ity of Emclewood wlll be t!llllllf'd la VOie on the QUHtlon 10 "nhmlllf'rl lo them. Sertlon 4, Conduct of Electlon, In nit nther 1·e1111ec111 Hid election ah11II he ht-hi nnd r.o ntlucted 01 pro¥1ded In lht.' nrdlmrncl'111 a111I Chn.rter or the Cir)'. S,•cc l,m 6. Etlecllve Date, 1'hle ar• ,111111111•1• 1!1111\ hn l!fff!cllYe In thlrt1 t:to, dn ,•i, nftl'r 111 puhlkntlon follow • In~ ntlo11t1un. Introduced n.11 11 UIII for an ordinance nt lhfl rf'Rulnr n1eellns of lhe City t :uunl'll or the C l11 of F.n1tlew1111d, L"u lnrn,lo, 011 ,January 7, 11161, read a flr111 um" In r hc11r\11g hefnre 1h11 r t i:uln.r m l'! ril 1111 J1u,ua l'.M, 111 lht! Counr.11 llhflm ra at lhl l "l l y 1111 11. :1146 H. U1111nnck HlrHt, F:t11t l11wood, Color111'10. Notice or .. Id hcnrlnl! emhO!lyln1 lhl• HIii tor an 1 lrtllnnnrc,; In full , nrdrrad by IIUI City C:nunell lo be flllbll11httl In rull In thl L~11,;1 awood llor11ld 11.nd tr.111erprlae, ci:~·:ird nr':'~e 1if,~111 ~r 1'ftn~l:.;1~r. ~~~nir,~•3, t~~~d !!!~e::1 ;Jb1f:i!':S-7n rull In lhu 1-:111lewood Uerald 1111d l•:11 - lerprl111 , l'n1111rd 1111 1-·1nnl llPndlllK h)' the C lly Councll of 1h11 Cit)' ot l-:n11le• wood, Colnradn, lhl11 4th day or fl'eb• f1~~~~• l~·P.,11 1 t~ 13 ih:":Iu:I~=~~ ~~~: 11.ld 111111 En1en1rlu,. I~. L . llROWNmWELL Mayor A'M'J<iS1': U, 0. DEAUSANO C:l ty Ch1rk-1'rea1ur11r r,~~i:A~~t&~,':~[!:ro~~!"r!"~ :!~:t ~~!j\\::nJ:"'w!~' l~~'::ruc"e~d !~~c•~!:~ ~11 :u~~~r.~ f.~ft:~ ~hel!u 1~111~ :/fi )' t~1 !~~:i.'J • 11~i1:i11~•r::da ~n ~~~ l~n1t111VOtkl l-l eraltl and E nterpr lac at II l'llltlllllr llU!ellllJ or th e City Council ~~~11 :1:~1'':1 21':~ .. ~1•111',~)'!a~~•,~~.>'-,1~r,~r: P&ce 2 or 2 Para l'At lun Ill a 11111 th• above ordinance ••• a µproYed, adopted and ordend 11ubll11hed l1pl newepaper 11, ~~jtJ Clty •; :f~~..!;.94:~'.'1. &It lllft Ne, I. 8et\1a uf I ty, A1'TB8T: U. O. BSAU.HANO (!U:ALI City C lerk-1'reuurer P ubl\ehed In the F;uJlowood Jl ■rnld nml h:nt11rur1 111•. 1-'lunl i,ubllcntlo11 •·1111 , i , IH3,