HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-10-01 (Regular) Meeting Minutes11 I I I COUllCIL ClllllUll CI'l'Y OP BmL•K>OD, CO~ oc:IOBD 1, 1962 RBGULAR MBBTDIG1 Th• City Council of the City of 8n9l-..ood, Arapahoe County, Colorado, .. t in regular ••••ion on Monday, October 1, 1962, in the Council Chamber•, City Ball, Bngl.wood, at the hour of 8100 P.M. Mayor Brownewell preaiding noted that a quorua of th• Council waa not pr•••nt. Be atated that two of th• Council.Mn wre out of town, but that a third, had indicated that he would COiie to the ... tin9 later. (Councilllan Wood• entered and took hi• ... tat the table at 9145 P.M.) Th• Mayor aaked for roll call. Upon the call of the roll, th• follow- ing per80n• were preaent1 Councilmen: Braun, Milea, Parker, Woocla, kownewell. Alao preaent1 City Manager Dial, City Attorney Bach, City Clerk Beauaang. Abaent1 Councilmen Love, Smukler. The lla~or declared a quorum preaent. 622-2 COMSIDBRATIOM OP MI9UTB8 COUllCILMAIJ PARKBR llOVSD, COUllCIUIAll BllAUll SBCOllDBD, 'l'llA'l' '1'BB COUMCIL MDnn'BS OP SBP'l'lllBBR 17, 1962, BB APPROVBD AS WRI'1"1'BR. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followa1 Ay••: Councilmen Braun, Mil••, Parker, Wood•, Brownewell. Maya: Bone. Abaent: Councilmen Love, Saukler. Th• Mayor declared th• IK>tion carried. 622-25 RBLll'l'IllG TO WA'l'D 80111>8 IR AllOUft OP $1,750,000 'l'h• City 'l'reaaurer reported that bid• for the ••l• of $1,750,000 General Obli9ation Water Bxtenaion Bonda had been received at 11100 A.M. 'l'he•• bid• had been checked and tabulated by Mr. Robert Gerwin of Cou9hlin and Company, Piacal Agent for thi• iaaue.. . A copy of the tabulation waa provided for each Councilman. 1. 2. 3. 4. Syndicate Tabulation of Bida for Bond• Ret Int•r••t Coat R•t Bffectiv• Rat• United C&lifornia Bank, Loa An9•l•• White, Weld • Company, Chicago f983,308 3.2192" J. A. Bogle• Company, Denver Shear80n, Ba-ill • Co. Chicago Banifen, Imhoff • &aaford, Denver J .K. Mullen Inveataent Co. , Denver J.A. Overton• Company, Coronado 1963-70 -4 1/2% 1972 -3 3/4" 1973-79 -3" 1980-81 -3.1°" 1982-83 -3.2°" 1984-87 -3 1/4" 'l'h• Pirat Boaton Corporation, Chicago $985,210 B.J.Yaningen • Coaapany,Inc.,Chica90 3.2254" Continental Illinoi• Rational Bank • f988,355 Truat Company of Chica90 Pirat Rational Bank, St. Louia Ooughl in and Company, Inc. , Denver Boettcher and Oollpany, Denver Boaworth, Sullivan • Co. , Inc. , Denver Petera, Writer • Chriatenaen, Inc., Denver Kalman • Oollpany, Inc., Minneapoli• John Muveen • Company, Chicago $994,169 Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Penner • &mi th, Inc. , Chicago Cruttenden, Podeata • Miller, Chic&90 Barret, Pirch, Horth • Company, JCanaaa City George K. Baum • Company, Kan••• City Kirchner • Company, Denver Storz-Wachob-Bender Company, Ollaha 3.2357 3.2547" 344 Minute• of October 1, 1962 lyndicatt .. t lntlereat CO•t 5. llorthtrn Truat COllpany, Cbic•CJO fl,001,747.50 6. Mtrcantilt 'l'ruat COllpany, St. Loui• Barri.an Ripley • CO.pany, Cbic&90 Braun, BonN>rth • co.pany, Inc., Chic&90 Bornblowtr • Wttka, Dtnver Stirn Brothtra • COmpany, KanAa Cityfl,004,838 c:ca11rH 'l'ruat COllpany Paint, Wtblttr, Jack.on • CUrtia, CbiclCJO Schwabachtr • c.o.pany, San Pranci•co Zlhntr and Oollplny, Kan••• City J. M. Dain • Oollplny, Minn11polia 7. Balaty,StUlrt • co., Inc., Chicago fl,004,986.50 Goldman, Sacha • CO.pany, Chicago Hutchin.on, Shockty • COllpany, Chic190 JCanower, MacArthur • COllplny, Dttroit Parktr, Biatn, 1f11cktrl1, Ad••• • Purctll, Inc., Kan••• City 8. Barria Truat • Savinga Bank, Chicago fl,006,555 Mtllon Rational Bank• 'l'ruat Co., Pittaburgh Btt Sf f1ctiv1 aat1 3.2795" 3.2896" 3.2901" 3.2953" 'lht City Treaaurer rtporttd that in preparing th• tabulation• Mr. Gerwin had found tht low bid to bt proptr and reco andtd tht award to the low biddtr, a ayndic1t1 hllded by th• United Cllifornia Bink of Loa Angelia, at a ntt 1ff1ctiv1 inttr .. t ratt of 3.2192 per ctnt. OOUllCILllAll BRAUit llOVSD I OOUBCIUIAll MILS& a.ccmDD I ftlA'l' '1'BB RBCC»UUll1DA- 'l'IOB OP '1'BB FISCAL AGa'1' BB ACCBP'l'BD MID 'ftlA'f '1118 SALB OP fl,750,000, Cift OP ..u.BWOOD GaBltAL OBLICIA'l'IOB WA'l'D D'l'mlOll _,..,S .. A1fARDBD TO UBI'l'BD CALIIOllllIA BAB OP LOS Am&BS B'l' AL A'l' A llft llft'DSS'l' COST OP $983,308, Alll> PROVIDlllG A llB'1' BPPBC'fIVS RA'l'B OP 3.2192 ... Cmft'. Upon tht call of tht roll, tht vott rtaulttd aa followas Ay1a1 COuncil-n Braun, Mil••· Parker, Wood•, Brownewell. ••y•: Mone. Aba1nt1 Council•n Lovt, Smukltr. !'he Mayor declared tht motion carried. Introduced •• a bill by Councilman Braun A BILL JOR All ORDillAllCB TO OOllTRAC'l' All IllDBBT .... S cm -ALP or '1'llB CI'IY OP Dms"'OOD, COLOJtADO, AID> UPOB 'l'llB CRBDIT '1'11-..0P BY ISSUW a:>l1D8 OP SAID Cift D mm PRDICIPAL 8WI OP $1,750,000. POR 'l'llB DIPROVllUlft AllD D'rmSIOB OP Ift WA'RRllORJCS SYS'l'•: PUSCRIBillG ftlB JO• OP SAID BCllDS: Alm PROVID- IllG IOR 'ftlB LSW OP TADS 'l'O PAY '1'118 BOllD8 AllD '1'118 Ilft'DBST 'ftlBlmOB. 1111DMS, the City of Bnglewood, Arapahoe County, COlorado, now .wna, operatta and -intain• a ay•t-of wattnft>rk• for tht purpoat of aupplying aaid City and it• inhabitant• with wattr for firt and doatatic purpo•••: and •DBAS, it ia n1c1aaary to extend and illprovt aaid waterworlc• ay•t- in ordtr to aupply tht aaid City and tht inhabitant• thtrtof with a proptr and adtqUttt aupply of water: and WJISa.AS, thtrt art not aufficitnt fund• in tht trtaaury of aaid City to pcovidt for the n1c1aaary exttnaiona and iaprov-•nt• to aaid waterwork• ayat .. and the City Council dttm• it adviaabl• and n1c1aaary to i••u• nego- tiable bond• of aaid City in the amount of $1,750,000 for that purpoae: and WBBRBAS,aaid amount of bon••· afttr public notict of aalt, ha• bttn awardtd to United Cllifornia Bank, tt al, of Lo• Ang1l1a, Cllifornia, the hight•t and btat biddtr, for caah at not l••• than par and accrued inttreat: BB IT ORDAIBBD BY TBB Cift OOUllCIL OP 'rllB CI'IY OP DGLBWOOD, COIDRAD01 Stction 1. That for tht purpoat of providing fund• for tht ext1naion and improvtmtnt of tht Bnglewood wattrworka ayat .. , tht City ahall iaaue nlC)Otiablt coupon bond• in tht principal ama of fl,750,000, 11ch to bt deaignattd •Gfntral Obligation Water Bxt•n•ion llond, Seri•• 1962•, dattd aa of Bovlllber 1, 1962, conaiating of 1750 bond• in tht denomination of fl,000 11ch, numbtrtd 1 to 1750, incluaive, bearing inttreat payablt aemi- annU1lly on the l•t day of May and lat day of llovlllbtr 11ch ytar, •• tvidtnced by inttrtat coupon• atuchtd to aaid bonda, and maturing on llovlllbtr 1, •• followas I .. ii I ;, I · II " . I I I Minute• of October 1, 1962 ~unt Naturitv Intereat Mt• $50,000 1963 4 1/2" 50,000 1964 4 1/2 35,000 1965 4 1/2 30,000 1966 4 1/2 25,000 1967 4 1/2 20,000 1968 4 1/2 20,000 1969 4 1/2 15,000 1970 4 1/2 1971 ---40,000 1972 3 3/4 40,000 1973 3 40,000 1974 3 40,000 1975 J 45,000 1976 3 45,000 1977 3 75,000 1978 3 90,000 1979 3 90,000 1980 3.10 125,000 "' 1981 3.10 130,000 1982 3.20 135,000 1983 3.20 145,000 1984 3 1/4 150,000 1985 3 1/4 155 7000 1986 3 1/4 169,000 1987 3 1/4 Bonda maturing in the year• 1963 to 1972, incluaive,to be redeemable at th• option of th• City •ix month• prior to their reapective maturity date• at par, accrued intereat, plu• a premium of aix 110ntha' intereat at the rate apecif ied in th• coupon• attached to th• bond or bond• being called for r•- dmption. Bonda maturing in the year• 1973 and ther•fter to be red•••ble at the option of the City on Rovember 1, 1972, and on any intereat payment date thereafter in inver•• numerical order at par and accrued inter .. t. Said bond• and the coupon• thereto attached ahall be payable in lawful money of the United Stat•• of America at th• office of th• City Treaaurer in Sn9lwood, Colorado, ahall be aigned by th• Mayor •• aaid City, atteated and counteraigned by th• City Clerk and 'l'reaaurer, under th• official ••l of aaid City, and ahall be recorded in a book to be kept by •aid City Clerk for that purpoae. All coupon• •hall bear the facaillil• aignature of the 'l'reaaurer of aaid City. Should any officer whoa• aignatur• or facaimil• aig- nature appear• on aaid bonda, or the ~oupona thereto attached, ceaae to be · auch officer before delivery of th• bond• to the purchaaer, auch •iCJll&ture or facaimil• •i9ft&ture •hall neverth•l••• be valid and aufficient for all purpoaea. section 2. That th• aaid bond• and the coupon• attached thereto ahall be in aubatantially the following forms STATB OP COLORADO llo-----------------~ UllITSD &TATU or AllDICA comm OP MAP.AllOB CI'IY or .. LSWOOD GBllDAL OBLIGATIO• WATD D'laSICJm 9011D SDIU 1962 fl,000 'l'h• City of Sn9lewoct, in th• ceanty of Arapaboe,and Stat• of Colorado, acknowledge• itaelf indebted and hereby proai••• to pay to the bearer hereof the aum of OD 'l'IK>UUllD 001.1.ga on th• lat day of 11ov111ber, 19 , with intereat thereon at the rate of per cenln• --C ") per ann .. , payule •-i-annually on the lat etay of Nay and the lat day of llov.-ber each year, ·both principal and intereat beiftCJ payule in lawful money of the united States of America, at the office of the City Treaaurer, in Bngl.wood, Colorado, upon preaenta- tion and aurrender of aaid coupon• and thi• Bond aa they aeverally beca•• due. Bonda of thia ·iaaue .. turing in th• yeara 1963 to 1972, incluaive, are rede .. able at the option of the City aix month• prior to their reapectiv• .. turity date• at par, accrued intereat, plua a pr•i-of •ix 110nth•' in• tereat at th• rate apecif ied in the coupon• attached to th• bond or bond• being called for redemption. londa of thi• i••u• .. turiDCJ in the year• 1973 and thereafter are rede .. ebl• at th• option of the City on 11ov111ber 1, 1972, and on any intereat payment date thereafter, in inver .. na11erical order at par and accrued intereat. 