HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-07-16 (Regular) Meeting Minutes276 RBGULAR MEETING: COUNCIL CBAMBBRS Cift OP BNGLBWOOD, COLORADO JULY 16, 1962 The City Council of the City of Englewood, Arapahoe County, COlorado, met in regular session on Monday, July 16, 1962, in the Council Chamber•, City Ball, Englewood, at the hour of 8:00 P.M. Mayor Pro Tam Brownewell presiding called the meeting to order and the invocation waa given by the Reverend Thoma• Tucker of the Pirat United Presbyterian Church of Englewood. The Mayor Pro Tem aaked for roll call. Upon th• call of the roll, the following peraona were present: councilmen: Love, Mile•, Smukler, Wooda, Brown.well. Also Present: City Manager Dial, City Attorney Bach, City Clerk Beauaang. Absent: Councilman Braun. The Mayor Pro Tam declared a quorum preaent. 622-19 APPOIN'DtBH'l' OF COUNCILMAN TO FILL VACAll<:r The Mayor Pro Tem aaked for nomination• for Councilman, Diatrict No. 3. COUNCIUIAN MILBS NOMDJATBD CHALMBRSB PARJCBR POR TBB VACAll<:r OP COUNCIUIAN IN DISTRICT NO. 3 CAUSBD BY PORMBR MAYOR MCLBIJM'S UN'l'IMBLY DBA'l'B. Be •poke of Mr. Parker'• intereat in civic affair• and hi• former tenure on the Council. COUllCILMAN SMUKLBR SBCONDBD '1'HB NOMINATION. COUNCILMAN LOVB MOVBD, COUNCILMAN WOODS SBOONDBD, THAT '1'BB NOMINATIONS BB CLOSBD AND THAT TBB CLBRK BB INSTRUCTED TO CAST AN UNUDIOUS BALLOT POR CllALMBRSB PARKBR FOR COUHCILMAll DISTRICT NO. 3. Upon th• call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Love, Milea, Smukler, Wooda, Brownewell. Haya: None. Absent: Councilman Braun. The Mayor Pro Tem declared the motion carried. Th• Clerk caat an unanimous ballot for Mr. Parker. The Mayor Pro Tam asked District Judge Marvin Poot• and the newly appointed councilman, Chalmerae Parker, to coae to the front of the Council Chamber•. Judge Poot swore in the new Councilman. councilman Parker spoke to the Council of hi• intereat in and desire to aerve hi• community although he could not hope to really fill the vacancy left by former Mayor McLellan. Therefore, he felt very humble and would do all he could to be worthy of the position to which he waa appointed. Be took hi• seat on the Council. The Mayor Pro Tem thanked Judge Poote for hi• pr•••nce and aervices to the council. 622-2 APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINU'l'BS COUNCILMAN LOVB MOVBD, COUNCILMAN MILBS SBOOBDBD, '!BAT '1'BB MINU'IBS OF JULY 2ND BB APPROVED AS WRI'l'TBR. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Love, Miles, Parker, Smukler, Wooda, 8rownewell. Haya: None. Absent: Councilman Braun. The Mayor Pro Tam declared the motion carried. REPORT OF CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMI'l'TBB ON MUllICIPAL BUILDDIG NBBDS Mr. Walter Jorgenaen, Chairman of the Citizen• Adviaory Committee to the City Council with regard to municipal building need• reported the Coamittee's activities to the Council. Be atated that after the Conmittee I I I I : I I .. I I · Minute• of July 16, 1962 waa appointed by former Mayor McLellan that the total Coaaitt•• waa divided up into five sub committees consisting of Library, Pire and Police, Shop, Administrative, and Appraisal. The information made availalbe to the Conai~­ ttee as a whole was divided among the varioua aub coanitt••• for their analysis and report Be reported that the value of the City-owned property waa estimabed to be $325,000.00. The Conmittee then liated and atudied the following alterna- tive•: 1. The Norgren plant, 2. The Norgren plant plua the preaent City Ball, 3 • Burt Chevrolet property, 4. Enlarge preaent City Hall, conatruct new ahopa, 5. New City Ball, new location, 6. New City Ball, new ahopa, old City Ball for Library, 7. Old City Ball, new Library Be reported that the various sub committee• are