HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-07-02 (Regular) Meeting MinutesI I I I •· RBGULAR MEETING: COUHCIL CRMBBRS CITY OP DJGLBWOOD, COLORADO JULY 2, 1962 The City Council of the City of Engl.wood, Arapahoe County, Colorado, met in regular ••••ion on Monday, July 2, 1962, in the Council Chambers, City Ball, Bnglewood, at the hour of 8:00 P.M. Mayor Pro Tan Brownewell presiding called the meeting to order and the invocation waa given by the Reverend Allen B. Strong of the First United Presbyterian Church. The Mayor Pro Tem asked for roll call. Upon the call of the roll, the following persona were present: Councilmen: Brownewell, Love, Miles, Smukler, Woods. Also Present: City Manager Dial. City Attorney Bach, City Clerk Beausang. Absent: Councilman Braun. The Mayor Pro Tam declared a quorum present. 622-2 APPROVAL OP COUNCIL JUllUTBS COUNCILMAN LOVB MOVED, COUNCILMAN SllUKLBR SBCOllDBD, THAT '1'BB MDJUTBS OP JUBB 4'1'B ARD 18TB, 1962 BB APPROVBD AS WRI'l'Tm. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Love, Miles, Smukler, Woods, Brownewell. Raya: None. Absent: Councilman Braun. The Mayor Pro Tam declared the motion carried. 621-66 RELATING TO CARMEL PARK SUBDIVISIOB Mr. Walter Erwin, Attorney, repreaentin9 Peerleaa Builders, Inc., pro- ponent• of carmel Park Subdivision, reviewed that all le9al requirement• for the aubdiviaion of a portion of land had been .. t, that the Planning Conaiaaion had recommended the Council'• approval and asked wh~t could be dona to secure approval of the plat by the council. The Mayor Pro Tam asked Mr. Erwin to define the area concerned. He then asked if the area inlllediately to the west of the proposed plat was still unplatted. Mr. mrwin replied that car-.el Park Subdivision included the area between South Acoma and Cherokee Street extended from Grand to Belleview Avenue and that an area 160· feet wide by 600 feet long ianediately west of the sub- div iaion was unplatted. He reviewed the various applications for rezoning Qaade by the owners of this tract and the indecision that was involved. Be expressed the view that although there waa no provisions for a street in the vicinity of Cherokee in the master plan that should the owner of the unplatted land west of Carmel Park desire a 38 or 40 foot wide right-of-way could be provided and still leave adequate area for residential development. Be emphasized that the leas than normal right-of-way would be permissible in this area due to the fact that the Peerless Builders have provided adequate parkin9 within the confines of the subdivision and would not need a street right-of-way on the west for parking purposes. Discussion enau9d. The Councilmen examined the proposed plat. The City Attorney stated that he had a bill proposed by Mr. Erwin for the vacation of a portion of South Bannock and deed• offering right-of-way in South Acoma and West Grand Avenues for acceptance by the City. The Mayor Pro Tam inquired of the members of the council, who are also members of the Planning Colllllission, if the Comlliasion felt it desirable to leave the land to the west of the proposed subdivision unplatted. Discussion ensued. Councilman Miles stated that the Planning Collmiaaion had considered this but no provision had been made for the unplatted area due to the depth of the property available and that a street was not definitely set out on the Master Plan. COUNCIIltAN LOVB MOVBD, COUNCIIMAB MILBS SBCOllDBD, THAT '1'llB CARMBL PARK SUBDIVISION PLAT BB APPROVBD. TBB MAYOR PRO TIM DBCLARBD '1'HB MOTION OUT OP ORDBR AS '1'BB MATTBR HAD BBB& TABLBD IN COIDTBC'l'ION WITH TBB VACATION OP SOUTH BAIDIOCK STRBBT. Discussion ensued. The Mayor Pro Tam summarized the discussion by stating the matter would be taken up at the time the bill for an ordinance vacating certain right- of-waya in the carmel Park Subdivision later in the meeting as scheduled on the agenda. 264 Minutes of July 2, 1962 622-4 PROCEEDINGS OF THB BOARD OF ADJUS'l'MBHT Am> APPBALS MEETINGS OP MAY 21RD MAY 26TH, ARD JUHB 13'1'8 The Mayor Pro Tam asked that the minu€°•• be received and placed on file. 622-5 PROCBBDINGS OF CARBBR SERVICE BOARD MBB'l'IBG OF JUBB 27'1'H The Mayor Pro Tem asked that the mi~ute• be received and placed on file. 622-3 PROCEBDI~S OF TBB PARKS AND RBCRBA'l'IC:. CDIMISSIOB MBB'l'D1G OF JUD 20'1'8 The Mayor Pro Tam asked that the minutes be received and placed on file. 622-17 Recoaaending partial purchase of Ja90n Street land The City Manager explained a recommendation of the Parka and Recreation Colllniasion that a strip 83 feet by 450 feet lon9, one half block east of South Lipan Street between West Quincy and West Oxford Avenues be purchased to ·iaolate a larger tract of land until it could be purchased by the City. The purchase price for this •trip was estimated to be $5,000.00. One of the reasons for attempting to reserve the land for City purposes was the interest of the South Suburban District in the site. Councilman Smukler remarked that .$5,000.00 was too much money and if South Suburban wanted to buy it they should not be stopped. Councilman Wood•· spoke favoring the purchase and reported that the Colllni••ion had very care- fully reviewed the proposal and rec01mDended it. COUNCILMAN SMUKLBR MOVBD, COUNCILMAN LOVB SBCORDBD, 'l'BAT 'l'BB RBCCIUUDIDA'l'IOB BB 'l'ABLBD UNTIL 'l'llB PROPOSBD PURCBASB WAS DIVBS'l'IGA'l'BD TO DB'l'BRMINE WllB'1'BBR '1'BBRB IS SUPFICIBll'l' MOSBY' AVAILABLE TO PURCBASB '1'llB S'l'RIP OF LARD OR 'l'BB Bll'l'IRB SI'l'B AllD IF 'l'BB PURCBASB PRICE RBPRBSJDJ'l'S A FAIR MARKB'1' VALUB FOR THE LARD IN QUBS'l'ION. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: .Ayes: Councilmen Love, Miles, Smukler, Brownewell. Bays: Councilman Woods. Absent: Councilman Braun. The Mayor Pro Tam declared the motion carried. 