HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927-10-27 (Regular) Meeting Minutes\ .. ' . -I.._ R~UUR Ja3TUiG 01 TiI.l~ CITY COUNCIL OF TH.·; CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, THIS KOIDAY '!HI 10th DAY OP OCTOBIB, A. D.,1927. ~or J.i.Abbott ealled the meeting to order and asked tor roll call. ROLL CALL: Cullison Present, Mecord Absent, 5 Present, ~or aaked Clerk to read minutea. Ball Present, Hielsen Prese11t, Absent l. John Present, Pearce Preaent, Clerk read all minutes of Regular Ueeting of September 12, AdJourned Regular Keetill1 of September 19, and Adjourned aegular Ueeting of September 26, 1927. -Alderman Pearee UoYed,) Bielaen Seeonded,) That all minutes read by the Clerk be approYed aa read. ROLL Cl.LL: Clllliaon qe, MeCord Abaent, 6 J\7ee, Hall Aye, llielsen A.7e, ~or eo ordered. Absent 1, Jolln A.7•. !earce qe, All bills read by the Clerk and approved by the Finance Committee. 7371 J.E.Abbott 7372 ~enora Pogle 7373 c.c.conant 7374 D.U.West 7375 R.W.Halll711 73'76 L.S.Brown 73'7'7 George Yabsle7 7378 A.O. Tiedt 7379 Jamee l.Culliaon '7380 C.M.Hall 7381 Grant B.Jghn 7382 J.C.Kecorcl 7383 B.S.Nielaen 7384 L.B.Pearoe 7385 Jamee Robinaon 7386 Rnglewood Public Library 7 387 Hogue • Baker 7388 wa.B.Wright 7389 C.Bladholm 7390 Continental Oil co. '1391 Glq'• Garage 7392 Juliua Pearse 73~3 Armitage Hardware co. 73~4 Wiee & Pergueon 7396 Jill Wilaon 7396 C.D.courtright '139'7 John Doyle 7398 Basi~ed Ka2~are Co. 7399 BiYelqe Garage 7400 liq Steele '7401 Bighwq Sand • GraYel co. 7402 .&merioan Uanganeee Steel '1403 Joe WJaeeler 7404 &.W.Clark 7405 B.J.l.Cooper 7406 Tom Settle 7407 B.DuVall(as)L.B.Seymour 7408 Bert DRYall 7409 Stanley Bill 7410 John Blaok '1411 Caeei~ Brothers '7412 K • .B.Bllis '7413 Till Wilaon 7414 B4na Ja•kson 7416 Margaret Street 7416 •1.Jaon Bogue 741'1 C~eater lladdox 7418 Jaa.w.uurrfl1' 7419 Della Walton '1420 J.largaret Beckley '1421 Sadie R.Jones 7422 Blisabeth Lerch '7423 Chae R.Tange 7424 Lula J.Calloley .7425 CJaae.D.Ber17 ~.AI.ARY JUND llqor Clerk Attorney Treasurer Chief of Police ASSt Chief of Police ::Street Colllll. · Health Comm. Alderman 6lderman Alderman Alderman Alderman Alderman Bight tire truck driver LIBlW<Y PU1lD ., IiiE FUl~D Stove Dq Driver Night • Sunday Man Gae Gaa,Labor & Supplies Supplies PUBLIC ILU>ltOVElJIENT FUND Supplies Cement,Naile & roofing Gae Refund on Excav. Hetund on Excav. ...Jl1••"· .· Gae 41 Labor Gas Gravel Blade a Labor Labor Labor Labor Labor Labor Labor Labor Sewer in alley3400 blk Sher.Grant G•DAL FUUD Judge of Eleotion " " " " " " Clerk of Blection " " " -Judge Of Election " " " " " " Oierk ot Election " " " Judge of Election " " " " " " Clerk of Bleotion • 10.00 125.00 33.33 25.00 150.00 140.00 150.00 26.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 26.00 1719.33 $100.00 • 9.76 126.00 41.00 .80 •1.21 5.55 1223.31 • 20.15 44.31 7.64 4.00 12.00 Z8.96 11.14 7.'16 4.20 15.75 104.00 104.00 a.oo 104.00 13.50 30.50 44.00 6.00 117.60 1687 .io • 15.00 10.00 12.66 10.00 12.65 12.66 10.00 16.00 12.65 10.00 10.00 10.00 16.00 10.00 Clerk of Eleotion ·Gae • 10.00 22.36 7426 Bva J.Lanoaster '142'1 Blatel7e Garage 7428 D • .A.Sutton 7429 D.K.Weat '1430 8aoh1-Lawlor '1431 Inglewood Herald Wire Inspector Stamps,Certified Court Order Dog Tags 19.46 6.'10 12.'16 3'1. '11 1.26 '1432 Hamilton Towel Suppl~ 7433 Dr • .A.O.Tiedt 7434 Biah & Ballard '1436 uountain States T.