HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-02-05 (Regular) Meeting MinutesCaJNCIL CHAMBERS CITY OP &mLSWOOD, COLORADO PBBRUARY 5, 1962 . RIOULAR IUBTINO: The Cit7 Council ot the City ot Englewood, Arapahoe County, Colorado, met 1n regular aeaaion on Monday, Pebruary 5, 1962, in the Council Chambers, City Ball, Bnglewood, at the hour ot 8:00 P.M. Jla7or McLellan preaiding called the meeting to order and the invocation was given by the Reverend V&yne Caldwell ot the Wesleyan Methodist Church. The Ma7or asked tor roll call. Upon the call of the roll, the following persona were present: Council .. n: Braun, Brownewell, Love, Miles, Smulcler, Wood.a, McLellan. Aleo Present: City Manager Rudd, City Attorney Each, Cit7 Clerk Beauaang. Absent: None. 'l'he Ma7or declared a quorum present. 621-2 APPROVAL OP COUNCIL MINUTES COUllCIUUN BRAUN MOVED, COUNCIUUN LOVE SECONDED, THAT THE MINUTES OF THE llBl'l'INOS OP JANUARY 8, 15, and 22, 1962, BE APPROVED AS WRITTEN. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted aa follows: A7ea: Councilmen Wood.a, Smukler, Miles, Love, Brownewell, Braun, McLellan. Haya: None. Absent: None • The Ma7or declared the motion carried. 621-17 PUBLIC HBARINO ON PROPOSED ZONING OP AREA OF EAST HALF OF BLOCK BAST OF SOUTH ACCIQ STREIT JPRCIC WBST LAYTON AVENUE TO WEST BBLLEVIBW AVDOE The Cit7 Manager reported that legal notice haa been given and the premises posted tor a public hearing on the proposed rezoning of the property described aa the one-halt block eaat ot South AcOlla Street between West Layton Avenue to Weat Belleview Avenue troa P (parking) claaaitication to C-2 (connercial) claaaitication. COUNCILMAN MILES MOVBD, COUNCILMAN WOODS SECONDED, THAT THE PUBLIC HEARIJfG BE OPKNBD. Upon the call ot the roll, the vote resulted aa follows: Ayea: Council•n Woode, Smukler, Miles, Love, Brownewell, Braun, McLellan. Haya: None. Absent: None. 'l'he llayor declared the •otion carried. The Jla7or aaked how .any were present who tavored the proposed rezoning. There were three. The 11&1or asked how •ny were present that opposed the zoning change. There were none. The Mayor aaked that the proponents present their case. llr. Jerome Rueb, 4960 South Acoma, petitioner for the change in zoning, stated that he telt it would be beneticial to the development ot the area aa the present •Oiling ot P (parkinc) would require that the parking be at the rear ot the building rather than the tront. He stated that he believed in off-street parking and would not erect or allow to be erected buildings which would not provide for aufticient ott-atreet parking. He stated that to his knowledge there waa no opposition to the change 1n zoning. The Mayor asked it the others present favoring the rezoning wished to be heard? llr. Richard Lei•J and Arthur Leisy, partners in the South Englewood Motors Company ot 4955 South Broad•y, were present in support of the rezoning request. Council.an Mile• reterred to the recommendation ot the Cit7 Planning and Zoning Comaiaaion, that the areas be rezoned. Mr. Edward Wike, 4817 South Broadway, spoke tor the rezoning stating that he had entered later than the others and favored the rezoning due to the tact that moat of the land ownership in the area concerned was the .... tro11 Broadway to South AcOll& Street and that the present zoning actually divided the various owners landa into two zones of usage. J111nutea or Pebruaey 5, 1962 COUlfCILMAN BROWNBWBLL MOVED, COUNCILMAN MILES SECONDED, THAT THE PUBLIC llBARIID BE CLOSBD. Upon the call or the roll, the vote resulted aa follows: A7ea: Councilmen Woode, Smukler, Miles, Love, Brownewell, Braun, McLellan. Na7a: None. Abaent: None. '!'he lla7or declared the aotion carried. (Councillll&n Braun lett the Council Chambers) COUllCILllAN LOVE MOVBD, COUlfCILllAN BROWNEWELL SECONDED, THAT A BILL POR Alf <IU>IllANCB TO RBZOD THB AREA Jl'ROM P TO C-2 DISTRICT BE INTRODUCED. Upon the call ot the roll, the vote resulted aa tollowa: Ayes: Council .. n Woods, Smukler, Miles, Love, Brownewell, McLellan. lla7a: None. Absent: Councillll&n Br9un. The lla7or declared the aotion carried. (Councillll&n Braun entered and took his place at the Council table.) Introduced aa a bill by Councilman Love A BILL 1'QR Alf ORDINAlfCB REZONING THE POI.LOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY PROM P (PARKING) TO C-2 (CCll!DCIAL) DISTRICT CLASSIJPICATION TO-WIT: THE WEST 100 PBB'1' OP VAii llBTBR' S All>I'fICll AllD TllB WBST OD-HAI.JP OP BLOCJC 8, HARLEM 2ND ADDITION, AJID BIOIDillO AT A POIIT OK TllB lfORTH LID OP WEST CHDAr«IO AVENUE 196 PEET WEST OP THE WEST LIMB OP SOU'l'll EOADWAY; THENCE NOR'l'R PARALLEL TO THE SAID WEST LINE OP SOUTH BROADWAY TO TBS SOU'l'll LID OP WBST LAY'l'ON AVBNUB; THENCE WEST ALONG SAID SOU'l'll LIMB OP WBST LAIT<m A BllJB A DIS'l'AllCB OP 70 PBl'1'; TllBlfCB SOUTH PAftAI.r.sr. TO SAID WBST LID OP SCJUft mtOlDWAY TO TD KClml LID OP WBST CllBNAr«IO AVBNUB: TBBNCB BAST ALONG SAID llOR!B LID OP WBST CllBIWllO AVBNUB A DISTAMCE OP 70 PEET TO POINT OP BBOINNillO, ALL I• TRI CITY O• BllJLBVOOD, ARAPAHOE COUHTY, COLORADO. VllllBAS, application baa been made tor the rezoning or certain propert1 bereinarter described trc:m P (Jarking) to C-2 (Commercial) diatrict classirication aa heretnatter set torth, and the City Planning and Zoning COIBlitaion has reo~nded approval. ot such change in zoning; and I I VBBRBAS, public notice baa been given ot such proposed rezoning by one publi- cation in the Englewood Herald and Enterprise, a newspaper ot general circulation within the CitJ and the otticial newspaper or the City, at least titteen (15) daJB before the public hearing on such rezoning, and notice ot such proposed rezoning .'!·; ,o·J·'·· ..... ·.·-... 1 b&• been poated on the property tor titteen ( 15) consecutive daJ• prior to such -~~:; hearing, aa required by ordinance; and ·~~i:f~ ·~· VBBRBAS, public hearing was held pursuant to the atoreaaid notice bJ the Cit7 Council ot the CitJ ot Englewood in the Council Chambers ot· the City Hall, 3345 South Bannook Street, :Inglewood, Colorado, on the 5th daJ ot P'ebruary, A. D. 1962, at the hour or l;OO P.M., at which hearing no persona appeared to protest or oppoae the propoaed change 1n zoning; and VBSRBAS, the public necessity, convenience, general weltare and good zoning praotioea JuatitJ the change in zoning of the hereinatter deaoribed propert1 trom P (Parking) to C-2 (Comaerclal) district claaaitication has hereinafter set torth; WOW, 'l'RBRBPORK, BE IT :>RDAINBD BY THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP BlfGLBWOOD, COLORADO: ftct1pi 1. The zoning ot the hereinafter described propert1 located within the C 1 o Jtii&lewood, Colorado, i• hereby changed trom P (Parking) to C-2 (C~rcl&l) d1atrict claaaitication baa hereinatter aet torth, to-wit: 'ftMt Weat 100 reet or van Jlleter''a Addition and the West one-halt ot Block 8, Harle• 2nd Addition, and ~ginning at a point on the North line or West Chenango Avenue 196 teet Weat or the West line or South Broadway; thence North parallel to the said West line of South Bro&dW&J to the South line ot West Layton Avenue; thence West along said South line ot West Layton Avenue a distance .of 70 feet; thence South parallel to said West line ot South Broadway to the Horth line ot West Chenango Avenye; thence east along said Horth line ot West Chenago Avenue a distance ot 10 teet to p9int of beginning, all in the CitJ ot Englewood, Arapahoe County, Colorado. I I I Minutes ot February 5, 1962 Section 2. The City Council hereby finds, determined and declared that the herein&bove change 1n zoning is Justified by the public necessity, convenience, general -lt'are and good zoning practices. Paaaed on Pirat Reading by the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, this 5th day or Pebruary, A. D. 1962, and ordered published 1n tull 1n the Englewood Herald and Enterprise. _ ATTBST: ;<;~ L '--/· 'L!'HIJ.w ? L ':.. rm ~ ioffe,, ,,f_-. .. s read tor the tirst SECONDED COUlfCIIMAlf LOVE MOVED, COUNCIUUN WOOD:Y, &A!P CTBB 4JRHOBDSm»ll. BB PASSED Olf IPIRST READING AJfD ORDERED PUBLISHED IN FULL IN THE El«JLEWOOD HERALD AND ENTERPRISE. Upon the call or the roll, the vote resulted as follows: ' A1es: Council•n Woods, Smukler, Miles, Love, Brownewell, Braun, McLellan,. 11&1s: None. Abaent: lfone. The Ma1or declared the motion carried. 612-101 1PURTHBR COlfSIDBRATION FOR APPLICATION PRCJt1 MOOSE LODGE POR A CLUB LIQUOR LICENSE COUlfCilllAlf BRAUN MOVED, COUNCILMAN SMUJCLER SECONDED, THAT THE APPLICATION Piii CLUB LIQUOR LICENSE OP MOOSE LODGE NO. 1793 AT 3531 SOUTH BROADWAY BE REMOVED PR<ll TBB TABLE. Upon the call or the roll, the vote resulted as follows: A1es: Councilmen Woods, Smukler, Miles, Love, Brownewell, Braun, McLellan. Na1s: None. Absent: lfone. The M&1or declared the aotion carried. . The Ma1or reported that the tinal Police Report had been received and passed the .... among the Councilmen tor their info~tion. COUlfCIIllAlf BRAUlf MOVBD, COUNCIUUN LOVE SECONDED, THAT THE APPLICATION OJI 'l'BB BlllLBVOOD LODOB RO. 1793 LOYAL ORDER OP MOOSE, INC. FOR A LIQUOR LICENSE AS A CLUB AT 3531 SOUTH BROAWAY RBCEIVB THE PAVORABLE CONSIDERATION OP THE CITY COUNCIL ARD THAT TBB LICBISB BB ISSUED AS MEETING THE NEEDS OP THE CCIOIO'ill'l'Y AND DESIRES OP TRB llBIORBORROOD. Upon the call or the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Council .. n Woode, Smukler, Miles, Love, Brownewell, Braun, McLellan. 111.1•: None. Absm t: None. The Ma7or declared the motion carried. 