622-12 RBLATING 'l'O OLD FASBIOllBD BARGAIN DAYS The City Manager read a letter from Leo 5entach, Chairman of the Bnglewood Merchant• A880ciation, requesting that the 3300 block on South Broadway be closed to traffic on Saturday evening July 14, 1962 from 7:00 to 11:00 P.M. as follows: Mr. Stanley Dial, Manager City of Bngl.wood, and Member• of City Council Bnqlawood, Colorado Gentl ... n: "BNGLBWOOD MBRCBAllT ASSOCIATION 180 s. Girard Ave. Bnglewood, Colorado July 27, 1962 Our Annual Old 'Pll•hioned Bargain Daya are scheduled for July 12-13-14. We are hoping this promotion will be the usual aucc••• it has been in the past and are again asked for your cooperation. Instead of the usual request for blocking off traffic on Broadway during the three day event, we are aak•ng to have the 3300 block on Broadway closed from traffic only on Saturday evening, July 14th from 7 P.M. until 11 P.M. to accomodate the drawing for prizes for which coupon• soon will be issued by the Bn9lewood -rchanta, and perhaps a square dance which is now in the planning state by the Recreation Council. If the 9e1uare dance does not de..;. velop the street will not be needed for that len9th·of time. Al80, as u•ual, we are r.equeating the privileqe of •:.splaying our "wares" in front of the bu•in•••••· not to extend out more th~n half the width of th• •Uewalk. Thi• year the carnival will located in the merchant• parking area, east of Acolle in the 3400 block. We will appreciate your granting these requests, and thank you in advance for the cooperation we are sure you will give us. If you care to discuss any of th••• detail• further, please contact me at Leo'• and Lee'• Jewelers or I .. I I I 11 ' I I I SU 9-00032. Sincerely yours, /•/ Leo Lentsch, Chairman Englewood Merchants Association LL:cb" Minutes of July 2, 1962 COUNCIIMAN MILES MOVED, COUNCIUQN WOODS SECOHDBD, THAT '1'BB RBQUBST OF 'l'BB BNGLBWOOD MBRCBAR'l'S ASSOCIATION BE APPROVBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Love, Miles, Smukler, Wooda, Brownewell. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Braun. 'l'he Mayor Pro Tam declared the motion carried. 622-18 REQUEST Br KIWANIANS POR USE OP SIDBWALK 'l'be City manager read the following letter relating to the sidewalk during Old Fashion Bargain Daya: "KIWANIS CLUB OF DJGLBWOOD, COLORADO July 2, 1962 Mr. Santley Dial, City Manager City of Englewood City Ball Englewood, Colorado Dear Mr. Dial: 'J'he Kiwanis Clud of Englewood is planning to have a Bar-B-Que July 12-14, 1962, during bargain days. The proceeds from the Bar-B-Que will be used in our boy• and girls pro9•am• and projects. We would like to aet up a booth on the sidewalk in front of the Graham Galleries from which we will aell aoft drink• and Bar-B-Que beef sandwiches. The booth will be set up next to the atreet and use no more than half of the sidewalk. Permission baa been granted by Graham Galleries. We would like to request permission from the city and the city council to operate the booth for this period. Very truly yours, KIWANIS CLUB OF DJGLBWOOD /•/ Dr. James Mezen, President" Councilman Love inquired if this were setting a precendent and wondered if other organization• should not be encouraged to participate in Old Fashion Bargain Daya promotion. Discussion ensued. 'l'he City Attorney stated that under the broad authority of the Traffic Engineer, that the blocking of South Broadway had been determined a play area within the scope of the ordinance. COUNCIIMAN Sl-!UKLBR MOVED, COUNCILMAN LOVE SECONJ>BD, THAT THE RBQUBST POR TllB USE OF LESS THAH ONE HALF OF THE smBWALK IN THE 3400 BLOCK SOUTH BROADWAY IN FRONT OF GRAHAM GALLERIES Br THE KIWANIANS BE APPROVED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Love, Miles, Smukler, Woods, Brownewell. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Braun The Mayor Pro Tam declared the motion carried. 621-42 RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO FORM SEWER DISTRICT The City Clerk read the following reaoltuion introduced by Councilman Love: RESOWTION A RESOLUTION DBCLARDJG 'l'HE INTENTION OP '1'BB Cift COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BNGLBWOOD, COLORADCI, TO CREATE AN IMPROVDID1'1' DISTRICT IN SAID CITY TO BE JQlOWB AS SCENIC VIBW SANITARY SBWBR DISTRICT, B&GLBWOOD, COLORADO, ADOPTING DB'l'AILS AND SPECIFICATIONS TBBRBPOR, AND ORDBRING PUBLICATION AND MAILING OF NOTICE OP HEARING TO 'l'HB OWNERS OF THE PROPBRft TO BB ASSBSSBD POR THE IMPROVIDtBNT IN SAID DISTRICT. Minute• of July 2, 1962 WBBRBAS, the City Council of Englewood, Colorado, has determined to create Scenic View Sanitary Sewer Diatrict in aaid City, and to order the conatruction of a.werage improvements therein •• more particularly specified in the form of Notice hereinafter set for~: and WBBRBAS, the City Council has heretofore adopted a preliminary order directing the City Engineer to make the neceaaary preliminary surveys, es- timate• and maps •• required by the proviaion• of the City Charter and Ordinanae No. 8, Serie• of 1959, as amended by Ordinance No. 17, Series of 1959, of aaid Cityt and WBBRBAS, the City Bngineer, in pursuance of aaid order has reported to this Council the completion of all matter• and thing• enjoined to him in the form and manner as directed, all of •aid data being now on file with the City Clerk in completed form and subatance, •• by aaid order and by law required: 'l'BBRBPORB, BB IT RESOLVED BY THE CI'l'r COUBCIL OP 'l'HB CI'l'r OF IDIGLBWOOD, COLORADO: 1. That aaid Bngineer's reports, together with the details, apecifi- cationa, eatimatea, map• alid achedulea prepared and filed with the City Clerk be and the •am• are hereby approved and adopted by thi• Council for use in th• conatruction of the improvement• to be made in said Sewer District. 