HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-06-18 (Regular) Meeting Minutes248 UCIULU Mll'l'lllCl1 COUllCIL CllAUDI Clft or •aL•fOOD, COLODDO .:Mfl 11, 1111 'l'h• City eounail oc th• City oC an.lM1aod, Arapahoe county, Colorado, .. t in r•tul•r ••••ion on Monday, .June 11, 1111, in the aounoil Challbera, Citr 11a11, 1n9lewood at th• hour oc 1100 t.11. ' Mayor Pro ,,.. lrownewel1 pre1idin9 aa11ed th• .. •tint to order and the invoaation wa1 9iven l»y the aeverend ltowell lal'Mllleyu oC the lntlwood llethodi1t Church. 'l'h• Mayor Pro 'I'• a1ked Cor roll call. Upon th• aall oC th• roll, th• Collowint per10n1 were pre1ent1 aouncil•n1 lraun, Love, Mil••· lllukler, lrownewell. AllO Pr•••nt1 City Mana9er Dial, City Attorney 11ch, City Clerk .. au1an9, Alt1ent1 Mayor McLellan, counailun Wood1. 'l'h• Mayor Pro ,, .. dealared a ,uorum pr•••nt. 611-107 DOllATIOI roa .ru111oa CllMID or COlllDCI Mr. lill .. nton, Pre1ident lnt1ewood .Junior Ch.mer oC Comerce, reque1ted a •200.00 donation Crom th• City of ln9l.-.od in 1upport of th• annual rourth of .July fir.-.rk• di1play to It• held at the Arapahoe county rair around1, lie 1tated that thi• '"" recue1ted wa1 th• , ... dotaated 1a1t year. Di1cu11ion enaued. OOUllCJUWI MILll MOYID, COUllCIUWI llAUI llCOIDID, 'l'llAT '1'111 Cl'l'V COi• 1a11U'l'1 •200.00 'I'() '1'111 •CILIWOOD .ru11oa CllMID or CC191DCI roa '1'111 rouan or .nJLY r111WOIKI DlltLAY. Upon th• call of the roll, th• vote re1ulted a1 fo11ow11 Ay••• counail••n IMukler, Mil••· Love, lraun, lrownewell. ••Y•• •one. A1»11nt1 Co\lftai1m1n Wood1, MaL111an. 'l'h• Mayor Pro Tell declared th• motion carried. 631•4 PIOCIDlllGI or IOA.'m or CMll• IDVZCI CXllMZllZOllal Mll'l'ZIG or .nlll 1'1'11 'l'h• Mayor Pro 'I'• a1ked that th• •inut•• It• received and plaaed 0 1on Cile. 631•7 tlOCllDZIGI or WA'l'D AID ••• IOA..'ID 11111111 or .nlll 1a, 1112 'l'h• Mayor Pro Tem a1ked that th• •inute1 lte reaeived and placed on file. 611•10I l!hf''''n• A4y1gti1in1 cog 1141 «pg Aon•'l'u••ipn pc ln•ltwppd J?e• 'l'h• City Clerk read th• followin9 recOlmlendation of th• 1n91.-.oc1 Wa'8r and lewer loard in fu111 11 '1'hat adverti1in9 of th• invitation to laid on th• aon1truation oc ln9lewoocl lo, 1 DA• and Appurtenant Work• lte9in on .June 31, 11631 that laid• It• reaeived for or.nint at 3100 •·•· Autu•t J, 11631 and that th• City counail aon1i er awardint the aontraat o• aontraat1 on A\lf\llt 6, 1162.11 OOUICIUWI IMUICLll MOYID, COVllCZUWI llZLll llCOllDID, THAT Tiii UCXlflllll• DA'l'IOI II AttlOYID AID 'l'llA'I' AOVll'l'lllllCI II AU'l'llOIZllD Al 11'1' roan. Upon th• aall of th• roll, th• vote re1\llted a1 Collow11 Aye11 CO\lnail••n ltn\lkler, Mil••· Love, lra\ln, lrownewell. •ay11 llon•. Alt1ent1 counailmen Wood1, llaLe1lan. 'l'h• Mayor Pro 'l'em denlared th• motion aarried. Apprpyal gc 11101 •n4 lp1giCia1gipp1 C91 qapagg:ypgipp pc .,.,,, 'l'h• City Clerk read th• followint rea...aendation of th• lntlewoocl water and lewer loard in f\1111 I 'I I I ,, I I I Min\lce1 of 3\lne 11, 1111 H'l'ftat th• 1i9ftati\lre1 or tt. L. Mow11an, Mayor, and L. L. lrownawell, Mayor fro , .. , approvint ch• plan• and 1paoif ioacion1 for th• oon• 1tr\lotion or lntlewood Mo. l D•• and App\lrlenanc Work• lie ratified and eon t irmad • 11 C@UllCIUWf llAUtl MOVID, OOUltCIUWI LOVI llC»IDID, 'l'llA'l' 1111 UCCMMIMDA 'l'IOM II AOCIPTID AID TMA'l' 'l'KI llGlfAtuUI II IA'l'llllD AllD COllPtlMID. UDOn t.h• oall of th• ro11, th• vot• r••u1t.cl a• fullow11 Ay••• CoW\ailMn im\lklar, Mil••• Love, lra\ln, lrownewell. lay 11 ltOftfi a A»ltH\tl COWl@ilMn WOMI' M~La11an. th• Mayor •ro '*' daalarfld th• ttttition aarriecl. 121 •1 PIC>eilimttfOi of '1'111 tUILIC LlllAIY IOAJlD Mllt%IHI Of JUlfl 12, 1912 Th• May@r Pr@ T•m ai1ttld that th• •inut•I -. r•e•iv-4 aftd plaaact on file. 121 •111 AtflfUAL TltlA8Vllmt*8 RJllJOa~ JlOR 1911 ifh• city Manager prei•nttld the Ann\&al ~r•a•urer 1 M ••port for th• yaar atMliftt) DllcmlMir J1, 1961 . H• atat-4 that th•r•·wa a tr•at d••l df work in vo1vM in thi• report artd hoiJ.cl it would b9 va1\l01• to the counai1. COUlftIIMlf llllAU1I MOWD, OOUllCILllU LOVI llCOIDID, TllAT ftUI AllllVAL 'fttlUVl8 1 1 ltllPOllT BB IUICIIVIO. Council..-n &muk1•r conn•nted that he had not read th• •nti•• report lhtt it appeared to be a v•ry con~i•• and meanin9ful pr•••ntation and offer-.t hi8 convratulation• to the City ~reaiur•r. Upon the call of the roll, th• vote re•ulted aa follow•• Aye•• Councilmen S.ukl•r, Milea, Love, araun, Brown.well. Rayas Rone. Abaenti Councilmen Wood•, McLellan. The Mayor Pro Tem declared the motion carried. 621•6 PROCBBDIRGS OP '1'BB PLAlOIIRG A1ID ZOllimG CDllllISSIO• tmSTimG OP JUBB 7; 1962 The Mayor Pro Tam a•ked that the minute• be received and placed on file. 621-67 AlOIBXATI08 OP ICLZ SITB COUlfCIUIAR BRAUll MOVBD, COUlfCIUIAlf LOW SSCOllDm>, THAT 'l'BB PROPOSBD BILL BB RB-RBAD AS A BILL. Upon the call of the roll, the wt• r••ulted a• follow•• Ayes: Councilmen Smukler, Mile•, Love. Braun, BroWll.well. lfaysa None. Ab••nt: Councilmen Woods, McLellan. The Mayor Pro Tem declared the motion carried. The City Clerk re-read the following bill in fulls Introduced as a Bill by Councilman Braun A BILL POR All ORDillAllCB RATIIYillG, APPROVIRG AllD COdmKillG ALL ACTIOll Dltft'OPOU 'l'AJCBm 'l'OlfAllD TBB AllllBXA'l'IOR OP '1'BB BBRBDAP'l'BR DUCllI.., 'fmI'fOU to ftl8 Cift OP mGLBllOOD, COLORADO, MD APPROVIllG TBB AllllDA'IIOll OP '1'1111 amiiiAITD DBSCRIBBD 'l'BRRITORY TO '1'BB Cift OP BRGLBllOOD, COLORADO, '1'0-1fI'1'1 A 'l'MC'l' OP LAllD LYI•G I• SSC'l'IOIJ 35, TOWllSBIP 4 SOU'l'B, RAllGB 68 ... .,, I• ARAPAHOS courrr, DBSCRiaaD AS POI.LOWS: UQIDillG AT A POil1'1' WB-'1'1111 MST LID OP BLOCK 50, BVAllS'l'OB BROADlfAY ADDITIOll BXTDDBD SOU'l'BBRLY Ill'l'DSSC'l'S '1'118 NW& LI•B OP SSCTIOIJ 35, TOIOTSBIP 4 SOUTH, RAllGB 68 WBST, SAID SOU'l'll LillB BBIRG '1'BB APPROXIMATB CBll'l'BR LillB OP BAST llAMPDBR AYmfUB1 TBDCB llOR'nlJlltLY AL09G TllB MST LDIB OP SAID BLOCK SO TO TBB BORTH LIRB OF SAID BLOCK 50, ftlDCB &ASTDLY 'l'O TBB BAST LI•B OP SOUTH LU'AYB'l'TB STRIB'l', TBDCB llORTBDLY AL09G SAID BAST LDIB OP SOU'l'B LAPAYBT'l'B STRBBT TO TBB CDTBR LIRB OP DST PLOD AVDUB, 'l'llBltCB BASTBRLY ALOllG · SAD> CBIJ'l'BR LIRB OP BAST FLOYD AYmfUB TO '1'BB &AST LID OP '1'BB SW 1/4 SBCTIO• 35, TOIOISBIP 4 SOUTH, RAllGB 68 WEST, 'l'llDCB 80UTHllRLY ALO•G SAID LDB 'l'O '1'118 lfORTllBAST COIUfBR OP TBB SB 1/4 SW 1/4 OP SBCTIOll 35, TOWSBIP 4 SOUTH, RAITGB 68 WBST, 'l'HBllCB BASTBRLY ALONG THB BORTH LID OP TBB SW 1/4 SB 1/4 SBC'l'IOR 35, 250 Minute• of June 18, 1962 TOWBSBIP 4 SOU'l'H, RAHGB 68 WBST, TO TBB BOR'l'llBA8T CORl1BR OP TBB SW 1/4 SB 1/4 SBCTaDJ 35, TOWBSBIP 4 SOUTH, RAHGB 68 WBST 1 T&BaCB SOU'l'llBRLY ALOBG TBB