'l'hi• Bond i• iaaued by the C'*Y council of 8ft9l•oad, Colorado, for the purpo•• of aupplying th• City and it• inhabitant• with water by extending and illeroving it• waterwork• ayat .. under the authority of and in full conformity Minute• of October 1, 1962 with the Conatitution of the State of Colorado, the proviaion• of Chapter 139, Article 32, Colorado Revi•ed Statute• 1953, the Charter of ••id City, and purauant to an ordinance duly adopt~, publi•hed and .. de a law of aaid City prior to the iaauance of thi• Bond. It i• hereby certified and recited that all the requir ... nt• of law have been duly complied with by the proper officer• of ••id City in th• i••uanc• of thi• Bond: that the total debt of the City, including that of thi• Bond, do•• not exceed any limit of indebtedn••• pre•cribed by the Con•titution or law• of th• State of Colorado or th• Charter of ••id City: and that proviaion ha• been made for the levy and collection of an annual tax on all the taxable property in aaid City •uff icient to pay th• intereat on and principal of thi• Bond when the .... become due. 'l'h• full faith and credit of the .City of Sn9l.wood, Colorado, are hereby pledged for the punctual payment of th• principal of and int•r••t on thi• Bond. IR TBSTIMOllY WBBRBOP, the City Council fjf th• City of Bngl9WOOd, ctlorad.o, ha• cauaed thi• Bond to be •igned by the Mayor of •aid City, atteated and counteraigned by the Citj Clerk and Tr .. •urer, aealed with th• •eal of the City, and the coupon• hereto attached to be •igned with th• facaimil• aignature of the City Trea•urer, •• of the l•t day of Bovmaber, 1962. (Do not •icin) Mayor ( •BAL ) A'l'TBSTBD ARD COUllTBRSIGBBD: (Do not aicin) City Clerk and Treaaurer (Form of Coupon) llo. ___ _ $ __ _ On th• lat day of Bo~.X:'hal', 19 , unl••• th• bond to which thi• coupon i• attached ha• been'Cil19d for prior redmption, th• City of Bn9lMfOOd, in the County of Arapahoe and State of Colorado, will pay to bearer DOIJ·ARS ~------------------- in lawful money of the United Stat•• of America, at the office of the City Treuurer, in Bngl.wood, Colorado, beiftCJ •ix 110nth•' int•r••t on i*• General Obli9ation Water Bxtenaion Bond, Seri•• 1962, dated llovmber 1, 1962, beariftCJ llo •. ___ _ (racaillil• liGRa~ur•> city 'l'reaaurer Section 3. When ••id bond• have been duly executed, th• City 'l'reaaurer i• hereby directed to deliver aaid bond• to the purchaHr thereof on re- ceipt of the aqreed purchaae price therefor. fbe proceed• of aaid bond• •hall be u•ed for th• purpo•• of extending and iaproving the waterwork• ayat .. of aaid City and for the coat• and expenaea incidental to the iaau- ance of aaid bond•, and for no other purpo•• whatever, but neither the pur- ch•••r of aaid bond• nor the •ub•equent holder of any of th-•hall be r••- ponaibl• for the application or di•po .. l by the City, or any of it• officer•, of any of the fund• derived from the ••l• thereof. Section 4. If n•c••••ry, th• int•r••t to becoae due on •aid bond• on May 1, 1963, •hall be advanced from th• water or other available fund of aaid City. Por the purpo•• of reimburaing •aid fund and of ... tin9 th• intere•t accruing on ••id bond• promptly and •• the .... thereafter beco••• due, and for th• purpo•• of providin9 for the ulti .. t• payment and redmption of aaid bonda, there •hall be levied on all th• taxable property in aaid City, in addition to all other taxea, direct annual tax•• in each of the year• 1962 to 1986, incluaive, aufficient to make auch reimbura ... nt and pay th• intereat on and principal of •aid bond• •• th• ••• becoa• due and payable, r•8J>9ctively. Said tax•• when collected ahall be depoaited in a apecial fund to be known aa "City of Bnglewood Water Bxtenaion 9ond Pund, 1962", and auch Pund •hall be applied solely to th• purpoae of the payment of the intereat on and principal of •aid bond• and for no other purpo•• whatever until the indebted- n••• ao contracted under thi• Ordinance, both principal and intereat, •hall have been fully paid, aati•fied and di•char9ed, but nothing herein contained •hall be ao conatrued aa to prevent th• City froa applying any other fund• or I I ,, I I I I I Minute• of October 1, 1962 revenue• that -Y be in the City Treaaury and available for that purpo•• to the payment of aaid intereat or principal •• th• .... r•:rctively -ture, and upon any auch payment•, th• levy or levi•• herein provid may thereupon to that atent be dilliniahed. 'l'h• auma herein provided to Met the intereat on -id bond• and to diachar9e the principal thereof when due, including the coat• and expen••• incidental to th• iaauance of aaid bond•, are hereby appropriated for that purpoae, and aaid principal and intereat amount• for each year •hall alao be included in the annual budget and the appropriation bill• to be adopted and paaaed by the City Council of aaid City in each year, reapectively. Section 5. It •hall be the duty of the City· Council of -id City, annually, at the time and in th• manner provided by law for levying other City taxea, if auch action •hall be necea.ary to effectuate th• proviaiona of thi• Ordinance, to ratify and carry out the proviaiona hereof with re- ference to the levying and collection of taxe•1 and -id City ahall levy, certify and collect auch tax•• in the manner provided by law for the purpoH of creating a fund for the payment of the principal of aaid bond• and intereat thereon, and auch taxea, when collected, •hall be kept for and applied only to the payment of the intereat on and principal of aaid bond•, •• herein- abov• apecified. Section 6. All ordinance• or part• thereof in conflict with thia Ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 7. After •aid bond• are iaaued thia Ordinance ahall be and r ... in irrepealabl• until aaid bond• and the intereat thereon •hall have been fully paid, aatiafied and diacharged. Section e. 'l'hi• Ordinance, illlDediately on it• paaaa9e, ahall be recorded in th• Book of Ordinance• kept for that purpo••· authenticated by th• aigna- tur•• of th• Mayor and Clerk, and •hall be publiabed •• required by law. Section 9. A public hearing on the Ordinance will be held in the Council Chamber• at the City Ball in Bft9l.wood, Colorado, on Monday, the 15th day of October, 1962, at th• hour of 8100 o'clock P.11., and llotice of •uch Bearing ia authorized to be given by publication once in the Bn9lewood Herald and Bnterpriae in it• i••u• of October 4, 1962. Section 10. 'l'hi• Ordinance ahall take effect thirty day• after pub- lication following final paaaa9e. Ill'l'RODUCBD A• a Bill thi• lat day of OCtober, 1962. A?/i~ ---~\ r --ilayor ( S B A L ) AftSSTa waa read COUllCIUIAIJ BRAmf llOVBD, OOUllCIUIAll llILS8 8SC011Dm>, !BAT '1'BB PROIOSBD BILL .. PASSBD OB FIRST RBADDIG AllD oa1m1• PUaLJ811WD D IVLL DI 'l'BB BmL•fOOD mar.n AllD DJTBRPRISB. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted •• followaa Ay••• Council .. n Braun, Milea, Parker, Wooda, Brown.well. Bayas Bone. Abaenta Council•n Love, S.ukler. 'l'h• Mayor declared the motion carried. 622-48 RBLATIBG TO SBWBR RU'UllDIRG ... DI ... AllOU9T or fl,022,000. The City Tr•••ur•r reported that bid• had been received and opened at 11100 A.M. and later reviewed and tabulated -llr. aobert Gerwin of Cou9hlin and Collpany, Fiacal Agent, who had prepared the tabulatioo of bid• previoualy pr•••nted to the Councilaen. H• atated that the riacal Afent recomaended award to the bidder with the loweat intere•t coat. ' ,1,022,000 · Cift OF DJGLBWOOD, COLO&..\DO SBWBR RBVSBUB RU'UllDUG ., .. Tabulation of Bid ~· for 9onda 348 Minute• of October 1, 1962 Syndicate ••t Jnter••t coat ••t Bf fectiv• Rat• 1. B. J. van Ingen •Company, Inc., Chic&90f312,500 2.9126" 1163-1966 -• 1967-74 -2 3/4 • 1975-80 -• 2. John Buveen • Company, Chicago f325,058 Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Penner • &mi th, Inc. , Chicago George K. Baum • Company, Kan••• City Kirchner and Company, Denver Storz-Wachob-Bender Company, Omaha 3. Coughlin and caapany, Inc., Denver f327,l&O Boettcher and COllpany, Denver Bo.worth, Sullivan & Company, Inc. , Denver Peter•, Writer • Chriatenaen, Inc., Denver Kal-n • Coapany, Inc., Minneapoli• 4. Stern Br~th•r• • CO.pany, Kan••• City f334,084.81 Paine, Webller, Jackson • CUrtic, Chicago Schwabacher • Company, San Pranciado Banifen, Imhoff• Samford, Inc., Denver Dain & CO.pany, Inc. , Minneapoli• zahner and Coapany, Kan••• City 5 • Hornblower & Week•, Denver J. A. Bogle & Company, Denver Goodbody • Company, Chicago J. K. Mullen Inveatment Co., Denver f343,966 3.029"n' 3.0553" 3.lllft 3.2059" COUllCILllAll MILBS MOVBD, COUBCIUIAB mUll lllCOllDSD, BAT TBB UCOllMllllM- 'fIOR or '1'llB rISCAL AGDIT BB ACCBPTBD AllD .,.. AllAllD 'ft) .. llADB IOR '1'llB SALB OI' $1,022,000. CI'IY OP BmLBllOOD SBWBR UYa'U Ul'UllDJm .. DS TO B. J. VAii I_.. Al1D CDIPAllY, me., or CHICAGO, AT A Ifft I..,...., 008'1' or $312,500., AT A llB'1' Bl'PBC'l'IVB Ill'l'BRBST RATB OP 2.9126 PBR cmrr. Upon the call of th• roll, the vote reaulted a• follow•: Ay••: Council-n Braun, Mil••, Parker, Wood•, Brownewell. Bayas Bone. Abaent: Councilmen Love, Smukler. 'fh• Mayor declared the motion carried. Introduced a• a Bill by Councilman Mil•• A BILL A BILL POR All ORDillAllCB AUTBORIZIBG AllD ftOVJDDG roa RUUllDillG MID PAYIIJG OU'1'8'1'AllDIRG UVBllUB BOllDS PAYABLB rROll '!BB anmvlll DaIVSD l'IDI '1'llB OPBRA- 'l'IOll or '1'llB sma SYST• or TBB CI'IY or lll'CUtSfOCD, COLORADO, I• '1'llB AllOUlft' or $1,022,0007 AU'l'llORIZDG '1'HB DBPOSIT or ruma 'l'O aTBC'l' SAID PADa'l' Alm llBD91PTIOB: PROVJDim POR TBB ISSUAllCB or aDVllDillG ·-UVDUB BOm>S IB '.1118 TO'l'AL PRillCIPAL AllOVllT OP $1,022,000 IOa am'UllDI• SAID OU'll'l'AllDIRG SBWD uvaus 80llD8 AJll) roa PAYIRG '1'BB COSTS AID) ...... mcmaT 'l'BDB'1'07 PROVID- IllG POR '1'llB PAmaT OP '1'llB PRIBCIPAL or AID) !ft...., Oii SAID BOllDSr AllD PaB&eal.._ 0'111D DBTAILS D COmc'fIOll ftll-J'IB. 1 MWU, the City of Bnglewood, Arapahoe County, Colorado, now own• and operate• a aanitary •ewer ayat_, and ••RBAB, by Ordinance Ito. 14, &eri•• of 1952, adopted and approved on October 14, 1952, th• city ha• authorised and iaaued ._r aevenue Bond• in , ... -:··~ .. the amount of $725,000, dated October 1, 1952, of which amount of bond• there are now outatanding $604,000, bearing intere•t payable on April 1 and October 1 each year, and maturing on October 1, a• followaa Amount Maturity Inter••t Rate $18,000 1963 and 1964 3-1/2" 19,000 1965 and 1966 3-1/2" 21,000 1967 and 1968 3-1/2" 22,000 1969 3-1/2" 23,000 1970 and 1971 3-1/~ 24,000 1972 3-1/2" 26,000 1973 and 1974 3-1/2" 27,000 1975 3-1/2" ~ . 