612-94 COlfSIDBRATION OP BIDS FOR FISCAL AGENT POR PAVING DISTRICT NO. 12 The Cit7 Manager c011mented on the tabulation or the proposals for fiscal agent services 1n connection with Paving District No. 12 or the bida received up to 2:00 P.M., llond&1 1 Pebruar, 5, 1962, and opened immediately thereafter. He stated that the tabulation or these bida,as follows: .vas 80 Minutes ot February 5, 1962 "CITY OP ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO February 5, 1962 TABUL&ftm OP PROPOSA~ POR PISCAL AGENCY SERVICES IN CONDCTIOlf WITH PAVING DISTRICT NUMBER 12 (ESTIMATED $525,000.00) Bond or Investment Company J. A. Hogle •Company, Hornblower & Weeks Denver, Colorado George It. Baum & Company, Denver, Colorado Cruttenden, Podesta & Company, Denver, Colorado Raniten, Imhott & samtord, Inc., Denver, Colorado Jtirchner • Company, Denver, Colorado Coughlin & CCJllP&llY, Inc., Boettcher & Company, Bosworth, SU111van & Company, Inc., Peters, Writer & Christensen, Inc., Denver, Colorado successful Bidder Haniten, Imhott & S&mtord, Inc., Denver, Colorado Charge Dollars per $1,000 Bonds Issued $· 7 .45 6.239 7.25 6.88 6.39 5.65 1961 (Paving Distric* No. 11) $7.19 on $250,000. issue The bid• as listed above were received and opened and tabulated after 2:00 P.M., Monday, February 5, 1962. I recommend award or the fiscal agency cont~ct to the lower bidder, Coughlin & Co~ny, Inc., Boettcher •Company, Bosworth, Sullivan & Company, Inc., Peters, Writer• Chr1atenaen, Inc., tor $5.65 per $1,000 bonds issued. /s/ B. o. Beausang City Treasurer" The City Manager reported that he concurred on the rec01111Dendation or the City Treaaurerew1th regard to the award of the fiscal agent contract to Coughlin and Company, et al. COUllCILIUlf BRAUN MOVED, COONCIUUN MILES SECONDED, THAT THE COUNCIL AWARD TRB PISCAL AGENCY COlft'RACT TO THE LOW BIDDER: COUGHLIN AND CCllPAMY, INC., BOBTrCKIR AllD CCllPAMY, BOSWORTH SULLIVAN AND CCICPANY, INC., PETERS WBITBR AND CBRISTBNSD, I•C. I'm $5.65 PBR $1,000.00 BONDS ISSUED AND THAT THE MAYOR OD Cift CLBRK BB AU'ftlmtIZBD TO SIOJf 'l'HE PROPOSAL ON BEHALP OP THE CITY. Upon the call or the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Council-n Woods, SllUkler, Miles, Love, Brownewell, Braun, McLellan. Nays: None. Absent: None. The llayor declared the motion carried. Relating to propoaed time schedule for Paving District Mo. 12 The City Manager introduced a schedule of proceedings and a 11&p or the propoaed district tor the cona1dere.tion of the Council. He stated there were no changes in the .. P except to delete Baat Eastman Place fro~ consideration in recognition ot propoaed park development in that area. COOJICILIUlf BROWDWELL MOVED, COUMCIIMAN BRAUN SECONDED, THAT THE PROPOSED sc-;a~c-•m-LB POR TllB CRBATIOJf OP PAVING DISTRICT NO. 12 AND THE STRBBT IMPROVBMEl'.l' TO BB IIELUDBD IJf THE PROGRAM AS OOTLINED BY THE CITY El«IINEER OR A MAP OP THE DISTRict TO BB APPROVED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Council-n Woods, Sllukler, Miles, Love, Brownewell, Braun, McLellan. llays: •one. Absent: None • The Mayor declared the aotion carried. PUBLIC SERVICE CCICPANY ELECTRIC FRANCHISE PEE LAST HALP OP 1961 llr. Harold Rust of the Public Service Company submitted a check in the aaount C""'!- I I I I I I Minutes ot February 5, 1962 ot $16,712.82 aa the aelli-annual tranchise tax payment to the City ot Englewood. Mr. Ruat reported that the 1962 street lighting program would be initiated shortly with the tirat lights to be installed in Centennial Acres. The Mayor thanked Mr. Ruat tor his company's cooperation with the City. 621-14 APPEAL PROM DENIAL OF REZONING REQUEST llr. William C&ldwell, Attorney, representing Mr. and Mra. Robert Lundgreen or 855 Veat Oxtord Avenue, Englewood, waa present to appeal the denial ot the City Planni.ng and Zoning Comaiaaion, a request to rezone a tract at the northwest corner ot Veat Oxtord Avenue and South Huron Street intersection trom R-1-D (residential) to R-3-B (residential) zone. Mr. Caldwell presented a written request tor public hearing on thia denial. . COOllCILIUJI MILKS MOVED, COUHCIIMAN WOODS SECONDED, THAT THE PROPERTY co•CBRRBD BB POSTBD AllD ADVBRTISllCEN'l' MADE OF A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ~UEST JPOR RBZonm TO BB ma.n AT 8:00 P.M. MOlfDAY, MARCH 5, 1962. Upon the call or the roll, the vote re- sulted aa tollowa: "' Ayee: Council•n Woods, Smukler, Miles, Love, Brownewell, Braun, McLellan. Maya: None • Absent: None. The .Mayor declared the motion carried. CClllUJfICATIOJf PR<lt EllJLEWOOD MUNICIPAL FEDERAL CREDIT UNION The City Clerk read a letter addressed to the City Manager and members ot the C1tJ Council thanking the City tor the uae ot the City Hall Annex tor the annual ... ting ot the Englewood Municipal Federal Credit Union on Friday, January 12, 1962. The Mayor aaked the letter be received and noted. 621-33 RESOLUTION RSARDIJl1 ANNEXATION OF CENTENNIAL ACRES Jlayor McLellan, Chail'lll.n c: the Steering Connnittee on Annexations, read a letter written by hi.a to Mr. Rudd, City Manager, dated January 30, 1962, as follows: "llr. L. R. Rudd City Manager City or Englewood Bnglewood, Colorado Dear Sir: Upon the recommendation or the Englewood Planning Depart11ent, it waa aoved, seconded, and unanimously approved by the Englewood Annexation Comnittee, that the City Council ot the City ot Engle- wood be presented with the tollowing resoiution: 'Ve hereby recommend to the City Council ot the City ot Englewood that the people residing in the community known aa 'Centennial Acres' be actively encouraged and invited to become citizens ot the City ot Englewood thru annexation. ' Thia resolution is justied by the following reasons: (1) Upon annexation to Englewood, the capital improvements planned and required tor this part or the city can be initiated. Allong the ... jor projects to begin are: Construction ot park and recreation tacilitiea; the building or a new tire station, and the oonatruction or a bridge on Union Avenue tor better acceaa to downtown Englewood. (2) That the city continue to receive the revenue trom water aalea and sewer treatment and at the same time otter aub- atant1&1 aavinga to the residents by conversion to city rates. (3) Since the development or this collllllWlity waa made poaaible by the City or Englewood, it follows that the most logical atep forward would be annexation to the City ot Engle- wood which ie beat able to serve the area both coat-wise and geographically. Thia action would enable both the city and the reaidenta ot 'Centennial Acres' to enjoy sound progressive city planning aoat economically. NLlf/gw" Sincerely, /s/ Bud McLellan N. L. McLellan, Chairmn Steering Committee on Annexation 82 ,Jlinutea or February 5, 1962 COUllCILllAN BROWJIBVBLL MOVED, COUNCIIMAN MILES SECONDED, THAT THE RECOJllEN- DlTIOlf 01' TRI STKBRINO CCIOIIT'l'EE BE APPROVED AND ACCEPTED. Upon the call ot the roll, the vote resulted aa tollowa: A7ea: Council.Mn Woode, Smukler, Miles, Love, Brownewell, Braun, McLellan. Maya: None. Absent: None • The Mayor declared the motion carried. The City Manager noted that there was a similar resolution trom the City · Planning and Zoning Commission. 621-4 PROCBEDD«1S OP BOARD OP ADJUSTMENT AND APPEALS MEETING OP JANUARY 9 AJID 13, 1962 The Mayor asked that the minutes be received and placed on tile. 621-5 PROCBKDI?«IS OP BOARD OP CAREER SERVICE CCIDtISSIONERS MEETING OP J#JftJARY 24, 1962 The Mayor asked that the minutes be received and placed on tile. 621-32 Relating to re-employment or former employee resigning in good atatua The City Clerk read the following recommendation or the Board or Career Service Comaisaionera in tull: "That the City Council amend Ordinance No. 1, Series ot 1961, Section 11, by adding Paragraph 'd' to read as tollowa: (d) Pormer employees or the Classified Service who resign tram perMnent status while in good standing •Y make written application for re-employment in his previous classification within two years ot the date ot resig- nation under the following conditions: (1) Written application must be received by the City prior to the expiration or two years troa the date ot resignation; and (2) The department head and the appointing authority shall make ttuch reconmendations to the Board ot Career Service Conunissioners for re-e11Pl..,..nt as in their di&cretion they deem appropriate; and (3) The applicant must possess special qu&ljfications tor the position, or ..ice a showing th...t his or her re-employment would materially benetit the City; and (4) Re-employment shall be made thereafter only with the approval or the Board or Career Service Comn1sa1oners after such examination and other conditions aa the Board deems necessary." COUllCILllAN llILBS MOVED, COUNCILMAN LOVE SECONDED, THAT TllB CITY AT'l'ORRB! BB IllS'tRUC'l'BD TO DRAP'l' A BILL POR AN ORDINANCE IN CONFORMANCE WITH '1'BE RECCIOIERDA'l'ION OJP '1'llE CARBIR SERVICE C<IOIISSION. Upon the call ot the roll, the vote resulted as tollowa: Ayes: Councilmen Woods, Smukler, Miles, Love, Brownewell, Braun, McLellan. Nays: None. Abaent: None. 'ftle Jlayor declared the motion carried. 621-6 PROCBIDINOS OP CITY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MBE'\'INO OP FEBRUARY 1, 1962 The Mayor asked that the minutes be received and placed on tile. I : I .I I I llinutea ot February 5, 1962 621-33 Reaolution regarding annexations to the C~ty ot Englewood The City Clerk read the following reconmendation or the City , •• nning and Zoning COllmiaa1on 1n tull: "That, whereas there is interest in annexation to the City ot Engle- wood 1n the area south or Belleview at Broadway; in the Centennial Acre• area; and also two areas or industrial land to the north ot Union and west ot Santa Pe, and Whereas, the City or Englewood is ready and able to serve these areas with water, sewer, tire and police protection, and Whereaa, poaaible proposed zoning is compatible with the Guide tor Growth ot the City and in tormal diacuaaion with other governmental unite as to boundaries in this area is recognized; and " Whereas, it ia the Planning and Zoning Conaiasion•a thought to coa- plete the Maater Plan, and the border areas 111Uat be solved prior to the completion thereof, HOW, TRBRJaPORE, BB IT RESOLVED that the Planning and Zoning Comaiaaicn reco1111end to the City Council that they act tavorably to the petition• ot thoae interested in annexing to the City trom the atore•ntioned areas, and turther BB IT RBSOLVBD that the petitioners give thought to annexing under the regulations ot the simultaneous zoning and annexation ordinance." Councilman Slaukler diacuaaed the reconmendation ot the Planning COllllR1.aa1on tor aimultaneoua annexation and zoning and bis general disapproval or the procedure. Councilman Mil•• apok• tor a1multaneous annexation and zoning as being the only way that both the oitJ and the petitioners tor annexation be acquainted with the terms ot the annexation. Council.an Smukler stated he did not agree but would not vote apinat the ~~o~ndation. C<A,.CIL11AJf LOO MOVED, COUNCIUUN BROWNEWELL SECONDED, 'l'BAT THE RECOMMENDATION BB ACCBPTBD• Upon the oall ot the roll, the vote resulted as tollowa: A7ea: Council•n Woode, Smukler, Miles, Love, Brownewell, Braun, McLellan. Raya: Hone. Abaent: None. The Jll.7or declared the motion carried. 