HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-05-26 (Recessed) Meeting Minutes" Rt,Jj ')n·rr::;Jr. f'HAM1ERS c rr v ')~ ENGLB1,v0 ')D ' (;')LORAD HAY 26 , 1 96 1 he C ity Co nnc il of' t he City of ~~n g lcw oo d , Arapaho e Co u nty, Colorado, adj o urne d s e ss ion o n F ri d a y , Moy ?6 , 1 961 f rom t li...e meeting of Monday, , 1 961 in tl'e Co u ncil Cham be r s , City Ha l l , E n g lewo o d a t the hour of 8 : 00 P .M. r Kre 1ling p r es i d ing c a lle cl t h e meet i n g to or d er . Upon the call of the roll , t he following pe r sons we r e o r ese nt : 1 o unc1lrnc 3 r au , 3 rowne i 1e 11 , !:l'.l r i n , f.Jf i l es , Mc Le ll a n, Woo d s, Kreiling. lso P r esent : Actinc; Ci t y i'anac er 1 ab coc k , Ci t y Attorney E sc h , ty Clerk le~usa n ~. b sent : r 1 one . he ~ a y or d eclared uorum p r esent . 611-18 RBCDINIMlaTIOR PIOI Cift PIADillG Mm ZORDJG CC»lllISSIOR RBLATDIG J '1'0 J<LZ SITB I 'ftl• City Clerk read the following reconmendation of the City Planning and zoning Cc i••ion in fulls •J1910UlllXM TO 'l'llB mGLD'OOD Cift COmTCIL RBGAIU>IRG AC'l'IO• oa UCCM- MIDIDATIOR OP 'l'BB Cift PIADIRG AllD ZORDG CDlllISSIOR MTB1 May 25, 1961 SUllJ9Cll1 Z0nin9 of KLZ at~• to C-3 Buain••• Di•trict Claaaification lmCDll •'IDATIOR 1 w••.MS, TBB IOLLOWDIG PACTS BXXST1 • A. On April 3, 1961, the City Council of Bngl.wood referred to thi• can iaaion, for report and reC0111Dendation, th• petition of Aladdin BroadcaatiDCJ corporation for annexation and zoning of land owned by Aladdin, 9enerally known •• th• J<LZ radio tranamitter •ite, which ia bounded by Lafayette Street, Floyd Avenue, the 28-acre tract owned by Kent School, and by B•apden Avenue. B. Th• annexation petition require• that th• land be zoned at the ti.lie of it• annexation, under u•• claaaificationperaittin9 th• conatruc- tion and operation of a coaaercial complex deacribec.t •• a r99ional •hoppiftCJ center: and the petition refer• to an attached SXhibit A which Mt• forth th• definition of auch a ahoppin9 center, and define• the peraitted uMa, reatrictiona, control• and requir ... nt• requeated by the petitioner. c. In compliance with Council'• referral, and in accordance with the applicable atatua of colorado, Bn9lewood ordinancea, and the rule• and regulation• of thi• Oolmlli••ion, the CO...iaaion cauaed a public hearincJ concernin9 th• propoaal for zoning contained in the annexation petition to be held on Thuraday, May 11, 1961 at Which numeroua peraona aDDeared. D. In addition to written and oral material• and atatementa aub- aitted and filed with ·theCOuncil, the City Plannin9 Office, and thi• ca iaaion prior to and at the time of the heariDCJ, thi• Coalliaaion ha• included in it• revi.w and atudy the COlllDi••ion'• own aaaemblage of .. teriala relating to planning for the City of Bngle'WOOCS and ita environ• • .,. '1'BSRSIORS, Be it aeaolved, that the City Plannin9 and ?.oiling Oollaiaaion of the City of Sn9l.wood, acting in reCJUlar meeting and purauant to appli- cable atatutea of the Stat• of Colorado, ordinance• of the City of Bngl.wood, and it• own rule• and regulation•, for the reaaon• later ••t out in this reaoltuion, adviae, and recomaend to, the City COuncil of the ~ity of SncJl.wood aa followaa (1) 'ftlat, if annexed, th• hereinafter deacribed land ahould by ordinance be claaaif ied foru•• a• a regional ahoppin9 center under th• •c-3• (CC ercial Di•trict) claaaification of Ordinance lllamber 45, Seri .. of 1115, •• ~. known •• the "ZOnin9 Ordinance of the City of 8n9lMfOOd•1 A tract of land lying in Section 35, Townahip 4 South, aan99 68 Weat, in Arapahoe County, deacril>ed •• followaa beginning at a point Where the eaat line of ••id Block so, svanaton Broadway Addition, extended Southerly interaect• th• South line of Section 35, 'l'oWnahip 4 South, Ran9• 68 Weat, aaid South line being the approximate center line of Baat "'lllDd•n Avenue: thence Rortherly alon9 the Baat 455 "' 56 Minute• of May 26, 1961 line of aaid Bleck 50, to the Borth line of aaid Block 501 thence saaterly to thesaat line of South Lafayette1 thence Bortherly alon9 ••id ••t line of South Lafayette Street to th• center line of ••t l'loyd Avenue, ~rss ••••lJ alsss; •••• eent• 16•• o& :J'' ''WC ' sn•1 thmce Baaterly alon9 aaid center line of Ba•t I' oyd Avenue to the Ba•t line of the SWft, Section 35, Townahip 4, South, 1tan99 68 •••tr thence Southerly along ••id line to the llortbeaat corner of the SSli SW1s of Section 35, Townahip 4 South, ltalMJ• 68 We•tr thmc• .. aterly along the Rorth line of the • s.a. Section 35, 'lownahip 4 South, Range 68 Weat, to th• llorth•••t corner of the .... SSli Section 35, Town•hip 4 South, Jtan9• 68 •••t1 thence Southerly alont th• Baat line of the swi. &Bii Section 35, 'lownahip 4 South, RancJ• 68 Weat, to a point where aaid line inter- •ect• th• llorth riC)ht-of-way of s.B. llo •• 70 (Ba•t &aapden Avenue), aaid point bein9 approximately 90 f .. t Bortherly of the Southea•t corner of the SWIJi Silla Section 35, Townahip 4 South, Ran9e 68 We•tr th•ce Weaterly •lOIMJ ••id llorth right-of-way line to a i ·point where ••id line interaect• the Ba•t line of SW1s of Section 35, Townahip 4 South, Jlan9• 68 Weat, aaid point being approximately 90 feet north of the South Quarter corner of ••id aection1 thence Southweaterly alon9 aaid right-of-way line of la•t Hampden Avenue on the ere of a curve to the left, th• radiu• of which equal• 783 feet, for a diatance of 301.4 f .. t, thence Weaterly along the Borth riC)ht-of-11My line of Baat Ballpden Avenue parallel to and 30 fMt llortb of th• South line of Section 35, Townahip 4 South, ltanlJ• 68 Weat, to a pobt where the llorth ri9ht-of-way line of ••t B-.p'en Avenue interaecta th• Baat line of South Lafayette str .. tr tbmce Southerly to a point where the Ba•t line of South Lafayette StrMt interaecta the South line of Section 35, Town- ahip 4 South, ltan9• 68 Weatr thence Weaterly along aaid South line of Mid Section to the point of beginning, containin9 appro- xillately 57.202 aer••· Purtber, thi• Cc iaaion advi••• the Bnglewood City Council that amon9 the reaaona, fin4in9a, and concluaion• of the COnai••ion leading to th••• reco ... ndationa are th••• matter•: 1. Tb• property included in the petition of Aladdin BroadcaatiDCJ Corporation con•i•t• of 57.202 acre• more or l••• of land concurrently bein9 used, •• it ha• been for many year• paat, for purpo••• of radio broadcaatiDCJ, which u•• waa comenced prior to the fir•t zoning of the land, which waa by reaolution of the Board of county CC-i••ioner• of Arapahoe Cowlty enacted in January, 1940. Th• original zoning, which waa prepared and certified by Cherry Hill• Diatrict Planning coaaiaaion, cl•••ified th• Aladdin land for •reaidential-agricultural" uae, perait- tiDCJ ain9le-faaily reaidencea on minimum lot area• of 20,000 aquare f .. t, but allowing alternative uaea, aome of which w.re agricultural in natuft and other• of which were more intenaiv• permitted u•••· 