HomeMy WebLinkAbout1919-12-08 (Regular) Meeting Minutes•••
K01'DAY DECEllBER, 8th, A. D. 1919.
11a7or Alfred T. Bell, Called the meeting· to order and ••ked tor roll oall.
Roll Callt
Goorman, Present. Elli•, Pr•••nt. Jaap, Preaen~.
LancAster, Preaent. Will•y, Pres&nt. Prltehet~, Abeen~.
5. Preaent, 1. Abaent.
Mayor So Ordered.
UINUTBSt I 11a1 or, aaked clerk to read minute• or all meeting• •lno• la•t regular meetlaa.
Clerk, read minute• or regular meeting or November, 10th, minute• or Adjourn..a ·
regular .. eting oC November,l3th, al•o adjourned meeting ot Roveaber, 14th, 1911.
ln tull. J1a7or announced there being no alteration• or correction• minute• atancl approved
llayor a•ked olerk to read all report• ot oity ottlcer•.
Clerk read all report• ot city otticer• tor th• month ot November, 1919. I
lla7or nnounced.there being no alterations o• oorreotlon• report• be reoe1v.a and
Clerk read all bill• marked o. K. by the tineno• committee •• Salar-y Fund. Warrant No.
1618. Altred T. Sell, llayor tor the month ot Noveaber,
1680 ••• &. Noonon, Clerk " " ..
" " l. R. H. Blaoklutn, Attorney,
Chier of' Pollo•," .. 2.
'· 5.
7. a.
6. .,. .
J • A. Skerrlt\,
J • A. Skerritt., St. Commissioner," •
J ... • O'Brien, Police Magiatrate," ..
H. N. Patton, Treasurer, • •
John Slaon, Health Commisaioner," •
Leo GoorMn, Alderman, " ..
C. A. Ellie, Alderman, • •
J. J. Jaap, Alderman, .. " ••• v. Lancaster, Alderman, " ..
Reed Wlll•J, Alderman, .. ..
Fred B. Pritchett, Alderman, " "
Chae. R. Tangye, Fire Truck Driver, " ..
Public Imp. Fund.
o. E. Powell, Teaaater, to Dee. 8th, 1919.
let, Rat'l. Bank, Aaaignee K. J. Powell, T•aa•ter,
lat, Rat'l. Bank, Assignee Roy Stark•, Laborer, w. J. Wateon, Teamster, to Deo. 8th, 1919.
1919. • ..
" • • .. ..
" •
" .. .. ..
a. A. Chri•tenaen, Gravel, 96. load• month ot Nov. 1919.
'· o. B. Pravert, Gravel, 78. load• month ot Nov. 1919.
1640. Gruenteldt & Krieger, Feed Bill,
1. Englewood Enterprise, Printing bill,
&0.00 sa.aa
'76 .oo as.oo e.aa a.as a.as
5.00 s.oo
... oo I.SI
• 8'.00 aa.oo
IC.00 so.oo
····" 7,.00
2. J. A. Skerrit\, Expense Upkeep Auto. Chlet Polle• & St. COia. 86.00
8.40 s.oo
3. A. G. Kilk•~, City Wire Inapector,
4. Tuttle & Albers, Insurance Premium Fire Truck,
7. a.
Wm. Whitehead, Repair work.
Denver Water Commiasioner1,Water Rent,
K. s. T. & T. Co. Fire Alara Syatea.
E. J. Lightburn. 3760.lbe, Straw.
Eng. Rdw. Co. Supplies,
c. F. Hoeokels, Suppliea,
Light Fund.
1651. Arapahoe Electrio Light & Power co. City Hall & Jail Light•,
2. Denver Gae & Electric Light Co. Street Light•,
Grand Total. t 1207.54
A&derman Jaap, Moved )
• ••• o
Willey Seconded ) That all bill• marked o. K. By the tinanoe
bJ the olerk be allowed and warrants drawn to pa• the same.
Collllllittee ailll read
Roll Calls
Goorman, Aye. Elli•, Aye.
Lancaster, Aye. Will•J, Aye.
5. Ayes,
Mayor So
J ... p, Ay•.
l. Abaent.
llr R. G. McNamara, ~. or the Stat~ Firemen8 Association, ooae berore the oouno11
on beha~ of' the Englewood Fire Department and ••k•d that Ma1or appoint a c...S.tt.. I
:f'rom th• council to aaalet the committee trom the tire department on arrage .. llt•
tor th• State Firemen'• Convention which will meet jointl1 ln Englewood & Littleton
in 1920.
llayor, Appointed Alderman Willey -Ellie -& ~ Goorman, •• a committee and
the balance ot th• council to assist, to work with th• tire .. n'• oollll1t'8• on
arrangea•nt• tor the Colorado State Firemen'• Convention tor 1920.
