HomeMy WebLinkAbout1919-02-10 (Regular) Meeting MinutesI I I I I DGULO llDTIICJ "' TBB CIT!' COUBCIL or THE CI'l'Y o• BICJLBWOOD, COLORADO, TBII ll)IDAY, l'BBJlUABr, 10th, 11~1, AT EIGllr o•cLOCK, P ••• 1197••, 'l'beoclore Ta1lor, Called the Meting to order, and Uke4 ter Nll Ollll. Rell 0&11: Ball•J41er, Preaent. Conine, Preaent. Baglet .. , Preaeat. Ro7al, Preaeat. Guthner, Preaent. Robertaoa, Preaent,. e. _Preaent.. Abaent. Hom. 11&7or So Ordered. mum• · -__ · . } · ~; Clerk, read alnut•• ot regular •etlng ot Jam1a17, 18th, 1919, in tulle Ma7or announced ~here being no alterat1ona or oorreetioaa minute• at&llll appreve4 a• reld. BBPOR'IS W OPPICBRS c Clerk, read report• ot all city ottloer• tor th• month of Jaauar;r, 1911, ln tull: Ma1or ann9mlo.C there being no alteratlona or corrections Report.a be re .. 1 ... an4 tiled. BILL81 Clerk read all bill• mai-ked o. K. bf th• t1nanoa colllllitt•• •• tollowai •• Warl'Ult: iic5o. TbeOdore Ta7ler, Salan Puad. il&yor tor month ot January, 1911. City Clerk, tor month of JaauA1'7, 1119. 1110. T. R. Boonon, 11. L. J. Jtavanaugb, 12. Salmel Wyckott, lS. L. W. Terrell, 1•. B. H. Patton, 1e. B. B. Catron, ie. J. H. Balleydler, lT. c. B. Conine, Citf Attorne~, tor aonth ot Janaar1, 1919. Chiet ot Police, tor month ot J~, 1919. Pol1ae llaglatrate, tor month ot Janual')', 1919. City Treaaurer, tor month et J&lllJ81'J, 1119. Cit1 Health Ottioer tor month ot Jana&l'J, 1911. Alderman tor Januari 1919. t10.oo •1.6e as.aa '15.00 8.38 e.s3 8.18 5.00 18. R. o. Eagleton, 11. A. J. Rof&l, 1110. c. P. Guthner, 1. J. T. Robertaon, Alderman .tor Jan~r1 1919. Alderman. tor Janu&l'J 1911. Alderman tor Jam1•r1 1919, Alderman tor Januar1 1919. Alderman tor Januar1 1911. 2. Cba8. R. Ta11g1e, Fir• Truck Driver, tor Jam1•r1, 1911. General Fund. 1.823.R. s. ltnlgbt, Clerical work Taz roll extentioa, Bal. '· A. G. Kilker, City Wire Inapeoter, 5. Orueateldt • Krieger, Feed bill. 6. Rural Pr••• Pub.·CO. Legal Printing, 7. Mountain Statea Tel.& Tel.Co. Pire Al&l'll S1atea. 8. Central CJ&rage, Suppli••, 9. Bnglewoocl Lumber & Coal Ce.Supplie•, 1130. Aat.1-Du•t Chellical Co. Suppllea, 1. w.. Whlteheacl, Repair work, 2. Belen R. Morgan, State Vital Stat1•tioa, 11'3. Bell Plmabing • Heating Co. Repair Work, Light Pund. 1813. DenTer Ga• • Bleotric Light Co. Street Light•, '· Arapahoe Electri~ Light & Power Co. Clty Hall • Jail L1gbta, 11•. J. E. Abbett. & Co. Public Im2rovemeat suppllea, Pund, e. o. B. Pravert, Gravel, '· •• Oglam, Gravel, 8. c. Prazslni, Gravel, 9. o. B. Powell, Teamster to Feb. 10th, 1919. J.alO. s. s. Taflor, Laborer, to Feb. 19th, 1919. 184'1. s. P. DaYJ, Teamater, tor month.of Januar1, 1919. Alderm·a Conine Moved ) Grand Total, ..... IO 5.00 s.oo 5.00 5.00 5.00 .10·1 ••• Dia\. • eu1.Jt 15.oo 18.50 ,I.SO 10008 • ••• 1.01 1•.11 1.00 • 118.5'1 , 11l:M t 8.