HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999 Resolution No. 089RESOLUTION NO . zi SERIES OF 1939 A RESOLUTION PROVIlllNG COMMENT ON THE REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT SOUTHEAST CORRIDOR PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING A LIGHT RAIL TRAIN MlJNTENANCE FACILITY AT THE GENERAL IRON WORKS SITE IN ENGLEWOOD. WHEREAS, the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) solicits public participation •nd comments on projects accepting Federal funda; and WHEREAS, the Regional Tranaportation District baa propooed a Light Rail Train maintenance facility in Englewood at the property !mown as ( eneral Iron Works, whi.:b will &ccept Federal funds ; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CIT"[ OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, THAT THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD DESIRES TO PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING COMMENTS FOR THE PUBLIC RECORD ABOUT TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES PROPOSED BY T!1'E COLORADO DEPARTMEN r OF TRANSPORTATION/REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT IN THE SOUTHEAST CORRIDOR P[.Af;: The City of Englewood supports the Regiorual Tranaportation District and its plans to develop a Light Reil Transit System, subject to and conaiatont with the City's con.:erna and objectives regarding the effect of the project on its citizem. Those concerns anc! obj ectives are oonaiatent with the policies sought to be encouraged by NEPA. They include uauring the Cit;y'a citizens Eofe, healthful, pro,foctive, and aeothetically and culturally pleasing surroundings; attaining the wideat range of beneficial uaea of the environment without degradation, or risk to health or safety; praoer.-ing important historic, cultural an,! natural aopecta of the City, and achieving a balance between population and re10urce uae which will permit high standards of living. In addition to provi<ling police, fire, wat.r and other municipal aer.-ice• generally and to the General Iron Works Site specifically, the City ~romotea these goals locally, for example: by p~rc~a,ing and developing land for th• Historic Englewood Depot Park, by renovating the playground& at Cushing Park, by imprnvinc Weat Dartmouth traffic safety and expandinr Lh e School Zone, by adopting and implamenting the South Broadway Action Plan, by designing and building South Broadway improvements from Yale to U .S. Highway 285, by administering housing rehabilitation loans for low and mod8"ate incoo1• houaebolda, by repairing sidewalks and overlaying roada , and by administering revol'ling loan funda for improving buainess facades along Broadway. Theoe activities are fund•1I throush property, eale,:i 9.!!.d ~e t~xee. Eo:iJewood encourages development consistent with the forasoing ,,,ala and encourages priv ate real propeny inv"?stmeuts that generate tax revenues which con•ribute to the City's ability to achieve those gc als . r.onveraely, Englewood opposes dev,-lopmt.nt that reUlovea propi,rty from the tax rolls and does not share the tax burden of contributing to imph?mentation of those goals. NI a fully developed aix-anci one-half aquare mile City with limited oppommitiea for IP'Owth. Enclewood encourap1 atewardehip of land and ,areful, deliberate action 'lll redevelopment opportunitiea. The City o~ En1lewood furt.\er aupporta compact land development patterns within existing urban service area.a k' reduce aprawl and tralic congeetion and aupporta development that contributes to the quality of life by Providins amenitiee and podestrian-Criendly comp,ct development patterns. The City of Engle\\·ood eeeks to ensure that theee goals ar,; ochieved with reap.ct to RTD's light rail transit development plans and that the City capturee public benefite &om the substantial public investment in !i~h • rail transit. Englewood further eeeka to enaure that public investments in tranaport ,..,frastructure lead to developments which will provide improved accesa to housi:lg au, ,Jbs for Englewood citizens . RTD'a propceed development of the subject property does not comply with achievement of the City's ll')8lB as follows : • Heavy Industrial land uses and the related heavy truck trafu . :.re not compatlble with quiet enjoyment in the adjacent residential ai-eas and are inconsistent with the City's ll')8lB to reduce traffic cong,,stion and accompanyins noise levels. • RTD's proposed dev•lopment of the subject property doe s not pnerate property, sales or uee taxes which contribute to the City's ability to implement it.