HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927-12-12 (Regular) Meeting MinutesRaJUU3 ill.flllro OF TU~ Cll'Y CuUllCIL OF TH :~ CITY OF .]llGLE\fOOD,COLORADO, THIS UOllDlY THI 12th ])j.y 01 D&CEWBER, A.D.,1~27. ~or J.l.Abbott called tho meeting to order and asked tor roll oall. ii OL!. Cl.LL: CUllison Preaent, UoCord i>reaent, 4 .Present, ~or asked Clerk to read minutes. Hall Absent, llielsen Present, Absent 2. John .\bsent, Pearce Present, Clerk read all minutes ot Hegular lAeeting of llovembor 14, AdJourned Regular Ueeting ot UoYember 21, 1927. Alderman ~oCord ~oYed,) OUlliaon Seconded,) That all minutes read by the Clerk be approved aa read. ROLL CALL: CU111aon J:#e, Hall Absent, UoOord J.7e, Nielsen J.3e, 4 qea, liayor eo ordered. Absent 2, John Absent, Pierce J.7•, All Bill'• read by the Clerk and O.K'd by the Finance C01111ittee. I • ~ '7624' J.l.Abbott 7626 Lellora logl• 7626 ~.a.Conant 762'7 D.U.Weat SALAHY ruND l.lqor Clerk Attorney Treasurer 1628 3,f .Hamlyn 7629 L S.Brown 7630 Joi Skerritt 7631 A.O.Tiedt 7632 J.B.Cullison 7633 C.J.l.Hall 7634 Grant H.John 7636 J.C.I.loCord 7536 U.S.Nielsen 7617 L.Borval iearoe 7638 Jaaaea ~obinaon 763V Jaok Uuaaoll 764'0 •~.a.w right 764'1 C.Bladholm 764'2 Inglewood Vol.lire Dept. 7643 J.lra.llohr(aa) L.Pogle 764'4 Aaaerioan L&Jlrance 754'6 Super Service Station 7646 Julius Pearse 7647 Inglewood .Public Library Chief ot Police Asst.Chief of Police Street Co1111. Health Comm. Alderman Alderman Alderman Alderman Alderman Alderman Hight Pire Driver Special Offiaer J'IU FUlID Dq Driver Night & ~unday Uan Services rendered Washing Blankets Gae le 1011 Gauges !..IBRA.!Y FUUD 7648 Colorado Central Fower Co. Light & Power 7649 Walah Uotor Co. 7560 K.L.Thoapaon 7661 Jlmuat~~larage 7662 Jill \f ilaon 7663 W1ae le ?er~uson 7664 Bell Plb~ & litg.co. 76 66 Englewood Hardware Go. 75 66 £.Chriateneen 7667 C1tiea aitg.& Cont.co. 7568 Highway Sand & Gravel co. 7 5 6~ :alph o.sovern 7 560 George W • .Pickens '7 661 Super Servi c e Station '1562 1'011 ~tainey 7563 John Black 7564 Joe \fheeler 7 5 6 5 ~.W .Clar 1 t 7566 '1 om Settle 7567 D.G.UoCaig(as) L.F ogle 7568 Chas.IA .\Y itt 7569 vaeaidy Bros. . 7 670 Guy's araBe 7 5 7 1 .A .v .l'i e ut 7572 Ohorrylin ~cod ~t o r e 2 ~73 ll . ;-j .~ll e ls c n ~7 ·1 J 'I ..i dQl!lS PUBLIC I M P~OV .ti~,L~IT FU~ID Labor & Supplies Gravel [.abor & Supplies Gas Supplies Labor on Water Main Supplies Gravel Survaying & Dediaation plat Gravel Labor Dirt fill Broadway Bridge Gas Labor Labor Labor Labor Labor Labor Labor Labor Gas,~abor & ~upplics 28 Trivs t o Laboratory ':'ire lt epair Su p t) lie s 'lot o.r ~1 P u 'h lie • 10.00 126.00 33.00 25.00 150.00 140.00 '71.00 25.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 26.00 25.00 166§.33 $126.00 41.00 100.00 2.00 .65 4.44 10.50 t283.49 $400.00 $603.02 • 1'7.66 1.75 21.28 31.46 54.77 13.86 7.00 20.00 26.00 3.60 16.25 116.00 l.95 a.oo 12.00 80.01) 44.00 44.00 8.oo 52.00 11.50 1282.02 3:3.05 20.00 .5C 38.55 1.00 qo 7575 Jack Russe l l 7576 Gerald B ~jor 7577 J.!3 • .)Uli th 7578 D.A.Sutton . 