28,000 1976 and 1977 3-1/2" ·-1978 3-1/2" ,"~~ .......... 30,000 31,000 1979 3-1/2" 32,000 1980 3•1/2" 33,000 1981 3-1/2" 35,000 1982 3-1/~ 100,000 1983 3-1/2" I I I ,c ,, ,1 I I I Minute• of October 1, 1962 Bond• maturin9 in th• year• 1963 and thereafter to be red•••ble at th• option of th• City on October 1, 1962, and on any intereat payment date thereafter at par, accrued intereat and pr .. iwaa aa followaa If redeemed on October 1, 1962, to April 1, 1967, incluaive, 4" of principal: If rede .. ed on October 1, 1962, to April 1, 1972, incluaive, 3" of principal: If rede...S on October 1, 1972, to April 1, 1983, incluaive, 2" of principal: and n•ms, by Ordinance Ito. 12, Seri•• of 195&, adopted and approved on July 19, 1954, the City ha• further authorised and iaaued Sewer Revenue Bonda, Seri•• 1954, in th• amount of $50,000, dated Aupat 1, 1954, of which amount of bond• there are now outatandin9 f28,000, MariDCJ intereat payable on February 1 and Au9Q•t 1 each year, and •tvin9 on Aaguat 1, •• followaa Amo\IDt $4,000 5,000 Mtvity 1963 and 1914 1965 to 1961, incl. Intveat Rate 3 .4°" 3 .4°" Bonda maturin9 in th• year• 1958 and thereafter to be rede-1>1• at the option of the City on Au9Q•t 1, 1957, and on any intereat payment date there- after, at par and accrued intereat1 and D•ll8A8, by Ordinance Ro. 2, Seri•• 1960, adopted and approved on January 4, 1960, the City ha• further authorised and iaaued Sewer Revenue Bonda, Seri•• Pebruary 1, 1960, in the amount of '400,000, dated Pebruary 1, 1960, of which amount of bond• there are now outatandin9 f390,000, bearin9 int•r••t payable February 1 and Au9uat 1 each year, and -turiDCJ on February 1, •• follow•a Mount $10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 Maturity 1963 to 1967, incl. 1968 to 1973, incl. 1974 to 1978, incl. 1979 to 1984, incl. lntereat aate 4-1/2" 4-1/4" 4.4°" 4.4°" Bond• -turin9 on or before Pebruary 1, 1970, to be red-bl• at the option of the City •ix JDOnth• prior to their reapectiv• .. turity date• at par, accrued intereat, plu• a pr .. ium of •ix 110nth•' intereat at the rate apecif ied in the coupon• attached to th• bond or bond• beDi called for red .. p- tion. Bonda aturing in th• year• 1971 and thereafter beift9 rede-1)le at the option of the City on Pebruary 1, 1990, and on intereat payment date• thereafter in inv•r•• order of their number•, at par, accrued intereat and pr .. iua• aa followaa if red•-ed on Pebruary 1, 1970, to and includin9 Au9Q•t 1, 1974, at 3" of principal: if red•••d on Pebruary 1, 1975, to and including Au9uat 1, 1979, at 2" of principalr if red••ed on and after Pebruary 1, 1980, at par and accrued intereat onlyr and WDRMS, except aa above atated, the City baa not pled9ed in any way th• revenue• derived and to be derived froa the operation of it• a.wer ayat .. r and WBBRBAS, the intereat rate on the outatandiDCJ bond• to be refunded will not be increaaed by the i••uance of the refundin9 l»nd• authorized hereinr and WBBRBAS, th• City Council ha• found and determined that by th• i••uance of the refunding bond• authorized herein and refundin9 and payin9 th• out- atanding •ewer revenue bond• at their reapective .. tviti•• or at the red .. p- tion date•, the City will aave a conaiderable aua in intereat on the obli9a- tion• i••ued in connection with the aewer ayatea of tbeCityr and WBBRBAS, in order to meet the coat• of ref\llidiftCJ and payin9 th• d••i9n&ted outatandin9 •ewer revenue bond• of the City and for expen••• incident thereto, the City council ha• determined to i••u• .. fandiDCJ l.wer Revenue Bonda, &eri•• 1962, of the City in the amount of $1,022,000, payable, principal and intereat, from, and aa a fir•t lien on, the net revenue• derived and to be derived from the operation of it• a.wer •y•t .. ,purauant to and in accordance with the pro- viaion• of Chapter 199, Article 52, COlorlMlo Jteviaed Statute• 1953, aa amended, and the Charter of aaid City1 and WBBRBAS, aaid amount of bond•, after public notice of aale, ha• been awarded to B. J. Von In9en • co., of &.w York, th• hi9heat and beat bidder•, for caah at not l••• than par and accrued intveatr EBRBPOU, BB IT ORDADlBD BY '1118 Cift COUllCIL or '1118 CI'IY OP BRGLBWOOD, COLORADOa Minute• of OCtober 1, 1962 Section 1. That for the purpo•• of refunding and paying the designated outatanclinq ewer revenue bond• of the City of Sn9lMIOOd, and to pay the co•t• and expen••• incident thereto, there are hereby authorised Refunding S9Wer Revenue Bonda Seri•• 1962, of the City of SiuJlMIOOd, in the amount of $1,022,000, both th• principal thereof and the· inter••t thereon to be pay- able aolely and only out of the net revenue to be derived by the City from and through the operation of it• ewer •yatell. Section 2. That aaid bond• hereby authorised •hall be dated •ovember 1, 1962, •hall be in the denomination of fl,000 each, •hall be payable to bearer, ahall bear intereat payable •-i-annually on the lat day of May and the lat day of llov.-ber each year, and •hall ha•• coupon• attached thereto aigned with the facaiail• •ignature of the City 'freaaurer, evidencing aaid intereat. Said bond• ahall be executed with the facaiail• aignature of the llayor, with a facaiail• of th• aeal of the City thereto affixed, atteated and counteraigned by th• aanual aignatur• of th• City Clerk and Tr•••urer. Should any officer who•• aignature or facaillil• •i9nature appear• on aaid bond• or the coupon• thereto attached cMH to be auch officer before delivery of the bond• to the purchaaer, auch ai9natare or facaiail• aignature ahall neverth•l••• be valid and aufficient for all purpo•••· Both principal of and intereat on aaid lx>nd• ahall be payable in lawful 110ney of th• United Stat•• of America, at the office of the City Treaaurer, in Bn9l9WOOd, Colorado. &aid bond• ahall be numbered con••cutively frmn l to 1022, incluaive, •hall .. ture on •ovember 1, and ahall bear intereat, •• follow•: Amoun~ Maturity Intereat Rate $40,000 1963 • 42,000 1974 • 42,000 1965 and 1966 • 45,000 1967 2-3/4" 50,000 1968 and 1969 2-3/4" 55,000 1970 to 1972, incl. 2-3/4" 60,000 1973 and 1974 2-3/4" 65,000 1975 and 1976 • 70,000 1977 and 1978 • 75,000 1979 and 1980 • Bonda of thi• iaaue maturing in the year• 1963 to 1972, incluaive, •hall be redeemable at the option of the City aix month• prior to their reapective maturity date• at par, accrued intereat, plua a pr .. ium of aix 110nth•' intereat at tile rate apecified in the coupon• attached to the bond or bond• being called for red-ption. 9ond• -turing in the year• 1973 and thereafter •hall be red-bl• at the option of the City on llov-1>er 1, 1972, and on int•r••t payment date• thereafter in the inver•• order of their num- ber•, at par, accrued intereat and a pr-ium of •of principal. If the City •hall elect to redeem any part or all of aaid bond• prior to .. turity, notice thereof ahall be given by publication in a newapaper of general circulation in the City and in a newapaper of general circulation in Denver, Colorado. Such publication• •hall occur not l••• than thirty (30) day• nor more than forty. (40) daya prior to the time fixed for the redmap- tion and payment of auch bonda. Copi•• of all auch publiahed notice• shall be mailed by the City Treaaurer to the ori9inal purchaaer of aaid bond•. Section 3. Said Refunding Sewer Revenue 9onda, Serie•, 1962, and the intereat coupon• thereto attached ahall be in aubatantially the following foaa, to-wit: STAB OP COLORADO lllo •. ~~~~~~~ Ulf ITBD &TATU or AllDICA c1n or ... rooo RBPUllDIBG 8-RSVmUS 80111> Seri•• 1962 COUllft OP ARAPABOB $1,000 Th• City of Bngl.wood, in the County of Arapahoe and State of Colorado, for value received, hereby promi••• to pay to th• bearer hereof, out of the apeci•l fund hereinafter deaign&ted, but not otherwiae, the aum of on TBOUSAllD DOLLUS in lawful money of the United Stat•• of America, on the lat day of •ovember, 19 , with intereat thereon from date until paid at the rate of:---------~ per centum ( ") per annum, payable •-i-annually on the lat day of May and th• lat day of •ovember each year, both principal and intereat being pay- able at the office of the City Treaaurer, in Sngl-..ood, Colorado, upon pre- ••ntation and aur:tender of the annexed coupon• and thi• Bond •• they aever- ally become due. -I ""'!!'."'" ... ' ,, . ·I \ ·-~,~--~<~" •· ., ·1 .~ ,I I I Minute• of October 1, 1962 Bond• of thi• iaaue maturing in the year• 1963 to 1972, incluaive, •hall be redeemable at the option of the City •ix 110nth• prior to their reapec- tiv• -turity date• at par, acc11aed interut, plu• a pr•ium of •ix 1DOnth•' intereat at the rate apecified in the coupon• attached to the bond or bond• being called for redemption. Bond• of thi• i••u• -turing in th• year• 1973 and thereafter •hall be redeemable at the option of the City on &ov911ber 1, 1972, and on intere•t payment da~•• thereafter in the inv•r•• order of ' their number•, at par, accrued intereat and a pr .. ium of 3" of principal. 'l'hi• bond i• i••ued by the City of Sngl.-ood for the purpo•• of provid- ing for the paying and refunding of outatandin9 aMMr revenue bond• of the City, all in conformity with Chapter 139, Article 52, COlor-40 Reviaed Statute• 1953, •• -ended, the Charter of aaid City, and purauant to an Ordinance of the City duly adopted and approved prior to the iaauance hereof, and both the principal of thi• Bond and th• inter•t hereon are payable aolely out of and conatitute a fir•t and prior lien, after payment of nec••• aary coat• and expen••• of operation and -int•ance of ••id Sewer Sy•t-, on a apecial fund created in full conforaity with law and deaignated the •a.funding Sewer Revenue Bond Pund of 1962•, of aaid City, ••provided in nid Ordinance. 