HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927-08-08 (Regular) Meeting MinutesRIDt1!.Art ~mIJG OF THZ CITY COU~lCIL OF THE CITY OF 3llGLEWOOD, COLORADO. mIS UOifl>A.Y THZ 8th DAY OP AUGUST. A.D. 1927. lillu'or J.l.Abbott called the ROLL CALL: meeting to order and asked tor roll call. C~vender Preeent . UoOorcl neeent . Hall Present , John ~resent. lUelsen Present , Pefltrce Present. 6 Present Absent None, Alderm8ll CUllieon Uoved, l John Seconded,) Th~t the reading of the minutes of the last regular meeting be ~oaponed Mnd the Clerk read the minutes of S~eci~l C~ll Keeting of JuJ.3 29th. 192'7. BOT.L ca ~T.: CullilOD qe. KoCord J.3•. 6 Ayes Hall Aye, Nielsen Aye . U~yor so ordered. llAYB llone Clerk read Uinutes of Snecisl Call Ueeting of July 19th. 1927. Alterman PeArce Uoved.) John A7e, Pe~rce Aye. Cullteon Seoonded.) 'l'het the minutes of the Speoi~l Csll Meeting juet real b;y the Clerk be ap~roved RS read. O'·L CALL: Cullieon ~·· Hall ~ye, Joh~ ·~e. "oC..,rd 47e . Nielsen Aye Pe!!roe _1_:7e , · 6 Ayes H~ys None. W•7or so ordered. Clerk reAd reports l.W.B•l.7D. of Officers ~s follows Chief of "Police for the month of July. 1927. Lenora J'ogle A.O.Tiedt L.W.Terrell D.A.Sutton D •• west City Clerk Be'tlth Conn. Police u.&gistrAte Wire Tnai:>ector City Tre-.tsurer Alderm~n Cullison uoved.) !1811 Seconded.} Th~t Re~orts of Officers just read b7 the Clerk be • received and tiled. 1uT.T, ca LL~ CUlliaon qe . • J.lo"ord A7e , Hall A.ye , Nielsen Aye . John •7e. Pearce •7e 6 Ayes Nays li .. e Ma.vor so ordered. All Billa O.K'd by the Pin•noe CoIIUlittee. 7259 J.K.Abbott 7260 Lenora Pogle 7261 c.c.con1U1t '7262 D.Lf .•eet 7263 E .W.H-u:il.yn 7264 L-S -Brown 7265 Geora:e Yabaley 7266 A.0.Tiedt '726'7 J.E.Cltlliaon 7266 C.il.H~ll 7269 Gr nt ff.John 7270 J.C.UoCord 7271 H.S .N eilsen 7272 L .•orYal ie~roe 7278 Ja11ea Robinson 7273 wa.1.wrt~ht 72'74 C. Bl•dholm 7279 7280 7281 7282 7283 7276 72'77 '7278 7284 '7286 7286 7287 7288 728~ 7290 7291 7292 7293 '7294 Joe Wheeler C.Y Gu ~afaen .ieW•ClAr.lc Wilkenaon p.w•-.nneke D.A.Rutton JA7 liice John Crs17 L.W.Terrell A.O. Tiedt ThOlllll P. De 17 L .W "'•rrell ~~ilton Towel SUDl>lY C17alere D~ Br8dford-Rob1naon Johll D07le Caea1dy Broe Jill •t laon W"leh 11otor Co. Uayor Clerk Attorney Treasurer Chief of Police Asst Chief of Police Street Co,.. He~lth Co""'1. Aldernaen Alderman Alderrnan Alderman Alderman Aldermen llight fire trucl: driver FIRE l'TTlm Day nr 1 "' ~ .. .Nia:ht 'ind Sund"-Y Uan PUBT·IC LJPROVEUEI~T FUUD L-tbor 12 dqa Cutting Weeds LRbor 14 dA.ys Labor 5 -~ day e Labor GBU~AL lUND Sneci~l "Poliae Sl>eCiAl l>olice SneciRl Police Court Costs 19 days 2 hrs 25 trips to Lebor~tory ~remium on Bond tor TreAe. Premim:i on Ina.Policy Towel o Su"n 'l iet:S Election Su~~lies Ren~iring water pipe SUl>Plies & Labor su"'pl iee Sunnlies • 10.00 126.00 18.00 26.00 86.00 '79.50 86.00 25.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 26.00 '613.66 t126.00 46.00 1176.oo · t 48.oo 71.76 56.00 22.00 4.00 f211.'15 • 5.00 10.00 6.00 3.00 25.00 12.60 48.60 1.26 6.30 46.66 14.00 16.66 14.67 8.25 I •, I I I I I I I I • 7295 7296 729'1 7298 7299 7300 7301 7302 7303 '1304 Jill Wilson Al Jlivel; Gua G"rttge . Ba«lewood Tire • Yul.Co. -lnoo4 ~r4""re oo . &leotrio S•rT1o• D.A .Sutton Uount-ln St~t•• !.