HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-01-08 (Regular) Meeting Minutes [2]OOUl1CIL CHAMBBRS CITY OP BmLBWOOD, COLORADO JAllUARY 8, 1962 Councilman Brown.well preaidin9, called the Council Chamber•, City of Bngl9'WOOd, Arapahoe County, Colorado, to order at 8:00 P.M. on Monday, January 8, 1962. 'l'h• City Clerk, Clerk of th• Council named the following newly elected Councilmen: B. R. "Reece" Braun, Stanley Milea, c. B. "Chuck" Smukler, sam Love. '!'be above named peraon• aroae, came to the front of the Chambers, and atood before Diatrict Judge Marvin Foote who awore the newly elected Councilaen into office. Councilman Brownewell thanked Judge Foote for meeting with the Council and awearing in th• n.wly elected member•. The members of the Council took aeat• at the council table. Councilman Brownewell aaked for the call of the roll. Upon the call of the roll, th• following per•on• were preaent: councilmen: Braun, Brownewell, Love, Miles, McLellan, Smukler, Woods. Aleo Present: City Manager Rudd, City Attorney Bach, City Clerk Beauaang. Abaent: Bone. councilman Brown.well declared a quorum preaent. 621-21 CALL IOR SPSCIAL MBBTING OP COUNCIL '!'be City Clerk read th• following notice of call for a special ••••ion of th• Council in full: "llOTICB OP CALL POR SPBCIAL SSSSIOR OP TBB CI'l'r COUNCIL Purauant to and in conformance with Section 2, Ordinance Bo •• 3, Series of 1960, a call for a apecial ••••ion of the City Council of Snglewood to be held on Monday, January 8, 1962 at 8:00 P.M., at the Council Challlbera, City Ball, SnglM«>Od, i• made by three Councilmen of the City of Englewood. 'l'h• purpose of this ... ting ia organization of the newly elected COUncil and other related matter•. I•/ Lawrence L. Brown.well /a/ N. L. McLellan /•I R. G. Wood•, Jr. ACIQIOWLBDGBMBHT OP RECEIPT OP NOTICE 'l'h• following peraona, all Councilmen or newly-elected Councilmen of th• City of Sngl9'WOOd, Colorado, do hereby acknowledge the receipt of notice of th• above special ••••ion. · /•/ Lawrence L. Brownewell /•/ N. L. McLellan /•/ R. G. Woods, Jr. I•/ B. R. Braun /•/ Stanley G. Miles /•/ Samuel L. Love /•/ Charles B. Smukler Councilman Brownewell aaked for nominations for Mayor. CCXJBCIUIAll SllUJ(LBR HCMINATBD STANLEY G. MILES POR MAYOR. COUllCIUIAll WOODS llCMDIATBD OOUNCIUtMf N. L. McLBLLA!I POR MAYOR. COUBCIUVJI BRAUN MOVBD, CaJllCIIMAN LOVE SECONDED, THAT BC»IINATIOBS BB CLOSm>. Upon th• call of the roll. the vote resulted as follow•: Aye•: Councilmen Wood•, Smukler, McLellan, Miles. Love, Brownewell, 9raun. Raya: Bone. I I ~# I I I Minute• of January 8, 1962 Abaent1 Hone. Councilman Brownewell declared the motion carried. Councilman Brownewell inquired if there were any objection• to 'the roll call vote upon the nominee•. 'l'here were none. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followa1 Councilman Milea1 Councilmen Smukler, Mile•. Love. Councilman McLellan1 Councilmen Wooda, McLellan, Brownewell, Braun; Councilman Brownewell declared Councilman McLellan newly elec•ed Mayor of the City of Bnglewood. Mayor McLellan took the Chair and Councilman Brownewell took hi• aeat at the table. Mayor McLellan accepted the Chairman•hip of the City Council of the City of Englewood and poaition of Mayor of Sn9l.wood with a great deal of humility atating that he had known all the Council .. n and Mayor• for the laat 35 year• and the full aignificance of the reaponaibility of the office. Be apoke