HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989 Resolution No. 040RESOLUTIOII NO • .212._ SERIES OF 1989 Dedication of Public Right-of-Way Recorded : Rec. #3129719 Book 578 4, Pages 220-222 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING DEDICATION BY SWEDISH MEDICAL CENTER TO THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD FOR A CUL-DE-SAC AT THE NORTH END OF THE VACATED ALLEY IN THE 3400 BLOCK BETWEEN SOUTH LOGAN STREET AND SOUTH PENNSYLvAlllA IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE SWEDISH PLANNED DEVELOPMENT PREVIOUSLY APPROVED . WHEREAS, by Ordinance 20, Series of 1989, the City vacated the North 375 feet of the alley located between South Logan and South Penn s ylvania Streets in the 3400 Block; and WHEREAS, a condition of vacating this alley right-of-way wa, that a cul-de-sac be constructed on the north end of the vacated alley to provide a turn around for vehicles using that alley; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, THAT: Section 1. The dedication of public right-of-way in the vacated alley in the 3400 Block between South Logan Street and South Pennsylvania Street for construct ion of a cul-de-sac to p r ovide a vehicle turn around is hereby accepted. A copy of said dedication is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 17th day of July, 1989. Patricia H. Crow, City Clerk I, Patricia H. Crow, City Clerk for the City of Englewood, Color*o , hereby certify the above is a true copy of Resolut i on No. ) , Series of 1989. n J&~n~~~,..r.,.~-✓-=='~=-='-.X~v'~-~{'-;~~--r-Patricia H. Crow DEDICATION OF PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY THIS DEDICATION OF PUBL IC RIGHT-OF-WAY made this day of --~,--,--~• 1989 by SWEDISH MEDICAL CENTER, 501 e.""""iiimpdan Avenue, Englewood, Colorado 80110 (Swedish), to the CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, a municipal c orporation (City), 3400 S. Elati Street, Englewood, Colorad 80110; WHEREAS, as part of the Plann ed Development proposed by Swedish Medical Center and approve d by Englewood City Council, Swedish must dedicate to the Cit}' of Englewood certain real property for public ingress and egress; NOW, THEREFORE, Swedish, owner of the hereinafter described real property , hereby dedicates, grants and conveys to City for and in considerat i on of One Dollar and other good and valuable consideration, to Granter in hand paid by Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby confessed and acknowledged; and by these presents does dedicate, grant, and convey unto City, for its purposes, all right, title, interest, and clain. i n and to the following described real property, situate, lying, and being in the City of Englewood, County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, to wit: A parcel of land situate in a part of Lots 15 and 16, and a part of Lots 33 and 34, and a part of the vacated alley adjacent to Lots 15 and 34 which is now a 16-foot wide drainage and utility easement, all lyi ng within Block 5, WEST VIEW ADDITION TO ENGLEWOOD, being more particularly described a s follows, to wit: BEGINNING at the Southeast corner of Lot 16, Block 5; thence Northwesterly a long t h~ arc of a curve to the left, having a radius of 15.00 feet, a central angle of 90°00 1 00•, and an arc length of 23.56 feet, to a point of tangency; thence Westerly and perpendicular to the East line of Lots 15 and 16, a distance of 7.00 feet; thence Northerly and p a rall e l with the said East line of said Lots 15 and 16, a distance of 20.00 feet; thence Easterly and perpendicular to t he East line of said Lots 15 and 16 and the West line of Lots 33 and 34, a distance of 60.00 feet; thence Souther ly and parallel with the West line of said Lot ; 33 and 34, a distance of 20.00 feet; thence Westerl1 a nd perpendicular to the West line of said Lots 33 and 34, a distance of 7.00 feet to a point of curvature; thence Southwesterly along the arc of a curve to the left, having a radius of 15.00 feet, a central angle of 90°00'00 ",. and an arc length of 23.56 feet to the Southwest ~orner of said Lot 33; thence Northerly along the West line of said -l - Lot 33, a distance of 25,00 feet to the Southwe ■t corner of said Lot 34; thence Westerly a diatance of 16.00 feet to the Southeast corner of said Lot 15; thence Southerly along the East line of said Lot 16, a distance of 25.00 feet to the Point of Beginning, containing 1137 square f e et, or 0.026 acre, more or less, as shown on attached Exhibit "A" incorporated herein by reference. Swedish warrants and represents that it is the fee simple o,me r .J f the subject property and that it has full right, title a nd a uthority, and that this grant is effective to grant and convey to the City of Englewood the within described right-of- way. S~iedish Medical Center further covenants and agrees to inde mnify, defend and hold City harmless from and against any adv,arse claim to the title of the subject property by a l l and e very person or perso1l s lawfully claiming or to claim the whole or ::1.ny part the ;:~oc . This dedi c ;;t l ,;n , hall extend to and be binding upon the succe:;sor!; and a~:;~i9·113 of the respective parties hereto. The terms, covenants, ,,greements and conditions in this dedication shall be construed as covenants running with the land. