HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989 Resolution No. 050RE&:l.Ul'IOI NO. Sf) SEl!IES OF 1989 I\ RESOWl'ICN CALLIN;; FCII I\ SPEX:IAL ELECilOO PURSlWll' 'ro ~ICN 137 : 6, "IMP/\SSE RESOLlJl'IOO PROCEDUR..;' ESTl\BLISHED BY THE !DIE RULE CHARTER ':£ THE CITI OF~. RELAXIN;; 'ro THE ENUl~ POLICE BEm:FIT ASSOCIATIOO/ FR/\TERN1\L au>ER OF POLICE LCDGE IU. WIIEREAS, 'lbe Engle-.ood Police Benefit Association/Fraternal order of Police t,:,dge #22, has notified City Cowicil of its dissatisfaction with the Career Service Board's recamendation cc,ncerning the mandatory subjects of collective bargaini ng; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 137:6 entitled "Inpasse Resolution," City Cowicil hereby sul:Jni.ts to a ·-rote of the qualified electorate ,,f the City the final offer of the City of Engle-.ood and 'nle Englewood Police Benefit Association/Fraternal Order of Police t,:,dge #22, and the reccmnendation of the Career Service Board, of i.nich one of the three may be selected: CITI OF EIG.EilOOD FINAL OFFER -The City's final o::ier is a 2.0 percent across-the-board increase over H · 19 wages for all Police Officers effective January 1, 1990. THE ENil..EKlOD POLICE BENEFIT ASSOCIAXIOO I IBl\'I'ERNI\L aulER OF POLICl',; L0CCE #22 1 FINAL OFFER Item 1 -'!be nedian wage as d..termined per the current contract underArticle l0(b) with a guaranteed minirnlmt (floor) of 2.0'I, and a maximum (ceiling) level of 4 .O'I,. Item 2 -The establlsh!rent of Senior Patrol Officer pay with a salary increase of 2.0'I, over the Class 1 Patrol Officer at the begi.Ming of the sixth year of service. The salary will increase another 2.0\ at the begiMing of the ninth year, t,,,,elfth and fifteenth years for a total of an 8.0\ increase, in addition to normal pay raises, over a period of ten years. Effective 1/1/90, to bring officers to the proper point a, this seal", officers in their sixth, seventh or eighth years will receive an additional 2.0\ salary increase. Officers in their ninth, tenth ot· eleventh year will receive an additional 4.0\ salary increase. Officers in their tweHth, thirteenth or fourteenth year will receive an additional 6.0'I, salary increase, and officers in their fifteenth year or above, an additional 8.0\ s;,lary increase. After the increase at the begiMing o~ the fifteenth year, no ac1ditional step increase will be received through retirement. -1 - ~ SERVICE l!O,\RD REXXJffllD.I.TIQI l. Effeedve Januacy I, 1990, and conaistent with the City•■ payrcll periods, mployees covered by thi ■ contract llhall" be pail! according to the following salary sche6J.le which includes a 2.0\ wage increase: Monthly Yearly Probationary $2,146 $25,752 Police Officer III $2,360 $28,320 Police Officer II $2,596 $31,152 Police Officer I $2,855 $34,260 2. Effective May l, 1990 and consistent with the City's payroll periods, mployees covered by the police contract shall be paid an additional increase representing the differerr.e between the rates set forth above and those necessary to pay enployees at a nedian wage as determined by the sane nethooology set forth in the current contract between the City of Englewood and The Englewood Police Benefit Association section lO(B) and is provided that in oo event will the enployees receive a raise in salary rate of less than the 2. 0'1, for the entire 1990 year, nor will the increase in salary rate exceed 4 . 0'1, during 1990, and that the deadline for collecting data shall be Nover.ber 15, 1989 , and the deadline for verifying data shall be Novenber 30, 1989. The parties shall determine whether they are in agreenent on the data or in disagreenent by IlecEm:Jer l, 1989. As set forth in the current cxintract, should a dispute arise between the City and the Association cx,ncerning the accuracy of the wage survey data, the dispute shall be subject to the grievance procedure contained in t.'lis cxintract. 3. On the question of the senior patrol pay, the Board finds that the "?Vidence presented ooes not justify the establishnent of the senior patro l pay. 