• goals. As a re:ult, Englewood opposes the uee of the entire General Iron Worka site for a Llaht Rail Traiu Maintenance Facility. However, the City of Englewood continues to 811pport the Recio.al Transportation Diotrict and Light Rail Tranoit system development and supports working ;n partnenbip with RTD to achieve transit-supportive develor ·,onts along the Light Rail Transit line in Entlewood. In Curthernnce ofthet support, tL City ofFnglewood ia providins leadenhlp in innovative and transit supporuve development at City Center Ens!ewood . The City of Englawood ia an older suburban community thet needs to promote redevelopment of its limited land resowa,s to move forward poeitively, on a sound fiscal baaia, into the twenty-fu-.t century. The Southwest Corridor Light Rail offers the City of Englewood a tremendoue opportunity in this rugard beoauee it provides a stimulue and 1 logical basis to upgrade to higher and better uees many of the adj &cent heavy induetrial properties which have been progressively declining in vitality. The General Iron site ia key to our planning becauee of its size and location. The coheo•;ve 20 acre site ia within the Broadway to Santa Fe corridor on which the City of En:;Je, ood has focueed its planning efforts ave, the past two years in anticipation of the complt:ti.on of the Southwest Corridor Light Rail line. The City u!Englewood ia about to eu.bark ,;n major improvements on Broadway Imm our northern City limits to Coloracio High ... y 285 . 011r op~ortunities to compliment the Broadway improvements adjacent to tlie Santa Fe ""~dor are tied to al~rnative uses within the rJl.il corridor, especially at the General !run site . • 'The City of Eqlewood believe• a critical mua of tralllit 1upportive UNI inclwlinc bolWIII, open ,pace and o'.bar land UNI that are compatible with emtilll reoidential. land UNI, conciitute a more appropriate altematift to the UN of the entire Oenoral Iron Wor~ Site for a Usht Rail Train Mailltlll&IICII Facility. 'The City ofEnpewood would conaider 1upportill1 a joint development w bir.b includH a Light Rail Train Maillte11811C8 Facility IX'llliltent with the fo,...oillc C011ditio111 . I, Loucriahia A. Ellia, City Cl.erk for,;l?e City of Enslewood, eoli4do, hereby ,.,rtify the above ii a 7\18 copy of Retolutt0n No.ir,.. Series of li\99: ~({ 11,J & Lour.rilhil A. Ellia • Date SE>ptember20 , 1999 INmATEDBY City Manager's Office COUNCIL COMMUNICATION Agenda Item Subject Approval of rHolution providing comment on the Environmental Impact 11 c i Statement fortl\e RTD Southeast Corridor STAFF SOURCE Michael Flahe , Assistant C ManE\11!!:__ COUNCIL GOAL. AND PREVIOL':.' ~OUNCIL ACTION This rasolution was included in the Augu$t 16, 1999 , Ctty r ,1uncil agenda, bu1 was continued to September 20 . The proposed resolution provides comments on the Environmental Impact Statement for the Sou1heast Corridor proposal. The resolut ion provides support for the dqvelopment of the light rail system, subject to concems regarding potential effects on the citizens of Englewood , specifically , the proµosed construction of a light rail maintenance fac ility at the General iron stte in Englewood . Council met wtth officials of RTD and the Colorado Department of Tr'insportalion on September 1, 1999, to funher discuss the preferred stte for the maintenance facility in Englewood and possible alternative sites and approaches , includ ing joint development options . However, it is important that our comments be included in the EIS , prior to the October 5, 1999 , deadline . RECOMMENDED ACTION Staff recommends approval of the resolution . BACKGROUND, ANALYS IS, AND ALTERNATIVES IDENTIFIED The Colorad o Departmant of Tran sportati on is condu,,tin g an Environmental Impact Statement for the SOL!lh east Corri dor project, as required by the National Environmental Policy Act of 1 !369 . The purpose of ti1e Act is to require public disclosure, public involvem&nt, and the objective cc r,sideration of ail rqasonable alterrativos . Gity Co uncil has previously and con ti nuously stated its support for the developme nt of light rail in the Southeast Corridor. However, City Council a,,d staff have se ri ous concerns with th ,; General Iron site, in tts entirety , being used for the maintenance and storage fac ility for the Sout heast LAT line . Council expressed these concerns to RTD and tts consulta nts duri ng two separat" meetingl of City Council In June and at a planning charette held by RTD In July. Further dilcussions wllH offlc:laW \,f R'f'O"'m\cf1~ve ~n held and RTD has agniad to cooperate wtth the City of Englewood In exploring alternative sites u well a the possible joint devaloprnent of_ttie General Iron alla and a portion of the site inrr.edlately north of Yale In lhfl C!'l/·and County of Denver. The resolution II Intended to formalize lheH concama and place them on the record u part ot the EIS comments . FINANCIAL IMPACT Approval of tha ,,~solution has no financial Impact. UST OF ATTACHMENTS Proposed Resolution •