HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964 People's Ordinance No. 001I 11lro,l1,c11J ., • BIii •1 CoM11 ci/- ..,,. Kr.Ul•g ,nu/ B,_ PEOPLE'S ORDINANCE NO . I, SllRlllS OF /964 AN ORDINANCE AFPROV• ING A PROPOSBD CON• TRACT FOR THE SALE BY THI! CITY OF ENGLEWOOD TO Nl!W ENGLEWOOD COM- PANY OF THE REAL PROP- ERTY COMMONLY KNOl"N AS ENGLEWOOD CITY PARK AND OT HI:. R ADJOINING R /l A l. PROPERTY FOR A PRICE OF $1,000,000, UPON CERTAIN TERMS AND CON- DITIONS SPECl/1/l!D THERE • IN. SUBJECT TO THE iP- p RO V A L AND RAT/FICA· TION BY A MAJORITY VOTE OF THE P/lOPI.E 01' THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, AND CALLING A SPECIAL ELEC- TION FOR THE APPROVAL AND RATIFICATION THERE- OF. • • • Bil IT ORDAINED BY 1'f/E CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, C O L 0- RADO: ARTICLE I St<1io11 /, CONTRACT OF SALi!. Th, /ollowi11g proposed contrort o/ salt betwun Ctl7 of Eugltwood and Ntu1 Englewood ,:o,npany is bntby opp,ovtd , s11bitrl lo lbt approval tmd r11li• firation b7 11 ,11,11;0,ity volt "' tht qu.Lif,ed tltrtors of tht City o f Englewood: CONTRACT OF SALE THIS AGREEMENT, ,lated --, HIit, between !hf CITY OP' ENGLE• \.\'000, " munlctpal corpornUon, n erf'ln ■fter call ed ··l:hiller," and NEW ENGLEWOOD COMPAN''• a Colo• rado cor,,oratlon. herelnarttr called "Pur1:huer," WITNEIIETH : I. Sell er ~r"u to aell and convey anil Purchut'r agree• to pur.::haH 1111d 11ay for the r eal and pcnional prnpert)' ctucrlbed In Exhibit A. flUCh 11ro11e rt)' btlnit he reinafter oferred to RI! "lhl' Premt~11." Th .. Pr ,ml11H a re 11111d and the anme Mhnll b•: c on\·eyed 11uhlt1•1 In H.11 lh(' m111ter11 11t11ted In 1111rh F.xhlhlt. :. lal The purchatet urlce 11hall be ~-~~(lo,~, payablti In the rollol\'lns In 110,1100 UPon execu tion of thl1 contract or ll&le. receipt or which I ■ h er1by acknowledited. and Ill) the balance, adJu11:"1d a■ ■et forth ill llflCthrn r,. llhl\lJ ht 1111hl 11,I the c10.1dn11 or title. lb) Seller &Sl'HI th ■t th J entlr, purchHe pMce received by Seller aft- fir cloetng 1dJu11men111 ,hal' t:e ■e,._­ r e,r&ted from other city fund, und du- voted uclu11lv1ly to th1 acqul1lth,n and development of p&rk1 and play• ,:,rnund facllltlu for the u1e of real• dr11t1 or En,rlewood. S. (a) Purch&Hr ■hall 1t Ill own preliminary tltl1 Tlt11 au1rant1 he 1tatu1 of rec• ml ■u and CII) It rhuerc~rlffl NI, I e/~e: ~~~ef.u~! c h11.11er and It■ q ent. ma, 10 on t h• f're1nt1t1 at ■11 reuonahle time ■ 11rlor to clo ■lns of Utle tor the pur• po,u of maldn1 " 1urvey, 1•onductln1 ■oil t11t1 or for makln1 olher on•elC ■ ln1pactlon1, prov/d9d auch 0~1tlon1 d o not materially Interfere with Sell• er'11 