'nle record reflects that the wages and benefits of Englewood patrol officers are roughly carparable to the, wages and benefits available to police officers in carparable 11111licipalities. Fllrtherioore, given the City's pessimistic financial outlook, it would be in"R>ropriate to adopt the senior patrol proposal which "ssentially increases the maximum pay for Englewood police officers an additional 8. 0\ over current levels. The evidence sinply ooes not warrant any increase that substantial to address the concerns identified by the Association lo-I, nlEREl'CRE, BE IT RESOLVED B'i THE CIT'i CXJUNCll, OF THE CIT'i CF ENGLEWXID' CXlLCJWXl, AS FCJLL0'1S : Section l . There is hereby sul:lni.tted to the qualified electors of the City of Englewood, Coloraoo, at a special election to be held in conjunction with the the general election on Novenber 7, 1989, the question of the 1111'0Wlt of pay raise authorized for The Englewood Police Benefi t Association, Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #22, contract for the year 1990. -2- Section 2. lhe voting machines and paper ballots for said election shall cany the following designation which shall be the 11ul:mi11ion cla111111, and you are allowed to select one of the following; the one receiving the higt-.est nunt>er of votes will be deemed approved: Select one of the following three: CITlC OF ~D FINAL OFFER -'Ole City's final offer is a 2.0 percent across-the-board increase over 1989 wages for all Police officers effective January l, 1990. THE ~ POLICE BENEFIT !\SSOCIATICN I FRATERNAL CIIDER OF POLICE , a:xiE #22 1 FINAL OFFER Item l -'lbe median wage as ootermined per the current cor,tract underArticle l0lb) with a gual'.'anteed rninirrum (floor) of 2.0'1, and a maximum (ceiling . level of 4.0'/,. ~ -'l11e establishrrent of Senior Patrol ficer pay with a salary increase of 2.0'1, over the Class 1 Patrol Officer at the beginning of the sixth year of service. 'lbe salary will increase another 2. O'I, at the beginning of the ninth year, twelfth and fifteenth years for a total of an 8.0'1, increase, in addition to notmal pay r aises, over a period of ten years. Effective 1/1/90, to bring officers to the proper point on this scale, officers L1 their sixth, seventh or eighth years will receive an additional 2.CJ'.L salary increase. Officers in their ninth, tenth or eleventh year will receive an additional 4.0'1, salary increase. Officers in their twelfth, t.'lirteenth or fourteenth year will receive an additional 6.0'k salary increase, and officers in their fifteenth year or above, an additional 8.0'.L salary increase. After the increase at the beginning of the fifteenth year, no additional step increase will be received through retirerrent. CAREE:R SERVICE J30J\RD i1EX:Ol:IIENDATICN 1. Effective January 1, 1990, and consistent with the City's payroll periods, enployees covered by this contract shall be paid according to the following salary schedule which includes a 2. O'I, wage increase : Probationary Police Officer III Police Officer II Police Officer l Monthly $2,146 $2,360 $2,596 $2,855 Yearly $25, 75 ; $28,320 $3 1 ,152 $34,260 2. Effl!Ctive May 1, 1990 and consistent with the City's payroll periods, enployees covered by the police oontract shall be paid an additional increase rep..-esenting the difference bet-..een the rates set forth abcve and those necessary to pay enployees at a nedian wage as determined by the sane nethodology set forth in the current contract between the City of Englewood and Tbe Englewood Police Benefit Association section l0(B) and is' provided that in no event -3- will the mployeea receive a raiae in salary rate of le■■ than the 2. O'J, for the entire 1990 year, nor will the inc:ruN in salary r11te exceed 4.0'J, &Iring 1990, and that the deadline for oollf!C!:ing data shall be Novarber 15, 1989, and the deadline for verifying data shall be Novarber 30, 1989. '1M parties shall dete:rmine -.mether they are in agreenent ai the data or in disagr-t by Decelrt:M!r 1, 1989. As set forth in the current oontract, should a dispute arilM< between the City and the Association concerning the accuracy of the wage survey data, the dispute shall be subject to the grievance procedure contained in this contract. 