BAST LIBB OF '1'BB SW 1/4 SB 1/4 SBC'l'IOB 3S, TOllllSBIP 4 SOUTB,.RABQB 68WBS'l', TO A POill'l' WllBRB SAID LIBB IBTBRSBC'l'S '1'BB BOR'l'll RIGB'l'-OF-WAY LID OF S. H. 70 (BAST BAMPDBH AVDIUB), SAID POIBT BBDIG APPROXDIATBLY 90 FBBT BORTHBRLY OP '1BB SOUTBBAST COUBR OF '1'BB SW 1/4 SB 1/4 SSCTIO• 35, T01QlSHIP 4 SOUTH, RAIJGB 68 WBST, TBDCB WBSTBRLY ALOIJG SAID •oam RIGB'l'-OF-WAY LIBB 'l'O A POill'l' WllBRB SAID LID Df'J.'BRSBCTS THB BAST LDB 01' 'ftlB SW 1/4 SBC'l'IOIJ 3S, 'l'OIOfSHIP 4 SOUTH, RAllGB 68 WBS'l', SAID POilft' BSim APPROXDIATllLY 90 FBB'l' lfORTB OP '1'BB SOUTH QUARTBR CORl1BR OF SAID SSCTIO•, TBDICB SOU'l'BWBS'l'BltLY ALOl1G SAID RIGHT-OP-WAY LillB OP BAST BMPDm AV.US o• '!BB ARC OP A CURVB 'l'O '1'BB LBF'l', 'ftlB RADIUS OF WHICH BQUALS 783 PSST, PORA DiftUCB OF 301.4 FBB'l', 'l'BB&CB WBSTBRLY ALOBG '1'BB llOR'l'H RIGHT-OP-WAY LID 01' BAST llAllPDDI AVBllUB PAJtAT,I,BL 'l'O Al1D 30 FBBT llOR'.l'B OF TBB SOU'l'll LI•• 01' SSC'fIOB 35 I 'IOWllSBIP 4 SOU'l'B, RAHGB 68 WBST, 'l'O AlOIBT WBBRB TllB .ORTH RIGB'l'-01'-WAY LID 01' BAST llAllPDDI AVBllUB IBTBRSBC'l'S '1'BB BAST LI•B 01' IOU'l'B LAl'AYll'ft'B STRSft, 'l'llBSCB SOUTBBRLY TO A POillT WllBRB 'ftlB BAST LID or IOU'l'B LUAY&TTB ·~ Dl'l'BRSBC'l'S TBB SOUTH LID OP SBCTIOR 35, TODSBIP 4 SOUTB, MllGB 68 WU'l', 'l'JlmCB WBSTBRLY ALOBG SAID SOUTH LIRB OF SAID SSCTIO• 'l'O TllB POillT 01' BBGI•IRG, COllTAIBIBG APPROXDIA'l'BLY S7 .202 ACRBS. WBBRBAS, a written petition propoaing and requeating annexation of certain territory to th• City of Bnglewood, t.oc)ether with four copiea of a .. P ahowing aaid territory to be annexed, waa preaented and filed with the City Council at it• regular meeting Monday, April 16, 1962r and WBBRBAS, at aaid meeting aaid City Council referred aaid petition to th• City Attorney and alao to the City Planning and Zoninq CO..iaaion for their recoaaendationa: and WBBRBAS, th• City Attorney ha• reported that, in hi• opinion, the •aid petition and the docummita attached th•••to ... t the requi~ .. enta of Chapter 139, Article 11, Colorado Reviaed Statutea, 1953, •• ... net .. and auppl .. ented: and WBBRBAS, at the regular meeting of the City Planning and Zoning Coaniaaion, held on 'l'huraday, April 19, 1962, the aaid CO-iaaion conaiderecLs ,"-.1--~ Qe '••'•" •a•6••• .. •~':.petition and docuaenta attached, and did take formal action in recoaaending the acceptance by the City of aaid petition and the annexation of the territory in queation to the City of Bnglewood: and WBBRBAS, aaid recomaendationa have been received by the aaid City Council: and WBBRBAS, by reaolution introduced, paaaed, adopted, aigned and approved on the 7th day of May, 1962, aaid City Council found that the aaid (lltition and document• attached thereto meet the requir .. enta of Article 11, Chapter 199, Colorado Reviaed Statutea, 19S3, and ordered the publication of a notice concerning aaid petition and aaid annexation: and WBBRBAS, purauant to aaid reaolution and atatutea, aaid notice waa pub- li•hed in the Englewood Herald and Bnterpriae, a l .. al n.wapaper publiahed and of general circulation in the City of Bn9lewo0d, on May 10, 17, 24 and 31, 1911: and WHBRBAS, more than thirty day• have elapaed aince the date of ••t• firat publication and no counter petition requeating an election on the queation of annexation ha• been filed purauant to Chapter 139, Article 11, Colorado Reviaed Statute•, 1953, aa amended and auppleaaented. lfOW, '.l'HBRBPORB, BB IT ORDAIBBD BY TllB CITY COUBCIL OP 'ftlB CI'l'r OF mGLllfOOD, COLORAD01 Section 1. That all previous action• of th• City Council cebcerning the .. tter of the annexation of the hereinafter deacribed territory to the City of Bnglew<X'd are ratified,approved and confirmed. Section 2. That written petition waa properly filed in accordance with aflatute with th• City Council of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, pro- poaing the annexation to aaid City of Bn9lewood of the hereinafter deacribed land, aituate in the County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, to-wits A tract of land lying in Section 35, Townahip 4 South, Range 68 Weat, in Arapahoe County deacribed as followas Beginning at a point where the eaat line of Block SO, Bvanaton Broadway Addition extended aoutherly interaecta the aouth line of Section 35, 'l'ownahip 4 South, Ran9e 68 Weat, a~d aouth line ~eing the approximate center line of Baat Ba~en Aven••: Thence Bortherly along the eaat line of aaid Block SO to the north line of aaid Block SO, Thence Baaterly to the eaat line of South Lafayette Street, I I I I I I I I Minute• of June 18, 1962 Thence Northerly along said •••t line of South Lafayette Street to the center line of Bast Floyd Avenue, Thence Easterly along aaid center line of Baat Floyd Avenue to the east line of the SW 1/4 Section 35, Townahip 4 South, Range 68 Weat, Thence Southerly along aaid line to the northeast corner of the SB lf4 SW 1/4 of Section 35, Townahip 4 South, Range 68 Weat, Thence Baaterly along the North line of the SW 1/4 SB 1/4 Section 35, Townahip 4 South, Range 68 Weat, to th• northeaat corner of the SW 1/4 SB 1/4 Section 35, Townahip 4 South, Range 68 Weat, Thence Southerly along the •••t line of the SW 1/4 SB 1/4 Section 35, 'l'ownahip 4 South, Range 68 Weat, to a point where said line interaecta the north right-of-way line of s. B. Ro. 70 (Baat Hampden Avenue), aaid point being approximately 90 feet northerly of the aoutheaAt ·:x:orner of the SW 1/4 SB 1/4 Section 35, Townahip 4 South, Range 68 Weat, Thence Weaterly along said north right-of-way line to a point where •aid line interaect• the eaat line of the SW 1/4 Section 35, "'-Townahip 4 South, Range 68 Weat, aaid point being approximately 90 feet north of the aouth quarter corner of aaid Section, Thence Southwesterly along said right-of-way line of Baat Hampden Avenue on the arc of a curve to the left, the radiua of which .. uala 783 feet, for a diatance of 301.4 feet, thence Weaterly along the north right-of-way line of Baat B•mpd•n Avenue parallel t o and 30 feet north of the aouth line of Section 35, Townahip 4 South, Range 68 Weat, to a point where the north right-of-way line of Baat Hampden Avenue interaect• the eaat line of South Lafayette Street, Thence Southerly to a point where the eaat line of South Lafayette Street interaect• the aouth line of Section 35, Townahip 4 South, Range 68 Weat, Thence Weaterly along aaid aouth line of aaid Section to the point of beginning, containing approximately 57.202 acre•. Section 3. That aaid petition waa aigned by the owner• of more than fiftF_-percent (50J') of the area of such territory, who also canpriaed a majority of the landowners reaiding in the