HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-04-09 ACE Synopsis and BylawsALLIANCE FOR COMMERCE C
The Alliance For Commerce in Englewood advises the Englewood City Council, focusing on the
creation ofan environment in which existing business can thrive and new business can prosper,
ember's requirements are business ownership and/or management ement and commercial property
ownership and/or management, without regard to residency.
Source of Authority. Ordinance 5 of 2001
AppointedBy- City Council:
Membership includes: Council Liaison, Staff Liaison from Community Development, Staff
Member from Greater Englewood Chamber ofCommerce, Community Development Staff member
s Recording Secretary
The Committee consists of nine members, serving three i year terms, Membership shall
include at least one f member from the Greater Englewood Chamber of Commerce. No
officer may serve in the same office for more than two consecutive terms. ?@ t
E C and Englewood Home Bade Charter Article bill §5
Bylaws: Yes lastApproved: April 9, 2015
Chapter 11
2-11.1: Purpose,
2-11.2; Composition and Membership..
2-11-1 Terms of Members.
2-114. Compensation.
2-11=6. Powers and Duties,
-11.6. Appointment of Officers
and Adoption of Rules.
1- ; Purpose.
for unexpired terms. Council shallconsider t
as to potential of tees from staff, ACE and the
e Alliance for Commerce inEnglewood
Greater Englewood Chamber of Commerce.
is established as an advisory ou the City
(Ord. 64, , § 1)
focused on the creation of an environ-
ment in existing business can thrive
11=3: Terms of Membe
new business can prosper, The quality of life
enjoyede residents of Englewood directly
Initially e terms s be ee follows: o
acted by e vitality of the business u-
memberss a to to e of one year,
o members e appointed to of o
nity. ACE en a Englewood co
years; and three members shall be appointed to e
nity y supporting business ess community that
term of three years• Thereafter, members shall be
creates jobs, invests e t adds to the an-
appointed to overlapping s of three years.
orgy of our local economy while maintaining our
r« 064,
environment and lifestyle. ACE will` e City
and the Englewood business community, fostering
s ,
methods of success interaction through s
roved communication, more efficient focus
e members of the ACE shall serve with -
overall enhancement of the local economy as well
out compensation,
as providing n conduit for outreach to other or e-
nizationsn regional focus.
B. Reasonable expenses directly related to per-
rd. -
forminge dutiesa the shall e allowed.
(Ord. C -4,§1
-1- . Composition Membership.
1 p Powers and Duties.
ACE will e comprised of nine ) members
e Alliance for Commerce in Englewood(ACE)
appointed by Cityo c* <
shall have the following powers and duties:
Provide input or analysis on economic
Business ownership or management and
impacts on the business districts of the
commercial property ownership or manage-
ent shall ben requirement for membership
without re residency. verse group of
view of i regulations policies to
representation is desirable .and come o
provide input on regulatory a to
retail, office and industrial sectors, including at
e business community.
least one member from the Greater Englewoo
onsider community Issues for potential
Chamber of Commerce membership. The City
implementationo evelo
o cil shall make appointments to fill vacancies
ent activities,
`toes , No, 064, adopted 6, 2006, amended Chapter 11 tore -establish The Alliance for Commerce
Englewood. Previous provisions, created by Gird. 01-5, adopted February 20, 2001, contained n sunset fo caning for
termination of the Commission after five years, unless renewed
by Council ordinance.
Sapp. No. 31 2; "
D. Work collaboratively with City staff
obtain _ reasonable and creative problem
solving _ for the betterment of the commer-
cial interests ewood.
cooperation with e City, work to
_enhance the image of the business dis-
tricts in the City through combined mar-
keting programs and image enhancement
F. Assist the City in expanding outreach
opportunities including work t other
organizations and regional ss ess
(Ord. a , § 1)
Appointment of Officers Adop-
A. ACE shall organize, adopt s ive
rules and procedures and elect from its members
such officers as it shall deem necessary accom-
plish purposes. Officers of s e elected
or one-year_ terms. officer shall serve in e
same capacity for more than two consecutive
B. e chairperson may appoint such standing
r special subcommittees e the membership of
ACE, as the Chairperson shall determineneces-
sary or usefulcarrying out its purposes and
owers e purpose, term and members of each
subcommittee shall be determined by the Chair-
(Ord. , § 1
upp. No, 31 D :2
The e of the organization - is LAIliance for erg in n l nu '°
hereinafter referred to as the "Commission."
r ti
The Commission was duly organized as a result of an ordinanceto y the
City Council on February 20, 2001, which treat the "llian for Commerce in
Englewood(ACEY with City OrdLinance #5,Series of 2001.