2. Therefore, it i• both appropriate and neceaaary, if the land area i• to be annexed, that it be deaiqnated and cl•••ified for a u .. or u••• peraitted purauant to a diatrict claaaification or claaaification• of 8n9lMIOOd'• aoning ordinance aa amended. In previoua annexation• of unincorporated area• eaat of Clarkaon I I and wat of Univeraity Boulevard which were under zonin9 of thec:berry I Bill• Diatrict Planning OCllmi••ion, the action of BnglMR)Od ha• alway• bem to aone the annexed •r••• for higher denaity and more intm•i•• u .. , includift9 co-sercial, than the u••• provided by the Cherry Bill• Diatrict aonin9. 3. Annexation of the acreage covered by the petition would be conaiatent with aouad principle• of municipal planning in that, among etaber thift9•, the action of •~ion would eliminate a portion of the exi•ting enclave made by the ~ tract plu• th• land occupied by Kent School for Girl•r wo\lld extend the exiating boundari•• of the City of Bn9lMIOOd alon9 a uniform line of Hampden Avenuer and the land area itaelf can beat be aupplied with municipal aervice• by BnglftOOd. 4. Since it• ori9inal zoning •• a part of unincorporatid Arapahoe COUnty, the aubject land ha• been aubatantially affected by aocial, political and CJOVernmental change• and action•, chan9in9 th• character of the ait• and it• aurroundin9• froa rural to urbanised. Amon9 th••• •ub•tantial change• are 1 conatruction by Kent School for Girl• of it• faciliti•• on approxiaately 28 aere• abattin9 th• •ubject land on th• •••tr the"buildin9-up• of the land to the north and north-eaat1 annexation of all th••• tract• either by aM)lMIOOd or the City and county of Denverr th• buildin9-up of the land to the we•t and the northweat of the aubject land, and annexation of th•-tract• by Bn9lewood1 widening and reconatruction of Dmpden Avenue into a •jor •••t-weat:·.art!utal •ix-lane expr••• wayr and c:c arcial type aonin9 by Cherry Billa Village of approxi .. tely 73 acre• of land in th• village aouth and aoutheaat of the interaection of Baal:M'en Avenue and Univeraity Boulevard. I Minute• of May 26, 1961 In addition, of courae, annexation to Bn9lewood alao i• a .. jor chan9e juatifyin9 a reconaideration of the sonilMJ claaaif ica- tion, which a vi.w tao deteraining the moat appropriate u•• of auch land aa a part of the City of Bngl.wood and in relation to the 9eneral plannin9 of thi• llWlicipality. s. Conaideration of all of the material•, pro and con, before thi• ca iaaion auatain• th• concluaion that the •abject land ha• unuaual and peculiar auitability for development and u•• •• a r99ional •hopjp.DCJ center under th• cla••if ication C-3 of the sonin9 ordinance of SncJlewood aa Allended, (which i• identical with that reqaeated in th• annexation peti~n) particularly when the •abject land i• COii- pared with parcel• held now in •ingle ownerahip within the preaent confine• of th• City of Bn91.wood or reaaonably capable of beiJMJ •••.-bled for •uch u•• in thi• llWlicipality. Thi• Co i••ion'• concluaion• on all of it• atudi•• and revi.w are that it i• adequately demon•trattd that th• public n•c•••ity and public convenience, th• 9eneral welfare of th• inhal»itant• of thi• llUfticipality and adjacent and aurrounding area•, and the objective of th• sonift9 ordinance ef Lthe City of Dl9lewooc! all juatify th• reccamen- ded action of th• council to &on• the aubject land under the u•• claaaification •c-3•, and that auch actions (a) would be in aid and •upport of the aoning plan