'l'hi• Bond doe• not conati tut• a debt of the City of Sngl.wood within th• 11eaning of any conatitutional, atatutory or Charter liaitation. It i• hereby certified, recited and warranted that for the payment of thi• Bond th• City of Sn9l.-ood ha• crMted and will -intain nid l'und and will depoait therein, out of the revenue• of it• •-r ay•t-, the amount• and revenue apecified in ••id Ordinance, and out of aaid Wund, and •• an irrevocable charge thereon, will pay thia 9ond and th• intereat hereon, in the ~n•r provided by aaid Ordinance. It i• further recited and certified that all requir-.it• of law and all condition• precedent have been fully caaplied with by th• proper offic .. a of aaid City in the iaauance of thi• Bond. I& TBS'l'DIOMY ED.:>P, the City of Bngl9WOOd, COlor-40, ha• cauaed thi• Bond to be aigned with th• facaimil•:•i9ft&ture of it• Mayer, aealed with a facaiail• of th• ••l of the City, atteated and counteraigned by th• manual •i9natur• of it• City Clerk and 'l'reaaurer, and the intereat coupon• hereto annexed to be aigned with the facaimil• aignature of the City Treaaurer, a• of the lat day of Rovember, 1962. (WACSDIILS) ( S S A L ) A'l'TS8TSD AllD COV11rmicmm>1 (Do not aicrn) City Clerk and Treaaurer Mo-~------~~~ fracaillil• Sionature) Mayor (Pora of Coupon) '----May On the l'•t day of 809.-,_r, 19_ *(unl••• the !K>nd to which thi• cou- pon i• attached ha• been cai~ for prior red .. ption,) the City of Bn9lewodd, in the County of Arapahoe and State of Color.SO, will pay to bearer hereof ------------------------------DOJJARS in lawful 110ney of th• United Stat•• of America, at th• office of the City Treaaurer, in Bn9l9WOOd, COlorado, out of the .. funding S.Wer a.venue Bond Pund of 1962 of aaid City, but not otherwiae, being aix month•' int•r••t on it• Refunding Sewer Revenue Bond, Seri•• 1962, dated llovember 1, 1962, bearing Ro ____ _ traaaia_i_le_ Siana tur• > Clty'lreaaurer *('l'hi• Clauae to appear in coupon• -turift9 .. y 1, 1973, and thereafter) Section 4. Said bond• •hall be iaaued and aold for caah, at not l••• than par and accrued int•r••t to date .of delivery, aolely to provide the City with 110ney• for the purpo•• therein apecified, but neither the purchaaer• of •aid bond• nor th• aubaequent holder of any of th-•hall be reaponaibl• for th• application or diapoaal by the City or any of it• officer• of th• fund• derived frc:m the sale thereof. 'l'h• iaauance of aaid bond• by the City ahall conatitute a warranty by and on behalf of the City for the benefit of each and every bolder of aaid bond• that •aid bond• have been iaaued for a valuable conaideration in full confOrmity with law. Section s. Th• term •aewer •y•t .. • •• herein uaed ahall include not only th• property compriaing •aid •ewer ayat. at the preaent time, but all addition• and betterment• thereto and iaprov ... nta and extenaion• hereafter conatructed or acquired by the City. • 352 .Minute• of October 1, 1962 Section 6. 'l'h• proceed• derived froa the aale of the Bonda authorized herein, in an amount not l••• than $1,022,000, ahall be depoaited with the Pir•t Bational Banlt, Bnglewood, Colorado (llereinafter called the "Bank"), in a aeparate fund and ••crow account hereby cr .. ted and known aa "City of SncJlMIOOC! Refunding Swer Revenue Bond, Refunding Sacrow Acco\D'lt", herein deaignated aa th• "Refunding Bacrow Account", which Acco\D'lt •hall be at all time• aufficient, together with any intereat to be derived from the inveat- ment and any temporary reinveatment of the depoaita, or any part thereof, in intereat bearing ••curiti•• of the United Stat•• of America, to pay the principal or and intereat on the outatandin9 Sewer Revenue Bonda to be re- tired at their reapective maturitiea, or on the red911Ption date• as designated herein. OUtatanding S.wer Revenue Bonda of ••id City to be refunded with the pro- ceed• of the bond• authorized herein ahall be retired in the following manners (A) s.wtr aevmue Bonda, dat!d Om!fr 1, 1952. Bond• of thi• i••u• .. turing in the year• 1963 to 1971, in~ve, ahall be paid and retired at their reapective maturity dates. Bonda of thia iaaue .. turiDCJ in the year• 1972 and thereafter •hall be called for red911ption and paid on April 1, 1972, which date i• hereby deaignated aa the prior redemption date for aaid Bonda. (a) S.W.r a.venue Bonda, Seri•• 1152, da~ A!ICl\!ft 1, 1954. All Bonda of thi• i••u• ahall be paid and retired at the reapectiv• maturity date•. (C) Swer Revenue 89nda, Seri•• '!brflil l, 1960, dated February l, 1960. Bonda of thi• i••u• .. turin9 in the year• ~ to 1972, lncluaive, •hall be paid and retired at their reapectiv• .. turity dat••· Bonda of thi• i••u• .. turing in the year• 1973 and thereafter •hall be called for red-ption and paid on Pebruary 1, 1972, which date i• hereby deaignated •• the prior red-- ption date for aaid Bonda. 'l'h• Bank ahall withdraw auaa froa the aaid Refunding Acco\D'lt in •uffi- cient tille and auf f icient amount• ao aa to perait payment of auch principal and int•r•t. Any 11e>neya r-ining in the .. fandin9 Account after payment and red-ption in full of all of the outatandin9 Sewer Revenue Bonda ahall be depoaited in th• Refunding Bond aeaerve ~. hereinafter ••t forth. 'l'h• officer• of the City •hall, and they are hereby authorized and directed to take all neceaaary or appropriate action toward the execution of an Bac:row Agre-.nt with th• BanJt concerning the depoait• to be Md• in th• Refunding Account and auch other agr .... Dt •• -Y be neceaaary or deairable to effect the proviaiona of thi• Ordinance. Section 7. If the Refunding Account •ball at any time be inaufficient for the payment• required in the preceding .. ction, the City ahall forthwith, from th• f ir•t available net revenue• froa the operation of the .... r ayat .. of the City, depoait in the Refunding Account at leaat auch additional auma •• •hall be nec•••ary to pay the de•iCJMted amount• of principal and in••reat on aaid outatanding Sewer Revenue Bonda. Section 8. 'l'h• officer• of the City "aball, and they are hereby authorized and directed to give notice of prior redemption of aaid outatanding Sewer a.venue Bonda by publication once in a newapaper of 9eneral circulation in the City of Bngl9WOOd, and in a newapaper of general circulation in Denver, Colorado, auch publication• to occur not l••• than thirty no~· more than forty day• prior to the reapectiv• prior red-.ption datea. A copy of auch llotice ahall be .. iled to Coughlin• co., of Denver, Colorado. Section 9. All of the income and revenue to be derived by the City from th• operation of it• •ewer •y•t-ahall be depoaited in a fund to be known•• "Refunding Sewer Revenue Bond Pund of 1162", to be kept ••parate and apart from all other fund• of the City. Such inco-revenue •hall be known aa and termed th• "gro•• revenue" of aaid aewer ayat .. and auch revenue i• hereby irrevocably pledged for the followin9 purpoaea and •hall be diaburaed in the following orders (a) Por all neceaaary and proper coat• and expenaea of the •ff icient and economical operation and maintenance of aaid sewer ayatem. (b) There •hall be diaburaed from the Refunding Sewer Revenue Bond Pund of 1962 amount• aufficient for th• prOllpt payment of the intereat on and the principal of aaid Refunding Sewer Revenue 9onda, Seri•• 1962, when and aa the .... ahall become due and payable, reapectively. 'l'h• owners and holder• of ••id bond• •hall have a f irat and prior lien on all of. th• net revenue• of -id ayat ... (c) After full compliance with aubdiviaiona (a) and (b) of thia Section 9, there •hall be depoaited in a ••parate fund hereby created to be known •• "Refunding Sewer Revenue Bond R•••rv• rund of 1962" monthly payment• of not l••• than $1,250.00. beginning Decellber 1, 1962, and continuing not longer than Dectlllber 1, 1967, or until auch time •• the •um of $75,000 i• on depoait therein. The money in aaid Reaerve Pund My be uaed to prevent de- fault• in the payment of the bond• authorised herein and intereat thereon, I I !I I I I I I Minute• of October 1, 1962 and if money be u•ed for •uch purpo•e, it •ball be r••tored to aaid rund fro• th• fir•t fund• available. Said a.aerve Pund •ball be -intained in the amount of $75,000 or 1DOre, until •uch time •• the amount therein will be •ufficient to pay all of the ••id a.fundin9 l.wer a..enu• 9onda, Seri•• 1962, dated lfov..i.r 1, 1962, out•tandift9, and th• inter••t thereon, at which time •aid Bond• may be redeemed and paid prior to their -turity or .. Y be paid at their reapective aaturiti•• fro11 the fund• on hand in aaid Re••rv• Pund. (d) After full compliance with ... •ubdivi•ion• (a), (b) and (c) of thi• Section 9, there •hall be depoaited in a Hparate fund hereby created, to be known•• "Repair and Repl•c-nt Sewer ly•te. runct•, monthly payment• of not l••• than $625.00, beginning Decellber 1, 1962, and continuing until all Refunding S.wer Revenue Bond•, Seri•• 1962, and intere•t thereon, have been paid in full and di•charged. 'l'h• 110ney in Hid a.pair and Replac-nt Fund .. Y be withdrawn and u•ed for any capital illprov-nt to the •ewer •y•t• of ••id City, which iaprov-nt i• not normally con•idered to be a mainte- nance or operation expenae, at any time d••••d adviaabl• or neceaaary by aaid City. (•) If tshe City i• current in all the payment• required to be made by aubdiviaiona (a), (b), (c) and (d) above, and all other r-.iir ... nt• hereof have been fulfilled, any r-inift9 rn•ue• of the aew.r •y•t-.. Y be u•ed for additional extenaiona, illpro.