HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-10-15 (Regular) Meeting Minutes364 llmvLAR llBBTIBG: COUllCIL CS»IBDS CI'l'r OP DIGLBWOOD, COLORADO OCl'OBBR 15, 1962 Th• City council of th• City of Bnglwood, Arapahoe county, Colorado, .. t in regular ••••ion on Monday, October 15, 1962 in th• Council Chamber•, City Ball, Bngl9WC>Od, at th• hour of 8:00 P.11. Mayor Brown.well preaiding called the .. •ting to order and the invoca- tion waa given by Councilman Parker. Th• Mayor aaked for roll call. Upon the call of th• roll, the following persona were preaent: Councilmen: Braun, Parker, Wooda, Brown9Well. Alao Pr•••nt: Acting City Manager Babcock, City Attorney Bach, City Clerk Beauaang. Abaent: councilmen Love, Mil••· Sllukler. Th• Mayor atated that a quorum of th• council required that f iv• m.aber• be preaent. lie declared a 30 minute rec••• until a fifth 11811ber appeared. (Councilmen Love and Mil•• entered and took their aeata at the council table at 8:32 P.M.) CALL TO ORDBR The Mayor called the council to order and aaked for roll call. Upon th• call of the roll, the following Councilmen were preaent: Council .. n Braun, Love, Milea, Parker, Wooda, Brown.well. Abaent: Councilman Smukler. '!'he Mayor declared a quorum present. 622-2 COBSIDBRATIOB OP COUllCIL llDIU'l'SS COUllCIUIAB BRAUll MOVBD, COUllCIUIAB PARKD SmcC>BDBD, 'lllAT 'ftlB COUllCIL llillU'l'88 OP ocrom 1, 1962, .. APPROVBD AS WRI'l"l'm. Upon th• call of th• roll, th•' vote reaulted aa follow•: Ayeas Councilmen Braun, Love, Milea, Parker, Wooda, Brown.well. Raya: llone. Abaent: councilman S.ukler. ifhe llayor declared th• 1K>tion carried. 622-58 PUBLIC BBARIBG ON MUllICIPAL CODB COUllCilllAlf PARKBR MOVBD, COURCILMMJ LOVB SBCOBDBD, 'l'BAT TBB PUBLIC llBAR- mG 08 TBB ADOPTIOB OP TBB MUllICIPAL CODB OP TBB CITY OP mGLDIOOD BB OPBllBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followa1 Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Love, Milea, Parker, Woods, Brown.well. Raya: Hone. Abaent: Council-n Smukler. 'lh• Mayor declared the motion carried. Th• City Attorney •poke briefly of th• preparation of the Municipal COde for the City of Bnglwood and hi• expectation• that the COd• would be a very important tool for th• aunicipal official• and councilmen after it• adoption. Ba referred to the Building COd• and Technical Plumbing Code which were adopted by reference in th• Municipal Code. Th• Mayor aaked if there were any citizen• preaent who wiahed to apeak on the adoption of th• Municipal Code. There were none. COUllCIIllAll BRAUll MOVBD, COUBCIUIU MILSS SSCOBDBD, 'l'llAT 'l'BB PUBLIC HBAR- Im BB CLOSBD. Upon th• call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followa1 Aye•: Council-n Braun, Love, Milea, Parker, Wooda, Brownewell. Rayas Rone. AbHnt: Councilman Smukler. 'lh• Mayor declared th• motion carried. I ), I 'I ii .. I 11 I I I Minute• of October 15, 1962 COUBCILMAR LOVB JIOVBD, COUBCILMAN WOODS SSCOID>lm, '1'11A'1' '1'llB CLBRJ< RBAD '1'BB PROPOSBD BILL POR AB ORDilllABCB ADOP'l'IlfG '1'llB MUlrICIPAL CODB POR '1'llB CITY OP BmGLDfOOD. Upon th• call of th• roll, th• vote re•ulted a• follow•1 Ay••• councilmen Braun, Love, Mil••, Parker, Wood•, BrownMtell. Bay•: Rone. Ab•ents councilman S.ukler. '!'he Mayor declared the motion carried. Th• City Clerk read the following bill in fulls Introduced •• a Bill by Councilman Sllukler A BILL POR AB ORDUABCB BlfAC'l'IlfG AltD ADOPTilfG Br D~CB '1'BB PRIMARY CODB OP ORDI- llAllCllS POR '1'BB CITY OP BmLBWOOD, COLOR...\DO, DI PVBLISBm JO•, '10 BB IQJOllll AS !'BB •JIU8ICIPAL CODB OP '1'llB Cift OP mGLSlfOOD• WBICll SAID PRDIARY CODI: DI '1'UU ADOPTS BY D..-CB AS Ssccm>ARY CODD CBArrm 4 fiiiOUCB 49 AID> 51 'l'llllOUCB 54 or '1'llB BUILDDG CODB or ns Cift AID> COOllft 0., DDnll AS ISSUSD AllD PUB- LI811BD Br '1'BB Cift MD COUftY OP DaVBR, COLOUDO Ill 1953, AltD '1'BB 'l'BCDICAL PLmlBim CODB ISSUBD AllD PUBLISllBD DI 1961 ft 'ID COLOR...\DO 8'1'A'IB DUAR'BID'l' OP PUBLIC BPLftl1 AllD PROVID3G PmLTIBS JOR '1'llB VJOLA'IIO. ftllllm)P. (Bill copied in full in official minut.• of September 17th) COURCILllAll LOVB llOVBD, COUlfCILMAlf WOODS lscom>m>, '1'11AT TBS PROPOSBD BILL BB PASSSD OB PIRST UADI*1 AllD ORDDID PUBLIIB8D IB IULL D '1'llB aGLIWOOD 88't.\t.o AllD lDl'l'BJlPRISB. Upon th• call of the roll, the vote re•ulted a• followa1 Ay••• Councilaen Braun, Love, Mile•, Parker, Wood•, Brown9Well. Bayas llone. Ab•ents Council-n S.ukler. 'l'h• Mayor declared the motion carried. 622-25 PUBLIC llBAJlDJG Olf ISSUAIJCB OP $1,750,oocl>r WATBR GDBML OBLIGA'l'IOB 80111>8 COUllCILMAB llILBS llOVBD, COUlfCIUIAlf WOODS SSCOllDBD, '1'11AT '1'llB PUBLIC BBNlila Olf AB ORDDABCB AUTllORIZilfG '1'BB ISSUABCB OP $1,750,000 OP GDBRAL OBLIGATIOlf WAHR 80111>8 BB OPIDIBD. Upon th• call of th• roll, the vote re•ulted a• follow•• Ay••• Councilmen Braun, Love, Mile•, Parke~, Wood•, Brownewell. lfay•1 lfone. Ab••nt1 COuncil.aan Smukler. !'be Mayor declared the motion carried. Th• Mayor explained the purpose of th• i••uance of the water Bond• and li•ted the project• upon which the monie• would be expended. B• aaked if there were anyone pr•••nt to diacu•• the proposed i•auanc• of th••• bonda. There waa no one. OOUIJCIUl.Alf LOVB llOVBD, COUlfCIUIAB MILS& SSOOllDBD, THAT TBB PUBLIC BBARIBG BB CLOSSD AID> THAT '1'llB BILL FOR Ml ORDDABCB U PLACBD OB ITS SBCOllD RBADIBG ARD PilfAL PASSAGB MD 'l'llA'l' Au. RULBS OP '1'118 COUllCIL WHICH MIGB'l' PRBVBll'l' UllLBSS SUSPBllDBD 'ftlB PDAL PASSAGB AID> ADOP'l'IlfG OP SAID OJU>IllMlCB A'I '1'11IS MDTIRG BB AID> TBB &MB ARB BB8•8Y SUSPBllDBD. Upon th• call of th• roll, th• vote r••ulted aa followa1 Ayea1 Councilmen Braun, Love, Mile•, Parker, Wooda, Brown.well. Rayas lfone. Ab•ent1 councilman Smukler. 'fh• Mayor declared the motion carried. The City Clerk read the Bill for an Ordinance lfo. 21 aa followa1 Introduced a• a Bill by Councilman Braun BILL POR Alf ORDiltAllCB 90. 27, &DIBS OP 1962 Br AU'l'llORift A BILL POR AB ORDilfAlfCB TO COR'l'RACT AB IRDBBT...a& Olf BBBALP OP 'DIB CITY OP Minute• of October 15, 1962 lmGLDIOOD, COLOllADO, Al1D UPOll THB CRBDIT 'l'llBllmP ft ISSUillG BOllDS OP SAID Cift Ill '1'llB PJUBCIPAL SlM OP $1,750,000 FOR '1'1111 DIPllOV81aT AID> BXTDSIOll OP ITS WA'l'BRlfOIUCS SY&'l'• J PRBSCRIBillG '1'BB PO• OP SAID BmD8 J AllD PROVIDIBG POR 'IBB LBW OP 'l'AXBS TO PAY ftlB BOllDS Al1D '1'111: Ilf'l'DS8'1' !llBUOll. (Bill for an ordinance copied in full in official ainut•• of October 1, 1962) COUBCIIllAll BRAmT MOVBD, OOUllCIIAUJ LOVB SSOOllDSD 'l'BAT OaDillMCB BO. 27, &DIBS OP 1962, BB PASSBD 011 SBCOllD ARD PDIAL llUDillG MID OaDBRm> PUBLISHBD DI PULL IR TBB DIGLBWOOD HBRALD ARD D'l'BRPRISS. Upon th• call of th• roll, the vote r .. ulted •• followa1 Ayea1 Councilmen Braun, Love, Milea, Parker, Wooda, Brown.well. &ay•s Rone. Abaent: councilman Smukler. 'l'h• Mayor declared th• motion carried. 622-48 PUBLIC llBARillG ON ISSUANCE OF $1,022,000 ..... RBV8l1UB BOllDS COUBCIUIAll MILBS MOVBD, COUllCIUIAB LOO 89COllDD, 'IBA'l' '1'llB PUBLIC llBARillG 08 All OaDIDllCB AU'DIORIZDIG '1'BB ISSUAllCB or fl,022,000 or &-• RBVmUB BOllDS BB OPBllBD. Upon th• call of the roll, the ,,.t• reaulted a• follow•s Ayea1 councilmen Braun, Love, Milea, Parker, Wooda, Brown.well. Raya: Rone. Abaent: Councilman Smukler. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Th• Mayor atated that the i••uance of th••• bond• would allow the retir- in9 by refundin9 the outatandin9 Sewer Revenue lond• at a aavin9• to the City in exce•• of $175,000.00. Be a•ked if there waa anyone pr•••nt who wiahed to •peak on the aatter. 'l'h•r• were none. COURCIUIAll LOVB MOVSD I COUllCIUIAll MILS& SllCOllDD I 'lllA'l' 'nm PUBLIC BBARillG BB CLO&SD. Upon th• call of the roll, th• vote reaulted aa followa1 Ayea1 Councilmen Braun, Love, Mil••· Parker, Wood•, Brownewell. Rayas llone. Abaent1 Councilaan Smukler. 'l'h• Mayor decl .. ed the motion carried. The City Clerk read Ordinance Ro. 28 for th• ••cond time a• followa1 Introduced a• a Bill by Councilman Mil•• A BILL POR Alf ORDillAl1CS 80. 28, &DIBS OP 1962 BY AU'l'llOJU'l'Y All ORDIJIANCB AUTBORIZDIG Alli> PROVI8RG POR '1'1111 RUVllDillG AllD PAYIE OP OUTSTABD- IllG UVDUB 80lfDS PAYABLB PRC»I '1'BB RBVBllUBS DDIV'SD PROM '1111: OPDATIOll OF TBB 8WD SY&'l'• OP '1'BB CITY OP mGLBWOOD, COLOltADO, U tllB W>Ulft' OP $1,022,000: AUl&)RIZDG '1'llB DUOSI'l' OP l'Ul1DS TO BPPmc'l' SAlD PAYllm AllD BDmlPTIOll PROVIDIBG POR 'nm ISSUAllCB OP UPUllDillG SBWBR UVDUB .-D8 U 'l'llS TOTAL PRIBCIPAL MOUllT OP $1,022,000 POR RUVllDlllG SAID OU'l'S'l'AllDIBG ·-anmJB BOllDS MID POR PAYDIG '1'llB 008'1'8 AllD BXPasas DICIDDIT mBRB'l'O J P80VD ....... -·.~ PADl•T OP '1'1111 PUllCIPAL OP AllD Ill'1'SRBST mt •am 80111>8: AllD Pa91CUBDIG 0'1'J1D DBTAILS Ill 0011- llllC'l'IQB 'lllBUWITB. . .. Ji (Bill copied in full in official minute• of oatober 1 1 , 1962) COUBCIIICAll BRAUlf JIOVBD, OOUllCIIMAll WOODS 8acam>SD, 'l'llA'l' OaDUAllCB BO. 28, SBRIU OP 1962 BB PASSBD OB SBCOllD Al1D l'DIAL RDDDG All1D OaDqSD PUBLISBBD DJ PULL DJ '1'111: SllGLBWOOD BSRALD AllD D'l'DPRID. Upon the ca11 of the roll, the vote reaulted •• followa1 Ay••1 Councilmen Braun, Love, Mil••· Parker, Wood•, Brown.well. Rayas Rone. Abaent1 Councilaan Smukler. Th• Mayor declared the S>tion carried. 1,· I .I I !I I I .1 Minute• of October 15, 1962 622-54 RBLATI&G TO BUDGBT RBQUBST OP SOU'l'B SUBURBMJ MB'l'ROPOLITAll RBCRBATIOB ARD PARK DISTRICT Th• City Attorney reported that Mr. M. o. Shiver•, Jr., Counael for the &outh Suburban Metropolitan Recreation and Park Diatrict, had replied to hi• letter of September 25th with a letter of October 4, 1962. Be •tated that aa thia letter had been aent to all th• m.aber• of the Council and th• newapap•I'• of Littleton and Bnglewood, he did not feel it neceaaary to conment on the letter in detail. Diacuaaion enaued. Councilman Braun expr•••ed hi• objection to the receipt of an unreadable carbon copy of a letter of thi• uture. COUIJCILllAB PDJCBR MOVBD, COUllCIUIU MIU& SSCOllDBD, 'l'BAT TBB LBftBR BB Ul'DltSD TO ftlB PARKS AID> RBCRBATIOll CC»UII88IO•. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followas Ayeas Councilmen Braun, Love, Milea, Parker, Wooda, Brownewell. Rayas Hone. Abaents Councilman Smukler. The Mayor declared th• motion carried. 622-72 CITr A'l'fODft'S OPillIOll 011 OPDJillG caaom S'l'RBBT 'l'llROUGB Clft PARK The City Attorney atated that he had prepared a written lllelDOrandum with regard to hi• opinion aa to the legality of th• opening of South Cherokee Str .. t from Weat Floyd Avenue to Weat Hampden Avenue through the City Park. B• diatributed copi•• of thia opinion to each of the Councilmen and official• preaent. Th• Mayor atated that thia waa informational at thia time and urged th• Councilaen to read the opinion ao that they could diacuaa it at a later date. 622-6 MDJUTBS OP 'ftlB PLAIDIIllG AllD ~NDJG COUIISSIOll MBBTIBG OF OCTOBBR 4, 1962 Th• Mayor aaked that the minute• be received and placed on file. 622-29 Relating to zoning for J<LZ Sit• The City Clerk read th• following recommendation of the City Planning and zoning Coallliaaion aa followas •The following recoanendation, reaolution and f indinga of the Coaniaaion be referred to the City Councils RBSOLUTIOll 1fllBRBASs On AuCJU•t 6, 1962, requeat of Time-Life Broadcaat, Inc. was filed with thi• OOaaiaaion and with the City Council of Bngl.wood for the zoning of land owned by the Petitioner, generally known ~· th• KLZ tranamitter aite, under zone Claaaification •c-3" permitting th• conatruction and operation of a regional •hopping center, and WRBRSASs Th• City Council ha• by reaolution formally requeated the report and reCOlllllendation of thi• Coaaiaaion on the requeat for zoning1 and WRBRBAS1 RBSOLVBDs Acting in compliance and accordance with applicable atatutea of Colorado, the Charter and Ordinance• of the City of Bnglewood, and it• own rule• and regulation•, thi• Coaniaaion duly conaidered th• requeat for zoning. A• a part of it• con- •iderationa, th• Commiaaion held a Public Bearing concerning the propoaed zoning September 20, 1962, after duly-publiahed notice of hearing and poating of the property, now therefore, be it That the City Planning and zoning Coallliaaion of the City of Bnglewood, acting at it• regular m .. ting of October 4, 1962, hereby reporta, adviaea, and recoamenda to the Honorable City Council of th• City of Bnglewood aa followas That the tract of land of approximately 55 acrea, owned by Time-Life Broadcaat, Inc. ahould by Ordinance be claaaified for uae aa a regional •hopping center under the•c-3• (Com- mercial Diatrict) claaaification u•• of Ordinance Bo. 45, Seri•• of 1955, aa amended, known aa th• •zoning Ordinance of tile City of Bnglewood". Said land i• deacriW by met•• and bound• in Ordinance llo. 17, Seri•• of 1962, adopted on final conaideration, July 2, 1962, by the City Council of Bngl.wood. • • Minute• of October 15, 1962 Further, thia Coa111iaaion reaolv•• to report, advi•• and atate to the City Council of Bngl.wood that among the aubatantial reaaona, finding• and concluaiona of thi• COllllliaaion on which thi• recoamendation i• baaed are th••• mattera1 On Au9uat 6, 1962 an application waa filed by Time-Life Broadcaat, Inc. wlth ~1 the Bngl.wood Planning and Zoning CoalDiaaion and th• City Council requeating that the land known aa the JCLZ aite be zoned a C-3 (Comaercial) Zone Diatrict, which son• claaaification would permit the conatruction and operation of a regional •hopping center. In eo11pliance with th• Charter and Ordinance• of th• City of Bnglewood, and Statute• of the State of Colorado, the Council referred the application to the ca iaaion for their atudy and reco ... ndation. A Public Bearing concerning the propoaed zoning waa held by the Comniaaion on Septellber 20, 1962, after duly-publiahed notice of hearing and poating of the property. 'fh• Cc aiaaion ha• •t and ha• in i ta hand• all of the report• and other· infor- .. tion aublitted by the applicant• requeating that-the aubject •it• be zoned C-3 Cc ercial for uae aa Regional Shopping Center and that aubnitted by tho•• peraona who oppoae the son• claaaif ication. '1'he member• have evaluated the reporta, Public Bearing, written material, and all information of whataoever kind waa officially receiwed by it with the aaaiatance of th• Planning Director and •taff. 