• s.eo 10.55 5.10 ·H.00 11.00 815.00 I 11s.oa Balle7dier Seconded) That ail bill• marked o. K. read bJ th• clerk be allowed and warrant• drawn to p&J bf th• tinanoe ooma1t'8• and th• ·-· Roll Call: Ballefdler, AJ•· Conine, Aye. Ro7al, A7e. Guthner, Aye. 6. A7ea, llaf OI' So Eagleton, A7e. Robertaon., AJe. Na7a Rone. Ordered. Aldermaa Robertaon Moved ) Outhner, S.oondecl, J That the line tor the aidewalk in treat ot the Pila Ce. greuad• on Bro&11wa1 be ••tabll•h•d ~the citJ to~ J. c. Joa.a•• per agre .. 19'. Roll Calli Balle7d1er, Aye. Conine, Aye. Eagleton, AJ•, Ro7al, AJ•· Guthner, Aye. Robert•on, AJ•· e. Ayea, Naya, Hone. Uayer So Ordered. Alderman Ball•Jdl•r, Moved) Eagleton, Seconded) That the matter ot rebate on Taz1oab lioenae ot Chea. Hopkin be retered t.e llo•n•• comalttee. Roll Calli Ball•Jdi•r, Aye. Conine, Aye. Eagleton, Aye • .. ,al, Nay, Guthne~, Aye. Robert•on, A7e. 5. ·AJe•. 1. Hay. 11&1or So Ordered. . Clerk read t.be letter ot Cora B. Laabert., Dlvtslon Repreaentatlve B11Nn ~ C yi,.-.... ~ Ballet, aaklng \be eeuncll te grant Kr JlartlD o. CeJl• a lloenae on thll'Q caa,. .a• t.e rm a Ta&loab ln Bnglewoecl, the Red Croaa atand1ng good t•• th• mm~, tlleft beiq • ebj•otlea, Council inati-uc.te4 the CltJ Clerk t• paar the N11M11i1_. Ta&loa• peralt to Mr llartln 0. Co7le, on thirty dqa t.iae, aa the l>ell'ftP C~ -.C Creaa at.aadlDg goocl· ter th• aaount ot licenae. Alde...aa Re7al Move4 ) Out.bne•, Seconded) That the Celli••, tor t.he Motoroyol• that aa paJ119nt. t.• bind th• aale) R•ll Calla BalleJdler, Aye. Ro7al, Aye. 6. A7ea, Mayor otter of P~y-tiv• ( .. e.oo) doJ.lara, et Mr J. a. th• olt~ owned be aooepted,( Mr Collier P&11actJ.o.oo Conine, Aye. Guthner, Aye. So Bagleton, AJe. Robert.aon, AJ•· Maya None. Ordered. Alderman Bagleton, Moved) Rebertaon, Seoended) That th• tollowlng named peraon.8 be appointed aa J~ .... I et the CltJ Election, to be held April lat, 1919. and to ao~ aa Judgea of Reg1at..atlea i.. be held Tueadq, llaroh 11th, Wednaaday, March 12th, and Tueaday llarch, 25th, J.:91.1. I . at th• aeveral Polling places as stated. W A R D 0 N E. Polling Plaoe. Ml a a Mr• Judge Polling Pla•, llr• Kr ReY. Kate Stewart, Alice B. Bunt, Luk• w. Terrell, ------------ W A R ~ T W O. C1tJ' Hall. A. E. Hamlp. John A. Luwla, J. c. Hoover, -------------- 3088. South Br ... wa7. Judge. Judge. Judge. 3482. South Broacl•~T·: Judge. Judge. Judp. W A RD T H R B B, seo1. south erO.dwar,, Judp. Polling Plaoe. Kra Karr, Lahue. J. B. Cooper, D. II. Weat.. Judge. Judge. --------------------Roll Calle BalleJdier, Aye. Royal, A7e. a .