& ~.c~. ~rd ot ater o • Jaa.Aerald <-•' ' t• lltn~ Grttn4 total Sunnliee SU"i>liee Sunn lies Tire R•OBir Sunnliea IAbor M Sun~liee Wire Inet>ector Phone Service Water rent 'irinting • g;35 8~48 18~25 3.75 30.60 1.35 28.85 18.60 9.20 89.57 1432.SB tl317.83 .A14•naan CRlllaon 8-lll • allowed and Arr~Dt ., all billa O .~'d by the Pin~ce Committee be t t th• .... lh )T,T, CALL: CUlllmon .,. UoOord A7•. u ., •• S-11 Aye . Jli•laen ~e • or ao ordered. liBYS Hone John Aye. Pe8rwe Aye, . BeAlth Co 1ttee ked tor aore time to make report. which was granted by the ~or Soe o ial Co.aitte• reported on two lota aold for taxes at Oxford and Broadw~ eeveral 1• re ago and certitio~tee gr~ted to Ur.Mitchel in which the City has an intereet. wae dieoueee4 ae to beet thing to do. to buy in the outstanding oertltloatee or to oanoel the oheck given by the City Tresaurer in payment of general and apecial tax••· .lldel'llAD Jolm llOYed,) Ball 8eooncled.) Thst the City Tresaurer cancil the checks given to the Count7 Tr•~•ur•r on the above lota and atop payment ·as the laca are not worth the .. ount ot th• tax••· -R OTJ, CAL!.: CU111aon AJ•. Bllll Aye, John qe. KoCord qe . Nielsen J.ye . Pearce A7e , 6 qea Nays llone. UA.yor eo ordered. Clerk read letter ot George Yabeley, Street Comm. e:xpresaing his appreciation to the Cowioil for oonfidence placed in him as Street 001111. •110 oard fro.. ~· •ogle who is visiting in CRlifornia. or a ate4 if there be no abJections, oomawiications be received and tiled. Av111oation ot P .S.Riggal. 4157 so.Acoma Street, asking that he be granted a lidenee to open and operate a Billiard Parlor at 3512 so.Bro~d•&7· .Alderman UoCnrd Uoved.) Ball Seoonded.) 'l'Aat the application be referred to the License Comm. RnLL CALL: ,. . CUlliaon A:•. Ball Aye. John J.7•. UoCord ~· Nielsen .Aye. P•~rce Aye. 6 qee Hays Uone. ~or so ordered. lilr Riley came before the Council and asked for a license to open a hamberger atand at the corner of Girard and South Broadway on the Crysler Corner. Alderman Cullison aoved,) John Seconded.) Th8t this matter be referred to the License CoI11Dittee ii OLL CALL: CUlliaon A.7•, UoCord J.7•. 6 Ayes .AlderJaR.D Pearce Uoved.) Hall Aye , liielsen Aye. ll ay a li one Joan Aye. PeBrce Aye. Ball Seconded.) That the Bridge across little Dry Creek on so.Logan Street that wa s washed out by the flood be put in 8Jr :the '~81ireet Co11missioner un4er the aupervision of the City Engineer. ROLL CALL: Cullison A.7•. HAll Aye. John Aye. WoCord A"#•, Nielsen Aye. Pe~rce Aye. 6 J.¥es HBys None Jh\yor so ordered. Ur.C. ·""rhaaa wanted to know what hud been done about the water tor his place. ~or .. id that matter would be taken up on the 25th of August at the Council Meeting at that time. .Alderman UoCord Uoved,) c.11t.ea oeeoa~od.) ~Jaat there being no further business to come before the Cowioil. Council adjourn to meet August 26th. 1927. aoLL C.ALL: Culliaon A:#•. Hllll A.ye, John Aye. UoCord A3e. Nielsen Aye. PeRrce Aye. 6 Ayee. NtJys l'lone Usyor so ordered. ~lnutee ot Regular aeeting of the City Council of the City of Jmglewood. Colorado. thi• 8t~t Auauat. A. D. 1927. stand u.pproved as A&uvCt this 1a dq ot ~ -• .A. D. 1927. ---~-~vrvv City Clerk. ':fA--U~