'fh• Planning and Zoning Colmniaaion,aa an inatruaentality of the City of Bn9l.wood, auat view zoning not only from the impact on the imediate neigh- borhood, but from th• effect it will have on the City aa a whole. In making their deciaion, th• Coaniaaion ha• in mind the objective• and purpo••• of the Zoning Ordi~ce, Ordinance 45, Seri•• of 1955, aa ... nded. Raving theae objective• i ind, and in view of thia evaluation by the Coalniaaion, they do agrM on the ollowings 1. In 1961, the aubject land waa atudied by thi• Colllliaaion and it• propoaed annexation to and zoning by the City of Bnglewood waa reco anded by thi• eo-i•aion on May 25, 1961. Subaequent action of th• City Council annexing and zoning the aubject land for com- .. rcial uae (Ordinance Bo. 21, Seri•• of 1961) waa invalidated by judgment• and decrM• of the Diatrict Court and the County Court in and for the County of Arapahoe and State of Colorado, in 1962. 2. t'he KLZ tranamitter ait• waa aubaequently annexed to the City of Bngl.wood by Ordinance Ito. 17, Seri•• of 1962. J. 4. On the effective date of Ordinance Bo. 17, Serie• of 1962, the •ubject land waa _.ing uaed for purpo••• of radio broadcaating and ha• been uaed aa a radio tranamitter aite •inc• the .:'•arly 1930' •· 'l'h• cuatomary zone claaaification for auch u•• i• either "Coaaercial" or "Induatrial". section 7 of Article I of the Bngl.wood Zoning Ordinance atate• that any area annexed to the City •hall be •automatically claasi- fied aa R-1-A zone, unl••• or until a zoning plan for aaid area ha• been adopted purauant to the proviaion• of thi• Ordinance." If •aid Section 7 i• valid and enforceable aa to the aubject land, it would appear that the aubject land ia now a "non-conforming uae• and that the owner• could exerciae the right• a• to changing the atatua of a non-conforming uae under Section 4, Article V of the Bnglewood Zoning Ordinance. 5. Becau•• of the annexation, it is appropriate and neceaaary that the land be properly brought under the coverage and control of the Bnglewood Zoning Ordinance conaiatent with the purpo•e• of aaid Ordinance, among which are "to encourage the moat appropriate uae of land throughout the City and to inaure a logical growth of the varioua phyaical elements of the City• under circumatance• which "promote health, aafety, morals and general welfare of the in- habitant• of th• City of Bnglewood." 6. Since the •ubject land and adjacent area• were originally zoned in 1940 for "r••idential-agricultural" uae by th• Board of County Coaniaaionera of Arapahoe County under a reaolution prepared and certified to the Board of County Commiaaion•r• by the Cherry Billa Diatrict Planning Colllliiaaion, there have been change• in the character of the area aurrounding the subject land. &o longer i• the area a rural coaaunity: it i• now a part of an urbanized coanunity. There ha• been a considerable increaae in population and more in- tenaiv• uae of the land• on the north, northeaat and weat of the aubject land. 'I I I I I I I I Minute• of October 15, 1962 7. Kent School for Girl• baa been conatructed on approximately 28 acre• of land adjoinin9 the subject •it• on the eaat. e. Th•r• have been chan9•• in the traffic •y•tem and traffic patterns (a) Baaapden Avenue ha• been widened and reconatructed into a major east-weat arterial aix-lan• expreaaway. (b) South Univeraity, a .. jor arterial, ha• been widened from Yale to Bi9hway 70 thi• year, and will be reconatructed aouth of Bi9hway 70 by the State Bi9hway Department in 1963. 'l'he Denver Traffic Department ha• plan• to reatrict parkin9 on South Univeraity from Yale to Baat Dartmouth and ha• re- queated the City of Bn9lewood Traffic Department and the Arapahoe County Bn9ineer to conaider reatrictin9 parkin9 between Baat Dartmouth and Bi9hway 79 or Baat Baaapden in order to carry the peak load• of traffic. (c) Floyd Avenue to the north of the aubject aite waa deai9nated •• an arterial by the Bn9lewoocl Council throu9h Ordinance Ho. 18, Seri•• of 1958. 9. The trend of recent year• toward auburban livin9 ha• brou9ht about a qreater uae of automobile•, markedly chan9in9 retail ahoppin9 habits of reaident• of the Denver Metropolitan area and other comparable area• throu9hout the nation, •timulating the conatruction of lar9e-acale ahop- pin9 center facilities easily acc•••ible to the •hopper, with adequate parkin9 faciliti•• and well-planned retail ator•• developed aa a ain9le unit around one or more major department ator••· 10. Cherry Billa Village, by it• Ordinance Ho. 3, Serie• of 1958, •• -nded, ha• zoned more than 70 acre• of land in the villa9e, front- in9 on llallpden Avenue and on South Univeraity Avenue, for co.nercial u•• •• ·a~A.-1 --Reaort Area Diatrict•. Amon9 the u••• by ri9ht under aaid Cherry Bill• Ordinance are •aeaidential and Reaort Hotel" and Retail Shop• and Reataurant• when attached to or forming a part of a reaidential and resort hotel.• Main buildin9• under thi• Cherry Bill• Zonin9 may be conatructed to a maxiaum hei9ht of 150 feet. 11. Subaequent to the ori9inal action of the City to zone the aubject •ite C-3 (Coaaercial) for uae •• a re9ional •hoppin9 center, the Arapahoe County Planni99 Comniaaion ha• recommended to the Board of County C:O..iaaioner• of Arapahoe County th• zonin9 of lar9e acrea9e• of land for ahoppin9 center uae. One of th••• i• approximately four and one-half mile• aouth of the aubject •it• on Univeraity Boulevard and another, aeveral mil•• eaat of the aubject •it• on &aapden Avenue. Both of th••• •it•• are in area• much l••• denaely built up and urban- ized than that in which the aubject land i• located. 12. In paat year•, Bn9l8WOOd ha• applied comaercial zonin9 claaaification (C-2) to the •trip• of land frontin9 on and adjacent to Hampden Avenue. In accord with accepted modern plannin9 principle•, thi• Coaniaaion do•• not look with favor upon the creation of additional commercial ••trip• zonin9, which i• one of th• reaaona the Coaniaaion recommended that the Bn9lM«>Od Z0nin9 Ordinance be aupplemented and modernized by the addition thereto of the •c-3• zone claaaification. 'l'hi• commer- cial (C-2) zonin9 i• weat of the aubject •ite. After full and ••rioua conaideration of all of the written and oral material• furniahed to it by reaident• of Bnglewood, reaident• of unincorporated Arapahoe County, reaident• of Cherry Bill• Village, and other•: and after review of the analy••• and recoaaendation• of it• ataff, thi• coaniaaion aqr••• on the follow- ing f indingas (a) (b) That the aubj;:•land, becauae of it• ai&e, location and acceaaibility, ha• unuaual a culiar auitability for developaent and uae a• a regional •hopping cent• under the claaaif ication •c-3• of the Bnglewood ZOnin9 Ordinance. That recommendation of auch uae of the aubject land under the apecial control feature• of the •c-3• zone claaaification i• conaiatent with the planned and atated purpoaes of the BnglM«>Od ZOnin9 Ordinance and par- ticularly •o in th••• respect•: To conaerve and atabliz• the value of property: to provide adequate open apace• for light and air: to ••cure aafety from fire: to prevent due concentration of population (auch, for example, aa mi9ht result from hi9h-denaity apartment u••): to aerve and promote the convenience and general welfare of the inhabitant• of Bnglewood. Thi• eo ... iaaion ha• n•c•••arily conaidered arquaenta preaented •• to the poaaibl• and probable effect• upon area• adjacent to or near the aubject land if a regional ahoppin9 center i• developed thereon. Among the effect• au99eated and the conclu- aiona of thi• Coaniaaion thereon, after it• atudiea, are th•••s 370 Minute• of October 15, 1962 (a) Reduction of value of nearby reaidencea. Opponent• of the propoaed center have aul:aitted .. teriala indicating that both the intrinaic and monetary value• of nearby reaidencea will be reduced. Proponent• have aubmitted material• indicating that while aome individual• do not deair• to live near a ahopp,ng center other• do: but that inaofar aa monetary value i• concerned, the conaenaua of persona knowledgeable in real ••tat• tranaactiona i• that value of reaidential propertie• near modern large •hopping center• ia maintained or increaaed. 