HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-01-15 (Regular) Meeting Minutes,, I COUllCIL CHAMBERS Cift OP 8mLDfOOD, COLORADO JAllUARY 15, 1962 ll8GULAll DBTI9G1 Th• City council of th• City of Bngl.wood, Arapahoe county, Colorado, met in reqular ••••ion on Monday, January 15, 1962 in the Council Chamber•, City Ball, Bngl.wood, at the hour of 8100 P.M. Mayor McLellan preaidin9 called the meeting to order and the invocation waa given by the Reverend Orville Reeg of the Grace Lutheran Church. Th• Mayor aaked for roll call. Upon the call of the roll, the following peraona were preaents Councilmen1 Braun, Brownew.11, Love, Milea, Smukler, Wooda, McLellan. Alao Preaents City Manager Rudd, City Attorney Bach, City Clerk Beauaang. Abaents llone. The Mayor declared a quorum preaent. PR&SDTATIOH OF PLAQUE TO ART MARTIR The Mayor preaented a bronze plaque to former Councilman A. L. Martin. lie carrended Mr. Martin on hi• activity in varioua ••rvice organisation• aa "911 aa hi• ••rvic• to the City through aemberahip on the City council. Be reported that Mr. Martin had been appointed to fill a vacancy on the Board of Adjuatllent and Appeal• in an effort to take further advantage of Martin'• experience and abiliti••· Mr. Martin thanked the Mayor for the honor repreaented by the preaen- tation of the plaque to him and congratulated the newly elected Mayor and Mayor Pro 'fem of the Council on their •election. He remarked that he was attending thi• meeting of the Council to protect himaelf aa he was unable to attend th• laat ... ting and aubaequently found he had been appointed to a board. Be expr•••ed hi• general aatiafaction and appreciation for the year• apent aa a •ember of th• City Council. 612-101 APPLICATIOB POR CLUB LIQUOR LICBllSB BY MOOSB LODGB '!'he City Clerk read an Application for Liquor Licenae for a Club re- ceived December 14, 1961 at 13100 noon, submitted by Englewood'• Lodge Ho. 1793, Royal Order of Mooae, Inc., at the location of 3531 South Broadway, Bnglewood. Be atated that the application was in order and a police report waa available. OOUBCILMAll MILBS MOVBD, OOUBCILMAll WOODS SBCORDBD, THAT 'l'BB PUBLIC llUllIS OB TBB APPLICATIOB POR CLUB LICBllSB BB OPBRBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted aa followas Ayes1 Councilmen Woods, SIDUkler, Mile•, Love, Brownewell, Braun, McLellan. Bayas Hone. Abaent1 Bone. Th• Mayor declared the motion carried. Mayor McLellan aaked if tho•• who favored the iaauance of the licenae would atand. There were 15 preaent. He aaked thoae oppoaing to stand. 'l'h•r• were none. councilman Braun auggeated that the hearing be tabled pending the aub- misaion by Leon c. Rohrer of certain data to the Police Department ao that the inveatigation of the individual officer• could be complete. Diacuaaion enaued. Mayor McLellan aummarized the discussion by stating that the hear- ing would be held but that the issuance of the license might be tabled until complete information had been ••cured on all the officers of the lodge. Mr. Dougla• J. Malone, repreaenting the Moose Lodge, submitted the following information on behalf of th• lodges Application was made at least 20 days prior to hearing: The pr .. i••• were posted for at least 10 consecutive days prior to the hearing: A petition ai911ed by 131 resident• of the area favor• th• issuance of th• licen••: The circulator• of the petition were present for questioning by the council if desired: All member• of th• Board of Directors and off icera of the Lodge were present: and, .I Minute• of January 15, 1962 A copy of a lea•• rental agreement of the premiaea was preaented. 11r. Malone atated that Mr. Rohrer had been ill and, therefore, waa unable to go to the police atation aa requeated. COUBCIUIAll WOODS MOVBD, COUllCILMAll MILBS SBCOllDBD, 'l'BAT TBB BBARDJG BB CLOSBD. Upon the call of th• roll, the vote reaulted aa follows: Ayeaa Councilmen Wooda, Smukler, Milea, Love, Brownewell, Braun, MclAllan • .. Y•• llone. Abaent: Bone. 