The Alliance for Commerce in Englewood(ACE) is established as an advisory group
' to the City Council, focused on the creation f an environment in which istin '
business can thriveand new business can prosper. The qualityf life enjoyed by
the residents of Englewood is directly impacted the vitality of the business
community. ACE will strengthen the Englewood community by supporting the
business community that creates jobs, invests capital and adds to the energyf our
local economy wile maintaining our environment and lifestyle. ACE will link the
City and the Englewood businessunity, fostering methods of successful
interaction through roved communication, more efficient focus and overall
enhancement of the local economy as well as providing_ a conduit for outreach t
other organizations and a regional focus. (-11-1 Englewood Municipal e)
4. Fs—vygmAad.QkftJ
The Alliance for Commerce in Englewood(ACE) will have the following pow rs
and duties:
A. Provide input or analysis on economic is on the business districts of the
B. Review City regulations and policies to provide input on regulatory impacts t
the business community.
C. Consider community issues for potential implementation in community
development activities
D. Work collaboratively with City staff to obtain reasonable and creative
', N problem solving for the betterment of the commercial interests in Englewood.
E. n cooperation with ity, work to enhance the image of the business
districts in the City through in marketing r r s and image enhancement
F. Assist the City in expanding outreach opportunities n lu n r with other
organizations and regional issues. (2-11-5 EnglewoodMunicipal
siti and Membersh'
ACE will be comprisedf nine tmembers appointed y City Council. Business
ownership andr management and commercial r rty ownership and/or
" management is a requirement for - _ membership without regard to residency.
diverse group of representation s desirable and may come from retail, is d
industrial sectors, n lu in at least one 1 1 member from r at r Englewood
Chamber of Commerce membership. -The City Council` will make appointments t
fill vacancies for unexpired terms. Council will consider input as to potential
appointees from staff, ACE and the Greaterl a r of Commerce. t
11_2 Englewood Municipal Code)
2. r
The Chair and the Vice Chair will be electedy a majority t f t Commission.
Chair Vine hair, together it the Staff Liaison, ill comprise_ the Executive
Committee of the Commission. The ExecutiveCommittee it report in a timely
am to the Commissionall its activities. The ExecutiveCommittee ill
implement urgent items between meetings, identify long-term issues, and
recommend dit ti for full o issio .
ACE will elect from its members such i rs as it deems necessary to accomplish
its purposes. Officers of ACE will be electedfor one-year terms. No officer will
serve its the same capacity for more than two ( consecutive terms. 2-11.
Englewood Municipal l
3. Committeel
The Commission may establish Standing Committees which are necessary for the
purposes of the o iss n. The Chair may appoint such standing r special sub-
committees from the membership f ACE as the chairperson ill determine
necessary or useful in carrying out its purposes and powers. The purpose, term and
members of eachsub-committee will be determinedy the chairperson, (2-11-68
Englewood u ii al al
3_ x-Offirs
clmembers of the Commissionincludes the StaffLiaison representative,
City Council advisor, and Chamber .Executive Director. Ex-officio members may
_ participate in meetings and serve on committees.
5. tln
All City Council appointed membersf the Commissionwill have one vote
its weight. All voting ill be by voice vote; ri , however, the it of the
Commission may, at his/her discretion, call for a roll call vote. A secret I t
only be used in the electionr c ss for Chair or dice Chair. Ex-officlo members
serve as non -voting rr
Ir the
Meetings will be heldonce per month on the date and time designated the
Commission members. Should such tl fall on a legal holiday, then that
meeting may be heldt another date andtime specified y the Commission.
The Chair, at his or her discretion, may allow membersuse alternative electronic
r telephonic to participatein ACE meetings. Members using this form of
attendance should make arrangementsit staff at least 3 business days in advance
f the ACE meetingto allowfortis accommodation. A majorityof members
necessary to comprise a quorum t be present at the meeting. Eg. if a quorum
is 3 then 3 members must be in attendancen no less than 2 can participate via
electron i /t l ic meansn t tquorum.
2. SDecial Meetines
Special meetings of the Commission may be heldn called by the it of the
Commission or by any 4 Commission members. For such special meetings, at least
three l3days notice must be givento each Commission r#
All meetings will be open to the public. Public notice of all regular n special
Commission meetings will be st minimum f 48 hours prior to the meeting.