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Swedish Medi c al Center, Granter, has exe cut,,d this De dication as of the day ,,nd year first above written. Actest : Secretary STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF ARAPAHOE ss. SWEDISH MEDICAL CENTER, a Colorado Nonprofit Corporation By-------------- The forego i ny instrumenc was acknowledged before me this day of ________ , 1989 by ____________ as and --,---------------as "'s_e_c_r_e"'"t_a_r_y_o_f,,....,S""w_e_d..,..,.i_s,..h....,.,M,...e""d,.,..ica 1 Center. Notary Publir: My Commission expires: Address: -2 •. DATE July 17 , 1989 INITIATED BY STAFF SOURCE PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION COIINC ._½ COl!IIIINICATION AGEND~ ITEM 11 (c ) SUBJECT Acceptance of ROW dedication for hammer- head at North end of 16 ' vacated alley be tween S . Loga~/S . Penn. in 3400 Block South Department of Community Development Richard S . Wanus h , Director of Community Development The right -of-way vac ation for the north portion of the alley b e tweP C::outh Logan Street an d South Pennsylvania Street in the 3400 block was approve , . , "lty Council on May 15, 1989 . The alley v acation was submitted in conjunction 1·c th t he Planned Dev e lopment (PD) submitted for Swedish Medical Center , and approve,, on May 15 with c ond i tions . One of ch e conditions imp o,&ed by City Co uncil was that the alley, pr eviously de signed to connect with South Logan Str"et, be redes i gned with a "hamm e r-he ~d" cul -de -sac and there be no connection to S th Logan Street . Ac c ep t t he alley de dication for a hamm e r-he ad cul-de-sac to be located at t he north end of t he alley between Sou t h Logan Street and South Pennsylv an ia Street in t he 3400 block , i n conjunct i on with the vacation of the n or th 375 fe e t of the alley between South Logan Stree t: and South Pennsylvani a Street and the PD for Swed ish Me dical Center . POSSIBLE EFFECTS The area to be dedicated will provide a turn around for vehicles using the alley be tw e en South Logan Street and South Penns~·lvania Stree t . The area to be dedicated i s o f s uffic i ent size to permit turn arounds rathe r than hav e v ehicles continue through to South v ,gan Street . This dedication will prov ide an a lt ernati \fe to the use of a previously proposed alley directly north o f the Englewoo•I Apartments at 3470 South Logan Street. -BACKGROUND This dedication is a direct result of one of the condition ■ for approval placed on tho Planned Development at tho Hay l~, 1989 City Council meeting , The direct access from the alley between South Logan Street and South PeM1ylvnnia Street was to be eliminated so that no vehicular traffic would be permitted directly north of the Englewood Apartments on South Logan Stroot . The property surrounding thh dedication 1s owned by Swedish Medical Center. Tho deaign of this cul-de-sac has been approved by members of the Tech Review committee, including the Flre Department and Traffic Engineering . There will be very little, if any, financial costs to the City aa a result of this dedication . There will be additional area to be maintained by tho City, but less than if the alloy extended to South Logan Street . RECOl!KENDATION The Department of Community Development rocommandJ that City Council accept the dedtcation for a "hammer•head" cul•d••■ac at tha north end of the alley between South Logan Street and South Pennsylvania Stroot in the 3400 block . nE~CRil','1011 Fon A ruDLIC lllGl!E~~ /ii/!) EGilliSS t::A~l:.~;ll/1' A parcel of land situat~d in a part of Lots 15 and 16, and a part of Lots 33 and 34, and a part of tho vncatad alley adjacent to Lota 15 nnd 34 ·Jhich is now a 16 1 -,ide droin oge and utility caoowent, •11 lying with!.11 Bl oc k 5, IIEST VI~W ADDi710 l{ TO El,GLl::~00D, City of En 6lc-aood, County of Arepohoo, Stot o uf Cul o udo, bein;; core portlcularl;r deocribod •• tollcwa, Begbning &t t~.e Southeast corner of Lot 15, said Block 5: thence North·Jaoterly along the arc of a curve to the left, having a radius of 15,00 feet, a central angle ofS0°00'00 11 , and an arc length of 23.56 fec _t 1 to a·point of tangenc yi thence Westerly and perpen dicular to the East line of Lots 15 and 16, a distan ce of 7 .00 feet; thence Northerly and parallol with the said East line of caid Lc,t, IS •n d !G, • diotonca ot 20 ,00 re(i,.t_: th~ncq Eo[1oterl/ and porpendiculor to t he ,:a..wl. "I..(, I)}~":" L.,1,,,,.,h L.t,f., r.8ot line of oaid 1.ota 15, !6,A33 ond 34, o di tante of 60.00 feet; t hence Southerly and parallel 11ith the \lest line of ,aid Lots 33 and 34 , a distance of 20.00 !tet: thenc e \.;oatcrly end perpendicular to th e Woat line or ,aid Lot&: 3 3 and JJ.i, a diatanca of 7 .OO feet to a roint of c urv ature: thance Souchve,ter1y alon f, th e arc of a curve to the left, having a radiiJs of 15,00 feet, a central ons h of 90°0 010011 , and on nrc le nath of 23.56 feet to tha Southwcct c rncr of sai d Lot 33; thenc e northerly alor.g the West line of 6aid Lot 33, a distanc q (,f 25,00 feet to t he Southwest corner of said Lot J1:: thence Westerly, a ~istance of 16 .00 feet to the Southeast corner of said Lot 15; thence Southerly along the Eaat lino of soid Lot 16, a diatance of 2S.00 feet to the Point of Beginning, containi ng 1137 square feet, or 0.026 acres, more or less. Reference Exhibit 11 A11 attached hereto and incorporated haravith . ® .OT 17 EXHIBIT 1 ~ 11 ./6 1 ALLEY SOUTHWEST ta!NER Of LOT 33, BLOCK 5 -l,QLa LOT 33 WEST VIEW ADDJTJON TD ENGLEWOOD LOT32 iPI EHOTES PLATTED 0/M ENSIOH :o I O lO M• e;;..; SCALE , I'• 10' lO I