-..nt• and betteraent• ... •aid 8Y•tem, or for calling and rede .. ing outatan4in9 a.funding Sewer Revenue Bond•, Seri•• 1962, or for purcha•ing outatandift9 a.funding Sewer Revenue Bond•, Seri•• 1962, on th• open -rket at a price not exceeding par and accrued intereat, plu• 3" of th• principal, or for any other lawful purpo••· Section 10. 'l'h• City hereby further irrevocably covenant• and agr .. • with .. ch and every holder of Refunding S.wer ..,,enue llonda, Seri•• 1962, i••ued under th• provi•iona of thi• Ordinance, that 80 long •• any of •aid bond• r-in out•tanding1 (a) It will continue to operate and •na9e it• •.w•r •y•t• in an efficient and econmaical manner and keep and Mintain ••parate accounts of the receipt• and di•bur•-•nta thereof in •uch Mnner that the revenue• there- of, payable into aaid Refunding Sewer Revenue llond Pund •f 1962, may at all ti.lie• be readily and accurately determined. (b) It will, through appropriate action of it• Council, ••tabliah, .. intain and enforce a acHiul• of rate• and char9•• for aewer aervic•• furni•hed by ••id •y•t.. •uf f icient to in•ur• the payment• and accuaula- tion• required by the provi•iona of thi• Ordinance. (c) It will not ••11 or alienate any of the property conatituting any part or all of ••id •y•tem in any manner or to any extent •• might reduce the aecurity provided for th• payment of the a.funding Sewer Revenue Bond•, Seri•• 1962, authorised herein, but the City •Y ••11 any portion of auch property which •hall have been replaced by other aimilar property of at leaat equal value, or which ahall c•••• to be nec•••ary for the efficient opera- tion of Hid ayat .. , provided, however, that in the event of any aa1e-or • -1••· a• aforeaaid, where the aggregate conaideration exceed• the •um of fl,000, 911ch conaideration •hall be paid into aaid Refunding s.wer Revenue Bond Pund of 1962, or into th• Repair and Replac .. nt Sew.r Sy•t-Pund, at the di•cretion of ••id City, and •hall be u•ed for th• purpo••• of th• Pund into which it i• depoaited. (d) At regular period each year, it will render bill• for a.wer ••rvic•• furniahed. If th• City i• providing water ••rvice, auch •MMr bill• •hall appear on and be a part of water bill• rendered. Until paid, all a.wer rat•• and charge• ahall conatitute a lien on the property aerved and the City •hall take whatever action i• legally permiaaibl• pre11ptly to enforce and collect delinquent aewer char9•• and lien•, and if water aervice i• provided, it •hall •hut off auch water ••rvice from property delinquent in the payment of aewer rate• and charg••· (•) At leaat once each year it will furni•h the original purchaaer• of Hid Refunding Revenue Bonda, Seri•• 1962, a complete atat .... nt of the receipt• and di•bur• ... nt• of and for it• •~r •y•t .. for the fi•cal year inrediately preceding auch atatment. (f) It will carry workmen'• compenaation, public liability and other foraa of inaurance on inaurabl• a.wer •y•t .. property, in auch amount• •• i• cuatomarily carried on prudently operated •y•t ... of like aba ... ~. (g) It will furni•h no free aewer ••rvic• and, if it elect• to u•• a.wer ••rvic•• for municipal purpo•••, it will -k• proviaiona to pay there- for at the aame rate •• i• charged other• for like or aimilar aervice. (h) Por the protection of the health of the inhabitant• of the City, it will, by appropriate action, compel all the owner• of occupied properti•• capable of beinq aerved by •aid •ewer ayat .. , to connect their pr-i••• with auch •y•t-. 354 Minute• of October 1, 1962 Section 11. That nothin9 in thi• Ordinance •hall be conatrued in auch llAftfter •• to prevent th• iaauanc• by th• City of Snglewood of additional bonda payable froa th• ineo11e derived from the operation of ••id a.wer •y•t-1 provided, however, (a) that, while any of the Refundin9 Swer Revenue Bonda, Seri•• 1962, authorized by thi• Ordinance, are outatandin9 no additional bond• paya171• froa aaid income and having a lien pr'9r or auperior to the lien of the Bonda, Seri•• 1962, authorised hereby, ahall be i••ued1 (b) that while any of aaid bond• authorised by thi• Ordinance are outatandin9, the City ahall not i••u• any additional bond• payable from the income of the , •MMr ayat .. and havin9 a lien on auch ineo11e on a parity with the lien of the bond• authorized herein, unl••• the net revenue• of th• •y•t• received in the precedin9 fiacal year •hall have been equal to 1.5 ti••• the maximum annual requir ... nt• for principal and intereat on all outatandin9 Sewer a.venue Bonda, plua 1.5 till•• the uxiaua ~nual principal and intereat requir ... nt• oa the bond• propoaed to be iaaued1 and provided further, no auch parity bond• •hall be iaaued unl••• th• City i• current in the payment of principal and intereat on all outatandift9 Refundin9 Sewer Revenue Bonda, Seri•• 1962, nor unl••• the City i• current in all other payaen•• and accumu- lation• r-.uired to be made under thi• Ordinanc•1 (c) that noth•ng herein •hall prevent the iaauance of junior or inferior lien bond•, ao lon9 •• the City i• current in all payment• and aceu11ulation• required by thi• Ordi..-nce. Section 12. All coat• and expen••• incurred in connection with the iaauanc• .and payment of the bond• authorised herein •hall be paid excluaively from th• revenue of aaid awer •y•t-, and in no event •hall any of auch coat• or expen•••, or th• principal of or inter .. t on Aid bOnda, be paid out of or char9ed to th• 9eneral fund• or tax levi•• of aaid City. 'lh•r• are hereby appropriated and ••t aaid• from the revenue• of aaid aewer ayatem the amount or amount• nece••ary to pay all coat• and expen••• incident to the i•auance of aaid Refunding S.W.r aev.nue Bonda, Serie• 1962, and to the refunding of aaid outatandin9 Swer Revenue Bonda, including, but not being liaited to publication, le9al, en9in .. rift9 and fiacal a9ent expena••· Section 13. All ordinance• or part• thereof in conflict her.with are hereby repealed. In th• event that any part or proviaion of thi• Ordinance ahould be judicially held invalid or unenforceal»le, auch rulin9 •hall not affect the r ... inin9 part• and proviaiona hereof, the intention bein9 that each part and proviaion i• ••v•rable. Section 14. 'l'hi• Ordinance, after it• final pa••a99, •hall be recorded in a book kept for that purpo••1 •hall be authenticated by th• aignatur•• of the lla)40r and City Clerk1 •hall be pabli•hed •• provided in th• Charter of the City1 and after becoain9 effective •hall be irrepealabl• until the bond• authorised herein •hall be paid in full. section 15. A Public Bearin9 on thi• Ordinance will be laeld in the Council Chamber• in th• City Ball on Monday, the 15th day of October, 1962, at the hour of 8100 o'clock P.11., and •otice of auch Bearin9 i• hereby authorised to be 9iven by publication in the Snglewood Herald and Bnterpriae, i9 it• i••u• of OCtober 4, 1962. &ection 16. 'lhi• Ordinance •hall take effect thirty (30) day• after publication followin9 f:laal paaaa9e. Dl'J'RODUCBD •• a Bill and read thi• lat day of October, 1962. ~ ( S B A L ) A'ft'BSTs waa read COUBCIUIM MILS& MOVBD, COUllCIIMM llltAUll SBCOBDBD, 'l'BAT '1'BB PROPOSBD BILL U PASSSD O• '1'118 l'IRST RBADDG AllD oaJ>DBD PUBLI8JIBD IM lULL IM '1'118 BllGLBWOOD B~t.n AID> BllTBRPRISB. Upon the call of the roll, the vote re- aulted •• follow•• Ayeas Councilmen Braun, Mile•, Parker Wood•, Brown.well. ••Y•• aone. Abaent1 councilmen Love, Smukler. 'l'h• Mayor declared the motion carried. I "- I I I I I I Minute• of October 1, 1962 Mr. Robert Gerwin, Vice Preaident, C0119hlin and company, apok• to the Council o f the excellent bid• received on the Water and Sewer Bonda authorised for nl• by the Council. Be atated that the propoaed refunding of the Sewer Revenue >Jo nda ~uld reault in an intereat nving of n .. rly $175,000.00. In addition to thia th• City enjoy• a Moody'• •A• rating upon both· th• Water and S.Wer iaaue a which will undoubtedly illprove the aale of future bond iaauea of the City. Th• City Mana9er commended the Piacal A9•nt for hi• aervic•• in the preparation of the proapectu• and other ~rk in ••curing the excellent finan- cial ratinq of the City. 621-42 UIATIBG TO SCB11IC VIBW SAllITARY SBWD DISTRICT 'l'he City Attorney reported that a auit had been filed by Stanley B. Brown, Robert c. Reynold•, Angela T. Reynold•, Kenneth T. Tuten, Marcella T. Tuten, Robert L. Axelaon, c. Vernon Kreb• and George Kreb•. '!'hat the Ordinance creating the Diatrict i• illegal, unconatitutional and void and that a reatraining order be iaaued to prohibit the City from aelling bond• or accepting bi•• on the conatruction work. 'l'h• City Attorney aaked that he may defend the City on thi• matter. COUllCIUIAll BllAUlf llOVBD I COUllCILllAll MU.SS SSCOllDID I BAT '1'BB Cift A'ftOltlln BB DillBC'l'BD TO DBPDD '1'118 CI'l'r OP mGLSfOOD Ill '1'llS SUIT llllOUGB'l' AGADST '1'BB FOlllA'l'IOB OP '1'BI SCDIC VIBW SAIJI'l'ARY S-DISftIC'l' Al1D THAT D BB AU'!BORIZD TO cun TllB SAID SUIT TO BIGBBR COURTS OP '1'llS STAB OP COLOltADO IP msSARY. Upon the call of the ro11, the vote reaulted aa followaa Ayeaa Council-n Braun, Milea, Parker, Wooda, 8r0wn9Well. Bayas Bone. AbHnt: council.men Love, SllUkler. 'ftle Mayor declared the motion carried. ' 'lhe City Attorney atated that it i• hi• practice to report the deciaiona of the lower court to the Council and aak for it• direction at that ti ... 'l'h• City Mana9er reported that aa ..Sverti-ent had been authorised by the City council for opening of conatruction bid• at 9130 A.M. and bid• for aale of bond• at 11100 A.M. the City Clerk 'W9nt through the foraalitiea at tho•• timea, but that no bid• had been received due to knowledge of the bidder• of the auit. 'lh• City Clerk read a letter directed to the Mayor and City Council, dated September 28, 1962, from BornblO'W9r and w .. ka, Denver, indicating their deaire to bid upon the City of Bnglewood Special Illprov-nt Bonda to be offered in connection with the conatruction of the Scenic Vi.w Sanitary Sewer• and when the litigation ha• been reaolved. COUllCILK..W PAIUCD MOVBD, COUllCIU-All MILU SBOOllDm>, 'l'llAT TBB MillU'l'BS or '1'118 COUllCIL DIDICAD 'l'llAT OPPICIALS or '19 Cift -AVAILABLB TO AOCBPT BIDS POR '1'118 COB8TllUCTIOB OP AllD PDAllCDG OP tllS &eaIC VIBW SMITARY - DISftIC'l' AS ADVDTISBD, BUT BAT BO •DS 1fDS -IVSD DCBP'l' 'ftlB RBLA'l'BD CORRBSPOllDDCB Sft IOR'l'll ABOVB. Upon th• call of the roll, th• vote reaulted aa followa1 Ayeaa Councilmen Braun, Milea, Parker, Wooda, Brown.well. Bayas Bone. Abaenta Councilmen Love, Saukler. 