Notice will be postedon the City's official bulletin boardn sit s designated
r « y the City Council.
4. Q99—rum
simple a ority of the number of duty appointed Commissionmembers will
constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
S. -r sa r f sirs ss
Everyact or decision done or made by a majority of the Commission members
resent at a duty held meetingt which a quorum is present will be regarded as the
act of the entire Commission.
Meetings will commence promptly at the time designated by the Commission
members. A meeting, which may also include to inCommittee meetings, -will
t last longer than ne and one half (1.5) hours from e time it commences,
unless a majority of the Commissionmembers present at the meeting vote to ally
such meeting to continue for longer than the one and one half f hour time
Rules7. Robert's r r
All meetings will be conducted according to these yl s a ul s of
Order Current Edition.
8. E_ecords
Records of approved i tes of regular issi e t s will be maintained
in the office of the City Clerk.
1. r-
Initially the terms will be as follows: twomembers will be appointed to a term
f one t1 I year, members ill be appointed to a term " f two l years; an
three 13 members will be appointed to a term of three years. Thereafter,
members will be appointed to overlapping terms of three t3i years. t -11 s3
Englewoodu iial e3
2. ei i
`Any member may resign any time giving written notice to the Chair and City
Council. Such resignation will take effect on the datef receipt f such tics
unless otherwise specified therein, the cce to c f such resignation will not be
necessary t" make it effective. Any Commission member missing morethan three
l3 consecutive tins without prior notice, in a calendar year, may be removed
by the City Council. Any member missing a total of four (4) meetings in a calendar
year, with r without prior notice, may be removed y the City Council.. ri r
notice is considered to be either a written or verbal statement to onef the
members of the Executive mitt e.
3. c i
vacancy on the Commissionwill be filled by City Council appointment.
Whenever there is a vacancy, issi y make a recommendation r
recommendations to Council to fill the vacancy. The member;appointed to such
vacancy will serve fort e remainder of the term f the member replaced.
. 2Dufies
The duties are as follows:
. . Ch ruers n. The Chair will conduct Commission meetings; serve as ex-officio
member of all committees; appoint ad hoc committees upon the directionf the
Commission; and performall other duties as the _ Commission elects.
. Vice Chair ers n. The Vice Chair will act in the placestead f the Chair in
the event of his/her absence, inability, or"refusal, to act, and ill exercise and
dischargesuch other duties as may be required f him/her by the Commission. l
3. Staff Liaison: The StaffLiaison will be the managingofficer of the Commission. I
Staffwill present reports to the Commission, the individual rs of thei
Commission, and to the City of Englewood as the business of the Commission
y require. The StaffLiaison will report to the CityCouncil annually. The
report will include the Commission's ct ns and accomplishmentsin r
connection with c project or undertaking.
4. Members: Commission members will attend regular meetings and areI
encouraged to participate on ad hoc committees. e rs will participate i
Commission events and special functions. ers will actively promote and
support the Commissionand its activities.
a . Compensation
A. The members of the ACE serve without compensation. (- 1Englewood
B. Reasonable ns s directly related to performingduties f the ACE are
allowed. (2-11-413 EnglewoodMunicipal )
These ®L its t f the Commission
membersresent at any regular meeting provided:
A. A quorumis present;
B. Notice was presented in writing at the previous Commission meeting.
In the case of any conflict between an Ordinance and these By-laws, the
Ordinance ill control.
2. rl
Unless otherwise stated alldecisions will be a majority vote. s in By -Laws,
the term "majority" means those t totaling than fifty t f percent of the
members r a group+psi to .
Theseylaws have been approved by the Alliancef r iEnglewood
nav t n April 2015.
a yt
er ie Baley
TIM .W. .
e Alliance For Commerce in o0 Committee was establishedy the
Englewood iCouncil with the passage of Ordinance No. 5, Series of2001;
WHEREAS, the " r Commerce in Englewood Committee advisesthe Englewood City
Council, focusing on the creation of an environment in existing mess can thrive and new
business can prosper,
WHEREAS, in order to encourage parties fromof the City, City Council wishes to
iA the. mi4mbelf's-hip, of ACE -to, nine membe and
SecLion 1. The City Councilf the City of Englewood, Colorado hereby authorizes amending
Title 2, Chapter 11, Section 2, of the Englewood MunicipalCode 2000, to read as follows:
-11-2: Composition and Membership.
ACE will be comprised of appointed y City Council.