757~ Hamil ton ':owel Supp l y 7b80 Aruitag e Haruwure ~o . 7581 ~h~s.~ieuzl e 7582 Th e Crysler Drug 7583 Tue .!mglewood Horuld ( u.a) P1rst .Jational Bani: 7584 Super Service Station 7685 Steels Garag e 7586 orrell 4Uto mop ~hop 75 8 7 3nglewood ~ire I Vul.Co • 7688 Hivelis Garage 7689 JiJa Wilson 7590 Plannery's Garage 7691 ~o untain States ~.& ~.uo. 769 Central Lunch ~oom 75~3 H.J.Rabuskc Grand Total Alderman Pearce Uoved,) (' 118 & i l ~ubor Special P ulice Wire In spoc:tor 'towe ls .3 up p lies l epair worl~ S6ppli s Printing Gas & 011 Go.a &: Oi 1 Repair Curtains ~ire Hepair '1ire & Gas Labor & Supplies Labor & Supplies Phone Service Ueals for Prisoners Dead dogs ) l.!36 £0.00 10.00 7.l>O 1.25 1.60 2.25 16.JO 47.66 25.J.SJ 3.80 .65 9.oo · 19.85 8.85 106.22 20.66 3.00 3.00 "29.91 t2B77.77 Nielsen Seconded,) That all Billa and read by the Clerk be allowed. O.~'d by the Finance Committee l OLL CALL: CUllison Aye, lJoCord Aye, Hall Absent, Uielsen Aye, 4 Ayes, Absent il&¥or eo ordered. John Absent, Pearce A.7e, Alder6llan llielsen 1.l oved,) ?earce Seconded,) for $300 .00 be allowed. ~hat a Vl u1'runt to tho Englt>wood Public Library i uLL CALL: Cullison Aye, :.reco rd aye, Hall absent ~aeleen ~ye, 4 Ayes, ~beent 2, !Jayor eo ordered. Jobn Absent, .Pearce Aye, ~ler~ read all reports of ufficers for tho month of liove~ber. Alderman vullison Joved,) liieleen Seconded,) That all re~orts of Offioers read by the Clerk be reoeived and filed. \lLL Cl.LL: Cullison Aye, UoCord A.ye, Hall .A been t. llielsen J~ye, John Absent, Pearce A.ye, 4 Ayes, Absent 2, lJayor eo orde.red. Alderman Pearce Uo v e d,) Cullison Sec~nded,) That eeti11&te, now be allowed. the $250 .00 being bald back on Fred Brandt's ROLL CALL; CUllieon Aye, Ii oCord &7e, Hal 1 Absent, Nielsen Aye, John Absent, Pearce ~e, 4 qea, Absent 2, "ayor ao ordered. Alder~an UoCord Uoved,) Culliaon Seconded,) That the restaurant license of Bert Cole be revoked. ROLL C.ALL: Culliaon qe, lloCord H~. 1 ~lderman Pearce Moved,) Hall Absent, Nielsen no vote 2 Hays, 2 l.lotion lost, John Absent, Pearce Nay, Absent, llielaen Seconded,) That the question of of Bert Cole be referred to tho License CoCllDittee. revoking the restaurant license rluLL fill: Cullison ii.Ye, ut cCord qe, Hall Absent, John Absent, llielsen Aye, Pearce Aye, 4 A,.ves 2 Absent, Ua~or · ~eo -:,otdered. upt.Gordon came before the Counoil ael~ing that the curb in f9ont of the High School bet,re&n ~ tJ1e ...A ddi tofitttn :&JJd .·Gyua : &ltrance be painted and no parking signs be installed to eliminate parking in that space between the hours of 8 o'clock .A.U. and 6 P.U. as a protection to children crossing the street during sckool houre. Alderman Hielaen UoTed,) CUlliaon Seconded,) That the request of Profeaaor Gordon be granted. ROLL CALL: Cullieon qe, lloC ord A.7 e, 4 Ayes, Hall Absent, Hielaen Aye, ~or so ordered. 2 Absent, John Absent, i>earoe qe, I I I I Alderman llielsen lJoved .,) Cullison Seconded,) That proposed ordinance llo. Series of 192'1, "A BILL POli ~!