said territory at the time the petition waa filed. Section 4. That said petition was in all reapect• in conformity with the proviaion• of Article 11, Chapter 139, COlorado Reviaed Statutes, 1953, as amended: that said petition was and i• hereby favorably conaidered by the City Council of the aaid City of Englewood, conatituting the legislative body of the municipality to which said territory i• propoaed to be annexed: that notice of the aubatance of the petition, including but not neceaaarily limited to the date of aigning, the number of persona aigning, a deacription of the territory included in the proposed annexation, and a atat ... nt that landowner• of the area may expre•• their opposition to the annexation and aecure an election by complying with the provision• of Section 139-11-4, Colorado Revised Statutes, 1953, was published purauant to atatute. Section 5. That said hereinabove deacribed parcel or parcel• of property be, and they hereby are declared annexed to aaid City of Bngl.wood, Colorado, and are hereby made a part of the said City, purauant to the proviaiona of Article 11, Chapter 139, Colorado Revi•ed Statute•, 1953, •• amended. Section 6. That if any aecticm, paragraph, clau•• or provivison of thi• ordinance shall for any reaaon be held to be invalid or unenforceable, the invalidity or unenforceability of such aection, paragraph, cla .. e ·,or pz9vi- aion ahall not affect any of the r ... ining proviaiona of thi• ordinance. Section 7. That all ordinance•, resolution•, by-lawa, and regulation• of the City, in conflict with this ordinance, are hereby repealed to the extent only of .:such inc::onaiatency. Thi• repealer •hall not be conatrued to revive any ordinance, reaolution, by-law, or regulation, or part thereof, heretofore repealed. IN'l'RODUCBD AS A BILL, RBAD IN PULL, PASSBD OR FIRST RBADim AID> ORD-D PUBLISBBD thi• 18th day of June, 1962. . /} /' .-/J ..., was re-read aa a bill. 251 Minute• of June 18, 1962 COUBCILMAN BRAUR me>VBD, COUNCILMAN LOVB SBCOBDBD, THAT '1'BB PROPOSBD BILL, RB-RBAD IR PULL, BB RB-PASSBD AS A BILL MID ORDBRBD PUBLISBBD THIS 18TH .. y OP JUBB, A •• D. 1962, IR FULL D1 '1'BB •GLSWOOD BBRALD Al1D D'l'BRPRISB. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follow•: Ayea1 Councilmen Smukler, Mil••· Love, Braun, Brownewell. Rayas Rone. Abaent: councilman Wood•, McLellan. The Mayor Pro Tem declared the motion carried. 621-99 RBLATIRG TO VACATIOll OF Al1 ALLft Ill BLOCK 1, BIGGD1S IDfGLBWOOD GAR.DBRS Introduced aa a Bill by Council.an Mil•• A BILL FOR Al1 ORDIRMICB VACATD1G 'l'llAT CBRTADI ALLBr DBSCRIBBD AS FOU.OWS: ALL OP TBB PIFTBBR POOT ( 15' ) ALLBY D1 BLOCK 1, BIGGillS BRGLBWOOD GARDDIS, ACCORDDJG '1'0 TBB RBCORDBD PLAT TBBRBOP, ALL IR TBB CI'IY OP mGLBWOOD, ARAPABOB COURT!', COLORADO. ROW, 'l'llBRBPORB, BB IT ORDADJBD BY' '1'BB CIT'.l COUllCIL OP '1'BB CI'l'r OP BNGLBWOOD, COLORAD01 Section 1. That the hereinafter deacribed property located in the City of Bnglewood, Arapahoe County, Colorado, be and hereby i• declared vacated p~ auant to the proviaiona of Section 13, Article 1, Chapter 120, Colorado Reviaed Statute• 1953, aa -nded, and that title thereto •hall veat in the owner• of abutting land, aa provided in aaid Chapter 1201 ·aaid vacated land being particularly deacribed •• followa1 All of the fifteen foot (15') alley in Block i l, Higgin• Bnglawood Gardens, according to the recorded plat thereof, all in the City of Bnglewood, Arapahoe County, Colorado. Section 2. That the hereinabove deacribed land i• located entirely within the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, and doe• not conatitute a boundary line between the City of Bngl.wood and any county or other municipality. Section 3. That the vacation of the hereinabove deacribed alley will --· : -.. .' -_ :. not 1-v• any adjoining land without an ••tabliahed public road connecting aaid land with another eatabliahed public road. Section 4, That th• City of Bnglewood doe• hereby expreaaly reaerve the righta-of-way or eaa ... nt• for th• continued uae of exiating •ewer, gaa, water, or aimilar pipe line• and appurtenance•, and for ditche• or canal• and appurtenance•, and for electric, telephone, and aimilar line• and appurtenance•, if any, now located in the hereinabove deacribed part of Bnglewood. Passed on First Reading by the City Council of the City of Bnglewood, COloraci:>, thi• 18th day of June, A.D. 1962, and ordered publiahed in full in the Bnglewood Herald and Bnterpriae. ATTEST: was read time. COURCILMAN LOVE MOVBD, COURCIIIQN SMUKLBR SBCORDBD, THAT TBB PROPOSBD BILL BB PASSBD ON FIRST RBADING AND ORDBRBD PUBLISBBD IR FULL IR '1'BB BRGLBm<>D llB1tALD Al1D Bll'l'BRPRISB. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted •• followa1 Ayes: Councilmen Smukler, Mile•, Love, Braun, Browaewell. Raya: None. Abaent: councilmen Wood•, McLellan. The Mayor Pro Tem declared the motion carried. I I I I I I I 'I Minute• of Junl 18, 1962 621-100 VACATION OP PORTION OF SOUTH HURON STRBBT NOR'l'BWBST PRINC'l'ON AVBHUB Introduced aa a Bill by Councilman Smukler A BILL POR AN ORDINANCE VA·'TING THB FOLLOWING DBSCIRBBD CUL DB SAC LOCATED IN TBB CITY OF BNGLBWOOD, ARAPABOB,COUNTY, COLORADO: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE BAST SIDE OP DBBDBD STRBBT, WHICH POINT IS 10 FEET NORTH AND 71 FBBT WBST OF TBB SOU'l'HBAST CORNBR OP LOT 12, BLOCK 24, JACKSON'S BROADWAY HBIGHTS1 THBNCE OB A CURVB TO THE LBPT, WHOSE RADIUB "IS 25 PBBT, WBOSB CENTRAL ANGLE IS 149• 02' 56" AllD WllOSB CBNTBR BBARS SOUTH 25 PBB'l' PROM TBB POINT OF BBGIDING, AN ARC DISTUCB OP 65.03 PBBT TO A POINT: TBBllCB S. 15• 28' 32" W. 48.19" TO TBB POINT OP BBGINNING. BOW, TBBRBFORB, BB IT ORDAIRBD BY THB CI'l'r COUBCIL OF THE CITY OF BRGLBWOOD, CX>LORADO: Section 1. That the hereinafter described property located in the City of Englewood, Arapahoe County, Colorado, be and hereby is declared vacated purauant to the provision• of Section 13, Article 1, Chapter 120, Colorado Revised Statutes 1953, as amended, and that title thereto shall vest in the owner• of abutting land, as provided in said Chapter 120: said vacated land being particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the east side of d .. ded street, which point is 10 feet north and 71 feet weat of the southeast corner of Lot 12, Block 24, Jackson'• Broadway Bei9hts: thence on a curve to the left whoae radius is 25 feet, whoae central angle is 149•20'56" and whoae center bear• south 25 feet from the point of beginning, an arc distance of 65.03 feet to a point: thence s. is• 28' 32" w, 41U.9'feet to the point of beginning. Section 2. That the hereinabove deacribed land i• located entirely within the City of Englewood, Colorado, and