HomeMy WebLinkAbout1918-10-30 (Regular) Meeting MinutesI I I Al>JOURDD RBOlJLU DBTillG OP THB azn COUICIL OP TD Cift o• •IDLIW008, OOLOUDO, 'l'llIS ·-•DAY, OC'l'ODR aoth, 1918, AT BIGHT' ••CLOC1t '· L ~r, TbeocloN Ta1l~r, called the ••ting to order, and aaked tor roll MJ.1. 1tp11 ca111 · BalleJd1er, Preaen\. Ro7al, Preaent.. S. Pr•aent., .. ,or, Conine! Abaeat.. Baglet.on, Preaen. - 0.Ume•, Pr-a~, Robertaoa, PNa~. 1. Abaea~ • So Ol'del'M. llIIU, ~l• Nad Id.nut•• ot regular ••t.las ot Sept.e•ber 9th, alao re&U).&r wU.S or Ootobe• 16ih, 1918, ln tulla ~or annoimoed there being no alteNtiou or oorreotiou, Id.nut•• at.and approved UNed. P~TIOll81 . . left N-4 petltlOD ot The Swedish National San1tertua, aaklng the CitJ 0-11 to vaoate Ul9 All•J l'Wlftlng north a"' aouth through blook aevea C') •••~ 91 .. Alie,· alao th• Illa •••'6 halt( or tbirt1 (SO) reet) ot Waah1ngton Street. be·tween CK....C and ~•a Avenuea, !'bat 1our pet1'1oner ln oonaideration ot the cloalng ot aald Aller in blosk ••Yea (7) and the•••• halt ot Waahlngton Stree~ •ill dedicate t• the publlo or t.e t.1111t.c1i. or Snglnoo4 a atnp .or land thlrtJ' teat. •id• in ·Girard at1 II; ln t'all. AldemP• Ball•Jd1•r, Moved) Bagletoa, Seoonded. l That th• petltloa juat read be reoelved and r1 ·,~. Roll 0&111 Balle7dler, Ro1a1, A1e. Aye •. Conine, Abaent.. Bagleton, AJ•• CJuthner, AJ•• Robertaon, AJ•• S. Ay••• 11&1or So 1. Abaent. Ordered. .. JOP announced tbeN being no objeotion,olerk 1• dlreoted to 1a8ae llr Bfpiek a . perait to rell04el hl• barn..., a garage on rear ot loa 380 s. BrNllwq. · Aldel'll&D BalleJdler Moved) Bagleton Seconded) That the 8lt7 LeYJ be plaoed at 8-'5 alll• tor ·the ,. .. 1918. Rol1 Cal1t Balleydier, Aye. Conine, Abaeat. Bagletoa, AJ•• Royal, ~a7. Guthner, Nay. Rober\aoa,· Af•· 3. Aye•, 2. Haya. 1. Abaea\. Jla7or So Ordered. Ald•P8all Balle7dier, Moved,) · · · Eagleton, Seoonded, ) That all rule• be euapended lntertearlng •1 Ul U. ,.. .... ot An Ordlnanoe Eatabl1•h1ng the Tax Le~ tor the Clt7 ot Bnglewood, Colorado, top Ul• J•&r 1918. Roll Calli Balle7dler, Al•· Conine, Abaent, Bagletoa, AJ•• Roberta•, A1e. 1. Abaea~. Ordered. Ro1a1, AJ•· Outhner, Af•· 5. A7ea, J1a1or So 1ear 1918. ln tullt Cl•.t read Ordlnan~ ••~•hing the tax lev~ tor the Al.elem?• Ball•Jdl•P, •oved) .. gletoa, Seconded ) That Ordinance Bo .. Serl•• or 1918, .. oNl..- eat.abllahlag the tax l•Y7 tor the year 1918, do now paaa r1rat Ned.lllC u·rMll. Roll Calle Ball-.Sler, A7e. Ro7a1, AJ•· 8. A7ea, lla7or Conine, >ar1ntBagletoa, AJ•• Guthner, A7e. Robert.son• AJ•· l. Abaen~. So Ordered. Al.elem··, Wd1A17di•P, lloved.) Ro7al, Seconded.) That Ordinance No.· Seriea ot 1918, :tas•-ftnr Ill f'&ai. .. Ul• ta& l•vs tor Ul• 1ear A. D. 1918, tor auniclpal pui-poaea tort.he Clt.1 •r ...... ewood Arapahoe Count1, Colorado, to be collected troa all propert~ •ntlomd b ... lll anl a1t.aat.e within t.he 11111ta ot th• City ot Englewood, hu beea 1ntro4uo•• an.a ,.. ... a~ it.a tlrat. r.-dlng, •ow The..roN, be. it reaolvecl _.the clt.7 oounoll ot th• Clt.r ot Bngl•oM, \Ila~ \he ordlnanoe Bo. aerie• ot 1918, atore-aaid be publlahed aa required bf la• and go over tor turther cona1derat1on at anotbtr aeet1ng. Roll ·Callt Balleyc!ler, A.7•· Ro7al, Aye. 5. A7ea, Jla7or Conine, A .... a\Kagletoa, AJ•• Outhner, AJ•· Robertaon, AJ•• 1. Abaeata. So Orderecl.