621-47 RBQUBST JPOR PERMISSION TO INSTALL PUBLIC PHONES ON CITY PROPERTY 'ftle City Manager read a letter and presented drawings relating to the 1n- atallat1on ot outdoor public telephones at the following locations: 1. 2. ~: 5. Bnalewood City Hall, 3345 South Bannock, V&lsreen, 3395 South Broadway, Spencer Sporting Goode, 3370 South Broadway, Lottua Je .. lry Ccmpany, 3418 South Broadway, Karl'• Shoe Store, 3449 South Broadway. The City llanager stated turther that the City ot Englewood would receive 15- ot the total coin box collection ot the 5 outdoor phones erected on City property. 'ftle CitJ llanager recoamaended the acceptance or the proposal. COUllCIIllO SJIUICLBR MOVED, COONCILMAN MILES SECONDED, THAT A REVOCABLE PBlllIT BB I88UBD TO 'l'RB ICOOllTAIN STATES TELEPHONE C<JitPANY POR THE ERECTION OP 5 TBLBPllOD BOOftlS 09 CI'l'! PROPBR'l'Y, UNDER THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET PORTH AND THAT Tiii PIRllIT BB SIOllBD BY TllB MAYOR. Upon the call or the roll, the vote resulted aa tollowa: Ayea: Council.Mn Woods, Smukler, Miles, Love, Brownewell, Braun, McLellan. Haya: Hone. Abaent: None • 'l'he Mayor declared the motion carried. 84 Minutes or February 5, 1962 Introduced as a Bill by Council•n Braun 621-34 A BILL Pm Alf OllDIMAlfCE PROVIDilfO FOR PURCHASE OF CERTAIN SUPPLIES, MATERIALS OR BQUIPMBR'l' Ilf BXCBSS OJP $500.00 WITHOUT SEALED BIDS PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTIOR 113 01' 'l'RK CHARTER OP THE CI'l'Y OF ElfO LBWOOD. VBBRBAS, Section 113 or the Charter or the City or F.nglewood, Colorado, provide• 1n part ae tollows: "Betore the purchasing otticer •kes any purchase or supplies, •terials, or equipment, 1n excess or $500.00, he shall give ample opportunity tor sealed competitive bidding, with such general exceptions ae the Council •Y prescribe by ordinance;" and VRBRBAS, the City Council has determined that certain general exceptions should be •de aa to the purchasing or supplies, materials or equipMnt ae set rorth 1n thia ordinance, without competitive bidding, and that such Mthod ot purchasing would be tor the beat interests or the City or Englewood, Colorado. NOW, THBRBPORB, BB IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OP TBB .CI'l'Y OF ElfOLBWOOD, COLORADO: Section 1. That the purchasing officer or the City ot Englewood, Colorado, be and hereby is authorized to purchase supplies, •terials or equipment 1n excess ot $500.00 without sealed competitive bids therefor ot the following generally excepted euppliee, materials or equipment: a. WATBR MBTBRS ~. j IPIRB HYDRANTS GATE VALVES and IPIRB HOSE. To be negotiated after informal notice to all local concerns handling the same and identical item. b. Sand -gravel aggregate for street repair and till. To be negotiated upon a unit quantity basis. c. Aspbaltic materials ror street repair and •intenance. To be negotiated upon a unit quantity basis. d. Machine repair ~rts tor both moving and stationary mechanical devices when available from original manufacturers only. e. Special devices available from one source only, and no other generally similar device available. t. Machine rental a tor unknown and indeterminate periods. To be negotiated upon a time-unit basis. g. Insurance protection coverage. To be negotiated upon an exposure -unit basis and against specific hazard• and with 11.aite or coverage. Section 2. Whenever a product not subject to competitive bidding ie avail- able by apecitic quantity and quality wjthin the City and the price is comparable with ·outaide auppliera, the purchase shdll be made from local sources. Section 3. In every purchase without competitive bidding, the purchasing otticer ahall •k• every effort possible to produce the elements of competition conaiatent with the purpoaea or this Ordinance. Paaaed on Pirat Reading by the City Council of the City of Englewood., Colorado, thi• 5th daJ or .Pebruary, A. D. 1962, and ordered published 1n f\111 1n the Bnalewood Herald and Bnterpriae. ATTEST: waa read tor the ·I I ,: I I I Minutes ot February 5, 1962 The City Attorney stated that this matter of exemption had been discuaaed many tillea 1n the paat. '1'he bill proposed incorporated the request ot the City Manager tor exemption ot certain items and he reconnended the adoption. COURCILllAN BRAU. MOVED, COUNCILMAN WOODS SECONDED, THAT TRB PROPOSED BILL Bl PASSED Oii PIRST READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED IN PULL IN THE BJmLBWOOD HERALD AND Blft'BRPRISB. Upon the call or the roll, the vote resulted as tollowa: Ayea: CouncilMn Woods, Smukler, Miles, Love, BPownewell, Braun, McLellan. Maya: Kone. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Introduced as ·a Bill by Councilman Miles 621-27 A BILL 1'Cll AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AN AORE!MENT WITH THE STATE HIGHWAY CCllMISSION OP COLORADO POR THE PURPOSE OP IMPROVING A PORTION OP STATE HIGHWAY NO. 88 PARTLY Vl'ftlIN TllB CITY OP BlllLBVOOD, COLORADO, AND AU'l'HORIZil«I AND DIRBC'!IJG '1'RB MAYOR AJID CITY CLBRK TO BXBCUTB AND THE CITY ATTORNEY TO APPROVE SUCH AGREBMBNT Oii BBHALP OP '1'BB CITY. BB IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO: Section 1. The City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, hereby approve.a the hirelii&rter aet forth agreement with the State Highway COBllisa1on ot Colorado as to State Highway No. 88, which is partly ~·-~-ttin Aid City, and author- ise• and directs the Mayor and City Clerk to execute and the City Attorney to approve Aid agree•nt on behalf or the City: !~!,!EM,!lf T "USS 0056 ( 1 ) Belleview Avenue - Broadway to Windermere TRIS AGREBllBN'l', Made this 3rd day or January, A. D. 1962, by and between the STATE HIGHWAY CCIOIISSION OP COLORADO, a body corporate, acting tor the uae and benefit of the DEPARTMBN'l' OP HIGHWAYS of the STATE OP COLORADO, hereinafter referred to as the "Department", and the CITY OP ENGLEWOOD, hereinafter referred to aa the "City "; WITNBSSB'l'H: That WHERBAS, Under the authority or the laws or the United States and or the State ot Colorado, by and with the concurrence and approval or the United States Bureau ot Public Roads, certain Federal and State funds have been allocated tor the purpose ot i.s.roving a portion or State Highway No. 88, or what is known aa Belleview Avenue traa South Broadway westerly to Windermere Avenue, said improve .. nt being known aa US 0056 (1), the route and general plan or such project being shown as Exhibit "A" which ia lttached hereto and by reference incorporated as a part hereof; and VBBRBAS, Thia portion or State Highway No. 88 will, when completed, be a tiniahed torty-eight toot street with raised median strip to provide for lett turns at 1.llportant street intersections; and WHERBAS, The parties desire to agree upon certain construction and llllintenance teaturea and upon trattic regulations to become effective after construction. NOW, 'l'llBRB1'0RB, In consideration or the mutual covenants set forth hereinafter and the t&ithtul pertol'llllnce thereof, the parties agree as follows: 1. The Department will make all plans and specifications tor the project desig- nated aa US 0056 (1), Belleview Avenue from South Broadway westerly to Windermere Avenue, and will let the contract tor and supervise the construction ot the proJect, all with tunda allocated by the Federal and State governments and without expense to the City tor auch construction except as set forth hereinafter. The i:rel1Jainary plan• aa prepared bJ the Depart•nt are hereby accepted and approved by the City aubJect to the risht or either the Department or the City to correct llinor dia- crepanciea and .. ke llinor deviations 1n de~ils provided that both parties are ad- •1•ed ot auch change• and agree thereto. .. • 86 • Minutes ot Pebruary 5, 1962 ' (a) The Ci 'J agrees that when and to the extent requested bJ the Depart- .. nt, it will aasiat the Department 1n procuring the necessary rights ot wa7 and acceaa rights required tor the project, the p&J"119nt tor •id right• ot way and access rights to be •de trca State and Pederal 11\anda. 2. Conatruction Details. (a) 'The Department will conatruct the entire project at its aole expense except that the City at its own expense shall install all necessary trattic aignala and sanitary sewers serving City usage. (b) Mo aigna installed under the construction contract between the De- partment and its contractor shall be changed by the City, and nonaew conatruction signs or signals are to be erected by the City without the prior written approval ot the Department. 3. Trattic Regulations: The plans tor said project will provide channeli- sation tor lett-turn movements as indicated on Exhib i t "A" at the tollowing 1nter- aectiona: (a) South Broadway Avenue Windermere Avenue (b) The City will, by ordinance, prescribe a speed limit ot not leaa than 35 ~a1lea per hour along Belleview Avenue between South Broadway and Windermere. This speed regulation may be changed by the Ci ·;1 provided that prior written approval is tirat obtained from the Department. 4. Maintenance ot the roadway proper and the structures shall be the re- aponaibility of the Department. Maintenance ot the trattic signal• and sanitary aewera ahall be the reaponaibility ot the City. All necessary street lighting and policing ot the area shall be the reaponaibil1ty or the City. 5. The City ah&ll turniah to the Department certified copies ot all ordi- nances enacted by the City tor the purpose ot carrying out the provisions ot this Agree•nt. 6. Thia Agreement may be modified at any time by the mutual consent ot the partiea hereto as •1 be necessary 1n order to complete the street and higha7 ia- prove•nt. 1. 'ftlia Agreement shall not be deemed valid until it shall have been approved b7 the Controller of the State ot Colorado, or by such assistant as he may designate. 8. Thia Agreement is executed under the authority or the laws 1n such caaes 11&de and provided, and with reference to the signatories on behalf ot the CitJ by virtue ot an ordinance duly passed on , A. D., 19 , and ahall be binding upon and inure to the benefit or the successors and assign• ot t he parties hereto. IM WITllBSS WHBBKOP, The parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed on the day and year first above written. A'l'TBST: Chier Clerk A'l"l'BST: (SBAL) THE STATE HIGHWAY Cc.MISSION OP COLORADO, a body corporate, tor Mle use and benetit ot the DBPAR'l'MIDlt OF HIGHWAYS ·. By -MA-n--u-.