HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-01-22 (Regular) Meeting MinutesCX>UllCIL CHAMBERS CITY OF BllGLBWOOD, CX>LORADO JAllUARY 22, 1962 CALL 'rO ORDBR The Mayor called th• City Council, City of Bnglewood, County of Arapahoe, Colorado, to order at 8100 P.M., Monday, Jan\ll ry 22, 1962 in the Council Cb••bera, City Ball, BnglM«>od. Upon the call of the roll, the following per80na were preaents Councilmen1 Braun, Brown.well, Love, Miles, Smukler, Woods, McLellan. Alao Preaent1 City Manager Rudd, City Attorney Bach, City Clerk Beauaang. Abaent1 Rone. The Mayor declared a quorum preaent. 621-7 PROCSBDDIGS OP WATBR AllD SBWBR BOARD MBBTD1G OP JABUARY lO'l'll The Mayor aaked that th• minute• be received and placed on file, 621-8 PROCBBDIBGS OF PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MBBTING OF JABUARY liTB Council-n Wood• cownted on the Wyer Report as being aelf explana- tory. '1'he City Manager agreed that the report was readable and appeared to be CC11Pl•t• in it• handling of the matter of Library facilitiea for Bnglwood. The Mayor aaked that the minute• be received and placed on file. 621-6 PROCBBDIBGS OP CITY PLAllllillO ARD ZORillG CC»IMISSIOR MBB'l'IRG OP JAllUARY 17'1'8 621-26 Proeo•ed Ptdication of L!ftd in 4100 Block South Buron Street Th• City Clerk read th• following recoaaendation of the City Planning and zoning Ooallliaaion in fulls •lfhat the Planning eo...iaaion recoaaend to the City Council that the propoaed dedication, •• indicated on the plat, be accepted and that a letter of C0111Ditt11ent to Mr. Sullivan concerning the pav- ing and curb and gutter be required.• Th• City Manager •bowed a plat of the area and atated that the triangle of land indicated had been deeded to the City but not ever accepted. Thia would provide th ... ana for the rel•••• of thoae land• not neceaaary aa well aa any ace••• to uaable reaidential land. COUllCIUi'All 8llUJCLSll llOVSD, CDmCIUIAIJ 1IOODS SBCQJDBD, Tm RBC<WD- MTIO• BB ACCSPTBD Alm THAT O'ftlD PARCBLS lfOT BBCBSSARY BB VACATBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followas Ayea1 Councilmen Wooda, Smukler, Milea, Love, Brownewell, Braun, McLellan. Rayas Rone. Abaent 1 Rone • The Mayor declared the motion carried. 621-3 PROCBBDDWJS OP PARKS AllD RBCRBATIOB CX>MMISSION MBBTI&G OF JAllUMlY 17TB The Mayor aaked that the minute• be received and placed on file. RBCBSS CX>UBCilllMI LOVB MOVBD, CX>UllCIIllAR MILBS SECX>NDBD, THAT TBB MBftillG BB RBCBSSBD UllTIL 9s25 P~M. Upon th• call of the roll, the vote reaulted a• followas Ayess Councilmen Wooda, Smukler, Miles, Love, Brownewell, Braun, McLellan. Rayas llone. Abaent1 llone. Th• Mayor declared the meeting receaaed at 8115 P.M. CALL 'rO ORDBR The Mayor called th• Council to order at 9s25 P.M. with the following persona presents I I I I I I Minutes of January 22, 1962 Councilmen Braun, Brown.well, Love, Miles, Smukler, Woods, McLellan. The Mayor declared a quorum preaent. APPOilftMBllT OP RBPRBSBRTATIVB TO I11TBR COUR'l'Y REGIONAL PLAHRIBG CDOIISSIOll Th• City Manager reported that Mr. Kelley, former Chairman of th• Planning Ooalliaaion, had been deaignated repreaentative to the Inter County a.gional Planning Comiaaion. He suggested that the new Chairman be ao deaignated at thia time. O>UITCILMAll BRAUR MOVBD, COUllCILMAlf MILBS SBCOllDBD, THAT 'l'!MBR RICE, CllAXltllAll OP TBB PLMDIIllG AllD ZOllillG <X»IMISSIOll, BB DBSIGIV:.TBD THE CITY RBPRBSBll'l'ATIVB TO TBB Il1'1'Bll COUll'l'Y RBGIORAL PLADING COMMISSIOll. Upon the call of th• roll, th• vote resulted aa follows: Ayeas Councilmen Wooda, Smukler, Miles, Love, Brownewell, Braun, McLellan. Raya: Hone. Abaent: Rone • 'lb• Mayor declared the motion carried and instructed the elerk to notify Mr. Rice. 621-27 RBLATillG TO 1fIDBlfDIG or BBLLBVIBW AVENUE The City Manager reported that a tentative aqreement with the Colorado Department of Hiqhwaya, aa to the propoaed reconstruction of West Belleview (State Highway Bo. 88) from South Broadway to South Windemere had been propoaed by the Highway Department. He atated it was a routine matter but did require an ordinance for authorizing signatures to the aqreement. COUllCIIMAIJ WOODS llOVBD, a>URCILllMI BROWRBWBLL SBCOBDBD, THAT TBB CHY A'ITOIUIBY DaA1f All OaDDAllCB AU'l'BORIZING SIGllATURBS TO TBB AGRB•UDlT PO• '1118 PllOPOSSD RBCm8ftUCTIOB or SBTB HIGHWAY HO. 88 PROM SOU'1'll alOAIMAY TO SOU'l'll WillD_... Avmua. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followaa Ayeaa Councilmen Wooda, Smukler, Miles, Love, Brownewell, Braun, McLellan. •ayaa Rone. Absent 1 Rone • The Mayor declared the motion carried. 612-94 IDQOTIATIOBS IOR PISCAL AGBNT FOR 1962 PAVIBG PROJECT The City Manager requeated that the City Council authorize the City Treaaurer to secure bid• from various financial institution• for service aa fiacal agent• to the City for iaauance of bonds as required in Paving Diatrict &o. 12. a:>UBCIIr-ur LOVB llOVBD, COUllCILMAR SMUKLBR SBCONDBD, 'l'BAT '.rllB CITY Cl·DK-ftBASUllD BB AU'l'llORIZBD TO SBCURB BIDS POR RBRDBRillG PISCAL AGBll'l' SDVICBS DI PAVDG DISTRICT llO. 12 POR CONSIDBRA'l'ION BY TBB COURCIL AT I'fS PDRUARY 5'1'11 MD'fillG. open the call of the roll, the vote resulted aa followaa Ayeas Councilmen Woods, Smukler, Mile•, Love, Brownewell, Braun, McLellan. Rayas Hone. Abaent: Rone. Th• Mayor declared the motion carried. 621-28 PRIORITY PROJECT LIST FOR MCID OOUS:ILMAB BRAU& MOVBD, COURCILMAN MILES SECONDED, THAT THE MAT'l'BR OF '1'118 PRIORI'IY LIST POR TBB CAPITAL IMPROVDtENT DISTRICT BE RAISED FRCll TBB TABl·B. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resµlted as follows: Ayeaa Councilmen Wooda, Saukler, Miles, Love, Brownewell, Braun, McLellan. Raya: None. Absent: None • Th• Mayor declared the motion carried. 74 Minute• of Jm uary 22 , 1962 Councilman Wood• auggeated that previou• consideration of priorities ahould be reviewed and that in hi• opinion land acquisition was the most iaportant. Mayor McLellan atated that a• he had received a verbal exten- aion of th• time that th• City could uae the achool building at 3000 south Bannock for another year th• need for immediate housing of City offices wa• not so urgent. 'l'h• City Manager explained in •om• detail the variou• proposal• for City Ball apace. Councilman Wood• auggeated that priority number one be land acquisi- tion for general City purpo••• in th• amount of $75,000.00 to $100,000.00 and number two be the atona drainage project. Diacussion ensued. Mayor llcLellan then a1m"'8ri&ed that aince th• opinion waa to list as number three $41,500.00 capital equipaent and number four West Oxford grade change in the 1mOunt of $13,000.00, number five West Dartmouth bridge construction at $125,000.00. OOUllCilllAll 8llUXLBR llOVBD, COUllCILMBN LOVB AID> WOODS SBCOllDBD, 'l'BAT roa PURPOSBS BSTABLISBISI A PllOJSCT PRIORITY LIST POR TBB POUR cou•n llft'ROPOLITAll CAPI'l'AL IMPRO,,_.., DISTRICT, 'DIAT THE FOLLOWIBG PROJBC'l'S Alll> LIST BB IllSD'l'BD IR '1'llS RBSOLUTIOR: 1. LUtD ACQUISITIO•, $100,000.00, 2. no• DMillAGS, f40,000.00, 3. CAPITAL UJIPMSll'l', $41,500.00, 4. aaADB CBAmB o• 1fB8T OXPORD AVDIUB, $13,000.00, S. WBST DIUmlOUTB BRIDGB, $125,000.00. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted a• follows: Ayes: councilmen Wooda, Smukler, Miles, Love, Brownewell, Braun, McLellan. •aya: llone. Abaent: llon•. Th• Mayor declared the motion carried. RBCBSS 'l'h• Mayor called a rec••• of th• Council at 10:40 P.M. CALL TO ORDBR Council to order at 10:40 P.M. with the following Councilmen Braun, Brown.well, Love, Miles, Smukler, Woode, McLellan. '1'he Mayor declared a quorum pr•••nt. RBSOLUTION PDDISI Alll> DBTBRllIRIRG AllD CBRTil'YING TO '1'BE FOUR-COUN'l'r MB'l'ROPOLITMI CAPITAL DIPROVmlDT DIS'l'RICT TllAT AR DlBRGBRCY EXISTS WITH RBPBRBllCB TO ms llSBD OP TllB CITY or mGL&WOOD FOR BACH OP CBRTAIN CAPITAL IMPROVBllmT noJSCl'8 Alll> CAPITAL BQUIPllBllT ACQUISITIONS, Al1D RBQUBSTillCJ 'IBAT SUCH noJBC'l'SOAllD ACQVISITIOS8 BB PLACBD IN FIRST PRIORI'ft Al1D TBAT 'l'BB OOR- STRUCTIO• Alll> ACQUISITIOR 'l'llBRBOF BE UNDBRTAKBN WI'l'H ANY FtJJIDS NOW OR BDMrl'D AVAILAB'·B IOR THAT PURPOSE. tm!BRBAS, th• City of Bngl.wood i• a local unit within the Four- COunty Metropolitan capital Improvement District1 and 1111BRBAS, the City of Bngl.wood ha• determined and doe• hereby determine that -..rgenci•• exiat with reference to the need for eaeb of the capital illprov..-nt project• and capital equipment acquiaitions hereinafter •et forth or liated1 llOW, TBSRBl'ORB, BB IT RBSOLVBD BY TBB COUltCIL OP 'l'HB CITY OF DtGLEWOOD: Section 1. 'l'hat the Council of the City of Englewood hereby finds and determine• and certifi•• to th• Four-County Metropolitan capital I111prov ... nt Diatrict that an .. ergency exists with reference to the need for each of the following capital improvement projects and capital equip-'· ment acquiaitiona: I I I .... , Minute• of January 22, 19f2 Priority lo· l. 2. 3. 4. s. Pro1ect Deacription Land acquiaitiona for general city purpose• Storm drainages Channel and atructur•• from South Platte river eaatward to Ratab•• Court in conformance with Boakina Report and Plan1 capital Bquipment1 a. Pir• truck with 100' extenaion capability1 b. Dead animal cr-tory 1 $40,000.00 1,500.00 Grade line reviaion and rerouting of Denver City Ditch at Weat Oxford Avenue: Bridge over South Platte River at West Dartmouth Avenue1 Beat Available htimat• of Co•t $ 100,000.00 40,000.00 41,500.00 13,000.00 125,000.00 $ 319,500.00 Section 2. That the it .. • or project• and acquisition• aet forth or liated in Section 1 hereof are ao ••t forth or listed in the order of priority in which the aame are needed by the City of -Bnglawood, that is to -y, the firat of auch it-• i• moat needed and shall have priority over the other it-•, and the ••cond and other of such items are needed in the order in which the aame are ••t forth or liated and each thereof shall have priority over the aubaequent or following items but not over any earlier or preceding item. Section 3. That the capital improvement projects set forth in Section 1 hereof do not fail to conform to any atandard of metropolitan coordination developed by the Board of DiJEtora of the Four-County Metropolitan capital I11prov .. ent District, and the capital equipment projects or acquisitions ••t forth in Section 1 hereof are needed by the City of Bnglewood for and in th• performance by it of function• of benefit to the metropolitan area within -id Diatrict or will affect and enhance the ability of theCity of Bngl9WOC>d to provide equipnent or ••rvices or to perform function• · of benefit to an affected portion or affected portions of said metropolitan area in the event of ... rgency or diaaater, or both. Section 4. That th• Board of Directors of the Pour-County Metropolitan capital Improv ... nt Diatrict are hereby requested to inaediately consider