& T.co. 7436 R.l • .1Ddereon '143'1 H.J.Rabuke 7438 Wise & Perguaon Lumber co. '1439 &aglewood co ... unity Church 7440 Bradtord-liobinaon 7441 3.W.Haalyn '1442 R.B.Case7 7443 C.P.Hoeckel '1444 l. W .Haial.7n Grand Total Alderman Hall Uove d ,) Printing Towels 24 Tripe to Laboratory Premium on Bonds,Clerk,C Phone Service Vital Statistics 4 Dead Doge Coal Polling Place Polioe Register l J?olioe Cap 2 Polioe Uniforms Check Jlolls 1 Polioe Cap 24.00 of Police 19.00 22.86 10.'16 4.00 10.60 10.00 18.60 2.66 74.00 1.14 2.66 1476.87 •2206.91 Cullison Seeonded,) That all bills and read by the Clerk be allowed. all O.K'd by the finance co .. ittee BOLL CALL: OUlliaon 1.3e, J.leCord Absent, Hall Aye, lfielsen ~e ·~1 John qe, Pearce qe. 5 Ayes Absent l, ~or so ordered. The southern Signal Corporation representative came before the Council with a street signal which he wished to sell the City, and was given privilege to install same at Broadway Bridge for demonstration. Clerk read petition for sidewalk in small district eaet of Broadway and north of Dar,aouth. p J~ I . Alderman Hall Uoved,) Bielaen Seconded,) That City Engineer and City Attorney be instructed to take neooeseary steps to create said district. aoLL CALL: Cullison qe, KeCord Abaent, Hall qe, Iiieleen Aye, 5 1.3ee, Absent 1, John qe, Pearce qe, ~or eo ordered. Street and Bridge Co11111ittee reported that bide had been asked for on Broadway Bridge. Clerk read bids as follows: C.J.Sevier Concrete Wall tD<>o.oo s.•.Hemler " " $500.00 C.A.Sllith " " $600.00 Denver Steel& Iron Works Piling $728.62 l'red Brandt Concrete \Vall & Piling .857.00 3 .J.Welton " " " $762.50 l\.J.Welton Planking Bridge $879.00 Alderman Pearce Uoved,) Nielsen Seoonded,) That C.A.Sllith be awarded the oonorete work•' taoo.oo, to inolude repair of sewer. BOLL CALL: Culliaon qe, KeCord Absent, 5 1.3es, Hall Aye, lfielsen Aye, ~or so ordered. Absent L, John qe, Pearce Aye, Alderman Hall Uoved,) Pearce seconded,) ROLL CALL: That R.J.Weltons bid for piling be accepted. Culliaon Aye, ileCord Absent, 6 Hall Aye, lfieleen Aye, ~es, Absent 1, ~or so ordered. John qe, Pear•• qe, s .. er COllllittee. also 'ire & Public Buildings Co1m1ittee asked for more ti.Jae, which -s granted by the ;.,iqor. Clerk read Offioere lieporte for September • .llderaan Culliaon ~oved,) Ball Seoonded,J That all reports of Officers read by the Clerk be reoeived and filed. HOLL CALL. culliaon A7e, Iii.Cord: Absent, 6 qee, Hall A.7•. lfieleen qe, Abaent 1, ~or so ordered. John qe, Pearoe qe, I I I I I • • Ll .. ••• 00911tt•• reportfi that no ordinanoe oould be found auporting the elaarg• o~ a lioenae fee where onl.7 .oow le kept. Afier a011e diaouaeion ot the condition ot rabbit house at 3395 So.Clarkson, it waa 4eelared a nuiaanoe and the Health ottieer inetruoted to notif7 owners of aaae. ?Alterman Pearo• UoTed,) i Oalliaon seeonded,) Tlaat the request ot Chief ot Polioe Haal7n tor riot sua• be granted and the auppl.7 oo,..ittee purohaae the guns. • ROLL CALL: . Oulliaon A7•, Ball j,Je, UeCord Abaent, Bielaen Aye, 5 A.yea, Wayor ao ordered. Absent 1, John qe, Pearce qe, . Alderman Cullison Uoved,) Bielaen Seconded,) aeu CALL: That the Cit7 furnish supplies tor the Health otfieer. 01all1aon qe, JleCorcl Abaent, 6 qea, Ball qe, lielaen ~·· ~or ao ordered. Absent 1, John qe, Pearce qe, lire.Let'• aacle application for extention of water aain to her lota in bloek 8, faeiag Galapago, between W&nafield and Baasau Street, which waa ref••red b7 the ~or to Wa,er,Irregation and Sewer co .. ittee and the Cit7 lllagineer. Al4el'Jl&D Culliaon ~oved.) Pearoe Seeonded,) That the request of L.H.Gaudette for transfer of Hotel And Restaurant License to !.Ire.Ida R~. be granted. ROLL CALL: OUlliaon £.7•, MeCerd Abeent, 5 qea, Hall Aye, Bieleen Aye, Absent 1, a&yor so ordered. John Aye, Pearoe,qe, 'nae Wire IDapeotor reoo1111ended that the Service Eleotric co.be reatraiaed froa 4oiJIS &JV work for ten d&.78 until aome work in question be investigated. Jialor referred