HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-11-19 (Regular) Meeting MinutesRBGULAll MBBTDIG: COUNCIL alMBBRS CITY' OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO NOVBMBBR 19, 1962 The City Council of the City of Bnglewood, Arapahoe County, Colorado, met in regular ••••ion on Monday, November 19, 1962, in the Council Chambers, City Ball, Bnglewood at the hour of 8:00 P.M. Mayor Brownewell presiding called the meeting to order and the invocation was given by Major Brik swan of the Salvation Army Temple. The Mayor ••keel for roll call. Upon the call of the roll, the following persona were pre•ent: Councilman: Braun, Love, Miles, Parker, Smukler, Woods,· Brownewell. Al•o Preaent: City Manager Dial, Ab•ent: Hone. City Attorney Bach, City Clerk Beauaanq. Planning Director Roman•. The Mayor declared a quorum present. 622-2 CONSIDERATION OP COURCIL MIHUTBS COUNCILMAN PARKER MOVED, COUNCILMAN LOVB SBCOHDBD, THAT THE COUNCIL MINUTES OF HOVIDIBBR S'DI BB APPROVBD AS WRITTEN. Upon the call of the roll. the vote re- •ulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Love, Mile•, Parker, Smukler, Woods, Brownewell. Nays: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. RECOGNITION OF UNITBD NATION DAY CHAIRMAN The Mayor presented a distinguished service award to Mrs. BettyWallace, 1962 United Nations Day Chairman for the City of Bn9lewood. He thanked Mrs. Wallace for her service on behalf of the City in thi• important international activity. 622-55 RBLATING TO OPBN SPACB LAID> ACQUISITION Mr. Tom Ten Byck, Director, Inter-County R .. ional Planning Conaniaaion, dia- cuaaed the provisions of the open apace land acquisition agreement as proposed by the Inter-County Regional Planning Conaiaaion and reconnended to tj'le Council by the Parka and Recreation Conaiasion •• well aa the Pla~ning and Zoning , Comniaaion. He stated that the Inter-County Rec)ional Planning Conmiaaion had prepared the plan to comply with the metropolitan area requirements of the Federal legialation passed in the last ••••ion of Congr•••· He stated that if 60 per cent of the jurisdictions as well a• area which comprises the metropoli- tan urbanly developed area approve then all juriadictiona within this area are eligible for 30 per cent participation by the Pederal Government in the pur• cha•• or acquisition of open land apace on either a group or individual basis. Be expreaaed the opinion that the 60 per cent requirement had been met in the Denver metropolitan area. He discussed the various provi•ion• of the plan with the Council as well as pointed out the area• reaerved under the provions of the Pederal law in the Denver metropolitan area. COURCIIllAN PARKBR MOVBD, THAT THB MAYOR MD Cift CLBRI< BB AU'ftlORIZBD TO SIGN 'DIB OPD SPACE LAl1D ACQUISITION AGRB81aT Oii BEALi' OP TBB CI'l'V' AS SUCH SICDIATURB IHDICATBS TBB APPROVAL OP 'DIB AGRB•aT I8 PRI8CIPLB BUT NOT ANY DBPI8ITB COMMI'l'MBl1T. The City Attorney stated that as he read• the avreement the City i• bound to acquire land if such land is included in the region-wide plan· -and located within the City of Englewood. Mr. Ten Byck stated that th• counties have not agreed on thir interperation previou•ly but that the Inter-County Regional Planning Commi•sion would not enforce such an opinion. COUNCILMAN WOODS SBCQIJDBD 'DIB MOTIOll. Councilman Love expr•••ed hi• oppo•ition to the •••king of thi• money simply becau•• it wa• available and if we do not u•• it it will be lost. Councilman Braun and Councilman Smukler also spoke against application for ... Federal monie• •imply beeauae they are available. Councilman Mile• spoke further that aa there i• a difference of interpreta- tion and opin ion as to the effect of the plan he would move to table the matter. I I :1 I ,1 I I . 'I -.-.'-' '"° -._ --------------------"3911 Minutea of Novmnber 19, 1962 COUNCILMAN MILBS MOVED, COUNCILMAN BRAUl1 SSOORDBD, 'ftlAT TBB MATTBR BB TABLBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followa1 Aye•: Councilmen Braun, i.ove, Milea, Parker, Smukler, Brownewell. Raya: Councilman Wooda. Abaent: Hone. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 622•'18 PBTITION RBQUIRIRG CllAllTD AMBllDMJD1T Mr. Elmer B. Reed, 3400 South Cherokee Street, atated that he had a petition prepared by Keating and Henry, Attorney•, to amend the City Charter to prohibit and limit the aale of park land• and to prevent the opening of roads through park lands w_ithout the majority vote of the people at an election. He atated that thi• petition ha• been circulated and that 597 aignatur•• have been aecured on the petition which he preaented to the council. He read the text of the petition and it• amendment in full: "PBTITION TO INITIATE A CBARTD MDIIllBNT TO THE CITY' COUNCIL OF '1'HB CITY' OP DIGLSWOOD, COLORADO: We, the undersigned, duly qalified elector• of the State of Colorado and the City of Bnglewoocl, do hereby reapectfully order and demand that the proposed amend- ment to the Charter hereinafter set forth •hall be referred according to law and in the form petitioned for, by the City Council of the City of Englewood to a vote by the legal voters of •aid City of Englewood at the next general election to be held after the filing of thi• petition. Bach of the signers hereto, for himaelf or heraelf a• the ca•• may be. aaya1 I aign thi• petition by my own signature only1 I am a qualified elector of the State of Colorado and of the City of Engl.wood aforeaaid: my residence addre•• and the date of my signing this petition are correctly written immediately after my name: and I do hereby designate the following named peraona to represent me in all matters affecting this petitions BLMBR B. RBBD, 3400 So. Cherokee, Englewood, Colorado ARGBIA KBIPBR, 3255 So. Cherokee, Bnglewood, COlorado PAUL PRANDIAD, 3290 So. Huron, Bngl.wood, COlorado BBRNICB A. SPICBR, 3255 So. Delaware, Bnglewood, Colorado MAT'l'HBW M SUMMBRS, 3140 So. Delaware, Snglewood, Colorado The charter amendment propoaed hereby and the title thereto are as follows: AN AMBllIMDT TO '1'llB CHARTBR OP '1'118 CI'IY or mGLBWOOD ADDING A NBW SECTION, DBDICATING CBRTAIN PROPBRTY AS PUBLIC PARKS, VACATDG Al1Y DBDICATBD ROAD WITHIN ANY PARJ< NOT IN USB ON NOVIMBBR 1. 1962 AS A IOAD MD LIMITING TBB SALB OR BXCHARGB OP PARJ< LU1D ARD TllB OPDING OR CO•S'l'RUC'l'IOR APTBR NOVDIBBR 1, 1962 OP STRBBTS, ROADS OR HIGHWAYS WITHIN AllY PUBLIC PARK. BB IT ORDAINED BY THB PBOPLB OF '1'llB Cift or mGLBWOOD, COLORADO: The charter of the City of Englewood i• hereby amended by the addition of a new aection to reads SBCTION 120. A Dedication of park• -atreet• and road• in parka -All land• owned by the City of Bnglewood and preaently uaed for public park or r~creational purpoaea, are hereby dedicated aa public parka. Any dedicated or undedicated road or street within any park not in uae on Rovember 1, 1962 aa a road is hereby vacated. No public park land •hall be aold or exchanged, nor shall any street road or highway be opened or constructed after •ovember 1, 1962, in or through any public park, without a favorable vote of the qualified elector•: provided, however, this does not apply to road• deaigned for the exclusive use of persons uaing the park and not designed to carry through traffic through the park, nor to the use of lands adjacent to a boundary of a park for the purpose of widening a street or highway adjacent to such park boundary. The ballot title and submission clau•• of thi• propoaed charter amendment is hereby designated and fixed as followas AN MBllDMlDfT TO THE al.ARTBR OP THE CITY' OP mGL81rOOD ADDIRG A llBW SBCTION, DBDICATING CBRTAIN PROPBR'l'Y AS PUBLIC PARKS, VACATING ANY DBDICATBD ROAD WITHIN ARY PARJC m'f IR USS OR llOVlllBBR 1, 1962 AS A ROAD ARD LIMITING '1'118 SALB OR BXCBARGB OP PARJC LMID ARD THB OPBNING OR CONSTRUCTIO• Aft'D llOVlllBBR 1. 1962 OP STRUTS. ROADS OR HIGHWAYS WITBDJ ARY PUBLIC PARK Por The Amendment Against The Amendment Mr. Hubert D. Henry, of Keating and Henry, waa introduced to the Council and atated that he '4«>uld answer questions about the petition. '!'he City Attorney stated that Article l&X of the State Constitution provided that petitions bearing Minute• of November 19, 1962 S per cent of the signature• of thoae who caat vote• for Governor at the last election will place a Charter amendment on the ballot. Be atated that this petition when filed, bearing a sufficient nUllber of aignatures would place the propoaed amendment on the ballot for conaideration by th• people at the next regular City election to be held in November, 196J. And yet, the text of the ... nct.ent purport• to prohibit the u•• of park land• for a road as of Bovember 1, 1962, a full year prior to the conaideration of the matter by the people. Mr. Henry atated that the amendment would not prohibit opening of a road prior to paaaage of the amendment but would be aubject to vacation of aaid road if the amendment pa••••· Diacuaaion enaued. OOUllCIUIAB BRAUB MOVBD, OOU)JCIIMAll MIL18 Ssc::om>m, '1'11AT '1'llB PETITION BB Rmc:BIVBD MID RBPBRRBD '1'0 THB CI'ft ATTODft POR DS'l'-IllATIOS OP SUPPICIBNCY' OP 'ftlB IRMBBR OP SIGllA'l'URBS WITH A RBPORT OR 'l'HIS llAftD 'l'O U PRBSBlft'BD TO TBB COU•CIL AT A MOST RBASONABLB PROPBR TIMB. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted a• follow•: Ay••s Councilmen Braun, Love, Milea, Parker, 8mukler, Wood•, Brownewell. Bay•: Bone. Abaents lfone. lfh• Mayor declared the motion carried. Mr•. John Keifer, 32SS south Cherokee Str .. t, •poke again•t opening of South Cherok-Street through City Park. She atated that there was only one park in the City, that there wa• an area in th• South part of the City but was not developed nor waa the property at South LocJan Street aatiafactory. She atated that to open the road in th• location of South Cherokee Street would isolate the Library from park land• and aubject ... 