doea not conatitute a boundary line be- tween the City of Bnglewood and any county or other municipality. Section 3. That the vacation of the hereinabove deacribed cul de sac will not leave any adjoining land without an eatabliahed public road con- necting aaid land with another eatabliahed public road. Section 4. That the City of Englewood doe• hereby expressly reserve the righta-of-way or eaa ... nta for the continued uae of existing sewer, gas, water, or aiailar pipe line• and appurtenances, and for ditch•• or canals and appur- tenance•, and for electric, telephone, and aiaailar line• and appurtenances, if any, now located in the hereinabove deacribed part of Bnglewood. Paaaed on Pirat Reading by the City Council of the City of Englewood, C»lorado, thia 18th day of June, A.D. 1962, and ordered published in full in the Bnql9WOOd Berald and Bnterprise. #~J 7 ~ ~-iMaiiia~y,aor ~Ji:_ ATTBST: was read COUBCIIllAN SMUKLBR MOVBD, COUNCILMMI LOVB SBOOllDBD, THAT TBB PROPOSED BILL BB PASSBD ON FIRST READING AND ORDBRBD PUBLISBBD D PULL IN THE BNGLBWOOD HBRALD AllD BNTBRPRISB. Upon the call of the roll, the vote res•lted as followas Ayeas Councilmen Smukler, Milea, Love, Braun, Brownewell. Nays: &one. Abaent: Councilmen Woods, McLellan. The Mayor Pro Tam declared the motion carried. 621-83 RELATING TO C-3 COl!CBRCIAL ZONB DISTRICT Thereupon, the Clerk announced that an ordinance entitled, AN ORDillANCB AMDIDIBG ORDDIANCB BO. 45, SBRIBS OP 1955, AS Allml>BD, OP '1'llB ORDillANCBS OP 'l'llB CITY OP DIGLBWOOD, COLORADO, KNOWB AS '1'llB 'ZONIBG ORDillUCB OP 'l'BB CI'l'r OP BIJGLm«>OD, I BB BSTABLISla ·; TllBRBIN, UllDD AllTICLB IV 'l'llBUOP, A TBIRD AID> RDf ZORB DISTRICT, JQf01lll AS C-3 (BUSDUS DISTRICT), DBSIGllATBD POR TBB DBSCRIPTION ABD TBB CJOn'ROL OP COllSTRUCTIOll MD OPBRATIOll OP COMllBRCIAL COM- 254 Minute• of June 18, 1962 pI.BXBS GDBRALLY JQl010J AS SBOPPIBG CDITBRS' H which ordinance waa introduced •• a bill, read in full for the fir•t time, and .. ••ed on firat reading on the 7th day of May, 1962, had, together with notice of the public hearing held by ceuncil at the regular meeting of June 4, 1962, at the council Chamber• in the City Ball, •• ordered by the council, been publiahed in full in t:he Englewood Herald and Enterprise, a newapaper publiahed and of general circulation in the City of Englewood, in it• iaaue of May 14, 1962, being at leaat 15 day• prior .to aaid hearing helcl on June 4, 1962, and that the publiahera•a affidavit• of publication of aaid ordinance and notice are now on file in the office of the City Clerk, and thereupon the ordinance waa re-read on f irat reading and repaaaed •• a bill for ordinance and ordered publiahed in full in the Bnglewood Herald and Bnterpriae at leaat 7 day• before ita! ·conaideration for second and final reading •. WBBRBUPOB, IT WAS MOVED BY COUllCIUIAB BRAUll MD SBOOIJDBD BY COUBCIIllAll LOVB 'l'llAT SAID ORDillABCB BB lfOW PLACED 011 ITS &BOORD RBADDG Al1D PILAL PASUGB, Al1D 'l'BAT ALL RULBS OP 'l'llB COUllCIL WRICH MIGHT PRBVaT, UllLBSS SUSPJDIDBD, '1'BB PDJAL PASSAGB Al1D ADOPTleJOP SAID ORDIBAllCB AT 'l'llIS llBBTDIG, BB, Alm THE SAME ARE BBRBBY, SUSPBRDBD POR THE PURPOSE OP PBNIIT'l'IllG '1'BB PIBAL PASSAGE Al1D ADOPTIBG OP SAID ORDillAllCB AT TRIS MBBTim. The queating being upon the adopting of aaid motion and the auapenaion of the rule•, the roll waa called with the following reault: Thoae Voting Aye: Saukler Mile a Love Brauo Brownewell Thoae Voting Bay: Bone Absent: Wood• McLellan Five member• of the council having voted in favor of ••id motion the presiding officer declared said motion carried and the rule• auapended. Thereupon, aaid ordinance was read by the City Clerk in full for the second time. WBBRBUPOB, COUllCIIMAB BRAUll MOVED 'l'llAT SAID ORDillABCB BBRB'l'OPORB IB'l'RO- DUCBD ARD PUBLISBBD Alm AGAIB READ IB PULL AT THIS llBBTDJG, BB BOW PLACED UPOB ITS PD1AL PASSAGE Al1D ADOPTION, OOUllCIIMAB LOVB SBOOIJDBD TBB MOTIOB, ARD 1'BB QUBSTIOB BEIBG UPOB THE PLACIBG OP SAID ORDIBABCB UPOll ITS PIBAL PASSAGE ARD ADOPTION, the roll was called with the following reault: Thoae Voting Aye: Smukler Mile a Love Braun Brownewell Thoae Voting Bay: None Absent: Wood a McLellan The preaiding officer declared the motion carried and the said ordinance placed upon its final passage. COUllCIUQN BRAUB 'l'BDI MOVED 'l'llAT SAID ORDillMICB BB PASSED ARD ADOPTED AS RBAD. COUllCIIMAB LOVE SBCONDBD 'l'BB MOTIOB. The queation being upon the paaaing and adopting of said ordinance, the roll waa called with the following result: Those Voting Aye ~ Smukler Miles Love Braun Brownewell Those Voting Nay: None Absent: Woods McLellan The preaiding officer thereupon declared at leaat five of all the member• elected to the City council having voted in favor thereof, the aaid motion waa carried and the eaid ordinance duly passed and adopted •• read. On motion duly adopted, it was ordered that aaid Ordinance be Numbered 14, Seri•• of 1962, and after approval by the Mayor be recorded according to law, and publiahed once in the Englewood Herald and Enterpriae. ... I I Ii I I ,, I '• I 'I Minutes of June 18, 1962 621-84 RELATING TO "T" TRANSITIORAL ZOllB Thereupon, the Clerk announced that an ordinance entitled, ""AN ORDIHANCB AMBlll>IHG ARTICLE IV OP ORDINANCE llO. 45, SBRIBS OF 1955, AS AMBNDBD, OF '1'llB ORDIBAllCBS OF TBB Cift OP BBGLBWOOD, DOLORADO, IQJ010l AS TBB 'ZOllIJIG ORDDIABCB OF TBB Cift OF DIGLBWOOD,' BY PROVIDDG FOR All ADDITIOllAL DISTRICT '1'0 BB DBSIGllATBD AS 'T' (TRAllSITIONAL DISTRICT), M1D DBCLARillG All BMBRGBJICY," which ordinance wa• introduced as a bill, read in full for the first time, and pa••ed on fir•t reading on the 7th day of May, 1962, had, together• with notice of the public hearing held by Council at the regular meeting of June 4, 1962, at the Council Chambers in the City Hall, •• ordered by the Coucil, been pub- li•hed in•._foll·..:•n·.tlle Bnglewood Herald and Bnterpri•e, a newspaper published and of general circulation in the City of Bnglewood, in its issue of May 14, 1962, being at lea•t 15 days prior to said hearing held on June 4, 1962, and that the publi•her'• affidavit• of publication of •aid ordinance and notice are now on file in the office of the City Clerk, and thereupon the ordinance wa• re-read on f ir•t reading and repa••ed aa a bill for an ordinance and ordered publi•hed in full in the Englewood Herald and Bnterpriae at lea•t 7 days before it• con•ideration for second and final reading. I WHBRBUPOH, IT WAS MOVBD BY COUBCIIMll LOVB ARD SBOOBDBD BY COUBCIUIAll MILBS 'l'BAT SAID ORDIBAllCB BB llOW PLACBD 011 ITS SBCOBD RBADillG ARD PINAL PASSAGB, M1D THAT ALL RULBS OF 'ftlE COUBCIL Wllial MIGHT