'ftle Mayor declared th• .:»tion carried. councilman Braun urged that the City Attorney puraue th• ca•• aa rapi1.Sly aa poaaible. 622-64 APPLICATIOB IOR CJIAllGB OP OWllDSBIP OP LIQUOR LICmSB 'l'he City Manager reported that an application for change of ownerwhip of a ... r, Wine and Spirituoua Liquor Licenae had been received for the &or-car Inn at 65-69 Weat Ployd Avenue, Snglewood. Thia outlet had been formerly licenaed under 'l'Wo-Ji-y•a, Lillited and the owner• of thia corpora- tion 'W9re now foraing a n.w corporation known aa Bor•• car Inn, Lillited. The off icera of the n~ corporation have been inveatigated by the Police Department which indicated that there waa nothing deroqatory about any of the applicant• and that none of the applicant• had any criainal arreata. COUllCILl'lUI BllAUlf JIOVBD, COUllCILllAll PAIUCD Sscom>BD, 'l'BA'l' TBB APPLICA- TIO• IOR CllAllCm or Oll•DBBIP OP '1'llB BORS& CAil BAil .. APPJlOVm MID TD MAYOR AllD Cift CLBRX BB AU'1'BORIZSD TO SIGll OB BBllALP OP 'I'll& Cift. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followaa ./ 356 llinutea of October 1, 1962 Ayea: Council•n Braun, llilea, Parker, Wooda, llrownewell. Raya: llone. Abaent: Council•n Love, Saukler. Th• llayor declared the 110tion carried. 622-65 PBTITIOll POR ~ OP RBTAIL ..-mm llAll1' BBVBltAGB LIC•SB The City llana9er reported that an application for renewal of the Retail Fermented llalt Beverage Licen•• (for aale of 3.2" beer only) had been re- ceived froa the Interatat• Bowling Corportion, doing buain••• aa, Belleview Bowl, at 4950 South Federal Boulevard, Sft9lewood. llr. Patrick Keily, manager of the bowling alley, waa preaent and explained the operation of the 3.2 Lic•n•• at th• Belleview Bowl. Be atated that thi• wa• th• fir•t applica- tion for thi• licen•• in Bnglewood •• the area had been recently annexed to BnglMIOod. Councilman Parker atated that he waa not in . 'favor of a 3 .2 beer licen•• in any caae. Councilman Braun atated that he would vote againat thia parti- cular application for renewal due to th• police record of one of the member• of the corporation. OOUllCXUIM 1IOOD8 llOVBD, OOUBCXLMAB llXLBS SBCOBDBD, 'l'llA'l' '1'BB COHSXDBRA- TIO• OP TBB APPLICATIOll BB TABLBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted •• follow•: Ayea: Councilmen Miles, Woods, Brownewell. ••ya: Councilmen Braun, Parker. Abaent: Councilmen Love, Smukler. 'fbe llayor declared the motion carried. llr. Keily apoke on the matter of the renewal atatinq that aa the licenae would expire on October 3, 1962, prior to the next regular Council meeting and that aa thia ia the f irat time the application for a licenae waa conaidered by Snglewood after th• annexation of thia ar-to the City that the Council reconaider. 'lh• Mayor apoke with regard to the annexation of the Belleview Bowl and Centennial Acre• Shopping Center and expr•••ed hia vi.wpoint that the change of juriadiction whould not affect the operation of the buain••••• in that area •imply due to the fact they were now in Bnglewood. Diacuaaion enauM. COUllCIUIAB WOODS MOVBD, OOUBCIIMMI PARKBR SBCQJDBD 'l'BAT TBB MA'l"l'BR BB llAISm> PR<»I TBB TABLB. Upon the call of the roll, th• vote reaulted a• followa: Ayea: Councilmen Braun, Parker, Wooda, Brownewell. •aya: Councilman Mil••· Abaent: Councilmen Love, Smukler. councilman llilea atated that he voted•no" on the motion becauae he felt th• •.,bera of th• Council abaent ahould have an occaaion to diacuaa and vote on the matter. The llayor declared the motion carried. COUllCIIMM WOODS MOVBD, COUBCIIllAll llILSS SBCOBDm>, THAT '1'BB APPLICATIOl1 JOR ~ OP RBTAIL PBlllBllTBD MALT BBVBltAGB LICDSB BY' IllTDSTATB BOWLDIG CORPODTIOB, DBA, B•I·LBVIBW BOWL, AT 4950 80U'l'B PBDBRAL BOULBVARD, BB GRM'l'BD AllD 'ftlAT '1'BB MAYOR ARD CITr CLBRK BB AU'l'BORIZBD '1'0 SIG& tBB APPLICATIOll ACCORDIBGLY. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follow•: Ayea: Councilmen Mile•, Wood•, Brownewell. Raya: Councilmen Braun, Parker. Abaent: Councilmen Love, Smukler. Th• llayor declared the motion carried. 622-7 MDIUTBS OP 'ftlB WATD AllD sma BOARD llBBTIBG, OP SBPTJDIBBR 12, 1962 The llayor aaked that the minute• be received and placed on file. 622-6 MillU'l'BS OP PLMDIDG MD ZOBDG CDlllISSIOB, llBB'l'IllG OF SBPTDIBBR 13, 1962 The llayor aaked that the minute• be received and placed on file. 11 I I I I I I I Minute• of October 1, 1962 622-8 MillUTBS OP PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MBBTIRG OP SBPTlllBSR 18, 1962 Th• Mayor aaked that the minute• be received and placed on file. 622-5 MIRUTBS OP BOARD OP CARDR SBRVICB COILllISSIORBRS, MDTillG OP SBPTmutBR · 26'1'11 . 'ft\• Mayor aaked the the minute• be received and placed on file. 622-4 llillUTU or Tll8 BOARD OP ADJUS'DIBBT MID APPBALS, llDTDIG OP SBPTDIBBR 1, MID 15, 1962 'l'h• Mayor aaked that the minute• be received and placed on file. 622-3 MillU'l'SS OP PAltX MID RBCRBATIOll COllMISSCIGIJ MBBTIRG OP SBPTBMBBR 13, Al1D 19, 1962 Th• Mayor aaked that the minutes be received and placed on file. 612-41 PROPOSBD OOll'l'ltACT POR CONSTRUCTION SUPBRVISIOB, mGLBWOOD BO. 1 DAM The City Clerk read the following recomnendation of the llngl.wood Water and S.wer Boards "That the City enter into a contract agre-nt with w. w. Wheeler and Aaaociat•• for the inapection and auperviaion of the conatruction of Bngl.wood Ro. 1 Dam and Reaervoir on the ba•i• of payroll and general overhead expenaea, plus 100 per cent, plu• reillburaabl• expenaea, •• outlined and detailed in Section 6.3, COnaultin9 Sngin .. r• Council Manual 60, 61, aince thi• method of compenaation would be the moat protective for the City of Bngl.wood in thi• ca••·" Councilman Parker diacuaaed the coat plu• .. thod of payment for engineer- ing ••rvic•• •• coapared with the percentage .. thod of payment. 'lh• Mayor atated that due to the fact the amount of auperviaion and en9in .. rin9 re- quired depended upon ao many intangible• that th• Water and Sewer Board felt it would be more ecol\Olllical to uae a coat plu• ba•i•. Diacuaaion enaued. OOUllCIUIAIJ 1'00DS MOVBD, COUllCILMAll NII.a IBCOllDBD, 'IBAT '1'BB RBCCJllllBllM- TIOB OP 'ftlB WATBR AID> SBWBR BOARD BB ACCBPl'BD AllD !BB MAYOR AID> Cift CLDJC BB AU'l'BORIZBD TO SIGB All AGRBIDIBRT OR BBBALP OP nm CITY. Upon th• call of the roll, th• vote reaulted as followas Aye•: Councilmen Braun, Mile•, Parker, Wooda, Brownewell. Raya: Rone. Abaent: Councilmen Love, Smukler. Th• Mayor declared the motion carried. 622-60 RB~TING TO PBTITIOR POR AIDIBXATIOIJ OP A PORTION OP CBBTBIDIIAL ACRBS 'l'h• City Attorney reported that he had checked a petition for annexa- tion of that portion of centennial Acre• between South Pederal Boulevard and South Lowell Boulevard north of Weat Bellevi.w Avenue and aouth of th• mid- 1 in• between W••t Saratoga and W•~t Chenango avenue•. Be atated that tb• number of ai9n•r• on th• petition were more than adequate to meet require- ment• for annexation. He had, therefore, prepared a reaoltuion for the Council'• conaideration. .B .I .! 0 .I! ll .! .! g !! WBBllBAS, a written petition propoaing and requeating annexation of cer- tain territory (in the form of notice in ••ction 4 hereof) to the Cityoof Bnglewood, together with four copi•• of a aap •bowing •aid territory to be annexed, waa filed with the City Clerk at 3150 p.m. on September 7, 1962, and filed with the City Council at it• regular ... tin• of Monday, September 17, 1962: and WBBRBAS, at aaid meeting, said city Council referred •aid petition to the City Attorney, and WBBRBAS, the aaid City Attorney ha• reported that, in hi• opinion, the aaid petition and th• document• attached thereto meet the requirement• of Chapter 139, Article 11, Colorado Revi•ed Statute•, 1953, a• ... nded and aupplmaented: and WBBRBAS, aaid reconaendation baa been received by the aaid City Council. BOW, 'l'BBRBPORB, BB IT RBSOLVBD BY 'l'BB Cift COUllCIL OP '1'llB Cift OP BBGLBWOOD, COLORADO: Section 1. That all previous action• of the City Council concerning the matter of aaid petition for annexation of the hereinafter deacribed territory to the City of Englewood are ratified, approved and confirmed. 