11 children as well as school children to cro••ing a heavily traveled atr .. t to go to the Library. 622-81 RBLATING '1'0 P'·BASABT VI9f SSCOllD PILIHG Mr. Barry C&rleno, 339S ~uth Bannock Str .. t, repreaenting Mr. Fred B. Waldon and other reaident• and owner• of property in the Pleaaant View area apok• on behalf of hi• client•. Be revi.wed the progr••• in the platting of the area to develop it into 76 •it••· Be aaid that all wa• completed with the ex- ception that the Planning Comniaaion deair•• aaaurance that the streets in the area will be curbed, aidewalked and paved to City apecifications. Be stated that the co•t of auch improv ... nta waa ••ti-ted to be $SO,OOO.OO and that ._.;; each i• willing to poat individual bond• to ll&ke up the total if such a bond could be written. Be diacuaaed the difficuly in writing such a bond because no one individual would feel that he ahould •••ua• the liability for street iaprov .. ent of another. Be explained that each tract or block would be developed aa a unit and curb, gutter and aidewalk put in under terms provided by FHA com- mitment•. Diacu••ion enaued if one of the owner• of the large tract of land was not d••irou• of developing hi• land when th• contractor was ready to develop that . land thereby leaving a • ...,..nt of •treet unimproved in the subdivision. Mr. Carleno au99eated that the paving could be initiated a• part of a paving district. Thi• waa diacarded due to the City'• participatio n in paving districts. Such participation i• not advisable in the ca•• of aubdiviaion development. Planning Director Romana and the City Attorney apok• for the iasuing of a surety bond becau•• of the number of owners involved and the deaire to assure the future re•ident• of the homes erected there that proper atreet improvements would be in•talled even though by a piece-meal development. Councilman Braun and Councilman Slllukler •poke for the bond requir .. nt. COUllCILMMI -MOVBD, CX>UHCIUIAN 8MUICLSR SBCOHDBD, THAT THE PLAT OF PLBASAllT VIBW SBCOllD PILIHG BB APPROVBD AllD 'lllAT TllB Ulf IPORM SUBDIVISION RBGU- IATIOBS BB JmQUIRSD IH PULL AS WBLL AS 'ftlS 89CURillG OP A $50,000.00 PBRFORMANCB BOID> PROVIDIHG POR '1'llB IHSTALLATION or CUD, GUTTD, SIDEWALKS AND PAVING TllltOUGllOUT TH& SUBDIVISIOR. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follow•: Aye•: Council .. n Braun, Love, Mil••· Parker, Smukler, Woods, Brownewell. Hay•: Ilona. Abaents Rone. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 622-77 RDIBWAL OP LIQUOR LICmsa The City Clerk read the Liquor Licen•• Application•· for the following Bnglewood outlet•: John L. Blair dba Magnet Inn, 2893 s. Broadway, Loyal Order of Mooae, Inc., Bnglewood Lod9• 11793, 3S31 s. Broadway, The Plantation, Inc., 5020 s. Broadway, Dry Creek Liquor•, Inc., 325 B. Jefferson, Bnglewood Elks Lodge No. 2122, SS W. Pleyd, .. I 'I I I I I :1 Minute• of November 19, 1962 Ben Hoffman dba Bar Harbor, 3484 s. Broadway, Bay-4-Leas Drug Syatem, Inc., 3421 s. Broadway, J. Ivan Houtz & Margaret L. Houtz dba Bouts Self Service Drug, 4204 s. Broadway, MID Drug, Inc., dba M-D Pharmacy, 2895 s. Broadway, Interstate Bowling Corp., dba Bellevi.w Bowl, 4900 s. Federal Boulevard, Charle• H. Klein & Herman w. Anderaen dba Glaaa Bottle Liquors, 3439 s. Broadway, John W:a, Inc. dba John W's Tap Room, 3467 s. Broadway, John Leon Longworth dba Park "If" Shop Drug Store, 3370 s. Acoma, Walter Brom dba Hilda's C.fe, 4386 S. Broadway, Horse Car Inn, Ltd. 65-69 West Floyd, Fred & Hazel B. Buhlman dba Bnglewood Liquor Store, 3434 s. Broadway, John w. and Mary P. Lidke dba Cherrelyn Drug Store, 4385 s. Broadway, Lincoln V. Bonen dba Linc'• B-Z Liquor•, 3353 s. Santa Pe Dr., James Francia Preasnall dba Frontier Liquora, 3Sll s. Broadway. Representatives were present for each of the above outlets. The City Clerk read the application of Sydney Roberta dba Thorobred Liquors, SOSO s. Federal Boulevard, Bnglewood for a Retail Liquor Store License. Mr. Roberta waa not present. Discuasion ensued. Councilman Braun stated that several y .. r• ago he had requested that the managers or owners of each liquor outlet be preaent at the time when the renewal of their liquor licenses wer~ ~onsidered by the Council •o that the member• of the Council could meet and lacome acquainted with those who had the re•ponsibility for aalea of liquor in Englewood. Discussion ensued aa to Thorobred Liquors. COUllCIIMA!f BRAUit MOVBD, COUllCILMA!f SMUICLBR SBCOllDBD, THAT 'l'HB LIQUOR LICmsu POR ALL OU'l'LB'l'S AS RBAD ABOVE BXCBPT POR 'l'BOROBRm> LIQUORS BB RB!fBWBD AND THAT '1'118 O.BRS ARD MANAGBRS BE CC»OIBNDBD FOR 'l'BBIR OPDA'l'IOll OP '1'BB VARIOUS LIQUOR OUTLB'.l'S IR BmLBWOOD WBBRBBY '1'BBRB HAS BBBH VBRY' Pmr DI8'1'UllBUlCBS OR PROBLDIS ARISillG WI'l'B TBB DISPBllSillG OP LIQUOR I!f DIGLBWOOD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote re- aulted aa follow•: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Love, Milea, Parker, Smukler, Wooda, Brownewell. Raya: Hone. Absent: Bone. The Mayor declared the motion carried. RBCBSS The Mayor called a rec••• of tQe Council until 10:15 P.M. . CALL '1'0 ORDD The Mayor called the Council to order at 10115 P.M. with the following members pre•ent: Councilmen Braun, Love, Mile•, Parker, Smukler, Wood•, Brownewell. The Mayor declared a quorum preaent. 622-82 LBASB OP DI'.l'al RIGHTS PROM SCllOOL DISTRICT 110. l The City Clerk read the following recoaaendation of theBnglewood Water and Sewer Board in full: · "That the City of Bnglewood lea•e the Denver City Ditch wa••r right.a owned by Bnglewood School District No. 1, upon the term• p~evioualy diacu••ed: that the Attorney be inatructed to draft a leaae agreement for a period of 3 year• with an option to ren.w aame for three years and that the City execute •aid lea•• when prepared. Further, that the School Di•trict be advi•ed inaediately of the City'• intent to lease." COUllCILMAR LoVB MOVBD, COUBCIUIA!f SMUKLBR SBCOllDBD, 'l'BAT TBB CITY AT'l'ORllBY BB IRSTRUCTBD '1'0 PRBPARB A LBASB POR 'l'BRU YBARS WI'l'B AR ~..OPTION POR RDBWAL POR A SIMILAR PBRIOD Al1D THAT 'l'llB SCHOOL DISTRICT BB ADVISBD OP SUal ACTION ARD THAT '1'BB MAYOR ARD CI'l'r CLBRK BB AU'l'HORIZBD 'ft> mctn'B '1'111: SAMB WBBN COMPLBTBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted aa follows: Ayea: Councilmen Braun, Miles, Love, Parker, Smukler, Woods, Brownewell. Nays: None. Ab•ent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 622-83 RELATING TO ADBXATION OF LARDS TO SOU'l'B<aTB SANITATION DISTRICT The City Clerk read the following reconaendation of the Bnglewood Water and Sewer Board in full: Minute• of November 19, 1962 "That the following deacribed . landa>be allowed to annex to Southgate Sanitation Diatrict. by Supplemental Agre ... nt1 Parcel No. 1: The Weat 2/5 of Lot 8, Block 6, Subdiviaion of Section 16, Townahip S South, Range 67 Weat of the 6th P.M., lying Weat of Highway deacribed in Warranty Deed recorded JUiie 10, 1949 in Book 639, page 66. of the record• in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of Arapahoe County. Colorado. Parcel No. 2: Tract S in subdiviaion of Section 21, Townahip 5 South. Range 67 Weat of the 6th P.M., Arapahoe County, Colorado. Parcel No. 3: Lot 9, Block 7, in the Subdiviaion of Section 16. Townahip 5 South. Range 67 Weat of the 6th P.M •. Arapahoe County. Colorado.• COUHCILMAR SMUKLBR MOVBD, COUHCIIllAB WOODS SBCOllDBD, THAT '1'BB RBCOMMDDATIOR BB APPROVED ARD THAT TBB MAYOR ARD CI'l'r CLBRX BB AU'DIORIZBD 'l'O SIGN ON BBBALP OP TBB CITY'. Upon the c~ll of the roll. the vote reaulted aa follow•: Ayea: Councilmen Braun, Love, Milea, Parker, Smukler, Wooda, Brownewell. Naya: None. Abaent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 622-6 llIHUTBS OP '1'HB PLANNING AND ZORIHG COMMISSIOR MBBTDJG OP ROVDIBBR 8, 1962 The Mayor aaked that the minute• be received and placed on file. 622-84 Dedication of Par~ of 3300 Block south Sherman The City Clerk read the following recoaaendation of the City Planning and zoning Commiaaion: "The Planning Coaniaaion recoaaend to the City Council that it accept the dedication of the portion of the weat aide of the 3300 block of South Sherman, that ha• not been dedicated. Dedication is to be made by the St. Loui• Church and Mra. Joaephine Poole." COUHCILMAR BRAUN MOVED, COURCILMAR MILSS SSCC.DBD, 'l'llAT 'l'BB RBC<»OIBRDATION BB ACCBPTBD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted a• follows: Ayea: Councilmen Braun, Love, Milea, Parker, Smukler, Wooda, Brownewell. Naya: None. Abaent: None. 'l'he .Mayor declared the motion carried. 