Ald•l'll&n Goorman, should have another car hay. Mayor retered thi• maaa.r to the Pur-
chaee and Suppliea Committee with power to act.
New Bualn•••t
Ald•rll&ll Willwy Koved}
Lancaster Seconded} That Men working tor the city be allowed 13.50 P•~ .._., T .... ter
and Laborer•, Uen turnl•hing their own teams be paid $7.00 per c1&7, to take •ttee~
on Janua191 l•t, 1980.
Roll Callt
Goorman, Aye. Ellie, Aye. Jaap, A7e.
Lancaster, Aye. Willey, Aye. Pritchett, Abaent.
5. Ayea,
Alderman Will•T Moved )
l. Abaent..
Jaap, Seoonded ) That the Street Commissioner Salary be raised
per month to tso.oo per month, to take arrec~ January lat, 1920.
troa t2s.oo
Roll Call:
Alderman oool'll&ll mav•·:')
Goo:rman, Aye. Elli•, Aye. Jaap, AJ••
Lancaster Aye. Willey, Are. Pritehet\, Absen~.
5. Aye•, 1. Abaent.
llayor So Ordered.
. Jaap, Seoonded ) That. all rules interf'ereing with th• paeaag,,ot the toll .. ing
ordinance• be •upended.
Roll Call:
Goorman, Aye. Elli•, tia,.. Jaap, Aye.
Lancaster, Aye. Willey, Aye. Pritohett, Abeent.
4. Aye•, l. Nay. 1. Abaent.
Mayor So Ordered.
Clerk read Proposed Ordinance 4Jo. Seri•• ot 1919, an ordinance eatabli9bt.ag
th• ann11&l Tax l•T7 tor the Clty ot :mglewood, Colorado, tor the year 1919. 1n t1all.
Alderman Goorman Moved)
Jaap, Seconded ) That Propoaed Ordinance No. aeriea ot 1919, beiJll
entitled·~ Ordlnano• Eatabliahlng th• Tax Levy tor th• City ot Englewoo4, Oolerado,
tor the 7ear 1919,• do now second reading aa read.
Roll Calls .
Alderman Goorman Moved )
Goorman, Aye. Elli•, Nar. Jaap, AJ•·
Lancaater, Aye. Willey, Aye. Pritchett, Absent.
4. Ayea, 1. N•T· 1. Abaent.
Mayor So Ordered.
Jaap, Seconded) That Ordinance No. Serl•• ot 1919. an · ordinance elllabl1ah-
1ng th• Tax Levy tor the City ot Engl•~ood, Colorado, tor the year 1910, do n ..
tlnall7 paaa aa Ordiaance i'4o. 2. Seriea or 1919.
Roll Call:
Goorman, Aye. Elli•, Nay.
Lanoaater, Aye. Wille7, Aye.
4. Ayea, l. Nay.
Mayor So
Ald•r11&n Cloorman Moved )
Jaap, AJ••
Pritohett, Abaent.
1. Abaent.
JAlnoaater Seconded) That be it reaolved that Ordinance No. 2. Serl•• 9' 1919.
~l•r~k pa•••d bt the city council or the City or Englewood, Colorado, be publ1•bed
i n the Englewood Enterprise a ~eekly newspaper or general circulation in the o1tJ ..
Englewood, Colorado, aa required by the statutes or the State ot Colorado.
Roll Callt
Goorman, Aye. Ell1a, '1ay.
Lancaater, Aye. Wille7, A7e.
4. Ayea, l. Nay.
Mayor So
Alderman Goorman, lloved)
Jaap, Aye.
Pritohet~, Abaen~.
1. Absent.
Lancaater Seconded) That Proposed Ordinance No. Seri•• ot 1919, an Ord-
inance to be known aa the annual appropriation bill tor all municipal puzepo•••
top th• City ot Englewood, tor the tiacal year beginning January lat, 1920 anC
ending December Slat, A. D. 1920. be introduced and read. · '
Roll Call:
Goo:rman, Aye. Ellis, Nay. Jaap, Aye.
Lancaster, Aye. Willer, A~•· Pritchet\, Absent.
4. Ayes, 1. Na7. 1. Absen~.
Mayor So Ordered.
Alderman, Goorman Moved )
Jaaf, Seconded) That Proposed Ordinance No. aerie• ot 1919, being
entitled An Ordinance to be known as the Annual Appropriation Bill tor all
aunlclpal purpo••• tor the City or Englewood, Colorado, tor the tlacal year .. g»aniag
Januarr lat, A. D. 1920. and ending December 3lat, A. D. 1980.• do now pa•• ... .,..
reading aa read.
Roll Callt
Goo:rman, Aye. Elli•, Nay. Jaap, Aye •.
Lancaster, Aye. Wille7, Aye. Pritchett, Abaent.
4. Ayes, 1. ?lay. 1. Abaent.
Mayor So Ordered.