to all preaent, r-inding th• that he and the other Councilmen were elected by the people to repre•ent th.. aa well aa all the people of the City of Bnglewood. Be expr•••ed hi• vi.w that aa Mayor he had very little more reaponaibility than any of the other Councilmen and each and all auat act aa a te .. in the beat intere•t• of the City. The Mayor then aaked for no11inationa for Mayor Pro T-. COUllCIUCAll SMUXLBR .. IllATBD COUHCILllAll Blt010iSWSLL 10R llAYOR PRO T91. Council.man Brown.well au99eated that another man be choaen aa he would not be available for daytime duti•• or call. Be atated that he would ••rve to the beat of hi• ability ahould he be elected. COURCIIMU BRAUN .. DIATBD COUllCIIMAll WOODS 10R MAYOR PRO '1'91. COOllCILMAll LOVB MOVBD, COUllCilltAll BRAU• SBCOBDBD, THAT '1'BB H<»IID'l'IOHS BB CLOSBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followa1 Ayea1 Councilmen Wooda, Smukler, Milea, Love, Brownewell, Braun, McLellan. •aya1 Hone. Abaent1 Hone. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The Mayor aaked for a roll call vote. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followa1 Councilman Brownewell1 Councilmen Smukler, Miles, Love, Brownewell. Councilman Wooda1 Councilmen Wooda, McLellan, Braun. The Mayor declared Councilman Brownewell to be elected Mayor Pro Tam. Mayor McLellan then aeated the member• of the Council at the table. PRBSBllTATIOll OP PLAQUB TO PORMBR MAYOR KRBILillG Mayor McLellan atated that hia ·firat job was rather an unpleasant one in the fact that he waa bidding good bye to former Mayor Kreiling who had been a wonderful Mayor for the City during hi• term. Be expreaaed the desire to have former Mayor Kreiling aerve on one of the Boards of Commissions of the City. The Mayor then preaented a plaque to John c. Kreiling for his dev0ted aervice to hi• City. 'ftle Mayor then preaented an engraved gavel to former Mayor Kreiling as a memento of hi• term aa Mayor. Pora.er Mayor Kreiling atated that he was very fortunate in having an opportunity to aerve aa a member of the Council and it• Chairman and Mayor. 'ftle Mayor recognised tho•• varioua citizens and officials who had braved the atorm to ~ preaent for the .,..aring in ceremonies and organiza- tion of the City Council. 61 62 Minute• of January 8, 1962 RBSOLUTIOH MBMORIALIZING OZZIB MILLER Councilman Love reported that on Sunday the City had loat one of its leading citizena, Ozzie Miller. Be auggeated that a resolution be drawn co eending Ozzie and be forwarded to hi• widow. • COUllCIUCUJ LOVB MOVBD, COUllCIUilAH SMUKLBR SBCOHDBD, THAT A RBSOLUTION OP 'ftlB •GLBWOOD CITY COUllCIL BB DRAWll BY 'l'BB MAYOR BXPRBSSIIR.1 TBB CITY COUllCXL'S APPRBCIATIOR OR BBllALP OP 'l'BB CITY TO A MAR WHO BAD ADDBD MUCH RICllllBSS AllD CUL'l'URB TO BIS CITY, llMBLY, OZZIB MILLER, AID> THAT A COPY OP TRIS RBSOLUTIO& BB DIRBCTBD TO HIS WIDOW. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followas Ayeas Councilmen Wooda, Smukler, Milea, Love, Brownewell, Braun, McLellan. Rayas Hone. Abaents Hone. 'l'h• Mayor declared the motion carried. 621-25 COUNCIL APPOIN'lMBNTS The Mayor aaked for conaideration of the appointment of a legal counsel for the City. COUllCILMAll BRAmf MOVBD, COUNCILMAN MILES SECOHDBD, THAT JOB BSCB BB SSLBCTBD AS LBGAL COUNSEL POR TBB CITY ARD WILLIAM MYRICK SBRVB AS ASSISTABT CI'IT AT!ORITBY. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ay••: Councilmen Wood•, Smukler, Miles, Love, Brownewell, B'raun I McLellan. Rayas None. Abaents None. 