622-85 Relating £2 1.Q foot dedication Weat Stanford Avenue · The City Clerk read the following recommendation of the City Planning and Zoning Commiaaion in full: "The Planning Commission reconunends to the City council that the 30 foot dedication for street purposes on the aouth aide of the Toole and Armatrong property be accepted in the vicinity of Weat Stanford Avenue east of Santa Pe Drive." COURCIUIAR SMUKLBR MOVSD, COUHCIIllAN MILBS SSCORDBD, '1'11AT 'l'BB RBCOMMBRDA- TIOR BB APPROVED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted as follows: Ayea: Councilmen Braun, Love, Milea, Parker, Smukler, Wooda, Brownewell. Raya: Hone. Abaent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 622-80 Relatinq,!2 Anti-Litter Ordinance 'l'he City Clerk read the following reconnendation of the City Planning and zoning COmmiaaion in full: "The Planning Connission recoanend• to the City council that the propoaed Anti-Litter ordinance be incorporated aa part of the ordinances of the City of Englewood and in force." I I t~ I I I 'I I I Minute• of Hovember 19, 1962 COUHCILMAll BRAUN MOVBD, OOUNCILMM WOODS 8SCC*DBD, 'l'BAT 'MB RBC<»UIBHDATIOH BB TABLBD UR'l'IL 'MB BILL POR AH ORDIDBCB IS AYAILABLB POR COHSIDBRATION. Upon the call of th• roll, the vote reaulted a• followa1 Aye•: Councilmen Braun, Love, Mile•, Parker, Smukler, Wood•. Brownewell. Nay•: None. Abaent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 622-8 PROCBBDINGS OF PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OP HOVDIBBR 13, 1962 The Mayor aaked that the minutes be received and placed on file. 622-86 SBWBR COlQIBCTORS AGRBBIUDIT RBPORT The City Manager reported that this waa a awmaary of the aewer connectors agr .... nts outside of the City of Englewood aa of Hovember, 1962. Thia was for information only at thi• time. 622-29 RBIATING TO RBZOHillG OP KLZ SITB COUNCIIMAH BRAUN MOVBD, COUNCILMAH LOVE SBCOllDBD, THAT 'l'HB MA'l"l'BR OF THB RBZOHDIG OF 'DIE KLZ SITB BB BROUGHT FROM THE TABLB. Councilman Parker stated that he would r••i•t the removal of the matter from the table due to the large amount of material which has been submitted for the Council'• consideration and he expreased the view that they had not had time to study the same. Diacuasion enaued. Councilman Parker stated that he felt on a question of thia magnitude that th• deciaion should be referred to the people for their expression of ppinion at an election on the matter of zoning or not zoning as requested. Discussion enaued with general disagreement by the Councilmen. It was aaid that the KLZ zoning had in effect been voted upon due to the formation of the party who ran with the platform of not favoring C-3 zoning at the location under consideration, that each and every of those candi- dates were defeated. Councilman Parker stated that as he waa an aprointed member he did not have the benefit of such a mandate from hia district ar.d hi• decision was based upon the conaenta presented to him from hi• district and he would act accordingly. Councilman Mile• stated that each of the other Councilmen had gone over the material rather thoroughly previously when the matter waa before them and if Councilman Parker desired additional time to review the materials that he would have no objection to the postponing of consideration of the matter of rezoning until a later date. Councilman Parker replied aa to the advantages of holding an election and that the election would be more economical than fighting a law suit. The City Attorney stated that he did not believe that if the matter were passed by a favorable vote of all of the citizen• of Bnglewood that the action would preclude the matter being brought into court due to certain legal questions involved. The question waa asked for. Councilman Parker stated that the matter waa not voted upon directly and that by aaking for an election he waa not stating oppoaition. Councilman Love reminded Councilman Parker that each one muat make aubjective decision baaed upon his own investigation and action• rather than relying upon an election or some other device to make the decision• for him. Councilman Parker stated that for example he had looked over both petition• aigned by buainesa men and that he could not reach a conclusion. Councilman Braun atated that 14 business men had signed and the balance of the 90 signature• were ... ployeea. Councilman Parker rebutted.that employees were entitled to a voice and that all the people had a right to express their opinion and •hould do ao by an election. Councilman Love remarked that if this were the caae each voter ahould have made available to him all the information which had been filed with the Planning Commission and the Council by the proponents and opponent• of the proposed zoning so that they might make their decision baaed upon all the information available. The queation was called for. ·upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted a• follow•: Aye•: Councilmen Braun, Love, Milea, Smukler, Wood•, Brownewell. Haya: Councilman Parker. Abaent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. COUHCILMAN BRAUH MOVED, COUNCILMAN WOODS SBCOHDBD, THAT THB PROPOSBD BILL POR REZONING '1'BB KLZ TRACT BB RBAD ON FIRST RBADING. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted aa follows: Minute• of November 19, 1962 Aye a: Councilmen Braun, Love, Miles, Parker, Smukler, Wood•, Brownewell • Naya: None. Abaent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The City Clerk read the following bill in full: Introduced as a Bill by Councilman Smukt•r A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE ZONING 'l'HB FOLLOWING DBSCRIBBD PROPBRTY TO A C-3 (BUSINESS DISTRICT) POR USB AS A RBGIONAl ..,.,!. cmrra t ·D ACCORDANCE WITH TBB PRO- YISIOBS OP ORDINANCB NO. 14, SBRIBS OP 1962, MDD>DIG ORDINAHCB NO. 45, SBRIBS OP 19SS) PRBSBBT CITY OP BNGLBWOOD ZONING (ACCORDING TO BNGLBWOOD ORDINANCE NO. 4S, &DIBS OF 195S) IS R-1-A, WHICH CLASSIPICATIOlf IS RBSIDIDl'l'IAL, THE SAID PROPDTY TO BB ZOlfBD C-3 (BUSINBSS DISTRICT) BBIBG LOCATBD Ill '1'BB CITY OF aGLDKlOD, ARAPABOB comrrr, COLORADO, MID Uim MORB PARTICULARLY DBSCRIBBD AS FOLLOWS: A TRACT OP LARD LYING IN SBCTIOR 3S, toWllSBIP 4 SOU'1'B, RANGE 68 WBST, D ARAPAllOB COURTY, DBSCRIBBD AS FOLLOWS: BmIDIBG AT A POIN'l' WBBRB '1'BB BAST LDIB OP BLOO< SO, BVAllSTON BROADWAY ADDITIOlf D'l'Bm>BD SOU'DIBRLY IN'l'BRDCTS TBB SOU'1'B LIBS OP SBCTION 3S, TOWBSBIP 4 SOUTH, RAllGB 68 WBST, SAID SOUTH LINE UIJIG 'l'llB APPROXIMATB CDTBR LINB OP BAST BMPDm AVDUBr 'l'BBBCB NOR'l'BBRLY ALOllG TllB MST LID OP SAID BLOCK SO TO '1'BB lfOR'l'B LID OP SAID BLOCK SO, 'l'BBNCB BAS'l'BRLY TO '1'BB BAST LIBB OP SOUTH LAPAYBTTB STRBBT, macs llOR'l'llBRLY ALOBG SAID BAST LID OP SOU'ftl LAPAYBTTB STRBBT TO '1'BB CBN'l'BR LID OP BA8'1' FLOYD AVDIUB, 'l'llD1CB BASTBRltY ALOBG SAID CBl1'1'BR LillB OP BAST FLOYD AVDIUB TO '1'BB MST LIBB OF '1'BB SW 1/4 SBC'l'IOB 3S, !OIOISBIP 4 SOU'l'B, RAllGB 68 WBST, 'l'llBRCB SOU'l'lllRLY ALOBG SAID LINB TO 'l'BB 90RTBBAST CORDR OP 'l'llB SB 1/4 SW 1/4 OP SBC'l'IOB 35, T01b1SBIP 4 SOUTH, RARGB 68 WBST, 'l'BBNCB BASTBRLY ALONG 'l'HB lfOR'l'B LID OP '1'118 SW 1/4 SB 1/4 SBCTION JS, 'l'OWIJSBIP 4 SOUTH, RANGB 68 WBST, TO '1'BB lfOR'l'llMST CORllBR OP 'l'HB SW 1/4 SB 1/4 SBCTIOB 35, 'l'OWRSBIP 4 SOU'l'B, RAlfGB 68 WBST, '1'11DJCB SOU'l'BBRLY ALONG 'l'BB BAST LDIB OP '1'BB SW 1/4 SB 1/4 SBCTJOlf 35, 'l'OWllSBIP 4 SOU'l'B, RAllGB 68 WBST, TO A POmn' WBBRB SAID LID IR'l'BRSBCTS '1'BB NOR'l'B RIGBT-OP-WAY LINB OP S. B. 70 (BAST BMPDm AVDUB), SAID POIR'l' BBillG APPROXIMA'l'SLY 90 l'Bft ROR'l'BBRLY OP 'l'BB SOU'l'llBAST CORllD OP 'l'BB SW 1/4 SB 1/4 SBC'l'IOB 35, T01b1SBIP 4 SOUTH, RANGB 68 WBST, '1'1UDJCB WBSTBRLY ALORG SAID NORTH RIGll'l'-01'-WAY LID TO A POINT WllBRB SAID LID IR'l'BRSBCTS '1'BB BAST LINB OP '1'BB SW 1/4 SBC'l'IOR 35, 'l'OWRSBIP 4 SOUTH, RANGB 68 WBST, SAID POIH'l' BBIBG APPROXIMATBLY 90 PDT llOR'ftl OP '1'llB SOUTH QUAR'l'BR CODD OP SAID SBCTIOB, TBDICB SOM'BWBS'l'BRLY AL08G SAID RIGB'l'-OP-WAY LIBB OP BAST BAMPDD AYmUB 011 '1'BB ARC OF A CURVB TO '1'111: LBP'l', 'l'BB RADIUS OF WHICH BQUALS 783 PBB'l', FOR A DIS'l'ABCB OF 301.4 PBB'l', 'l'BBllCB DS'l'BRLY ALONG '1'BB lfOR'l'B RIGll'l'-OP-WAY LID OP BAST BAMPDBN AVDUB PAUtJ.BL '1'0 AIR> 30 PBB'l' ROR'1'B OP 'l'BB SOUTH LIBB OP SBC'l'ION 35, 'l'OWIJSBIP 4 SOU'l'B, RAllGB 68 DST, TO A POINT WBBRB 'l'BB BOR'l'll RIGHT-OP-WAY LIBB OP BAST BMPDD AVBNUB Ill'l'DSBC'l'S '1'BB BAST LIRB OP soum LAPAYB'l"l'B STRBBT, '1'BDCB SOU'l'llBRLY TO A POIN'l' WllBRB '1'llB BAST LIRB OP SOUTH LAPAYB'l'TB STRBBT IftBRSBC'l'S '1'BB SOUTH LillB OP SllC'l'IOlf 35, 'l'OWllSBIP 4 '80U'l'B, RAllGB 68 DST, TBBNCB WBS'l'BRLY ALONG SAID SOU'l'B LID OP SAID a.c'l'ION TO 'l'BB POIR'l' OP BBGIDIBG CORTAillING APPROXIMATELY 57.202 ACRBS. (Bill copied in full in Council~1minut•• of October 15, 1962) waa read in full aa a bill for the firat time. The City Attorney reported on the sufficiency of the proteat petition•. Be atated that his analyaia of the proteat petition waa auch that a three quarter vote of the Council ia required. Be elaborated on th• per cent of aiqnatures secured on each of the aide• propoaed for aonin9 and that all but th• east aide had adequate aignaturea to _reqais• t.be tha•• quarter vote of the Council independent of the others. COURCILMAN LOVE MOVBD, COUNCILMAN WOODS SBCOIJDBD, BAT 'DIB llROPOSBD BILL FOR AN ORDINAllCB BB PASSBD ON FIRST READING Al1D ORDBRBD PUBLISBBD IN PULL IN TBB DGLBWOOD BBRALD ARD Dl'l'BRPRISB. COUllCIIMAll BRAUR MOVBD, COUllCIIMAN WOODS SBCOllDBD, TBA'!' '1'BB MOTION BB MBRDBD TO IBCLUDB TBB RBCITATION OP TllB RBC<MIBRDATIORS OP '1'BB PLANNING ARD ZOBIBG COMMISSION: RBSOLUTIOB WllBRBAS: On Auguat 6, 1962, requeat of Time-Life Broadcaae, Inc. was filed with thi• Commiaaion and with the City Council of Englewood for the zoning of land owned by the Petitioner, generally known as the KLZ transmitter aite, under Zone Clasaification "C-3" permitting the conatruction and operation of a regional •hopping center, and WllBRBAS: The City council has by resolution formally requested the re- port and recommendation of this Conaiaaion on the request for zoning, and I I I !I ..... .. ... I I 11 Minute• of Rovember 19, 1962 WJIBRBAS: Acting in compliance and accordance with applicable statute• of Colorado, the Charter and Ordinance of The City of Bngl9WOod, and its own rules and regulation•, thi• Commiaaion ha• duly C'Onaidered the requeat for zoning. Aa a part of it• conaiderationa, the Commiaaion held a Public Hearing concerning the propoaed zoning September 20, 1962, after duly-publiahed notice of hearing and posting of the property, now therefore, be it RBSOLVBD: That the City Planning and Zoning Commiaaion of the City of Englewood, acting at it• regular meeting of October 4, 1962, hereby reports, advises, and recoanend• to the Honorable City Council of the City of Englewood aa follow•: That the tract of land of