Alderll&D Gooraan Moved )
Jaap, Seconded ) That ordinance No. aerie• ot 1919.•entltl•d an Ordlaan ..
to be known aa th• arurt.l Appropriation Bill ror all municipal purpo••• ror U.
City ot Englewood, Colorado, for the tiacal year beginning Januarr lat, A. D. 1980,
and ending December ~lat, A. o. l92e. do now rtnally paaa as orcl1nano• No. a. Serl••
ot 1919.
Roll Callt
Goorman, Aye. Elli•, Mar.
Lancaater, Aye. Willey, Aye.
4. Ayes. l. Nay.
Mayor So
Alderman Gooraan lloved ) .
Jaap, Are.
Pritchet~, .Aillle•~·
1. Abaent..
Jaap,.Seoonded.) That Be it resolved that Ordinance No. 3. Serl•• ot 1919,
thia clar paaaed br th• city council or the City ot Englewood, Colorad~, be
publl•bed ln the Bnglewood Enterpri•• a newspaper ot general circulation publlabed
in th• City o ~ Englewood, Colorado, aa required by Statute• ot the State ot Celerado.
15 .. . -.
Roll Callt
Ooorman, Aye. Ellis, Nar. Jaap, AJ•·
Lanoaater, Ar•· Willey, Aye. Pritchett, Abaenl.
4. Ay••· l. Nay. l. Ab••nt.
Mayor So Ordered.
&Hem lloV .. tt )
Laaoal&ep Seooaded ) 'l'laat propo•ed Ordinance No. Serl•• ot 1919. belftl
I ltl .. •Aft Ordinance Cr••tlng an Improvement Diatrlct in th• CitJ ot Engl...,.,
Coloraclo, to be known a• "Bn~lewood Paving Di•trlot No.1. Englewood, Col•~~-
' I and ordering &be tntnat!'Qotion therein ot • ayate• ot grading and eonorete pa.-...
and curbing and providing tor the iaaulng or bond• ot th• di•trlot ln pa711ell\ eJt
aald local improvement. Be amended striking out. trom llletf'o-9ot th• Cupea la t.1•
9. th• tollowlng word• ( or at the Bankirtg Hou•• ot ln the oitJ et YeJllE,
U. S. A. )•
Roll Callt
. Goorman, Aye. Elli•, Ar•·
Lancaster, Aye. Willey, Aye.
5. Aye•,
Kar or So
Alderman Gooraan Moved )
Jaap, AJ•·
Pritchett, A119ent.
l. AbMnt..
Jaap, Seconded ) That Proposed Ordinance No. aerl•• ot 1919. bel~
Ordlnano• Creating an Improvement Diatriot in th• Citr ot Englewood, Co~oraie,·,,.
be known•• the Englewood Paving District No. 1. Englewood, Colorade. UMI o"'9•1 ...
the conatructioA therein ot a •ratem ot grading and concrete paving anl ouiabl ..
and provldlng tor the iaaue ot bond• ot the di•trlo~ in pa,.eat tor aald 10 .. 1
laprovement. be introduced and read aa amended.
Roll C•llt
Goorman, Ar•· Elli•, Ar•· Jaap; A19.
Lancaster, Aye. Willer, Aye. Pritohett, Abaen~.
5. Ar••, l. Abaent.
Mayor So Ordered.
v Clerk read in tull Proposed Ordinance No.~ aerie• ot 1919. creating an Iaprove .. nt
dlatrlot in th• City ot Ebglewood, Colorado, to be known a• th• Englewood Pavt.Jts
' diatriot Ro. 1. Englewood, Colorado, and ordering th• .. ln J O~ua t a1atea of aa-n•t:r...a ~ concrete ~ving and oui.-bing and providing ror the l .... n ot bond• ot the dlatJiite
ln paJ119nt tor aaid i•p~ovement, a• a~~nded.
Ald•rman 'Goqrman Moved )
Jaap Seconded ) That Proposed Ordinance No. Seri•• ot 1919. being Entltl ..
• An Ordlnanoe Creating an Improvemen~ Diatrict in the CitJ ot Englewood, Col• .... •,
· to be known aa tbe Englewood Paving District No. l. Englewood, Colorado• ~
ordering th• conatruotion therein or a system ot Grading and Concrete Curbl .....
providing tor th• iaaua ot the bond• ot the diatrict in pa111ent tor aald looal
improv•••nt• do now paaa second reading as read. ·
Roll Call::
Goorman,· Aye. Elli•, Aye. Jaap, Ar•.
Lancaster, Aye. Willey, AJ•· Prltohett, Abaent.
5. Ayes, l. Absent.
Mayor So Ordered.