11renn1 u .. of th• J>Nm l■H, Chi u t'Ul'C huer •h&II a■IVI the e11 h1tence o f 11:iy enr.umh"l.nce, en• Cl'llllllhm••Ul, di,/1'\'I Ill or il l•)t!t!lli\11 10 tll1l', uther than \ho11 Ht fntth In t,;,:. hthlt A hereof, which ■hall render title unmark1tallle and which Pur• which tltle'"I, r till• r 1hall or the clo11\n1 aie o r u 11erl uf ftrt11en day" lor Kuch 1011111 11trfod a11 ma)' b11 afl'tel'd upon) In which 111 rtmrwe ur cure All IUCh defect• or l ltlt. Still· l!r 11h11 II 1111e dllt1t1int e fforu1 Ill r<'nder !lllt> 111111·1;.:lnl,h•, 1•1i:c 1•111 1u• 111•1 furth In l~khllilt A, If Seller 1111111 fall io r e ntler t lltc nmrk111alllc, 11ubJecl to IIUC h llllllll!t ll, UII or lle fol't! l\lCII •d• J uUrtll'II \'IH11hu: tint+•, l'm,•h11 ..... ,. 11111)' c h•c l tt lther lo \\'&he lhe deh:CIII of tltlo or to termlnaui thl• a,reement. Ir 1ht11 10:n•em,111 11lmlt hi' ,o IN'm l• 1,at••d lhnt 11ortlon of thl! purch ■H 1irki, llu:ri•lofort pold ■ha ll htl r oturtl• t:11 to thti Purch1111er and 11e l1h ur par - ty ... 11111 1 lhc rtinri .-1 lmi·t• 1111~· ru r 111 .. r llRbllll )' to th e other, unltllll S1'11tr 11h11 II hll\'l' !Ailed to u ■e dUIKelH llf• fo rll' Al flboVI! provided. TIiie 1111•11 for nil 1111r1,011e. of thl11 agreeme nt be co1111hlf'r NI unmarketable unle1111 111ch tltl" 1n11uror 11hAII b1 wlllln,r tn l11 11ue 1111 (lQlk)• of tltle in11u r ance on 11oy - m c11l nf tht-uaun1 premium for 11uch ln l'l urnnce. 11uhJ1et only to the m11,1ten "''' ror1h In Exhibit A. 4. u1J ·rhe c lo11ln11 date •hall ho aet b ~· r urchaaer'11 d ell verl n1 11 written ~~~~le ,. 1 :d ~i1!11 r111:h~ci::irnr11 1:h0e ~~:; and County o f ~nver or the City or 1•:n,rl cwl\Od where the c lolll nR" of ·uue ab.all lake place. Such clo•lnc 11!11111 be nut 11,01·,· than flfl i,e n dny11 urti,r the 1ln1,, tlf 1h•ll1•c•rr ur tht' nnticl' hut Purcluuier shall h11ve the rlrht rrom tltnt 10 time by notice 110 1lven tn e x• und the clo1tn1 date for • r,1rlod not o:,ccecd ln,r In l he ■rll'.recate an 11dd l- tlonnl rlftC"c n d1t)l1, In nu rvent 11ha1l for I date la- 1160. 11hall llc-Ulld Co1or.11clo, and Al 11uc tlifn~l~~·~ may be 11pecUlld In Purchuer'■ no- tlcl! llt!lllnll'. thl c l o ■ln,: date. At the 01O111 i1, ~~T1e~ O1!i:li"~)C!~~~~.0~~t~ow- 1ei11e and dellver n general war- r11.1H)' 1lced conveylni; 11,,. ttal and l)l'rJIOlln l lltoPtrty de.crlbl!d In EX• hthtt A to tJurchuer 11ubJec1 10 the 11111tterM 11e 1 forth on 11uch Exhibit. i~1 l~~~u~\~~w•~~ ;irt~~r, r!tm~:: nnd t'IIII Cl!lttl by Selli,r. Iii) Purchaser 1hall pny thot \Klf. tlun o f tht' 11r\ce 11ayallle 1t the !'101•1111: 1,,. o chrc k c11 rllfh•II hy, or n rn.11h lcr'1 check