approximately SS acrea, owned by Time- Life Broadcast, Inc. a~ould by ordinance be claa•ified for use a• a re~ional shopping center under the "C-3" (Commercial District) claaaification uae of Ordinance No. 4S, Series of l9SS, aa amended, known as the "Zoning Ordinance of the City of Englewood". Said land is deacribed by mete• and bounds in Ordinance No. 17, Series of 1962, adopted on final conaideration July 2, 1962, by the City Council of Bngl.wood. Further, this Commission resolves to report, advi•• and state to the City Council of Englewood that among the aubatantial reaaons, finding• and concluaions of this Commiaaion on which this recom- mendation i• baaed are these mattera1 On Auguat 6, 1962 an application was filed by Time-Life Broadcaat, Inc. with the Bngl9WOod Planning and Zoning Commiaaion and the City Council requeating that the land known aa the KLZ aite be zoned a c-3 (Commercial) zone Diatrict, which zone claaaification would permit the construction and operation of a regional shopping center. In compliance with the Charter and Ordinance• of the City of Englewood, and Statute• of the State of Colorado, the Council referred the application to the Commiaaion for their study and recommendation. A Public Hearing concerning the proposed zoning waa held by the Conniaaion on September 20, 1962, after duly-publiahed notice of hearing and posting of the property. The Commiaaion has met and ha• in it• hand• all of the report• and other infor- mation aubmitted by the applicant• requeating that the aubject aite be zoned c-3 Commercial for uae •• a Regional Shopping center and that aubmitted by thoae peraona who oppoae the zone claaaification. 'l'he member• have evaluated the reports, Public Hearing, written material, and all information of whatsoever kind waa officially received by it with the aaaiatance of the Planning Director and ataff. The Planning and Zoning Commiaaion, a• an inatrumentality of the City of Bnglewood, muat view zoning not only from the impact on the illlllediate neighbor- h~~. but from the effect it will have on the City aa a whole. In making their deciaion, the Comniaaion haa in mind the objectives and purpo••• of the zoning Ordinance, Ordinance 4S, Serie• of 19SS, a• amended, having th••• objective• in mind, and in view of this evaluation by the Commiaaion, they do agree on the followings 1. In 1961, the aubject land was studied by this Commission and it• pro- po•ed annexation to and zoning by the City of Bnglewood waa recommended by thi• Commiaaion on May 25, 1961. Subaequent action of the City Council annexing and zoning the subject land for commercial uae (Ordinance No. 21, Seri•• of 1961) waa invalidated by judgment• and decrees of the Diatrict Court and the County Court in and for the County of Arapahoe and State of Colorado, in 1962. 2. The KLZ tranamitter aite waa subsequently annexed to th• City of Bnglewood by Ordinance No. 17, Seri•• of 1962. 3. On the effective date of Ordinance Mo. 17, Serie• of 1962, the •ub- ject land was being uaed for purpo••• of radio broadcasting and ha• been used aa a radio tranamitter •ite aince the early 1930's. The customary zone classification for· auch uae in either "Commercial" of "Industrial". 4. Section 7 of Article I of the Englewood Zoning Ordinance atatea that any area annexed to the City •hall be "automatically claaaified aa R-1-A zone, unless or until a zoning plan for said area baa been adopted pursuant to the provisions of thi• Ordinance." If said Section 7 i• valid and enforceable aa to the aubject land it would appear that the subject land i• now a "non-conforming uae" and that the owners could exercise the right• a• to changing the status of a non-conforming use under Section 4, Ariticle V of the Englewood Zoning Ordinance. Minutes of November 19, 1962 5. Because of the annexation, it is appropriate and necessary that the land be properly brought under the coverage and control of the Bnglewood Zoning Ordinanee consistent with the purpo•es of said Ordinance, among which are "to encourage the mo•t appropriate use 6. of land throughout the City and to insure a logical growth of the various physical elements of the City" under circumstances which "promote health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the City of Bnglewooc:l." Since the subject land and adjacent areas were originally zoned in 1940 for "residential-agricultural" use by the Board of County Coamiasioners of Arapahoe County under a resolution prepared and certified t)o the Board of County Commissioners by the Cherry Bills District Planning Commission, there have been changes in the charac- ter of the area surrounding the subject land. No longer is the area a rural community: it is now a part of an urbanized community. There has been a considerable increase in population and more inten- sive use of the lands on the north, northeast and weat of the subject laNI. 7. Kent School for Girls has been constructed on approximately 28 acres of land adjoining the subject site on the eaat. e. There have been changes in the traffic ayatem and traffic pattern1 (a) (b) (c) Hampden Avenue has been widened and reconstructed into a major east-west arterial six-lane expreaaway. South University, a major arterial, baa been widened from Yale to Highway 70 this year, and will be reconstructed south of Highway 70 by the State Highway Department in 1963. The Denver Traffic Department haa plan• to reatrict parking on South University from Yale to Baat Dartmouth and has re• quested the City of Englewood Traffic Department and the Arapahoe County Engineer to conaider reatricting parking between Bast Dartmouth and Highway 70 or Ba•t Hampden in order to carry the peak loads of traffic. Floyd Avenue to the north of the subject aite waa designated as an arterial by the Englewooc:l City Council through Ordinance Ro. 18, Series of 1958. 9. The trend of recent years toward suburban living has brought about a greater use of automobiles, markedly changing retail shopping habits of residents of the Denver Matropolitan area and other comparable areas throughout the nation, stimulating the construction of large-scale shopping center facilities easily accessible to the shopper with ade- quate parking facilities and well-planned retail store• developed as a single unit around one or more major department stores. 10. Cherry Hilla Village, by its Ordinance No. 3, Seri•• ~f 1958, as amended, has zoned more than 70 acres of land in the village fronting on Hampden Avenue and on South University Avenue, for Conmercial u•e as "R.A.-1 --Resort Area District". Among the u•e• by right under said Cherry Hilla Ordinance are "Residential and Resort Hotel" and Retail Shop• and Restaurants when attached to or forming a part of a residential and resort hotel." Main building• under this Cherry Bills zoning may be constructed to a maximum height of 150 feet. 11. Subsequent to the original action of the City to zone the subject site C-3 (Connercial) for use as a regional shopping center, the Arapahoe County 'lanning Commission has recommended to the Board of County Coamiaaionera of Arapahoe County the zoning of large acreages of land for shopping center use. One . of these is approximately four and one-half miles south of the subject site on Univeraity Boulevard and another, several miles east of the subject site on Hampden Avenue. Both of these sites are in areas much less densely built up and urbanized than that in which the subject land is located. 12. In past years, Englewood has applied commercial zoning classification (C-2) to the strips of land fronting on and adjacent to Hampden Avenue. In accord with accepted modern planning principles. this Commission does not look with favor upon the creation of additional commercial "•trip" zoning, which is one of the reaaona the Commission recommended that the Englewood Zoning Ordinanbe be supplemented and moc:lernized by the addition thereto of the "C-3" zone claaaification. This commercial (C-2) zoning is west of the subject site. After full and serious considezation of all of the written and oral material• furnished to it by residents of Englewood, resident• of unincorporated Arapahoe County, resident• of Cherry Bills Village, and othera1 and after review of the analyses and recommendations of its staff, thia Collllliaaion agreees on the follow- ing findings: (a) That the subject land, because of its size, location and accessibility, has unusual and peculiar suitability for development and use as a regional shopping center under the claaaif ication "C-3" of the Englewood Zoning Ordinance. I 'I I I :I I I 'I (b) Minute• of November 19, 1962 That recommendation of such use of the aubject land under the special control features of the "C-3" zone claaaification is consistent with the planned and atated purpo••• of the Bnglewood zoning Ordinance and particularly ao in th••• reapecta: To conserve and stabilize the value of property: to provide ade- quate open spaces for light and air: to secure aafety from fire: to prevent undue concentration of population (auch, for example, aa might result from high-denaity apartment uae): to aerve and promote the convenience and general welfare of the inhabitants of Bngler.i«>od. Thia Commission baa necessarily considered arguments presented aa to the poaaible and probable effects upon area• adjacent to or near the aubject land if a regional •hopping center i• developed thereon. Among the effect• auggeated and the conclusions of thi• Coallliaaion thereon, after its atudiea, are these: (a) Reduction of value of nearby reaidenc••· Opponent• of the proposed center have submitted material• indicating that both the intrinsic and monetary value• of nearby reaidencea will be reduced. Proponents have submitted material• indicating that while some individuals do not