'l'h• Mayor declared th• motion carried. Diacuaaion enaued aa to the adviaability of holding up the iaauance of the licenae pending clearance of police department on Mr. Rohrer. Council .. n Braun atated that it had been a policy of th• Council to have a police report on all the principal• in the application for a liquor licen•• and felt that the matter ahould be tabled until the report i• aecured oa Mr. Rohrer. Diacuaaion ensued. · CX>UllCILMAR SMUXLBR llOVBD, THAT THB CWB LIQUOR LIC.BlfSB POR TBB LOYAL ORDD OP llOOSB, IllC. BB aRAllTBD SUBJBCT TO MR. ROHRBR'S APPBARAllCB AT TBB POLICB STATIOB 1'0R D1VBSTIGATIOB. 'l'he City Attorney atated that auch a motion waa illegal aa the licenae could not be conditionally granted. The Mayor declared the motion loat for want of a aecond. COUBCILMAll BRAUll MOVBD, COUlfCIIMAN LOVE SBOOllDBD, 'l'BAT 'l'BB APPLICA- TIO. BB TADBD Ulft'IL PDRUARY 5, 1962. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followas Ayeaa Councilmen Wood•, Smukler, Milea, Love, Brownewll, Braun, McLellan. Bayas Bone. Abaenta Bone. The Mayor declared the motion carried and thanked those preaent for their intereat in the .. tter and expreaaed hi• belief that th• licenae would pro- bably be iaaued on the completion of the police file. 621-7 PROCBBDIRGS OP WATBR Am> SBWBR BOARD MBBTING OP JAllUARY lOTB 621-21 19tatjn9 to ADpointaent of Special Water Conaultant The City Clerk read th• following recormnendation of the Water and Sewer Board in fulls •That Mr. M. o. Shiver•, Jr. be retained to continue aa conaultant for th• Bngl.wood Water and Sewer Board." Th• Mayor and 111911lbera of the Council diacuaaed Mr. Shiver•' deaire to eo11plete any neqctiation for water right• in proceaa or pending on behalf of th• City of Bnglewood. Mr. Shiver• had verbally informed varioua ... bera of th• Council that he did not wish to be on a retainer aa it would obligate him to attend each meeting of the Water and Sewer Board, llADY of which had no relation on the acquisition or development of water righta. Diacuaaion enaued. The City Manager au99eated that Kr. Shiver• be recoqni&ed aa being available for conaultation on water mat-ter•. COUllCIUIAll BR010T•BLL MOVBD, COUNCIIMAN LOVB SBCOBDBD, 'l'BAT MR. M. O. SBIVBRS, Jll. BB APPOillTBD AS A SPBCIAL CDISULTABT OP 'l'llB WATBR Al1D SBWBR 80ARl> WI'IB>UT RBTAim OB A LBGAL CX>RSULTABT BASIS PAYMENT POR SBRVICBS TO BB llADB AT TBB MIRIMUM DOLLUt RATB. Mayor MclAllan atated that the above motion will shift a greater load on th• City Attorney'• office in providing legal counael for the Water and Sewer Board meeting. Th• City Attorney stated that he had planned to aaauae thi• additional duty but that he would need an additiona to those f-• which he was presently receiving. This was agreed to. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Wooda, Smukler, Miles, Love, Brownewell, Braun, McLellan. Bays1 Bone. . I : I I ..._ I ·1 Minutes of January 15, 1962 Absent: llone. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 621-24 AnolX!tion of 2 School District No. 6 site• to Southeast Bnglewood Water Di•trict Th• City Clerk read the following recommendation of the Water and Sewer Board in fulls •niat the following described lands be allowed to annex to the South- Baat Bn9lewood Water District, by supplemeptal Agreementr and, that the Bn4Jlewood "Red" Line be so extended to include these areas. A£apahoe county School Diatrict No. 6, Littleton, Colorado, OWner (a) Th• South one-half (sis) of Southwest one-quarter <S-.> of the Southwest one-quarter <swi.> of Section Nineteen (19), Township Pive (5) South, Range Sixty-•.._. (67) West, Arapahoe County, Colorado. (b) Th• • of SBll of SWlii and N's of SW~ of swi. of Section 13, Township 5 South, Range 68 ~~••t of the 6th Principal Meridian, (being same as Tract• 297 to 302 all number• incluaive in South Denver Gardena since vacated) in Arapahoe County, Colorado." OOUllCIUIAll BRAUN MOVBD, COUllCIUIAll BROWNBWBLL SBCONDBD, TBAT 'l'BB RBCC»l- Nar>ATI09 BB ACCBPTBD AND TllAT TBB MAYOR AND CITr CLBRK BB AUTllORIZBD 'l'O SIG& 'l'BB suppr ... ...,AL AGRBmlDIT Oii BBHALP OP 'l'BB CITY. Upon th• call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayea1 Councilmen Woods, Smukler, Mile•, Love, Brownewell, Braun, McLellan. Bays: None. Abaent: Bone. 