HomeMy WebLinkAbout1918-02-11 (Regular) Meeting Minutes [INCOMPLETE]I
Roll Calls
Balle7dier, Aye.
Ro7al, AJe.
5. Ayes.
Kay or
Earhart, Absent. Moore, Aye.
Taylor, Aye. Canine, Aye.
1 •. Absent.
So Ordered.
Alderm&R Moore, Moved. )
Conine Seconded.) That the Shutott box in Parkina in tront ot 3229 So. LGgaa St
that ••• remov .. when street was graded, be replace• by the oitJ.
Roll Calls
Balleydler, Aye. Earhart., Absent. Moore, Ar•.
• Royal, Aye. Taylor, Aye. Conine, Aye •
5. Ayea, l. Absent.
Mayor So Ordered. .
Alderman Conine Move•. )
lloore, Seoondecl.) That the Notice ot claim tor damages againat th• Clt.r er Bllele-
woo.I, tor accident ot Kra Elvira J. Chaplin, trom Uurra7 & Cratt, Atty'•· be r.eter.a to
Citr Attorne1.
Roll Cal1:
Balleydier, Aye. Earhart, Absent. Moore, Aye.
Royal, Aye. Taylor, Aye. Conine, Aye.
5. Ayes. l. Abeent.
Mayor So Ordered.
Alder.aa Royal Koved, )
Moore, Seconded.) That all rules 1nter~ear1ng with the paaaage or propoae• ordlna.ncr
Bo. Serlea or 1918, an ordlnanoe providing ror the regulation ot aahea, the coa-
atructloa ot aah bins and licensing and regulating ash haul ....
Roll Call:
Balle7dler, Aye.
Royal, Aye.
5. Ayes.
Alderman Conine Moved, )
Earhart, Absent. lloore. Aye.
Taylor, Aye. Bo~i .. , Aye.
l. Absent.
So Ordered.
Ta7lor, Seconded.) That Ordinance No. __ _...,._..seriea ot 1918. An ordinanoe proT141aa
tor the regulation ot ashes, the construction or aah bina a~ 11cena1ng and regulai ..
aah haul6 .. , be introduced and read.
Roll Call:
Balle7dier, Aye.
Royal, Aye. s. Ayea.
A,••nt. Moore, AJ•·
Aye. Conine, Aye.
l. Abaent.
Clerk read in tull proposed ordinance Ip. Serie• or 1911. an ordinan .. prcw1-
d1ng tor the regulating or ashes, the construction ot aah bina an• licenains an• reaula-
tlng aah haul6 ...
Alderman Mo ... , Move•. )
Conine, Seconded .• ) That proposed olldinanoe No. ____ ._aeriea ot 1918.an ordinan.e
providing tor the regulation ot ashes, the construction ot aah blaa and llcenainc aal
regulati-C-aah haulers, do paaa first reading aa read.
Roll Call:
Balleydier, Aye.
Royal, Aye. e. Ayea.
Moore, Aye. Earhart, Absent.
Taylor,Aye. Conine, A7e.
l. Absent.
So Ordered.
Alderman Conine, Koved. )
Taylor, Seconded.) That Proposed Ordinance No. Seri•• ot 1918.All O~lnan ..
providing tor the regulation or ashes, the construction of aah bina and lioenat.ac Ulll
regulatin& aah h&ulera, baa .t>e•~;!alroduced and read and paaaet at it.a tirat reaCJ.Dll,
Now theretore, be it reaolved by the city council or the eitJ ot Englewoo.l, that
the proposed ordinance lo. series ot 1918, atoresaid, be publiahet ae requil'et b~
the atatutea ot the State of Colorado, and go over tor turther cona1deration at another
Roll Calls
BalleJdier, Aye.
Ro7al, A7e.
~. Ayes.
Alderman lloore, llOY... )
Earhart, Absent.
Taylor, Aye.
l. Absent.
So Ordered.
Conirw, Seconded.) That Contract be let to the lowest bid•er, to paper and paint
the inside or C1t.7 Hall and Firemen's sleeping room.
Roll Collt
Balleydier, Aye.
Royal, .....
I. Ayes.
Earhart, Absent.
Taylor, ·~· 2. Nays.
Moore, Aye.
Conine, Aye.
1. Absent.
So Ordered.
Alderman Balle7dler, lloved.)
Conine Second... ) That the ottice ot J. T. Earhart, Alderman or ae••• .... ,
be deola1reC Taoant, aa he haa('8en absent from council meetinga,) remove• rr .. oltJ.
Roll Calls
llll•Jdi••• Aye. Earhart, Absent. Moore, Aye.
••1•l1sAye. Taylor, Aye. Conine, Aye.
5. A7ea, l. Absent.
ll'ayor So Ordered.
Al erman Balle7dier Nominated J. T. Robertson ~or-; Al••rman ot Second War«, to till \be
De 'Uiixplred tera ot S. T. Earhart.
Alderua Ball•Jdler, llOYed.)
Conine, Seooncl••· ) That City Clerk caat the unanlaows vote ot the Couao11 tor
J. T. I!obertaon, tor Alderman ot Seoond Ward to f1lr the .. pQ .. t;e .. ot W. !'. Karbart.
Roll Call. Balle7Bie~~At•~ Moore, Aye. Royal, Aye.
Taylor, AJ•. . Conine, Aye.
5. Aye•, Ha1• "NoDe.
lla7or So Or4ere4.
Cl•i-k Thereupon, Caat(5. t'ot••l the unanimous llallot. tor J. T. Robertaoa, tor A1'el'llllll
ot Seeo ware, to till out th• unexpired term or J. T. Bal"hart.,
Ma1or deelalred J. T. Robertson, Ele•t•• to till the unexplr .. tera or J. T. -..taar~
Aldermaa Balle7dler, Move•.) Ta7lor, Seoo1Mle4. ) That there being no turther busin••• betor• th• ••Wloll,
Council A•journ.
Roll Call: I Balle7dier, Aye •. Koor•, Aye. Royal, AJ•·
Ta7lor, AJ•· Conine, Aye.
5. Ayes. Nays None.
Kayoe So Ordered.