desire to live near a •hopping center, others do: but that insofar a• monetary value i• con- cerned, the consensus of persona 'knowledgeable in real eatate transactions in that value of r••idential propertie• near modern large shopping centers is maintained or increased. The Conmiawion, recognizing the aincerity of th• argument• advanced on both aides, have weigh-.! the argued po••ibility of injury or damage, advantages and benefit• which would result from a modern regional shopping center on the ait•J and concludes that the benefits and advantages outweigh any poaaible injury or damage to adjacent or nearby propertiea, th• reality of which is con- jectural. In addition, the "C-3" control proviaiona (i.e. extraordinary building set backs, requiJml acreen planting along the entire perimeter of the shopping center land, strict limitations on the uae of glaring lights, flashing aiqna, etc.) all will operate, aa they are intended, to render shopping center uae aa compa- tible as possible with nearby reaidential properti••· (b) Added burdens and problems of Municipal Bxpenditurea for Traffic control, Storm Drainage, etc. (c) (1) Hampden Avenue, State Highway 170, i• deaigned to carry and does presently carry a heavy volume of traffic. The Conmiasion concludes that additional traffic which would be generated by thQ proposed •hopping center uae would not overload the capacity of Hampden Avenue1 and that the con- trol provisions of the "C-3"" aa well aa other ordinances will enable the City to minimise the undue burden of auto- mobile traffic upon residential atre•t•. (2) Opponents of the propoaed •hopping center u•• predict heavy damage problems of storm water runoff from the subject land. The Conmiaaion recognizes that any development of any kind whatsoever on the KLZ land would increa•• the amouat of runoff storm water now flowing from the land onto and across topographically lower landa, and that the amount of runoff produced by different type• of u••• and conatruction would vary in degree. The Commission had devoted conaideral>le time to a study of the ef f ecta which shopping center u•• of the KLZ land might have on the storm drainage probl .. a of the City. The Commiaaion has reviewed preliminary plan• aubmitted by the developers for an underground atorm drainage ayatem to be supplied at the developer'• coat, and ha• reviewed written and oral comments presented to it on th• storm drainage problem and baa discussed th• plan with the City Bngineer'• staff. The Conniaaion conclude• that "C-3" control proviaiona, relating to atorm drainage ayatema, enable Bnglewood to furnish the needed protection, since ultimate construction and uae of •hopping center building•, and parking area• ia denied unless and until storm drainage facilities approved by the City Engineering Department and the City Council are provided. tbi• Commission determines that if the aubject land were developed for reaidential uae, under any of the denaitiea permitted by the Bnglewood zoning Ordinance, the reault would moat certainly be to require aubatantial increases in both operating coat• and capital improvement expenditures of the Bnglewood School Diatrict No. 1 and Cherry Creek School District No. 5. Minute• of November 19, 1962 on the other hand, Commercial use of the aubject land cannot increase school capital and operating expenditure•: and reaultant City of Englewood coata 'WOuld be unquestionably lower in relation to com- mercial land than in relation to any residential use. (d) The Reliance and Protection of Existing Buain••• 'l'heoriea. Some of the opponents of commercial zoning for th• aubject land have stated that they purchased their nearby reaidential properties "in reliance" upon continued residential zoning of the KLZ land, to the extent that if there was any change in use of the KLZ land from radio broadcasting, the change should be only to a ain9le-family reaidential zone classification: and that therefore the zoning re- quest should be denied. Such a zoning theory, if followed, would freeze, regardless of any changes in circumstances, original zoning and l«>Uld render the policy of this or any other municipality inflexible and necessarily, therefore, arbitrary and unreasonable. Some of the opponents and their repreaentativ•• also have stated that shopping center use of the subject land would reduce the volume of business done by those presently engaged in retail buainesaes in Bnglewood and Denver, and therefore, the requeat ahould be denied. Zoning can not and should not be used aimply to protect existing buaineaaes, prevent new competitive free enterprise, and freeze the economy of the City of Englewood or any other zoning jurisdiction. Also, the extent of conjuectural reduction• or increase of business for other presently existing retail outlet• i• debatable. One atudy (Preliminary Memorandum Retail COmmercial Development, Larry Smith and Company) has recommended that th• Bnglewood Central Busi- ness District support the proposed shopping center and then concen- trate on strengthening its merchandising in a complimentary fashion to the center. Many uses by right in th• C-1 (Commercial) zone classification are not permitted u••• in th• C-3 zone classification. It 'WOuld seem that the central buain••• diatrict could supplement and compliment the proposed shopping center by providing convenient internal vehicular circulation, additional free parking for customers, pleasant shopping 1:areas and adequate merchandising and service concerns. The Commission further feels that the people in the community have expressed a need for additional shopping facilities and that many of them are now shopping in Denver for it .. • that are not available in Englewood. The Commission is cognizant of the fact that there were many persons opposed to the shopping center at the Public Hearing. Of tho•• attending the Hearing on September 20, 1962, who were opposed to the zoning, 179 were residents within the City of Englewood, and 170 reaid• outside of the City of Englewood. The opponents also filed petition• signed by 68 persons who own property within 100 feet of the proposed site. Twelve petitions signed by 368 persons of which 23 were residents of th.City and 345 outside of the City were presented in opposition to the zoning. The Commission is also mindful that 6720 persona who reside within the City of Englewood signed petitions in 1961 in favor of the zoning of the KLZ site for a regional shopping center: and that 87 persona who are in business in Englewood signed a petition addressed to Mr. Gerri Von Frellick, Von Frellick Associates, 42 Lakeside Center, Denver 12, Colorado, stating that they would support the annexation of the KLZ site to the City of Englewood and its subsequant zoning as a C-3 zone claaaification for use as a regional shopping center." The result of the vote: AYES: Kreiling, Miles Pershing Rice NAYS: Hill ABSENT: Love The motion carried. Respectfully submitted, By order of the City Planning and Zoning Commission /s/ Gertrude G. Welty Recording Secretary AND THAT EACH OF THE ENUMERATED ITEMS OF ARTICE I, SECT·%0N 2 PURPOSE (ORDINANCE NO. 45, SERIES OF 1955) WOULD BE MOST ADBQUATBLY-MET IN THE-BEST INTERESTS OF '1'HB CITY MOST SERVED AND SPECIFICALLY: THAT THE PROPOSED ZONING OPEN SPA8BS. PREVENTS CONCENTRATION: PROVIDES FOR UTILITIES: AND THAT LISTS OF THOSE FAVORING THE ZONING BE RECEIVED AND CONSIDERED AS SHOWING THE DESIRES OF THE CITIZENS. ·I I I I I I I ·I . Minutes of November 19, 1962 Upon the call of the roll . the vote reaulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Love, Mile•, Parker, Smukler. Woods, Brownewell. Nays: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion amended. The Mayor asked for discussion on the amended motion. Councilman Parker expressed the view that the Charter was in error in providing for membership by City Councilmen on the Planning and Zoning Co111l\iasion. The question was called for. Councilman Parker stated that he had nothing to add other than to repeat his opinion that this was not a matter for council decision but should be voted upon by the people and restated his object i on to two members of the Council being also on the Planning Commiasion. He atated that he would vote "No" because most people in the area he waa representing were opposed to the reaoning. The question was called for. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Love, Miles, Nays: Councilman Parker, Councilman Smukler spoke prior to his vote atating that he would vote "Ro" on this matter as he was the elected representative of District 2 where the greatest amount of opposition to the rezoning waa present. He atated that his decision was based upon the premise and belief that he must represent those persons who had contacted him and after considerable time and study he felt that the desires of his constituents were that he vote "No". Ayes: Councilman Woods, Counc i lman woods stated that he voted "Yes" as a representative of the entire City. Ayes: Councilman Brownewell. Absent: None. The Mayor summarized the vote by stating there were 5 favorable and 2 opposed, therefore, the motion was lost as 6 favorable vote• were required to meet the three quarter majority necessary to pass a zoning matter over thelegally suf- ficient protest petition. 622-87 RELATING TO REZONING OF PART OP BILLI ISLB GARDDS 3RD FILING The City Attorney stated that he had prepared a .bill for an ordinance for the consideration of the Council setting forth the matter of rezoning of Lots 3 through 7, Belle Isle Gardens 3rd Piling, from R-1-D (Residence District) classification to M-1 (Industrial Diatrict) classification as recom- mended by the Planning Commission. COUNCILMAN SMUKLBR MOVED, COUNCIUIAR LOVB SBCONDBD, THAT THE RECOMMENDA- TION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION BE ACCBPTBD Al1D '1'HB BILL BB RBAD AND NOTICB FOR PUBLIC HEARING MADE, HEARING TO BB HBLD ON MONDAY, DBCBMBBR 17TH AT 8:00 P.M. IN THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, DJGLBWOOD. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Love, Mile•, Parker, Smukler, Woods, Brownewell. Nays: None. Absent: None • The Mayor declared the motion carried. The City Clerk read the Bill as followaa Introduced as a Bill by Councilman Smukler A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCB REZONING THE FOLLOWING DBSCRIBBD PROPBR'l'r PROM R-1-D (RESIDENCE DISTRICT) CLASSIFICATION TO M-1 (INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT) CLASSIFICATION TO-WIT: LOTS 3, 4, 5, 6, AND 7, BELLE ISLB GARDDS 'ftlIRD PILING, ALL IN THB CITY OF BNGLBWOOD, ARAPAHOE COUNTY, COLORADO. WHEREAS, pursuant to ordinance, the City Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes of November 19, 1962 of the City of E.1glewood, Colorado, has duly held public hearing on a certain proposed amendment to Ordinance No. 45, Serie• of 1955, as amended, of the ordinances of the City of Englewood, Colorado, known aa the "Zoning Ordinance of the City of Englewood, Colorado," and has made recommendation of the adopt- ion of an ordinance embodying said amendment: and, WHEREAS, the City Council has complied with the rules prescribed by its charter and ordinance in taking the preliminary action in amending said Ordinance No. 45, Series of 1955, a• amended: and WBBRBAS, the public necessity, convenience, general welfare and good zon- ing practices justify the proposed amendment to the zoning ordinance, as here- inafter set forth: HOW 'nlBRBPORB, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BNGLBWOOD, COLORADO: Section 1. The zoning of the hereinafter described property located with- in the City of Englewood, County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, is hereby changed from R-1-D (Residence District) Classification to M-1 (Industrial District) classification, to-wit: Lota 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, Belle Isle Gardena Third Filing, all in the City of Englewood, Arapahoe County, Colo~ado. Section 2. The City Council hereby finds, determines and declares that the hereinabove change in zoning is justified by the public necessity, convenience, general welfare and good zoning practices. ~ --Mayor "-.. 622-60 'ro ANNEXATION OF PORTION OF CID1'1'BNNIAL ACRES The City Attorney stated that he had a bill for an ordinance prepared to annex the portion of Centennial Acres which had recently petitioned for annexation to the City, that notice had bean published as required by law and no protest petitions had been filed. The City Clerk read the following bill for an ordinance in full: Introduced as a Bill by Councilman Braun A BILL POR AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE ANNBXATIOR OF PROPBRft BBREINAFTBR DESCRIBBD TO THE Cift OF BNGLBWOOD, COLORADO, AND ANNBXIRG SAID DBSCRIBBD PROPBRft TO 'n1E CITY OF BRGLBWOOD, COLORADO, TO-WIT: Beginning at a point one thousand forty-two and two tenths feet (1,042.2') South of the center of Section 8, Town- ship 5 South, Range 68 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, said point being on the canter line of South Federal Boulevard and fifty feet (50') Bast of the Northeast corner of Lot 30, Block 23, Centennial Acres, Third Filing: thence Weat fifty feet (50') to the north- east corner of above said Lot 30. Block 231 thence Westerly twenty-two and five-tenth• feet (22.5')-along the North line of said Lot 30: thence along a curve to the left having a radius of one thousand eight hundred thirty-three and sixty-four hundredth• feet (1,833.64'), a central angle of 25 degrees 45 minutes (25• 45'), an arc length of eight hundred twenty-four and one- hundredths feet (824.01') more or l••• to a point on the Northeasterly line of Lot JO, Block 23. Centennial Acres, Third Filing . said point being thirty-four and eighty-eight hundredth• feet (34.88') Southwesterly of the Northeast corner of aaid lot: thence Southwesterly one hundred seventeen and forty- one hundredths feat (117.41~) to the llorthweat corner of Lot 19. of above said Block 23: thence Southwesterly one hundred twenty-nine and sixty-nine hundredths feet (129.69') to the Rorthwast corner of Lot 17, also in said Bloc' 23: thence Wast four hundred ninety-one and seventy-one hundredths feat (491.71') to the llorthwast corner of Lot 22. Block 37, Centennial Acres, Fifth Piling: thence Northwesterly along the Horth line ~f Lota 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28. 29 and 30 to the Northwest corner of Lot 30, of said Block 31: thence continuing Northwesterly twenty-three and forty-three hundredths feet (23.43') on the Northerly 'I I I I .I I I I Minutes of November 19, 1962 line of Lot 31, of said Block 37; thence We•terly along the North line of Lots 31, 32, 33, and 34, of said Block 37. and the North line extended a distance of three hundred sixty-two and nineteen hundredths feet (362.19') to a point on the West line of the Southwest Quarter of Section 8, Township 5 South, Range 68 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian: thence South 0 degrees 3 minutes, 30 seconds West (S 0° 03' 30"W) along the West line of the South- west Quarter of said Section 8, a distance of one hundred seventy feet (170'); thence South five deg rees f i fty-seven minutes fifty-three seconds West (S 5° 57' 53"W); a distance of ttfO hundred ninety-one and fifty-five hundredths feet (291.55'); thence South 0 degrees three minutes thirty seconds West (S 0° 03' 3o•w) along a line thirty feet (30') West of and parallel to the West line of the South- west Quarter of said Section 8 a distance of one thousand thirteen and ninety-seven hundredths feet (l,013.97') more or les• to a point thirty feet (30') Westerly of the Southwest corner of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 8; thence Easterly thirty feet (30') to the Southwest corner of the South- west Quarter of said Section 8; thence North ei9hty-. nine degrees forty-•ix minutes forty-f iv• second• Bast (N 89° 46' 45•g) along the South line of said Section 8 a distance of two thousand four hundred seventy and forty-three hundredth• feet (2,470.43') to a point one hundred and seventy feet (170') We•t- erly from the South east corner of the Southwe•t Quarter of said Section 8; thence North parallel with the East line of the Southweat Quarter of aaid Section 8, a distance of four hundred and ninety feet (490'); thence North three degr••• forty-three minutes fifteen seconds West, (N 3° 43' l s •wJ a distance of sixty-eight and eight•tenth• feet (68.8); thence Easterly along a curve o the right having an arc length of one hundred t~ .... and f iv•- tenths feet (102.5'), a radius of ••v•n hundred ninety-three and sixty-feur hundredth• f .. t (793.64') and a central angle of seven degr••• twenty-four minutes (7° 24'); ;hence North eighty-nine de9r••• forty-six minutes forty-five second• Baat (N 89° 46' 45"E) a distance of •eventy-two and five-tenths feet (72.5') to the Bast line of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 8 ••id line also being the center line of South Federal Boulevard; thence North along the Ba•t line of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 8, a distance of one thousand and forty feet (1040.0') to the true point of beginning, all in Arapahoe County, Colorado. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OP THB CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO: Section 1. That written petition wa• properly filed in accordance with statute with the City Council of the City of Sn9lewood, Colorado, proposing the annexation te said City of Englewood of the hereinafter described land, situate in the County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, to-wit: Beginning at a point one thousand forty-two and two-tenths feet (1,042.2') South of the center of Section 8, Town- ship 5 South, Range 68 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, said point being on the center line of South Federal Boulevard and fifty feet (SO') Baat of the Northeaat corner of Lot 30, Block 23, Centennial Acres, Third F i ling: thence West fifty feet (SO') to the North- east corner of above said Lot 30, Block 23: thence Westerly twenty-two and five-tenth• feet (22.S') along the North line of said Lot 30r thence alon9 a curve to the left having a radius of one thousand ei9ht hundred thirty-three.Jtnd sixty-four hundredth• feet (1,833.64'), a central angle of 25 degrees 45 minute• (25° 45'), an arc length of eight hundred twenty-four and one- hundredths feet (824.01') more or le•• to a point on the Northeasterly line of Lot 30, Block 23, Centennial Acres, Third Filing, aaid point being thirty-four and eighty-eight hundredth• feet (34.88') Southwesterly of the Northeast corner of aaid lot; thence Southweaterly one hundred •eventeen and forty- one hundredths feet (117.41') to the Northwest corner of Lot 19, of above said Block 23; thence Southwesterly one hundred twenty-aine and sixty-nine hundredth• feet Minutes of November 19, 1962 (129.69') to the Northwest corner of Lot 17, also in said Block 23: thence West four hundred ninety-one and seventy-one hundredths feet (491.71') to the Northwest corner of Lot 22, Block 37, Centennial Acres, Fifth Filing: thence Northweaterly along the North line of Lots 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30 to the Northwest corner of Lot 30. of aaid Block 31: thence continuing Northwesterly twenty-three and forty-three hundredths feet (23.43') on the Northerly line of Lot 31, of said Block 37: thence Weaterly along the North line of Lots 31, 32, 33 and 34, of said Block 37, and the North