Businessownership and/or _ management and commercialproperty ownership and/or t
shall be a requirement formembership_ without regard to residency. A diverse group of
representation is desirable and may come from retail, office and industrial sectors, including at least
one (1) member from the Greater EnglewoodChamber of Commerce membership. The City Council
shall make appointments to fill vacancies for unexpired terms. Councilshall consider ut as to
potentialappointees fro staff; ACE and the Greater Englewoodf Commerce,
Section 2* Sg&Mfl_auses. The CityCouncil hereby finds, determines, and declares that this
Ordinance is promulgated under the general police power of the City of Englewood, that it is
promulgatedfor the health, safety, e e of the public, and that this Ordinance is necessary for
e preservation of health and safety and for the protection ofpublic convenience and welfare. The
City Council ete ,es that the Ordinance bears a rational ret atiou to the properlegislative
abject sought to be obtained.
5e-ction 3. ; eye Ai * If any clause, sentence, paragraph, or part of this Ordinance or the
application thereof to any personr circumstances shall for any reasonbe adjudged y s court of
competent jurisdiction invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair invalidate the remainder
of this Ordinance or its application, to other personsor circumstances.
fts r�rt{iJi�t '
t ki tint
Section 4. Inconsistent Qrdinances. All other Ordinances or portions thereof inconsistent or
conflicting with .s Ordinance or any portion hereof are hereby repealed to the extent of such
inconsistency or conflict.
Section 5. Effect of r eal or modification. e repeat or modification of any provision of
e Code of the City of Englewood by this Ordinance shall not release, extinguish, alter, modify,
or change in whole or in y penalty, forfeiture, or liability, either civil or criminal, which
shall have been incurred under such provision, and each provision shall be treated held as
still remaining in force for the purposes of sustaining y and all proper actions, suits;
proceedings, prosecutions for the enforcement of the penalty, forfeiture, or liability, as well
as for the purpose of sustaining any judgment, decree, or order which can or may be rendered,
entered, or made in such actions, suits, proceedings, or prosecutions.
Section 6. e e It Provision of Section -1 shallapply to each d
_ ce.
eve violation of is Ordinance.
Introduced, read in full, and passed can first reading on the I 8th day of October, 20 10.
Published y Title as a Bill for an Ordinance in the ty's official newspaper on the Vd day of
October, 2.
Published a Bill for an Ordinance on the ity's official website beginning on the 20th day of
October, 2010 fordays.
Read by title and passed on final reading on the l st day of November, 20 10.
Published by title in the it 's official newspaper as Ordinance No.Series of 2010, on
the 5th day of November, 2010.
Published y title on the ty's official website beginningon the 3rd day of
November, 2010 for thirty 3 s.
James K. Woodward, Mayor
Loucrishia A. Ellis, City Clerk
1, L oucris `a, A. Ellis, City Clerk of the City of Englewood, Colorado, hereby certify that the
above and foregoing is a true copy of the Ordinance passed on final reading d published by
title as Ordinance No. Series of 20 1:
Loucris xa A. Ellis
SERIES OF 2001l `
WHEREAS, business activities areimportant to the very essence of the City of
Englewood's community; and
WHEREAS, the City Councilrecognizes theimportance of business and citizen
involvement` local o e _ent; and
WHEREAS, _an advisory committee focusing on the business community el
create an environment which is supportive of Englewood businesses; and
WHEREAS, a member of the Englewood City Council shall participateas n
non -voting liaison; and
WHEREAS, the Englewood Cityo requested a Greater Englewood
Chamber of Commerce executive ` e r to act as a non -voting` ' o .
e City Councilof the City of Englewood hereby approves amending
Title , o the Englewood MunicipalCode , by d newpter I,
establishing e e for Commerce ' Englewoodwhich ,o read as
n r o r i n l li he
on t i o nth
in w xi inaz i v n z in r
th r of i li f
t n iz e oo nt to ' rs r i ' I n d to th ener
o loo ono e« t Q g n i
t o i en e n ecvo d ax n cr - o to . -th o f aae
t n t as rov ticn r t e an ov
o e t+ t o c i eeo vve e r vi a ors tudit fo on aeh otiaer
en 'etion and e r.emonal focus.
t In
:. r f 1
f 2 to t
n 16 r a �
n u nfin r-=b
t ; nh th �h ors 11 i n n
—M9MhJXJ of h u • ` a hull rniIi
C ro dai e Alliance for Commerce in Englewood
anathe isao of Title 2, Chapter 11, shall terminate in ve ) years unless
ACE and the provisions of Title 2, Chapter 11, are renewed by Council ordinance.