{ Onl>INAllC.E APPRvPRIATilm suus l'Oii ALL 1.WNICIPAL PURPOS~S I.N THE CITY o-, EllGL3WOOD POR THE FISCAL YEAH BEGiliUII<I JANUL1Y l, 1928, AND t!llDING DBCBLIB.ld 31, 1928, COUS~ITUTING WHAT IS Tr~tUED THE AUNUAL APPROPRIATION BILL 1oa TBl .,ISCAL YEAR 1928. be introduced and read and placed upon its aeoond reading. ROI.I. CALL: Culliaon A.7•, Hall Absent, John Absent, UeCord A.7e, Nielsen qe, Pearce Aye, 4 ~es, Absent 2, a&7or so ordered. Clerk read proposed ordinance .No. Series of 1~27, ''A BILL POR All ORDINANCE APPRUPRIATillG SUUS Pul\ ALL UUlllCIE\t PUBPOSES Ill ~HE CITY Of EUGLEWOOD POR THE PISCAL Y~ B~IUUI:IG JAllUA;tY l, 1921, A;lD ~IDillG DEC&mER fl, 1928, COIISTITUTIBG WHAT IS TlRlJED THE AllNUAL APP .. uPRIATIO:l BILL ~OH THE FISCAL YE.AH 1928. in tull. Alderman Cullison UoYed,) Sielaen Seconded,) That proposed ordinance No. Serie• of 1928, "A BILL IOH Ali OHDlaAUCE A2Pi.HJPl ~IAT IUG suus FOR ALL 1.rurnc IPA! .PUHP.JSES Ill TH3 CITY OP ~GL~~iOOD 10l{ 1HJ FI~t;AL Y.:Wt BEGillUING JA.LlUA.iY 1, 1928, AUD ENDING D3\J3lJ.BL-< 31, 1~28, Cu!ISTI~U '~IllG \YHAT IS TElt11~D THE AllUUAL APPROPRIATIOli BILL 1v ?HE 1ISCAL 1~ 1928, do now pass aeoond reading as read. !ivLL CALL: Culliaon A.7•, Hall Absent, John Absent, l.loCord qe, liielaen Aye, Pearce qe, 4 qes, Absent 2. U&1'or so ordered. Alderman Cullison LloYed,) llielaen Seconded,) That Ordinanoe entitled ''All ORDIBANCE APPllOPltIATINQ SWIS lOH .-LL i.IUNICI?AL P~iPOSES IN THE CITY OB' EllGLEWOOD B'OR THE IISCAL YEAR B~IlllllliG JAHU~Y t, 1928, AHD E!IDIIIG DECEIJBRR 31, 1928, CONSTITUTIW WHAT IS T&iLIRD THE :AllllUAL AP?.dOP HIATIOll BIL!. POH TH~ PISCAL y :~R 1~28, do now pall aa Ordlnanoe Bo.6, Seri•• od 1927. · aoLL CALL: Culliaon qe, lieCord qe, 4 A7es, Aldenaan Cullison Uoved,) Hall Absent, llielsen Aye, Absent liiayor so ordered. 2, John Absent, Pearce qe, Uielaen Seconded,) That be it resolved that Ordinance No.6,Seriea of 1927, this dtq passed by the City Council of the City of Englewood,Colcrado, be publiahed in the Englewood Herald, a weekly newspaper of general circulation in the City ot Englewood, Colorado, as rwquired by the Statute of the State of Colorado. ROLL CALL: Cullison J.7e, UoCord J..7e, Hall absent, llielsen qe, 4 A:1ea, Absent 2, ~or so ordered. Alderman ~ccord uoved,) John Absent, Pearce qe, llielsen Seconded,) That proposed ordinance No. Series of 1928 "A BILL lO:it 411 OHDINAilCE CUllCliiliIJiG TH ~~ DUTIES, PEES, AUD !Ir.ARY or THE POLICB iUG IST3.AT 6 lllD T 0 ALl "!JJD A~i OHDUIAIIC3 'All \JiiDINAllCE Al.CmDING ORDIIIANCE lWMBBR 1 ~ S&aIES or 1913, EllTITLED 'A1l ORDillilCK Al.13llDillG SECTIOll l6 OP ORDINANCE llUllBBRJD 2-&, SlldI!S OP 1912, \YHICH IS Ell'.rITLED 'AU OliDIIANCE OOUC&HNiliG PROCEEDIHGS BE10RE TBB POLICE UAGISTRA.'l'E POR li'IHES .AlfD .PEllAL'2I~S IH THE CITY OP ENGLEWOOD ' ill> RllEALilfG ALL Oal>IllAIICSS OH PAaTS 01 ORDillABCES Ill CO?flLICT HEREWITH,' ilPROVBD JUY 16,1922, BllIHG ORDIUAllC~ ll0.6, SERIES OP 1922, AUD RBPEALING ALL ORDIHilCES OH PAllTS OP ORDillAliCES IN COUFLICT HElt~'WITH",be introduced and read aa a proposed ordillaaaoe of the Cit7 of lnglewood. ROLL CALL: OUlliaon A7e, KeOord J..7e, Hall A_\etnt, lfielsen J.7•, 4 I.yea, Absent Ua7or so ordered. 