HomeMy WebLinkAbout1919-11-13 (Regular) Meeting MinutesI
THIS THURSDAY NOVEMBER, 13th, A. ·D. 1919, .a~ EIGHT •'Clook, P. K. .
11&1or Alfred T. Bell, called the meeting to order and a•k•d tor roll call.
Roll Callt
Goorman, Present. Ell11, Pre1en~.
Lancaster, Presen~. Willey, Pre•en~.
6. Present.
llayor So
Jaap, Preaen~.
Prltohett, Preaea~.
Abaen~ None.
............ -)O•GDOtl••a·i !rttohett. 'introduced the tollowlng re•ol~tlon which ••• rea•
ln tull bJ the Clerk.
. Where•• the aaseased valuation ot all ta~bl• propert~, real, per•onal
and •lxed •lthln the limit• ot the City or Engl .. oocl, Count.1 ot Arapahoe, St.a\41 ot
Colorado, tor the ·year ·ot 1918 •••Two Uillion One Hundred elght1-tour Thoull&lll Oae
Hundred Twent1, Ct2, 18•, ~20.00). and · .
Wherea•.thia Council levied again1t aald valuation tor aaid year 1918
tor all citJ purpo••• 6-75/100. (.00875) mill• on the dollar, whloh lev1 it••• tbea
aati.-t•d would rai•e the sum ot Fourteen Thou••nd Seven Hundred Porty-two Uld 81/100
Cll•,7,8.81) Dollar• tor the purposes atoreaald, and
Whereas the estimated income ot aaid City troa other sources •iU&l•• la
said year about ·the aua ot One Thousand Two Hundred and no/100 Cll,800.00) .. Jllra,
.. king the total eati .. ted a.come tor aaid year Pitteen Thouaand Rine R Pert.1-
two •114 81/100 Ctl5,9,2.81) Dollars. and
Whereaa the assessed valuation or all propertJ, real, peraonal and
mixed within the limits or· said City ·ror the year 1919 la only Two Uillloa One
Hundred Sixty-eight Thousand Eight Hundred Twenty, Cl2,168, 880.00) Dollar•, •hlob
lo•• in valuation i• caused principally on account. ot ·th• propertJ ot the Dellv•P
Unloa Water Company now ·owned by the City and County or Denver, being no longer
subject to taxation, a~d
Where•• by reason ot the Limitation• plaoed upon the power. of thia
Council by the Statute• or the State ot Colorado thi• Council can only eatabllab
·a l•T7 or tive(5%) per centum on Fourteen Thouaand Seven Hundred Porty-two and 81/100
Ct14,742.81)-Dollars or a total levy aurriclent to raiae by taxation purposes a
•1111 eq~l to Fitteen Thousand Four-Hundred Sevent1-nine and 95/ioo Cll5,479.95)
Dollar•, and ·
Where•• · in vi•• ot the tact .th& t during the coming year 1980 1 t •111
be neceaaary tor thi• Council to build six new bridge• aero•• Dl')' Creek and th•
Clty Dltoh within the limit• or said City, beald•• a oonalderabl• amount ot ••1!7
neceaaary atreet work which •ill have to be done, lt 1• th• opinion ot thia Ceunell
that th• sum or Pitteen Thousarid Four Hundred Seventy-nine and Oe/100 Ct1e,,,1.1e)
Dollarw together with an eatimated revenue trom other aouroea or about 0.. Tb ......
Two Hundred and ~o/100 <t1,200.oo) Dollar• will not be auttloieat tor all Cl\J
purpoaea during the year 1920, and
Wbereaa atter a careful eatimai9'·b1 thi• Counoll it 11 the oplal of
thi• Council that tor all City pu~poaea tor the year 1910 it •111 be necea.ai.7 \e
rala• Twenty Thouaand·Seven Hundred Nineteen and 38/100 Dollar• bJ taxation ...
revenue trom other source•, aaid ,amount to be proportioned•• tollo••:
Sinking and Intereat Fund tor redemption or out-atanding
water bond• -~-----------------------------------------~---
Clt7 ·Light Fund --------------------------------------------
Salarr Pund ---------~--------------------------------~----
Plre Department Fund ---------------------------------------
0.neral Expenoe Fund ---------------------------------------Public Improvement Fund-------·--·-------------------------
,"a.oo aoo.oo
,000.00 , ., • ., .oo
Ho•, Theretore, be it resolved by the City Council ot Englewoot, C011Dt7
ot Arapahoe, State ot Colorado in regular adjourned ••••ion conveaed thi• lS\I, d&J
ot November A. D. 1919, that the Mayor and City Clerk _,. aald City be and tiler are .
hereby authorized and directed to petition the Colorado Tax Commission tor·peral~
to increaae the tax levy ror the year A. D. 1919 upon the valuation or ••id propertj'~
aa atore•aid over and above the levy for the year 1918 auttlcleat to ralae U. •1111
or Twent1 Thoua&Dd Seven Hundred Nineteen and 38/100 Dollar• l••• the aua or Oita
. Thouaand Two Hundred and no/100 Ctl,200.00) Dollara which is eatlmated can be raiaed
tr• other aourc•• and request that said' Tax Commi••loa:·oeirt.llJ aueb auth81\J' t.o
t.be Board ot Co\ll'lty Commiaalonera or Ar~pahoe County in due coarse.
Whereupon Council.man Pritchett Uoved th• adoption or th• above re•olutioa
aa read.
Said motion ••• duly aecuaded hy Counoll.Jl&n Lancaster.
tJpon roll call the following vote waa recordedc
Ay••1 Goorman Jaap -Lancaater -Willey -and-Pritchet~.
Ra111 lllla.
Whereupon the llayor declated sald reaolution adapt .. aa read.
Aldermaa &anoaaMar Moved)
Goorman Seeended ) That there being no further buain•••
council adjourn to meet again Friday November, l'th, 1919.
betore the council
Roll Callt
Gooraan, Aye. Elli•, AJ•·
Lancaater, Aye. Willey, Aye.
6. Ayes,
Kay or So
lilnut•• or Adjourned Regular .. •ting or the City
Colorado, thia 13th, day or November, 1919, stand
8th, 1919.
Jaap, AJ•·
Pritchet~. AJ•·
N•1• none.
Council ot t~_:~~o~ Englewooe,
•pproved aa ~ ----,-this De .. aber,