• Aye. Mayor Conine, Aye. Guthner, Aye. So Kagle ton, '-7• .. Roberta•, Aye. Na1• Rone. Ordered. . MaJ••, ezcuaed Alderman Guthner rrom th• council, a• he waa called away oa bufine'•· Aldel'llUl Conine, Moved ) Eagleton, Seconded ) That the city clerk be 1natructed to bl.13' the electl .. auppll••· Roll Call: Balleydler, Ro7al, Aye. 5. Ayes, Mayor AJ•· Conine, 61•· Gunther, Aye. So Eagleton, AJ•• Robertaon, Aye. 1. Absent. Ordered. . ~ Al4eman Eagleton Moved) . . Robert•on, Seconded) Th&t the Report or th• lloen•• committee ln regard ~e jibe refunding th• over charge ot 125.00 or c. E, Hopkin, be accept.ed a-. te be applltt« en llcenae ter 1919, he to pay the d1t•9renoe tor t.h• year. Roll Call. Balle7dler, Royal, Aye. '· Aye•. Mayor Alderman Robert.eon Moved ) .... Conine, Aye. Guthner, Absent. . l. Hay. So Conine Seconded ) That the ApplioAtiona of EYa J. Lancaater, Chae. Kinkel, John Theya and J. Licenae be granted aa per appl1cat1ona on tile. Roll Calls: Conine, Aye. Eagleton, AJ•· Robert.aon, AJ•• l. Abaent • Ordered. G. E. Skerritl, C. 8. Skerri\~, c. McDonnell t• Auto Taxlcab Balleyd1er, AJ•· Royal, Aye. Guthner, Absent. Eagleton, A7e. Robertson, Aye. 1. Absent. 5. Ayes, by or So Ordered. AldermMt Balleydler, lloved) . Conine, Seconded ) That th• Mayor and City Attorn•J be appointed aa a o ~tee to repreaent Englewood at the hearing before th• Senate ancl .Houae Comm1tt.eea p-.,. 17th, at 10-A. M. Bill Authorizing the Board or County Commlaalonera ln eacb eounty te appro- at .. aot to exceed tltt1 per cant.um ot the taxea levied 1n auch c1ty,r .. ~ said olty tor lmprtivlng the atreeta. Roll Callt Balle7dler, Aye. Conine, Aye. Royal, Aye. Guthner, Absent. 5. Ayes. Mayor So Eagleton, A7e. Robertaon, AJ•• l. Abaent. Ordered. 11&70• ezouaed Alderman Conine as he had to leave the room on account of autterlag with bl• hand. I I I I I Alderman Robert•on Moved ) Eaglet.on, Seconded ) That City Attornef' be eapowered to otter Three H~·a1111 t1tt1 (pe;o.oo) dollara, a• tull settlement tor aooldeat Ill'• B1Y1ra Chaplin, W•1911d aclaitting an1 11ab111t~ tor citJ, and it aettl ... nt la agreed to, Mayor ~ Cl'S-Clerk 1• authorized to draw warrant. tor that amount troa Oeneral Pulld. Roll Call: Warrant Ho. 18"8. Balloydier, Royal Aye. 4 •. A1es. Mayor Aye •. Conine Absent. Eagleton, Aye. Guthner, Ab•ent, lobert•on,•1•· e. Absent. So Ordered. Alderman F.agleton Moved ) Royal, Seconded, ) That llr E. E. Hammond be granted a revocable permit t• connect oc th• ..... Sewer tor waste water only to meet th• requiromonta or th9 C1ty and State Board ot Health,and to connect up the Curb and Gutt.or 1n tron& ot bulldlng to contol9 wlth the curb and gutter on each aide within Sixt1(eo) da71, and tlllr the ....- 81111 of' Pltt1 Ct~o.oo) dollara, tor aaid permit. - Roll Callt Balleydier, Royal, Aye. 4. AJ••· Mayor Aye. Conine, Ab1eni. Eagleion, Aye. Ouabner, A,_ent.. Robort•an, AJe. 2. Abaent. So Ordered. . . Mayor announced there being no other bu1lne1a betore the eounc11, council adSOlllS· 45