HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927-11-02 (Special) Meeting Minutes.. SP~L\L CALL .il&ETI.tlG OF '~H& CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EllGLEWOOD, COLORADO, THIS nmm:naY THE 2nd DAY OP llOVEl.IB&n, .A.D.,AT 7 O'CLOCK, P.lil. ~or J.R.Abbott called the meeting to order and asked tor roll call. ROLL QA.LL: CUlliaon Present, KoCord Absent, 6 Present, Hall .Present, llielsen Present, Absent 1. John Present, Pearce Present, Clerk read the Special Call tor this meeting and reported that the sa11e had been dul7 g1Yen, signed by the ~or and three members ot the Council, and peraonall7 aenecl or left at the usual 'Dla ,:-;e of residence of each of the 11embera ot the Cou- •11. 8a14 notioe btipg in due : form, and having been ·dul7 executed and aervecl, it •a• ordered tiled. Aldenaan Hall UoYed,) Bielsen Seoonded,) That proposed ordinance No. Series ot 1927, •A BILL PJR Ali OHDIUANCE APPRJPnIATIHG 81T~S FOii ALL WJHICI2.AL PURPOSES IN THE CITY 01 JWG!.§OOD 70R TH& 7ISCAL YE.la BIDillNIUG JAllUAltY 1, 1928, AD BllDilfG D.E!IBBli 1, 1~28, COliSTITUTING WHAT IS T.EHUED THK AHUUAL .APPROPRIATIOll BILL J'OR THE JISCAL Yilli 1928," be introduced an~·read ;as .a proposed ordinance tor the Ci,7 of IIDglewood. ROLL CALL: Cullison J.7•, Hall Aye, John J.7e, UoOord Absent, Uielsen AJe, Pearce A.7•. 6 A7••, Absent l, J.1a¥or so ordered. Clerk read proposed ordinance llo. Series of 1927,"A BILL 70'1 All ORDINANCI APPaOPiiIATillG SU'US 10~ ALL LWJICI?AL P\hi POSES Ill THE CITY OF EllGLEWOOD J'OR THI i'ISOAL YEAR BOOIIDIING JAUUAhY l, 1928, AND .EllDIUG DECEUBER l, 1928, CONSTITUTDJQ WHAT IS TERU~ THE AUllU~L AFPiiOPrlIATION BILL FOii TH~ FISCAL YEAR 1928, in full. Ald•r11&11 Cullison "oved,) .Pearoe Seconded,) That proposed ordinance No. Series of 1927,"A BILL J'\lll All Ofil>IlW.iCE APPitO.PHIATIHG SU'uS FOll ALL UUlUCiiAL PltrlPOSES Ill THE CITY 01 BllGLEWOOD i'OR THE J'ISCAL YEAR BID!llllING JAllUARY l, 1928,. UD S UD!l?iG ~.~ECBUBBR 1, 1928, COlfSTITUTING WHAT IS TERlaD THE AmlUAL APPllBPHIATIOll BILL FOR THE J'ISCAL YICAR 1928. do now pass first reading as read. · ROLL Cl.LL: 01lll1son J.7e, Hall ~e, Jolm qe, KeCord Abaent, Nielsen Aye, Pearoe A:¥e, 6 qea, Absent 1, Uayor so ordered. Alderman Cullison Uoved,) Pearoe Seoonded,) That whereas proposed ordinance Bo. Series of 1927, ".l BILL J'OR All ARDillANCE APPl~O.PRIATIIIG SU'.JS FOH ALL lW!lICIPAL §tJRPOSES DJ TD CITY 07 RUGLIWOOD 70ii TIIJ.; FISCAL Y!Wt B.IDillllING JAUUARY 1, 1928, ADD ElIDIBG DEOEllBIR 1, 1928, OOBSTITUTIHO WHAT IS TEHlJt~D TH~ ANNUAL APPROPRIATION BILL POR THI J'ISCAL YEAH 1928," has been introduoed and passed at its first reading, N'1*, THIBIPOlU:, BE IT iiESOLVED, by the City Counoil of the Cit7 of ED1l•wood tlaat the propoaed ordinance No. ___ Series of 1927 aforesaid, be publiahed in the JDalewood Herald, a weekly newspaper published in the City of lnglewood,Colorado, •• required by the State of Colorado, and do now go over for further consideration at another meeting. ROLL QA.LL: · Cullison Aye, Hall Aye, John Aye, UoCord Absent, Nielsen ~ye, Pearoe Aye, 5 Ayes, . Absent 1, ~or so ordered, RESOLUTIOY----------TAX LEVY OF 1927, DUE Ill 1928. \fHJCBKAS, it is the duty of the City Council of the City of Englewood under the Statutes of the State of Colorado, to make the annual tax levy tor City p pirpo••• for 1~27, due an4 pa7able in 1928. BOW, THEa310RE, BE IT rl~SOLV.3D, that there be and it is hereby levied for the year 1927 due and payable as required by statue in the year A.D.,1928, for City purpoaes, a tax of eleven and one half (lli) mills on the dollar upon all taxable property, real. peraonal and mixed, within the limits of the City ot llnglewoo4, in the County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, subjeot to tax in accordance with the laws in the State of Colorado. AP.PHOVED, November 2, 1927. AT'?B8T: Lenora Pogle Cit7 Clerk. Alderman Cullison Uoved,) John Seconded, ) ROLL CALL: Culliaon A.7e, II.Cord Absent, J.E.Abbott li1a7or. !hat the Resolution read by the Clerk be adopted. Hall A.ye, Nielsen Aye, John qe, 5 qes, Absent l, ~or so ordered. Pearce Aye, fl • Alderman Hall Uoved,) Bielsen Seconded,) tor fill alao l~ing stringers ~otice of same to be published a oLL CALL: That City Engineer prepare plane and apeoificatione and floor of broadway bridge, and file with ·oit7 olerk. in Englewood Herald. CUllieon AJe, Ji.Cord Absent, 5 Ayes, 4lderraan Cullison Uoved,) John Seoonded,) That Counail, Council adjourn. iiOLL CALL: Culiieon qe, J.leCord ·Absent, 5 Ayes, Hall qe, llielsen ~e, Llayor so ordered. Absent 1, Joan 47e, Pearce J.7e, there being no further business to come before tlle Hall Aye, Nielsen qe, Absent 1, ~or so ordered. John qe, Pearce qe, inutes of Special Call !Jeeting of the City Council of the Ci'ty of Englewood, Colorado, this ledne&Jlq_ the 2! day ~fJl<>.verJber, A.D., 192'7, stand approved aa 1o wdJ this Pt day of ..::b,irvI~ , A.D., 1927. ---~fl.)../Er.~ ---- Ci tJ Cler~:- I I I • I I