HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927-01-24 (Regular) Meeting Minutes4 ADJOURllED RS}ULAR J.lE3TIUG OF THE CITY COUUCIL OF THE CITY OP ENGLEWOOD,COLOBADO, THIS UOHDAY TH3 24th DAY OP JAlJUARY, A. D. 1927. ID the absence the meeting to ROLL CALL: of .iiqor Simon, llayor Pro Tem Bullen took the chair and called order and saked for roll call. Bullen UoCord Present, Cavender Absent, .Present, Norris Present, John Present, Winkler Present, 6 Present, Absent 1, ~lderman inkler Uoved,) UoCord Seconded,) That proposed ordinance No. Series of 1927,"Alf CllDIHAlfCE SUPPLEJIKUTING ORDINANCE NO. 32, SEHIES OF 1926, SETTING THE DATE IHBB THE Pll~ST IUSTALLLlEllT OF THE ASSESSUEilT Ill ENGLEWOOD SIDEWA~ DISTRICT lrouBEB OllE SHALL BM DUE:be introduced and placed upon its second reading. 40LL CALL: ' Bullen J.7e, UoCord A¥e, 5 qes, Cavender Absent, .Uorria A¥e, Absent 1, M~or so ordered. John Qe, Winkler qe, Cl~k read p~oposed ordinance Ho. Series of 1927, "All ORDINANCE SUPPLBMBHTIJIG 0™1WJC.8 llO. 32, SERIES OF 1926, 8ETTIUG TH~ DATE WHEll THE PIRST INSTALLIJEN'l' 01 fU A SESS WIT IH KllGLEWOOD SIDEWALK DISTHICT llUUBER ONE SHALL BE DUE," in tull. 414erman inkler Uoved,) KoCor4 Seconded,) That proposed ordinance .Uo. Series of 1927,"Ali O~f:llilCJI SUP.PLSU&lfl'lllG uaDillAllCE N0.32, SERIES Olf 1926, sllTTIDG THE DATE WHB1I THJ Pi.ts~ IllS'lALWXNT or THE ASSKSSU~lT .Ill ENGLEWOOD SIDEWALK DIS1'RICT NUUBJIR ~Kl~LL BZ DUl," do now pass ••oea4 r ra•4i~·as read. &OLL CALL: Bullen qe, UoCord qe, Cavender Absent, Norris Aye, • • 6 1.7es, ~ Absent 1, UIQ'or so ordered. llderman inkler Uoved,) John qe, Winkler A.Je, ' MoCord Seconded,) That Ordinance entitled,"AH ORDINANCE SUPPI.EJIBlfTIBG aaDIBAJICE HO. 32, SBRIBS OP 1926, SETTING THE DATE WHF~ THE FIRST INSTALUIBliT OP THE ASSESSUE.iiT IN BlfGLEWOOD SIDEWAU: DISTRICT NUUBER OllE SHALL BE DUE,"do now finally pass as Ordinance Ho. 2, Series of 1927. BOLL CALL: Bullen J.:le, Cavender Absent, John A.7e, MoCord A¥e, Borris A¥e, Winkler 1.7e, 6 Ayes, Absent 1, U&yor so ordered. Alderman finkler Uoved,) UcCord Seconded,) That be it resolved thut Ordinance No.2, Serles ot 1927, this dlQ' passed by the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, be published in the Englewood Herald, a weekly newspaper of general circulation in the City of Qiglewood, Colorado, as required by the Statute of the State of Colorado. ROLL CALL: • Bullen qe, l.loCord qe, Cavender Absent, Horris Aye, 5 ~ee, Absent 1, ~or so ordered. John qe, W1Dkler qe, pp!ications for license presented the Denver and south Platte Transportation Co.•and 1he Bus Transportation Co., for Auto-Bus License was referred to the Lio~nae Committee • • •lderman UoCo rd Uoved,) ' Norris Seconded,) That the request of residents of the 4200 block on South Galapago Street for culverts on the south side of Princeton at Gal,pago and on the aoath side of .. -*cQ atnoy at Galapago. Also that this block be uorked and graveled as soon as weather conditions will permit, be referred to the _1street and Bridge Comaittee ~d Street Commissioner. ifOLL CALL: Bullen A.7e, Cavender Absent, KoCord A.7e, Norris Aye, 6 Ayes, ~or so ordered. Ya¥or came at this time and took the chair. ' AJ.derman Bullen Uoved,) Absent 1, John qe, Winkler qe, Borris Seconded,) That the Tractor tor City use be purchased from Ur. Walsh. and Grader Just demonstrated aoLL CALL: I ' Bullen Aye, JiloCord Aye, Cavender Absent, Horris Aye, 5 ~es Absent Mayor so ordered. John Aye, Winkler Aye, I I I I I I · I I I I Alderman Bullen Uoved,) Borria Seoonded,) the Cit7 be fixed at 10. per BOLL C.ALL: That the price per lot for water taps outside lot, with a minimum price of $20. per tap. Bullen qe, UoCorcl 1.7e, 5 A.7eS, Cavender Absent, Horris Aye, Absent 11.ayor so ordered. 1, John Aye, Winkler Aye, Bide received by S.L.Highbaugh, Treasurer, for extending assessment books in diatriots as follows: Water l.lain District Bo.l ~outh Broadway .t>aviug District No.3 Hoakin'a ~idewalk District ~68.50 87.50 10.00 or Th• three Districts ater in District Bo. 1 $347.50 Llary G. John, 2815 So.Broadway. south Broadway Paving District No. 3 $336.00 150.00 .later J.lain District Bo. l South Broadway .Paving District Hoskin's Sidewalk District • • • ter I.lain District Ho. 1 South Broadway Paving District lioskins Sidewalk District ' John w. Black, 3821 So. Bannock • $360.00 Ho. 3 185.00 15.00 James E. Adams • '400.00 Ho. 3 135.00 30.00 D.U.West, 4300 so. Grant St. Zng ewood idewal :c District Ilo. 1 ry G.John Jamee ... dacs John • lack Sam J. Ruoker , Jr • 19.00 25.00 26.00 19.75 ry G.John being the lowest bidder was given