3. On the question of the senior patrol pay, the Board finds that the evidence presented roes not justify the establishrrent of the senior patrol pay. nie record reflects that the wages and benefits of ~lewood patrol officers are roughly ca,parable to the wages and benefits available to police officers in ca,parable nunicipalities. Furthenrore, given the City's pessimistic financial outlook, it would be inappropriate to aa:,pt the senior patrol proposal which essentially increases the maximlm pay f or ~lewood police officers an additional 8.0'J, over current levels. 'nle evidence si.nply roes not warrant any increase that substantial to address the concerns identified by the Association. ADOPTED /\ND APPROVED the 5th day of Septerti)er, 1989. ~te,, ;/ j ld:t zfccr~ J; ~e11/" / ( tL-,, 'J/, (J i ~Oyke,yor Patricia H. Crow, City Clerk I, Patri cia H. Crow, City Clerk for the City of ~lewood, Colorado, hereby certify the foregoing is a true copy of Resolution No. ,,ill, Series of '989. ~ ~4m-c:1g _ t7/ C ,._J Patric a H. Crow DATE September 5, J 989 INITIATED BY STAFF SOURCE ISSUE/ACTION PROPOSED COUNClL COHMUNICATION AGENDA ITEM 11 (b) SUBJECT Resolution establishing a Spec1al Election to Resolve the Impasse >1ith the EPBA Roger W. Fraser, City Manager Roger W. Fraser, City Manager The proposed reso 1 uti on wil 1 establish November 7, 1989 as the date of a spec i a 1 election wherein the Englewood voters will be asked to resolve the impasse between the Englewood Police Benefit Association (EPBA) and the City regarding the employees' 1990 compensation. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION In late 1987, Council approved a three year agreement with the Englewood Police Benefit Association for the reopening of bargaining in 1989 to discuss the amount of the wage increase which should be implemented for 1990 and three or four other issues related to compensation . Council has met in Study Session several times si nce May, 1989 to discuss the proposed changes in this collective bargaining agreement . STAFF ANAL YSI~ Staff has recommended to Council the acceptance of the Career .~e r vice Boa r d's recommendation of an increase of 2.0% effectivP January I, 199 0 and an additional increase on May I, 1990 which sha 11 be determined by the survey median and which shall be limited so the total increase for 1990 does not exceed 4.0%. This is viewed as a reasonable means of resolving the dispute between the City and the EPBA . Nonetheless, the choices which will be pres Lnted to the electorate i nvolve the positions of the City and the EPBA as they we re presented to the Career Service Board in addition to the Board's recommended settlement. BACKGROUND This election is the last step in a City Charter defined collective bargaining pr •icess which began in late spring . Representatives of the City and the EPBA met in June and July in contract talks and declared impasse after 30 days. The Career Service Board was then asked to hear the dispute as 3 fact-finder anll to make recommendations for reso 1 ving the dispute . Their recommendations were announced on August 10 . The EPBA submitted a letter exp r essing their dissatisfaction with some aspects of the Career Service Board's recommendation and requestinq an election to decide the disputed issues . FINANCIAL The City's proposed increase of 2.0% across-the-board would cost an additional S3B ,590 for employees with i n the bargaining unit for 1990. The 1990 budget as submitted by the City Manaqer contemplates a 2.0% increase as well as increases in t he co sts of various insurances , particularly health i nsurance . We continue to be 1 i eve the 2. 0% increase in sa 1 aries wi 11 be consistent with the market pl ace and keep the employees in a competitive position. The EPBA proposals of 2.0% in January and up to 4.0% in May combined with the request for the Senior Patrol pay could cost up to Sl 45 ,498 in 1990 and escalates i n later years. That exceeds the amount budgeted by approximately $107,000 . The 2.0% and then an added amount up to a total of 4.0°' increase recommended by the Career Service Board could exceed the r ecommended budget by approximately $39,000 .