and my•t-of the City of Bnglewood, tendin9 to aceo11pli•h a coordinated, adjuated, and harmoniou• development of thi• municipality and it• environ•, (b) would be in accordance with pre•ent and 0 future need• and tend be•t to .. romote the health, •afety, orderly ~rt and aonv~ence and the public ••f•ty and wel- fare of th• citizen• of BnglM«>OdJ and (c) would be oriented toward efficiency and economy for . the operation of thi• city, providing adequately for the mov-nt and control of traffic, the protection of peraon• and property a9ain•t d• .. 9• frcm fire, flood, and other danger•. 6. Thi• ca i••ion ha• d ... ed it appropriate and n•c•••ary to conaicler th• probable effect• of r99ional •hoppin9 center u•• of the •abject land upon th• area• in• ediately adjacent to th• land and thoM nearby. In doing ao, the Cor i••ion ha• weigW tbe po••il»ility of injury or d-g•, if any, Which ai9ht by r-.on of GH of th• ICLZ land re•ult to adjacent and near1'y ueaa, ac,ain•t th• deairal»ility, COIRfort, and public convenience which aipt reault and accrue to the inhabitant• of thi• municipality and th• co unity aa a whole. Thi• cawni••ion ha• alao conaidered moat aerioualy the written and oral atatement• furni•hed frcm outaide 80urce• fraa ti.lie to ti.lie prior to and during the public hearilMJ of May 11 by nei9h1M»rin9 Bn9l.wood r••identa, and othera, who •U998•t or aaaert that having built or purcha•ed home• near~ ju•tifi•• their oppoaition to th• changing of th• zoning of the nbject land to any other permitted u••• than m •idential. &owawer, the ~ iaaion au•t recognise that •uch a reatrictiv• theory aa to action by any municipality on zoning reque•t• and probl-i• inconaiatant with and untenable under aoun4 plannincJ principle•, becau•• th• logical reault of nch an approach to soning would be to make zoning a fixed and atatic thincJ, arbitrary or unreaaonal»le in a changing economy and -.ociety, which alway• bring• increaaing complexiti•• which · alter the •110at appropriate u•••• of land. 7. The C-3 proviaiona of Bngl9WOOd'• aoning ordinance have requir-nt• and reatrictiona which will be aafeguard• to provide ••th•tic and functional protection for the properti•• i1 14iately adjacent to and nearby and aubject land areaa. Wb•M reatriction• and control• are reaaonal»ly calculated to ainiaiH da•9in9 effect•, if any, which would, in the abmence thereof, renlt to nch adjacent and nearby properti••· Th• cc i••ion recognise• that ••thetic conaideration enter• into t~tter of it• atudy a• an auxiliary conaideration, but cl••• it evident that with appropriate control• aa to n.w oonatruction and u•• of open area•, the •ubject land can be rendered llOre ~tible with the r••idential area• which partially ..Sjoin it• boundari•• than the aubject land i• now, with it• pre•ent building• and the •t••l radio tranamitter tow9r•. 457 58 Kinut•• of May 26, 1961 OOUIJCIUIAll MAUii llOVBD '1'0 RBCBIVB TBB R~TIO• OP TD PLUSDCI C<181I88IO• AllD Sft A PUBLIC BURDG OB 'l'BB MATTBR OP ZO•IJIG 'l'BB KLZ SITB POil 110m>AY, JUllB 19'1'11 A'l 8100 P.11. AT TBB OOUBCIL CBA.'UDS CI'l'Y BALL. Diacuaaion enauect •• to providin9 atandby faciliti••· COUllCIUIAll BRAUll WI'ftllaBW BIS MO'l'ICll. OOUllCIUIAll llltAUll MOVBD, COUllCIUIAll BROWJIBWBLL SBccm>m>, 'lllAT '1'BB MA'ft'D BB BBLBD. Upon the call of th• roll, th• vote reaulted •• followaa Ayea1 Councilmen Wooda, McLellan, Martin, Milea, Brown-11, Braan, Kr•ilin9 • .. yaa llone. Abaenta llone. 'lb• Mayor declared the motion carried. 