UJ Alderman LancAster Moved )
Jaap, Seconded ) That Ordinance No. Seri•• ot 1919. An Ord1nanoe J -
creating an Improvement District in the City or Englewood, Colorado, to be Jaaowa
•• the• Englewood Paving Diatrict No. l. Englewood, Colorado,• and ordering the
conatruotlon therein ot .a •yatem ot grading and curbing and providing tor tlte
l••u• ot the bond• ot the district in payment fop said local improvement, do aow
tlnall7 P••• aa Ordin•nce No. '· Series or 1919.
Roll Call::
Ooorman, Aye. Ellie, Aye.
Lancaster, Ay~. Willey, Aye.
5. Ayea.
Mayor So
Jaap, Aye.
Pritchett, Absent.
l. Abaent.
Alderman Lancaster Moved )
Jaap, Seconded) That be it resolved that Ordinanoe No. 4. Ser.iea ·ot ie11. thl•
daJ paaaed by the city council or th• City or Englewood, Colorado, be publl la
th• Englewood Ent~rprlae a weekly newapaper ot general o1roulatloD and publl.i..I
in the city ot Englewood, Colorado, aa required by th• Statute• ot the State ~
Colorado •.
Re>ll Call::
Goorman, Aye. Elli•, Are.
Lancaster, Aye. Willey, Aye.
5. Ayea.
Mayor So
Jaap, AT••
Prltehet\, Abaent.
1. Abaent..
Mayor retered the matter or 1•?1118' Diatr1ot Iaprovement. Bo~a to the Plnan .. Cclll-
lli ttee to inveatigat• the beat plan or disposing ot the bonda, ••lllng outrilbt
or turning them over to the contractor, and report baok to thl• oouneil nex•
Aldel'll&D Goormaa Moved)
Lanoaater Seconded) That regular order of·b1181n••• be auapended, and o-•11
reter baek to new bu•ln•••·
Roll Callr.
aoorman, Ar•· Elli•, AJ•• Jaap, AJ•·
Lancaater, AJ•· WilleJ, AJ•• Prltobet\, Ab••~,
5. Ayea. 1. Abaen\.
Mayor So Orde1'941.
Alderman Jaap Moved )
Lanoaater Seconded) That new atreet light• be placed at oorner• 9t the toll .. lng
•treeta, Quincy & Grant -Quincr & Logan.-Quincy & Penn. Raclolitt 6 Penn ....
I ·
llanatield c!c Elatl, to be placed and ready to tUl'll on the currant Jan. lat, 1980.
Alderman Ellia,lhereupon Moved th• amendment to th• above motion to l•J it on
the table untill next .. etlng, Alderman Will•r ••conded •ald .... .._._. &.ea•tl1W.
Roll Calle
Goorman, •••· Elli•, AJ•• Jaap, ....
Lanoa•ter, Na~. Willey, Aye. Prltohett, Abaent.
3. Naya. 2. Ayes. 1. Abae~t. .
Kayor deolalred th• motion to ·•1 1 r..~os t.
lla7or thereupon called tor roll call on original motion to plao• the new atree\ llghta.
Roll Calls
Alder11&n Goorman Moved )
Goorman, Aye. Ellla, Ra7. Jaap, AJ••
Lancaster, Aye. Willey, Nay. Prltohett, Abaen~.
3. Ay••· 2. Na7•. 1. Ab••n~.
Uayor So Ord•~••·
Jaap Seconded ) That city clerk netit~ the Light Compaft7 to lnatall llgb\•
on the new location• •o they can be in aer-vice .. January lat, 1980.
Aldermaa Elli• Moved)
Roll Call:
Goorman, Aye. Ellis, Nay. Jaap, AJ••
Lancaster, Aye. Willey, Nay. Pritohett, Ab••nt.
3. Ayea. 2. Naya. l. Abaent.
Mayor So Order ...
Lancaater Seconded) That Light•
Baatun,c!c Acoma. Eastman c!c Bannock.
Weat Qu1no7 & Cherokee. ao lighta can
Roll Call:
be placed on th• following atreet corne .. ,
Eastman & Cherokee. alao Jetteraoa & P.-rl.
be turned on Jan. lat, 1980.
Alder11&11 Willey Moved)
Goorman, Aye. Elli•, AJ•· Jaap, AJ••
Lanca•ter, Aye. Willey, Aye. Prltohett, Abaen~.
5. Aye•, l. Abaent.
Mayor So Ordered.
Lanoaater Seconded ) That there being no further bu•in••• before th• counoll,
council adjourn.
Roll Call:
Goorman, Aye. Elli•, Aye. Jaap, A.7•·
Lancaster, Aye. Willey, Aye. Pritchett, Abaeat..
5. Aye•, l. Abaent.
Mayor So Ordered.
111nutea or Regular meeting ot the City Council ot the City ot Englewood, Cole~o,
thi• December, 8th, 1919, stand approved aa read thi• ·12th, 1920.
·~ • ·Ji