nearing the completion of their individual portions of the total work of the Conmittee and that he hoped to have a detailed report for the Council early in September. Councilman Parker commended the Conmittee on it• excellent activity and its Chairman on hi• very good report. The Mayor Pro Tem thanked Mr. Jorgenaen for hi• time thi• evening and his aervice as Chairman of the Connittee and atated that he would be very greatly intereated in the reault• of the Coaaittee. Councilman Smukler expre•- aed the opinion that the report forthcoming from thia Conmittee would be much better than the City Adminiatration or Council could have prepared with- out the aid of such a diatinguiahed gro~p of citizena. 622-25 RELATING TO CONTRACT FOR FISCAL AGBN'l' SBRVICB Mr. Robert Gerwin, Vice Preaident of Coughlin and Company, Inc., read a proposal for fiscal agent services by Coughlin and Company, Inc., Boettcher and Company, Bosworth, Sullivan and Company, Inc., Peter•, Writer and Christensen, Inc., all of Denver. He atated that thi• group of investment bankers are presently acting as fiacal agent for the Water and Sewer Utilitiea. He outlined the need for an estimated $4,000,000.00 financing within the next three to four years and submitted his bid of $7.50 per $7.25 per $7.00 per $6.75 per $6.50 per $1,000. $1,000. $1,000. $1,000. $1,000. bond issued for first bonds issued for next bonds iaaued for next bonds issued for next bonds issued for next $1,500,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $ 500,000.00 $ 500,000.00 $ 500,000.00 Diacuasion ensued as to adequate surplus and the rate atructure. Mr. Gerwin expressed the belief that a surplus would be built up in the future without a rate increase and after the payment of all debt aervice required in connec- tion with the proposed $4,000,000.00 bond. Diacuasion ensued. COUNCIIMAN SMUKLER MOVED, COUNCIIMAN LOVB SBCONDBD, THAT 'DIB MAYOR PRO TDI BB AU'l'BORIZBD TO SIGN TBB PROPOSED FISCAL AGJDIT AGRBBMBNT ON BBBALF OF TBB CITY OF DJGLBWOOD AND 'l'BAT THE CITY CLBRK BB AU'l'HORIZBD TO COUNTBRSIGN. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as followa1 Ayes: Councilmen Love, Miles, Park•r, Smukler, Wooda, Brownewell. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Braun. The Mayor Pro Tem declared the motion carried and signed the agreement on behalf of the City. 622-17 RELATING TO PARTIAL TERMINATION OF BUS SERVICE Councilman Smukler reported on a recent luncheon meeting with repreaenta- tives of the City·, Chamber of Commerce, and bua company. At this luncheon there were present City Manager Dial, Mr. Robohm, Chamber President Flory, Chamber Manager Scarffe, Bus ·. Operator-OWner Koshland and Councilman Smukler. He stated that they had discussed the abolishment of the two lines and that two possibilities existed for keeping the line in operation: 1. Chamber help financially, 2. The City subsidize An estimated total of $5.00 per hour was neceaaary in addition to the City pur- chasing the equipment and leasing it to the present operaters to affect certain tax advantages. 278 Minutes of July 16, 1962 Councilman Smukler expreased the opinion that with the various bus lines stopped and advantaqe be taken of profitable line• and contract• that the financial picture of the company would chanqe aubatantially in a very short period of time. He expressed his peraonal viewpoint that the City ahould not subsidize the present bus operation or CJO into the bu• buaineas. Diacuaaion ensued. Coucilman Parker discusaed the unreliability of achedules and equip- ment and expressed the viewpoint that financial lo•••• were due to inefficient operations and manaqement. The Mayor Pro T .. thanked Councilman Smukler and asked his continued service in repreaenting the Council on thi• matter. The · City Manaqer expreaaed the view that if there were objection• to droppinq the service that the Public Utility Conniaaion would conduct a hearinq. Discuasion enaued. 