HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999 Resolution No. 097• RESOLUTION NO. j_]_ SERIES OF 1995 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE COLLECTIVE BAROAINING CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ENGLEWOOD POUCB BENBFIT ASSOCIA'MON AND THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD FOR THE YBARS 2000 -2001. WHEREAS, the previo•• Callectm, Barpinins Contract with the Eng1owood Police Benefit Aaociation wu for de yean 1998 • 1999; and WHEREAS , the City af!niiJawood and the Eng1ewood Police Benofit AMociatioD IDtered into negotiati0118 on May 14, 1999 in accordance with the Englewood City Home Rule Charter; and WHEREAS, the mambon ,, the En,Iewood Police Benefit Aeaoc:iation duly ratffied, i,y a majority of the memben, the Collective Barpinins Contract; and WHEREAS, approval by the Enalewood City Council a£ the Collective Barpinins Contract between the Eng1ewood Police Benefit Aaaoc:iation and t.he City of Englewood for the yean of 2000 • 2001, ia hereby siven; NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ENGLEWOOD , COLORADO, AS FOLLOWS: lll:!:lilm.1-The City Coum:il of the City of Enslewood, Colorado hereby approves the Collective Bargaining Contract between the Enpewood Police Benefit Aaaociat:on and the City of E1tglewood for the years of 2000 -2001, attached hereto u Ezhibit A. ~-The Mayor and the City Clerk are hereby authorized to sign and attat the Collective Bargaining Contract between the Enpewood Police Benefit Aaaociation and the City of Englewood, Colorado. ADOPTED AND APPROVED thia lat day of November, 1999. I, Loucriabia A. Ellia , City Clerk for ~tq_e City of Englewood, above ia a true copy of Reeolution No .1:/. Seriea of 1999. C0ftUm llftmftl CUT OY DUJllll:CID .lllD Bl ' JmlLD00D .OL%CII 11Dff'1 MIIOCDflOlr :roJl 'ID~ 2000 • 2001 \ '!'his reproduction of the 2000-2001 contract has been prepared by the City Adllinistration tor distrillution to all covarad Police otticars so that everyone will be aware of the rights and benefits .,I contained herein. ;< '1! Dim I,JJ; h t -T}, -• W.E ARTICLE 1 DURATION OP CONTRACT 2 ARTICLE 2 RECOGNITION 3 ARTICLE 3 EMPLOYEE RIGHTS 3 ARTICLE 4 SENIORITY 4 ARTICLE 5 HOURS OF WORK 5 ARTICLE 6 BIDDING PROCEDURES FOR SHIFT ASSIGNMENT 7 ARTICLE 7 SPECIAL ASSIGNMENT 8 ARTICLE 8 LAYOFF. 8 ARTICLE 9 COMPENSATION 9 ARTICLE 10 PERFORMANCE STIPENDS 10 ARTICLE 11 OVERTIME WORK 11 ARTICLE 12 CALL !!ACK 12 • ARTICLE 13 STANDBY 13 ARTICLE 14 ACTING PAY 13 ARTICLE 15 UNIFORM CLEANING ALLOWANCE 13 ARTICLE 16 ANNUAL LEAVE 14 ARTICLE 17 HOLIDAYS . 17 ARTICLE 18 ADMINISTRATIVE LEAVE 18 ARTICLE 19 MILITARY LEAVE 18 ARTICLE 20 FUNERAL LEAVE 19 ARTICLE 21 JURY DUTY 20 ARTICLE 22 LEAVES OF ABSENCE (WITHOUT PAY) 20 ARTICLE 23 PERSONAL LEAVE. 21 i • ARTICLE 24 DISABILITY -TEMPORA:RY (WOif JOB R!LlTID) :.12 1.ilTICLE 25 ON-TH!-JC3 INJURY -DISABILITY 24 ARTICLE 26 LIFE INSURANCE. 24 ARTICLE 27 DENTAL INSURANCE 24 ARTICLE 28 HEALTH INSURANCE -EMPLOYEE/RETIREES 26 ARTICLE 29 RETIREMENT BENEFITS 27 ARTICLE 30 RULES AND REGULATIONS 28 ARTICLE 31 TUITION REFUND 20 ARTICLE 32 DUES DEDUCTION 28 ARTICLE 33 ASSOCIATION ACTIVITIES 29 ARTICLE 34 LETrER OF CORRECTIVE ACTION 29 ARTICLE 35 DISCIPLINARY ACTION 31 ARTICLE 36 GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 31 ARTICLE 37 EXCLUSIVENESS OF CONTRACT 33 • j COIJDl£l' 1m111 n., cux or QGLmoc .lll2...DI BJfGLffOQP l'QLICB BBJIQ'I'l' AISQCll'l'Iotf This contract entered into by the City of Englev.ood, Colorado, and the Englewood Police Benefit Association has as its purpose the promotion of harmonious relations between the city of Englewood and its employees, a fair and peaceful procedure for the rssolution of differences; the establishment of rates of pay and hours of work, and other conditions of employment mutually agreed upon. Except where limited by express provis!ons elsewhere in this contract, nothing in this contract shall be construed to restrict, limit or impair the rights, powers