. � ax�ss. The Cityere s, determines, an
declares that this Ordinance is promulgated e the general police power of the
City of Englewood, that it is for the health,
promulgated safety, and welfare of the
public, and that this Ordinance is necessary for the preservation of health and safety
d for the protection of public convenience and welfare. The City Counciler
determines that the Ordinance bears a rational relation tote proper le " ive
object sought to be obtained.
g vea%,}tv. y clause, sentence, paragraph, or p o t.
Ordinance ore application ereof to any person or circumstances shall for any
reason, be adjudged y a court of competent jurisdiction invalid, such judgment shall
notaffect impair or invalidate e remainder of this Ordinance or its application to
other persons or circumstances.
In=Ri9t9nLD1diUAn=L All other Ordinances or portions thereof
inconsistent or conflicting withOrdinance or any portion hereof are hereby
repealed e extent of such c gto or conflict.
S&CkM&- The repeal or modification of any
o f the Code of the City of Englewood by this Ordinance shall not release,
extinguish, alter, modify, or woe or ' p y penalty, forfeiture, or
liability, either civil_or criminal,which shall have been incurred_under such provision,
and each provisionshall e treated and heldas still remammg in force fort e
purposes of sustaining any and all proper actions, suits, proceedings, an
prosecutions for the enforcement of the penalty, forfeiture, or liability, as wen as for
the purpose of sustaining y judgment, decree, or order which can or may be
rendered, entered, or made in such actions, sits, proceedings, or prosecutions.
Date Agenda e
Support of the creation of
February 5, 21 11 all business advisory group
A Dance for Commerce in
Englewood ACE
i council an Johnson, om tarsi eveEo rnent
n January 16, 201, City Council was presented with the foundation for creation of the Alliance
for Commerce in Englewood (ACE), as a means of addressing the importance of business and
citizen involvement in local government and establishing an advisory group focused on the creation
of an environment in which existing business can thrive and new business can prosper.
Staff recommends approval of the ordinance that creates the ACE as a seven -member business
advisory group for the City of Englewood.
The creation of ACE is part of a plan directed by City Council to continue to strengthen our quality
of life by addressing e issue of communication with establishment of a business advisory group, a
method of bringing diverse business interests together to address specific concerns and expand the
pool of potential solutions. This new business advisory group can provide input from the
community most affected by new city regulations. Drawing on the expertise and experience of our
business leaders provides a unique opportunity to improve prosperity for Englewood, Creating a
partnership between government and the business community will go far to creating in an
improved climate of trust and prosperity,
Englewood has been successful in tackling arty diverse areas of economic development for the
community through the redevelopment of Cinderella City Mall, implementing the South Broadway
Action Mari, improvements to South Santa Fe and the proposed redevelopment of General Iron
Works, Recognizing that the quality of life for its citizens is directly related to the vitality oft e
commercial concerns, the Council has taken effective steps to creating a'business friendly`
Input was solicited and integrated into this proposal from members of the Greater Englewood
Chamber of Commerce, including the co-chairs, executive director and the governmental affairs
committee as well as the former chair of the Englewood Downtown Development Authority.
Through research, other alternatives and models from Aurora, Arvada, Westminster and Jefferson
County were studied with the best componentsbrought forward in the creation and foundation of
No financial impact to the City has been identified.
59: gi . ...A created.
Council shall establish by ordinance a j&d of, d ., ra and Appeals, consisting of seven (
embers appointed by Council, for overlapping terms of four (4) years. Members shall be qualified electors,
residents of the City at bast one ( year immediately prior to the date of their appointment, and shall hold
no other office or position in the City Administration. The recording secretary shall sign any documents or
communications from the �� ""by order of the _.�h&;� of ��j and Appeals".
( mended 5a5-1 '7i1, 11-5-1 9 1
Powers and duties. -
The il6qshall keep minutes of its proceedings, show the vote taken, keep records of its examinations
and either official actions. Every caroler, requirement, decision or determination of the Boar4 shall be filed in
the office of the City Clerk; The ho. d shall have power to hear and determine ine appeals from refusal o
building permits; make special exceptions to the terms of the zoning regulations in harmony with their
general purpose and intent, authorize variances from the strict application of regulations in such situations
and subject to such limitations as may be set by ordinance. The findings and decisions of the, czca�d shall be
final, subject only to judicial review.
The Boaid shall exercise its authority in accordance with State Statutes, except as otherwise provided
in this Charter,