the work in each district. The Cit7 &ngineer presented the following estimate in connection with Hall-Sinolair ~treet Grading and Improvement District: January 24th, 1927. Contract: Hall-Sinolair Street grading and Improvement District Contraotor: Bell Plwn bing and Heating Company Lowering 32 service pipes .j257.75 Glen A.Izett, pproved: City Engineer. ~lderuaan Bullen Moved,) inkler Seconded,) ~hat a copy of the above estimate be incorporated in and apread upon the minutes and that the following resolution be adopted, whioh resolution was thereupon read in full: HES OLUT I Oll aBSOLV&D. that the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, authorize the City Treasurer to pay a certain estimate in the matter of Hall-3anolair Sidewalk and Street Grading Improvement District, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Englewood,Colorado, that estimate number of the City Engineer showing the amount due at this time to Bell Plumbing and Heating Company in the sum of $257.75, be and the same is hereby approved and the City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to p~ the said party or its duly accredited representative the amount specified by said estimate out of monies 1n his hands to the credit of said district or to come int' his hands from the sale of bonds of said district and to charge the same on account of the respective catters therein contained. 1'he question of adoption and a pproval of the above and the vote was tal~en with the following result: ROLL CA!J.: Bullen UoCord qe, A:3e, 5 qe, Cavender Absent, Horris A:3e, Absent Ua¥or eo ordered. 1 resolution was put John Aye, Winkler Aye, :2 I The City Engineer presented the following estimates: Contraot: Water Us.in District Number 1 Contractor: U&ry G.John January 24th, 1927. J.laking extentions in assessment roll Book 2/3 cocipleted il50.00 Glen A.Izett, Contract: Sou~h Broadw~ Paving District No.3 Contractor: LlarJ G.John City Engineer. .I.faking extentions in assessment roll Book 2/3 oornpleted t 60.00 Contract: Contractor: Rnglewood Sidewalk District llo.l Llary G.John Glen A.Izett, City Bngineer. llaking extentiona in assessment roll Book completed • 19.00 Glen A.Izett, City Engineer. Alderman Bullen Moved,) Winkler Seconded,) That a copy of the above estimates be inoorpor~ted in and spread upon the minutes and that the following resolution be adopted, which resolution was thereupon read in full: RESOLUTION RRSOLVBD, that the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, authorize the City Treasurer to pay certain estimates in the matter of Water l.lain District No.l, South Broadway Paving District No.3, and Englewood Sidewalk District llo.l. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Englewood, Colorado, that estimates numbered of the City Engineer showing the amount due at this time to 11aJ7 G.Jolan in the sum of t15o.oo for making extentions in assessment roll book in Water Kain District No.l, amount due lla?'J' G.John in the sum of $60.00 for making extentions in assessment roll book in South Broadway Paving District No.3; amount due Llary G.John in the sue of ~19.00 for making extentions in assessment roll book in &nglewood Sidewalk District No.l, be and the same are hereby approved and the City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to p~ to said party or her duly accredited representative, the amount specified by the said estimates out of monies in .his hands to the credit of the said Districts or to come into his hands from the sale of bonds of said Dietriots, and charge the same on account of the respective matters therein contained. The question of the adoption and approval of the above resolution was put and the vote taken with the following result: aoLL CALL: Bullen .A.7•, lloCord JJe, 5 Ayes, Cavender Absent, Norris Aye, Absent 1, Mayor so ordered. John qe, Winkler qe, Ur. s.L.Highbaugh came before the Cow1cil and asked permission to tap the ater U&in at Lincoln and Union for the extention of a private main to his lots in the 4700 block on so. Lincoln Street. Council granted said request and requested the City Attorney to draw up contract for same. Alderman Winkler Uoved,) McCord Seconded,) rhat there being no further before the Council, Cowioil adjourn. business to come ROLL CALL: Bullen qe, lloCord qe, 5 Ayes, Cavender Absent, Norris Aye, Absent 1, ~or so ordered. John qe, Winkler qe, Minutes of Adjourned Regular Ueeting of the City Council of the City of Bnglewood, Colorajlo, this Monday the 24~~ of January, A.D., 1927, stand approved ae 11141/d..1 this 'If day of dl'..&Jt_, A.D., 1927. --~~--dL d~---- Ci ty Clerk. (f 91- I I I I