and authority of the city as granted to it by constitutional provision, statute, ordinance, charter or special act, the exclusive power , duty and rights to; A. Determine the overall mission of the City as a unit of government. B, To m~intain and improve the efficiency and sffectiveness of City operati~ns. c. To det~::i::ine the services to be rendered, the operations to be performed, the technolog; to be utilized, or the matters to be budgeted. D, To determine the overall methods, processes, means, job classifications or persoMel by which City operations are to be conducted. E, To direct, supervise, hire, promote, transfer, assign, schedule, retain or lay-off employees. F. To suspend, discipline, discharge, and demote for cause, all full-time permanent classified employees. G. To relieve employees from duties because of lack of work or funds, or under conditions where the City determines continued work would be inefficient or nonpi·oductive • B, To take whatever d.her actiorui may be neceHary to carry out th• wi ■h-■ of the public not otherwiH apecitied herein or limitad by a collective bargaining contract. I, To take any and all action ■ to carry out the •i••ion of the city in cases of emergency. J, Nothing contained herein shall preclude the Ci·ty fra conferring with its employees for purposes of developing policies to effectuate or implement any of the above enumerated rights. ARTICLE l, DURATION OF CONTRACT A, . This Contract shall take effect on January 1 1 2000 ,ind ■hall continue in force to and including December 31, 2001, provided that.either party uy reopen for negotiation Articles 9, 27, 28, and the subject of the performance criteria referred to in Articls 10,B only, by giving written notice of intent to negotiate any or all of those Article:. prior to Kay 15, 2000, Such notice shall state the reason for reopening negotiations, but such ~eatemP.nt shall not entitle the other party to refuse to negotiate. Any such negot i ations shall proceed as provided in the city Charter. B, This Contract, or any part of it, may be terminated or renegot i ated at any time by mut~al consent of both parties. c. I f any article or section of this contract should be held invalid by operation of law or the District Court, or if compliance with or enforcement of any article or section should be restrained by such District Court, the reD1ainder of this Contract shall not be affected thereby and this Contract shall remain in full force and effect, and the parties shall promptly ~egotiate for the purpose of attempting to arrive at a mutually satisfactory replacement of such article or section. D, The parties ~.gree and understand that provisions relating to employees covered by this contract shall in no way displace or modify present or future statutory or case law of the State of Colorado. E, The parties acknowledge that during negotiations which resulted in this Contract, each had the unlimited right and opportunity t~ make de~•~nds and proposals with respect to any • • •~j•ct or utter appropriate foi: negotiation diac:uaion■ and that the und■r■tandings and agra ... nta arrived at by the partie• attar thi• exerc i se ot that right and opportunity are ■et forth in thi ■ Contract. ARTICLE 2. RECOGNITION Th• City racoqnii ■• th• Englewood Police Benefit lul1ooiaticn u th■ ■111ploy■e organiaation c■rtHied by th■ City of ln9levood a ■ th■ exclu■iva rapr■Hntativ■ tor ■worn Police aaploy■H within th• tollcwir.g bargaining unit: Included: All full-time, clusifi ■d sworn pclic• otticurs below the rank ot Sergeant ot th• City Pe>lice Depertment. Excluded: All others. ARTICLE 3. EMPL~YEE RIGHTS l, A tull-time classified employee who is not a contidential employee, a managerial employee, or a supervisor shall have the right: A. To term, join, support or pardcipate in, or to retrain trom torming , joinin;, ■upporting, or participating in any em~loyee organization or its lawtul activities. B. Bargain collectively through their certified