'l'h• Comniaaion, recognising th• aincerity of the argument• advanced on both •idea, ha• weighted and argued poaaibility of injury or damage, advantage• and benefit• which would reault from a modern regional ahof- ping center on the •it•: and conclude• that th• benefit• and advantage• outweigh any poaaibl• injury or d ... g• to adjacent or nearby propertiea, the reality of which i• conjectural. In addition, the ~c-J• control proviaiona (i.e. extra-ordina~y building ••t-backa, required acreen planting along the entire perimeter of the •hopping center land, atrict limitation• on th• u•• of glaring lights, flaahing aigna, etc.) all will operate, aa they are intended, to render •hopping center uae a• compatible aa poaaible with nearby residential properti••· (b) Added burden• and probl-• of Municipal Bxpenditur•• for Traffic Control, Storm Drainage, etc. (1) Hampden Avenue, State Highway •10, i• deaigned to carry and do•• preaently carry a heavy volume of traffic. 'l'h• Coaaiaaion conclude• that additional traffic which would be generated by the propoaed •hopping center u•• would not overload the capacity of B•apden Avenue: and that the control proviaiona of the •c-3" aa well aa other ordinance• will enable the City to minimize the undue burden of automobile traffic upon reaidential streets. (2) Opponent• of the propoaed •hopping center u•• predict heavy damage probl ... of atorm water runoff frcm the aubject land. 'l'h• CO..iaaion recognize• that any development of any kind whataoever on the KLZ land would increaae the a1m>unt of run- off atorm water now flowing from the land onto and aero•• topoqraphically lower landa, and that the amount of runoff produced by different type• of u••• and conatruction would vary in degree. 'l'he Coallliaaion ha• devoted conaiderable time to a atudy of the effect• which •hopping center uae of the JCLZ land might have on the atorm drainage probl•• of the City. The Coaniaaion baa reviewed preliminary plan• aubmitted by the developer• for an underground atorm drainage ayatem to be aupplied at the developer'• coat, and ha• reviewed written and oral coment• preaented to it on the atorm drainage problem and baa diacuaaed the plan with the City Bngineer'• ataff. The Coaaiaaion conalud•• that •c-J• control proviaiona, relating to atorm drainage ayatema, enable Bnglewood to furniah the needed protection, •inc• ultimate conatruction and uae of •hopping center building•, and parking area• ia denied unl••• and until atorm drainage faciliti•• approved by the City Engineering Department and the City Council are provided. (c) Thi• Collllli••ion determine• that if the aubject land were developed for reaidential uae, under any of the denaiti•• permitted by the Bnglwwood zoning Ordinance, the reault would moat certainly be to require aubatan- tial increa••• in both operating coat• and capital improvement expendi- ture• of the City of Bnglewood a• well aa the coat• and expenditure• (d) of the Bngl.wood School District No. 1 and Cherry Creek School Diatrict Ro. 5. On the other hand, commercial uae of the aubject land cannot increaae achool capital and operating expenditure•1 and reaultant City of Englewood coat• would be unqueationably lower in relation to coaaaercial land than in relation to any reaidenti~l uae. The Reliance and Protection of Existing Buain••• Theori••· Some of the opponent• of Comi••rcial zoning for the aubject land have atated that they purchaaed their nearby reaidential propertie• •in reliance" upon continued reaidential zoning of the KLZ land, to the extent that if there was any change in uae of the KLZ land from radio broadcaating, the change should be only to a single-family residential zone claaaification: and that therefore the zoning request should be denied. Such a zoning theory, if followed, would freeze, regardle•• of any changes in circwnatancea, original zoning and would render the policy of this or any other municipality inflexible and neceaaarily, therefore, arbitrary and unreasonable. I I I ,1 ,, I :1 . . Minute• of October 15, 1962 SOm• of the opponent• and their repr•••ntativ•• alao have atated that •hopping center uae of the aubject land would reduce the volume of buain••• done by tho•• preaently engaged in ••tail buain••• in Bnglewood and Denver, and therefore, the requeat ahould be denied. Zoning cannot and ahould not be uaed •imply to protect exiating buaineaaea, prevent new competitive fr•• enterpriae, and fr•••• the economy of th• City of Bnglewood or any other zoning juri•- dietion. Alao, th• extent of conjuectural reduction• or increaae of buain••• for other pr•••ntly exi•ting retail outlet• i• debatable. one atudy (Preliainary M9110randum Retail cow .. rcial Developaent, Larry Smith and Company) ha• reco .. ended that th• Bngl.wood Central Buain••• Diatrict aupport the propoaed •hopping center and then concentrate on atrengthening it• merchandiaing in a compliaentary faahion to the center. Many u••• by right in th• C-1 (CC •rcial) zone claaaification are not permitted u••• in the C-3 zone claaai- fication. It would ••em that th• central buain••• diatrict could auppl ... nt and compliment the propoaed •hopping center by providing convenient internal vehicular circulation, additional fr•• parking for cuatoaaera, pleaaant •hopping area• and adequate merchandiaing and aervice concern•. The Coamliaaion further feel• that the people in th• coamunity have expr•••ed a need for additional •hopping faciliti•• and that many of th-are now •hopping in Denver for it-• that are not available in Bnglewood. The Commi••ion ia cognizant of the fact that there were many peraona oppoaed to the •hopping center at the Public Bearing. Of tho•• attending the Bearing on September 20, 1962, who were oppoaed to the zoning, 179 were residents within the City of Bngl.wood, and 170 reaide outaide of the City of Bnql.wood. 'l'h• opponent• alao filed petition• signed by 68 peraona who own property within 100 feet of the propoaed aite. Twelve petition• ai9ned by 368 peraons of which 23 were reaidents of the City and 345 outaide of the City were preaented in oppoaition to the zoning. The Comniaaion i• alao mindful that 6720 peraona who r••ide within the City of Bnglewood aigned peitiona in 1961 in favor of the zon- ing of the KLZ aite for a regional •hopping center1 and that 87 peraon• who are in buaineas in Bnglewood aiqned a petition addreaaed to llr. Gerri Von Prellick, Von Prellick Aaaociatea, 42 Lakeaide Center, Denver 12, Colorado, atating that they would aupport the annexation of the KLZ aite to th• City of Bnglewood and it• •ub- aequent zoning aa a c-3 zone claaaification for uae aa a regional •hopping center." 