2. That the aaaesament• to be levied for aaid improvements •hall be due and payable within thirty day• from and after the final publication of the ordinance aaseaaing the whole actual coat of aaid improvements against the real property in said Diatrict; provided, however, that any owner who ahall paylt• full aaaeaament within •aid period of thirty daya, •hall be entitled to an allowance of five per cent (5") of the amo\µlt ao •••e••ed again•t his property and paid by him. In ca•• any owner of real ••tate •hall fail to pay the whole of such •••e••ment againat hi• property within •aid thirty days, then the whole coat of •aid improvement• ao ••••••ed against hi• property shall be payable in 10 equal annual inatallmenta of principal, with interest on unpaid inatallments at the rate of 6" per annmn, payable ... i-annually; the firat of aaid inatallmenta of aaid principal and intereat •hall be due and payable at auch time •• may be determined in and by the ••••••ing ordinance, and the remainder of aaid annual inatallmenta of prin- cipal and interest •hall be due and payable aucceaaively on the same day in each year thereafter until all are paid in full. 3. That the property to be aaaeaaed for aaid improvements shall be the property within the Diatrict more particularly deacribed in the Notice here- inafter set forth. 4. That there shall be prepared an .1ordinance, in conformity with and under the provision• of the City Charter and •aid Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1959, •• amended by Ordinance No. 17, Seri•• of 1959, creating within the corporate limit• of aaid City a local improvmnent district to be known •• Scenic View Sanitary Sewer Diatrict; providing for the conatruation in aaid Diatrict of the improvement•, all •• i• in this Reaolution ••t forth and deacribed, and in accordance with the report, plan•, .._. ••• specifica- tion•, detail• and ••ti.mates of the Engineer of aaid City, herein referred to and now on file in the office of the City Clerk. 5. That the propoaed ordinance will be introduced as a Bill at the regular meeting of the City Council at 8:00 o'clock P.M. on the 6th day of Auguat, 1962. 6. That Notice of the proposed improv .. enta be given by the City Clerk and publiahed in the Englewood Herald and Bnterpriae, a newapaper published in and of general circulation in said City, in three conaecutive weekly edition•, therein giving Notice to the owner• of the property to be aseeased of the matter• and thing• required by law. At or about the time of the last publication, to-wit: July 30, 1962, Notice •hall also be given by prepaid mail to all known owner• of property to be ••••••ed with the coat of said improvement•. The Notice to be publi•hed •hall be in aubatantially the following form, to-wit: llOTICB OP A PROPOSITION TO CRBATB A LOCAL IMPROVBMBN'J.' DISTRICT IN BNGLBWOOD, COLORADO, 'l'O BB KNOWN AS SCDIC VIEW SANITARY SBWBR DISTRICT, TO MAKB CBRTADt SBWBRAGB IMPROVmlEHTS TBBRBIN AND FOR A BEARING 'l'BBRBON. All owners of real estate and property hereinafter described, and all peraon• generally, are hereby notified that the City Council of Englewood, Colorado, pursuant to a determination by the City Council under the laws of the State of Colorado and provision• of the Home Rule Charter of the City of Englewood, has adopted full details, plan• and specification• for the conatruction of sewerage improvements and appurtenances in and for a propoaed s I I I ,... I I I I ii Minute• of July 2, 1962 local improvement district within the corporate limit• of Englewood, Colorado, to be known as Scenic View Sanitary Sewer Diatrict. Said peraona are further notified as follows: A. The nature of the improvements propoaed are sanitary sewers and appurtenances in the following areaa: SCENIC VIBW SANITARY SBWBR DISTRICT 1. All of the south one half IS~) of the Horthweat quarter (HW1t) of Section 28, Township 4 South (T4S) Range 68 West (R68W) 6th PM excepting the follow- ing described propertiea: Lota 9, 10 and 11 Block 92, Sheridan Height• :-t :~ Lota 46, 47, and 48 Block 92, Sheridan Heights Lota 1 and 2 Block 7, Alta Viata Lota 22, 23, and 24 Block 77, Sheridan Height• All of vacated Block• 90 and 91, Sheridan Height• All of Block 79, Sheridan Heights ~ "~ 2. All of the Southweat Quarter (sw•> Section 28, Townahip 4 South (T4S) Range 68 Weat (a68w) 6th P.M. excepting the following deacribed properties: The aouth one hundred and thirty three feet (S 133'1 of Lota 18 and and 19, Block 1 Southlawn Gardena Annex. Lot 21, Block 2 Southlawn Gardena Annex Lot 22, Block 2, Southlawn Gardena Anna Lots 6 and 7 Block 3, Southlawn Gardena Annex Lots 11 and 12 Block 3, Southlawn Gardena Annex 3. All of the Northweat quarter (HWJt) of the Northwest quarter (HWJt) Section 33, Townahip 4 South (T4S) Range 68 West (R68W) 6th P.M. excepting the follow- ing deacribec:l properties:: Beginning at a point on tbe aouth line thirty feet Baat (30'; ') of the southwest corner of the Horthweat quu!ter (HWll) of the Rorth- weat quarter ,_,.l gf Section 33, Township 4 South (T4S) Range 68 West (R 68 W)1.n!hlAa6 North parallel with the weat line of aaid Northwest quarter (HWll) of the Northwest quarter (HWll), a distance of two hundmed and thirty feet (230')1 thence Baaterly parallel to the aouth line of aaid Rorthweat quarter (HWll) of the Borth- west quarter (HWll) a distance of one hundred seventy eight feet (178')1 thence Southerly parallel to the west line of aaid Borth- weat quarter (NW•) of the Northwest quarter (HW1t) a diatance of two hundred thirty feet (230')1 thence Weat along the aouth line of aaid Borthweat quarter (NW•) of the llorthweat quarter (HWll) a diatance of one hundred seventy eight feet (178') to the point of beginning. Coaaending at the aouthweat corner of the Borthweat quarter (HW1t) of the llorthweat quarter (NW.)1 thence llortherly along the weat line of the aaid Horthweat