employee representatJ.ve. c. No employee shall be intertered with, restrained, coerced or discriminated against because ot the exercise ot these rights ~or shall the right ot an individual employee to discus ■ employment concerns with the City be intringed upon. 2, The City and the Englewood Po~ic ■ Benetit Association mutually agree that a tair and impartial investigation ot otticers is deemed appropriate and necessary, A written policy has been developed and included in the operation ■ manual specifically • addressing the issue ct administrative and criminal investigations and uployH right■• Jio changH will be mad• in this policy without prior consultation and review with associa~ion representative(s), ARTICLE 4, SENIORITY For the purposes of this Contract, seniority shall be detenain•ci first by length of continuous tull-tilll• Hrvice with the City PoHce Depart Jl8nt according to rank and Hcond by lengtll of continuous full-time service with the City Police Departlllent from the first date of hire, provided the aployH succe■st'ully completed a probationuy period. In c~.•Gs where two or more employees have the same hire data, the badge. number as i-■u•d by the department shall establish priority of position on the seniority list. After an employee successfully complet-es the probationar1 period, their name shall appear on the seniority list as of the first date of hire. The senio:dty of an employee shall terminate under any of the fo E oving condit.ions: 1. When an employee has been laid off tor a period of one year or more. 2. When a laitl. off e111ployea fails to give notice of the employee',; intent to return to work within seven (7) calendar days after the City has sent to the employee's last k :1own address on fi_le with the City a certified letter requesting the employee's roturn to work. 3. Whan the employee gives notice but fails to return t o ~;erk within seven (7) calendar days after the aforesai d letter has been sent to the employee. 4 . When the employee's employment with the city is terminated for any reason. 5. When an employee is on leave of absence as provj dad unde,· Article 23 . 6. If an emplOY<l "' i s absent for three (3) consecutive regularly sch~du'ad working daya without notifying the 4 • • • 7. 8. ARTICLE 5. Director of Safety Service ■ or iuediate ■uparvi ■or prior to such three (J) days• absence without good cauH a ■ d ■termined by the Director of Safety Services. Failure to return to work after expiration of a formal lea,,e ot absence. An employee rehired but whose absence from City employment was less than eighteen (18) month■ will have their prior accrued s e ni ority with the City restored. HOURS OF WORK The Police Dapartment s ha ll ob ■arve o!tice and working hours necessary for the efficient transaction of their raspective services. A. Work Week A work weak is a regular r•=ring period of 168 hour ■ in the form of seven consecutive 24-hour periods. The work week need not be the same as the calendar week. The work week may begin on any d ay of the week and any hour of the day and need not be the same for all employees. B. Work schedule l. The work schedule for ofticers assigned to the unifor111 patrol bureau, including roll call and meal periods, shall consist of five (5) eight (8) hour and fifteen (15) minut 'l work days; four (4) tan (10) hour and fifteen (15) minutE< work days; or other work schedule as deter111ined by the Director of Safety Services. 2. The work schedule for officers assigned to the investigation bureau or other special assignment, including meal periods, shall consist of five (5) eight and one-halt (8-1/2) hour work d~ys, four (4) ten (10) hour work days or other work schedules as determi ned by the Director of Safety services. 3. Any change in an officer's bid or assigned schedule (starting time, quitting time, scheduled days off) 5 Will be made in accordance with para~aph C except schedule char.gH may be made vithout notice .'