'nl• reault of the vote: AYB81 Xreiling, Mile•, Pershing, Rice llAY81 Bill A88BllT1 Love 'l'he ..,tion carried. Reapectfully aubmitted, By order of the City Planning and zoning Conaiaaion. I•/ Gertrude G. Welty Recording Secretary• COUllCILMAN BRAUll MOVBD, COUNCILMAN LOVB SBCOHDBD, 'l'BAT TBB RBCOMMBHDA- TIOB OP 'ftlB PLMllfIBG AND ZONING CQllMISSION BB ACCBPTBD. Upon the call of th• roll, the vote resulted aa follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Love, Milea, Parker, Woods, Brownewell. Haya: Bone. Abaent: Councilman Smukler. The Mayor declared the motion carried and indicated that a bill for an Ordinance had been prepared and would be introduced later in the •••ting ao that a public hearing could be scheduled aa required by law. 622-8 MINUTBS OP LIBRARY BOARD MEETING OP OC'l'OBBR 9, 1962 ~ The Mayor aaked that the minute• be received and placed on file. 622-5 MIBUTBS OP BOARD OP CARBBR SBRVICB CC»lllISSIOllBRS llBBTDIG OP OC'l'OBBR 10, 1962 The Mayor aaked that the minutes be received and placed on file. Minutes of October 15, 1962 622-67 Belatinq to Shorter Work Week for Pyblic Work•, Police Departnwnt and Pir• Department .. ploy••• The Acting City Manager called the member• of the City council attention to a memorandum prepared by the City Manager relating to hi• conaideration of thi• recoamendation ••tting forth that h• would have a recoanendation for the City council to conaider at it• next regular ... ting. 622-68 DBSIGKATillG PROXY POR MC BROOM DI'l'al COllPMlY STOCK 'l'he City Clerk read th• following recoaanendation of th• Bnglewood Water and S.wer Board: •That Harold H. Babcock, Utilitiea Director, be deaignated, aa proxy, to repreaent the City of Bnglewood at the annual meeting of the McBrooa Ditch COlllpany, Inc., to be held at 7130 P.11., llovember I, 1962, in City Hall, Bngl.wood, COlorado." COUIJCILMU BRAUlf JIOVBD, COUllCILMMJ JIILBS SBCOllDBD, TllAT '1'HB RBCOlllBNDA- TIOB BB ACCBPl'BD Alm TllAT HAROLD H. BABCOCK BB DBSIGllATBD PROXY POR '1'BB CI'l'f OP •GLBWOOD AT '1'BB AllllUAL llBBTIBG OP 'l'llB MC BROOM DI'l'al CXllPMY, IBC. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted as followa1 Ayea1 councilmen Braun, Love, Miles, Parker, Wood.a, Brown.well. Raya: Bone. Abaent: councilman Smukler. 'l'h• Mayor declared the motion carried. 622-69 DBSIGBATING PROXY POR BBVADA DI'l'al llOLDillG OOJIPAft STOCK The City Clerk read the following recom endation of the Bnglewood Water and SMMr Board: "'!'hat Harold H. Babcock, Utiliti•• Director, be deaignated, as proxy, to repreaent the City of Bnglewood at th• annual •••ting of the Bevada Ditch Holding company, to be held at 3130 P.M., llovel'ber 5, 1962, in City Hall, Littleton, Colorado." COUllCIUt..\11 JIILBS MOVBD, OOUHCILMU WOODS SBCOBDBD, 1'HAT 'DIB RBcacMD1DA- TI08 BS ACCBPl'BD AllD TllAT HAROLD H. BABCOCK BB DBSIGRATBD PROXY POR 'l'BB CITY 01' aGLDfOOD AT .. llBYADA DITCH BOLDillG COllPMIY llBBTim. Upon th• call of the roll, the vote reaulted as follow•: Ayes: councilmen Braun, Love, Miles, Parker, Wood.a, Brownewell. Raya: Hone. Abaent: councilman Smukler. 'lb• Mayor declared the motion carried. 621-108 PROPOSAL TO PWIP WBSTBIUJ SLOPB WATBR PROI PLATTB RIVBR TO DJGLBWOOD 80. 1 DAM The City Clerk read the following recolllllendation of the Bnglewood Water and S8Wer Boards "That City council make a deci·aion to u•• the alternate plan to locate the pumping atation at the South Platte River to pump Weatern Slope raw water directly from the river to Bngl.wood Bo. 1 Reaervoir, rather than the original plan to locate the pumping atation at the Denver City Ditch which would require th• joint u•• of the ditch by the City of Bnglewood and the City of Denver.• OOUIJCILMAB LOVB llOVBD, COUBCIUCM MILBS SBCOllDBD, TllAT '1'llB RBCQUIDDA- TIOl1 BB ACCBPTBD. Upon the call of the roll, th• vote reaulted as follow•: Ayea: councilmen Braun, Love, Milea, Parker, Wood.a, Brownewell. Baya1 Bone. Abaent1 Councilman Slllukler. '1'he Mayor declared the motion carried. 622-70 ACTIOll TO 9WOP POSSIBLB OVBRPLOW OP SBWAGB DITO soum PLATTB RIVBR '1'he City Clerk read the following·. recowndation of th•Bnglewood Water ' and S.wer Boards !I -~ ~ I 'I I I I I 'I Minute• of October 15, 1962 •Tlaat the City Attorney be authorized to proceed with litigation neceaaary to atop any overflow of aanitary a.wage from the Columbine Valley Water and Sanitation Diatrict'• lift atation into the South Platte River.• The City Attorney reported that the City of Littleton ha• alao indicated their oppoaition to th• poaaibility of any overflow from the Columbine Valley Water and Sanitation Diatrict into the Platte River. COUHCILMAll BRAU& MOVBD, COUHCILMAN LOVB SBCOllDSD, 'l'llAT 'fBB RBOtlUIBllDA- TIOB BB APPROVBD MID AB BPl'ORT BB MADB TO CDIBIBB SDIILAR ACTIOBS OB BmLI' OP '1'BB CITIBS OP LI'l"l'LBTOB MD BRGLBWOOD IR '1'1118 llA'l"l'D. Upon th• call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followa1 Ay••: Councilmen Braun, Love, Mil••, Parker, Wood•, Brownewell. Bayas Hone. Abaent: Councilman Smukler. 'l'h• Mayor declared the motion carried. 622-74 SUMMARY OP WATD UTILift A88B'1'8 'l'h• Acting City Manager explained that thi• waa a awmaary of a detailed report prepared and aubmitted to the Water and &ewer Board. The Mayor aaked that th• report be received and placed on file. 622-10 QUARTBRLY JmPORTS 'l'h• Mayor acknowledged receipt of th• following quarterly report• for the third quarter of 1962: Pire Department Police Department Municipal Court Building Department Liquor Outlet Call• Traffic Operation• Public Work• Department Th• Mayor aaked the report• be received and placed on file. (Councilman Smukler entered and took hi• ••at at the Council Table at 9107 P.M.) 622-71 Clla..GB OP OWllBRSBIP OP PLARTATIOB, I•C. llOLlmll OP LIQUOR LICBBSE 'l'h• City Clerk read a Liquor Licenae Application adendua to State Liquor Licen•• Bo. G-687 in th• n-• of the Plantation, Inc. located at 5020 South Broadway, Bnql9WC>Od, Colorado. The n-+sirector• are liated aa Joaeph P. Accorao, Pre•ident, Mari• A. Accorao, Secretary-Treaaurer, and An9elo Comito aa Vice Pr••ident of the corporation. All of the new director• are United Stat•• citizen• and none have been convicted of any violation• of any liquor law. COUBCILMAll BRAD MOVBD, COUHCIUIAN PARICD smcommo, 'ftlAT 'l'llB CllAIJGB OP DIRBCTORS OP TBB PLUITATION, INC. dba TBB PLUITATIO• A'f 5020 SOU'l'll BROADWAY AllD B:>LDillG A BBBR, WID MID SPIRITOUS LIQUOR LIC•&B D APP80VBD. Upon the call of the roll, th• vote reaulted a• follow•1 Aye•z Councilmen Braun, Love, Milea, Parker, Saukler, Wood•, Brown.well. •aya1 llom. Abaent1 •one. The Mayor declared th• motion carried. 