HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999 Resolution No. 088. ' . ' R.EtOLUTION NO . n_ f;ERIES OF 1999 ,. ,:v.soLUTION APPROVING A COST OF L!VING ADJUSTMENT FOR MANAGERIAL, Sli i-ZRVISORY, CONFIDENTIAL, UNCWSIFIED AND PART-TIME BENEFITS-EIJGIBLE EM, LOYEES OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD FOR THE YEAR 2000. WHEREAS , by Charter amendment effective April 13, 1981 , City Council provided for the estabilshment of managerial and supervisory employees within the service of the City of E nglewo,d; and WHEREAS , by virtue <. managerial and supervisory duties asaigned to these poeitions by the City Manager, it has been dete.-ll'ined that they are excluded from members! 1p, participation or representation in '-"Y collectively bargained employee system of the City of Englewoo,:1 ; and WHEREAS, by Charter amendment effective April 13 , 1981, City Council provided for the establishment of .:onfidential employees within the service of the City of Englewood; and 'l'tnEREAS, by virtue of the duties assigned to theae positions by the City Manapr or the City Attorney, it has 1,een determined that they are confidential and therefore the City makes no promise of continuous employment, permanent employmer.t or any 1pecific length of employment and these employees are therefore exclut!ed from membership, participation or representation in any collectively bargained employ.,, . o/Stem of the City of Englewood and are e,empt from the Career Service System; and WHEREAS, the Englewood Muni•.;~al Co-:le. F,ection 3-1-3 p,:,,vides . the establishment of unr.lauilied employees within the ,ervice of the City of Englewood; and WHEREAS , by virtue of the aervice status of employees determined to be unclauilied, benefits-eligible employees , it iuts been determined th•t the City makes no promise of continuous employment, peraianea• ,mployment or any specific length of employment and these employees are therefore excJuded frJ,n membership , particip&tion or representation in any collectively bargained empl:,yee system of the City of Englewood and are exempt from the Career Service System ; and WHEREAS , part-time benefit eligible emp loyees aze defined to be those working an average of less than 40 , but more that 20 hours per week ; and WHEREAS, this Resolu tion replaces all previous resolutiom elating to compensation and benefits for non-union employees . Benefits for all employees are described in detail in the "Beaefit Advantages" booklet, which is updated annually for open enrollment: and WHEREAS , the City makes no promise of continuous employment, permanent employment or any specific length of employment and these employees are therefore excluded from membership, participation or representation in any collectively bargained employee system of the City of Englewood and are exempt from the Career Service System; and WHEREAS , this Resolution does not apply to Directo"" whoee compensation is set by the City Manager; and • WHEREAS, thia Reeolution don not apply to the Municipal Court Adminiotrator whON compenaation ia ,et by the Municipal Judge; and WHEREAS, tbia Reeolution don not apply to the City Manarer, th• City Attorney and the M•micipal Court Judre who are compeneated by the City Council under separate reaolutione; and WJ:EREAS, this Re&olution doe& not apply to employee• covered by a union in the City of Englewood as they are rompenaated by contract under aeparete reaolutione: NOW, THEREFORE, BE lT RESOL\'ED BY THE :"'i"f COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOO::>, COLORADO, THAT: ~-The City Council of the City of Englewood, ··,,1orado hereby approves the followinG pay increBBes on the 1999 base ware 13te effective for ~ •• first paycheck in WOO with a pay date of January 6, 2000, for the calendar year cf 2000: J) Managerial, supervisory, and confidential employees of th, City of Englewood • 3.25%. 2) U11claaaified benefits eligible a,Jd pal't•time benefite-eligib!e employee, of the City of Eaglewood • 3.0¾. ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 20th day of September, 1999. ·~,a auc.\"iahia A. Ellia, City Clerk I, Lo'1criahia A. Ellia, City Clerk for the City of Englewood, Colorado, is a true copy of Resolution No. a&'._, Series of 1999. 14 • • COUNCIL COMMUNICATION Date Aglndllttlm September 20, 1999 10 c H INmATEDBY: STAFF SOURC!: Human Resources rtment Sue Eaton Director of Humen Re8oun:ea COUNCIL GOAL AND PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION Council previously i.pproved a resolullon in 1998 granting 1999 wage increases of: 3.5% for Directors , managerial , supervisory, and confiden!l::l o11nployees of the City of Englewood; 3.0% for unclassified , benefits eligible and part-tlme, beneffla eligible employees; 3.0% for the City Manager, the City Attorney and the Munlcip11I Judge, and an additional 2.0% wage Increase for the City Manager and the City Attorn ey 1s performance compensation . RECOMMENDED ACTION Stall requests Council approval of the attached resolution for a cost of IMng adjustment (COLA) for calendar year 2000 for the fellowing groups of employees : Managerial and supervisory employees (General Services, Police and Fire) Confidential employees Part-time , benefit eligible employees Unclassttled, benefit eligible employees . BACKGROUND, ANALYSIS, AND AL TERNATIYES IDENTIFIED Employees covered by this resolution will receive the following Increase on the1999 base wage rate : Managerial , supervisory and confldP.:itial employees : 3.25% Part-time, benefit-eligible and unclassttled , be;,efit-e:igible employees 3.0% The increase will be effective for the first paycheck in 2000 -January 6, 2000 . FINANCIAL IMPACT The projected lmpa~t c< in e COLA on wages for 2000 is approximatel·, $237,60'.!. usr OF ATTACHMENTS Proposed F;esolution