HomeMy WebLinkAbout1919-11-14 (Regular) Meeting MinutesADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OP THE CITY COUNCIL OP TBB CI'l'Y or ENOLEWOOD,
11&1or, Altred T. Bell, Called the meeting to order and a•ked tor a roll
Roll Calli:
Ooorman, Present. 'Elli•, Preaent. Jaap, Pr•••nt. ·
Lancaater, Preaent. Willey, Preaent. Pritchett, Preaent.
6. Present. Absent Rone.
Mayor So Ordered.
Report. ot th• City Attorney that th• Petition and Reaolutioa paaaed ~ U.
city oounoil ot the City or Englewood, Colorado, on November, lSth, 1919, waa
preaented to the Colorado State Tax Commission, and th• Tax COllldaaloa grant..&
th• Pra1er ot the Petition and g6T• it• conaent to th• CltJ of Bnglewood, to
.. k• a Tax .. VJ or Rla. (9) Milla, etc, waa given bJ aald oomal••lon and tbat~l•
State Tax Colllm4aaion haa forwarded to county oommiaaloD9r• 1ta oonaent aald
Aldermaa Pritchett SD-ted;i.1 l~t Ordinance ?lo • .,,.......,,_ Serl•• of 1919, •-·belag
entltl ... An Ordlnanoe Establishing the Annual Tax LeYJ tor the CitJ ot Englewood.
Colorado, tor the 7ear 1919, be introduced and read aa a propoaed Ordinance tor
the CitJ ot Englewood, Colorado.
Clerk, read proposed Ordinance No. Serie• ot 1919, being an
Ordinance Eatabli•hing the annual tax levy for the Cit7 ot Englewood, Colorado,
tor the year 1919, in full.
Alderman Goorman Moved)
Jaa~ Seconded ) That proposed Ordinance no. Seriea ot 1919, saae being
entitled An Ordinance Establishing the Annual Tax Levy for the City ot Englewood,
Co lorado, for the year 1919,"do now pass first reading aa read.
Roll Call:
Goorman, Aye. Ellie, •••· Jaap, AJ•·
Lancaster, Aye. Wille7, A7e. Pritchett, A7e. s. Ayes l. Nar.
Mayor So Ordered.
Alderman Goorman Moved )
Lancaster Seconded ) That Whereas, a Proposed Ordinance No. Serie•· ot
1919, or the Ord1nancea of Englewood, being entitled " An Ordinance Establiabiaa
the Annual Tax Levy for -the City or Englewood, Colorado, tor the year 1919," baa
been introduced and read and passed at it• firat reading,
Now, Therefore, be it resolved by the City Council of the Clty of Bngl•-
wood, that the propoaed Ordinance No. Serie• ot 1919, atoreaa1d, be publ18hed
aa required by the statute• or the State ot Colorado, and go over tor further
consideration at another meeting.
Roll Call:
Alderman Pritchett Moved)
Goorman, Aye. Elli•, Nay.
Lancaster, Aye. Willey, AJ•·
5. Ayea,
Mayor So
Jaap, AJ••
l. Na7.
Lancaater Seconded ) That Ordinance No. Serl•• ot 1919, ... e being
entitled "An Ordinance to be known aa the Annual Appropriation Bill tor all
llun1c1pal Purpo••• tor the City ot Englewood, for th• fiaoal year beginning
Januarr lat, A. D. 1920, and ending December 3lat, A. D. 1980.be introduoeC a.I
read aa a proposed Ordinance for the City ot Englewood,
Roll Callt
Goorman, Aye. Elli•, Nay. Jaap, A7e.
Lancaster, Aye. WilleJ, A7e. Pritchett, A7e.
5 • Aye a , l • Na1 • .
Mayor So Ordered.
Alder=an :oor""...-c oved )
Jaap, Seconded ) ThatProposed ·Ordinance No. Seri•• or 1919, same
being entitled "An Ordinance to be known aa the annual Appropriation Bill for
all Municipal Purpose• for the City or Englewood, tor the tiacal year beginning
January lat, A. D. 1920. and ending December, ~lat, 1920, do now paaa tlrst
reading a• read,
Roll Call:
Alderman Goorman Moved )
Goorman, Aye. Ellla, Nay.
Lancaater, Aye. Willey, A7e.
5. Ayea.
Kay or So
Jaap, Aye.
Pritchett, Aye.
l ••• ,.
Lanoa ter 5&oonded) That Where~s, a Proposed Ordinance lo. Serl••
ot 1919, ot th• Ordinance• ot En~l8wood, being entitled " An Ordinance to be
known aa the annual appropriation bill ror all municipal purpo••• tor the CltJ
ot Englewood, tor th• tiaoal year beginning Januarr lat, A. D. 19llO and endl ..
Deoeaber, Slat, A. D. 1920, ha• been introduced and read and paaaed at it• tlr•t
Now Theretore be it resolved by the City Council ot the City o~ Englewood,
that the peopoaed Ordinance No. Serl•• ot 1919, atoreaaid, be publialled
aa required by the statutes ot the State or Colorado, and go over tor further
conaideratlon at another meeting.
Roll Call:
Goorman, Aye. Ellie, Na7. Jaap, Aye.
Lancaster, Aye. Willey, Aye. Pritchett, Aye.
5. Ayes, l. •aT.
Mayor So Ordered.
Alder11&n Lancaater Moved)
Will•J, Seconded ) That there being no further buain••• betore the oouncll
Council Adjourn.
Roll Call::
Goorman, Aye. Elli•, Aye •. Jaap, Aye.
Lancaster, aye. Willey, Aye. Pritchett, AJ••
e. Ayes, Naya ?lone,
Noyer So Ordered •
Minute• ot Adjourned Regular Meeting or the
Colorado, thla 14th, day or November, 1919,
thl• December, 8th, 1919,
City Council ot the Cit~:!fEnglewood,
stand approved a•--.-A.-...~t~-=--t"M:~------
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