611-79 APPODl'lllB8'1' '1'0 PILL VACAllCY o• 1fATBR Alm S-BOARD COUllCIUIMI llCl·St.taU .. IllATSD MR. BVM!UI OLIBD 'l'O PILL '1'BB VACAlfC!' OB '1'IB a'ID AllD 8-80AIU>, Tall aDDIG PBBRUAllY 1, 1964. CXJU.CIUIAll mnlmfBLL llOVBD, OOUllCILMAll MILBS SBOOllDBD, TBAT '1'BB .. IDTiom& BB CLOSBD A11D 'lllAT TBB CLBRJ< BB IBSTRUCTBD '1'0 CAS'l' U UJIAllDIOUS ur.ror IOR n. OLDID. Upon the call of the roll, th• vote reaulted aa followa1 Ayeaa OOuncilllen Wood•, McLellan, Martin, Mil••· Brownewell, Braun, Kreilin9. •aya1 llone. Abaents Bone. 'l'h• Mayor declared the motion carried and authorized the City Clerk to notify Mr. Oliner of hi• appointment. 611-84 APPOilftKBllT TO PILL VACAllCY ON PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OOU9CIUIAll WOODS IK»IIllATBD DR •• TBBODORB GLBICBM..'9 TO 'l'BB PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD TO PILL '1'BB VACAl1'1' TBRM BllDIBG PBBRUARY 1, 1964. COUllCIUIAll llILIS MOVBD, COUllCIIllAIT MARTI• SBOOllDBD, 'l'BAT 'l'BB .. IllA'IIOllS .. CLOSm> MD TD CLBRX BB I•STRUC'l'BD TO CAST All UJIAllDIOU8 BAI.LO'! POR mt. GLBJC IA.II. Upon th• call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followaa COUncilmen Ayea1/ Wooda, McLellan, Martin, Iii.lea, Brown.well, Braun, Kreilin9 • .. y•1 llone. Abaentz llone. 'l'h• Mayor declared the motion carried. 611-85 APPODl'BIBllT TO PILL VACAllCY ON BOARD OP CARBBR SBRVICB CXIUIISSIOBDS OOUllCIIll'Alf UOW11BWBLL MOVBD, OOUBCIIMAN WOODS SBOOllDBb, 'lllAT TllIS APPODl'lllB8'1' BB TAB'.Ja> UllTIL JUD STB. Upon the call of the roll, the vote renlted aa followaz Ay••• Councilmen Wood•, McLellan, Martin, Milea, Brown-11, Braun, Kreilin9. Bayas Hone. Al>aenta llone. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 611.;l& RBCDlllm~TIOR P10I PIADI•G COMMISSION DBALillG WI'l'll KLZ SI'l'B OOUllCIUIAll 8RAlBl MOVBD, OOUllCILMD MOODS AND MARTIN SBOOllDBD, TBB MAftBR u JtAISm> PROl '1'BB TABLB. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted aa followaa Ay••• Councilmen Wooda, McLellan, Martin, Milea, Brownwell, Braun, Kreilin9. •aya1 llone. Al>aent 1 llone • n.. Kayor declared the nmtion carried. I I I ·1 I I I Minute• of May 26, 1961 OOUllCIUCAll BltAUll MOVBD, COUllCILMAN MCLELLAN SBCOl1DBD, TO RBCBIVB 'l'llB RBCOlltmD\TIOR OP 'ftlB PLUJII8G AllD ZORING CC»DIISSIOR Alm SBT '1'BB DA'l'B OP TllB PUBLIC UAJlimG o• '1'BB llAT'l'BR OP ZO&ING THE KLZ SITB POR 8100 P.M. MOmAY, JUllB 19, 1961 A'l' 'l'BB DGLBWOOD HIGH SCHOOL PIBLD HOUSB, 3800 SOO'l'B LOGA11 MID 'l'llB PROPDft BB POS'l'BD AllD ROTICB PUBLISHBD TO THIS BPPBCT. Upon the call of the roll, th• vote reaulted aa follow•• Ay••• Councilmen Wood•, McLellan, Martin, Miles, Brown.well, Braun, Kreiling. •aya1 Rone. Abaent1 llone. Th• Mayor declared the motion carried. 611-55 ft\• City Clerk reported that th• copi•• of the agreement between the City of Bn9lewood and Junior Chamber of eomaerc• for th• purpo•• of provid- ing waate receptacle• along varioua •tr••t• and highway• in Bnglewood had been C011Pl•ted and aigned by th• repr•••ntativ•• of the Juniom Chamber. Diacuaaion enaued. COUllCIUCAll BltOWllDfBLL MOVBD, OOUBCIIMAN MILBS SB8011DBD, THAT '1'HB MAYOR AllD Cift er.ax BB AU'l'BORIZBD TO SIGll A 0011'1'RACT WI'l'B 'l'BB JUllIOR CBAMBBR OP CXlllTDCB O• B•U.P OP TBB Cift OP BRGLBWOOD POR 'l'BB PURPOSB OP PLACIRG 'l'MSB RBCBrrACLU o• TllB S'l'llDTS OP 'l'llB CI'l'r OP ENGLEWOOD. Upon th• call of th• roll, the vote reaulted •• follow•: Aye•: Councilmen Wood•, McLellan, Martin, Miles, Brownewell, Braun, Kreiling. 