--v .. 1-TR-ou-5-,-Ch!!!'"""!!'i_e_t_Blii __ in_ee_r Department ot Highways, and Cll1•t Adm1.nistrat1ve Officer, ltate Highway COlmlission I I ..,. I I APPROVED AS TO PORM: 000 V. OOMBAR, ATTORMBY GENERAL ~ ------Di.-p-u~t-1_X_t_t_o_rn __ e_y._,O-cn_e_ra--1~--- APPROVBD: State Contro---iler Minutes ot February ,, 1962 APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED: APPROVED: EnglewoOd City Attorney State PUrchasing-Agent GOVERNOR or the State ot Colorado " P&aaed on First Reading by the City Council of the City ot Englewood, Colorado, thia 5th daJ or February, A. D. 1962, and ordered published in tull 1n the Engle- wood Herald and Enterprise. _,. ~~JJL , . ATTBST: ... JI' 'llifor ,;fJ..,..,,~ was read tor the COUlfCILMAlf MILES MOVED, COUNCIUUN LOVE SECONDED, THAT THE PROPOSED BII,I· BB PASSBD OR PIRST RBADIIG AND ORDERED PUBLISHED IN FULL IN THE EMOLEVOOD HERALD ARD BNTBRPRISB. Upon the call ot the roll, the vc .. ~· resulted as follows: Ayes: Council•n Woods, Smukler, Miles, Love, Brownewell, Braun, McLellan. Maya : None • Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 621-30 RBLATINO TO DISSOLUTION OP S<XJTH SUBURBAN METROPOLITAN PARK ARD RECREATION DISTRICT The City Attorney reported that there was no map or the South SUburban Metro- politan Parka and Recreation District available in the court, the Aaaesaor'a office, or Treasurer's office, and that it would bave to be made up. He discussed the pro- cedure which woald need to be followed 1n order to dissolve the district. Re recOllll9nded that the City Manager be authorized to hire a qualified person to count the names or all individuals subject to property tax within the district and arrive at a total; that a map or the district would need to be made and that he would nave the petitions prepared for circulation by volunteers. He suggested that a detailed .. P be prepared with the property owned by signers ot the petition llllrked or shaded thereon. Discussion ensued. COUNCILIWf BRAUH MOVED, COONCII.MAN MILES SECONDED, THAT BLANKET AUTHORITY BB ORAN'l'BD TO TRB CITY MAJIAOBR ARD CITY A'rl'ORNEY TO PROCEED OBNBRALLY AS OO'l'LIDD IR 'l'llB PURPOSE OP SBCURIIG THI INPORMATION NECESSARY AND PRBCBDBMT TO CIRCULATllll PB'l'ITIOllS Jf<lt AM BLBCTION FOR DISSOLUTION OP THE SOUTH SUBURBAN ME'l'ROPOLITAJf PARK AlO> RBCRBATION DISTRICT. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: 111nutea or Pebruary 5, 1962 Ayes: Council Maya : None • Absent: None. n Woode, Smukler, Miles, Love, Brownewell, Braun, McLellan. 'ftle Mayor declared the llOtion carried. 621-33 RKLATilfO TO AMNEXATION POLICY COUNCILMAN BRAUN llOVBD, COUNCILMAN LOVE SECONDED, THAT 'l"dE CI'l'Y MAHAOBR BB AU'l'llORIZBD TO SBCURB DESCRIPTIONS POR POl'ENTIAL ANNEXATIONS AND THAT TRB CI'l'! ATTORD! IRCORPORATB '1'HBSB DESCRIPTIONS INTO PETITIONS POR ANRBXATION 011' THE PROPBR'.l'Y SO DBSCRIBBD. Upon the call ot the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Woods, Slllukler, Miles, Love, Brownewell, Braun, McLellan. •ts: None. Absent: None • The Mayor declared the motion carried. RECESS The Mayor called a recess ot the City Council at 10:07 P.M. CALL TO ORDER The Jlayor called the Cotincil to order at 10:22 P.M. with the following Council11en present: Councilmen Braun, Brownewell, Love, Miles, Smukler, Woods, McLellan. The Mayor declared a quorum present. 621-35 621-36 TREASURER'S ANNUAL REPORT ON POLICm.EN'S PENSION F'JND TRBASURER'S ANNUAL REPORT ON FIRP>tEN'S PENSION FUND COUNCII.ltAN LOVB MOVED, COUNCILMAN SMUKLER SECONDED, '!'HAT THE TREASURER'S RBPORTS Oii THE JPIRDIBN'S AND POLICmmN'S PENSION FUNDS BE RECEIVED AND PLACED ON JPILB. Upon the call ot the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilaen Woods, Smukler, Miles, Love, Brownewell, Braun, McLellan. Nays: None. Absent: None. 'ftle Mayor declared the motion carried. 621-37 EXTENSION OP PIRE PROTECTION AGREm.ENT WITH MARTIN llARIBTTA CORPORATIOR The City Manager reported that each year the previous year'• contract tor tire service at the Clay Street Warehouse ot the Martin Marietta Corporation 1• reviewed. The contract tor March 1, 1962, to March 1, 1963, involve• a aua ot $331.78 tor City tire protection as well as an amount or $300.00 to the inglewood Volunteer Depart•nt. He reconnended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorised •o aign. COUNCILIUN SMUKLBR MOVED, COUNCILMAN BROWNEWELL SECONDED, 'l'RAT '1'111 ADUAL COlft'RACT ll'OR JPIRB SBRVICE TO THE MARTIN MARIETTA C<JCPANY BB APPROVBD AND 'l'RA'f '1'llB JIAYCll AJII) CI'l'f CLBRlt Bl AUTHORIZED TO SIGN ON BEHALF OP THB Cift. u,on the call ot the roll, the vote result~d as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Woods, Smukler, Miles, Love, Brownewell, Braun, McLellan. Nays: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. I I I I I Minutes ot Pebruary 5, 1962 611-10 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PUBLIC NOTICE OP COMPLETION OP PAVING DISTRICT NO. 11 The City Clerk read the following resolution in full: "VHBRBAS, paving improvements in Paving District No. 11, Englewood, Colorado, have been satisfactorily completed, and have been accepted by the City or Englewood; and VHBRBAS, a statement showing the whole cost ot said iaprovementa and a proposed apportionment ot the same on the property in said District has been tiled in the ottice or the City Clerk; and WRBRBAS, the City Council has considered the benefits accruing to each lot or tract or land in said District by reason or the malting or said paving iaprovementa, and has determined that the apportionment or the aaaeaamenta tor said iaprovements, as set forth in the following Notice, ia in accordance with such benefits; NOW, TRKRBJPORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Clerk ot this City be, and he 1a hereby authorized and directed to notify the owners ot the property to be aaaeaaed tor said iaprovements by advertisement in tour consecutive weekly iaauea or The Englewood Herald and Enterprise and Press, a news- paper published and or general circulation 1n the City ot Englewood, that said illprovementa have been completed and accepted, that the cost thereot baa been apportioned according to benefits and that a Hearing on the aaaeaaments will be held at the time and place specified 1n the Notice; BE IT POR'l'llER RESOLVED That the said Notice shall be in substantially the following tora: PUBLIC NOTICE OP THE COMPLETION OP PAVING IMPROVBMEN'l'S IN PAVING DISTRICT NO. 11, IN THB CITY OP ENGLEWOOD, STATE OP COLORADO, OP THE APPORTIONMENT OP THE COST THERBOP AND HEARit«l THEREON. OJl'PICE OP THE CITY CLERK OP ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, February 5, 1962. TO ALL PERSORS INTERESTED GENERALLY and to the owners ot the real eatate which ia hereinafter described, said real estate comprising the District known as Paving District No. 11, in the City ot Englewood, Colorado NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That the improvements in Paving District No. 11, ~lewood, Colorado, which were authorized by Ordinance No. 12, Series 1961, finally adopted and approved on the 17th day ot April, 1961, have been coapleted, that the same have been accepted by the City Engineer and the City Council or said City or Englewood, and that the coat thereon baa been apportioned against the real property 1n said District according to benefits. lfOTICB IS PURTHBR GIVEN: 1. That the whole cost or said improvements has been definitely ascertained, and ia in the sum or $332,022.83, said amount including coats ot inspection, collection, incidentals and interest as allowed by law. 2. or the whole cost stated in paragraph 1, the City or Englewood will pay $82,077.63, leaving the sum or $249,945.20 to be assessed against the real property in said District for the cost of said improvements. 3. That the share apportioned to and upon each lot and tract or land within said District and assessable for said improvements is as follows: LOtl 1 and 2 3 and 4 5 and 6 7 and 8 9 and 10 11 and 12 A S 8 E S S M E N T S ----------- Paving District No. 11, Fnglewood, Colorado BLOCKS ADDITION BARTON HEIGHTS AMOUNT $ 368.77 368.77 368.77 368.78 368.77 400.16 Minutes ot February 5, 1962 LOTS BLOCKS ADDITION AMOUNT 13 and 14 • 159.05 159.o6 15 and 16 17 and 18 19 and 20 ~99.55 00.~2 21 and 22 397. 7 23 and 24 392.66 LOT 1 2 .3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Part ot Tracts 41 and 42 desc. as: Beginning at a point on east line ot Tract 41 100.4 feet south of northeast corner Tract 41; thence West 145.0 feet more or leas, to a point 20' Bast and 100.41 feet south of northwest corner Tract 42, aa platted; thence North parallel to west line ot Tract 42 as platted 90.41 teet; thence F.ast 145.0 feet to east line ot Tract 41; thence South along east line of tract 41 to point ot beginning. $ 245.70 Part of Tracts 41 and 42 and portion of vacated at:Deet adJoining on south and southwest desc. as: Beginning at a point on Bast line of Tract 41, 100.4 feet south ot north- east corner, Tract 41; thence west 145.0 feet more or less ' to a point 20 feet east and 100.41 feet south of northwest corner Tract 42 as platted: then South parallel to West line of Tract 42 as platted 100.41 feet to the extended south line of Tract 41: thence East along the extended south line and south line of Tract 41 145.0 feet to southeast corner of Tract 41; thence North along east line of Tract 41 100.4 feet to point of b e ~inning 142.06 Part o f Tracts 39 and 40 desc. as: Beginning at northeast corner Tract 40: thence South 78 feet along east l line of Tracts 39 and 40: thence West parallel to north line Tract 40, 145.0 feet to point on west line of Tract 40; thence North 78 feet feet alonp. said west line and west line extended to point of intersection with extended north line of Tract 40; thence East 145 feet along said extended north line and north line to point of b e pinnin g. 110.36 Part of Tracts 39 and 40 desc. as: Beginning at a point on east line of Tract 39 152 feet north of southeast corner of said Tract: thence South Jl.2 feet; thence West 145 feet to a point on west line of Tract 40; thence North 31.2 feet alon~ west line: thence East 145 feet to the point of beginning. 44.15 CLARK SUBDIVISION BLOCKS ADDITION AMOUNT $276.69. 277.07 285. 64 487 .39 455.95 383 .05 390~16 J 55. 51 401.21 401. 