or, 11. bn1111 which tM n. m ember or The Denver Cl '!at• lnii: llo11 11e AIIOOClnllon. (Ill) tr the mattera r eferred to In "ectlon r, ehn.11 re11ult In a llalunce In fu\·or o f St'll cr. such balance ~\~~~r1\ 1ri .. r 1i11:/~. "'cg~::~:01~~ •,~ IOll ('h matters 1h11II f l'IIU lt \11 a bal• nnre In favor of Purch1u1er the ~~llf;~~t cf!f:~l~h~fi :,~e ,1~1~~~:in'':~ Urn nmount of 1uch balance. (Iv) fl1 ll er 11hall dellver to Pur• c h1t11er 1n1trum11nt11 n=uonably 11at • l11f11clory to P urchuer'• counul ahowlnr that the Pr■ml1e■ 11.re un- occupied and that no per■on ha■ 'I. ~;l)IU~~~~t 1~:C~l~P~l:~lwr::.t !!i:::t ltlUll'II dl!itCr1bed on Eahlblt A. G, (a) Renu, ta:u•, UHNmenu and nther char1ea, If any, ■hall be apportioned betwHn the Seller and Purcha11r In aecon1anc.e with 1h1 number of d11.111 In lhe 11ar or other n 11111tcable 11.ccounllnR" r,erl01I ela\1 111 111 bcfor1 noel c.fl er lhe clo11tn,r . el::t~c1, 1t, '::f~~~~~~ :~v1~:t:~t1 ],~•: 11r 11ervlcn furnl1hed to the Pl't:ml11H nud 11.ccrulm: bl'fore the c1O11lni; 11hnll he 1111.ltl l,y Sell er 111111 all 11ucl1 11erv• lce11 thereafter tum\1h11d 11holl bt1 1iald ror hy PurchaHr, I . Ir Purc h ■11er shall dllfault In llll r• forrnl11,r th e t1r1n11 cit thll contract on tht i,art of t •urchu11r to lie parform• w. tho lnltlal ll&)'ffllllll ,nad• 11ur- 11u1111t t u 111cllo11 UA) 11hnll lit: l'f'l1ti11. =~d 1 :!:iu';'-~t1:.• .~1:t:!:1 ::11e~~• .. 11 n 1 : N!lvU'll!d of and from llll)' further 11 · a1Jl1l1y h1r1u11dorr, 'l'hti rl1ht tu retain 11uch aunuunt ■hall l>e 8 •1!•r•.. unly rl1ht apln•t Purcha11er h•r■und1r and nu llCllon ma)' In any clrcum• 11111111:1•11 whate,·er bl! brou1ht or main. i~J 11:~n:,•~~111111th~~~~d'::: a°~d a~t~;! tun rur ,pucltla 11t1rfurma11ct. fnr PM,)'ll\1111t uf an)' 1r1:at11r amuunt ci r for 11.11y other relh,r ;, II lHi tor e the ctu1lnc of title oll Cir u.ny pafl or tile Preml11 r 11 aha\l be tul111 n In cunde1nn•Unn ur under t he ththt n r 11mlnent d1111111lu, nr If Jll'O• ct:e-dll1111 fur U1•t 11ur1001e 11hall be 111m tlh11 or lhrutcncd, Purcluu1cr uuo· lo)' wrlt1 0!11 notice tu !-foller elL'C t tu 1,•r111l1111e th!• a,;ruemeul with thi, ..rr,,,., ,1,.,.c,rlhcd 111 111•,•1lu1, :111,1 If 111,1 Mu termtno.ted thl11 a,:-re ement 1,huU 1·ti mah1 111 run force a nd e m 1ct 11u twlll1111aodlni; t1uch l'11ndemn1tlo11 tir tukh1ir. In that event there 1hnll be no 111IJ1111tmtnt nr the 11urcha11, price 111111 Ht!ll ll r 11hall ..:·•on the c lOKln1 or tlll,. PU.l' to l'urcn1111 t r nll 1unu or muuey colltctcd lJy Sell er b)' ren11u11 of 11uc h C'ondemnat\011 or 111kln(:', In ndllltlon Seller 1hall a111l~n to Pur• ~~~~,~~n~11 u~1~rn'!d :u~••:~• .