622-17 RBLATillG 'l'O PROVIDillG BUS SDVICS IOR smL•fOOD Councilman S.ukler, Chairman of the council •u• ca ittee, reported on -:.a wting of Bnglewood and Littleton repr•••ntativ•• with llr. Brneat M. Berbertaon dba Bngl.wood-Littleton-Port LocJan Bu• COllpany. B• expr•••ed the view that Mr. Berbertaon'• plan wa• th• moat reaaonabl• of recent propoaal• but involved a aubaidy on behalf of both the citi•• of Littleton and Sn9l.ood. Be atated that thi• requ••t for •ub•idy required an opinion from th• City Attorney a• whether the City could aubaidiz• and ••condly bow it could be done. 'l'he requeat for the aubaidy i• in th• amount of f40.00 per day for a minimum period of one year. Diacuaaion enaued. ' Councilman Braun auggeated that if aubaidy i• propoaed the Buain••• and Occupational Lic•n•e ahould not be reduced for 1963 to offer poaaibl• financ- ing for auch bu• •ub•idy. Diacuaaion enaued. councilman Kil•• inquired aa 374 Minute• of October 15, 1962 to what other area• or group• would participate in meeting the aubaidy payment. councilman Slllukler atated that the City of Littleton waa alao being approached in thi• regard and there may be other intereata who will •hare the coata. Councilman Mil•• expreaaed the viewpoint that thi• waa a conaiderable amt of money for the City of Bnglewood to con•ider expending on behalf of an ••ti.mated 500 citizen• who would uae the bu• ••rvice regularly. Be •tated that if a aubaidy waa to be conaidered that the Bu•in••• and Occupational Tax ahould not be reduced. Councilman Smukler agreed that bu• aervice waa of moat benefit to the buain••• co-unity aa a group. Be emphaaiaed that the baaic deciaion waa whether the City will •ub•idiae the bu• or any other pr~vate enterpri•• need• to be eatabli•hed. Mr. Berbertaon atated that any •ub•idy payaenta to him or rendering of aervice for hill in lieu of actual caah outlay would be only on a baaia to · ~ .. : reillburae him for hi• coats and not to provide him with a profit. Be atated that he ha• received a temporary Public Utiliti•• authority to aerve Littleton and Bnglewood on a very broad basia. Di•cuaaion ea•ued. Councilman Smukler a•ked for a poll of the Council a• to it• feeling on •ub•idy. 'l'he Mayor awmaarized the poll aa being three laellbera favoring aubaidy and four member• oppoaing. Councilman Mil•• atated that hi• vote in oppoai- tion waa baaed upon the thought that the expenditure of public money would benefit too few of the citizen•. The Mayor aaked that the Council Bu• CO..itt•• approach the buain••• men to determine if they would accept reapon•ibility for •ubaidy. Councilman aarker aaked that the Mayor direct the Comnitt .. to continue to inveatigate other ... n• of providing aid to a bu• company operator other than to direct caah aubaidy. The Mayor ao directed the Coamitt... Mr. Berbertaon elaborated upon varioua means whereby the City could reduce hi• coat• without expending moniea on hi• behalf. 622-47 RBGARDillG PROPOSBD RBZORIBG OP 'l'IDCPSOR ftAC'1' PROM R-1-B '1'0 T Z<mB The City Attorney reported on the ·aufficiency prote•t petition. He atated that he found the petition to be adequate and that 68 per cent of thoae eligible to legally prote•t had objected. Th• re•ult of the filing of thi• petition waa to require that aix member• of the Council vote favorably on the conaideration of the matter. COUBCILMAB SllUKLBR MOVBD, COUNCILMAB MILS& SBCOllDBD, THAT '1'BB MATTBR BB RBMOVBD PR<M '1'BB TABLB. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follow•: Aye•: Councilmen Braun, Love, Milea, Parker, Smukler, Wooda, Brown.well. Haya: Bone. Abaent: Bone. The Mayor declared the motion carried. COUllCILMMJ PARXBR MOVBD, OOUBCILMAB 8llUICLBR SBCOBDBD, TBAT THB BILL POR All ORDDIAllCB BB R.BAD ON FIRST RBADIBG. Upon th• call of the roll, the vote reaulted •• folloW•1 ' Ayea: Councilmen Braun, Love, Milea, Parker, Smukler, Wooda, Brownewell. Bayas Bone. Abaent: Rone. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The City Clerk read the following bill in full: Introduced as a Bill by Councilman Love A BILL POil All ORDIBABCB RBZOBIBG '1'BB POLLOlfmQ DBSCRIBID> PROPBRft PRCll R-1-B (RBSI- DB&CB DISTRICT) CLASSIFICATION '1'0 T ('l'RUSI'l'IOllAL DISTRICT) CLASSIPICATIOB '1'0-WI'l': BmIDillG AT '1'BB BOR'l'BB&ST CODD OP LO'l' 16, DJILAWARB BBIGllTS, 'l'llBBCB BAST ALOllG '1'BB 80U'1'B LID OP VACATBD GD8 AVBllUB POR A DIS'l'AllCB OP 165.7 PBBT, TllBBCB SOU'l'B 600 PDT 'l'O TBB BOR'l'B LID OP WBST BBLLBVIBW AVDIUB, 'l'BBRCB WBST 167.36 PBBT 'l'O '1'BB 800'.NAST COUBR OP LOT 9, DILAWARB BBIGll'l'S, 'l'llBRCB BORTH ALORG '1'BB BAST LIRB OP DSLAWARB BBIGBTS A DISTAllCB OP 600 PBBT 'l'O TBB POill'l' OP BmIDING, ALL IR. '1'BB Cift OP ID1GLBWOOD, OOtm'ft OP AllAPAllOB, STATB OP COLORADO. waa read for the fir•t time. I I I ,I " I ,I I Minute• of October 15, 1962 (Bill for ordinance copied in full in' official minute• of Auguat 20th) COUllCIIMAR PARJ<BR MOVBD, COUHCIIMAR WOODS SBCORDBD, 'l'BA'l' '1'llB PASSAGB OP '1'llB BILL POR AN ORDDIAllCB BB DDIBD DUB 'l'O '1'llB PILillG or A PR°'88'1' PftI'l'IOR BBARDG 68 PBR CDT OP TBOSB BHTITLBD TO PRO'l'BS'l'. Councilman Wood• asked for clarification of the propoaed zoning. Councilman Braun reviewed that the Planning Comniaaion recommended th• propoaed rezoning and that it waa the beat zoning for th• area. Be outlined the cir- cuaatancea behind the rezoning but indicated that he would not be able to vote on the matter due to a personal financial intereat in the propoaal. Councilman Love atated that a proteat petition had not been preaented to the Planning CO...iaaion at it• hearing. Councilman Mile• •poke for the T zone diatrict and it• usage. Be atated that the word tranaitional waa often miaunderatood to meab changeable rather than a buffer zone between two dia-aimilar land u•••· Be expreaaed hia view that the petition reflect• the miaunderatanding of the &one aa well aa per- sonal oppoaition to zoning change. 'l'he Mayor apoke for the propoaed zoning. Councilman Smukler called for th• queation remarking that a yea vote .. ant denial of the zoning. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa follows: Ayea: Councilmen Love, Parker, Smukler. Raya: Councilmen Mil••· Wood•, Brown.well. Abataining: Councilman Braun. Abaent: Mone. 'fh• Mayor declared the vote tied and therefore the moat ia lost. Diacuaaion enaued. The City Attorney atated that in order to clarify thia matter that an affirmative motion ahould be made and voted upon. COUllCIIMAR MILBS JIOVBD, COUHCIIMAR SMUXLBR SBCOllDBD, 'l'BAT TBB PROPOSBD BILL POR RBZORIBG OP 'ftlB 'lllOMPSOR LM1D BB APPJtOVBD OR PIRST RBADIRG MID PUB- LISllBD m PULL IR '1'BB mlGLBWOOD BBRALI> ARD Bll'l'DPRISB. Upon the call of th• roll, the vote reaulted aa follow•: Ayea: Councilmen Miles, Woods, Brownewell. Raya: Councilmen Love, Parker, Smukler. Abstaining: Councilman Braun. Abaent: Bone. '!'be Mayor declared the motion loat due to a tied vote and that the propoaed bill for an ordinance waa defeated. Kr. M. M. S~•r•, repreaenting Mr. 