21 COLMAN SUBDIVISION Part of Lots 1 and 6 , and un platted lands desc. as: Begin- ning at a point on eaat ;line Lot 1, Colman Sub. which is 6J f eet south of northeast corner of said Lot 1: thence West 11.95 f eet : thence Nor th 6 5 ° 13' 40" West 123.0J feet: thence North 7 ° 54 ' West 11.56 feet to the north line of Lot 6: thence North 27.6 feet: thence South 65° lJ' 40" East 65.86 f eet, to the north line of Lot l; thence East along said north line 65.2 f eet to northeast corner Lot l; thence south 63 feet to point of b e ~in nin ~. 370.24 Part o f Lot 1, Colman Subdivision: Beginning at the south- east corner Lot 1: thence West 107.5 feet along south line Lot 1: thence North 7° 54' 26" West 18.17 feet to west line Lot l; thence North alon ~ West line 90.23 feet; thence South 65° 13' 40" East 107.86 feet; thence East 11.95 feet to east line of said Lot 1: thence South 6J feet to the point of be2inninF. 217.55 I ~ ~ i' -\_ uf"'. ' Li # ~. """--- I v·-. I .--r-. • f;'f!'"· '!I ':J' inutes of February 5, 1962 COLMAN SUBDIVISION LOT 2 exc. west 2.5' J exc. west 2.5 ' 10 11 17 J 4 5 9 10 11 12 lJ 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2J Part of Lot 6, Colman Subdivision: Beginning at a point on east line of Lot 6, Colman Subdivision 18 feet north of southeast corner of said Lot 6; thence North 7° 54' 26" eet 97.L.8 f eet; thence South 65° 13' 40" East 15.17 feet to the east line of said Lot 6: thence South 90.25 feet to point of b epinnin~. COLMAN SUBDIVISION (amended) BLOCK 2 DAVOLT SUBDIVISION AMOUNT $269.94 260.42 10.63 867.15 582.41 606.62 8.13 46.0J 2 .OJ 12.10 1.07 3.56 415. 94 465. 04 542.96 682.96 671.59 533 .36 500.72 600.43 453. 02 662.67 1,655.6~ 221.Jl Part desc. as: Pepinnin~ at northwest corner of Lot J, Davolt Sub.; thence North 25 feet; thence East 133 feet; thence South 105 feet to southeast corner Lot 3: thence Northwesterly along easterl y line of Lot J, 96 feet to northwest corner Lot J: · thence West to northwest corner of Lot J: 193.46 2 3 \·l est 61 f eet of Lot 1 17 and 18 ENGLEWOOD BLOCK 4 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24 except north 5' of 24 North 5' o f 24, all 25, 26 , and 27 28, 29, JO, Jl, and 32 1, 2, J, and 4 5, 6, 7, and 8 9, 10, 11, and 12 13, 14, 15, and 1 BLOCK 5 BLOCK 13 146.07 724.27 574. ~3 518. 25 1,369. 06 762.69 1,181.91 419.78 419.78 L.19.76 L.72.14 1,2, J, 4, and West i vacated alley on west 868.93 5, 6 , 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and i vacated alley on west and vacated Jefferson Avenue on south J,090.21 BLOCK 14 17, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28 29 and JO Jl and 32 2,662.84 625 .27 61).21 ·linutea of February 5 , 1962 LOT S 3' of 8 ENGLEWOOD BLOCK 18 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 1 5 , and 1 17, 18 and 19 20, and 21 22, and 23 24 and S J.2' o f 25 S J.4' of 8, all of 9 10 and 11 BLOCK 19 12, lJ, 14, 1 5 , and 1 17, 18, 19 and 20 except N 10' of 20 N 10' of 20, all 21 and 22 23 , 24, arid S 3 • 4' of 2 5 BLOCK 21 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, JO, 31 and )2 and ! vacated allev on east BLOCK 22 1, 2, ), 4, 5, 6 , 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and ! AMOUNT . 4 .31 8.62 .46 145 .60 71.80 71.80 40.49 43.18 76.02 229.72 694 .34 91.23 81.19 3,312.59 I vacated alley on west J,JJ0.61 ENGLEWOOD c:' -I BLOCK 23 ,, S 4.5' of 8, all 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16 17, 18, 19 and 20 21, 22, 23, 24, and S 4.6 5' of 25 1 and 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 EVANS PARK ESTATES BLOCK 15 EVANSTON BROADWAY ADDITION BLOCK 25 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6 , and 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48 including vacated alley, south 42.5 ' of vacated Eastman Avenue on north and E i of vacated Marion Street on east. 9 and 10 11 and 12 13 and 14 15 and 16 25 and 26 27 and 28 29, JO, and S 6 ' of 31 32 and N 19' o f 31 JJ and 34 J ~ and J6 37 and JS 39 and 40 BLOCK 26 1, 2, ), 4, 5, 6 , and 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48 including vacated alley,aouth 42.5' of vacated Eastman Avenue on north and E i vacated Marion St. on weat. 9 and 10 11 and 12 13 and 14 15, 16, 17 and 18 19 and 20 21 and 22 23 and 24 JJ and S 15' of J4 N 10' of 34, all 35 and 36 37, 38, 39, and 40 1,133.02 813.57 272.15 761. 07 434. 83 4'5-6~65 . 431.05 439.58 43 5. 43 458.75 444.43 432.46 1,076.98 172.81 103. 70 103. 70 103. 70 1)6. 50 1)6. 50 152.88 120.12 240.20 240.20 240.21 309.32 1,076.98 309.32 240.20 240.20 376.70 1)6.50 136.50 1)6. 50 82.96 lQ.42 276.52 I Minutes of February 5, 1962 LOTS ADDITION BLOCK 42 Evanston Broadway N 5' of 14 S 20' of 14, all 15 and N 5' of 16 S 20' of 16, all 17 and N 16.25' of 18 S S.75' of lS, all 19, 20 and N 2.5' of 21 S 22.5' of 21 all 22 and N 13.75' of 23 S 11.25' of 23, all 24 and 25 26, 27, and S lli' of 2S N 13i' of 26, all 29 and S 23' of 30 N 2' of JO, all 31 and 32 and S 9.5' of 33 N 15.5' of 33, all 34 and 35 36 and 37 14 15 and 16 17 and lS 19 and 20 21, 22, and 23 24 and 25 43 26, 27, 28, and S 15' of 29 N 10' of 29, all of JO and S 15' of 31 N 10' of Jl, all J2, and S 15' of 33 N 10' of 3J, all 34 and S 15' of 35 N 10' of J5, all 36 and S 15' of ,37 N 10' of 37 44 14, 15, and 16 17 and 18 19 and 20 21, 22, 2J, 24, and 25 26, 27, 28 and 29 JO and 31 32 and JJ 34 and 35 J6 and J7 1,2, and J 4 and 5 6 and 7 S and 9 10 and 11 12 4 5 37 and JS 39 and 40 41 and 42 43 and 44 45, 46, 47 and 48 ,, l AMOUNT 5.44 54.40 66.64 66.63 66.63 412.64 121.JO 66.91 66.91 71.26 54.40 27.02 54 .05 54 .04 54.05 81.07 421.76 151.:13 54.04 54.05 54.04 54 .05 10.Sl lOS. 51 72.J4 72.J4 277.19 555.20 72.34 72.34 72.)4 72.34 180.85 72.34 72.34 72.J4 72.34 J6.17 72.J4 72.J4 72.J4 72.34 2Jl. 7J 46 1,2,J, 4, 5, 6 , 7, 8, 9, 10 and N 13' of 11 and i vacated alley 374.68_ 11 except N 13' all of 12 and i vacated alley on east 42.55 37, JS, J9, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48 and i vacated alley on west and 'vacated Ogden Street on east 493.J2 47 1, 2, J, 4, 5 , 6 , 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and i vacated alley on east and i vacated Ogden Street on west 37, JS, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48 and ! vacated alley on west 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 1 W 105'. of 2 W 105' of 3 4 5 FO WLER SUBDIVISION GILPATRICK 496~ 53 405 .14 157 .9,5 86.16 86.15 86.15 90.14 65.67 7S.80 338.41 224.74 247.21 386.43 764 .10 94 Minutes of February 5, 1961 LOTS BLOCKS ADDITION 6 F. P. Gumaer ·t·s Broadway Heights N 153' of 1 exc. W 15' W 15' of N 12J' of Lot 1 W 15' of S JO' of N 15J' of Lot 1 S 60' of N 21J' of Lot 1 S 60.75 of N 273.75 of E 1J5' of Lot 1 S 26.25 of Lot 1 and N S2.5 of Lot 4 S 75' of N 157.5' of Lot 4 N 67.5' of S 142.5' of Lot 4 S 75' of Lot 4 7 E 72' of N 110' of Lot 2 N 110' of Lot w exc. E 72' S 75' of N 1S5' of Lot 2 N 75' of S 115' of Lot 2 S 40' of Lot 2 and N J5' of Lot 3 N 150' of S 265' of Lot J S 115 ' of Lot J 1 25, 26, and 27 2S, 29, and JO Jl and 32 JJ and 34 35 and S i of J N i of J6, all 37, and S i of JS N I of JS all 39 40, 41, 42, 43, and 44 45 and S i of 4 N i 46, all 47 and 4S 2 1, 2, and J 4, 5, and 6 7, S, 9, and 10 lr, 12, lJ, and 14 15, 16, 17, and lS 19 and 20 21 and 22 23 and 24 25 and 26 27 and 2S 29 and JO Jl and J2 74 JJ, J4, J5 and J6 37, JS, J9, 40 and 41 42 and 4J 44, 45, 46, 47 and 48 75 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , and 6 7, S, 9, and 1 O 11 and 12 lJ, 14, and 15 16 and 17 lS and 19 20, 21, and 22 23, and 24 25 and 26 27 and 26 29 and JO Jl and J2 JJ and J4 35 and 36 37 and JS 39 and 40 41 42, 43,44 45 and 46 47 and 48 76 1, 2, J, and N 7' of 4 4 except N 7' 5 and o 7 and 8 9 and 10 11 and 12 lJ and 14 15 and 16 17 and lS 19 and 20 21, 22, 2J, and 24 HAMLIN ADDITION AMOUNT $699.14 4J .94 10.72 225.06 227.67 407 .92 261 .JJ 253 .19. 296.0J lSS.62 250.43 261 .JJ 2Sl .JJ 2s1.33 562.65 715 .90 273. SJ 249.64 234.95 237 .40 231.66 289.09 2S5. J 5 860.21 216.62 527.71 249.84 267.18 l.)6.84 4)8.62 401. 51 289.09 343.98 295.93 251.26- 143 .04 163. S6 256.73 464.46 713.47 340.79 S05.92 1,158.28 755.17 143. 04 406.67 419.08 411.65 525.59 143 .04 136.40 1J6.39 136.39 1)6.40 136.39 136.)9 lJb.40 1J6.J9 126.24 204. 59 136.J9 1J6.J9 22).69 49.10 ·136.39 1J6.J9 1)6.40 136.39 1J6.J9 256.92 1J6.J9 177.11 514.17 Vdnutes of February 5, 1962 LOTS 1 2 J 4 5 6 1) and 14 15 and 16 17 and 18 19 and 20 21 and 22 2) and 24 25, 26, and 27 28, 29, and JO Jl and )2 JJ and 34 35 and )6 1) and 14 15 and 16 17 and 18 19 and 20 21 and 22 23 and 24 25 and 26 27 and 28 29 and JO Jl and )2 )J and .34 J 5 and )6 BLOCKS 1 7 2 1 , 2 , J , 4 , 5 , and 6 7, S, 9, 10, 11, and 12 1) and 14 15 and 16 17 and 18 19 and 20 21 and 22 2) , 24 , and 2 5 J 26, 27, 28, and 29 JO and )l J2 and )J 34 and .35 J6 and .37 JS and .39 ADDITION HASTINGS HAWTHORN Hi~~ins Englewood Gardens 40 41 and 42 E i5' of 4), 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49 and 50 60' of 4), 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, ~9 and 50 1 HIGGINS SOUTH BROADWAY HEIGHTS 29 except State Hi ghway Right-of-Way described in Book 946 page 165 JO and Jl exce pt State Hi~hway Ri p;ht-of-Way described in Book 967 page 518. J2, JJ, and 34 J 5 , J 6, and 3 7 JS and 39 40, 41, 42, and 43 44, 45, and 46 47, 48, 49 and 50 1 and 2 .3 and 4 5, 6, 7, and 8 4S 2 3 14 J 4 , J 5 , and J 6 37 and JS 39 and 40 41 and 42 4), 44, 45, and 46 JACKSON'S BROADWAY HEIGHTS AMOUNT .$J06. 57 204 .JS . 386.22 474.41 1)6.98 190.86 56.81 56.Sl 56.Sl 56.81 56.Sl 556.) 5 201.86 85.21 56.81 56.Sl 56.Sl 56.Sl 56.Sl 56.Sl 56.81 56.81 1)4.62 14).56 56.Sl 56.81 56.Sl 56.81 56.Sl 1,24).42 1,377 .82 275 .12 2)4.86 271.77 152.78 14.3. 04 247.0.5 J02 .)2 .320.44 182.16 291.lS 478. 54 )66.44 478.41 ))6.76 23 5 .41 60.Jl 262.17 2)).22 2)).22 155 .4S 379.34 301.61 .384. 74 )4.21 )4.21 66.41 16.24 229.02 196. 57 91.78 97.07 77.40 Minutes of February 5, 1962 LOTS BLOCKS ADDITION 15 JACKSON'S BROADWAY HEIGHTS 1 2, 3, and 4 5 and 6 7 and 8 9 and 10 11 and 12 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17 18 1 , 2 , J , 4 , 5 , 6, 7, 8, and 9 10 and 11 12 and 13 14 and 15 16 and 17 18 and 19 20 and 21 22 and 23 19 24 and 25 26, 27, 28, 29, JO, Jl, J2, JJ, J4, J5, J6, J7, JS, J9, 40 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, and 46 25 and 26 27, 28, and 29 JO and Jl 32 and 33 34 and 35 36, 37, and J·s J9 .and 40 JO 41, 42, 43, and 44 45 and 4 - 47 and 48 1 and 2 J and 4 5 and 6 7 and 8 9 and 10 11 and 12 13 and 14 15 and 16 17 and 18 19 and 20 31 W i of lots 21, 22, 23, and 24 E j of lots 21, 22, 2J, and 24 25 and 26 27 and 28 29, JO, and Jl 32, JJ, and 34 35 and J6 37 and JS 39 and 40 41 and 42 43 and 44 45 and 46 47 and 48 1, 2, J, and 4 5 and 6 32 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 12 and lJ 14, N lJ.3' of 1 5, S 11.7' of E 58.5' of 15, N 1' of E 58.5' of 16 S 11.7' of W 66 .5' of 15, 16 eycept N 1' of E 58.5', all of 17 18 and 19 20, 21, and 22 23 and 24 • AMOUIT $ 67.22 58.05 118.08 118.08 78.82 86.SJ 187. 