~:~11 °~,~~•~ cl t mnntlon or taking nnd u.11 rhflll e 111,1olnt4t 1he r:o ndemnl n,: authority. Heil e r 11h1II nut \'O lun1u.rll)' C:O llllltn• nlllO e, o dJ ulll or U.CCf'lll Bil)' 11mount11 Pll)'llble by rl!IU!Oll o f fi\1Ch occurrttlefl without l'urc hrui t r'11 prior wrltlcn con■ent. 8 . .\leller a,rre■ that the i;-,n,.r~I warranty died to be delivered at the olo11IT111' lll convl'y th u 1'reml1t11 1h1\l contain the fo11 owh1r covenanla IJ)I t11 " Sell er : 111. J A covennnl th&I no lmprovo- m 1:nt11 other thau 11u rrnctn1 for pol'k• Inc JIUrl)UIICI, 11ldewalk11, or land•■caP­ h1ic Nha ll li e ll lo c11d Ul)OII tht• 11orth lhlrt~· Coie t ur the Retlllnc-11 Parcel. Ue 11r:rlhed on Exhibit A. (bl A cove11an t that no ltructure 11111lll ht erectld or malnlallll'd on the lle 1aine d Porcel. u de11crlbed on Ex- hlh1t .\, of n hl't~ht ,:not,r the.n two le n lfl ubove the e1tab\l 1hed 1radc of South Bannock Street. ,\ II . foi et In I.IC!llth a nd n fee t In wtdth rru11tlnc on South B•nnock S treet) nml llhl\ll run \V lth n.nd btn erlt th, cimW'!)'C"d l're1n111e11 for and durln~ u ,,erlod ot 60 year11 running from the dntu or the deo ed COIIVC)'l.:r the l'rem• hlell, :1 S uhJ<'rl In t he 11rol'i~ 11111 fl! 1hl11 !'f'(•tion , J>urcho.1rnr &ll'fl"eJI Uun after c lo1<\nJ:: o f tltle and com11le1,on of 1h11 co1111tr1mllnn uf lmprovement11 \IIIO n thl.' 1'rt1ml11e11 and u11,11n cerlaln oth,.r 10111111 adJolnln1 t h e Pr11111l1t11 It wlll ,•onve)' nr rau11e to bl! convryrd lo Se\hlf r eu.l 11ropert)' u110n which 111 )oc11.l ed rrcirn ?,000 10 4.nuo automubllD p:t rki111 1111nce11 and Suller aau,11 lo II CCi'lll 11\I Ch L'Onve)'II.II CI':, The 11.r-ea 10 l,c ,·o nvf'v1•,I will hr 1ll'lll lmA l f'tl t,y }'ur,:hMei nnd the real 11roperty tn- t ,m .i "t" mo)' ht! divided In on)I lawful 1110.nna r, Huch t'O IIY tlYU nee (a) 11hal1 11ru\•ll.le thli.l lhl CU IIVt!Yfd pro11erty l!hn ll be devnt cd by Hl'lle r to fl'f!e! 1lun with the r opalr, maintenance, lli.;htln1. 11lrl11lng. 11r l'll'nnl111 of the co111•ev ed pr1111erl)'. l et 11h11.11 rf1<l'r1·e fa11~~rc~~:: 11 ~~,htll 111\~11!'!-'" ll ff~~~~ ~~~';f,r11ht 1~: u':11 ~~;~ rfv'!~~~n~~~ ~l~:111l~:.ll?:C:~ :,~~e~~! 1:::r.r:r :~~ 1,ro1,1irty u,111,i rt!I Hinl"tl hy !-lr 111•r. 1111 11hnll 11r••vhlr for cnn1l1111 t-,I th1h1 11 or a l't't'IIII, fl{r HI and l!:IIM!llllll te by the 1rn llllc ,:eut ral1y lnl'• nnd over t he convryed property. and Ce ) •halt In.• g~udci9.,:~~~ f~:~~~r rl!revl11~~':r ~A:~I! ablr. by counae l 'fnr He ll tr and coun- 11e l r1>r l'urch ■r.e r 1111 that the 11rc111- erllc11 of each run hu unc r ntotl ef- (Continued on Reverae Side) (Pare 1 o! 2 pages) A.tteat : Atteat : NIIW m.NOLSWOOD COM• PANY e,------ BTA.TE 011' ) C.'OUXTY OF l •· kn~!