HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999 Resolution No. 104RESOLUTION NO. lfl!/:. SERIES OF 1999 A RESOLUTION INDICATING THAT SPECIFIC TENANTS ARE ACCEPTABL& ll'O THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD AT THE CITYCENTER DEVELOPMENT. WHEREAS, The Englewood Environmental Foundation was formed to relieve the burdens which would otherwiae be aaaWDed by the City of En!:!ewood, Colorado, In oonnection with the environmental remediation, land uae p!.anninJ and preparation for ffiievelopment of the Cindentl!a City shopping oenter; and WHEREAS, the Englewood Environmental Foundation (EEF) was formed to provide support for the redevelopment and enhanoement of the City's oommercial environment and is a separate and distinct corporation; and WHEREAS, EEF has entered into a oontract with Miller Weingarten as the retail developer for the CityCenter site: and WHEREAS, the terms of thet oontract require Miller Weir.garten to have letten of intent by November 30, 1999, for not leBB than two natauranta, ~o 25 thollaand square foot uaen an,'. 25 thouaand square feet of additional retail apace with tenuta which are acoeptabL I to the City; and WHEREAS, Miller Weingarten eub1>.,ittad letters of intent to EEF prior to November 30 , 1999; end WHEREAS, EEF would now like to aecertain whether the letters of intent are ae<e ptable to the City; NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO, THAT: Sm:tilmJ,. The Englewood City Council hereby approves this resolution indicating that the tenants propoaed by Miller Weingarten are acceptable to the City of Englewood at the CityCentar development. l:ll:!:lilm.l . Thia resolution of support in no way waives or delegates the City's regulatory powers, duties and responsibilities with respect to zoning and governmental issues. ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 6th day of December , 1999. 12bl Mr. Gary Sears City Manager City of Englewood 3400S. Elali St. Englewood, CO 80110-2304 November 30, 1999 RE : CityCcntcr Englewood -Retail Developer DcarG3I)I : Included with this letter arc copies ofLcttcrS ofl-with the following IOIIIIIS: Borders , Inc . ,Rm,.- Office Dcpol -&port11n111 ' 1 lUU1h aero• Ruby Tuesday TGI Friday 's Bally Tolal FitnesS Pcabcrry Coffee Bcnnigan's El Tejado Jaw;:nakc at I le1111 ef PueaJu,e We arc submitting these LcttcrS of Intent punuant to our arrangement with EEF H dclincotcd in the "Deal Sheet" and request that we receive from EEF a notice of compliance with that provision . The next step ofter approval will be for us to complete negotiations with tcnantS and commence !case preparat ion . Congratulations on the Wal-Man closing and tbc deal with MOA . We believe those events wi ll cont inu e to help th e marketplace awareness and progtCSS on the overall project . JSUbam E0 -tosu rcs Sincerely, MILLER WEINGARTEN REALTY, LLC MUler Wcinganen Rnl1y , LLC 2 In....-Drtw, .... !lu/le lOII. ~ CO 80112 T.........., (JO,) -f,\JC tio,l 799-6J6l I, Loucrllbia A. Bllia, Ciiy Clerk for LIie City olBn,J.,,ood above ill a true cx,py of Re10lution No./l!J. Serieo of 1899. • November 30, 1999 Mr.Gary$=, City Manager City of Englewood 3400 S. Elali St. Englewood, CO 80110-2304 RE : CityCenter Englewood -Reta.ii Develop..'!' Dear Gary : Included with this letter are copieo of Letters of Intent with the following tenants : Borders, Inc . -Kess- Office Depot S11of'b:2 •·• JUanba1111 Ruby Tuesday TGI Friday 's Bally Total Fitness Peaberry Coffee Bennigan 's El Tejado .ua&ll'l11tie1aJ llezs 1fP zl1111 We are submining theoc Letters of Intent pursuant lo our arrangement with l::EF as delineated in the "Deal Sheet" and request that we receive from EEF a OOlicc of compliance with lhat prow.ion. The next step after app•oval will be for us lo complete negotiations with tenants and commence lease preparation . Congratulations on the Wal-Mart closing and thr, deal with MOA. We believe thos~ events \\ill continue to help the mark etplace awareness and progress on the overall project . JSUbam Enclosures Sincerely, MILLER WEINGARTEN REAL 1 Y, LLC Miller 'l'eingarten !<ealty, U.C