quarter (NW•) of the Borthweat quarter (HW1t) a diatance of two hundred thirty feet (230')1 thence on an an9le to the right of 89 degrees 53 minutes 30 second• (89°-53'-30") and along a line parallel to the South line of aaid Northwest quarter <HW11> of the llorthweat quarter (HW11) a diatance of thirty feet (30') to the true point of beqinning1 thence continu- ing along aforeaaid mentioned courae a diatance of three hundred twenty feet (320')1 thence on an angle to the left of 89 defreea 53 minute• 30 seconds (89°-53'-30".l and along the line parallel to the Weat line of the said Northwest quarter (HWll) of the Borth- weat quarter <HW11> a diatance of three hundred forty feet (340')1 thence on an angle to the left of 90 degree• 06 minute• 30 seconds_ (90°-06'-30") and along the line parallel to the South line of the aaid Northwest quarter (NWIJi) of the Borthwe•t quarter (HWll) a dia- tance of three hundred twenty feet (320') to a point thirty feet (30') Bast of the aaid Weat line of the Borthwe•t quarter (..._) of the Northwest quarter (NW.)1 thence Southerly on a line parallel and thirty feet (30') Baat of the said weat line of the Horthweat quarter (HW1t) of the Borthweat quarter (-) a diatance of three hundred forty feet (340'), more or leas, to the true point of beqinning. 4. Th• Bortheaat quater (HBli) of the Rorthweat quarter (HW11) of Section 33, Townahip 4 South, Range 68 Weat (R68W) 6th P.M. of the Sixth Principal Meridian, except that part lying eaat of the weat right-of-way line of the c • s Railroad. 5. All of Viata Heights Second Piling according to the recorded plat thereof excepting the following described properti••r All of lots 1 and 10, Block l. All of Lota 1 and 2, Block 5. 6. All of that part of the Northweat quarter (....,.) of tll• Southweat quarter (~) of Section 33, Townahip 4 South (T4S) Range 68 Weat (R68W) of the Sixth Principal Meridian, lying west of the weat right-of-way line of the C&S Railroad. 268 Minute• of July 2, 1962 B. The aaaeaamenta for aaid improvement• .. Y be paid in ten equal annual inatallmenta. c. Said •••••811lenta will be due and payable without demand within thirty day• from and after the final publication of an ordinance aaaeaaing the whole coat of aaid improv ... nta againat the real property in aaid Diatrict: provided, however, that any ow.er wbo ahall pay hi• full aaaeaament within aaid period of thirty day•, •hall be entitled to an allowance of five per cent (5%). In caae any owner of real property •hall fail to pay the whole of auch aaaeaament againat hi• property within aaid thirty days, then the whole coat of aaid improv .. ent ao aaaeaaed againat hi• property •hall be payable in ten equal annual inatallment• of principal, •• aforeaaid. The firat of auch installment• of aaid principal •hall be due and payable at auch time •• may determined in and by the ••••••ing ordinance, and the remainder of said ina*&llment• •hall be due and payable aucceaaively on the smne day in each year thereafter until all are paid in full. D. The rate of intereat to be paid on unpaid and deferred inatall- ment• ahall be six per cent (6%) per annum, payable a .. i-annually. B. The extent of the Diatrict to be improved •hall be all of the real property in said Diatrict cornpriaing approximately 13,689,796 aquare feet. P. As shown by the eatimatea of the engineer, the probable total coat of aaid improvement• in said Diatrict i• $320,000, of which amount the City will pay approximately $45,000. Probable coat• per aquare foot for said improvements are $0.02009. Poperty owner• are specifically referred to the achedule of proposed •••e•811lent• on file in the Office of the City Clerk, from which the approximate amount to be aaaeaaed againat any particular lot or parcel of property may be determined. Upon completion of ••id improvement•, or •• aoon •• the total coat there- of i• definitely aacertained, auch coat •hall be apportioned to the property in the Diatrict. Rotice of auch apportionment •hall be given and a hearing will be held prior to the adoption of an ordinance ••••••ing auch coat, all as provided by law. G. A hearing on thi• propoaition will be had by the City Council on the 6th day of August, 1962, at the hour of 8100 o'clock P.M. at the City Ball in Englewood: and a bill for an ordinance authorizing aaid improvement• will be conaidered by the City Council on the 6th day of Auguat, 1962, at the hour of 8100 o'elock P.M. or at an adjourned meeting thereafter, at the City Ball in aaid City. H. A map, eatimate and schedule showing the approximate amount to be aaaeaaed, and all resolution• and proceeding• are on file and can be seen and examined by any peraon intereated ai: the of~ice of the City Clerk at any time during buaine•• hour• prior to the 6th day of Auguat, 1962. I. All complaint• and objection• that may be made in writing concerning the propoaed improvement•, by the owner or owner• of any real property to be ••••••eel, will be heard and determined by the City Council at the hearing •pacified in the above paraqraph G or at some adjournment thereof, before final action •hall be taken. DATED the 2nd day of July, 1962. ( S B A L ) /•/ B. o. Beauaang City Clerk Published in the Englewood Herald and Bnterpriae, Bngl9WOod, Colo. FIRST publication July 5, 1962 PXHAL publication July 19, 1962 The Motice to be mailed to the owner• or property to be ••••••ed with th• coat of said improvement•, shall be in aubatantially the following form, to-wit: Cift OP DIGLBWOOD ARAPAHOE ComrrY, COLORADO YOU ARB BBRBBY llOTIPIBD That th• City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, ha• adopted a Reaolution of lat:ention to create Scenic View Sanitary S9Wer Diatrict in aaid City for the purpoae of conatructing sewerage improve- ment• in aaid Diatrict, and to •••••• the coat thereof againat