2, John Absent, Pearce qe, Clerk read proposed ordinance Ho. Series of .1928 "A BILL lOB AN ORDilfANCE COllCERJrlllG THE DUTIJS, PEES~AllD sl'tIRY OF THE PULICE ilAGISTliATE AND TO AllFJID Alf OHDIJJAIICB ENT ITLBD, 'AN OHDillilCE AU.EllDING OHDillANCE NWBBR ONE 81mIES o-, 1913, UTITLED'Ali ORDilillCE AKKllDilfG SECTION 16 OP ORDillAlfCE llUMBEHED 24,SERIES 01 1912, WHICH ORDINANCE IS &UTITLI4J> 'AN OltDINAlfCE CONC~UfING PROCEEDINGS BEPOBE 'l'HB POLICE JUGISTaAT.E FOU Fill35 AllD PEIIAL~I '!;S Ilf THE CITY OP EllGLEWOOD 'Alll> BBPBALilfG ALL ORDlllaliCES OH PARTS 07 OlU>UlAliCES Ill COllB'LICT HK4EWI'l'H, "APPROVBD JUY 16, 1922, BEIUG m\DillAliCE H0.6, SERIES OP 1922, &ND REPEALilfG ALL ORDilUllCES • Pl.HTS 01 ORDillAllCES IN COllFLICT HER~'WI'l'H, in full. Aldel'll&D ~oCord MoYed,) lfielaen Seconded,) That proposed ordinance Uo. Series of 1928 "A BILL roa All ORDlllAIICE CONC~UIING THE DUTI~S,lEES,AliD SAtiltY OF THE POLICE MAGISTaAT~ AUD Tu Aa.filD All OiiDlllAliO.cl EUTITL.ID, 'All ORDIUADCE llRJ])lm ORDIIIABCE litn.m~ OH~ S~I~S 01 1913 EllTI'.rLD' All 01\Dlll.tUlCE AU J ~~DillO SECTION 15 or ORDillAllCE WJ.IBKRBD 24, S~I~S 01 1912, WHICH O~iDillAUC~ IS ENTITL~D 'All ORDINAllCE COllCERNillG PilCE~DI.JGS BE.l'OltZ Tira POLIO~ laGISTiiATE 10H B'IllES AllD .l?EUALTIES IN THZ CITY OP &aGL~~OuD' AllD ~E.l?EALIUG ALL OiiDillAllC~~ OH .l?A.tTS OF O:itDiliAUCES IN COlfFLICT HKRE- WITB, "do now paas first reading ae read. iiOLL CALL: Culliaon A,ze, II.Cord J.7•, Ball Absent, llielsen qe, & A:l•s, Absent 2, ~or ao ordered. John Absent, Pearce 1.7e, 91 qi Alderman UeCord Uoved,) B1elaen Seoonded,) ~at whereas proposed ordinance .No. Serl•• of 1928 "A BILL 104 Ali ORDillilCK COIICE&IDIG TlIE DU'.rIES, PEES, SALARY OP THB POLICE :aGISTRAT! AllD TO .AU&UD Ali OE~CE lWTITLll, 'All ORDDJAUCE AUFJlDIBG ORDIDJICB llUl.fBEa OllH S~I~S OP 1913 ZIITITLED' All OliDillAllCE AUEllDillG SECTION 16 OP ORl>IllilCB liUUBEB.BD 24, SBRIBS OP 1912, WHICH ORDIU.ANOE IS EUTITLlD "Ali ORDIUAlfCB COllOBBJIIllG PliOOB3DlllGS Bi?O~E TH.!. .POLICE UAGIS~RA~K 10ii JIIUES AllD P&UALTIES I.N TH& CITY OP UGLZWOOD' AJiD iiEiAELillG ALL OBDillilC3S Uli PARTS OJI oaDIUAllCZS IN CODLICT '1'JIBRE- ·~. "has been introduced and passed at its first reading, BOW~ THRil~O~E, BE IT ~~SOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Inglewood that the proposed ordinance 110. Serie• of aforeaaid,be published in the Englewood Herald, a weekly newspaper published in the City of Englewood,Colora4o, ae required b7 the State of Colorado, and do now go over tor further oonsideration at another meeting. i.~OLL CALL: CUllison qe, .UeCord qe; Hall Absent, llieleen A1e, & .&yea Absent l.la7or eo ordered. 