~.t~:ro~n:~u:~~t~. ::; or ---, 1Ht, by ---.. ""' ---------.. ----or CITY 01' •No- L1CWOOD, a munlctD&I oorporaUon. ~tnc::1~~1Crus~~trlcl&I ual. Notary Public BTATE 011' ~ .._ COUNTY Of-' J kn~~i.J::F:fo..!n:n~~r:~ ::; Of ---, 1Ht, by ---u ==.In::-lNI at:-,: ltl u llTI M -tlr"Jr"-:.Ii Ol-hr~A ..... I I&" '-1:!_\\ .!!!• lrtftl WNI O lo■UI ~ .... , ..... , ol "i.6:~J-motr..!I lualllt"T, aowavn. let th• foUoW• tna: 1, Loa OOI! -•o....!M-• ~• .. ,. Mook Mran~u W 1 • II 11~ M_ 111:, .:A I .~ 1fi?\::o, ~IM-eoa.t.do Na• tlOll&J GNNI NOOrf. .. In Booll tH a. ~n 1f:ffl' or Sanwood Liou Club l'IOOrd .. In IIOoi . '" ....... t!1 ~--••-::•= l.!natnam•nt '·:r.,;~~:t1,~;.,;:;! and lnetaUaUona IIIIOfar u &nJ ■ut'h fflaJ' afftet Ul1 aubjtot prop .. 1ny. TOOIITHID\ WITH an of th• rtatll. UU1 u4 lnteN■t , If ...,., ot ..u.r In =:..:u~' =:,:: &':: :'.art~ ad from n..,.1 &d,J&otnt Wida or "'~~~,•== :r4~C-,.. B, and D herein Nflfr'ld to ,0.1 t.b1 ~-=tC:: ~~uG:r-a=lke:r= at tbt 1r ot Lot I. .,ood'I lnOI WNl1rl1 alol\l lbt of aid l.ot I u• wn4ed. t UI.I fMt to a point; thence with tb1 Weet n• o u nook Fi:T.':f~"~~lai:rr~/f:,i to a point on th1 W111t lln1 of Soulh Ba11 nock Street, th1 nc1 Ho utherlr and alona the WNI 11111 or South Blnnock 8trNt n& fNl to the pnlnl of btaln• nlna, County or Arapahoe, Stat• or Colorado. S1<lion 2. AUTHORITY TO BXBCUTE AND PBRPC'!M , Upon lbt •/1/W•••I ""'4 r•llfi• ,,11Jon of th, p,opo11d ,o"tr"t •I ,.i, by • -1or117 ••I• ., lbt ,,,,.JI/ltd ,lmors o 1b, City of llngl,..ood, 1b, M.yo, ""'4 1b, Clly c1tr• •I lb, City •I E,,,1 .. wood •• ""'bom,J .,,, ,1/,rrl• td on btHlf of lb1 City of B111J,wootl to fftln into " ,o,,. lrul of NI• ,...,,..i,,u'/. I• 1b1 fort11 11t o•t ;,, ArUtl, , s,ttion I btr1of wllb N"• Ent/,..oo,J Co•,,.,,y ""'4 "" ,-,1btr t1111b- omi,J """ ""'""' lo ·••Nil• ""'4 ,l,lw,r -b olbtr Jo,11-.,,,1, of "'"Y J,i,ul ""'4 lo ,,.,. fo,.. JI olb,r uls wbkb -y 6, .,,,,,.,, ., -'""""'' ,. .,. ,ur lo ,.,,, old 11st 06111.ilons of 11st CU, of &tglNooJ """" """ '°"""" of ""'· ARTICLE II S#llon I. SPEOAL Bl.EC· TION. I• orw lo ,rnlM for 16, .,p,otNll -' rllilfl,._ of 11st ,,.,.,.., ""' -,.,,.,,. ,,.,. 6J • -Jorlly '°" of lbt 11••11'_• of lh City of S.1u-"°°" ., ,......, jy S,cdn 72 of Arlltu l,C of 1H H.., 1,11, C""111r for lbt City of Engl•· "'"'·•,,..WIIMdlfllslHr.