HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927-12-19 (Regular) Meeting MinutesdDJ u U.~l~ U3GUU.i ~3 1.riilG uF Ta~ CITY CvU:SCIL OF TH E CIT'f OF EUGLEWOOD.COLOBADO. THIS U u~DAY TH~ lgth DAY OF~~~~~. A.D •• 1~~7. at 7.30. P.U. . U~7or J.E.Abbott oalled the ueeting to order and asked for roll oall. R\lLL CALD: Cullieon Preaen t, iloCord Preeent. HRll Absent, ~ieleen Present. John Absent. Pe!!rce Preaent, 4 ?reaent, Absent 2. Alder~Rn Nielson Uoved.) Culliaon Seconded.) ThRt Auditors b7 Llr.Pe•roe, Ch•iruaan ot Auditing Co11mittee. report be uooepted aa reoomended iiOLL CALL: Cullison Aye , J.loCord A;3e, Ball Absent, Nielsen Aye. 4 &yea . Absent U~7or ao ordered. 2. John Absent, Pe!lroe Aye, Aldermlllll P•~rce uoved,) Culliaon Seconded.) the ooat ot legal investigation report. 1'hst the Uqyor appoint a Committee to find out ot certain warrants ter~ed irregular in Auditors HOLL CALL: CUllieon ue. UcCord Aye. H•ll Absent, Uielsen Aye, 4 ~ea. Abaent Usyor so ordered. 2 John Absent, Pe11rce l.7tJ, ~ynr ~ppuinted the Auditing Co~ittae, l.:Ir Cullison to take the place uf ur JIAll who ia out of town. Clerk read petition tor sidewalk in 3~00 blook on Sn.Cherokee. A 1 d~r•a4'n Cullison UoTed. ) Pe~o• seconded,) Th&t this district be added to Bnalewood Sidewalk Dietriot llo.3. li"LL C4LL: Cullison Aye, UoCord A7e. 4 ~ea. HRll Absent, Nielsen Aye. Absent ~or so ordered. AldermRn CUlliaon aoved.) 2. John Abaent. Pe8roe qe, ,, •. J Niel aen aeo~nded.) Tha t :Pralm!nai)".-Ord•r 1or ··· .t '1 :~lewood Sidewalk be withdrawn and Cherokee Str~et District be included ian~~Bd.ti~•-~o ~opezt¥J OWnera be published. 30LL CALL: CU111aou qe. lloCerd A.ye. 4 Ayes, Hs11 Absent. llieleen Aye. Absent Uayor so ordered. 2. John Absent. Pesrce A.ye. Clerk reported that no protests on aases&aents notice of Hsll-Sinolair Sidewalk District and ~~1ewood Sidewalk Dristriot Ho.2 had been filed. Alderll&ll Cullison Uoved.) ll1else11 Seconded.) 'Phl!lt Ordinance of sume be pre'J)ared. RilL L CALL: Cullison Aye , UoCord ~e. HR11 Absent, Hielaen Aye , 4 Ayes , Ab ~~"~ U'!Yor so ordered. •lder~~n Cullison ~oved ) 2 John Abs~nt. .Pell!\roe Aye. lltelisen ~euonded ) '.i'h!l!t the restauru.nt License of Bert Cole be revol:ed. ih)T.L CALL: Cullison ;..ye , lloOord "•'· 3 , B1111 Absent, llielsen 4ye. Ayes. l Uo.y Absent URy~? so ordered. 2 . Johl1 Abeent. Pearce •7e . Alder-an Hie•sen a oved ) PeArce Seoonded.) tor the Fire De'J)Rrtment. ThRt 5 Sh~r-stov fire oxtinguishera by purchased l{OTJ, CALL: Cullison Aye. i.i oCord Aye. 4 H"ll Absent. llielsen Aye, Ayes. J\.bsent u~yor so ordered. 2. £ldel'llan Hielsen Uoved.) not John Absent. Pe11roe 4ye. e~rce Seconded.) Th•t ull unpaid w~rrante listed in Auditors revort as irregular be 'J)aid in regular order., up to June 30 , 1927. ROT.L c ,~L L : Cu llison ~e. liloCord Aye . 4 ~es . Hl\ll Absent. lli ei sen ~e. Absent U•yor so ordered. John Absent. Pe8rce J.7e , I I I I I • Alderman Bielaen UoTed,) CUllieon Seconded,) That there being before th• Council, Cowioil adjourn. ROLL CALL: Hall Abeant, Nielsen A.ye, no further buaineaa to come John J.beent, Pearoe J.:8e, CUllieon J:le, ~oaord 1.7e, 4 Aye, Absent 2, Uayor so ordered. 1'1Jautea of .A.dJourned Hegular Lteeting of the City Counoil of the Cit7 of 3nglewood, Colorado, this Uond~ the 19th day of December, A.D.,atand approved aa fkt:Ja A·L this 'f day of ~' wa,u , A.D., 1928. ~ ?'