PRBYIDfT, mtLBSS SUS- PIDIDBD, 'l'BB PIBAL PASSAGB ARD ADOPTIOll OF SAID ORDDTMlCB AT TRIS MBBTillG, BB, AllD '1'llB SAME ARB HBRBBY, SUSPDDBD FOR TBB PURPOS• OF PDMITTillG THB FIIJAI., PASSAGB ARD ADOPTim OP SAID ORDINANCE AT THIS MBBTING. The question being upon the adopting of •aid motion and the suspenaion of the rules, the toll was called with the following re•ult: Those Voting Aye: Smukler Miles Love Braun Brownewell Tho•• Voting May: Mone Absent: Wood• McLellan Five member• of the Council having voted in favor of said motion, the pre•iding officer declared aaid motion carried and the rules auspended. Thereupon, aaid ordinance was read by the City Clerk in full for th• aecond time. WBBRBUPOR, COUllCIIMll LOVB MOVBD 'l'BAT SAID ORDillABCB HBRBTOPORB INTRODUCBD ARD PUBLISBBD ARD AGAill RBAD Ill FULL AT THIS MBBTING, BB ROW PLACBD UPOll ITS FillAL PASSAGE ARD ADOPTIOB, COUNCII,'4AB MILBS SBCOllDBD 'l'BB MOTIOll, and the quea- tion being upon the placing of said ordinance upon its final pasaage and adoption, the roll waa called wi*h the following reault: Thoae Voting Aye: Smukler Mile• Love Braun Brownewell Tho•• Voting •ay: Ilona Abaents Wood• McLellan The preaiding officer declared the motion carried and the said ordinance placed upon it• final paaaage. COUBCIUIAll LOVB '1'llBS MVBD THAT SAID ORDIRARCB BB PASSBD Alm ADOPTBD AS RUD, AS Alf lllBRGDICY MBASURB. COUBCIIMAll MILBS SBCOIJDBD TBB MOTIOll. The queation being upon the paaaing and adopting -of aaid ordinance, the roll waa called with the following reault: Tho•• Voting Ayes Smukler Mile• Love Braun Brownewell. Tho•• Voting Bay: Bone Wood• Abaent: McLellan Minute• of June 18, 1962 The preaiding officer thereupon declared that at leaat f iv• of all the mellber• elected to the City Council having voted in favor thereof, the ••id motion waa carried and the ••id ordinance duly paaaed and adopted aa read, •• an ... rgency meaaure. On motion duly adopted, it was ordered that aaid Ordinance be Rumbered 15, Seri•• of 1962, and after approval by the Mayor be recorded according to law, and published once in the Englewood Herald and Bnterpri••· 521-85 RBZORIRG PRMIDIAHN-FOLKDTS SUBDIVISIOB Introduced •• a Bill by Councilman Mil•• BY AU'l'BORift ORDDUCB NO. 16, SBRIBS OP 1962 AR ORDIBAIJCll RB80RillG THE FOLLOWIRG DBSCRIBBD PROPBRft PROM R-1-D (RBSmmcB DIS'l'RICT) CLASSIPICATIOR TO R-2-B (!WO-PAllILY RBSmlD1'l'IAL DISTRICT) CLASSIPICATIOR, TO-WIT: LOTS 2 THROUGH 10, BLOCK 2, l'RAllDIAIDl-POLXBRTS SUB- DIVISIOR, AllDIDBD PLAT, AllD THB ARBA LYIBG B~ '1'BB llOll'l'll LID OP LOT 10, BLOCK 2, FRAlfr.MAIDl-FOLKBRTS SUBDIVISIOR, Mml>m> PLAT, AllD '1'BB SOU'l'BBRLY ~D OP TBB llOW BXISTDG M-1 ZORB SHOW ON TBB OPPICIAL ZORill$ MAY OP TBB Cift OP mat•rooD, AND ALSO LOTS 1 THROUGH 9, BLOCK 1, PRABZMAD-POLJCBRTS SUBDIVISIOR, AIUDIDBD PLAT, ALL WI'ftlD THE Cift OF BNGLBllOOD, courrr OP WPABOB, STA'l'B OP COLORADO. waa read for the second time. COUllCILMA11 MILBS MOVBD, COUNCILMAll SllUKLBR SBCOl!fDBD, '!'RAT ORDIRMfCB 80. 16, SBRIBS OP 1962, BB PASSBD ON SBCOllD AllD PDAL RBADDIG AllD ORDBRBD PUB- LISBBD IR PULL IR '1'BB DJGLBWOOD BBRALD AllD Bll'l'BRPRISB. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follows: Ayes: Councilmen Smukler, Mile•, Love, Braun, Brownewell. Haya: None. Absent: Councilmen Woods, McLellan. The Mayor Pro Tem declared the motion carried. 621-73 REZONING OF PLBSART VIBW LMfB The City Attorney read a letter rendering hi• opinion with regard to the protest petition• against rezoning of the area known aa the Pleaaant View area, dated June 18, 1962, and directed to the Mayor and City Council •• follow•: "JOSBPH W. BSCH Attorney and Counaelor at Law 303 First National Bank Bldg. Englewood, Colorado ' sunset 1-7212 June 18, 1962 Honorable Mayor and City Councilmen City Ball P.O. Box 178 3345 South Bannock Street Bnqlewood, Colorado Gentl ... en: Purauant to yo\r directive, I have checked the Proteat Petitions for the re- zoning of the area known as the "Pleaaant Vi.w Ar••"· The zoning Ordinance provides in Sub-section 4, of Section II, of Article IIJ,aa follows: "In caae of protest against any change• in the ordinance map, signed by the owner• of 2°" or more of the area of the lots included in such propoaed change, or of tho•• immediately adja- cent in the rear thereof extending 100 f .. t therefrom, or of those directly oppoaite thereto, extending 100 feet from the street frontage of such oppoaite lota, auch amendment shall not become effective except by the favorable vote of three-fourths (3/4) of all the members of the City Council." I ob~lned an ownerahip li•t which diacloaed fifty-two owner• within the defined one hundred foot area. There were ninety-one aignatures on the proteat petition which I conatrued acceptablf , .. Of which signatures of six persons 1 • i ~, tlae 1 i Ly within the/&ia.~hundred foot area. aad eight persons outaide of the city are within the one hundred foot area. In my opinion, the ordinance doe• not contemplate the counting of protest aiqnatures of peraon• outaide of the city. I, therefore, counted only the six protest signature• of peraon• living within the city within the one hundred foot limit, which gave me a percentage of 11.5 in opposition under the above quoted Section of the Ordinance. Since thi• is less than twenty percent, the•zoning may be voted by a majority of the Council. Very truly yours, .. I I> I I 1' I ~1 'I I ii Minute• of June 18, 1962 JWB/ccc• /a/ Joaeph w. Bach City Attorney City of Bnglewood Councilman Braun atated that he had voted againat the paaaage of the propoaed bill previoualy due to the possibility of a 60 foot lot abutting on 100 foot lot• at the southern edge of the area under conaideration for reaon- ing. Be atated that he ha• aeen propoaala for the platting of thi• area and waa now aatiaf ied that there would be no problem along thi• line due to th• 100 foot rear frontage• of the adjoining ait•• t)o the aouth abutting againat aide lot diatancea equal to or greater than tho•• abutting the Pleaaant Vi.w area under conaideration. Be atated that he would vote for the bill. COtDJCIIllAH MILBS MOVBD, CX>UBCILMAIJ LOVB SBCX>BDBD, 'l'llA'l' THB PROPOSBD BILL POR Alf ORDDJAllCB BB RalOVBD PR<»I '1'BB 'l'ABLB. Upon th• call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follow•: Ayea: Councilmen Saukler, Mile•, Love, Braun, Brown.well. Raya: Hone. Abaent: Councilmen Wooda, McLellan. The Mayor Pro Tem declared the motion carried. COUBCILMAB LOVB MOVBD, CX>UBCILMAH MILBS SBC<mDBD, 'l'llA'l' TllB PROPOSBD BILL BB RB-RBAD AS A BILL POR All ORDIBAllCB. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follow•: Ayea: Council .. n Smukler, Miles, Love, Braun, Brown.well. Raya: Hone. Abaent: Councilmen Woods, McLellan. 