HomeMy WebLinkAbout1919-04-28 (Special) Meeting Minutes [INCOMPLETE]I
KOllDAY, THE 9.Sth, &\Y OP APRIL, 1919, AT EIGHT o•cLOCK, P. K.
Ka70P, Altred T. Bell, Called the meeting to order, and aaked tor roll calla
Roll Callt
Cole, Present. Elli•, Present. Jaap, Pr•••nt.
LanO.ater, Preaerit. Oben, &baent. Pritchett, Pr•••n~.
5. Preaent. 1. Absent.
Mayor So Ordered.
Clerk read th• Call. in tull contormlty with law and the ordinano•• ot aaiC olt7,
iat_La-*ia, saperlntendant ot th• Denv.er & South Platt• R~. addr••••d the e01lllei1
a• to th• plan ot laproving the ••rvloe of th• car line in Englewood, aD4 wanted to
••t a date to ... t th• people and ·put th• plan betore th ...
11&7or, ••t Frida7, May 2nd, a• the date and th• meeting to be held in the Lowel Sohoel
Auditoriua, Kay 2nd, at Eight O'Clock, P. M.
Clerk, read th• Petitl .. at 25. Clt1z•n• ot Englewood, ••king the Council to ,...
an Or ·Jinanoe to prohibit th• raiaing ot Rabbi b ~'in the City ot Englewood, Cole.
Atter much dlacuaalon ot th• matter.
Aldermaa, Pritchett Moved )
Jaap, Seconded. ) That the Petition be laid on the table.
Roll Call::
Col•, Aye. Elli•, Aye. Jaap, Are.
Lancaater, Aye. Oben, Absent. Pritchett,
l. Abaent.
5. Ayea.
llaJOP So Ordered.
Tbe Reaignation oa Chriatian Thede, Police Kagiatrate, ot Englewood, Colorado, ·wa•
read in tull, by th• clerk.
Alderm&ll Cole, oved )
Lancaater, Seconded ) That *he reaignation ot Christian Thede be accepted and placed
on tlle.
Roll Callt
Cole, Aye. Elli•, Aye. Jaap, Aye.
Lanoaater, Aye.
5. A7ea.
Oben, Absent. Pritchett., Aye.
l. Abaent.
So Ordered.
Aldermaa Elli• Nominated Jam•• O'Brien, aa Pollo• Uagiatrate, ot Englewood, Celerado,
to till ..._ unexpired term or Chri•tian Thede resigned.
Alderman, Pritchett Moved )
Elli•, Seconded ) That th• nominationa tor Pollo• llaglatrate clo••·
Roll Callr
Cole, Aye. Elli•, Aye. Jaap, Aye.
Lanca•t•r, Aye. Ob•ni Absent.
5. A7ea.
Pritchett, Aye.
l. Abaen~.
So O*lered.
Alderman Elll• ~ov•d )
Cole, Seconded) That Jame• O'Brien, be elected police magiatrate by acclillatlaa,
Roll Callt
Cole, Aye. Elli•, Aye. Jaap, Aye.
Lanoaater, Aye. Oben, Abaent. Pritchet~, Aye.
5. Ayea, l. Abaent.
llaJO .. dee~"'JWa O'Brfl.•a, duly •l•irtM Polloe llaglatrat• Ga Bw•l•Mll~
Alderman Cole Moved )
Pritchett, Seoonded ) That th• Health Otticer be inatructed to go and lnapeo' thl•
Rabbltrs-2700 block louth Bannock St. and report back to th• co\lnoll.
Roll Callr
Cole, Aye. Elli•, Aye. Jaap, Aye.
Lancaater, Aye. Oben, Absent, Pritchett, Aye.
5. Ayea, l. Abaent.
lla7or So Ordered.
Alderman F.lli• Moved )
Laaoaater, Seconded ) That th• bill ot th• Sothern Agency co. tor tso.oo aa
preaiua on Appea1 Bond to Supreme Court, tor 2 yeara, In-re CitJ'O:f EnglewoM, Cel•.
Va Th• DenTer and South Platte Ry. Co. be r•t•r•d to the cltJ Attorn•r t• l•v••~lsaet
and report back to council.
Roll Call :
Cole, Aye. Elll•, Aye. Jaap, AJ•·
Lanoaater, Aye.
5. Ayea.
Oben, Abaent. Pritchett, Aye.
l. Abaent.
So Ordered.
Alderman Pritchett UoT•4 )
Lanoaat,er Seoonded ) That th• Matter ot llakiag th• cut in South Grant Street at.
Yale ATenue, be reterecl to th• Street and Bridge Committee with power to aot.
Roll Call :
Cole, Aye. Elli•, Aye. Jaap, Aye.
Lancaater, Aye. Oben, Abaent. Pritchett, ·AY•·
5. Ayes. l. Abaent.
11&7or So Ordered.
Alderman Lanoaater, Moved )
Cole, Seconded, ) That th• matter or diapoalng ot th• City'• blaok teaa be
re:tered to th• Purohaa• and Suppli•• Committee with power to aot.
Roll Call i
Cole, AJ•·
I•nuater, AJ•·
5. A7ea,
Elli•, Aye. Jaap, Aye.
Oben, Abaent. Prltohett,
1. Abaent.
So Ordered.
Th• All•J bet•••• Bout.h Llnooln St. And Broadway in ~000 Blook, and Raapden ATe
troa Clarkaoa to Railroad be retered to Street and Brldg9 Colllllttee po••• te ..a..