358 Minute• of October 1, 1962 Section 2. That the City Council do•• hereby declare and find thats (a) Th• aforeaaid written petition propo•ing and reque•ting annexation of aaid hereinafter deacribed property to the City of Snglewood, and the do- cuaenta attached thereto, waa aigned by th• owner• of over one-half of th• territory involved. (b) Th• circulator• of aaid petition made affidavit• attached thereto that each aignatur• thereon i• th• aignature of th• per•on who•• name it purport• to be. (c) The petition contained the reaident addr••• of .. ch aigner, to- gether with the date of aignature. (d) The petition contained. a deacription of tb• property to be in• eluded within the area propoaed to be annexed, which ia owned by each peraon •igning aaid petition. (e) All persona signing aaid petition indicated thereon whether they are qualified electors and landowner• •• pr•••ribed by Section 139-11-3, Colorado Reviaed. Statute• (1953), or whether they are only landowner•. (f) llo aignature on aaid petition wa• dated more than one hundred eighty day• prior to the filing of aaid petition. (g) Said petition waa accompanied by four copi•• of a ._., or plat, of auch territory ahowing, with reaaonabl• certainty, the territory to be annexed, the boundariea thereof, and it• relationahip to th• propoaed cor- porate limit• of the municipality to which ••id territory i• propo•ed to be annexed, and upon material of a auitabl• aize for recording and filing. Section 3. That the City Council hereby find• that th• aaid written petition and the document• attached thereto ... t all th• requir .. enta of Article 11, Chapter 139, Colorado Revi•ed Statute• (1953), ••amended and auppl .. ented (and in particular, Section 139-11-3 thereof), whether apeci-- fically mentioned. in this resolution or not, and aaid petition i• hereby favorably conaidered and accepted. Section 4. '!'hat purauant to Section 139-11-4, Colorado Reviaed Statute• (1953), the City Council hereby direct• and order• the City Clerk to give notice by and for thi• municipality of the aubatance of the petition, the date of filing, the number of peraona aigning, a deacription of the territory included in the propoaed annexation and a atat ... nt that landowner• of the area .. Y expr••• their oppoaition to the annexation and ••cur• an election by complyift9 with th• proviaiona of Section 139-11-4, Colorado Reviaed Statute• (1953). Said notice ahall be publiahed in the bgl.wood Herald and Bnterpri•• once each week for thr .. aucceaaiv• weeka, by four inaertion• at weekly interval•, which notice •hall be in aubatantially th• following fora1 llOTICB OP PBTITIOB POR PROl'OISD AmDA'l'IOll OP COll'l'IGVOUS UBIBOORPOltA'l'BD 'l'mI'l'ORY '1'0 'ftlB Cift OP BBGLBWOQD, OOLOltADO '1'0 1fllOll IT MAY OOBCBU1 llotic• i• hereby given that at 3150 o'clock p.a. on Priday the 7th day of Sept811bar, 1962, a written petition for annexation waa filed with the City Clerk of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, and that on Monday, the 17th day of September, 1962, at the regular .. •ting of the Sn9lewood City Council, aaid written petit~qJlzlli9.R9~ing th• annexation to th• City of Sn9l.wood of the unincorporated 'r'~ -~~Zbereafter deacribed (being entirely within Arapahoe County) waa preaented to and filed with the City council of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, which received and favorably conaidered aaid petition. At aaid .. •ting, ••id petition waa thereupon referred to th• City Attorney. Botice i• also given that at th• regular meeting of llonday, October 1, 1962, th• City Council received a favorable report on aaid petition from the City Attorney whereupon, aaid Council, by resolution duly adopted, found •aid petition and th• document• attached thereto to ... t th• requir ... nta of Section 139-11-3, Colorado Reviaed Statute• (1953), •• ... nded and aupple- .. nted, and •aid Council favorably conaidered and accepted aaid petition. llotic• ia also given that the unincorporated territory propoaed to be annexed to BnglMfOOd, Colorado, and deacribed in the petition, ia all within Arapahoe County, Colorado, and i• deacribed •• followa1 BecJinning at a point one thouaand forty-two and two tenth• feet (1,042.2') South of th• center of Section I, Town- •hip 5 South, Range 68 Weat of th• Sixth Principal Meridian, aaid point being on the center line of South Federal Bo•levard and fifty feet (SO') Baat of th• I I I I I I I I Minute• of October 1, 1962 Hortheaat corner of Lot 30, Block 23, Centennial Acrea, Third Filing: thence Weat fifty feet (SO') to the North- eaat corner of above aaid Lot 30, Block 23: thence Weaterly twenty-two and five-tenth• f .. t (22.5') alonq the North line of aaid Lot 301 thence along a curve to the left having a radiua of one thouaand eight hundred thirty-three and aixty-four hundredth• feet (1,833.64') a central angle of 25 degree• 45 minute• (25• 45'), an arc lenqth of eight hundred twenty-four and one- hundredtha f .. t (824.01') more or l••• to a point on the llortheaaterly line of Lot 20, Block 23, Centennial Acrea, Third Filing, aaid point being thirty-four and eighty-eight hundredth• f .. t (34.88') Southweaterly of the Northeast .. corner of aaid lot1 thence Southweaterly one hundred aeventeen and forty- one hundredth• feet·· (117 .41') to the Borthweat corner of Lot 19, of above aaid Block 23: thence Southweaterly one hundred twenty-nine and sixty-nine hundredth• feet (129.69') to the Borthweat corner of Lot 17, alao in aaid Block 23: thence Weat four hundred ninety-one and aeventy-one hundredth• f .. t (479.71') to the llorthweat corner of Lot 22, Block 37, Centennial Acrea, Fifth Piling: thence Borthweaterly along the llorth line of Lota 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30 to the llorthweat corner of Lot 30, of aaid Block 37: thence continuing Borthweaterly twenty-three and forty-three hundredth• f .. t (23.43') on the Bortherly line of Lot 31, ef aaid Block 37: thence Weaterly along the Horth line of Lota 31, 32, 33, and 34, of aaid Block 37, and the llorth line extended a diatance of thr.. hundred aixty-t~ and nineteen hundredth• f .. t (362.19') to a point on the Weat line of the Southweat Quarter of Section 8, Townahip 5 South, Range 68 Weat of the Sixth Principal Meridian: thence South O deqr••• 3 minutea, 30 aeoonda Weat (S o• 03' 3o•w) along the waat line of th• South- weat quarter of aaid Section 8, a diatance of one hundred ••v•nty feet (170'): thence south five deqr••• f ifty-aeven minute• fifty-three aeconda Weat (S s• 57' 53•w)1 a diatanc• of two hundred ninety-one and fifty-five hundredth• f .. t (291.55'): thence South 0 degr .. a three minute• thirty aeconda Weat (So• 03' 3o•w) along a line thirty f .. t (30') Weat of and parallel to the Weat line of the South- weat quarter of aaid Section 8 a diatance of one thouaand thirt .. n and ninety-aeven hundredth• f .. t (l,013.97') more or l••• to a point thirty feet (30') Weaterly of the Southweat corner of the southweat Quarter of aaid Section 8: thence Baaterly thirty f .. t (30') to the Southweat corner of the South- weat Quarter of aaid Section 8: thence Horth eighty- nine deqr .. • forty-aix minute• forty-five aeconda Baat (B 99• 46' 45•s) along th• &o•th line of aaid Section 8 a diatanc• of two thouaand four hundred aeventy and forty-three hundredth• f .. t (2,470.43') to a point one hundred and aeventy feet (170') Weat- erly from the Southeaat corner of the Southweat Quarter of aaid Section 8: thence Borth parallel with the Baat line of the Southweat Quarter of aaid Section 8, a diatance of four hundred and ninety f .. t (490')1 thence Borth three degree• forty-three ainutea fifteen aeconda Weat, (8 3• 43' lS•w) a diatance of aixty-eight and eight-tenth• f .. t (68.8')1 thence Baaterly along a curve to th• right having an arc length of one hundred two and five- tenth• f .. t (102.5'), a radiua of aeven hundred ninety-three and aixty-four hundredth• f .. t (793.64') and a central angle of ••v•n deqr••• twenth-four •inut•• (7• 24')1 thence Borth eighty-nine degr••• forty-aix minute• forty-five aeoonda Baat (9 99• 46' 45•s) a diatance of aeventy-two and five-tenth• feet (72.S') to the Baat line of the SOuthweat Quarter of aaid Section 8 aaid line alao being the center line of South Federal Boul•ard: thence Horth along the Baat line of the Southweat Quarter of aaid Section 8, a diatance of one thouaand and forty f .. t (1040.0') to the true point of beginning, all in Arapahoe County, Colorado. llotice ia alao given that said City Council, by the reaolution adopted at it• regular ... ting of October 1, 1962, ordered that thia notice be publiahed purauant to the ordinance• and Charter of the City of Bngl~ and the atatutea of the State of Colorado. 360 Minute• of October 1, 1962 Botice i• alao given that aaid petition in addition to describing auch territory, in substance recites. states, declarea, and allegeas 1. That aaid territory i• eligibel for annexation to the City of Bnglewood under and in accordance with the terms and condition• of Section 139-11-2, Colorado Revised Statutes, 1953, as ... nded. 2. That the above deacribed territory ia not embraced within any city. city and county, or incorporated town. 3. That the territory above deacribed abut• upon and i• contiguoua to the City of Bnglewoocl in a manner which will ·afford reasonable ingreaa and egreaa thereto. 4. That not l••• than one-sixth of the aggregate external boundariea of the territory propoaed to be annexed coincide with exiating boundariea of the City of Bnglewood. 5. '!'hat the non-contiguous boundaries of the territory to be annexed coincide with existing block lines, or center line• of eatabliahed streets, roads, highways, or alleys, or with governmental subdivision lines for parpo••• of identification wherever poaaible. 6. That in determining the territory eligible for thia annexation, no territory owned by the ••• owner or ownera, whether conaiatin9 of one tract or parcel of real eatate or two or more contiguous tracts or parcel• of real eatate, will b9 divided into separate parta or parcel• without the written consent of the owner thereof. 7. '!'hat petitioners are the owner• in f .. simply of over fifty percent of the area of said unincorporated territory sought to be annexed hereunder and compriae a majority of the landowner• residing in aaid unincorporated t•~ritory. 8. '!'hat the resident addreaaea of petitioner• accompany their signatures, tot•t:laer with the date• of signing. 9. That attached to the petition are the affidavit• of the circulator• of the petition: that each ai9nat~e ia the signature of the peraon whose nm• it purport• to be. 10. '!'hat each of the petitioner• haa indicated by hi• or·her aignature whether he or ahe ia a qualified elector in addition to being a landowner in said territory. 11. That the number of persona aiqnin9 aaid peition ia 277. 12. '!'hat the petition ia accompanied with four copiea of a map or plat of the territory to be annexed, the boundaries thereof, and it• relationship to the ••tabli•h•d corporate limit• of the City of Bnglewood. 13. Botice i• alao given that landowner• of th• area may expreaa their opposition to the annexation and secure an election by complying with the proviaiona of Section 139-11-4, Colorado Reviaed Statutes, 1953. Dated at Colorado, thia lat day of October. 