the real property to be benefited by aaid improvement•. You are apecif ically referred to the Motice of Intention to create aaid Diatrict,to be publiahed in the Englewood Herald and Bnterpri•e on July 5, July 12th and 19, 1962, and to the plan•, apecification• and proceeding• on file in the office of the City Clerk in aaid City. :I I I I I I I I Minute• of July 2, 1962 A hearing on aaid propoaal will be held by the City Council at a meeting on Auguat 6, 1962, at the hour of 8100 o'clock P.M., at the Council Chamber• in the City Ball, in Bn9lewood, Colorado. DATBD Thia 2nd day of July, 1962 (to be mailec:l on or about July 30, 1962) /•/ B. o. Beauaang City Clerk The above Re90lution was adopted and approved on the 2nd day of July, 1962. ;u~~b'ffe -v "'Mayor Pro-UTem -...... SB AL ATTBST1 COUNCILMAN LOA' MOVBD, COUHCILMAH SMUKLBR SBCORDBD, THAT 'l'BB PORBGODfG RBSOLUTIOB BB PASSBD ARD ADOPTBD AS READ. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follows: Aye•: Councilmen Love, Miles, Smukler, Woods, Brown.well. Bayas Bone. Abaent: Councilman Braun. The Mayor Pro Tem declared the motion carried. 621-67 ORDIBAllCB ABBBXIllG KLZ SITB Thereupon, the Clerk announced that an ordinance entitled, "AB ORDIBABCB RATIIYIBG, APPROVIBG Al1D COBPIRMIBG ALL AC'l'IOB BBRB'l'OPORB TAKDI TOWARD '1'BB ADBXATIOB OP TBB BBRBIBAPTBR DBSCRIBBD TBRRI'fORY TO 'lllB Cift OP BRGLBWOOD, CX>LORADO, AllD APPROVIBG 'l'BB ABBBXATIOB OP 'l'BB RBRBDIAPl'BR DBSCRIBBD TBRRI'l'ORY TO TBB CITY OP BRGLBllOOD, COLORADO, '1'0-WIT1 A TRACT OP LARD LYDIG IR SBCTIOB 3S, TOWBSBIP 4 SOUTH, RABGB 68 WUT, DI ARAPAllOB COUllft, DBSCRIBBD AS POLLOWS1 BBGIDIBG AT A POillT WBBRB '1'BB BAST LID O!." BLOCK SO, BVAllSTOB BllOMJlfAY ADDITIOB BXTBllDBD SOU'DIBRLY Ill'l'DS&:TS '1'llB SOU'1'B LIBB OP SBCTIOB 35, 'l'OlrlJSBIP 4 SOUTH, RAllGB 68 DST, SAID SOU'l'll LDIB MIBG '1'BI APPROXDIATB CBl1'1'BR LDIB OP BAST llAMPDD AVBRUBr 'l'llBRCB BOR'riDLY ALOllG '1118 Ua'1' LDIB OP SAID BLOCK SO '1'0 '1'BB BOR'l'll LID OP SAID BLOa< 50, 'l'BEB BASTDLY '1'0 '1'BB BAST LID OP SOU'1'B LAPAYB'l"l'B S'l'RBBT, TllDICB BOR'l'llDLY ALOBG SAID BAST LID OP SOU'l'B LAPAYBT'l'B STRBBT '1'0 '1'BB CBllTBR LID OP BAST PIDYD AV.UB, 'i'iiBllCB BASTBRLY ALOBG SAID CBBTBR LID OP BAST PLOYD AVBBUB TO !BB BAST LID OP '1'BB SW 1/4 SBCTIOB 3S, 'l'OWBSBIP 4 SOUTH, RAllGB 68 WBST, 'l'llmCB sotJ'l'BBRLY ALOBG SAID LIBB '1'0 '1'BB BOR'l'llBAST CORBBR OP !BB SB 1/4 SW 1/4 OP SBCTICB 35, 'l'OWBSBIP 4 SOU'1'B, RAllGB 68 WBST, 'l'llBlfCB WTDLY ALOBG 'l'llB BOR'l'll LDIB OP 'l'BB SWl/4 SB 1/4 SBC'l'IOll 35, 'l'OWSBIP 4 SOUTH, RAmB 68 WBST, '1'0 'l'BB llOR'l'BBAST COUSR OP TBB SW 1/4 SB 1/4 SBC'l'IOB 3S, TOWllSBIP 4 SOU'l'll, RAllGB 68 DST, TllDICB SfftBBRLY ALOBG lllm BAST LillB OP '1'BB SW 1/4 SB 1/4 SBCTIOB 35, TOWllSBIP 4 SOUTH, RAllGB 68 WBST, '1'0 A POIB'l' WBBRB MID LID IB'l'BRSllCTS 'l'llB •oam RIGHT-OP-WAY LID OP S. B. BO. 70 (BAST llMPDBR AVBBUB), SAID PODl'l' •Im APPROXDIATBLY 90 PDT BOR'l'llDLY OP 'l'llB SOU'l'llBAST COUBR OP TBS SB 1/4 SB 1/4 SBC'l'IOB 35, TOWllSBIP 4, SOUTH, RAmB 68 WBST, 'l'HDCB WBSTBRLY ALO.a SAID llORTB RIGBT-01'-WAY LillB '1'0 A POift WBBRB SAID LillB IllTBRSBCTS '1'BB BAST LID OP 'l'BB SW 1/4 SBC'l'IOB 35, '.I01lllSBIP 4 SOUTH, RAllGB 68 WBST, SAID POillT .. IBG APPROXDIATBLY 90 PBBT BOR'1'B OP TBB SOU'l'B QUARTBR COUBR OP SAID SBCTIGB, WCB SOU!mBSTBRLY :r SAID RIGHT-OP-WAY LIRB OP BAST BAMPDBll AVDUB 011 'l'llB ARC 01' A CURVB TO 'DI PT, TBB RADIUS OP WHICH~ 783 PBBT, FOR A DISTAllCB OP 301.4 PBBT, 'l'llBHC WBSTBRLY ALOBG RTB RIGHT-OP-WAY LDIB OP MST llAllPD• AVBllUB PARALLBD TO Al1D 30 PBBT BORTH P '1'BB SOU'l'H LID OP SBCTICB 35, 'l'OlfllSBIP 4 SOUTH, RABGB 68 WBST, 'IO A POift WBBRB '1'BB BORTH RIGHT-OP-WAY LID OP BAST BAMPDBB AVD1UB IllTBRSBCTS '1'BB BAST LIHB OP SOU'l'B LU'AYBTTB STUft, TllBllCB SOUTBBRLY TO A POIBT WBBRB TBB BAST LIBB OP SOUTH LU'AYBTTB ftRBBT DlTBRSBC'l'S 'DIB SOU'l'B LDlB OP SBCTIOll 35, TOWllSBIP 4 SOUTH, RABGB 68 WBST, 'ftlmCB WBSTBRLY ALOHG SAID SOU'ftl LID OF SAID SBC'.l'IOH '1'0 TBB POIBT OP BBGIDIIJG, COB'l'AIBIBG APPROXIMATBLY 17.202 ACRBS," which ordinance waa introduced •• a bill, read in full for the fir•t time, pa••ed on fir•t reading on the 18th day of June, 1962, and pub- liahed in full in the Bnglewood Herald and Bnterpriae, a n.wapaper published and of general circulation in the City of Bngl.wood, in it• iaaue of June 21, 1962, being at leaat 7 day• prior to thi• Council meeting of July 2, 1962, and that the publiaher'• affidavit• of publication of ••id ordinance are now on file in the Office of the City Clerk. Minute• of July 2, 1962 WHBRBUPON, IT WAS MOVBD BY COUNCILMAll WOODS ARD SBCOBDBD BY COUNCILMAN MILBS THAT SAID ORDDlANCB BB HOW PIACBD Oil ITS SBOORD RBADDTG ARD FINAL PASSAGE, AND THAT ALL RULBS or 'DIB COUBCIL WHial MIGHT PRBVIDIT, UNLBSS sus- PDJDBD, THE FINAL PASSAGE AND ADOPTION OF SAID ORDDlAlfCB AT 'DIIS MEETING, BE, AND THE SAME ARE HBRBBY, SUSPBRDBD FOR TBB PURPOSE OP PERMITTING THB FINAL PASSAGE AND ADOPTION OF SAm ORDISANCE AT 'DIIS MEETING. The question being upon the adoption of said motion and the suspension of the rules, the roll was called with the following result: Those Voting Aye: Love Miles Smukler Woods Brownewell 'l'hoae Voting Nay: None Absent: Braun Five members of the Council having voted in favor of said motion, the presiding officer declared said motion carried and the rules auapended. Thereupon, said ordinance was read by the City Clerk in full for the second time. WHEREUPON, COUBCILMAll WOODS MOVBD, THAT SAID ORDDlANCB BBRBTOPORB IHTRO- DUCBD ARD PUBLISBBD AllD AGAIH READ IR FULL AT 'IBIS MBB'l'IHG, BB NOW PLACBD UPON ITS PINAL PASSAGE ARD ADOPTIOH. COUBCILMAll MILBS SBCOBDBD TBB MOTIOH, and the qaeation being upon the placing of aaid ordinance upon its final passage and adoption, the foll was called with the