- ., ,.,_,. .. ""' -,c,ni 7, 1964 ..,_ 1H ._, ., 7,00 A , M, a 7,00 P. M. Ill wl,lcb IIHf"'IIJIW.,,.,.,,-,Hlt .,.. ilH fW#IM, •I '" .,,,. .. --,.,,,,.,.. ,.....f, S,.,._ 2, ILU.LOT TITLB AND USI OP VOTING oltA- CHINBS . TH f'I•""-lo H ,,,....,_ ,. IH """'1N' ,,.,_ lo,s ., """ "-"'•• ,w .. ., foUows: SHAU. THE CITY OP E.NGUJ. ll"OOD, COW.RADO SELL AND CONYBY CERTAIN LAND USED BY THE CITY POI PARK PUIIPOSIIS AND OTHlll ADJOINING LANDS IN ACCOIIDANCE II" ITH THE TERMS AND CONDI- T IONS OP A PROPOSED CONTRACl 01' SALE AP- PRO YE 9 BY THE CITY COUNCIL AND SET PORTH IN PEOPLE'S ORDINANCE NO , I, SllllllS OP l96i, OP THB CITY OP llNGUllVOOD? S11,b f"'lllo• slMII t1/1P•., ., 1b1 Hllol W.l •• .JI w,ll,,g - cbl1m wbltb slH,JI b, ""' 10 rtgisltr •0111, Tbo,1 sHII b, "For'' Mil "A1..Sf' ,01111t,r1 wblcb will ,-JI lbt 1l1<lor lo iNI,-,, 61s "°''• Tbtrt sb.JI 6, P,•""•' • u,b /l•IJJng ,,,.,. lvlo .-f,l, Hllols wbltb slu/1 6, _.,,,,J i. IIH f- of • .U.g,-11,ou,J.g lbt f,onl of lbt •ol1"g ..,bl,,, ., II will •P/11., .,I., '" offlcW Hllol 1,,r,,1 is .,,.,,,,J 1/,,r1on for 1101ing o" ,J,ttJn IUJ, S1</lon 3, QUAUPICATION OP YOTl!RS. All ,,.,,.., wbo .,, .,,,.ufltil ,,.,,.,, ""'""' "" Clly of E,,IIN•><1' """" lbt "8"''""•• -''"""" ,_, ., 1b, ci:; of En1J,..ooJ sb.JI 6, ntUl, to •ot, o" th, f"IIIUm so ,../llul lo lb-. Sttllon 4, CONDUCT OP Bl.BCI'ION, In 411 ollH, ,,,,,,,,, s•ld 111</ln ,t,.ll H 6,111 IMII co..,1111 .,,HUle,I I• IIH or- """"'" a C..,,,, nf lbt "?;,11o,, ,. IIPPBCIWB DATE. Tl:ls ...u,,,,.,, ,WI ul# '""' tblny ""' .iur "' ,-uu,I•• ,.u ... , ,.. ,.,..,., IIIJtoJ,,u,1 111 " 8lll for 1111 °'""""'" •f IIH CU, of E,,!,- wotHl, ColtlNI/H, """ " 1t "'"' Is, fall, ,.,,.., •• "'' R...U.g _, orw,J f1*611s"" I• f,,11 Ir, 1t,, 8-1'1tHH Htrllld '""' &d,rpris,, .u "' • "'""" •"'"'' o/ 11H c111 c...u of 1h Cll7 of Ba1/,..004I, Colo- rMlo , IHl,I oo J-, 20, J~. p.,,111 °" Jl"'41 R-U.1 67 lb, Cll7 c-,u of IIH Cll1 of Ba11,...o,1 , ColorMO, 1/JI, 11,ir,1 d•1 of P,"'-1, I~, ...i or- dir,tl p,,ill11Htl ;,, f.U ;,, 1b, Eo,1,...o,1 H,r.id n,I E•llr• """' SAMUEL L. LOVE M,,70, All,st: 8 . 0. 8BAVSANG Cil7 Cl,ra-Tr,_,,.,., (S,.i) I, 8 , 0 , 8•-••g, Ci17 Cini• Tr,.,,w,r, Cll7 of B#gl,...od, Ar•p_.bo, Co1111t1, ColorMlo, do b,r167 tnlifJ 16"' •t • r,pi,,, •11li•g of In Ci17 Co,,.,il IHld on J-1 20, 1964, th ••••• •* /M1goi"g orlUn•nc, W4IS ;,,. trod1"1d , """ in fllll , f'•.rs1d ana o, thrtd p•bli1b1d ., • 6/U in tb, E•glnuood Hn.U n,I E11tn/)ris, ,1111J tlut •t lt•II s,u- .,, ,J.,7, •ftn pdlit<llion ., • b!JI th, •bo11t o,IU,11111&1 w,,s op- P,•••d, odopt,d ,md orur,,I ,,116/idud '" Ptopll's Orlli"""" No . 1, Snits of 196i , ;,, soul 1,g.t •tu11pap11· 67 tb, Cit7 Co,mcil tU " r,g11Uff' •11tUI& btltl on tbt third tu7 ,f Ptb· ,_,, J96f . (Sttll) ~~,,,, .. Ii. 0 . 8BAVSANG Cit7 Clna-Tr,,uo,,r Mlisb,d in Tb, Eogl.wood H,rtlld tJtUI &d,rp,111 First P"61it<llion /m . 23 , 1964 Pin•I PMbli<<llio• P,6. JO, 1964 (Paso 2 of2 _,