622-10 QUARTBRLY DBPARTMBllTAL RBPORTS The Mayor Pro Tam acknowledqed receipt of the followinq quarterly reports: Fire Department, Police Department, Liquor Outlet Report, Police Court Report, Traffic Department, Buildinq Department, And the Firemen'• and Policemen'• Penaion Pund aemi-annual report. The Mayor Pro Tam asked that the varioua report• be received and placed on file. 622-6 MINUTES OP '1'HB PIAllNilfG AND ZORIRG OOMMISSIOR OP JULY 5, 1962 The Mayor Pro Tam asked that the minute• be received and placed on file. 622-20 Relating to Vacation of Baat Baatman Place The City Clerk read the following recommendation of the City Planning and Zoninq Connisaion: "That the City Planninq Commiasion recemmend• to the City Council that Bast Eastman Place, from Downinq-Lafayette Streets be vacated." The City Manaqer reported that thi• wa• the atreet between the Charle• Bay School aite and the newly acquired park land. COUNCILMAN LOVB MOVBD, COUNCIIMAR MILBS SBCX.DBD, '!'HAT '1'HB PORTION OF BAST BAS'l'MAH PLACB Bn'WBBN SOU'l'H DOWRIHG STRBBT AID> SOU'.l'H LAFAYETTE STRBBT BB VACATED AS RBCOMMDDBD BY THE PLADillG CXllUIISSIOR ARD THAT SOU'l'B MARION STRBBT PROM THE NOR'l'B LID OP THE BAST BAS'l'llMI PLACB TO THE SOUTH LINB OP '1'HB PROPOSED CUL-DB-SAC ON SOU'l'H MARION STRBBT ALSO BB VACATED AND THAT THE CITY ATTORNEY BB INSTRUCTED TO DRAFT '1'BB DCBSSARY BILL POR AN ORDDANCB. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted a• follow•: Ayes: Councilmen Love, Mile•. Parker, Smukler, Wood•, Brownewell. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Braun. The Mayor Pro Tam declared the motion carried. 622-21 Relating to rezoning of area between Bmeraon and South Clarkaon South of Bast Hampden The City Clerk read the following recommendation of the City Planninq and Zoninq Conmission in full: "That the City Planninq Commission reconnends to the City Council that the rezoninq request for the area between South Emerson and South Clarkson between Bast Hampden and State Hiqhway No. 70 from R-1-D to R-2-B be approved." Discussion eaaued. The Mayor Pro Tam asked that the City Attorney prepare a bill for an ordinance so that the matter could be scheduled for public hearinq after the introduction of that bill at the next reqular meetinq of the Council. 622-8 MINUTES OP LIBRARY BOARD UBTING OP JULY 10, 1962 The Mayor Pro Tam asked that the minutes be received and placed on file. 622-5 MINU'l'ES OP CAREER SERVICE COMMISSIONERS MBBTING OP JULY 11, 1962 The Mayor Pro Tam asked that the minutes be received and placed on file. ·1 I I I 11 · I I I Minutes of July 16, 1962 622-22 RECOMMENDATION OF THE WATER AND SBWBR BOARD THAT CERTAIN LANDS BE ANNEXED TO SOUTHEAST ENGLEWOOD WATBR DISTRICT The City Clerk read the following reconmenc:lation of theEnglewood Water and Sawer Board in full: "That the following described land be allowed to annex to the South- Eaat Englewood Water District, by Supplemental Aqreem•nt: and, that the Englewood "Red Line" be so extended to include these areas: The Denver Country Day School Tracts 233,234, that part of tracts 235 and 236 lying on the Westerly side of Little Dry Creek, 261, 262, 263 and 264, except the West 314.19 feet of Tracts 263 and 264, South Denver Bardens, Arapahoe County, Colorado •. Arapahoe County School District No. 6 That part of the NE\ of Section 15, Townahip 5 South, Range 68 West of the 6th P. M., more particularly deacribed as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot 1, Block 16, Brookridge Heights Second Filing: thence S 55° 14' E, 1089.6' along the Southerly line of aaid Block 16: thence s 6° 16' 26" w, 289.85': thence Weat 79.37': thence N .. 