1962. CI'ft OP mGLmfOOD, COLORADO (SBU.) ADOP'l'BD Al1D APPROVBD 'ftlIS lat day of October, 1962 A.D. AftBST1 waa read in full. ) /,'i? ;{R)~d? ..... \ ~ T'7 Jliyor I I I ,, I I I I Minute• of October 1, 1962 COUBCIUIAll BRAUit llOVBD, COUllCIUIAB PAJU<BR SBCOllDBD, 'l'BA'l' '1'BB RBSOLU'l'IO• BB ADOP'l'BD AID> APPROVBD MID THAT '1'BB RO'l'ICB COftADBD 'ft!D.BD BB 1'"'8LI8BBD IB PULL IR '1'BB BmLDfOOD BBRALD Al1D D'l'BRPRIS• POR POUR SUCCSSSIVB WUXS AS JmQUDlBD BY LAW. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted •• followa1 Ayea1 Councilmen Braun, Milea, Parker, Wood•, Brownewell. •aya1 Bone. Abaent1 Council.aen Love, S.ukler. !'he Mayor declared the motion carried. 622-57 RBLA'l'IBG TO 1963 BUDGB'1' xntroduced aa a Bill by Councilman Wood• A BILL POR AB ORDDJMCB ADOP'l'IBG '1'llB BUDGB'l' OP '1'BB Cift OP · BllGLBWOOD, COLOJtADO, POR '1'llB PISCAL YBAR 1963. 1111BRBAS, purauant to the proviaion•~ of Part 1 of Articte X of the Charter of th• City of Bngl9W004, Colorado, adopted by the voter• on ' July 8, 1958, a budget for the fiacal year 1963 waa duly aublitted by the City Jla"lager .to the City Clerk on Sept.-ber 4, 1962, and waa conaidered by the City Council at it• regular meeting on Sept.-ber 17, 1962: and EBRBAS, a public hearing on the aaid budget waa held by the City Council within three week• after aubmiaaion, on Septellber 17, 1962, at the regular -ting of the City Council, regular notice of the ti-and place of aaid hear- ing having been publiahed within ••v•n daya after aul:aiaaion of the budget, in the manner provided in the Charter for the publication of ordinance•: and, WBBRBAS, the Council, after auch public hearing accepted aaid budget and approved ..... BCJIW, 'nfBP•PORB, BB IT ORDADBD BY "l'D Cift COUllCIL OP '1'BB Cift' OP BmLWOOD I COLORAD01 Section 1. 'ftlat the budget of the Cityof Bnglewood, Colorado, for the fiacal year 1963, •• aullmitted by the City Manager and duly conaidered by the City Council after public hearing, and •• accepted by the City Council, be and hereby ia adopted a• the budget of the City of Bnglewood for the aaid fiscal year of 1963. Section 2. That the aaid budget aa accepted •hall be a public record in the office of the City Clerk and •hall be open to public inapection. Sufficient copiea thereof ahall be made available for the u•• of the Council and the public, the number of copi•• to be deterained by th• City Manager. Paaaed on firat reading by the City Council of the City of Bn9lewood, Colorad6, thia lat day of October, A .D., 1962, and ordered· .publiahed in full in the Bngl9WOOd Herald and Bnterpri••· ;&:;L~ -.--{ r · ...,,..-T ........--~-· ~Mayor A'l"l'BST: ~~~-ty Clerk COUBCILMM PARJCBR MOVBD, COUllCIIMAll 1IOODS SSCOBDBD, 'l'BA'l' 'ftlB PROPOSBD BILL BB PASSBD OB PIRS'l' RBaDIBG ARD ORDDm PUBLISBBD IR PULL D '1'BB mGLBWOOD eim._ar.n ARD IDITBRPRISB. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followa1 Ayea1 Councilmen Braun, Milea, Parker, Wood•, Brown.well. Bayas Bone. Abaent: Councilmen Love, Smukler. 'l'he Mayor declared the motion carried. 622-66 RBLA'l'DG '1'0 MILL LSVY POR 1962 'l'he City Manager atated that he had received notification of the 1962 total valuation for the City of Bngl.wood froa the County Aa••••or• Office, Littleton. Thia valuation i• $48,292,386. Be indicated that he waa pleaaed tsi.&t the valuation waa 9E'••t•r than ••timated and had adjuated the mill levi•• downward •lightly after taking into conaideration thi• alight incr••••· 362 Minute• of October 1, 1962 Introduced •• a Bill by Councilman Mil•• A BILL POR Alf ORDDJMCB PIZim '1'BB TAX LBVY I& MILLS UPOB BAal DOLLAR OP ASSBSSBD VALUATIOB OP ALL TAXABLB PROPBRTIBS WITBIB TBB CITY OP BRGLBWOOD, COLORADO, IOR '1'BB YBAR 1962. WllBRBAS, it i• the duty of the City Council of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, under the Charter of aaid City and Statu• of the State of Colorado, to llAk• the annual levy for City purpo••• for the year 1962, due and payable in 1963: and WBBRBAS, it i• neceaaary for an additional apecial levy to maintain the Pir ... n'• Penaion Fund at a reaaonable level: and, WBBRBAS, it i• neceaaary for an additional apecial levy to pay interest on water bond• iaaued •• a 9eneral obligation of th• City of Bnqlewood, Colorado: and WBBRBAS, the City Council ha• duly conaidered the ••timated valuation of all of the taxable property within the City and the need• of the City for each of aaid leviea, and ha• determined that the levie• •• hereinafter set forth are proper and wiae: llOW 'l'llBRBPORB, BB IT ORDAIBBD BY 'l'BB Cift COUBCIL OP '1'BB Cift OP mGLBWOOD, COLORADO: Section 1. That there be and there i• hereby levied for the year A.D. 1962, due and payable a• required by the Statute• in the year A.D. 1963, a tax of 9.764 mill• on the dollar for the General Pund of the City of Bn9l9WC>od, Colorado. Section 2. '!'hat there be and there i• hereby levied for the year A.D. 1962, due and payable a• required by the Statute• in the year A.D. 1963, a tax of .soo of a mill on th• dollar for the Pir ... n'• Penaion Pund of the City of Bnqlewood, Colorado. Section 3. 'l'hat there be and there i• hereby levied for th• year A.D. 1962, due and payable •• required by the Statute• in the year A.D. 1963, a tax of .199 of a mill on th• dollar for the Water Bond and Intereat Pund of th• City of Bnglewood, Colorado. 89ction 4. That each and every levy h•r•inabov• ••t forth •hall be levied upon Mch dollar of th• ••••••ed valuation of all taxable property within the corporate limit•) of the City of Bngl9WOOd, Colorado, and the •aid levi•• •hall be certified •• by law required. P•••ed on Pir•t Reading by the City Council of th• City of Bnglewood, Colosado, thi• lat day of OCtober, A.D. 1962, and ordered publiahed in full in the Bnglewood B!rald and Bnterpriae. / y--r--TV Mayor ATTBST: waa read for the fir•t time. COUBCI'".AR MILB8 llOVBD, COUBCILMM PABD SBCOBDBD, 'DIAT 'ftlB PROPOSBD Bu.L BB PASSBD OB PIRST RBADIIJG Al1D ORDDID PUBLISBBD I& PULL I& '!BB DGl'"OOD BBRAU> Al1D Bll'.l'DPRISB. Upon the call of the roll, the vote r- aul ted a• follow•: Ayea: Council.aen Braun, Milea, Parker, Wood•, Brown.well. Bayas Hone. Abaent: Councilmen Love, Smukler. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 'l'he City Manager requeated permi••ion to make application to the State Tax Cc iaaion a• required by law. COUllCILllAIJ BRAU& MOVBD I COOBCILllAIJ lllLU 8.a>•Dm> I 'l'BAT 'IBB Cift 11...\BAGBR BB AU'l'llORIZBD '1'0 MAD APPLICATIOH '1'0 TllB ftAH TAX CC181I88IO• IOR 'BIB Cift OP DGLBWOOD TO LBW TAXBS POR 1962 GRBATD '1'BAll 5 PD Cm!' IllCRBASB OVllR TAXBS IOR 1961 AlfD 'l'llAT 'l'BB MAYOR Al1D CI'n CLm U A1nll>JlIZBD TO SIG& &UCB APPLI- CATIOIJ. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follows: 'I I i!I I I I II I I Minute• of October 1, 1962 Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Miles, Parker, Wooda, Brownewell. Raya: Bone. Abaent: Councilmen Love, Smukler. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 622-57 RBLATIBG TO RBDUCBD BUSIBBSS AID> OCCUPA'l'IOllAL TAX The City Manager reported that the budget aa adopted by the Council aeta out a reduced Buain••• and Occupational Revenue and ••keel the Council'• deair• in thi• regard. The conaenaua of the Council opinion waa that he could make a propoaed reduction in the rates of the Buain••• and Occupational Tax Ordi- nance ao that approximately one-third le•• revenue will be derived from this source. CI'l'r MANAGBR'S CllOICB Relating to Auto Salvage Control Ordinance The City Manager reported that the Auto Salvage and Regulation Ordinance ahould be completed and ready for a conaideration of the Council at their next regular meeting. Be reported that he had diacuaaed the propoaed Ordinance with repreaentative• of the Chamber of COlmllerce auggeating their review. Relating to Contribution• to Fire Penaion Fund The City Manager inquired about the aug9eation in the actuarial atudy by A. G. Gabriel, Actuary, that a half-mill be levied by the City for Firemen'• Penaion Fund and that the volunteer m91Dber• of the Department con- tribute a nominal •um toward their penaion, perhapa five dollar• per month. Diacuaaion enaued with regard to the adviaability of accepting contribution• from the Volunt-r wber• toward their penaion. The Mayor diacuaaed the many phaaea of the particular queation, eapecialiy that of Bngl.wood having an all paid department in the future and making proviaion that volunteer• who con- tributed to the fund could receive their contribution• if they were unable to retire. Diacuaaion enaued. The MayoJ: directed that 1;h• matter be referred to the Firemen'• Penaion Board for review and recomaendation. 622-9 COBSIDBRATION OF BILLS, CLAIMS AND INVOICBS POR MOM'ftl OF SBPTBMBBR, 1962 COUNCIIMAN WOODS MOVBD, COUBCILMAN PARKBR SBCCBDBD, 'l'llAT THB BILLS, CLAIMS MD IllVOICBS AS LISTBD BY THB CI'l'Y CLBRK ARD APPROVBD BY '1'BB CITY MANAGBR BB ALLOWED. Upon the call of the roll. th• vote reaulted •• fol~ow•: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Milea, Parker, Wood•, Brownewell. Nays: Bone. Abaent: Councilmen Love, Smukler. The Mayor declared the motion carried. MAYOR'S alOICB The Mayor reported that the Arapahoe Mayor• would meet Thursday, October 4, 1962. Councilman Parker, the City Manager and the Mayor indicated that they would attend. ADJOURN COUNCIIllAB BRAUN MOVBD, COUNCILMAN PARICBR SBCONDBD, 'l'llAT 'l'BB MBBTDG BB ADJOUJUIBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follows: Aye•: Councilmen Braun, Mile•, Parker, Wooda, Brown.well. Haya: Bone. Abaent: Councilmen Love, Smukler. The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 11130 P.M. /•/ B. o. Beauaang, City Clerk Clerk of the Council The minute• of the meeting of the City Council of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, held on the lat day of October, 1962 A.D., atand approved a• written thi• 15th day of October, 1962 A.D.