'l'h• Mayor Pro 'l'em declared the motion carried. Introduced aa a Bill by Councilman Love A BILL !'OR All ORDillAllCR RBZOBIBG '1'HB FOLLOWING DBSCRIBBD PROPBRft PROM R-1-A (USID•CB DISTRICT) CLASSIPICA'l'ION TO R-1-C (RBSIDBRCB DISTRICT) ciuSIPICA'l'IOB '1'0-WI'l's BBGIDillG AT A POilllT 643.0 PBB'l' BOR'1'B OP TBB SOU'l'BWBS'l' CODD OP '1'BB SOU'l'BlfBS'l' QUARTBR OP TBB NORTHWEST QUAR'l'BR OP SBC'l'IOB 8, 'l'OWllSBIP 9 SOU'l'll, RAllGB 68 1fBST, 'l'llBRCB llOR'l'H 00° 12' BAST, ALOlfG '1'BB 1fBST LDIB OP SAID SUBDIVI- SIOB 674.1 PUT TO TBB lfOR'l'HWBST CORBBR OP '1'BB SOU'l'BWBS'l' QUARTD OP 'l'BB BORl'lllfBS'l' QUAR'l'BR OP SAID SBC'l'IOB 8, SAID PODIT BBDIG ALSO cm '1'BB PmlDl'l' Cift LDIITS OP 'l'llB CI'n OP SBBRID&lf A DISTAllCB OP 1319.2 PD'l', '1'0 '1'118 CBrl'D L~B OP SOU'l'll IRVDIG S'l'RBBT, 'l'BBllCB SOUTH OB 'l'BB CDl'lBR LIBB OP SAID 80U'1'll IRVDlfJ SftBBT A DISTAIJCB OP 674.1 PBB'l' ALONG 'l'BB BAST LDB OP SAID SUBDIVISION: 'l'llBllCB WBST ALONG '1'BB SOUTH LINB OP SAID SUBDIVISIOB A DIS'l'AaCB OP 1319.2 l'a'l', TO '1'BB POIBT OP ORIGIB. ('l'HB ARBA BBTlfBBl1 SOU'l'B IRVDG STRUT Al1D 80U'1'11 LOWBLL BOULBVARD Olf BO'l'B SIDES OP PLBASM'l' VIBW LAQ), ALL Ill '1'BB CI'n OP DfGLBWOOD, ARAPABOB CX>Ull'l'Y, COLOaADO. WBBRBAS, application baa been made for th• rezoning of certain property hereinafter deacribed from R-1-A (Residence Diatrict) Claaaification to R-1-C (Reaidence Diatrict) Claaaification aa hereinafter ••t forth, and th• City Planning and Zoning Conllliaaion has recommended approval of auch ahange in zoning: and WllBRBAS, public notice baa been 9iven of auch propoaed reaonin9 by one publication in the Inglewood Herald and BnttrDriae, a newapaper of general cir- culation within the City and the official n.wapaper of the City, at leaat fifteen (15) day• before the public hearing on auch reaonin9, and notice of auch propoaed rezoning ha• been poated on the property for fift .. n (15) con- aecutive day• prior to such hearing, aa required by ordinance1 and WBBRBAS, public hearing was held purauant to the aforeaaid notice by the City Council of the City of Englewood in the Council Challbera of th• City Ball, 3345 South Bannock Street, Englewood, Colorado on the 2lat day of May, A.D. 1962, at the hour of 8100 P.M., at which hearing 5 person• appeared to protest or oppoae the propoaed change in zoning: and WBBRBAS, the public necessity, convenience, general welfare and good zoning practices juatify the change in zoning of the hereinafter deacribed property from R-1-A (Reaidence Diatrict)Claaaification to R-1-C (Reaidence Diatrict) Claaaification aa hereinafter set forth1 BOW, 'l'llBRBPORB, BB IT ORDAINBD Br '1'BB Cift COUllCIL OP '1'BB CITY OP DIGLBWOOD ~ eoLORADO: 257 Minutes of June 18, 1962 Section 1. The zoning of the hereinafter deacribed property located within the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, i• hereby changed frcm R-1-A (Residence District) Claaaification to R-1-C (Reaidence Diatrict) Claasifi- cation as hereinafter set forth, to-wit: Beginning at a point 643.0 feet north of the Southwe•t corner of the Southweat Quarter of the Northweat Quarter of Section 8, Township 5 South, Range 68 Weat, thence north 00° 12' eaat, along the weat line of said aubdiviaion 674.1 feet to the Northweat corner of the Southwest Quarter of the Northweat Quarter of said Section 8, aaid point being alao on the pr•••nt city l~~~· of the City of Sheridan: thence eaat along the present-/:.limita of the City of Sheridan a diatance of 1319.2 feet, to the center line of South Irving Street, thence south on the center line of la'd South Irving Street a distance of 674.1 feet along the east line of said aubdiviaion: thence west a1ong the south line of said aubdiviaion a diatance of 1319.2 feet, to the point of origin. (The area between South Irving Street and South Lowell Boulevard on both aid•• of Pleaaant View Lane), all in the City of Englewood, Arapahoe County, Colorado. Section 2. The City Council hereby finds, determine• and declare• that the hereinabove change in zoning is justified by the public nec•••ity, con- venience, general welfare and good zoning practice•. Introduced •• a Bill for an Ordinance at the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, on April 16, 1962, read a first time in full and set for public hearing before said City Council at a regular meetinf of the City Council on Monday, May 21, 1962, at 8:00 P.M. in the Council Chamber• at the City Hall, 3345 s. Bannock Street, Bnglewood, Colorado. Notice of said hearing eml:M>dyin9 ~i• Bill for an Ordinance in full, ordered by the City Council to be publiahed in full in the Bnglewood Herald and Bnterpriae, at least fifteen day• before said ~earing. Paaaed on Re-Reading by the City Council of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, this 18th day of June, A.D. 1962, and ordered publiahed in full in the Englewood Herald and Enterpri••· .Yid~ A'l'TBST: o;r-I v I ~ Mayor£.~Lt_ ' waa r8"read COUNCIIMAN LOVB MOVBD, COUNCIIMAN MILBS SBCORDBD, THAT THB PROPOSED BILL BB PASSBD ON PIRS'l' RBADING AND ORDBRBD PUBLISBBD IN PULL IN THB •GLBWOOD HERALD AND D'l'BRPRISE. Councilman Smukler expressed his opinion that the City has a moral obli- gation to recognise the oppoaition of those abutting on property within the City of Bnglewood<but l~ving outaide of the City of Bnglewood and that their desire• must be acknowledged in matter• of thi• mature. He stated that he understood the City Attorney'• opinion in thi• matter and would abide by the ruling but wished to indicate hi• feeling• on thi• point. Councilman Love described in conaidarable detail the propoaed platting of this area under conaideration for rezoning whereby abort atreet• with turn around• would be platted north and south frcm Pleasant Vi.w Lane and lot• platted on vary..ing fronta999 ~ the least of which would be 60 foot, facing east and weat fronting on the propoaed new dedicated atr .. ta. Councilman Smukler indicated that, if owner• inside an~utaide of the City Limit• protesting the zoning were added together, 26.~ of the eligible owners within 100 feet of the area under conaideration had objected to the propoaed rezoning. (Councilman Woods entered and took hi• seat on the Countil at 8:45 P.M.) Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted •• followa1 Aye•: Councilmen Smukler, Miles, Love, Braun, Brown.well. Nays: None. Abstaining: Councilman Wooda. Absent: Mayor McLellan. Councilman Wood• requested that hi• abataining vote be changed to a favorable vote. The Mayor Pro Tem declared the motion carried. 