'l'be Mayor declared the motion carried.. 621-27 PUBLIC HBARIRG ON WIDBNING OP WBST BBLLBVIBW The City Manager read a notice he had received from Mr. Pred K.-Merton, District Bn9ineer, relating to a public hearing to Jae held on Priday, January 19, 1962 at 7130 P.M. in the County Welfare Building Auditorium, Littleton, for th• purpose to acquaint the public of the plan for the pro- posed widening of West Belleview Avenue between South Broadway and South Wind ... re. 'l'h• City Manager spoke in general of the plan for the widening, •tating that the City would undoubtedly be required to grant acce•• to the State Highway Department from Water Department lands. Be stated that the .. tter is informative only at this time. 621-1 PROCBBDIHGS OP BOARD OP CARBBR SBRVICB COMMISSIONERS MBBTING OP JAdi+•r 11, 1962 The Mayor aaked that the minute• be received and placed on file. 621-28 PRIORITr LIST OF CAPITAL IMPROVDIBNT .PROJBCTS POR MCID Mayor McLellan stated that he had received a request fzom Mayor Danklee of Bow Mar and County Colllli••ioner Meyer, Commissioner• of the Pour County capital Improvement Diatrict, requeating that Bnglewood determine and list i•• various capital improvement project• and aubnit the list to the District on or before January 23rd. Th• City Manager reviewed a liat of tentative project• for th• conaideration of the Council. Be urged that the atorm drainage project and a dead animal crematory be listed high on the priority list. Discussion ensued. Councilman Slllukler introduced the Resolution requested by the District. Councilman Braun auggeated the u•• of a poll to determine the priority of each project. The need for atorm drainage and the amount of project to be listed for 1962 completion aa well aa a fire truck and City Ball re- quiranen ta were diacuaaed. RBCBSS The Mayor called a rec••• of the Council at 9:50 P.M. CALL TO ORDBR Mayor McLellan preaiding, called the Council to order at 10:05 P.M. with the following person• present: Minute• of January 15, 1962 C9uncilmen Braun, Brown.well, Love, Miles, Smukler, Woods, McLellan. 'l'he Mayor declared a quorum preaent. COR'l'IRUATION OP CAPITAL IMPROV!MBNT LIST Mayor McLellan diacuaaed the poa•ibility of the acquiaition of the c. A. Borgren Building for a City Hall in the future. The City Manaqer revi.wed a floor plan of the building showing possible uses for City purpo•••· Di•cu••ion en•ued. (Councilman Braun left the Chambers at 10:45 P.M. for 5 minutes to •ecure a copy of his plan for addition to the present City Ball) Councilman Braun pre•ented hi• plan for extending existing City Hall and building a •econd •tory on the entire building. Discussion ensued. Councilman Smukler •tated that the Council needed the value of the pre- sent City owned property in diacu••ing the Norgren Buildinq, the net coat for construction either of the addition to the present City Hall building or a n.w separate buildinq. COUllCILMAll SMUKLBR MOVBD, TO LBAVB THE SUBJBC'l'<IDP CI'l'r BALL TO COll- SXDD TBB RBMAillDBR OP TllB LIST TO •STABLISH PRIORITY AS RBQUBSTBD BY' llBPRBSBllTATIVBS OP THB CAPITAL IMPROVBMENT DISTRICT. Diacuaaion ensued. Mayor McLellan •truck from pre•ent consideration the matter of a City Ball building. Diacuaaion ensued as to acquisition of land for park and other City purpoaea. Ito aqremnent wa• reached a• to the amount. Mayor McLellan au eri&ed that further inve•tigation and information was neceaaary before the priority list could be developed as the providing of adequate office apace for City purpo••• wa• very important a• was the acqui•ition of land within the City. Be •uqge•ted the matter be considered further and acted upon at the January 22nd meeting. COUllCILMAB BRAUll MOVBD, COUBCILMAN SMUKLBR SBCOllDBD, THAT TBB CAPITAL DIPROVIMBRT PRIORI'l'r LIST BB TABLED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as followas Ayeas Councilmen Wood•, Smukler, Mile•, Love, Brownewell, Braun, McLellan. May•s Mone. Absents Ilona. 