55• 14' W, 989.15': thence North 3° 41' 40" Weat, 375.42': thence 60° 59' E, 60.3' to the point of beginning and con- taining 7.639 acres more or less." COUNCILMAN SMUKLBR MOVED, COUNCIUIMI LOVB SBOOllDBD, 'l'HAT THE RBCOMMBNDA- TION OF THE WATER AND SBWER BOARD BE APPROVBD AllD TBAT THE MAYOR AND CITY CLBRJ< BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT WITH '1'HB SOU'l'HBAST BNGLEWOOD WATa :< DISTRICT ON BBHALF OF THE CITY OF ENGLBWOOD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Love, Miles, Parker, Smukler, Wooda, Brownewell. Nays: None. Abaent: Councilman Braun. The Mayor Pro Tam declared the motion carried. 622-23 AUTHORIZING LBGAL CONSULTANT TO OBTAill BllGillBBRDIG AllD LBGAL ASSISTANCB IN WBSTBRll SLOPB WATD CASB The City Clerk read the following recoaaendation of the Bnglewood Water and Sawer Board in full: "That the legal consultant for the Bngl.wood Water and Sewer Board be authorized to obtain such engineering and legal •••i•- tance as he deem• neceaaary and spend auch fund• aa may be necea• sary to present the beat possible defenae of Bn9l.wood'• conditional Western Slope water decrees againat Denver'• oppoaition.• Councilman Smukler inquired as to whether there waa any limi~ation on the leqal consultants authority to aeek aaaiatance aa nec:eaaary. Diacuaaion en- sued. Councilman Parker agreed that the recommendation waa rather broad in its scope. Diacuaaion ensued. COUCILMAN LOVE MOVBD, COUNCILMAN MILBS &BcmDBD, THAT THE RBCOMMBNDATION OF THE WATER AND SBWBR BOARD RELATING TO '1'HB AU'l'BORIZATION OF '1'118 LBGAL CON- SULTANT TO OBTAIN BNGillBBRING AND LBGAL ASSISTAllCB AS BB DBMS DCBSSARY BB APPROVED SUBJBCT TO TBB RBVIDi AND APPROVAL OP TBB WATBR AllD SBWBR BOARD. Diacuasion ensued. The Mayor Pro Tem summarized th• diacuaaion by stating that the review by the Water and Sewer Board would be a general review and not specific nor would such review be intended to hinder the progress of the legal consultant in pursuing his case. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Love, Miles, Parker, Smukler, Woods, Brownewell. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Braun. The Mayor Pro Tem declared the motion ca~ried. 622-24 RELATING TO OPPOSING DEVELOPMENT OF JUNIOR WATER RIGHTS BY JOHN ELLIOT The City Clerk read the following recommendation of the Englewood Water and Sewer Board in full: 280 Minutes of July 16, 1962 •That the leqal consultant for the Bngl.wood Water and Sewer Board be authorized to appear in the legal proceeding• involving the proposed Elliot Junior Water Right• and proteat the aame.• The Mayor Pro Tem explained that Junior Water Right• claimed by John Elliot on Meadow Creek and Strawberry Creek with a right-of-way nearly in the exact same location as City of Englewood'• propoaed right-of-way would be detrimental to the City of Englewood if those rights are sold to a municipa- lity . located within the bounds of the Northern Conaervancy Diatrict. COUNCILMAN SMUKLBR MOVED, COUNCILMAN MILBS SBOONDED, THAT THE RECCIOIBNDA- ~ION BE ACCEPTED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Love, Miles, Parker, Smukler, Woods, Brownewell. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Braun. The Mayor Pro Tam declared the motion carried. 622-26 RELATING TO DRAINING OP SWIMMIRG POOLS The City Clerk read the following recommendation of the Englewood Water and Sewer Board in full: •That the proposed Amendment to Ordinance No. 31, Series of 1957, to permit the draining of swimming pool• into the City sanitary sewer system, be passed, as presented.