thia matter to the Lioense and Lightin• co .. ittee. Englewood,Colorado, Oot.10, 1~27. Batimate lio. 3 Co••raot -Hall-SiD•lair Sidewalk and Street Grading llllprovement Diatriot. Contraotor-AGme Sand and Gravel Company. Mi 7arda of graTel .45¢' t10.62 Glen A.Izett, ApproTed: ____________ ~~--Ci i7 BngiDeer. Alderman Pearoe Moved,) John Seeoaded,) Taat a copy of 'the above eetiaate be ineorporated in arad apread upon the minutea.and that the following reaolution be adopted, wkioh reaolution wae thereupon read in full: "BBSOLUTIOll of the Cit7 Counoil of the City of Englewood, &uthes&•i*is :, tile It~ .lteae~ren to pay certain estimates in the matter of Ball-Sinolair Sid .. alk and Street Grading and Improvement Diatriot: "BS IT iiESOLVED by the Cit7 Council of the Cit7 of Knglewood, Colorado, that the eetimate of the City lmgineer, showing the &11ount due at this tiae to The Aoae Sand and Gravel Company, being the sum of $15.52, be and the same is h•r•b7 approTed, and the City Treasurer is hereby authorized and direeted to P&7 to aaid party, or its duly accredited representatives, the amounts specified by the aaid eetimate out ot moneys in his hands to the credit .of aaid diatrio,, or to ooae into his hands from the aale of bonds ot said district, and charge the aame on account of the respective matters therein contained. The question of the adoption and approval of put and the Tote taken with the following resulti the above reaolution waa ROLL CALL: OUlliaon qe, aocord Absent, 5 qea, Hall A3e, Nielsen A.7e, 11.ayor so ordered. Absent 1, John A¥e, Pearoe 47e, Al4erll&ll CUllieon aoved,) Uielaen Seoonded,) That before the Council, Counoil adjourn ROLL CALL: there being no further bueineaa to ooae OUlliaon A.7•, KeCord Abaent, to meet Priday, October 14, at 6 o'elook P.K. Hall Aye, Nielsen Aye, 6 A.yea, Abaent 1, Mayor ao ordered. John Aye, Pearce A7e, MilMltea of Regular Ueeting of the Cit~ Council of the City of Englewood,Colerado, ~ia Moad Ootober 10, 1927, A.D.,atand approved as read this 11£ d&7 of , A..D. 192'7 • ..,... ______ _ ADJOtr."t113D RlEU=..L~ aE&TIND O? TH~ CITY COUNCIL OF T~; CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO~ THIS lBIDAY TH3 14th DAY OJ OCT03~, A.D.,1927, 6 O'CLOCK, P.U. l.1&7or J.3.Abbott called the meeting to ROLL CALL: order and asked for roll call. Cullison ?resent, UoCord Absent, Hall Present, llielsen Present, John Abaent, Pearce Preaent, 4 Present, Absent 2. After roll oall but before any bueineaa was transacted Dr.John arrived. Alderll&D Pearee Uoved,) John Seoonded,) That the proposal of The Western Elaterite Roofing Co. to appl7 one extra heavy 5 pl7 elaterite roofing over the present roof and quarantee the aaae for a period of ten years for the sum of $84.00, be accepted. RO LL CALL: Cullison qe, MoCord Absent, Hall Aye, Nielsen Aye, John Aye, Pearce qe, 5 Ayes, Absent l, ~or so ordered. Alderman Cullison Uoved,) Mielsen Seconded,) That an iron or galvanized some old reoorda from the Clerks office misht be stored. iiO LL CALL: Culliaon qe, lleCord Absent, 6 A.7•s, 4lderman Cullison Moved,) Hall Aye, llielaen ~e, Ji&ayor so ordered. Absent l, box be provided in whJoll John A.7e, Pearae J.7•, John Seoonded,) That there being the Counoil, Colllloil adjourn to meet Friday, no further business to oome before October 21, lg27 at 5 o'olook P.u. ROLL CALL: CUlliaon Aye, lioOord Absent, 6 A7•s, Hall Aye, Nielsen Aye, Absent 1, Uayor so ordered. John Aye, Pearce qe, MAnutee of Ad~ourned Regular Ueeting of the City Cowtoil of the Cit7 of Inglewood, Colorado. this ~ri"W~ day ot Ootober, £.D.,lg27. stand approved ae «t'<VcfJ thia !Jf d~ of :if.~ , A.D.,1927. ---~C!-1.d!iiJ ---- . Cit7 Cl~k:° I I I I • I