1 · I I I I I ' I -I Minute• of June 18, 1962 621-68 RBLATIHG TO PARK-BLITCH RBZORIRG The City Attorney read a letter dated June 18, 1962, addr•••ed to the Mayor and City Councilmen relating to determination of the aufficiency of the protest signed by those within 100 feet of the propoaed rezoning of an area known as Park-Blitch property as f~llowa1 "JOSBPB W. BSCB Attorney and Counaelor at Law 303 Pirst National Bank Building Englewood, Colorado sunset 1-7212 Honorable Mayor and City Councilmen City Ball P. O. Box 178 3345 South Bannock Street Englewood, Colorado Gentlemen: June 18, 1962 Pursuant to your directive, I have checked the Proteat Petitions for the re- zoning of the area known as the "Park-Blitch" JWPperty. The Boning Ordinance provides in Sub-section 4, of Section II, of Article III, as followa1 "In case of a protest against any changes in the ordinance or map, signed by the owners of 2°" or more of the area of the lots included in auch proposed change, or of thoae i111nediately adjacent in the rear thereof extending 100 feet therefrom, or of those directly opposite thereto, extending 100 feet fram the street frontage of such opposite lots, auch amendment ahall not become effective except by the faworable vote of three-fourth• (3/4) of all the members of the City Council." Accordingly, I obtained from the Arapahoe County Abstract and Title Company, an ownerahip liat as to the owners coming within the above definition. The ownerahip list disclosed twenty-three such owner• of whom eight had aigned the Proteat Petition. Thia constitute• a proteat of 35" of the owners within the defined one hundred percent area, and therefore, a vote of three-fourths of the members of the City Council is required to approve •he rezoning. .JWB/ccc" . Very truly yours, I•/ Joseph w. Bach City Attorney City of Bnglewood The City Attorney then reported that he had received a telephone mes- sage from Mr. M. o. Shivers, Jr., Counsel for Park-elitch, Inc., to the effect that Mr. Shivers would be unable to attend the meeting thia evening and requested that the conaideration of the rezoning be laid over until the next regular meeting. COUNCILMAN BRAUN MOVBD, COUNCILMAN WOODS SBCONDBD, 'l'BAT 'l'BB MATTER OP TBB RBZORIRG RBQUBST OF TBB ARBA KNOWN AS TBB PARK-BLITCH PROPERTY BB TABLBD UBTIL 'l'BB COUNCIL MBBTING OP JUliB 2ND. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Woods, Smultler, Milea, Love, Braun, Brownewell. Raya: Hone. Abaent: Mayor McLellan. The Mayor Pro Tam declared the motion carried. 621-109 RBLATDJG TO SANITARY LARD FILL The City Manager reported that the County Conniaaioners had expressed their willingness to aasume reaponsibility for the aanitary land fill operation to dispose of trash generated in Arapahoe County. Be said the method under consideration was to provide a self-supporting operation awar ... , .. to a private operator as a result of bid procedures. Be diacuaaed in some detail the pro- posal for acceptance of bids. These bids would be conaidered on or about July 16th with plans to have the program in operation by September lat. He remarked that the City of Englewood may need to secure additional dump space if there should be a delay in the establishment of the new proposal. Be 260 Minute• of June 18, 1962 remarked that private operation of the sanitary land fill l«>uld reault in a aavings of approximately $13,000.00 to the City in 1963. The City Manager offered the followinq reaolution fof the consideration of the Councili RBSOLUTIOIJ WBBRBAS, the City of Bnglewood baa been providing landfill aervicea for the community for some years: and, WBBRBAS, in recent years, Arapahoe County and the citiea of Littleton and Bnglewood have participated jointly in the financing and operation of a aanitary landfill for the mutual benefit of their reaidenta: and, WBBRBAS, the two citi•s and western portion of Arapahoe County have developed rapidly in the past few year•: and, WBBRBAS, thia intenaive land development haa left very little undeveloped land for landfill purpoaea: and, WBBRBAS, this diapoaal of retuae and waatea ia a probl911l of vital concern to the health and well being of the reaiden~a of thia area: and, WBBRBAS, thia problem is one that ia area-wide in nature and transcend• the boundaries of the several citiea in Arapahoe County: and, WBBRBAS, diacuaaions by officials of Arapahoe County and the citiea of Littleton and Englewood have developed to a point where the moat feaaible method of solving thia pro-1911l ia at the County level: and, HOW, 'l'llBRBFORB, the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, hereby extend• it• appreciation to the Board of Coallliaaionera of Arapahoe County for their desire to cooperate in finding a aolution to thia probl91D, and concurs in the need for the County to become the prime local govermnental unit to handle thia area-wide need: and, IVllWllBR, hereby expresses aupport of the County'• proposed plan• of contract- ing for and assuming the responsibility for the diapoaal of refuse by landfill at a small and equitable charge to the uaera of this service, anticipating that the County will be able to have the land- fill operation within a reasonable proximity of Bnqlewood. Adopted and approved this 18th day of June, A.D. 1962. A'l'TBST: COUNCILMAN L<WB MOVBD, OOURCIUIAR SMUKLBR SBCOBDBD,'l'HAT 'l'llB RBSOLUTION BB ACCBPTBD, APPROVBD Al1D ADOPTBD All1D THAT 'l'llB CI'l'~r" ICAllAGD BB COllMBRDBD POR BIS PART D1 '1'llB CUillillATIOIJ OF TllB PROPOSAL. Councilman Smukler alao commended the City Manager and County Bngineer Bel Burno, who baa alao been very active in aecurin9 the tentative aolution. Councilman Braun concurred with the tentative propoaal, stating that it removes a aource of double taxation of the City of Bnqlewood'• citizens and provide• for the rendering of the service by the governmental unit moat logically equipped to render this a..vice, namely, the County government. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted aa follow•: Ayes: Councilmen Wooda, Smukler, Love, Miles, Braun, Brownawell. Naya: None. Absent: Mayor McLellan. The Mayor Pro Tam declared the motion carried. ......... I .. I \ I I I I I ,I .anat•• of June 18, 1962 ' 621-11 TRBASURBR'S PDIAHCIAL RBPORT POR MOB'l'B OP MAY COUBCILMAR SMUJ<LBR MOVBD, OOUNCILMAll LOVB SBCOllDBD, 'DIAT 'l'BB TRBASURBR'S RDORT BB ACCBPTBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted •• follow•: Ayes: Councilmen Woods, Smukler, Miles, Love, Braun, Brownewell. Raya: None. Absent: Mayor McLellan. The Mayor Pro Tam declared the motion carried. 621-110 APPLICATIOR FOR RBIJBWAL 3.2 .