following result: Those Voting Aye: Love Miles Smukler Wood• Brownewell Those Voting Nay: None Absent: Bzaun The presiding officer delcared the motion carried and the said ordinance placed upon its final passage. COUBCIIllAR WOODS TBBN' MOVBD THAT SAID ORDillAHCE BE PASSBD ARD ADOPTED AS READ. COOHCIUIAN MII;ES SECONDED THE MOTIOH. The question being upon the paaaing and adopting of said ordinance, the roll waa called with the following result: Those Voting Aye: Love Miles Smukler Woods · Brownewell Those Voting Nay: None Absent: Braun The presiding officer thereupon declared that at leaat five of all the members elected to the City Council having voted in favor thereof, the said motion was carried and the said ordinance duly paaaed and adopted as read. On motion duly adopted, it waa ordered that aaid Ordinance be Numbered 17, Series of 1962, and after approval by the Mayor Pro Tem be recorded according to law, and published once in the BnglM«>od Herald and Bnterpriae. Thereupon, matters not concerning aaid Ordinance Ho. 17, Series of 1962, were considered. The Mayor Pro Tam declared that all motions precedent thereto were also moved and seconded by the same two Councilmen. 621-99 RBLATING TO 'l'BE VACATING OF AN ALLD' IR BIGGIHS-BRGLBWOOD GARDBHS The City Attorney stated that the bill for an ordinance baa been passed on first reading on June 18th but that the corresponding easement for sanitary sewers in the vicinity had not been received, therefore, he would not reconmend paaaage of the proposed ordinance. COUBCIIMAN SMUKLBR MOVBD, COUNCIIMAN IDVB SBCOHDBD, '!'BAT THE PROPOSBD ORDDIAllCB BE TABLBD UNTIL THE NBCBSSARY BASmlDIT POR SANITARY SBWERS BB RBCBIVBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: • I " I I •·.; '~ ,I 11 :1 I II Minutes of July 2, 1962 Ayes: councilmen Love, Miles, Smukler, Woods, Brownewell. Nays: None. Absent: councilman Braun. The Mayor Pro Tam declared the matter tabled until receipt of the easement. 621-100 ORDDIANCB VACATIBG CUL-DB-SAC Introduced as a bill by councilman Smukler BY AUTHORITY ORDINAHCE NO. 18, SERIES OF 1962 Alf ORDDIAllCB VACATDIG THE FOLLOWING DBSCRIBBD CUL-DB-SAC LOCA'l'BD IN 'l'BB CITY OF DJGLBMOOD, ARAPABOB COtJN'ft, COLORADO: BBGIDING AT A POINT ON 'l'BB BAST SIDE OF DBBDBD STRBBT, WHICH POINT IS 10 PBB'l' NOR'ftl MD 71 PBBT WBST OF 'BB SOU'l'BBAST CORllBR OP Lt)T 12, BLOCK 23, JACKSOB'S BROMMAY BBIGBTS: 'l'llDCB OB A CURVE 'l'O '1'BB LBPT, WHOSE RADIUS IS 25 PDT WBOSB CBl1'1'BR BBARS SOUTH 25 PBBT PROM TBB POINT OF BBGINN%NG, AN ARC DIS'l'AllCB OP 65.03 PDT TO A POIN'l': TBDJCB S 15° 28' 32" W. 48.19' TO THE POINT OF BBGIDIRG. was read for the second time. COUNCIUIAH LOVB MOVBD, COUNCII.MAN MILBS SBCOBDBD, 'l'BAT ORDil!IAllCB NO. 18 SBRIBS OF J.tt2, BB ADOPTED ON SECOND AND FIBAL RBADDIG MD ORDBRBD PUBLISHBD D1 FULL IN 'l'HE BNGLBWOOD HERALD AND ENTERPRISE. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Love, Miles, Smukler, Woods, Brown.well • Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Braun. The Mayor Pro Tam declared the motion carried. 621-73 RELATING TO REZONING OF PLBASAR'l' VIEW LANE Introduced as a Bill by Councilman Love BY AU'l'IK>RITY ORDINANCE NO. 19, SBRIBS OF 1962 AN ORDINANCE REZONING THE FOLLOWIHG DBSCRIBBD PROPBRft FRCll R-1-A (RBSIDB&CB DISTRICT) CLASSIFICATION TO a-1-c (RBSIDBNCB DISTRICT) CLASSIFICA'l'IO• TO-WIT: BBGIDING AT A POIN'l' 643.0 FBBT llOR'l'B OF 'l'HB SOUTBWBST CORNBR OF '1'BB SOU'l'BWBST QUARTBR OF 'l'HB HOR'l'BWBST QUAR'l'BR OF SBC'l'ION 8, TOWNSHIP S, SOUTH, RMIGE 68 WBST, 'l'HBNCE NORTH 00° 12' BAST, ALONG 'l'BB WBST LID OF SAID SUBDI- VISIOIJ 674.1 FBB'l' TO '1'HB NOR'l'BWBST CORNBR OP '1'BB SOU'l'BWBST QUARTER OF 'l'BB IJOR'ftlWBST QUARTBR OF SAID SECTION 8, SAID POIHT BBl8G ALSO ON THB PRBSD'l' CI'l'r LIMITS OF THE CI'l'r OF SHBRIDANJ 'l'HBNCB BAST ALONG THE PRESD'l' CI'l'r LIMITS OP 'l'BB CI'l'r OF SBBRIDAN A DISTANCE OF 1319.2 FBB'l', 'l'O THE CBR'l'BR LINE OF SOU'l'H IRVD1G STRBB'l', THDCE SOU'l'H ON 'l'HB CBN'l'BR LIIJB OF SAID SOUTH IRVIIJG STRBBT A DISTANCE OF 674.1 FBB'l' ALONG THE BAST LIIJE OP SAID SUBDIVISIOIJ: THBHCB WBST ALOIJG '1'BE SOUTH LINB OF SAID SUBDIVISION A DISTANCB OP 1319.2 FBB'l', TO 'l'BE POINT OF ORIGIIJ. ('l'HB ARBA BB'l'WBBN SOUTH IRVING STRBB'l' AND SOUTH LOWELL BOULBVARD ON 80'l'H SIDBS OF PLBASAN'l' VIBW ~), ALL IN TBB CI'l'r OF BNGLBWOOD, ARAPAHOE OOUN'l'r, COLORAOO. was read for the second time. COUNCILMAN MILBS MOVED, COUNCIIMAN LOVB SBCONDBD, THAT ORDINANCE NO. 19, SBRIBS OF 1962, BB ADOPTED ON SECOND AND FINAL READING AND ORDBRBD PUBLISHED IN FULL IN 'n1E ENGLEWOOD HERALD AND BN'l'BRPRISE. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Love, Miles, Smukler, Woods, Brownewell. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Braun. The Mayor Pro Tam declared the motion carried. 621-68 REZONING OF PARK-BLITCH LAND The City Attorney reported that a three-quarter vote of the Council would be required to pass the ordinance. He stated that the Counsel for Park-Blitch Company requested that consideration of the rezoning be postponed until full membership of the Council was in attendance. 272 Minutes of July 2, 1962 OOUNCIUlAN MILBS MOVBD, OOUNCIIMAN LOVB SBCONDBD, THAT TBB MATTER OP '1'HE PARK-BLITaf REZONING BB R!MOVBD PROM THE TABLE. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Love, Miles, Smukler, Woods, Brownewell. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Braun. The Mayor Pro Tem declared the motion carried. CDUNCIIltAN MILBS MOVBD, COUNCIIMAN WOODS SECONDED, THAT 'l'BB MATTER BE TABLBD WITIL SUCH TIME AS ALL SBVBN COUNCILMD ARB PRBSBN'l' FOR '!'BB CONSIDERA- TION OP THIS MATTER. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Love, Miles, Smukler, Woods, Brownewell. Nays: None. ·Absent: Councilman Braun. The Mayor Pro Tem declared the motion carried. 