• The Mayor Pro Tam stated that a bill for an ordinance had been proposed by the Water and Sewer Board and reviewed by the City Attorney and was now available for consideration by the Council. Introduced as a Bill by Councilman Love A BILL POR AN ORDINANCE AMDIDIHG ORDINANCE NO. 31, SBRIES OF 1957 RELATIVE TO THE CONSTRUCTION AND REGULATION OF PRIVATE SWIMMING POOLS AND O'niBR SUCH FACILI- TIES IN THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO BY DELETING THEREFROM "SECTION 6 - DISCHARGE SYSTEM" AND SUBSTITUTING THEREFOR A NBW SUCH "SECTION 6 .~ DISCHARGE SYSTEM'!. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLBWOOD, COLORADO: Section 1. Ordinance 31, Series of 1957, of the Ordinances of the City of Englewood, Colorado for the construction and regulation of provate swimming pools and other such facilities of the City of Englewood, COlorado is hereby amended by deleting therefrom "Section 6 -Diacharge Syatem" and substituting therefor a new such Section which shall read as followa1 "Section 6 -Discharge System: All private .wiming pool• constructed within the City of Englewood ahall be provided with one drainage outlet, not in excess of three inehes in diameter extending, from such pool to either a brook, storm sewer or lawn aprinkling ayatem on the premises on which such private pool is located. Th• diacharge of water from such private swimming pools into a brook or aewer ayatem ahall be permitted only by approval of the proper state, county and city officials as each case requires. No pool drain shall be connected directly into the city's sanitary sewer system: provided that, auch awiaaing pools may be drained into a floor drain through a maximum two inch wide outlet maintaining an air gap. Each time that any such swimming pool i• drained, a drainage permit must first be obtained from the utilitiea department and the pool must be drained during the time specified on the drainage permit. Waste watee .. from back washing the filters may be drained through a floor drain or through a sandtrap, or both, without a permit. A charge of $5.00 shall be made for a permit to drain a public or amni-public swimming pool into the sanitary sewer system and a charge of $2.00 ahall be made for a private or semi-private swimning pool. Th• city engineer or his departmental employee shall inspect the premises on which auch a pool ia planned to be constructed in order to determine the proper place and type of connection with the drainage system prior to the issuance of the building permit. Approval shall not be given to discharge watee from a awimming pool at the curb or upon the surface of any street." Passed on ~st reading by the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, this 16th day of July, A.O. 1962 and ordered published in full in the Englewood Herald and Enterprise. :&A~~ ATTEST: Mayor Pro Tem was read for the first time. 'I I I I I I I I Minutes of July 16, 1962 GDUNCILMAN LOVB MOVBD, COUNCIIIUUI SMUJ<LBR SBCOllDBD, THAT THE PROPOSED BILL BE PASSED ON FIRST READING ME ORDBRBD PU8LISBSD DI FULL IN THE ENGLBWODD BBRALD AND BNTBRPRISE. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Love, Mi!es, Parker, S.ukler, Woods, Brownewell. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Braun. The Mayor Pro Tam declared the ·motion carried. 622-28 LAW SUIT BY WILLIAM BDRY AllD AGllBS BALLIEW The City Attorney reported that the City Clerk had been served a summons by Mr. and Mrs. Balliew, which complained that th• City was in error when it did not iaaue a buildinq permit or provide for non-conforminq usaqe for the . operation of an automotive aervice atation at the interaection of West Hampden and South Huron Street. He asked that the Council authorize him to defend the City in this matter. COUNCILMAN SMUKLBR MOVBD, COUNCIIllAN MILU SBCOllDBD, THAT 'l'HE CITY ATTORNEY BB AUTHORIZED TO DBFBND THE CITY IN THB BALLIBW CASB. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Love, Miles, Parker, Smukler, Woods, Brownewell. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Braun. The Mayor Pro Tem declared the motion carried. 621-74 RELATING TO VACATION OF SOUTH BANNOCK STRBBT IN CONNECTION WITH CARMEL PARK PLAT The City Attorney reported that he and Mr. Brwin, representing Carmel Park Subdivider• had agreed on the legal procedure for the vacating of that portion of South Bannock street which is in the Stander Subdivision. He stated that he would recommend consideration by the Council of a bill for an ordinance prepared by Mr. Brwin, which did not contain a reservation of easement for utilities. Discussion ensued. COUNCILMAN LOVB MOVED, COUNCILMAN WOODS SBCOllDBD, THAT 'l'HE MATTER OF VACATIHG OF SOUTH BANNOCK STREET AND THE BASBMDJTS THBRBIN BB RAISED FRat THE TABLE. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Love, Miles, Parker, Smukler, Woods, Brownewell. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Braun. The Mayor Pro Tem declared the motion carried. Discussion ensued as to drainage problems, curb cuts along West Belleview, and the arrangement of the plat. A BILL FOR AN ORD CE VACATING 'l'BAT PORTION OP soum BAIDIOCK STRBET ED THAT LIBS TO TB~ OF STANDER SUBDIVISIOR ARD '1'llB UTILITY BAS THAT LIES WITHIN SAID ST SUBDIVISION, ALL IN '1'HB Cift OP BN , COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE, STATE OF '--.1.1V1 BE IT ORDAINED ENGLEWOOD, COLORAD: Section 1. That the herei ter descr property located in the City of Englewood, Arapahoe County, Col and hereby is declared vacated pursuant to the provisions of Sectio Article 1, Chapter 120, Colorado Revised Statutes 1953, as amended, title thereto shall vest in the owners of abutting land, as pro ed in aai pter 120: said vacated land being particularly describ s followas That portion of of Stander s Stander Sn~ State o h Bannock Street extended t~ lies to the west vision and the utility eaamnent tha ies within said all in the City of Bngl.wood, Cou of Arapahoe, ion 2. That the hereinabove described land is located enti the ty of Englewood, Colorado, and does not constitute a boundary een the City of Englewood and any county or other municipality. Minutes of July 16, 1962 action 3. That the vacation of the hereinabove described street a easemen '11 not leave any adjoining land without an established publrt'I! connecting s · land with another established public road. Section 4. reserve City Council of the City of Engl~ Introduced as a Bill by Councilman Woods A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE VACATING THAT PORTION OP SOUTH BANNOCK STRBBT BXTBNDBD THAT LIBS TO THE WEST OP STANDER SUBDIVISION AND TllB UTILITY BASIMBNT THAT LIES WITHIN SAID STANDER SUBDIVISION, ALL IN THE CITY OP BNGLBWOOD, COUNTY OP ARAPAHOE, STATE OP COLORADO. D IT ORDAINBD BY THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO: Section 1. That the hereinafter described property located in the City of Englewood, Arapahoe County, Colorado, be and hereby is declared vacated pursuant to the provisions of Section 13, Article 1, Chapter 120, Colorado Revised Statutes 1953, as amended, and that title thereto shall veet in the owners of abutting land, as provided in said Chapter 120: said vacated land being particularly described as follows: All that portion of South Bannock Street extended that lies to the west of Stander Subdivision, as shown on and dedicated by the plat of said Stander Subdivision, and the utility easement that lies within said Stander Subdivision, all in the City of Englewood, County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado. Section 2. That the hereinabove described land is located entirely within the City of Englewood, Colorado, and does not constitute a boundary line between the City of Englewood and any county or other municipality. Section 