52 731.68 227.45 227.45 159.06 159.06 159.06 241.12 183. 05 190.23 1,686.04 159.05 )06.96 159.05 227.44 159.05 )06.96 254.64 J86.48 467.89 269.25 171.lJ 227.43 159.04 227.43 159.D4 159.04 159.04 159.04 159.04 159.04 181. 77 136.32 12J.48 140.JO 210.46 210.46 140.JO 140.JO l!0.30 140.30 140.JO 140.JO 1)1.JJ 271.64 140.JO 350.76 140.JO 121.77 158.84 ll40.30 210.46 12).48 ,,, .. "' . , I .1 I linutea of February 5, 1962 LOTS BLOCKS J4 2 ADDITION JACKSON'S BROADWAY HEIGHTS 1 and N 18 .75' o f South 6.25' of 2, S i of 4, all 5, 10 and 11 all 3, and N 12.5' of 4 , 8, and 9 12 37 38 and 39 40 41 and · S i o f 42 N ! of 42, all 43 and 44 45, 46, 47 and 48 35 S i of 18 all 19, 20 and 21 22, 23, and 24 25, 26 and 2 28 and 29 J O and Jl 32 and JJ 34, 3 5 , and J 37, JS, 39, a nd h0 eyce pt east 10 .3' 1 2 J JORDAN SUBDIVISION LOG ANDALE PLOT ''B" Beginninp on N line Plot "B'', Loe;andale 141' east of NE corner o f said plot; t h ence south 100': thence east 125'; AMOUNT $J9J .J 5 52.54 144.47 52.54 26 .27 26.27 52.54 65.67 65.67 401 .97 91.94 131.33 437 .66 52. 53 52. 53 52 . 53 77.00 45.9'1 101.89 96.90 606.91 thence north 100': thence west 125' to point of beginning. 215.39 Be g innin p-at a point on N line of Plot "B" Logandale, 141' east of NW corner of said plot; thence south 100' feet to true point o f beF,inning: thence south lJl.5'; thence on an angle of g o 33' to left 64.2' to northerly line of City Ditch; thence northeasterly along the northerly line of the : City Ditch 162.04' to the W line of S. Delaware St.; thence north 82. 72' : thence west 12 5' to true1;point of beginning. Part of SWt, NWt of Sec. 3, T5S R68W. 202.18 Be g inning at a point on N line of Plot "B", Logandale which is 141 f eet east of NW corner of said plot; thence south 231.5' thence on an an~le to the left of go 33' 64.2' to the true point o f be g inninp,; thence northeasterly 162.04 to a point on W line of S. Delaware St. which is 182.76' south of the line of Plot "B'', Lo gandale; thence south to northerly line of lot 40, Block 35, Jackson•s Broadway Heights; thence southwesterl y alonP, the northerl y line of said Block 35 to the S\·J corner·· o f lot 37, Block 3 5, Jackson's Broadway Heights~ thence west to ~a point on east line of the alley east of S. Elati St; thence northerly alon F, east line of said alley to the true point of be~innin~. 35.05 1 and 2 3 and 4 BL OCK 2 5, 6, and 7 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 exce~t S 20' o f 12 S 20' o f 12 1) and N 15' of 14 S 10' of 14, all of 15 and 16 17 and 18 19 and 20 W 69' of 21, 22, 23, and 24 E 56' of 21, 22, 23, and 24 and 4' Vacated alley 25, 26, and S 16 2/3 of 27 and vacated Logandale Blvd. exc. weat 4 feet. N 8 1/3 of 27, all 2g and 29, and S 8 1/3' of 30, and Logandale Blvd. exc. west 4'. N 16 2/J of )0, all )1 and 32 and vacated Logandale Blvd. exc. weat 4 feet. ) ) , ) 4 , and 3 5 )6 37 and 38 39 and 40 41, 42, and Si of 43 N~ of 4), all 44 and 45 4l,, 47, and 4g 152.05 76.02 114.04 159.65 30.41 45.)4 6g.01 57.5g 5g.49 260.09 22g.29 4g3 .21 80.54 76.16 g5.0l 28.34 76.02 76.02 95.03 95.03 190.06 Minutes of February 5, 1962 LOTS BLOCKS J 1) and N 11' of 14 S 14' of 14 all 15 and N 17' of".l s S' of 16, all 17 and 18 19, 20, 21, 22, 2J, and 24 25, 26, and S 10' of 27 ADDITION LOG ANDALE N 15' of 27, all 28 and S 20' of 29 N 5' of 29, all JO and Jl, and S 5' of J2 N 20' of J2, all JJ, and S 15' of J4 N 10' of )4, all 35 and 36 6 1, 2, J, 4, 5, 6, 7, and N 11' of 8 S 14' of 8, all 9, 10 11 and 12 lJ and 14 15 16 and 17 18 19, 20, and 21 22 23 and 24 37, JS, J9, 40,41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47 and 48 7 25 and 26 27, 28, 29, 30 and Jl 32 and 33 34, 35, )6, 37, JS and 39 40 and 41 42 4.3 and 44 45, 46, 47, and 48 12 25 and 26 27, 2S, 29, JO, Jl, 32, 33, and 34 35, )6, J7, JS, 39, 40, 41, and 42 4.3, 44, 45, 46, 47, and 48 13 Vacated 1, 2, 3, and Wi of vacated alley 4,5, 6, 7, and Wi of vacated alley S, 9, 10, and Wi of vacated alley 11, 12, 1.3, 14, 15, 16 and Wi of vacated alley 17, lS, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, and W! of vacated alley 25, 26, 27, and SJ' of 28 N 22' of 28, all 29, JO and Jl )2, 33, 34, J5, 36, and S 10' of 37 N 15' of J7 all JS and S 18' of 39 N 7' of J9, all 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, and 48 14 1, 2, and 3 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 12 and 13 14' 15' 16' 17 lS, 19, and 20 21 and 22 23 and 24 1 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , and 5 6, 7, and N S.5' of 8 S 16.5' of 8, all of 9, N 17' of 10 s s• of 10 all 11 and 12 .37, JS, and J9 40, 41, and 42 43, 44, and 45 46, 47, and 4S AMOUNT $ )9.45 61.36 6.3. 56 524.2S 424.40 65.75 65.75 65.75 65.75 1,400.20 7)1 • .39 574.74 478.64 239.32 47S.64 250.69 7Jl.2l 246.15 502.65 1,128.25 507.60 672 .)4 268.91 1.1,441.87 268.91 134-47 492.76 740. 7.3 436.)) 1,819.20 1,848.60 l,JSl .49 363.87 485 .14 363. S7 727.71 970.29 292.96 602. OJ 8J7. S7 220.29 886.05 472.84 751.19 .31.3 .06 375. 59 46S.22 310. 3.3 317.66 191.76 64.10 64.10 6J.56 62.16 62.16 s2.1s 441.12 I I I Minutes of February 5, 1962 LUTS BLOCKS 17 ADDITION LOGANDALE SUBDIVISION AMOUNT 1, 2, J, and vaca ted Lo gandale Blvd. adjacent on eaet $905.61 Part o f Lota 4 and 5 and of vacated Logandale Blvd. adjacent to Block 17, Lo gandale l ying easterly of line parall el with an~ lJO feet east of west line of Block 17, Lo ~andale: We~terl y of centerline ~of City Ditch Ripht-of -Way: Southerly o f north line and north line extended of Lot 4, Block 17, Lor,andale; and northerly of line parallel with and 145 f eet south of north l°ine of Block 17, Logandale. 69.28 Part of Lota 4 and 5 and part of Lo gandale Blvd. deac. aa: B e ~innin~ at northwest corner Lot 4: thence East lJO f eet : thence South 50 feet: thence West 130 feet to southwest corner Lot 5: thence North 50 feet to point of be~innin~. 58.94 Lota 6 and 7 and Part of Logandale Blvd. deac. as: oe ginning at no ~thwest corner of Lot 6; thence East 130 feet; thence south 50 feet; thence West 130 feet to south- west corner o f Lot 7; thence North 50 feet to point of be2innin£. Lot 8 and north 25 feet of Lot 9 and part of Logandale Blvd. desc. as: Beginning at northwest corner of Lot 8: thence East lJO feet; thence South 50 feet; thence West lJO feet to west line, Block 17 Lo gandale; thence North 50 feet to point of beginning . BLOCK 1 LULL HEIGHTS 145' of 1 a 75' of N 220' of Lot 1 and vacated Lo gandale Blvd. adjacent on west to a line lJO' east of west line Block 17, Logandale S 60' of Lot 1 20' of Lot 2 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10, 11, 12, and 1 E 2J.75' of 2 2 ) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 E 2).75 ' o f 12 1) 1 2 ) E 2J.75' of'.,J rl 83 . 7 5 ' of 3 N JO' of 4 S JO' of 4 SJ.75' of 4 E 23. 75' o f 4 5 .·1 SJ.75' of 5 E 2).75' of 5 2 1 1-!CKI NLEY SUBDIVISION 19.6 ' of lJ 1 MCKINLEY SUB. 2nd FILING 58.94 5EL94 lJ 5. 85 105. so 64.44 22.67 306.96 215 .47 186. 51 168.J9 168.J9 168.39 168.39 204 .64 225. 04 906.43 534. 51 70.40 229.60 211.)4 251.13 221.37 196.32 214.89 157.79 178.37 208.78 154.24 157.79 85.11 645. 58 861.60 862.74 528.74 60.44 420. 59 87.20 87.71 343.33 49.34 527.22 420.60 60.44 inutea of February 5, 1962 LOTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 BLOCKS 2 ADDITION AMOUNT RESUBDIVISION OF PART OF ROGGE SUB. $25EL45 25S.45 267.51 466.S6 276.57 25S.45 319.09 ROGGE SUBDIVISION TRACT 1 Part of Rogp.:e Subdivision, Tract 1 described as: Beginnin~ at a point 70' east of NW corner Rogge Sub. Tract 1~ thence south 110': thence east 35'; thence north 110': thence west 3 5' to the poin t of bep:inninp: 117. 72 9 13 14 and 15 16 and 17 lS and Nt of 19 Si of 19 all of 20 21 and 22 23 and 24 25 and 2 27 and 2S 29 and 30 31 and 32 33 and 34 35 and )6 SS 1 and 2 3, 4, and Ei of 5 i of 5, all 6, 7, and 8 9, 10, 11 12, 13, 14 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20 21 and 22 23 and 24 25, 26 and 27 28, 29, 30 and Jl 32, 33 and 34 35 and 3 37 and )S 39 and 40 41 and 42 43 and 44 45 and 4 47 and 48 9 25, 26, 27 and W 24!' of 28 2S except W 24!', all 29 and JO 31 and 32 3), 34, 35, and 3 37 and JS 39 and 40 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, and 48 25 and 26 27 and 2S 29 and 30 31 and 32 33 and 34 35 and 3 37 and )8 39 and 40 41 and 42 43 and 44 45 and 4 47 and 4S 12 ROSE ADDITION SHERIDAN HEIGHTS ~ SOUTH BREADWAY HEIGHTS 2S.40 56.Sl 56.Sl 42.61 42.61 56.Sl 3So.32 539.39 56.Sl 56.Sl 56.Sl 56.Sl 56.Sl 316.56 452,52 665.65 529.90 5SS.95 l,047.9S 371.55 316.29 52S.97 755.26 536.49 JSO. 29 377.92 403. 51 437.78 370.Sl 378.53 331.77 629.40 319.44 372.96 :&•9.a' J16.30 316. JO 1,291.41 159.06 175. 4S 159.05 159.06 159.06 159.05 159.06 159.06 257.52 159.06 159.06 159.06 l t~·~·t~ I v: " ~ ~ ' : . ~_,. .... I I ._ inutea of Fe bruarv 5, 1962 LOTS BLOCKS 13 1 and 2 J and 4 5, 6, and 7 S, 9, and 10 11 and 12 lJ and 14 15 and 16 17, lS, and 19 20 and 21 22, 2), and 24 15 25 and 2 27, 2S and S 10' of 29 15' of 29, and all JO Jl and 32 J.3 and 34 35, J6, J?, and Jg 39 and 40 41, 42, 43, and 44 45 and 4 47 and 4S 1, 2, and 3 4, 5, and and S 1 9, 10, 11, and 12 1.3 and 14 15 and 1 · 17 and ie 19 and 20 21, 22, 23, 81'd 24 1, 2, J, and 4 5 and · and S 9 and 10 11 and 12 1) and 14 15 and 1 17 and 18 19 and 20 21 and 22 2.3 and 24 25 and 26 27 and 28 29 and JO )1 and 32 JJ and .34 )5 and J6 l7 and JS .39 and 40 41 and 42 43 and 44 45 and 46 47 and 4S 20 21 28 25, 26, 27, and 2a 29, JO, and 31 )2 and JJ 34 and .35 36 and 37 JS and .39 40 and 41 42 and 4) 44 and 45 46, 47 and 48 AD DITION SOUTH BR OAD\·TA Y HEIGHTS ... ·:.i AMOUNT $159.06 159.06 238.58 238. 56 159.05 159.06 159.06 23S. 56 159.05 2JS. 5S 156.S9 180.07 120.04 201.61 150.05 371. SJ 150.05 300.11 150.05 150.05 225.08 225.08 196 .29 .)00.11 150.06 150.06 150.06 150.06 552.00 31S.11 227.44 227.45 227.44 159.06 227.44 159.05 227.45 159.06 159.05 176.21 159.06 159.05 159.06 227.45 227.44 159.06 227.44 227.44 227.45 159.06 20S.29 159.05 31S.11 419.44 291. 