line extended a distance of three hundred sixty-two and nineteen hundredths feet (362.19') to a point on the We•t line of the Southwest Quarter of Sect i on 8, Town•hip 5 South, Range 68 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian: thence South 0 degrees 3 minute•, 30 ••cond• We•t (S 0° 03' 30"1f) Along the We•t line of the south- west Quarter of said Section 8, a diatance of one hundred seventy feet (170'): thence South five degrees fifty-seven minutes f ifty-thr•• aeconda West (S 5° 57' 53"W): a diatance of two hundred ninety-one and fifty-five hundredth• feet (291.55'): thence South 0 degrees three minute• thirty aeconda West (S 0° 03' 30"W} along a line thirty feet (30') West of and parallel to the We•t line of the South- west Quarter ot said Section 8 a diatance of one thousand thirteen and ninety-seven hundredth• feet (l,013.97') more of less to a point thirty feet (30') Westerly of the Southwest corner of the Southweat Quarter of said Section 8: thence Baaterly thirty feet (30') to the Southwest corner of the South- west Quarter of said Section 8: thence Horth eighty- nine degrees forty-six minutes forty-five aeconda Bast (N 89° 46' 45"E) along the South line of aaid Section 8 a distance of two thousand four hundred seventy and forty-three hundredths feet (2,470.43') to a point one hundred and seventy feet (170') West- erly from the Southeast corner of the Southweat Quarter of said Section 8: thence 9orall ,parallel with the Bast line of the Southweat Quarter of aaid Section 8, a diatance of four hundred and ninety feet (490'): thence North three degree• forty-three minutes fifteen seconds West, (N 3• 43' ls•w) a distance of sixty-eight and eight-tenth• feet (68.8'): thence Baaterly along a curve to the right having an arc length of one hundred two and five- tenths feet (102.5'), a radius of aeven hundred ninety-three and sixty-four hundredths feet (793.64') and a central angle of seven degrees twenty-four minutes (7° 24'): thence North eighty-nine degrees forty-six minutes forty-five seconds Baat (N 89° 46' 45•s) a distance of seventy-t11«> and five-tenths feet (72.5') to the East line of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 8 said line also being the center line of South Federal Boulevard: thence North along the East line of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 8, a distance of one thousand and forty feet (1040.0') to the true point of beginning, all in Arapahoe County, Colorado. Section 2. That said petition was signed by the owners of more than fifty per cent(5°") of the area of such territory, who also comprised a majority of the landowners residing in the said territory at the time the petition was filed. Section l• That said petition waa in all respects in conformity with the proviaions of Article 11, Chapter 139, Colorado Revised Statutes 1953, as amended: that aaid petition was favorably conaidered by the City Council of the City of Englewood, constituting the legialative body of the municipality to which said territory is proposed to be annexed: that notice of the substance of the petition, including the date of signing, the number.of persons signing, a description of the territory included in the propoaed annexat i on, and a statement that landowners of the area may express their opposition to the annexation and secure an election by complying with the provisions of Section 139-11-4, Colorado Revised Statutes 1953, was publiahed pursuant to statute. Section 4. That said hereinabove described parcel or parcels of property be, and they hereby are, declared annexed to aaid City of Englewood, Colorado, and are hereby made a part of the said City, purauant to the provisions of Article 11, Chapter 139, Colorado Revised Statutes 1953, aa Amended. I I I I :I I :1 I Minutes of November 19, 1962 Passed on First Reading by the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, this 19th day of November, A.D., 1962, and ordered published in full in the Englewood Herald and Enterpri••· ~~~ ------v Mayor ATTEST: was read for CDUNCII.HAN BRAUN MOVED, COUNCILMAN PARKBR SBCONDBD, THAT THE PROPOSED BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE BB PASSED ON FIRST RBADDIG AND ORDBRBD PUBLISHED IN FULL IN THE BNGLBWOOD HERALD AND ENTERPRISE. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Love, Milea, Parker, Smukler, Woods, Brownewell. Nays: None. Absent: None • The Mayor declared the motion carried. 622-57 RELATING TO APPROPRIATIONS FOR 1963 Introduced as a Bill by Councilman Parker A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING SUMS FOR ALL MUNICIPAL PURPOSES IN THE CITY OP BllGLm«X>D, COLORADO, IN THB FISCAL YBAR BBGIHNING JANUARY l, 1963, AND BRDIHG DBCBMBBR 31, 1963, CONSTITUTING WHAT IS TBRMBD '1'BE ANNUAL APPROPRIA- TION BILL FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1963. BE IT ORDINANED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO: SBCTION 1. That there be and there is hereby appropriated from the revenue deriving from taxation in the City of Englewood, Colorado, from the collec- tion of license fees and from all other sources of revenue during the year beginning January l, 1963, and ending December 31, 1963, the amounts here- inafter aet forth for the objects and purpo••• specified and set opposite thereto, specifically as follows, to-wit: GENERAL Fm1D Legislation and Counsel ••.••••••••••••••••••• Judiciary •••.••.•..•......•.......••.•••••••• Management ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Finance and Recording •••••••.•••••••••••••••• Public Works ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Fire Department •••••••.....•.••.••••••••••••• Police Department ••.•••.••.•.•••••••••••••••• Building Inspection •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Parks and Recreation •.••••••••••.•••••••••••• Planning and Traffic Regulation •••••••••••••• Public Library •••..•.••••.••..••••••••••••••• Civil Defense Agency ••••••••••••••••••••••••• General Government ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TOTAL ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• PUBLIC IMPROVBMBNT FUND Construction, reconstruction, installations and contigencies ••••••••••••••• WATER FUND Program Coordination ••••••••••••••••••••••••• Operations (Plant) •••••••••••••••.••••••••••• Capital Additions (Plant) •.•••••••••••••••••• Operations (Distribution) •••••.•••••• ~ ••••••• Capital Additions (Distribution) ••.•••••••••••• Debt Service •.•.••••••••••.•..••••••••••••••• Reserve •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TOTAL ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• $ 50,904. $ 10,000. $ 32,832. $ 47,102. $ 315,495. $ 201,354. $ 251,973. $ 52,220. $ 60,249. $ 61,955. $ 79,510. $ 2,600. $ 84,329. $1,249,668. $ 127,300. $ 104,787. $ 158,932. $1,725,000. $ 69,489. $ 121,557. $ 360,158. $ 42,685. $2,582,528. Minutes of November 19, 1962 WATER BOND AND INTEREST FUND Bond Retirement •.••.•.•••.••.•••••••••••••••••• Interest ...............................•....... lle11t1?''7tt •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 'I'OTAL ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SEWER OPERATIONS FURi> Program Coordination •••••••...•.• , ••••••••••••• Sewage Plant Operat:bns •••••••••••••••.•••••••• Sewage Plant Capital Additions ••••••••••••••••• Maintenance of Sewer System ••.••••••••••••••••• Sewer Syatem Capital Additions ••••••••••••••••• Debt Service and Transfers .•••••.•••••••••••••• llta~ttr"ta •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 'I'OTAL ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• $ 201,000. $ 194,008. $ 135,314. $ 530,320. $ 26,475~· $ 54,858. $ 3,100. $ 13,603. $ 50,000. $ 66,000. $ 163,828. $ 377,864. SEWER REVENUE BOND AND RBSBRvE FUND Bond Retirement •••••.•••.•.••.•.•.••••••••••••• Interest ...........................••......•... llta~tl~lt •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 'I'OTAL • • •••.•••••••• • ••••.•..•• • •• • • • • • • • • • $ 32,000. $ 38,942. $ 104,058. $ 175,000. SBWAGB DISPOSAL PLANT RESERVE FUND FOR CAPITAL ADDITIONS lt••C1r\ltt •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• $ 146,649. SALES TAX FUND Tran•f•r• ....•.......•..............••..•.••••• $ 282,000. SBCTION 2. That all monies in the hands of the City Clerk-Treasurer or to come into hi• hand• for the fiscal year of 1963 may be applied on the out- atanding claims now due or to become due in the aaid fiscal year of 1963. SBCTION 3. That all unappropriated monies that may come into the hands of the City Clerk-Treasurer during the year of 1963 may be so distributed among the reapective funds herein as the City Council may deem beat under such control aa ia preacribed by law. SBCTJ8H 4. That during or at the close of the fiscal year of 1963, any aurplua money in any of the respective funds, after all claims for 1963 againat the same have been paid, may be distributed to any other fund or fund• in the discretion of the City Council. Paaaed on Firat Reading by the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, thia 19tla day of November, A.O., 1962, and ordered published in full in the Bnglewood Herald and Enterprise. ~···-·~ Mayor A'l'TBST: waa read COUNCIIMAN PARKER MOVED, COUNCIIMAN MILES SECONDED, THAT TSE PROPOSED BILL BE PASSED ON FIRST READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED IN FULL IN THE ENGLEWOOD HERALD AND ENTERPRISE. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Love, Milea, Parker, Smukler. Woods, Brownewell. Nays: None. Absent: None • The Mayor declared the motion carried. I I I I I I I I Minutes of November 19, 1962 622-88 RELATING TO CONTRACT FOR LEASE OF SURPLUS SEWER PLANT LAND The City Manager stated that the City owns 4.28 acres of land south of the Englewood Sewer Plant which is vacant and idle at this time. He stated that the Martin K. Bby Construction Company, Inc. proposed to agree to the lease of that land for five years with an automatic yearly renewal thereafter. The rental fee would be $500.00 per year. The City Attorney stated that the Water and Sewer Board could not anticipate the need for the land for at lea•t 10 years. COUNCIIMAN SMUKLBR MOVED, COUNCILMAN PARKER SECONDED, THAT THE LEASE BB APPROVBD ARD 'ftlB MAYOR AND CITY CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Aye•: Councilmen Love, Miles, Parker, Smukler, Woods, Brownewell. Nays: Councilman Braun. Absent: None • The Mayor declared the motion carried. Councilman Braun stated that he had voted "no" because he was not familar with th'is matter and did not agree with the leasing of these lands for such long periods. 621-82 SUIT AGAINST PAVING DISTRICT NO. 11 The City Attorney reported that the case brought by Kenneth A. Heron again•t the City of Englewood with regard to his assessment for street improvement• on South Cherokee and Cherokee Circle had been dismissed. 622-90 AGRBBMBNTS WITH THE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT RELATING TO BBLLEVIBW The City Manager reported that three agreements had been prepared by the State Highway Department for consideration by the City of Englewood, namely. 1. For permanent easement of City-owned land in the vicinity of the bridge across Big Dry Creek and Belleview which land would be covered by the highway slope. 2. A temporary easement for stock piling of dirt in the same area, 3. An access agreement from the bridge east approximately 375 feet. Discussion ensued. COUNCILMAN LOVE MOVED, COUNCILMAN PARKER SECONDED, THAT THE MAYOR AND CITr CLERK BB AUTHORIZED TO SIGN THE AGREEMENTS ON BEHALF OF THE CITY. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Aye•: Councilmen Braun, Love, Miles, Parker, Smukler, Woods, Brownewell. Nay•: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. PENDING MATTERS IN CITY ATTORNEY'S FILE The City Attorney reported that he has two ordinances in his file tabled at previou• meetings for lack of easement or deeds which were to be secured as condition for passage of the ordinance. Discussion ensued. The Mayor directed the City Manager to contact the various parties con- cerned to see if these ordinances could not be cleared. 622-89 RELATING TO BUSINESS AND OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE RATES The City Manager reviewed that there was insufficient time for the adoption of an amendment to the Municipal Code to be effective for the 1963 license year. He stated that the City Treasurer would collect the full amount of the 1963 license setting aside one third of the same in an escrow for 1964 revenues. In 1964 the businesses would pay one half of the reduced license schedule which with the amount placed in the escrow would equal a sum of approximately two-thirds of the 1962 revenue. Discussion ensued. He stated that he would have a bill for an ordinance available for consideration by the Council on the 3rd of December. 622-67 RELATING TO MAXIMUM WORK WEEK POR CBRTAIN EMPLOYEES The City Manager referred to his report and recommendations to the City Council with regard to hours worked by employees in certain departments. He discussed his recommendation with the Council. Minutes of November 19, 1962 Councilman Parker stated that he 'tiOuld prefer 40 hour week for Policemen rather than street and water employees. The City Manager stated that addi- tional employees would not be necessary to allow 40 hour week for Policemen :·. but this action would require almost 100 per cent one man car operation. He stated that his recommendation was based upon an effort to provide equivalent police service throughout the City while not jeopardizing the individual officers by one man car operation. Councilman Braun stated that it would cost approximately $25,000.00 to go to a 40 hour week without one man cars. Dis- cussion ensued. The City Manager reported that a petition had been submitted to him by the members of the Police Department favoring one man cars if it resulted in a 40 hour week. He sununarized by stating that his recommendation was a matter of adjusting each department who presently works more than 40 hours. to 40 hours or closer to 40 hours and that the 40 hours work week can be achieved in the future for all employees. The City Manager pointed out that in the case of injury on the job that the employee must take sick leave until he is eligible for workman's compen- sation. He stated that in such cases of a serious injury he felt the City should not charge sick leave for those first 7 days and he would favor an amendment to the Career Service Ordinance to authorize that. Discussion ensued. The Mayor directed the City Attorney to draft a bill for an ordinance to cover the matters as discussed by the City Manager, leaving the hours worked by the various departments blank. 622-9 TREASURER'S REPORT FOR MONTH ENDING OCEOBER 31, 1962 COUNCIIMAN SMUKLER MOVED, COUNCIIMAN BRAUN SECONDED, THAT THE TRBASURBR'S REPORT FOR THE MONTH ENDING OCTOBER 31, 1962 BE ACCEPTED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Love, Miles, Parker, Smukler, Woods, Brownewell. Nays: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 622-79 REQUEST FOR DONATION TO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE STRBBT CHRISTMAS DECORATION FUND The City Manager reported that a representative of the Chamber had not been able to attend but that he had received a request for a $2,000.00 dona- tion from the City to decorate the main streets of Englewood for the Christmas season. He stated that the last two years $1,750.00 had been donated for this purpose and he would recommend a similar donation this year. COUNCILMAN BRAUN MOVED, COUNCIUtAN PARKER SECONDED, THAT THE CITY MANAGER'S RBCOMMBNDATION BE ACCEPTED AND THE CHAMBER OF C<»OIBRCE RECEIVE A DONATION TO- .. , WARD TllB STREET CHRISTMAS LIGHTING PROGRAM OF $1,750.00 FROM THE CITY OF ENGLBWOQp. Upon the call 9f the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Love, Miles, Parker, Smukler, Woods, Brownewell. Nays: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 622-91 APPLICATION FOR RETAIL FERMENTED MALT BEVERAGE LICENSE Mr. Edward M. Heppenstall of Holme, Roberts, More and owen, Counselors at Law, appeared on behalf of the 0outhland Corporation of Texas transacting business in Colorado under the name of Texas Southland Corporation. He pre- sented. an application for Retail Fermented Malt Beverage license for sale of 3.2 beer only on behalf of the abovP corporation dba 7-Eleven at 3601 South Sherman Street, Englewood. He sul:xr.Ltted a check in the amount of $25.00 and requested that the Council set a hearing on the matter. COUNCILMAN BRAUN MOVED, COUNCIIMAN MILBS SECONDED, THAT THE APPLICATION FOR RETAIL PERMBNTBD MALT BBVERAGE LICENSE BY TBB SOUTHLAND CORPORATION OF TBXAS dba 7-ELBVBN BB RBCEIVBD AND THAT A LICBNSE HBARING BE SET FOR e.oo P.M., MOllDAY, DECBMBBR 17TH APTBR PROPBR AND LBGAL POSTING OF THE PROPERTY AND RBCBIPT OP A POLICE REPORT ON THE OPPICBRS OP TBB CORPORATION AND THE MANAGER. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Love, Miles, Parker, Smukler, Woods, Brownewell. Hays: Nora Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. I I I I ,, I I I Minutes of November 19, 1962 622-77 RELATING TO RENEWAL OF THOROBRED LIQUORS STORB LICENSE The City Clerk stated that in checking the records further that the owner of Thorobred Liquors, Mr. Sydney Roberts, had not been advised to appear before the Council in connection with his renewal of his license which had been qranted on November 4th after letters had gone out to all holders of Liquor Licenses in Englewood. He reconJnended that the Council reconsider the issuance of this license. COUNCIUilAN SMUKLER MOVED, COUNCIIHAN PARKER SBCONDBD, 'MAT THE RENEWAL OF THE LIQUOR LICENSE FOR THOROBRED LIQUORS FOR THE YBAR 1963 BE APPROVED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Love, Miles, Parker, Smukler, Woods, Brownewell. Nays: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 622-92 APPOINTMENT TO PARKS AND RECREATION CXMMISSION The Mayor stated that former Mayor McLellan had been very active member of the Parks and Recreation Commission but that the appointment of a Councilman to this Commission was necessary rather than it going to the Mayor. Accordingly he stated that there was a vacancy on the Parka and Recreation Commission. Discussion ensued. COUNCIUilAN BRAUN MOVED, COUNCILMAN MILES SECONDED, THAT COUNCIUilAN PARJ<BR BE APPOINTED TO THE ENGLEWOOD PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION FOR A TERM END- IHD FEBRUARY l, 1964. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Love, Miles, Parker, Smukler, Woods, Brownewell. Nays: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the motion carried and Councilman Parker to be appointed to represent the City on the Parks and Recreation Commission along with Councilman Woods. OTHER MATTERS The Mayor called the Council's attention to a joint meeting of the City Council with the School Board to be held Wednesday, November 21, 1962 at ' 6:30 P.M. at North School. ADJOURN COUNCILMAN BRAUN MOVED, COUNCILMAN LOVE SECONDED, THAT THE MEETING BE ADJOURNED. Upon the call of the roll, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Braun, Love, Miles, Parker, Smukler, Woods, Brownewell. Nays: None. Absent: None. The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 12:30 A.M., Tuesday, November 20, 1962. /s/ B. o. Beausang, City Clerk Clerk of the Council The minutes of the meeting of the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, held on the 19th day of November, 1962 A.D., stand approved as corrected this 3rd day of December, 1962 A.O.