2, John Abaent, Pearce A';•, Clerk r•acl ooJ11aUDicat1oa from Borthcut and ~orthcut, DenYer Attorne1a, ••••lag 'Jaa' ta• Colorado D•t••tive Bureau had a contract with the Cit7 of Bnglewoo4 · tor tl6l.98 iD apprehending violators ot the prohibition law, during Karo~ and April of 1926, and aaking settlement tor same. Alderman UoOord UoYed,) P•aroe Seconded,) That this matter be referred to the Cit7 A'torne7 tor further inYestigation. ROLL CALL: Culllaon £7•, uocord qe, Jou Abaent, Peare• qe, 4 ~ea, Hall Abaent, lfieleen Aye, Absent ~or ao ordered. 2, Clerk read Preliminar7 Order as follows: Preliminar1 Order tor the oreation ot &nglewood Sidewalk Diatriot Bo.3. •nsa&As, tile Cit7 couneil ot the City of Knglewood baa de•ed it neoeaaarJ to oreat• a sidewalk Diatriot to be known as Diatriot Uo. 3; &114 WB~IAS, it 1• deemed by thia Counoil to be tor the beat iDtereata of th• within mentioned property and tor the aaid Cit7 of Englewood that this Sidewalk Diatriot be created, B •-~~~9liE, BS I? ~~SOLVED,·bt the Clt7 of 3nglewood (1) fllat Inglewood Sidewalk Diatriot llo.3 be created as a Sidewalk Di••riot in aooor4anc• with Chapter 180 Seaaion Lawe of Colorado tor 1923; (2) ~bat Bagl .. ood Sidewalk Dietriot uo.3 shall include all ot the real eatate, lota, lands, paroele and aorea, exulusive ot publlo highw&7• within the following linea, to-•it: "Begilllling at the interaection of the center lines of Baat Yale Avenue ancl south Logan Street; thence Weat to an intereeotion with the center line of alle7 between South Linooln Street and South Sherman Street&; the~oe South to aD interaection with the extended Horth line of Lot 36, Block 2, of th• ae-aubdivision of Lots 2 and 3,Killies Subdiviaion; thence laet to an inter-. aeotion •1th the center line of South Logan Street; thence South to an inter- aection with the extended iom'h line of Lot 36,Block 7, Str97er'• Broad__, Heights; thence West to an intersection with the center line of South Broarw117; thenoe South to an intersection with the center line of East Dartmouth Aven••; thence Bast to an intereeotion ·with tho center line of South Logan Street, thence lforth to the point of beginning; and "Beginning at the intersection of the center line of East Jefferson Avenue with oenter line of alley between South Pearl and South Washington; thence South to I I I an intersection with the extended Horth line of Lot 29, Block 6, Higgin• I Bngl .. ood Gardena; thenoe Weat to an intereeation with the oenter line of all97 between south ~ennylvania and south ?earl Streets; thence Horth to an interaection with oenter line of ~at Jefferson Avenue; thence Zaet to the point of beginning." (3) ~hat the width of the sidewalk shall be five feot, the thickness thereof four inohea, and that SllJI cement shall be used in the construction thereof. ( •> ·~bat the ooat of aaid improvement shall be payable in ( 20) twent7 inatall.Jaents (annual); that the first of said installments ahall become due and p · I J)e7able at the time to be decided upon after the completion of said sidewalk• · b7 the final aaaeaaing ordinance, one installment to be due each 7ear thereafter until eaid coat ahall be tull7 paid. All ot the costs of said improvements ahall be due and payable within thirty (30) days after final passage of the aaaeaeing ordinance. (6) 'llaat all unpaid principal of said costs and asaeaamente shall bear in- terest at the rate of eix percent per annwa and aD7 and all installments not paid when due shall bear interest at the rate of one percent per •onth or fractional · part thereof until paid. • , • . CG\ !h~t the eaid Cit7 En~ineer be and he hereby 1• inatruoted to prepare aa eatillate ot the coat ot aaid propo1ed 12provemont, together with map ot th~ 4iatr1et 1D which the illprovement ie to be made. and a sohedule showing the a~prox­ illate a11ounte to be aaeeaeed on the several lote and paroele of tmojert7 within the 41etr1ot. (7\ ~at the City Clerk be and she is hereby authorized and 1nstruo.ted to giYe notice to the owners ot the property to be aaaeaaed b7 adYerti~eaent onoe a week for three oonseoutive weeks in the Englewoud Her•ld and lloterftriae. a newe- D&per of general oiroulation. published in the C1t7 of artglewood. which notice ahall contain the following: 1-'lh• k1Dd of improvement proposed: 2-Jiwlber of 1nat~llments: 3-Th• tizae in which the cost will be payable: •-~e rste ot intereat to be paid on unpaid and deferred installments: 6-fll~ extent of the district to be imvroved: 6·'11• vrinoipal oost per front foot as shown b)' the estimates otvthe Cit)' ~tneeri 7-~e tille.not less than 20 days after first publication. when an ordinance authorizing the improveuaents will be considered; 8-Th•t the map. estimate and achedule showing the ap~rox1aate aaou.nta to be aaaeeaed. and all reaolutions and proceedings are on file and oaD b• aeen and examined bJ any ~eraon interested at the ottioe ot the Cit~ Cler~ Rt ADY tille within eaid period ot twenty(!Ol 4s7•~ 9-!laat all oomvlaints and obJeotions that •8.1' be made 1D writing coneerning the vroooeed improvements by the owner or owners of aD7 real eets'e 'o be aa1e11ed, •ill be heard and deteroined by the ordering authority before final action thereon. Aldermllll UoCord uoved,~ N1el1en seconded,) Thqt the Preliminary Order resd by the Clerk be ad opted. anT.L Cl T.L: OU111aon ue, 1'o"'ord '1:/e. B11t11 Absent. ll1elaen Aye. • Ayes. Absent 2. U~yor ao ordered. Alderm~n Pe~roe Uoved,) Jolan Abaent. Pearne A7•. Cullison Seoonde~,\ Th~t the U•yor •nd Clerk be RUthorized to sign notice of time for oonsiderRtion of report of commissioners. on oondemnation of alley 1n 3400 blook between Bro~d.-.y •nd Lincoln Streets. ROT·L CA TJ, ~ Cnllison £ye. He1 l •baent. John ~baent. UoCnrd A)a. · llielsen A.ye. Pe•roe .•.ye. 4 4Yea. ~~yvr eo ordered. AlderlAWl ?e•rue Uoveu.) llielsen Seconded.) Th•t there being no further business to come before the Counoil. Cowioil adJourn to meet Uonday Deoember 19. 1927. at 7.30 p.a. ROLL CALL Cullison A.yA , HAll Absont, John Absent. UoCord A;/e. Nielsen Aye. Pe•roe J3@. 4 Aye•. Absent 2. Ll•yor so odered. Minute• of Regular Ueeting of the City Cow1oil of the City of Enalewood. Colorado. thia monday the 12th day o:i' Dooernber, A.D. 1927. stand aol)roved &8 ~.4.y.:LJ this _ y>' d!ty Of~, A.D., 192!.