50 159.06 159.06 191.42 227.45 159.06 321.27 324.12 inutea of February 5 , 1962 LOTS BLOCKS 29 ADDITION SOUTH BROADWA Y ADDITION 1 2, and N; o f 3 Si of J, all 4, and N! of 5 S of 5, all 6, and N! of 7 S of 7, all 8, and 9 10 and 11 12 and 13 14 and 15 16, 17 and 18 19 and 20 21 and 22 23 and 24 25 and 2 27 and 28 29 and JO )1 and 32 33 and 34 )5 and 3 37 and 38 39 and 40 41 and 42 Jl 43 and 44 except the N 6' of 44 ' of 44, all of 45 and 46 47 and 48 1 and 2 3 and 4 5 and 6 7 and 8 9 and 10 11 and 12 13 and 14 15 and 1 17 and 18 19 and 20 21 and 22 23 and 24 32 J 1, 2, 3, and St of 4, all 7 and 8 of 4 5 and - 9 and 10 11 and 12 1) and 14 15 and 1 17 and 18 19 and 20 21 and 22 23 and 24 37 25, 26, 27 and 28 29 and JO Jl and 32 )3 and 34 J 5, ) 6, and J 7 )8 and 39 40 and 41 42, 43, and 44 45 and 46 47 and 48 1, 2, and ) 4 and 5 6 7, 8, and 9 2 10 and N~ of 11 Si of 11, all of 12 N 2.1' of 13 39 and 40 41, 42, 4), and 44 45, 46, and 47 48, 49, and 50 WEST VIEW ADDITION AMOUNT $2JO. 84 159.06 181.11 267.21 294.56 292.04 319.)5 2)8. 58 227.44 "227. 44 159.06 169.60 162.75 162.76 162.75 162.76 162.75 162.76 162.75 162.76 143.22 182 .29 185 .27 177.96 162.75 162.76 162.75 33 5 .43 162.75 336. 03 162.75 162.76 162.75 162.76 186.76 555.28 . 272.68 397 .48 473 .98 24).Jl 464 .36 208.29 280.84 159.-06 159.06 159.06 610.79 284 .17 281.22 368.77 65) .)0 159.05 159.05 306.9 159.06 227 .45 151.12 56.81 28.40 85.21 42.61 42.61 2.)9 56.81 11).61 85.21 504 .61 'I I I I I I\.,., "' I I .~, •it ~ • t! - nutes of February 5, 1962 LOTS BLOCKS -- 3 1 2 and Ni of 3 Si of J! all of 4 5 and N of si of 6, all of 7 8, 9 and 10 11 and Ni of 12 Si of 12, and N 4.6' of 13 N 2.5' of JS and all of 39 40, 41 and 42 43 and 44 45 and 46 47, 4S, 49, and 50 1 and 2 3 and 4 5 and 6 7 and Ni of S Si of S all of 9 10 and 11 ~ 12 and the N 7.J' of 13 N 5.1' of JS all of 39 40 and 41 42 and 43 44 and 45 46, 47, and l.8 49 and 50 ADDITION WEST VIEW ADDITION 3 WOLLENWEBER'S BROADWAY HEIGHTS 1 and 2 J and 4 5 and 6 7 and 8 9 and 10 11 and 12 13 and 14 15 , 16, and 1 7 lS, 19, ·and 20 21 and 22 23 and 24 L W 55' of 25, 26, 27 and 2S E 70' of 25, 26, 27 and 2S 29 and JO 31, 32, and S 12.5' of 33 N 12.5' of 33, all 34 and 35 36 and 37 )8 and 39 40 and S 12.5' of 41 N 12.5' of ~l all of 42 S 16.JS' of 43 N 8.62' of 43, all 44 and 45 46, 47, and 48 9 .1, 2, J, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and N 5.3• of Lot 9 and West ;8' of vacated alley South 19.7' of 9, all 10, 11, 12 and West S• of vacated alley 13, 14, and 15 and west 8' o f vacated alley 20 YALE HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION N 50' of E 125' YALE HILL AMOUNT $376.69 76.23 42.61 42.61 42.61 S5.21 42.60 19.43 31.24 S5.21 56.81 56.81 167.58 444.84 68.75 59.99 44.99 44.99 59.99 JS. 75 36.11 59.99 59.99 59.99 96.10 480.17 159. 53 159. 53 159. 53 159.53- 159.53- 159. 53 159. 5J 239.29 2J9.29 J38.13 274.71 120.33 551.98 159. 53 267.SO 408.61 159. 53 159. 53 122 .34 211. 53 160.38 187. OJ JJ9.45 652.00 JOO. 75 238.19 18S.J7 Part of Plot "A",Yale Hill desc. as; Beginning at a point on east line of Yale Hill, 330 feet south of Northeast corner: thence south 77 feet: thence west 152.6': thence north 77 feet: thence east 152.6 feet to point of begin- nin2. Part of NE!, Section 34, Township 45, Range 6SW. 12S.09 nutea of February 5, 1962 LOTS BLOCKS 5 ADDITION YALE MANOR 1 except W 65.5 f eet Part of lot 2 desc. as: beginnin~ at NI corner of Lot 2 thence west J4 feet: thence south 85 feet; thence east to east line of lot 2: thence northerly along the east line to NE corner. N 50' of lot 8 9 1 YEAGER'S RESUB. OF VERONA PLACE 7, 6, 9, 10, 11 and E 9' of 12 13 and 14 except the W 16' E 7i' of 15, all 17, 18, 19, 20 and ! vacated street adjacent on south 2 N 32.5' of 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 except W 16' of 12, and I vacated street adjacent on north N 45' of S 77.5' of 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 except the W 16' of 12 N 12i' of 13, S 32.5' of 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 except the w 16'. , S 25' of 13, all 14 and vacated alley adjacent on south except W 16'. UNPLATTED AREAS Part of NE! NE! Section 9, Township 5 South Range 68 West desc. as: Beginning at a point 330 feet South and JO feet west of NE corner Section 9-5-68; thence South 115 feet: thence west 2Jl feet: thence North J0° 46" West 48.9 f eet; thence North 7J feet: thence East 256 feet to the point of beginnin ~. AMOUNT $ 51.53 50.13 110.32 149.07 966.77 346.94 457.09 447.70 430. 55 430. 55 553.26 373.60 Part of NE! NEi Section 9, Township 5 South Ran~e 68 West desc. as: Be~inning at a point 445 feet South and JO feet West of NE corner Section 9-5.-68; thence South 195 feet: thence West 17J feet: thence North 8° West 64.7 feet: thence North 14° 53' West 66.2 feet: thence North 25° 32' West 74.2 feet: thence East 231 feet to the point o f b e ~innin g . 486.57 Part o f NE! NEt Section 9, Township 5 South Ran~e 68 West desc. as: Be~inning at a point 295 feet West and JO feet South of NE corner Section 9-5-68; thence South JOO feet: thence east 9 feet; thence South JO feet: thence west 27.6 f eet: thence North 57° 19' west 11.9 feet: thence North 9° 16' E~st 93.2 feet: thence North 226 feet: thence East 10 feet to point of beginning. 47.49 Part of NE! NEt Section 9, Township 5 South Ranr,e 68 West desc . as: Beginninr, at a point J60 feet South and 266 feet West of NE corner of Section 9-5-68; thence South 43 feet: thence North 57° 19' West 51.1 feet: thence East 27.6 feet: to the point of beginning. 7.42 Part of Northeast i Section 9, Township 5 South Range 68 West desc. as: Beginning at a point 640 feet South and 30 feet West of NE corner Section 9-5-68: thence South 47 feet: thence West 110.58 feet: thence North 12° JO' West 46.14 feet: thence East 121 feet to the point of beginning. J58.67 Part of Northeast t Section 9, Township 5 South Range 68 West desc. as: Be~innin~ at a point 995 feet South and JO feet West of NE corner Section 9-5-68: thence West 65.2 feet; thence North 6 5 ° lJ' 40" West 65.9 feet: thence North 22.4 feet: thence North 5° 48' West 37.4 feet: thence North 45° JO' East 77 .3 feet: thence North 12° JO' West 170.66 feet: thence East 110.58 f eet: thence South 308 feet to the point o f b e P,innin~. 2,061.19 Part o f NE! Section 9, Towns hip 5 South Range 68 West desc. as: Ee rinn in p at a point 640 f eet South and 151 feet West o f NE corn er Section 9-5-68: t h ence South 12° JO' East 218 .8 f ee t· thence South 45° 30' \·lest 77 .J feet: thence North 5 ° 4 8' West 32 feet: thence North 16° 36' West 157.5 feet; t h ence North 2° 42' East $5 feet; thence East .52 f eet to the point o f beF,inning. 309.86 I I I .inutes of Fe bruarv 5, 1962 LOTS BLOC KS ADDITION UNPLATTED AREAS Pa rt of St:/t m·1I, Sect i on 3, Township 5 South Range 68 :lest desc. a s: Be ri nn inF at the N\·J corner Lot 36, Jackson 's Broadwa y Hei l!h ts, Block 35; thence west along North line of said Lot 3 6 extended to a point on east line o f the alley east of South Elati Street; thence Southerly alonP, east line of said alley to the point of intereection of east line of alley with north line of Block )5 , Jackson's Broadway Hei ~hts; thence along north line of Block )5, Jackson's Broadway Heights to the point o f bep,inninp,. Part of NW! Section 3, Township 5 South, Range 68 West desc. as: Beginning 682' East and 330' North of SW corner of NWt Section 3-;-68 on East line of South Fox Street; thence North 75 feet to point 25 feet South of NW corner Lot 9, Lo p,andale Block 17: thence East 142 feet to east line of Logandale Blvd.; thence South 26° 54' East 32.7 f eet to point 25.7 feet North of Lot 1, Lull Hei~hts: thence South 45.7 feet; AMOUNT $ 1.80 thence \•/est 157. 3 5 feet to point of beginning. 104. 97 Part of NEt SWt Section 10, T5 South, Range 68 West desc. as: Beginninr, at a point 133' west of inter- section o f west line of So. Broadway with north line of West Chenango Ave.; thence west 133'; thence north 150'; thence east 133': thence south 150' to point of be£innin£. 562.66 Part of NEi SW! Section 10, T5 South, Range 68 West desc. as: Be gi nnin p, at a point 326' west of inter- section o f north line W. Chenan go Ave., with west line S. Broadway: thence west 133'; thence north 150'; thence east 133': thence south 150' to point of beginning. 912.10 Part o f NEt SW! Section 10, T5S, R 68W desc. as: begin- ning at a point 32 6 ' west and 150' north of intersection of west line of S. Broadway with north line of W. Chenango Av e.; thence north 155.41' thence west 13) feet: thence south 155.22'; thence east 133' to point of beginning. 963.76 Part of NEt SWt Section 10, T5S, R68W deac. as: beginning at a point 376' west and 25' south of NE corner Si NE! SWt Section 10-5-68: thence south JOO'; thence west 133': thence north 300': thence east lJJ' to point of beginning.1,125.31 Part of Southwest t, Section 34, Township 4 South Range 66 west, desc. as: That part of Southwest !, 34-4-66 which is bounded on east by the west line of City Park Drive, on the west by the west line of Section 34, and a line which is JOO f eet west of the west line of City Park Drive, on the north by Little Dry Creek and on the south by the north line of City Park Drive. 5,820.84 Part of Southwest i , Section 34, Township ~ South, Range 6S West desc. as: That part of Southwest t, 34-4-66 which is bounded on the west hy City Park Drive and Huron Street, on the east by a line which is JOO feet east of City Park Drive and Huron Street, on the north by Little Dry Creek, and on the south by West Hampden Ave., except the following tract: beginninP, at a point 50 feet east and 66 feet north of •outhweat corner Southwest i 34-4-68; thence North 187.73 feet; thence North 45° 13' 10" East 127.43 feet; thence North • 57° 00' East 62.62 feet; thence South 313.32 feet: thence West 145 feet to point of be p,inning . 5,492.43 Part of Southwest t Section 34, Township 4 South, Range 6S West desc as: Beginning at a point 50 feet East and 68 feet North of southwest corner Southwest t 34-4-68; thence North 187.73 feet: thence North 45 ° 13' 10" East 127.43 feet: thence North 57° 00' East 62.62 feet: thence south 313.32 feet: thence West 145 Feet to the point of beginning. 