621-74 RELATING TO CARMEL PARK SUBDIVISION ARD VACATION OF STREETS IN '!'BB VICINI'l'r COUNCIIllAN LOVB MOVBD, COUNCILMAN WOODS SBCONDBD, THaT THE MATTER OF CONSIDERATION OP THB VACATING OF SOU'l'H BAl1NOCK STREET IN THE STANDER SUBDIVISION BE RBMOVBD PR<»t '!'BB TABLE. Upon the call of the roll, the vote re~ulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Love, Miles, Smukler, Woods, Brownewell. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Braun. The Mayor Pro Tem declared thetnotion carried. Councilman Love spoke of an effort to subdivide all the ~ea as was set forth in a motion to table the matter passed by the Council on May 7, 1962. Be remarked that it was unfortunate that a master street plan waa not avail- able at the time of the initial consideration of the plat. Mr. Erwin stated that the area to the west of the land owned by the Pear- l••• Builders was considered for purchase by that company but that the zoning was not the same aa the site developed as carmel Park. Diacuaaion ensued re- lating to the use of the vacant Thompson land for recreation and parking. Mr. Brwin stated that it would be a matter for consideration if major improvements had not already been constructed in the center of the Carmel Park Subdivision as set out on the plat. The City Attorney discussed the ordinance aa originally considered by the City Council and proposal bf Mr. Erwin to r91DC>ve th• easement reservations from the vacated streets and easements. Mr. Bach stated that the same result could be achieved by a quit claim deed issued by the City relinquising any right to the easements. Mr. Erwin conterMled that title insurance required clear title without easement reservation. COUNCIIltAN SMUKLER MOVBD, COUNCILMAN LOVB SBOONDBD, THAT THB MATTER BE TABirm> UNTIL THE NEXT MEETING PENDING AGRBJDIBllT OF ACTION TO VACATE . THE STRBBTS AND EASIDIBNTS IN THE AREA AND AH AGRDllDlT AS TO 'l'BB MBTBOD OF CLBARING TITLE TO ANY EASBMBNT RESERVATION. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Love, Miles, Smukler, Woods, Brown.well. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Braun. The Mayor Pro Tam declared the motion carried. 622-16 RBSOLUTION MBMOR&AlaIZING PORMBR MAYOR MC LBLLAN The City Attorney presented the following resolution: B~S~~u~~·~ WBBRBAS, Norman L. (Bud) McLellan served as a member of the City Council of the City of Bngl.wood, Colorado from November 7, 1955, to June 21, 1962, and as the Mayor of said City from January 8, 1962, to June 21, 1962: and I I I I I I 'I I Minute• of July 2, 1962 WHBRBAS, the aaid Normaft L. (Bud) McLellan distinguished himself during hi• tenure of office •• a member of the City council and •• Mayor by the outstand- ing quality, diligence and fidelity of hi• aervice•: and WHBRBAS, it i• fitting and proper that the City of Bnglewood through it• officially elected respresentativea, the City council, express its gratitude and appreciation for the untiring and unselfish devotion of Norman L. (Bud) McLellan to aaid City. HOW, TBBRBPORB, BB IT RBSOLVBD by the City Council of the City of Bn9lewood, Colorado, this 2nd day of July, 1962, that the said City ahall and hereby does express its official gratitude for the outstanding services to the City performed by Norman L. (Bud) McLellan •• a member of the City Council and Mayor during the period of November 7, 1955, to June 21, 1962, the date of hi• untimely death: that this resolution be spread in full on the official minutes of the City: and that a du~y certified copy hereof be transmitted by the City Clerk to the widow and family of said Norman L. (Bud) McLellan. INTRODUCBD, RBAD, APPROVBD AND ADOPTBD BY' ACCLAMATION of the City Council on thia. 2nd day of July A.D., 1962. ~:LV)~AJ -Mayor Pro Tem SE AL ATTBST: IT WAS MOVBD SY ·,aC8LA..QTION !'JI&!' 'l'BB RBSOLUTION BB ADOPTBD AND APPROVBD AND SPREAD ON THB MIHUTBS OP '1'HB CITY COUNCIL, ARD 'l'BAT A COPY OP SAID RBSO- WTIOH BB SBNT TO MRS. MCLBLLAN. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted aa follows: Ayes: Councilmen Love, Miles, Smukler, Wooda, Brownewell. Haya: None. Abaent: Councilman Braun. The Mayor Pro Tem declared the motion carried. 622-13 CANCBLLATION OF MARTilrJ '. CX»tPANY PIRB AGRBBMBNT The City Manager reported that he had received notice of cancellation of the fire prevention contract at 4002 Clay Street on May 18, 1962, had agreed to the termination on the 24th day of May, 1962 and that refund had been made •• provided by the contract upon termination but that Martin ... Company wished to formally conclude the contract by agreement signed by both parties. COUNCIUCAN LOVB MOVED, COUNCIIMAN SMUKLBR SBCONDBD, THAT THE CANCBLLATIOB OF 'l'llE MARTIN COMPANY PIRB AGRBEMBNT BB ACCBPTBD AND THAT SIGNATURBS OF THE MAYOR PRO TIM AND CITY CLERK BE AU'l'HORIZBD ON BBHALF OF TBB CITY OF DfGLBWOOD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Love, Miles, Smukler, Woods, Brownewell. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Braun. The Mayor Pro Tem declared the motion carried. 621-61 APPROVAL OF JBNSBN PLAT The City Manager presented the Jensen Subdivision 3rd Filing Plat for consideration of the City Council. He stated that all matters precedent to the Council's approval had been accomplished. The City Attorney commented that be had held the plat in his office until a discrepancy in che legal description could be rectified. This had been accomplished and he had approved the plat. COUNCIUCAN SMUKLBR MOVBD, COUNCILMAN MILBS SBCONDBD, THAT '1'HB PLAT OF JBNSBN SUBDIVISION lRD FILLING BE APPROVBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted as follows: 273 274 Minutes of July 2, 1962 Ayes: Councilmen Love, Miles, Smukler, Woods, Brownewell. Haya: None. Absent: Councilman Braun. The Mayor Pro Tam declared the motion carried. 