'l'hompson, apoke on behalf of th• propoaal and requeated reconsideration by the Council. Be atated Mr. Thompson had cooperated with the City in every way poaaibl• and that thi• pr•••nt re- zoning requeat had been initiated by the Planning Comaiaaion, Be had agreed to th• propoaed zoning although had planned duplex houaing which could have been accompliahed with other zoning. He expreaaed the viewpoint that the de- ciaion waa not a mature conaidered act of the Council. Councilman Mile• auggeated that R-2-A zoning be aought for thi• tract. Kr. 8U111Der• indicated hi• objection becauae thi• uaage waa included in th• '1' zone and would delay further the use of hi• client• land. Diacuaaion enaued. RBCBSS The Mayor called a receaa of the Council until 10:25 P.M. CALL TO ORDBR The Mayor called the Council to order with the following members preaent: Councilmen Braun, Love, Milea, Parker, Smukler, Wooda, Brownewell. The Mayor declared a quorum present. 622-57 RBLATING TO ADOPTION OF 1963 BUDGB'1' Introduced as a Bill by Councilman Wood• BY AUTHORI'l'!' ORDIRANCB NO. 29, SBRIBS OF 1962 AR ORDIRMICB ADOPTING THB BUDGET OF '1'BB CI'l'Y OP DfGLBWOOD, OOLOJlADO, POR '1'BB PISCAL YBAR 1963. Minutes of October 15, 1962 waa read for the aecond time. COUBCILMMI WOODS MOVBD, CX>UHCIUIAR PARK& SBCOllDBD, 'l.'llAT ORDIDRCB RO. 29, SBRIBS OP 1962 BB PASSBD ON SBCOND MID PDIAL RBADillG AID> ORDBRBD PUBLISBBD DI PULL IN '1'BB BNGLBWOOD BBRALD ARD BNTBRPRISB. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted a• follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Love, Miles, Parker, Smukler, Woods, Brownewell. Rayas None. Absents None. , '!'be Mayor declared the motion carried. 622-66 ADOPTING MILL LBVY FOR 1962 Introduced aa a Bill by Councilman Mile• Br AU'l'BORift ORDINABCB NO. 30, SBRIBS OP 1962 Alf ORDIBMCB PIXIRG '1'BB TAX LBW IR MILLS UPOB BACH DOLLAR OP 'l'HB ASSBSSBD VALUATIOB FOR ALL TADBLB PROPBRft WI'l'BIB 'l'BB Cift OP BllGLBWOOD, COLORADO, FOR '1'118 YBAR 1962 was read for the second time. CX>UBCILMAN LOVE MOVBD, CX>UBCILMAN SMUl<LBR SBCOBDBD, 'l'BAT ORDINANCE NO. 30, SBRIBS OP 1962 BB PASSBD ON SBCOND Al1D PillAL RBADillG Al1D ORDBRBD PUBLISBBD Ill PULL IN '1'BB DIGLBWOOD HBRALD Al1D BNTBRPRISB. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted aa follow•: Aye•: Councilmen Braun, Love, Miles, Parker, Smukler, Woods, Brownewell. Nays: None. Abaent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 622-29 RBLATING TO ZONING OP KLZ SITB The City Attorney presented to the Council the proposed bill for zoning . the KLZ aite C-3 Introduced aa a Bill by Councilman Smukler A BILL POil Alf ORDIDNCB ZORIRG 'l'llB FOLLOWING DBSCRIBSD PROPDft TO A C-3 (BUSIDSS DISftIC'l') FOR USB AS A RBGIONAL SHOPPING CDft'BR (IR ACCORDAllCB WITH 'l'HB PRO- VISIORS OP ORDDIMCB llO. 14, SBRIBS OP 1962, AIHDIDillG ORDIRMCB BO. 45, SDIBS OP 1955) PRBSBll'l' CITr OP BllGLBWOOD (ACCORDillG '1'0 DGL9'00D ORDIRABCB IK>. 45, SBRIBS OP 1955) IS R-1-A, WHICH CLASSIPICATIOR IS RBSIDD'l'IAL, '1'BB SAID PllOPD'IY TO BB ZOllBD C-3(BUSIDSS DISTRICT) UDG LOCA'l'BD IN TBB CITr OP BRGLSllOOD, ARAPAll:>B COUll'l'Y, COLOIA')O, Al1D BBIRG MORB PARTICULARLY DBSCRIBBD AS POLLOWSs A TRACT OP LARD LYING IR SBC'l'IOR 35, TOWNSHIP 4 SOU'l'B, RABGB 68 WBST, IR ARAPABOB COUB'ft, DBSCRIBBD AS POLLOWS1 BllGIDIRG AT A POIB'l' -U TBS BAST LID OP BLOCX SO, EVANSTON BROADlfAY ADDITION BX'.l'BllDBD SOU'l'BBRLY Dft'DSBC'l'S TllB SOUTB LID OP SBCTIOB 35, '1'010JSBIP 4 SOUTB, RABGB 68 WBST, MID SOUTB LID BBIRG 'l'BB APPROXIMATE CBllTBR LID OP BAST llAllPDm AVIDIUBr 'IBDCB ma'l'BBRLY ALOBG '1'BB BAST LID OP SAID BLOa< 58 TO '1'118 BORTH LID OP MID BLOCK 50, 'l'BDCB BASTBRLY TO '1'BB BAST LID OP SOU'1'll LU'AYBftB STRUT, 'lllmlCS .OR'l'BBRLY ALOllG SAID UST LINB OP SOU'1'll LU'AYB'l"l'B S'l'RD'l' TO tBB CDl'l'BR LDIS OP WT FLOYD AVIDIUB, TllJDfCB BASTBRLY ALOllG SAID CDTD LID OP BAST PLOll> AVDUB TO 'l'llB BAST LID OP '1'118 SW 1/4 SSCTIOB 35, 'l'OWllSBIP 4 SOU'l'B, RMIGS 68 WUT, 'l'llBIJCB SOUTBBRLY ALONG SAID LID TO '1'118 llOR'1'BBA8T CO-OP tllB SS 1/4 .. 1/4 OP SBCTIOR 35, TOWllSHIP 4 SOUTH, RAllGS 68 WBST, 'l'llBBCB Uft'DLY ALOllG '1'118 NORTH LID OP '1'BB Sii 1/4 SS lf4 SBC'l'IOR 35, 'l'OWllSHIP 4 a>Ufii, DmB 68 WBST, TO '.l'BB BORTllBAST CO-OP TBB SW 1/4 SB 1/4 SBC'l'ION 35, tollRSllIP 4 SOUTH, RARGB 68 WBST. 'l'llDCB 80\JTllD.LY ALOllG '1'llB BAST LID or tllB SW 1/4 SB 1/4 .. SBCTION 35' 'l'ODSBIP 4 SOU'l'B, ltAllGS 68 WBST, TO A PODl'l' &*U SAID LIBB IB'l'BRSBCTS TBB NORTH RIGHT-OP-WAY LID OP S. H. BO. 70 (BAST llAllPD• AVDUB), SAID POIB'l' BBDIG APPROXIMATBLY 90 PBB'l' llOR'J'RDLY OP 'ftlB SOUIHMST CODD OP TBB SW 1/4 SB 1/4 SBC'l'IOB 35, 'l'OlllTSBIP 4 SOU'l'B, IWIGB 68' 1f88T, TBBRCB WBSTBRLY ALONG SAID HORTH Riml'l'-OP-WAY LID TO A POift WBBRB SAID LID IB'l'BRSSCTS '1'llB BAST LID OP '1'118 -1/4 SBC'l'IOR 35, 'l'OWllSBIP 4 SOU'l'B, llAllGB 68 WBST, SAID POIB'l' BBDIG APPROXIMATBLY 90 PBB'l' llORTB OP '1'llB SOUTH QUARTBR OOUBR OP SAID SBC'l'DH1, 'l'llDlCB SOU'l'BlfUTDLY ALO&G SAID RIGB'.l'-0~-:.WAY LID or BAST BMPDBR AVDIUB Oil 'l'llB ARC OP A CUllVB TO '1'llB LD"l', '1'118 RADIUS or EICH BQUALS 783 PBBT, FOR A DISTARCB OP 301.4 PDT, 'l'llDCB WBS'l'BRLY ALONG TllB llORTB RIGB'l'-OP-WAY LID OP BAST BMPDD AVBllUB PARALLBL TO Al1D 30 PDT '.·1 l i tt I I .. I I I I I Minute• of October 15, 1962 man OP 'nlB SOUTH LillB OP SBCTIOll 35, 'IOllllSBIP 4 80U'l'll, RAllGI: 68 WUT, TO A POilft' WBBU '1'BB llORTB RIGllT-OP-WAY LID OF UST lllllPD• Avaus Ill'l'D89C'1'8 !'BB BAST LID OP 80U'1'll LAPAYS'l'TB STRDT, mmcs SOUrBDLY 'IO A POift ..... TBS BAST LID OP SOU'ftl LAPAYftn SftU'l' D'l'DISC'l'S BB 80U'1'll LID OP SSCl'IOB 35, '!010l8BIP 4 SOU'l'B, RUGB 68 WBST, 'l'BmCB D8'1'BRLY ALOllG SAID SOU'ftl LID OP SAID SBCTIOll TO '1'BB POlft OP BBGI!lllIBG, COftAillDIG APPROXDIATBLY 57.202 ACRBS. WBBRBAS, purauant to ordinance, the City Planning and zoning Comaiaaion of th• City of Bngl.wood, Colorado, ha• duly held public hearing on a cer- tain propoaed amendaent to Ordinance llo. 45, Seri•• of 1955, •• ••n11ed, of the ordinance• of the City of Bngl.wood, Colorado, known •• the •Zoning Ordinance of the City of Bngl.wood,• and ha• made reco .... ndation of the adoption of an ordinance embodying aaid amendaent: and, WBBRBAS, the City Council has complied with the rule• preacribed 1ty it• charter and ordinance• in taking the preliminary action in amending •aid Ordinance Ro. 45, Seri•• of 1955, aa amended: and WBBRBAS, the public nec•••ity, convenience, general welfare and good zoning practice• juatify the proposed amendment to the zoning ordinance, as hereinafter set forth: llOW THBRBPORB, BB IT ORDAIRBD BY 'l'BB Cift COUNCIL OF 'l'BB CI'l'r OF mGLBlfOOD I COLORADO: Section 1. Th• hereinafter deacribed property located within the City of Bngl9WOC>d, County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, is hereby zoned to a C-3 (Buaineaa Diatrict) for uae •• a regional •hopping center (in accordance with the proviaion• of Ordinance No. 14, Seri•• of 1962, amending Ordinance Ro. 45, Series of 1955) preaent City of Bn9l.wood zoning (according to Bnglewood Ordinance No. 45, Series of 1955) being R-1-A, which claaaification i• reaidential: the •aid property to be zoned C-3 (Bu•in••• Diatrict), being more particularly deacribed •• follow•: A tract of land lying in Section 35, Townahip 4 South, Range 68 Weat, in Arapahoe county, described as follow•: Beginning at a point where the east line of Block 50 Evanston Broadway Addition extended aoutherly interaecta the south line of Section 35, Townahip 4 South, Range 68 Weat, aaid aouth line being the approximate center line of Baat Hampden Avenue: Thence Northerly along the eaat line of aaid Block SO to the north line of aaid Block SO, Thence Baaterly to the eaat line of South Lafayette Street, Thence Northerly along aaid eaat line of South Lafayette Street to th• center line of Baat Floyd Avenue, Thence Baaterly along aaid center line of Baat Floyd Avenue to the eaat line of the SW 1/4 Section 35, Townahip 4 South, Range 68 Weat, Thence Southerly along aaid line to the northeaat corner of the SB 1/4 SW 1/4 of Section 35, Townahip 4 South, Range 68 Weat, Thence Baaterly along the North line of the SW 1/4 SB 1/4 Section 35, Townahip 4 South, Range 68 Weat, to th• northeaat corner of the SW 1/4 SB 1/4 Section 35, Townahip 4 South, Range 68 weat, Thence Southerly along the eaat line of the SW 1/4 SB 1/4 Section 3S, Townahip 4 South, Range 68 Weat, to a point where •aid line interaect• the north right-of-way line of s. e. 110. 