HomeMy WebLinkAbout1919-09-15 (Special) Meeting Minutes• I t~ ~· . . IPSCIAL CALL DftllG 0. TBB CITY' COOlfCIL OI' TBB CITY OP QOX..OOD, COLOIADO, TBIS l&t.b, mr 0. llSPl'DBmt, A. D. 1919 ,AT BIGHT 0' CLOS, P. •· . . l~tlc• of Speolal Call .. etlng of the CitJ Counell of th• Cl~J of Bwglewo91 1 Coaat~ d Arepahoe, State or Colol'do. . To-Olr•• I. Col•-Charl•• A. 1111• -J. J. Jaap -••· v. Laaea•t•r - Jobia Obea -and -Pred B~ Pritchet~. !be aDlleP81gn.C, The 11a1or and three member• of th• oitJ oounoil or th• Cl\r er .... 1••0.-, Arapahoe Count~, Stat• of Colorado, hereb7 give notl .. \hat a •pe•l•l 4all -u-. of t.h• ol tJ ooanoll of ••ld ci tJ i• called and will be beU 1n \he ol v •U of •ld oltJ,· on •ond&r t.b• 15th, d•J ot Septeaber, A. D. 1111, at tJl• h~ or•· O'Cleok P. •· oS .. 1d daJ-Yoa are !Urther notlfled that aald meeting ia ·called tor th• purpoae of o ... '4••l1t1 t.be .. it.er ot the Water Propoaltlon between the CltJ ot Englewood, and the Cl'-' j#. Den•••• ete. Sngle•oocl, Colorado, Septeaber 11th, 1111. Aatred T. Bell • ~d B. Prltohet~. lld•....a flrat lard. .. , .. , Cbaa. A. Bllla. JP.• JMD. Aldel'll&D BeooJii lard. 119 ..... Th1ra lard. TM 11Dderalgnecl, councilmen of th• citJ of Englewood, Arapahoe COWltJ, S\a'9 er 9ol~ redo, hereb7 certlfJ that •• and each of ua received notice ot the abOYe and r...aolag .. ntioneC Special Call Keeting ot the citJ council ot aald citJ to be held •o lep~. 15\h, 1111. at th• hour ot e. O'Clock, P. K. ot aald da1 •t th• clt1 hall in .. 14 olt,7. Sald notice having been served at least t•ent7-tour hour• before the date or eat• ... tlng. Chaa. A, Elli!. Fred B. Prltobett. Jno. Jaap. ••· v. Lanoa•t.er • .. ,or, Alfred T. Bell, Called the aeeting to order and ••ked tor ~oll call. Roll Cellt Col•, Abaent. Bllia, lr•••nt • Jaap Preaeat. . Lanca•ter, Pre•ent. Oben, Ab•ent. Prit~hett, Preaent. 4. Preaent~ 2. Abaeat. 11&1or declalred a chorumn pre•ent and r•acl7 top b"81ne••• 11&1or Aaked Clerk to read the call. Clerk read the call ln tull.,aa follow•; (See above) . . .. ,or •tated th• object ot th• aeet1ng ,being called, that the water oama& .. lonere retaed to allow &nJ more Tap• tor water ln Englewood, ao llr George Bell of' the .. 11 Pluablng Co, took the .. tter up •1th the .. yo~ and .•ald the ottlolala ahoald go ... U.. •at.er commi••ioneN, Thereupon, Ma7or Bell called 1aJ> the water oomlaaione" ... • date tor .. eting or a eOllaittee tro• Englewood, llayor Bell, CitJ Attorne~ 81.ae'RIEP ... Alderman Bllla, th• commiaaionera stated that the cit1 of Denwer had bought ti. .. \er plant~ ••re subject to the taa to pa1 tor 1~, and \her dld not think It .fair \e t'1arl)i8h water out ald• or Denver at the aame rate aa Denver pa1s, ao tb•J woui. ~• to Mite •-diferent arrange-nts, there wW two propoaltlons otfe"d bJ the ccmmiMlonera 0.. la th•J wlll rai•• th• water rate• in Englewood trom 1/8 \o 1/1 aore t,hae Dea••• para or Bnglewood can iaaue bond• and build a parallel line to Ul• .. ins th•J .blaYe and ~lewoocl take water troa the• at a meator rate and Englewood .look .att.er their ... Wat.er •1•t.ea uncouple all tape trom the Denver Kain• and couple onto the Bn•l••..a .. laa ·•hioh would toroe the reeldenta to put in a mea~r and uae wat•~ bJ meator rate, . .. ,or Bell aaid thlt aeeting ••• called to diacaaa th• •t.191-.,.. M• •ble:l:l wu th• beat tor the oit1 to do, aa th• commissioner• aald aOMthing had to be doae la \be .. tt•• th•r would give a r•••onabl• time to do it, and lt an1 one in th• ._11 ~ ~ to .. , Ule oouncll wanted to hear from th••· . . Thereupon, llr Prank •••kom ot 3320 so. Logan St.aald aomething •hould be .... aa h• bad no water at h1• houae and kn•• what the .. tter waa, there ahould .be ..... nr to reli•n lt, •o 1t there ••• any way to get into Demrer and get t.h• -Nte ancl then Dennr would give u• Fire protection and better water ••rYio• aa •• woai.t be a part or Denver' . Ma1or Bell ••ld that the Englewood committee put that up t,o the OOlllliaa1oaeP8 t.O come ini. Denver , and the comml••ionere said th•J did not have an1 thins to •&J abop~ Englewood, coming into Delwer we would have to take that up •1th the Denve~ oltr ettlolala bat lf •• come lnto Denver we would get the same rate aa DenTer. There waa llUOb dl•ou••lon of th• matter and tb• people though~ ibat waa \1111 be•' thing to do, 11&10• ••ad it •DJ one .in th• hall••• oppoaed to going lnto Denv•• t.ber would llu to hear fr• th-•• th•f':•antetlr:toct hear:.hoth ald•• ot the Mtter &Ill 419 •bat waa beat tor Jln&lewood, there ••• no one in th• hall that oppoaed going in\e De8Yer, and all •••med to think it .Ill.I t.he thing to do. Ma7or Bell appointed a o01mittee to •alt upon th• llaJOP or Denver and put \be propoalt.loa up to th-to take Englewood into Denver. COlllllttee appointed aa tollow•, llaJOP Altred T. Bell-Ald•l'lle•, Chae. A. Blll• - and -Precl B. Pritchett, llr R. L. Bjork, H. L. Thoaaa, and J. P: Pletcher, to make a date and wait upon Ma7or Bail•J on the matter ot going into lllDver. Aldel'llUl Lanoaater Moved ) Jaap Seconded ) That there being no turth•r ~ua1neaa before tbe .ooanoll, COUDCil adjOUJlll, Roll Callt Mlnutea or 8,.._,.al Cole, Abaent. Ellis, AJ•• Jaap, A7e. aeetlng ot lap~. 15. LAnoa•ter, •~· Oben, Absent. Pritchett, AJ•• •taDll •PP••••• .. '· AJ••, a.Abaent. • read,thl• Oet,. 1a. ltlt• lla7or So Ordered. ~ ~ ~~- d'1 t,j 'i"l'IK.~