622-17 RELATING TO PARTIAL DISCONTINUANCE OF SERVICE BY SUBURBAN TRANSIT C<»lPANY The City Manager reported that on or about June 3, 1962, Mr. Koahland directed a letter to the Public Utilities Commission requesting permission to abandon three routesi 1. The route on Clarkson Street, 2. The Yale-Downing Street route, and 3. In the Lakewood area. Subaequent to the above action notice was posted in the buaea setting out July 10th as the last day for service on those lines. The City Manager stated that he had inquired of the status of this requeat before the Public Utilities Conmission. He received information that the Public Utilities Commission can act in matter• of thia nature without public hearing or notice if the operations are being conducted at a loaa. The City Manager reported that he was ••eking information on operations aimilar to thi• throughout the state as a guide to future action by the Council. In the meantime he was attempting to aet up a meeting between the varioua parties concerned in this discontinuance. Diacuaaion ensued. Councilman Smukler stated that the only way the City could promote con- tinuance of service was by subsidy and that he was opposed to such action. Discussion ensued. · The Mayor Pro Tam asked that the City Manager set up a meeting of the bu• line officials, representative• of the Chamber of Collll\erce, and Councilmen Smukler, Woods and Love to meet to discuss the matter at Roon, Th~~~.~fy5~. RBCBSS The Mayor Pro Tam declared a 15 minute race•• until 10100 P.M. CALL TO ORDBR The Mayor Pro Tem called the Council to order at 10105 P.M. with the following members preaenti Councilmen Love, Miles, Smukler, Woods, Brown.well. The Mayor Pro Tam declared a quorum present. 622-9 CONSIDERATION OF BILLS, CLAIMS AND INVOICES FOR 'l'BB MORT& OP JUBB COUNCILMMI SMUKLBR MOVBD, COUNCILMAR WOODS SBCC8DBD, 'l'llA'l' '1'HB BILLS, CLAIMS AND IBVOICBS AS APPROVED BY THE CITY' MMAGBR AND LIS'l'BD BY '1'HB CITY' CLERK BB ALLOWBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follow•: Ayea: Councilmen Love, Miles, Smukler, Wooda, Brownewell. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Braun. The Mayor Pro Tam declared the motion carried. 622-15 RBQUBST POR ONB-HALP MILL LEVY POR PIRB PDISIOB The Mayor Pro Tam read the following letter from B. Robert Grabert, Secretary, Board of Truateea Firemen's Penaion Pund, dated July 2, 1962 as follows: "FIRE DBPAR'l'MBNT CI'l'r OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO July 2, 1962 To the Honorable Members of the City Council City of Englewood City Ball Bngl9WOOd, Colorado Gentlemen: . ' ··'I I .I I I I I I Minute• of July 2, 1962 In a regular meetin9 of the Trustees of the Bnglewood Fire Department Penaion Fund, a atudy was made of the new State Law BB #49 amending BB 373 of 1961. In order to obtain contributions from available State Fund• the ba•• ha• been eatabliahed that funds will be matched in accordance with City levy up to 1/2 mil. The Truateea feel, that in order. to insure that the Penaion Fund will be adequate at time of need, and that maximum State Fund• available be obtained ~, it i• de .. ed adviaable at this time to respectfully requeat the City Council to include a 1/2 mil levy for the Firemen's Penaion Fund in the next budget, when inatituted. Thank you in advance for your usual fine attention and action. cc1 Mr. Stanley H. Dial, City Manager BRG1bjg" /s/ H. Robert Grabert Secretary to the Board Firemen'• Penaion Fund The Mayor Pro Tem •poke on the matter aa the Counciia repre•entative to the Fir-•n' s Penaion Fund Board. Be atated that an acturarial study had been received recently and that the fund waa not actuarially aound and needed the one-half mill levy on behalf of the City which would be matched by State funds. He remarked that the moniea from which the atate matched the City'• contribution were from taxes on foreign inaurance companies and not derived from taxes on property owner•. Councilman Smukler atated that he waa not adverae to the Council's sup- port of the Fir .. en'• Penaion Fund, in fact he would prefer 100 per cent aup- port by the City to the excluaion of the receipt of the State's share as he did not believe in Stailor Federal aid at the local level as it represented a creeping socialism. Di•cu••ion en•ued. COUBCIIICMI SMUKLBR MOVBD, COUNCIUIAB WOODS SBCOHDBD, 'l'BAT THB RBQUBST BB RBFBRRBD TO TBB Cift MMIAGBR FOR ACTIOB M1D DICLUSIOB IR '1'BB CI'l'Y' MABAGBR'S RBCA»ltlDmATIOB !OR A MILL LBW OB ALL ASSBSSBD VALUATIOB DI TBB Cift. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follow•• Aye•: Councilmen Love, Mile•, Smukler, Wood•, Brownewell. Naya: None. Abaent: Councilman Braun. The Mayor Pro Tam declared the motion carried. MAYOR PRO Tml'S alOICB The Mayor Pro Tam announced the meeti~g of the American Municipal Aaaocia- tion to be held in Philadelphia, Pennaylvania on Auguat 25th through Ziiia. Be reminded the members of the Council that the Arapahoe Mayor• Aaaociation meet• on July 5th. COUNCILMAN'S CBOICB Councilman Miles requested the Council'• aid in ••curing 100 women who would each contact 10 voters each in connection with the forthcoming election on the South Suburban Diatrict. Anyone knowning of a woman that could help in thi• matter should contact Mr. Chalmera Parker. ADJOUNR COUNCILMAN SMUJ<LBR MOVBD, COUNCILMAN MILBS SBCOBDBD, THAT THB MBBTIBG BB ADJOuaNBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Love, Miles, Smukler, Wooda, Brownewell. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Braun. The Mayor Pro Tem declared the meeting adjourned at 10:20 P.M. /•/ B. o. Beauaang, City Clerk Clerk of the Council The minutes of the meeting of the City Council of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, held on the 2nd day of July, 1962 A.D., stand approved as written this 16th day of July, 1962 A.D. ~ -----