1,954.37 • UNPLATTED AREAS AMOUNT Part o f Southeast t, Northwest t , Northeast i, North- east !, Section 9, Township 5 South, Range 68 West desc. as: Beginning at a point 731 feet West and 660 feet South o f Northeast corner, Sec. 9 T5S, R68W, which point is on the southwesterly Right of Way line of City Ditch: thence North 89 ° 48' West 175 feet to southeasterly Right of Way line o f City Ditch: thence along the southerly Right of Way line the following courses: North 52° 24' East 52.l f eet ; North 56° 20' East 5g feet; on an arc to right having radius o f 53,5 feet, an arc angle of 53° 13', an arc length o f 49.7 feet: on an arc to ri ght having a radius of 40 f eet, an arc an gle of 52°, an arc length of 36.3 feet: thence South 17 ° 39' East 47 feet to the point of b e £innin£. $909.68 Part of SEt, NW!, SW!, N\'/z, Section 3 5, Township 4S, Ran ge 68 W, l yinp h etween Lots 5 and 6 , Clark Sub. desc. as: Be- ginning at SW corn er Lot 5 thence south 73' to NW corner Lot 6; thence east 100 ': thence north 73': thence west 100' to be pinninP 455.96 Part of SWl, N\'lt, Section 3 5 , Township li.S, Range 68\'/: be- inninr, at anoint 351.i.l.i' east and 20' south o f NW corner S\·lf., m·1!, Sect i on 3 5 , T4s, R6$\·.r: thence south 3 05' ; thence west 166 ': thence north 30 5 ': thence east 166' to point of b e ~innin~. 1,847,45 Part o f SWi , NWt , SW};, NW{, Section 35, T4S, Ran ge 66W; b e ginning at a point o f intersection of east line of alle y alon g east side Dobbins Resub ., with north line east Corn ell Av e: thence east 1 65 '; thence north 202.9'; thence west 165' to east line of alley; thence south 202.9' to point o f be gi nnin g . 762.14 Part SWi, NWi, Section 35 Township 4 South, Range 68 West b e ginning at a point 354.4' east and 445' south o f NW cor- ner SW! NWi Section 35-4-6e: thence south 202.9'; thence west l': th ence north 202.9': thence east l' to point of be ginning. 500.50 Part of SEi SW! o f Section 34, Township 4 South, Range 6SW , desc. as: Beginninp at a point 225 feet north and 227.25 f eet east of SW corner SEi S W~, Section 34, T4S R68W: t h ence East 83.75 feet to the SE corner of Lot 13 Block 1, McKinley Su b . 2nd Filing thence South 162.1 ' more or less along the West Right of Way line of South Cherokee St. to the point of intersection of said west line with the northerly Ri ght of Way line of State Highway 70: thence westerly along said northerly Right of Way line 83.75 feet; thence north 157 feet to the point of b e gi nning. 937.00 Part o f NE!, SWi Section 10, Township 5S, Range 68 W, desc. as: be~inning at a point on south line of W. Layton Av e., and lg3 f eet west of centerline of S. Broadway; thence west 133': thence south 75': thence east 133'; thence north 75' to point of beginnin~. 472.47 Part o f NE!, SWt, Section 10, T5S, R68W, desc. as: Beginning at a point 75' south of south line of W. Layton Av e. and ,183' west of centerline of S. Broadway; thence west 133': thence south 150'; thence east 133'; thence north 150' ·to point of beginning. 930.24 Part o f NEi, SWt Section 10, T5S, R68W deec. as: Be- ginning at a point 183 '.-west of eenterline of So. Broad- way and 250' south of centerline of W. Layton Ave.; thence south 75': thence west 133': thence north 75'; thence east 133' to point o f b e ~i nnin ~. 465.12 Part of NEt , SW! Section 1 0 , T5 S , R ginning at a point 133' west and l section o f north line o f Chenan~o of S. Broadwa y: thence west 13)': thence east 133': thence sou th to ·I deac. ae: be- ' north of inter- •·• with weat line hene e north 155.49': tr or h •~i nning. 963.08 Part of Southeast !, Southeas t I. Se ction )), T4S, R68W, desc. as: Be~innin~ at a poi nt (8 f ee t north of south- east corner of Southeast f. o f •eid Sec tion 33-4-6S; thence North 307 feet: thence West 75 f eet: thence South 307 feet; thence east 75 feet to ~o in t o f h e ~i nnin~. 799.66 I I I I inutes of February 5, 1962 UNPLATTED AREAS AMOUNT Part of Southeast t, Southeast ~ Section 33, Township 4 South, Ran g e 68 West desc. as: Beginning at a point 68 feet North and 75 feet West of southeast corner of said Section 33-4-68: thence North 307 feet; thence West 100 feet: thence South 307 feet; thence East 100 feet to point of be ~innin g . $264.06 Part of Southeast !, Southeast ! Section 33, Township 4 South, Range 68 West desc. as: Beginning at a point 68 feet North and 175 feet west of southeast corner of Section 33-4-68: thence North 307 feet; thence West 100 feet; thence South 307 feet; thence East 100 feet to point of be g inning. 264.06 Part of Southeast t Southeast ! Section 33, Township 4 South Range 68 West desc. as: Beginning at a point 275 feet West and 68 feet North of Southeast corner of Section 33-4-68: thence West 25 feet; thence North 202.57 feet; thence North 7° 7' 26" East 74.42 feet; thence North 21° 22' 47" East 32.84 feet: thence East 3.80 feet; thence South 307 feet to the point of beginning. 57.03 Part of Southeast! Section 33, Township 4 South, Range 68 Weat desc. as: Beginning at a point 375 Feet North of Set&heast corner Section 33-4-68; thence West 278.80 feet; thence North 21° 22' 47" East 41.58 feet; thence North 28 ° JO' East 87.88 feet: thence North 35° 37' 26" Eaat 74-42 feet: thence North 49° 52' 47" East 74.42 feet: thence North 57 ° East 144.4 feet to the east line of Section 33: thence South alon g the east line of Section 33 297.5 feet more or less to the point of beginning. 470.40 4. That any complaints or objections which may be made in writing by the owners of land within said District to the City Council and filed in the office of the Clerk of said City up to 5:00 o'clock P. M. on the 16th day of March, 1962, will be heard and determined by the City Council before the paaaaP,e o f an ordinance assessing the cost of said improve- ments. 5. Complaints or objections to the proposed assessments will be heard by the City Council on the 19th day of March, 1962, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock P. M., at the City Hall in said City. WITNESS My hand and official seal this 5th day of February, 1962. ( S E A L ) FIRST PUBLICATION: LAST PUBLICATION: February 8, 1962 lA..arch 1 , 1962 COUNCILMAN BRAUN MOVED, COUNCILMAN MILES SECONDED, THAT THE RESOLUTION AS READ BE CONSIDERED AND ADOPTED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Woods, Smukler, Miles, Love, Brownewell, Braun, McLellan. Nays: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 621-31 RELATING TO PARK LAND PURCHASE IN VICINITY OF CHARLES HAY SCHOOL The City Mana ger discussed the proposed purchase of the drainway imme- diately north of East Eastman Place adjoining the Charles Hay School Site. He stated that he had secured appraisal on the various parcels of land in- volved which totaled $12,000.00. He stated that the plan was to secure that controlled drainagewa y which could be used for park purposes. Discus- sion ensued. The City V~na~er requested that he be authorized to proceed in securing lands and that payment for these lands be made by transfer from Unappropriated Surplus . inutes of February 5, 1962 COUNCILMAN BRAUN MOVED, COUNCILMAN SMUKLER SECONDED, THAT THE RECOM- MENDATION OF THE CITY MANAGER THAT THE LANDS BE PURCHASED BE ACCEPTED ANn THAT THE NEGOTIATIONS FOR PURCHASE BE ENTERED INTO IMMEDIATELY. IF NEGO- TIATIONS FAILED THAT THE CITY MANAGER NOTIFY THE CITY COUNCIL THE DETAILS PRIOR TO ENTERING CONDEMNATION SUIT. The Mayor reported that when a tour was conducted to detennine avail- able park lands that the lands in question were undeveloped while two days later construction was bep:un on one of the sites. He urged that the Manager be authorised to proceed in the acquisition of this land. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Woods, Smukler, Miles, Love, Brownewell, Braun, McLellan. Nays: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. MANAGER'S CHOICE The City ~.anap,er reported that the Federal Grant in Aid from the Home and Housing Finance Authority had been received and disbursed to Harold Hoskins and Company, Consultin~ Engineers, in payment for their services in connection with the storm drainap,e study completed by that finn. The City Manager renorted on the tentative Chamber of Commerce effort to request the repeal of the Business and Occupational Tax. The Mayor re- ported that the majority of the people in the four-county area voted for the imposition of a sales tax for capital improvements, not as a source of revenue to reduce other taxes. He expressed the opiniontllat the City needs to protect its sales taY revenue. Discussion ensued as to moral obligation to repeal the Business and Occupational Tax after City of Englewood sales tax becomes assured. Discussion ensued. 621-9 CONSIDERATION OF BILLS, CLAIMS AND INVOICES FOR THE .MONTH OF JANUARY 1962 . COUNCILMAN BRAUN MOVED, COUNCILMAN SMUKLER SECONDED, THAT THE BILLS, CLAIMS AND INVOICES AS LISTED BY THE CITY CLERK AND APPROVED BY THE CITY MANAGER BE ALLOWED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as fol- lows: Ayes: Concilmen Woods, Smukler, Miles, Love, Brownewell, Braun, Mclellan. Nays: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. \ I \ MAYOR'S CHOICE ., \ The Mayor reported that he had received word that the City may use the old North School for another year, but that it should be confirmed. COUNCILMAN SMUKLER MOVED, COUNCILMAN LOVE SECONDED, THAT THE CITY NAGER WRITE A LETTER TO THE ENGLEWOOD SCHOOL DISTRICT REQUESTING AN EXTENSION FOR ONE YEAR OF THE USE OF THE OLD NORTH SCHOOL BY THE CITY. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Woods, Smukler, Miles, Love, Brownewell, Braun, Mclellan. Nays: None. Absent: None. The ~.ayor declared the motion carried. The Mayor named those persons he was considering for the appointment to the Citizens Committee to determine the City's building needs. Suggest- ions for appointment by other Councilmen were taken. The Mayor stated that he would appoint a committee of S to 10 from th• list of persons proposed. ADJOURN CONCILMAN BRAUN MOVED, COUNCILMAN MILES SECONDED, THAT THE MEETING BE ADJOURNED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Woods, Smukler, Miles, Love, Brownewell, Braun, Mclellan. I Minutes of February 5, 1962 Nays: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 11:18 P.M. Minutes of February 5, 1962 The minutes o f the meetin g of the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, held on the 5th da y of Fe b ruary , 1962 A. D., stand approved as written this 5th day of March, 1962 A. D.