'l'he Mayor declared th• motion carried. CITY ATTORNEY'S alOICB Di .. i•aal of J. T. Miller 'l'he City Attorney reported that the Per•onnel Director had been served with a •mamon• relating to the appeal to District Court of the firing of J. T. Miller. OOUBCDM...U BRAUH MOVED, COUHCILMAR SMUKLBR SECONDED, THAT TBB Cift AT'IOJUIBY BB AU'l'BORIZBD TO DBPDID THB CARBBR SERVICE C<»OIISSIOll ARD '1'BB CIT!' OP •GLBWOOD IN THB SUIT BROUGHT BY J. T. MILLER. Upon the call of the roll, the vote re•ulted a• follows: Ayeas Councilmen Woods, Smukler, Miles, Love, Brownewell, Braun, McLellan. Bayas None. Absents Jlone. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Btlatinq to •ptcific unsanitary conditions The City Attorney reported that Mr. Jame• D. and Lillian Miller at 1200 Weat Tuft•, have an open privy and refuae to provide the proper sani- tary aervice. Diacu••ion enaued. The City Attorney reviewed the various r .. edi•• available to the city but expres•ed doubt a• to the legality of entering into the pr .. 18•• to install •anitary facilitiea. After further diacuaaion: OOUIJCIIllAll BRAUN MOVBD, OOUllCILMAR SMUKLBR SBCOllDBD, THAT '1'BB Clft AT'fOJUIBY BllTBR All ABATBMBIJT ACTIOll AGAINST JAMBS D. MILLBR IN TBB DISTRICT COUllT. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: I I I I I I I I Minute• of January 15, 1962 Ayeas oouncil•n Wooda, Smukler, Milea, Love, Brownewell, Braun, McLellan. Rayas Hone. Abaents llone. 'l'he Mayor declared the motion carried. 621-11 'l'RBASUllBR'S JmPORT POR DBCBMBBR, 1961 The Mayor aaked that the report be received and placed on file. 621-29 BXTBRSI08 or •GillmDG COlfTRACT POR CONSTRUCTION BBAR CRBBK PILTBR PLAllT 'l'be City Mana9er reported that the original contract for the engineering at the Bear Creek Water Filter Plant expired May 15, 1961. Be stated that Mr. Rea had aumitted a propoaal to extend thia contract for 15 month• or until Auguat 15, 1962 on the .... terma. Be recommended the extenaion be granted. CX>UIJCILllAll BIOMllDfBLL JIOVSD, COUlfCILMAN SMUXLBR SBCOllDBD, 'l'BAT COUNCIL APPROVB TBB BXT••I<m or 'l'llB BllGDlBBRING CONTRACT WI'DI DALB B. RBA ARD 'l'llAT TBB MAYOR AID> Cift CLDX BB AUTBORIZBD TO SIGN TBB CX>&TRACT 011 BBllALP OP TBS CITr. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayeaa OOuncilaen Wooda, S.ukler, Milea, Love, Brownewell, Braun, McLellan. Bayas Bone. Abaenta llone. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 621-30 LBT'l'BR OP '1'BAlllC8 PRCM SOUTH SUBURBUJ MBTROPOLITAlf RBCRBATION ARD PARK DISTRICT The City Manager reported that he had received a letter, dated January 10th frca Barry J. Burna, Chairman South Suburban Metropolitan Parka and Recrea- tion Diatrict, expreaaing hi• appreciation and gratitude for courteaiea extended for the uae of facilitiea at 3000 South Bannock Street. 'l'he Mayor aaked that the letter be received and placed on file. MAYOR'S afOICE The Mayor reported that he wrote a letter to William Bodan, Jr. thank- ing him for hi• aervicea aa Municipal Judge. Councilman Braun reported that the Urban Mayor•' Aaaociation would ... t 'lhuraday, January 18th at the Pinehurat Country Club. RBCESS OOUBCILMAB BRAUN MOVBD, COURCIIMAB LOVE SBCORDBD, THAT THE MEB'l'ING BE RBCUSBD UllTIL 8100 P.M., MOllDAY, JABUARY 22, 1962 AT THE COUNCIL CBAMBBRS, Cift BALL, BIJGLBNOOD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followaa Ayeaa Council-n Wood•, Smukler, Miles, Love, Brownewell, Braun, McLellan. llaya: &one. Abaent: None. 'l'he Mayor declared the.meeting receaaed at 11:57 P.M.· /a/ B. o. Beauaang, City Clerk Clerk of the Council The minute• of the meeting of the City Council of the City of BDCJlewood, Colorado, held on the 15th day of January, 1962 A.D., atand approved aa written thia Sth day of February, 1962 A.D.