HomeMy WebLinkAbout1918-04-08 (Regular) Meeting Minutes [INCOMPLETE]I
on prlc•• tor Fir• Pluga.
Aldermaa Balle7dler, Koved.)
Ta7lor, Second••, ) That City Attorney draw resolution ea1toc111ns the requea~
ot Kr. lluokel. tor war gardena contribution.
Roll Callt
Balle7dier, Aye.
Ro7al, .Afe.
6. Ayea,
Kay or
-Conine, Aye •
Taylor, Aye.
Koor•, Aye.
Robertson, AJ•·
Haya None.
W&rrellt Ro. 89S. . Alderman Balleydier Uoved,) .
Ta1lor Seconded. ) ~· .l.cloption or the following reaolitlon. .
Where .. , th• United States Government acting through it• county and looal COlllt1tteee
ot Detenae, ha• ottered $150.00 to be used to a1•·war-.1•r«•naLia •Y•?T aitr, prcwld••
the eltJ rai••• an equal amount, and
Whel'eaa, the •hare ot the municipality is tso.oo,
Be It Reaol••d, that the city hereby appropriate• tso.oo to this patr1ot1• purpose,
thl• •111187 to oome out ot the General Expense Fund.
Atteat: T, ff. Noonon.
c1ij Clerk.
Roll Call:
Ro7al, Aye.
8. Ayea,
Alderman Taylor, Moved. )
Aye. Conine,
Moore, Aye.
Robertson, Aye.
Naya· None.
Robertaon, Seconded.) That the petit&oa aakin~ that eaat llanatield Avenue be
grade• and put in condition tor travel, be retered to the Street & Bridge co .. ittee.
Roll Call:
Balleydi•r, Aye.
Royal, Aye.
6. Ayea.
Con&M, Aye.
Taylor, Aye.
Moore, AJ•·
Robertaon, Aye.
Nays, None.
Ordered •
.. ro• •1th. the .'oonaent:or the city council, declare• that an order *nt• ... at
at a Special 'eet1ng ot July 31st, 1917, be set aaide,and the licen•• on peddle .. ot
all eat.able•, trulta and vegetable• be restored .and put in tore• and ette•t.leee p ...
494. book 3. tor rormer order set aside.I
ll&JOP, retered the matter or the Dridge over city dit~b on Kenyon Street,(to
make it aare tor public travel,)to the Street and Bridge Committee.
Alderman Balleydier, Moved.)
Taylor, Seconded, )
run Taxicab,
That the license be granted to Millard & W1111nghaa to
Roll Call::
Royal, Aye.
6. Ayes,
Aye. Conine, Aye.
Taylor, Aye.
Moore, Aye.
Robertson, Aye.
Nays None.
Clerk read the tollowing resolution in full, and same was ordered spread upon
the clt7 recorda 1 and a copy sent to the family or the deceased.
Whereaa, On Karch, Bth, A. D. 1918 it pleased Almighty God to remove troa our
midat OacaP Wendel Beyer, one or our cityf a beat beloved boys and the tirst ot our
Englewood Volunteer• to give his life tor hia country, and
Whereas, The city government, with all the people or Englewood, wish to ahow
in soae meaaure their appreciation or Oscar's heroic service to his native land in
tllle ot war,
Be It Reaolved, That we the undersigned members ot the city governaent ot the
CltJ ot Bnll•woocl, do hereby express our sincere tribute to thla splended yo~
patriot who ao unseltlahly made the supreme sacrifice for the Republic, an4
Be It Purther Reaolved, That we express our sincere sympathy to his family in
their great lo•• at the passing or their noble son, and
Be It Purther Resolved, That a copy otthis resolution be spread upoa the
minute• or th• citJ council, and a copy or same be s,nt to the family ot the deceased.
Englewood, Colorado, This 8th, day or April, A. D. 1918.
John Simon, Mayor.
John N. Balleydier, Alderman.
ChaM E. Conine, Alderua.
Theodore Taylor, Alderman.
A. J. Royal, A ldel'lll&ll.
H. v. lloore, Aldera&11.
J. T. Robertaon, Alderman.
BOUIRATIOKS AND ELECTION,QF OFFICERS: Alderman billeyd1er~•ten Samuel Wyckoff, for Chier ot Police and Street Comm1••1•
er, ror Englewood.