'l'h• Mayor declared the motion carried. 'l'h• Mayor aaked for conaideration of the appointment to the Water and s.w.r Board. OOUllCIIMAB BR010fBWBLL MOVBD, COUNCII.llAN WOODS SECONDED, 'l'BAT MR. RICHARD J. PURCBLL BB APPOIR'l'BD AS A CITIZEN MEMBER OF TBB BOARD FOR A TERM 'l'O BRO 08 PDllUARY 1, 1968 AID> THAT COUNCILMAN BRAUN BB APPOINTED AS 'l'BB COUNCIL RBPUSBBTATIVB 'l'O TBB WATBR AND SBWBR BOARD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follow•: Ayeas Councilmen Wooda, Smukler, Miles, Love, Brownewell, Braun, McLellan. Rayas Hone. Abaent: None. 'l'h• Mayor declared the motion carried. 'l'he Mayor aaked for conaid•ration of appointments to the Planning and zoning Comllliaaion. COUllCIUCUJ SMUKLBR MOVED, COUNCIUlAN WOODS SBCONDBD, THAT aURICB L. PDSBI8G BB APPOINTED FOR A TBRM BNDING ·FBBRUARY 1, 1965, THAT COUJICILMBll llILSS Alm LOVB ALSO BB APPOIRTBD AS MBMBBRS OF TBB PLADING AIR> m&I&G ClllllISSIOll. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted aa follows: Ayeas Councilmen Woods, Smukler, Miles, Love, Brownewell, Braun, McLellan. Raya: Hone. Abaent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 'l'he Mayor aaked for consideration of appointments to the Board of Adjuatment and Appeals. Be suggested that former Councilman Martin be conaidered for an appointment on this Board. COUlfCILMAR WOODS MOVBD, <X>UNCILMAN LOVE SBcaBDBD, THAT GBORGB W. MCGBB BB APPOINTBD UNTIL FEBRUARY 1, 1966, THAT A. L. MARTI& U APPOillTBD UllTIL PBBRUARY 1, 1963, TO TBB BOARD OF ADJUS'l'MBl1'1' Al1D APPBALS. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as followas I I I I I I Minute• of January 8, 1962 Ayeaa Councilmen Woods, Smukler, Milea, Love, Brown-11, Braun, McLellan. Raya: Rone. Abaenta Rone • 'l'be Mayor declared the motion carried. The Mayor aaked for consideration of the appointlleft' to the IOard of Slectrical Examiners. The Mayor atated that Councilman Braun had aerYed on thi• 9oard for a conaiderable length of time and waa the only man to hi• knowl..SV•, with the particular capability to aerve on thi• Board. COUllCILMAll MILBS MOVBD, OOUllCIIllAll LOVB SBOOllDm>, 'lllA'f COUllCIUIAll BRAUll .. APPOIJITBD TO '1'BB BOUD OP BLBCTRICAL BXAMimB. Upon th• call of the roll, the 90te reaulted aa followaa Ayeaa Councilmen Woods, Smukler, Mile•, Love, Brown-11, Braun, McLellan. &aya r Rone. Abaenta llone. '1'he Mayor declared the motion carried. 'l'he Mayor aaked for consideration of appointments to the Public Library Board. COURCILMAR LOVB MOVBD, OOURCIIMAB BRAUR SBCORDBD, '!BAT MRS. BBRllA& OLDIBR BB APPODITBD POR A TBRM BRDIBG PBBRUARY 1, 1966 TO 'l'HB PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayeaa Councilmen Woods, Smukler, Miles, Love, Brownewell, Braun, McLellan. Bayas Bone. Abaent: llone. The Mayor d~clared the motion carried. 'ftle Mayor aaked for conaideration of appointments to the Blection Co aiaaion. COUllCIIllAll BROWllBWBLL MOVBD, COUHCILMAN MILBS SBCORDBD, THAT MR. ROBBR'l' J. WBISBAUPL BB APPOIRTBD TO TBB BLBCTION OOMMISSIOB POR A 'l'BRM BllDIRG PBBmJARY 1, 1966. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted as followaa Ayeaa Councilmen Wood•, S.ukler, Miles, Love,·-.Brownewell, Braun, McLellan. Rayas Rone. Abaent: Ilona. The Mayor declared the motion carried. '!'he Mayor aaked for consideration of appointments to the Parka and Recreation Coamaiaaion. OOUllCIIllAll MILBS MOVBD, OOUllCIIM.AN BRAUN SBCOBDBD, THAT COUBCILMMJ WOODS BB APPODl'l'BD TO '1'118 PARJCS AllD RBCRBATION COUNCIL POR A TBRM Bl1DDIG PBBRDARY 1, 1966. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayea: Councilmen WOoda, Smukler, Miles, Love, Brownewell, Braun, McLellan. 8aya1 Rone. Absent 1 Bone • • The Mayor declared the motion carried. '1'he Mayor aaked for consideration -of an appointment to the Board of Truat-• of the Pirmten'• Penaion Board. Minute• of January 8, 1962 CX>UllCILMAJI LOVE MOVED, COUNCILMAN SMUKLER SBOONDBD, 'DIAT OOUNCILMAll 8801'--m ... -BLL BB APPODITBD TU 'l'BE BOARD OF TRUSTBBS OF 'l'BB FIRBMIDT' S PmSIOR PUllD 10R A TBRM BllDIHG PBBRUARY 1, 1964. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted a• follow•a Aye•: Councilmen Woods, Smukler, Miles, Love, Brownewell, Braun, McLellan. Raya: None. Abaent: Rone. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The Mayor aaked for consideration of the appointment to the Schcol-City Joint eo-ittee. CX>UllCIIMAB WOODS llOVBD, OOUNCILMAN BRAUN SECCBDBD, '1'BAT COUllCIUOS SllUKLBR ARD MILBS ARD Cift MARAGBR RUDD BE APPOINTBD TO TBB SCllOOL-Cift JOillT CX»UII'l'TD POR 'l'BBIR TBRURB. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follow•a Aye•: Councilmen Woods, Smukler, Miles, Love, Brownewell, Braun, McLellan. Raya: None. Abaent: Bone. '1'be Mayor declared the motion carried. 'l'be Mayor aaked for consideration of a member 5of the Council to serve on the Induatrial and Buain••• Development Committee of the Bn9lewood Chamber of Co 1 erce. COUIJCIUCAR BRAUN HC»IDIATBD COURCIUilAR SMU1<LBR TO RBPRBSBllT THE CI'l'!' COUllCIL 08 'ftlB IRDUSTRIAL ARD BUSDIBSS DBVBLOPMBllT COMMIT'l'EB OF TBB CBAMBBR OF COlllBRCB. CX>UllCIUIU BROWRBWBLL MOVBD, OOURCIIMAR WOODS SBOOBDBD, '1'BAT BOIIRATIOBS BB CLOSBD Al1D 'l'BAT 'DIB CLBRJC BB IBSTRUCTBD TO CAST AN UDllIMOUS BALLOT POR COUllCIU'All SMmCLBR AS CX>UNCIL RBPRBSmTATIVE TO 'l'BB DIDUSTRIAL Alm BUSDIBSS DSVBLOPllBllT COMMITTBB OP TBB alAMBER OF COMMERCE. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted a• follows: Aye•a Councilmen Woods, Smukler, Miles, Love, Brownewell, Braun, McLellan. Bayas llone. Abaenta Rone. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The Mayor aaked for consideration of appointment to the Bn9lewood ca unity Council. CX>UNCIIMAll BROWllBWBLL HC»IDIATBD CX>UNCIIMAB LOVB TO RBPRBSBllT TBB CITY COU•CIL 08 'ftlB DJGLDIOOD COMMUllift OOURCIL. OOUllCIUIAll MILBS MOVBD, OOUNCILMAN BRAUN SBOORDBD, TBAT BOllIRATIOBS BB CIDSBD AID> 'ftlB CLBRJC BB DIS'l'RUCTBD TO CAST All URABIMOUS UTJ-OT POR C01J9CU• .... U LOVB AS RBPRBSDTATIVB FOR THE CI'l'!' TO TBB BmLBM'X'D COMMUllI'l'!' COUllCIL. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted a• follow•a Aye•a Councilmen Wood•, Smukler, Miles, Love, Brownewell, Braun, McLellan. Rayas None. Abaenta Bone. 'l'h• Mayor declared the motion carried. '!'he Mayor aaked for conaideration of the eppointment of a repreaentative to the Metropolitan Area Municipal Association •. OOUllCIUIAll BRAUN llOVBD, OOUNCIUIAN MILES SBOONDBD, '!"BAT MAYOR MCLBI·JAll RSPRUmT '1'BB CITY' OF BllGLBWOOD AT THE MB'l'ROPOLITAN AREA MUNICIPAL ASSOCIAftOB. UBTDJGS. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted a• follow•: Ayeaa Councilmen Wood•, Smukler, Miles, Love, Brownewell, Braun, McLellan. I I I ~ I Minutes of January ' a, 1962 8aya1 lk>ne. Abaant1 Bone. 'fh• Mayor declared the motion carried. 