70 (Baat Hampden Avenue), aaid point being approximately 90 feet northerly of the aoutheaat corner of the SW 1/4 SB 1/4 Section 35, ~•hip 4 South, Ranqe 68 Weat, Thence Weaterly along aaid nor~ right-of-way line to a point where •aid line interaecta the eaat line of th• SW 1/4 Section 35, Townahip 4 South, Range 68 Weat, nid point being approximately 90 feet north of the aouth quarter corner of aaid Section, Thence Southwe•t•rly along aaid right-of-way line of Baat Bampden Avenue on the arc of a curve to the left, the radiua of which equal• 783 feet, for a diatance of 301.4 f .. t, thence weaterly along the north right-of-way line of Baat llallpden Avenue parallel to and 30 feet north of the south line of Section 35, Townahip 4 South, Range 68 Weat, to a point where th• north right-of-way line of Baat Hampden Avenue interaecta th• eaat line of South Lafayette Street, Thence Southerly to a point where the •••t line of South Lafayette Minute• of October 15, 1962 Street interaecta the aouth line of Section 35, 'l'ownahip 4 South, Range 68 Weat. '!'hence Weaterly along aaid aouth line of aaid Section to~the point of becJinning, containing approximately 57.202 acrea. Section 2. The City Council hereby finda, determines and declare• that . there hereinahove change in zoning ia juatified by the public neceaaity, convenience, general welfare and good zoning practice•. Introduced aa a Bill for an Ordinance at th• regular meetinf of the City Council of the City of Bngl.wood, Colorado, on October 11, read a firat time in full and aet for public hearing before aaid City Council at the re- gular ... ting of th• City Council on Rovember I, at 8100 P.M. in the council Challbera at the City Ball, 3345 s. Bannock Street, Bnglewood, Colorado. llotice of aaid hearing embod.ying thia Bill for an Ordinance in full, ordered by the City Council to be publiahed in full in the Bnql.wood Herald and lft'9J:priae, at leaat fifteen daya before aaid hearing. The City Attorney atated that auff icient time would elapae between thia ... ting and the meeting of November 5th, the next regular Council meet- ing, to provide for publication and notice of the hearing on a zoning mat,•:· and recomaended that the hearing be .aet for that date. COUBCILMM SMUKLBR MOVBD, COURCILMAIJ MILBS SBCOllDBD, 'l'BAT PUBLIC BOTICB BS GIVDJ Br POSTING OF '1'llB PROPBR'l'r COlfCDllBD AS WBLL AS LIGAL llOTICB lllBODnRG '1'llB BILL FOR ORDDIMJCB AS RBAD OF A PUBLIC llBARDJG Olf TBB ZOllDIG OP TBB KLZ SITB AS A C-1 (BUSIRBSS DISTRICT) AT TBB RBGULAR llBBTillG OP TBB COUIJCIL TO BB em.n AT 8: 00 P.M. I MONDAY I ROVBllBBR STB, Ill TBB COUllCIL CllAllBDS, CI'l'r BALL, BllGLBWOOD, IR ACCX>RDMJCB WI'l'B CHART&, ORDDIMJCBS ARD STATB STA'l'UTBS RBLATDIG TO SUCH MATTERS. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followa: Ayea: Councilmen Braun, Love, Milea, Parker, Smukler, Wooda, Brownewell. Raya: Rone. Abaent: Rone. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 622-75 RBPORT OR USB OF PROPERTY' TAX FURDS Ilf RBCRBATIOlf PROGRAM Mr. B. P. Romana, Parka and Recreation Director, preaented a report entitled "The Englewood Recreation Dollar, 1962," Diacuaaion ensued with regard to the report and i*• content•. Councilman Smukler inquired if taxea were paid to take care of the School Dia- tr ict participation, could all citizen• participate. Tile Recreation Director atated that auch uniform participation and uniform program ia not feaaible due to a divergence of recreational philoaophy between the Junior American Recreational Program and the Young American Program. Be diacuaaed these differences in conaiderable detail, He atated that having the Junior Allerican Program aaaured Bngl.wood School Diatrict aupport while auch sup- port waa not available for Young American Program•. The Mayor thanked Mr. llom•n• for hia report and coming to the Council to preaent it in person. 622-73 PROPOSED ORDilfANCB FOR RBGULATIOll OF AUTOMOTIVE WRBCKilfG YARDS The Acting City Manager preaented copies of a proposed ordinance for con- trol and regulation of automobile junk yard• to the Council. COUNCIIllAN BRAUR MOVBD, CX>UllCIUIAN MILES SBCOllDBD, 'MAT 'ftlB PROPOSBD ORDD1ANCB BB RBPBRRBD TO 'l'BB PLADilfG ARD ZOIJDIG COIMISSIOR FOR RBVIBW AID> RBO?MMBRDATION-Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted aa follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Love, Miles, Parker, Smukler, Wooda, Brownewell. Raya: None. Abaen t: None • The Mayor declared the motion carried. 622-11 TRBASURBR'S FIRANCIAL REPORT FOR MONTH OP SBPTBMBBR, 1962 The Mayor asked that the report be received and placed on file. 622-30 RBLATIRG TO RBZOlfING'JRACT BAST OF KIBBY SHOB STORE The City Attorney reported that he had received a deed for an alley and I I I " !I I I • I 'I Minute• of October 15, 1962 other property from Mr. Shaffer to the City parta of which deed were not con- tiguous to each other. He atated that he had called thia to Mr. Shaffer'• attention and Mr. Shaffer had not aeemed inclined to make a correc~ed deed. He recommended that the rezoning of Tract A, Bellewood, from R-1-B (Reaident Diatrict) to claaaification C-2 (Buaineaa Diatrict) remain on the table. The Mayor concurred with the Ci ty Attorney'• recoaaendation. MAYOR'S CHOICB The Mayor reported that he had been invited to participate in a 14 minute radio diacuaaion on municipal matter for JCMOR and waa unable to do so. In hi• atead he had aaked oeuncilman Braun to make an appearance. Councilman Braun reported that he had diacuaaed metropolitan cooperation on the program and felt that the interview type preaentation had been effective. ADJOURB COUBCIUIM BRAUH MOVBD, COUBCIIMAll SMUJ<LBR SBCORDBD, 'l'BAT '1'BB MBBTDIG BB ADJOURIJBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted ~· followa1 Ayea 1 Councilmen Braun, Love, Mile•, Parker, Smukler, Wood•, Brownewell. llays1 Hone. Abaent: None • The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 11104 P.M. /•/ B. o. Beauaang, City Clerk Clerk of the Council The minutes of the meeting of the City Council of the City of Bnglewood, Colorado, held on the 15th day of October, 1962 A.D. stand approved aa written this 5th day of November, 1962 A.D •