3. That the vacation of the hereinabove described street and easement will not leave any adjoining land without an established public road connecting said land with another established public road. Section 4. The City Council hereby specifically find• and determines that there are no utilities whatsoever now located in the utility easement that lies within Stander Subdivision nor in aaid South Bannock Street as hereinabove described, and relinquishes any and all right• thereto in said utility easement and in said street. Passed on First Reading by the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, this 16th day of July, A.D., 1962, and ordered published in full in the Englewood Herald and Enterprise. A'l"l'BST: was read for the rat time. L '~·~) /? .. Lvx /'2 ~!Jt~~d&~ --,..,, -Mayor C f T L ---- 1/.#~ COUNCILMAN WOODS MOVBD, COUNCIIMAN LOVE SBCORDBD, THAT THE PROPOSBD BILL BB PASSED ON FIRST READING AND ORDBRBD PUBLISHBD IN PULL IN THE BNGLBMOOD BBRALD AND BNTBRPRISB. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Love, Miles, Parker, Smukler, Woods, Brownewell. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Braun. The Mayor Pro Tam declared the motion carried. .. ~ I ~ I I I I I Minutes of July 16, 1962 The City Attorney reported that he had a deed from Mr.~Jack H. Lapata, and from Carmel Park Developers, Inc., deeding portions of South Acoma Street to the City. The City Attorney stated that he would recommend receiv- ing and recording these documents. COUNCILMAN MILES MOVED, COUNCILMAN LOVB SBCOBDBD, THAT THE DEEDS DEDICAT- DIG LAND IOR RIGHT-OP-WAY PURPOSES IN 'l'BB VICIRI'l'Y OP CARMEL PARK SUBDIVISION BE RECEIVED AND THAT THE Cift ATTORNEY BB IRSTRUCTBD TO RECORD THESE DEEDS. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted aa follow•: Ayes: Councilmen Love, Miles, Parker, Smukler, Wood•, Brownewell. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Braun. The Mayor Pro Tem declared the motion carried. Mr. Erwin inquired as to the statu• of the final plat of the Carmel Park Subdivision. He stated that all the varioua agenci•• and officials required to sign the plat had done so or had indicated their approval except for the City Council. He asked that this approval be given at this time. Discussion ensued. COUNCII.HAN LOVE MOVED, COUNCIUQN WOODS SBCX>RDBD, THAT THE CARMEL PARK SUBDIVISION PLAT BE APPROVED AND THAT TBB MAYOR PRO TBM AND Cift CLERK BE AU'l'HORIZED TO SIGN ON BEHALF OF THE CITY. Th• Mayor Pro Tem expressed his disappointment that the area immediately west of the Carmel Park Subdivision had not been developed at this time. Councilman Love agreed with the Mayor Pro Tam. Councilman Parker stated that he would vote no on the motion as he felt it was poor planning. The Mayor Pro Tem stated that he would also vote no. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted aa follows: Ayes: Councilmen Love, Miles, Smukler, Woods. Nays: Councilmen Parker, Brownewell. Absent: Councilman Braun. The Mayor Pro Tem declared the motion carried. Mr. Erwin stated that Carmel Park Developer• would pay for the cost of the vacation ordinance as well as prints of the aubdivision plat as required by the City. 622-17 RELATING TO REDUCED BUS SBRVICB The City Manager reported that he had ••cured information as to operations of transit service in various communities throughout the state. He reported that in Boulder the bus service is p~vided by Public Service Company which organization reports that the gas an~lectric utility ia subsidizing the bus service to the extent of approximately $60,000.00 per year. The City of Pueblo actually subsidizes the operation of the bu• through lease of the equipment to the company, approval for which was granted by the voters at an election and an estimated dollar subsidy between $25,000.00 and $40,000.00 per year. He stated that the Pueblo City Manager did not particularly re• commend the operation which is being conducted in Pueblo. The Mayor Pro Tem thanked the City Manager for his concise report in this matter. 