-ml LICDISB The City Manager reported that the City Clerk'• office had received an application for renewal of Retail Fermented Malt Beverage Licence by Big Top, Inc., doing buain••• at 123 Baat Belleview Avenue. Be stated that the exist- ing license mcpirea on July 23rd. COUllCILMAR BRAU& MOVBD, OOUNCILMAll MILBS SBCOllDBD, TllAT 'l'HB APPLICATIOR 90R RDBWAL OP PBRMDITBD MALT BBVBRAGB LIC•SB OP BIG TOP, IRC. BB •RABTBD ARD TllAT TBB MAYOR PRO TIM ARD CITY CLBRK BB AU'lllORIZBD TO DIDORSB '1'llB APPLI- CATIOR 011 BBBALP OP TBB CI'l'r OF BllGLBWOOD. Councilman Braun urged that a short note cam .. nding the operator• of Big Top, Inc. for their continued diapenaion of 3.2 beer from their atore with- out violation of the State Liquor Code nor any diatllllbancea of any kind. The City Manager stated l:hat he would write such a note on behalf of the City. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted aa follow•: Ayes: Councilmen Woods, Smukler, Miles, Love, Braun, Brownewell. Rays: Hone. Absent: May&r McLellan. The Mayor Pro Tem declared the motion carried. RBIATIRG TO ANNUAL SBRIRB PARCAKB RACB The City Manager stated that he had received a requeat for the blocking of South Broadway from Weat Floyd Avenue to Weat Ballpden Avenue on the morn- ing of Saturday, September 29th for the annual Shriner'• Pancake Race. COUNCILMAN WOODS MOVBD, COUNCIUCAll LOVB SSCORDBD, THAT 'DIB RBQUBST BB APPROVBD AND 'l'BB CI'l'r MA&AGBR MAKB ARRAllQIMBll'1'8 POR TllB BLOCICIRG OP SOU'l'B BROADWAY AS RBQUESTBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted •• follows: Ayes: Councilmen Wooda, Smukler, Milea, Love, Braun, Brownewell. Nays: None. Absent: Mayor McLellan. The Mayor Pro Tem declared the motion carried. 621-42 RBLATIRG TO SCBNIC VIDf SBWBR DISTRICT The City Manager reported that initial action creating the proposed Scenic View Sewer District to be delayed until the next regular meeting of the Council. Be stated that this waa due to the need for certain calculation• of areas to be included and exclusion of area• in the propoaed district which had aewer service. The proposed schedule for initiation of the district would be changed only to the extent that the Rotice of Intent would be adopted by the Council at it• July 2nd meeting with publication of said notice theelafter a week later than originally scheduled but that the public hearing would be held aa initially set. 621-112 ANNUAL REPORT OP CI'l'r FOR 1961 The City Manager stated that a two page report had been printed by the Bnglewood Herald and Bnterpriae and inaeried in their issue of June 16th. Thi• issue i• being distributed to all residence• and buaineaaes within the City of Bnglewood in addition to all regular subscriber• of the newspaper. Be conaended Mr•. Rolallna for her effort• in the actual formation of the report and Mr. Rudd, former City Manager, for it• concept. CI'l'r MARAGBR'S CllOICB Deadline for Agenda The City Manager auggeated a deadline for reduction of items on the Council 262 Minutes of June 18, 1962 Agenda of noon Friday immediately preceding Monday on which the Council met. Be stated that the Agenda would provide for flexibility through the non- scheduled visitors as well as the ability of the Councilmen or Mayor to suspend the rules should the occasion arise to introduce an item not on the Agenda. There was general agreement with this proposal. Relating to Junk and Liter Ordinance Review The City Manager reported on a recent meeting with other departmental official• on junk and salvage operation throughout the City and anti-liter requir ... nt• throughout the City. He stated that this group will continue to work on the problems and to seek to submit a reCOlllD8ndation to the Council in the near future. MAYOR'S Cll:>ICB The Mayor Pro Tem reported on several meeting• to be held during the next few weeks. The Mayor Pro Tem stated that he had been invited to represent the City of Bnglewood on a visit to Port Leonard Wood to review the 89th Division of the Army Reserve Corps. COUNCIUIAN'S CHOICB Councilman Braun reported on the Colorado Municipal League Convention held June 13th through 16th and reported on the action of the League in adoption of various resolutions. He appke of the activities of the Urban Growth Committee which resulted in a proposed annexation bill to be considered by t~e State Legislature. He set out several of the provisions of the bill which he felt would be detrimen- tal to cities throughout the State and in particular to the City of Bnglewood and indicated that he had strived to secure admendment• to the proposal which would make the bill more compatible to the need• of the suburban communities aarrounding Denver. He commented that if the City needs to fight the proposed legislative bill as it did Sena&*• Bill 189, and that if the expenditure to oppose this bill approaches or exceeds the City of Bngl....ood Colorado Municipal dues that the City of Englewood should reconsider it• membership in the Colorado Municipal League. Be requested permission to continue to represent the City of Bnglewood on the Urban Growth Conaittee and to consult with the City Attorney in an effort to draft an annexation bill which is not objectionable to Englewood and it• interests. COUNCILMAN SMUKLER MOVED, COUHCILMAR MILBS SBCOllI>BD, THAT COUNCILMAN BRAUN BB C<»CMBRDBD FOR ms WORK ON THE UR8All GllOlft'H CQMMITTBB MID TB&T.::u _~ lmGBD TO CORTIBUB TO RBPRBSBRT THE CITY' o• ms UllBAlf GROttl'B PROBLBM (ADBXA- TIOB) CCMMITTBB OF TBB COLORADO MUNICIPAL LUGVS AllD 'l'llAT BIS CORTIIJUBD APt-- PODf'DID1'1' TO TBB RBSOLUTIONS COMMITTBB POR '1'llB COLORADO MtBJICIPAL LBAGUB BB SUP-TBD ARD FURTBBR THAT THE CITY' ATTOmY U Mft'llORIZBD TO RBVIBW, RBWORD, AMI> AID ARY OTHBR WAY TO SBCURB A SUITABLB AllllDATIO• BILL POR TllB -CI- PALITIBS OP 'ftlB STATB OF COLORADO. Upon th• call of th• roll, the vote resulted as followaz Ayeaz Councilmen Woods, Smukler, Miles, Love, Braun, Brown.well. Haya: Hone. Absent: Mayor McLellan. The Mayor Pro Tem declared th• motion carried and thanked Councilman Braun for hi• activities on behalf of the City of Sn9l....ood and hi• report of the Colorado Municipal League Convention. Councilman Braun announced that he would be on vacation and mi•• both of the regular meetincjl during the month of July. ADJOUU COUIJCIIMAH SMUKLBR MOVBD, COUHCILMAR WOODS SBCC9DBD, 'l'llAT ~TIHG BB ADJOUUBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as followaz Ayes: councilmen Woods, Smukler, Miles, Love, Braun, Brownawell. Haya: None. Absent: Mayor McLellan. The Mayor Pro Tem declared the meeting adjourned at 9130 P.M. B. o. aeauaang, City Clerk Clerk of the Council The minutes of the meeting of the City Council of the City of Bnglewood, Colosado held on the 18th day of June, 1962, A.D. stand approved as written this 2nd day of July, 1962 A.D. Clty Clerk I I I I