HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989 Resolution No. 049 [2]RESOLlJI'Ia-l NO. ii SERIES OF 1989 (approved 9/5/8 9) A RESOW!'IOO CALLING FOO A SPECIAL EUX:1'100 PURSUAm' TO SEX:TIOO 137: 6, "IMPASSE RESOUTl'IOO PROCEDURE" E.STABLISHED BY THE !DIE RULE OiARTE:R OF THE CITY OF m:iLElUJD, REL.\TING 'l'O El'lGLElmD EMPLOYEES ASSCX:IAT!Cl-l. tl!IE!1FAS, the Englewood Er.ployees Association has notified City Cowlcil of its dissatisfaction with the career service Board's recamendation concerning the mandatory subjects of collective bargaining; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 137:6 entitled "IITpasse Resolution," City Council hereby sul:rnits to a vote of the qualified electorate of the City the final offer of the City of Englewood and the Englewood El':ployees Associat ion, AFSOIE Lc:cal 303, and the reccr.r.endation of the Career service Board, of wch one of the three rnay be selected: CITY OF J::\'GL:.'l·mD FJNAL OFFER -The City's final offer is a 2.0 percent across-the-board increase over 1989 weges for. all enployees oovered by the E.~glewood atployees Association contract. J'l'ra.:.'l·IOOD El'•:PLOYEES ASSOCL».TICN I AFSCME LOCAL 303, FJNAL OFFER -The Englewood &.;,loyees Associaticn asked for a 6.5'4 acro s s-the-board increase over th,;, 1989 wages for all E!ll\'.>loyees covered by the Englewood D;pkyees .>.ssociation contract. CAREER SERVICE Pl.lAAll RECCU!ENDATICN -The Career service Board reccnrreneed an across-the-board salary increase of 2. 7 percent over 1989 wages effective January l, 1990. NCl·I, THEREFCR'::, BE IT RESOLVl:lJ BY THE CITY CXXJNCIL OF 'I!iE CITY OF ENGI.El·o:>D, COLCltl\00, AS fYJLI.OIS: section 1. There is hereby sul:rnitted to the qualified el.--otors of the Ci t y o f Diglewood, Colorado, at a special election to be held in conjunction with the the general election en llo'JeITOCr 7 , 1989, the question cf the iffll\ll\t of pay rais,;, authorized for t he Englewood Ehployees Association, h.."SO-IE Lc:cal 303, contract for the year 1990. Section 2. '111e voting machines and paper ballots fr,r said election shall carry t.>ie following designation ,-hich shall be the subnission clause, and you are allowed to select one of the following; the me receiving the highest n\l!lber of votes will be <leered awroved: Select one of the following three: CITY OF l:NiLmlOO'S FINAL OFFER: City recamends an acres -the-board pay increase over 1989 wages of 2.0'1, for the year 1990 for u ,q lewood Drployee Association, AF9:JllE Local 303, es,ployees covered l>'.f o.:ontract. ElG:.EW:lOD EMPUlYEES ASSCCIATICN I AFSOIE LOCAL 303, FINAL OFf'.EK -1'ie Englewood Drployees l\ssociation, AFSOIE Local 303, rrerbers n ,quest an across-the-board pay increase of 6. 5'Y, over the 1989 wagaa for the year 1990 effective January 1, l~qo . Cl\REER SERVICE BOARD ~CN -'Ole Career Service Board reccrnrends an across-the-boar,1 -increase of 2. 7'Y, over the 1989 wages for Englewood Drployees l\ssociati c , AFSOIE Local 303, nedlers covered by contract. ADOPTED AND APPROVED the 5th day of Septeltber, 1989. I, Patricia H. CrCN, City Clerk for the City of l:)lglewood"#Coloraoo, hereby certify the foregoing is a true copy of Resolution No. , Series of 1989. ~ lT<u~ I/./ <1,11,('.~r Patricia H. CrCN -2- DATE September 5, I 989 INITIATED BY STAFF SOURCE ISSUE/ACTION PROPOSED COUNCIL COMMUNICATIO N AGENDA ITEM 11 (a) SUBJECT Resolution establishing a Special Election to Resolve the Impasse with the EEA. Roger W. Fraser, City Manager Roger W. Fras er, City Manager The proposed reso 1 ut ion wil 1 establish November 7, 1989 as the date of a special elect i on wherein the Englewood voters will be asked t.o resolve the impasse bet11een the Englewood Employees Association (EEA) and the City regarding the employees ' 1990 compensation. _PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTIO N ,n lat~ 1987, Council approved a three year agreement with the Englewood Employees Asso ciat1on for the reopening of bargaining in 1989 to discuss the amount of the wage in crease which should be implemented for 1990 . Council has met in Study Session severa1 times since May, 1989 to discuss the proposea changes in thi s collective barg ti ning agreement. STAFF ANALYSIS Staff has recommended to Council the acceptance of the Ca r eer Service Board 's recommendation of a 2. 7% sa 1 ary increase as a reasonable means of re solving the di spute between the City and the EEA . Nonethe 1 ess, the choices which wi 11 be presented to the el ectorate involve the positions of the City and the [EA as they wer e presented to the Career Service Board in addition t o the Board's recommended sett 1 ement . BACKGROUND This election is the last step in a City Charter defir,ed collective bargaining process which began in late spring. Representat i ves of the City and the EEA met in June and July in contract talks and declared impasse after 30 days. The Career Service Board was then asked to hear the dispute as a fact -finder and to make recommendations for reso 1 vi ng the dispute. Their recommendations were announced on August JO. Shortly thereafter, the EEA submitted a letter expressing their dissati sfaction with the Career Service Board 's recommendation and requesting an election to decide the issue. FINANCIAL The City's proposed increase of 2.0% across-the-board would cost an additional $101 ,248 for employees within the bargaining unit for 1990 . The 1990 budget as submitted by the City Manager contemplates a 2.0% incr~ase as well as increases in the costs of various insurances, particularly health in ·;urance . We continue to believe the 2.0" increase in salaries will be consistent with the market place and keep the employees in a competitive position. The EEA : ·oposal of 6.5" would increase salary costs within the bargaining unit by $329,056 in 1990 and would exceed the amount budgeted by approximately $228 ,000. The 2. 7" incrfase recolllT\ended by the Career Ser •1ice Board would cost an additional $136,685 over 1989 costs and would exceed the •c onvnended budget by approx i mately $35,000 .