8aya1 Rone. Abaent 1 llon•. ft\• Mayor declared the motion carried. 611-87 AGRBlllBllT POR USB OP LAND POR SANITARY LAND PILL Th• City Attorney atated that h• had drawn a propoaed agreement for the u.. of th• land for dump purpo••• and had the prepared form for approval thi• evening. lie read the agr .... nt in full. the Mayor au99eated that th• matter be referred to Raymond R. Koch for approval firat. Diacuaaion enaued. COUllCILllAll llCLSXJAlf MOVBD, COUllCIIMAN MARTIN SBCOBDBD, 'l'BAT 'l'RB CI'l'Y ll.\llAGD AllD Cift A'l'TORllBY BB AU'l'HORIZBD TO NBGO'l'IATB Alf AGRBllla"l' POR 'l'BB USB OP A PLOT OP LAID> 90R'l'll OP '1'BB PRBSBllT DUMP SI'l'B POR OOMP PURPOSBS MID IP AGUMBLI WI'ftl ALL PAR'l'IBS 'l'HA'l' 'l'BB MAYOR Al1D CI'l'Y CLBRK BB AU'l'BORIZBD TO SI<m '1'B8 RBSUL'l'I9G AGRB91DT. Diacuaaion enaued aa to poaaibl• contamination of water in the area by th• u•• of the dump. Upon the call of the roll, the vote reaulted •• follow•: Ayea1 Councilmen Wood•, McLellan, Martin, Mile•, Brownewell, Braun, Kreiling. Rayas llone. Abaent1 llone. 'l'h• Mayor declared th• motion carried. 611-23 RB80LUTIO• AU'l'BORIZillG SIGllA'l'URB POLICB PmSIOll AORB81D'f8 Tb• City Clerk reported that 34 agreement• aigned by the individual Police Officer repr•••nting 10°" of the Police Departm9nt had been filed in hi• office. Be requeated that the following reaolution be paaaed by th• Council to authorise th• Manager to aign on behalf of the City1 QSOLU'l'IOlf BB IT RBSOLVBD thi• 26th day of May, A.O. 1961, by th• City Council of tba City of Bn4Jl.wood, Colorado, that the City Manager i• hereby authorised to execute, on behalf of the City of Englewood, Colorado, the hereinafter .. t forth agre..-nt with each and every preaent and future paid office of th• Police Departllent of th• City of Bngl.wood, Colorado. 459 Minute• of May 26, 1961 Approved and adopted thi• 26th day of May, A.D. 1961. AftBSTa ~~7-Mayor . OOU8CILMAll BR0101BW&LL MOVBD, COUllCILMAB MCLBLLAlf SBCORDBD, 'l'BA'l' TRB llBSOLUTIOB BB ADOPTBD. Councilman Braun •tated that he would vote again•t the motion until the Police salary petition• were cleared. Di•cu••ion •n•ued. Council.men Brown.well and MclAllan •poke for th• motion •••ting that the aucc••• or failure of the Polic ... n'• petition for aalary increa•• had no effect on it and that thi• additional coverage under th• penaion provi•ion• of State Law i• a Mtter that th• Polic ... n were entitled to. Councilaan Braun replied that a• th• City waa participating on a percentage ba•i• of aalariea paid that h• "°uld not vote favorably until auch amount of the City'• parti- cipation waa known. Councilman Martin called for queation. Upon th• call of the roll, the vote re•ulted a• follow•1 Ayeaa Councilmen Wood•, McLellan, Martin, Mile•, Brown.well, Kreilin9 • .. Y•• Councilman Braun. Abaenta llone. '1'he Mayor declared th• motion carried. ADJOU1Ul COtmCIUIAll 1'00D8 MOVBD, COUllCIIllAll BRAUll SBOOllDBD, 'l'llA'l' 'l'BB MBBTillG U ADJOUallBD. Upon th• call of th• roll, th• vote reaulted •• followaa Aye•1 Councilmen Wood•, McLellan, Martin, Mil••· Brown.well, Braun, 1treilin9. 8aya1 llone. Abaenta llone. 'ftl• Mayor declared th• meeting adjoU11ned at 8145 P.M. I•/ a. o. Beauaang, City Clerk Clerk of the Council 'l'h• minute• of the meeting of th• City Council of the City of Bngl.wood, Colorado, held on the2A*h day of aay;. 1961 A.O., stand approved a• corrected thi• 5th day of June,1861 A.O. I 'I I