thi• reaolution and certificate, to determine that each of the capital hlprov ... nt project• and capital equipment acquisitions set forth in Section l hereof i• auch aa -y be approved under the proYisiona of Section 17 of Chapter 179 of the Seaaion Law• of Coloraclo, 1961, and to i ediately place th• •am• in priority for the City of Bngl.wood and under- take conatruction and acquiaition thereof in the order in which the aame are liated in Section 1 hereof, with any fund• available or hereafter becolling available for project• of the City of Bnglewood not already committed by contract. ' Section S. !'bat the Pour-County Metropolitan capital Improvanent Diatrict be furniahed a certified copy of this resolution. Section 6. '!'hat th• Mayor of the City of Englewood shall sign and the City Clerk of the City of Bn9lewood ahall atteat and affix the seal of the City of Bnglewood, a municipal corporation of the State of Colorado, to thi• reaolution. Adopted by the City council of the City of Bnglewood•lthi• 15th day of January, 1962. Aft'UT1 •~clerk -~~ CO'lmClUIAll ac-=• COUllClUIAll MlLBS SBCOllDBD, THAT '1'BB RBSOLU'l'lOll BB ADOPTBD ABD APPROVBD. Upon th••~all of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followa1 Ayea: Councilmen Wood•, Smukler, Milea, Love, Brownewell, Bmun, McLellan. Kinat•• of January 22, 1962 llay•• llone. Abeent1 llone. 'ft'9 Mayor declared the 110tion carried. MAYOR'S CHOICB Mayor llcLellan reported that fl,000.00 had been expended for ro&~and Alt for control of the recent atona. tb• Mayor read a letter requeatincJ the aboliahin9 of houae to house aolicitation. Diacuaaion enaued aa to inatitution of a Green River type ordinance in BIMJl.wood. Mayor llcLellan au99eated that the City Attorn.y inveati9ate the poaaibiliti•• of an enactaent of the Green River ordinance. COUllCIUID'S CHOICB COW\cilman lllmkler diacuaaed the contact with the party that wished to annex an area weat of South Broadway and South of Weat Belleview to the City of Bnql...ood. 'l'h• Mayor atated that the City i• int•r••ted and will help wherever poaaible. Diacuaaion enaued. OOUllCIUIAll MILBS llOVBD, COUllCIUIAll BRAUit sscomBD, THAT ms RBQUBST POR Ammno• .. JtDmsn 'ft) TBB AIDlm'l'IOll CDL-U'l"l'BB Al1D PLADI. AllD wim cc11ass1ar IOR AC!'IOB. Upon th• call of the roll, the vote reaul ted •• followa1 Ay••• Council.aen Wood•, Smukler, Mile•, Love, Brown.well, Braun, McLellan. llay•• Bone. Abaent1 llone. Tb• Mayor declared the 110tion carried. The City Attorney atated that if the City Bn9ineer• can prepare the plat, he .,uld prepare annexation petition. Council.an Mil•• diacuaaed th• need for qualified peraonnel in the Plannin9 and Traffic Office ao that they could plan ahead rather than to -.rely -t cri•••· '1'he City llana9er atated that auch a review of the ataffing of that office waa under way. Councilman Kil•• di•cu••ed the need• for adequate City housing for th• office• of the City and urged that the conaideration of City Ball apace not be dropped. Mayor llcLellan asked that each councilman consider five people a• poaaible appoint••• to a City Rall Coanittee. ADJOUU COU9CILMAll SMUJ<LBR SBCOBDBD, 'l'llA'l' 'DIB MBB'l'IBG of the roll, the vote resulted a• follow•• Aye•• Coancil-n Woods, Saultler, Mile•, Love, Brownewell, Braun, McLellan • .. y•1 llone. Abeent1 llone. The Mayor declared the ... ting adjourned at 11115 P.M. /•/ B. o. Beauaang, City Clerk Clerk of the Council 'l'he llinut•• of th• ... ting of the City Council of the City of Bnglewood, COlorado, held on the 22nd day of January, 1962 A.D., atan~1 approved a• writ:ten thi• 5th day of February, 1962 A.D. I I I