'l'h• Mayor aaked for conaidaration of the appointment of a Municipal Judge. The Mayor read a letter from Robert P. Kelley, dated January 8, 1962 aet- ting forth hi• intereat in the off ice and hi• qualification• for the office of Municipal Judge. Diacuaaion ensued. Councilman Braun stated that Joe Atencio had alao expreaaed hi• intereat in the vacancy and it was very gratifying to have two auch well qualified attorneys seeking the important position. COU8CU•All IULBS MOVBD, CX>UHCIUIAN LOVB SBCONDBD, THAT MR. ROBBRT P. KBLLBY BB APPOill!m> !O TllB OPPICB OP MUNICIPAL JUDGE BPPBCTIVB JABUARY 16, 1962 POR '1'BB MLAEB OP '1'BB TBRM BXPIRDJG JARUARY 1. 1964. Upon the call of the roll. the vote resulted as followa1 Ayea1 Council-n Woods. Smukler. Miles, !.ove. Brownewell. Braun, McLellan. 8aya1 lk>ne. Ab-nt1 llone. 'fbe Mayor declared the motion carried. COUEIUIAll BRAUll MOVBD, COUBCIUIAN LOVB SBCOHDBD, THAT '1'BB MAYOR BB DDETm TO 1fRIB A LBTTBR OP APPRECIATION TU FvRMBR JUDGB BODAH, JR. POR ms DCBIJ·Bft SBRVICB TO 'ftlB Cift. Upon the call of the roll. the vote reaulted aa followa1 Ayea1 Councilmen Woods, Smuklei-, Miles, Love, Brown.well, Braun, Mc:Lellan. llay•1 Ilona. Abaent1 lk>ne. 'l'h• Mayor declared th• motion carried. '1'be Mayor then aaked for conaideration of an appointaent to fill the vacancy on th• City Planning and zoning Commission created by the appointment of Mr. Kell.y to th• office of Municipal Judge. Diacuaaion ensued. COUllCIUIAll LOVB MOVBD, COUllCIIMAB BRAUll SBCOHDBD, 'l'BAT MR. JOID1 C. DULmG BB APPOilft'BD TO PILL 'ftlB UllBXPIRBD TBRM OP MR. KBLLBY DDIBG PB8RUARY 1, 1965. Upon the call of the roll. the vote resulted as follows1 Ayea1 Councilmen Wooda, Smukler. Miles. Love, Brownewell, Braun, McLellan. •aya1 Bone. Abaant 1 Bone • The Mayor declared the motion carried. TOUR TO DBTBRMINB POTENTIAL PARK SITBS 'l'h• Mayor reported that he had received a letter from Colbert cashing, Cbairllan of the Park• and Recreation Commiaaion, requeating that the City council ... t with the mellbera of the Commission to tour the City and determine poaaible park sit••· 'l'h• Mayor reported that the meeting waa ••t for 9130 A.M. Saturday. January 20th at the City Hall. DBSIGBATIOB OP OPPICIAL llBWSPAPBR COUllCIUIAll SllUICLBR MOVBD, OOUHCIIMAH BROWHBWBLL SBOOllDBD, TBAT '1'BB BllGLBWOOD RBPAI.D Al1D Blft'BRPRISB BB DBSIGDTBD 'l'HB OPPICIAL -SPAPBR POR '!BB CI'IY OP BllGLBWOOD. Upon the call of the roll. the vote resulted aa followa: Ayea1 Councilmen Woods. Smukler. Mile•. Love, BrownMMll, Braunl McLellan • .. ya1 llone. Abaant1 Bone. 'l'h• Mayor declared th• motion carried Minute• of January 8, 1962 0'1'HBR MAT'l'BRS OOuncilaan 1111•• au99eated that the Council conaider locating quarter• for th• variou• city office•, department• and agenci••· 'l'he Mayor atated tbat he had .,.. def init• thought• on thi• matter which he would di•cu•• with the Council at an early date. ADJOUJUI CCU8CD•All 8lmJCLD llOVBD, COUllCIIllAN BROWBBWBLL SllCCBDBD, '!BAT_ '1'llB MBftimG BS ~. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted a• follow•1 Ayea1 Councilmen Wood•, Smukler, Mile•, Love, Brownewell, Braun, McLellan. Bayas Rone. AbHnt1 llone. Th• Mayor declared the •-ting adjourned at 9123 P.¥. /•/ B. o. Beauaang, City Clerk Clerk of the Council 'l'h• ainutea of the meeting of the City Council of the City of Bn9lewood, Colorado, held on th• 8th day of January, 1962 A,.D., stand approved aa written thia 5th day of February, 1962 A.D. I I