622-27 AGREPJitENT PROVIDING FIRE PROTEEITION POR ARAPAHOE COUNTY FAIR GROUNDS The City Manager reported on the recent fire at the Arapahoe County Fair Grounds which caused considerable damage and adverse publicity. He stated that the Englewood Department could not answer the call although they knew of the fire until requested to do so by the City of Littleton with ~which the Department has a Mutual Aid Agreement. He stated that an agreement had been prepared between the City and the Arapahoe County Pair Association which "WOuld provide for the authority of that Asaociation to call the Englewood department directly. He stated that although there should be a monetary consideration in an agreement of this type he would not recommend it in this case. COUNCILMAN WOODS MOVED, COUNCILMAN PARKER SECONDED, THAT THE PROPOSED AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE FIRE PROTECTION FOR ARAPAHOE COUNTY FAIR GROUNDS BE APPROVED AND THAT THE MAYOR PRO TPJit AND CITY CLERK BE AU'l'BORIZED TO SIGN ON BEHALF OF THE CITY. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Love, Miles, Parker, Smukler, Woods, Brownewell. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Braun. The Mayor Pro Tam declared the motion carried. 284 Minutes of July 16, 1962 622-11 TREASURER'S REPORT FOR 'ftlB MOBTB OP JUBB COUNCILMAN MILES MOVED, COUNCILMAN SMUKLBR SBC<BDBD, THAT THE TREASURER'S REPORT FOR THE MONTH OP JUNE, 1962 BE ACCBPTBD ARD PLACBD ON PILE. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted aa followa1 Ayes: Councilmen Love, Miles, Parker, Smukler, Woods, Brownewell. Nays: None. Absent: Councilman Braun. The Mayor Pro Tem declared the motion carried. RELATING TO COUNTY CONTRACT FOR DtMP OPBRATION The City Manaqer reported that the County Conmiaaionera would receive and open bids Tuesday, July 17th for operation of a aanitary land fill by private companies. He expressed his desire that the bida be favorable. MAYOR'S CHOICB The Mayor Pro Tam reported that at a recent Arapahoe .Mayors meetinq President Taylor of Littleton and Mayor Davidson of Cherry Hilla Villaqe explained a proqram whereby the County Planninq Commiaaion would hire an addi- tional planner to cooperate with cities in Arapahoe County that do not have a planninq department and conduct other apecial aurveya for those cities as necessary. The Mayor Pro Tem stated that thia waa informational at this time. COUNCIIMEN'S Cll>ICB Councilman Parker inquired as to the pro qr••• on petition circulation and how many siqnatures had been received to call an election on the matter of South Suburban Metropolitan Parks and Recreation Diatrict. The City Attorney replied that the previous count he had received from the Assessors office was baaed upon the number of schedules for piece• of property assessed in Arapahoe County and not the number of ownera. A new count was in proqress and would be completed shortly. He expreaaed the opinion that under the new count the petitions on hand would be inaufficient. ADJOURN COUNCILMAN SMUKLBR MOVED, COUNCILMAH LOVB SBOOBDBD, THAT THE MEBTit«; BB ADJOURNED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Love, Miles, Parker, Smukler, Wooda, Brownewell. Naya: None. Absent: Councilman Braun. The Mayor Pro Tem declared the meetinq adjourned at 10:15 P.M. /•/ 8. o. Beauaanq, City Clerk Clerk of the Council The minutes of the meetinq of the City Council of the City of Enqlewood, Colorado, held on the 16th day of July, 1962 A.D., atand approved as corrected this 6th day of Auqust, 1962 A.D. I -1 .s I