.t the • atfected officer agrees, The City agrees to review with Association repr11entatives issues and concerns regarding the method and possible compenaation associated with schedule changes, c. ~lng work schedules D, The work schedule may oe changed by the Director of Safety Services provided a minil:lum five (5) day1 11dvance notice is given. Work schedules may be changed without advance notice in the case ot emergencie& as determined by the Director ot Safety Service,. When an employee's work schedule is changed for purposes of training, special instruction, etc., the supervi•or shall make a reasonable effort to accommodate tlle employee' a intarasta concerning t~e scheduled change. staffing The need for an appropriate level of staffing is recognized by tha City for the purpose ot efficiency and aatety, The Police Department will ade.re ■s this issue in departmental policy. E, Meal Periods -Patrol otricers Officers assigned to the uniform patrol bureau shall be allowed a pal.d meal period of forty-five (45) minutes each full work day, provided that the meal period ■hall be authorized and controlled by the employee's supervisor and may be denied in whole or in pa,:t if the supervisor determines that circumstances so require. An employee may conduct personal business during the meal period. F, Meal Periods -Detectives Officers assigned to the investigation bureau or other :,;i ecial assignment shall be granted a paid meal period of '.h irty (30) minutes for each full work c.ay. Employees vorking a ten (10) hour work shift shall be allowed a paid forty-five (45) minute meal pe.':iod, The meal period shall be authorized and controlled by the employee 1 5 sllpervisor, 6 • G. B11t Perice, Elllployees shall i.. granted a paid rest p•riod not to exc••d fifteen (15) minutes during approxillately th• first one-halt or the employee's regular work day and an additional fifteen (15) minute ~ rest break approximately in the second one-halt of the work day. lest p•riods shall be authorized and controlled by th• employee•• supervisor, ARTICLE 6, BIDDING I'ROCEDURES FOR SHIFT ASSIGmP..NT A, Seniority applicable to the ■-niority bid process will b.a determined in accordance with . ti:'" total length ot continuous employment as a Police Officer with tl,~ City o! Englewood, Prior City employment in other thar a Police Officer capacity will not apply toward seniority. ationary employees will not be included in the bid process. Bidding for watches and pays Off B. The seniority bid system will be applicable to parsoMal assigned to the uniform patrol bureau only, and will not be authorized in any other bureau or npacial assig'?llllent. Th• uniform patrol bureau commander will develop and post a sched~l• prior to each year for a twelve-month period, A patrol officer in the uniform patrol bureau will bid once each year in November for assignments within tour (4) thrH (3) month intervals. There will be a total of five (5) non-biddable positions which shall consist of two(2) non-biddable position on Watch I and three (3) non-biddable positions on Watch II, provided that any new position(s) added to the uniform patrol buraau after January l, 1997, shall be nor.-biddable positions, up to a maximum of nine (9) non-biddable positions in the bureau. The bidding process will begin with the most senior Police Officer bidding the positions of their choice. In the descending order of seniority, each remaining Police Officer will have choice of the remaining biddable positions. All specialized positions such as crime preventi:,n of!icer, traffic officer, etc. will not be open to bid. The specialized assignments along with any no-bid positions on a watch, 7 will be in addition to the biddable po•ition on each watch. Officers may reque•t non-biddable po■itions and an attupt will be made to acc011a0date them, but auch poaitiona will be a•■ignad at tile discretion ot the uni .~crm patrol bureau commander. If an employee fails to submit a bid in accordance with the bidding procedure, th• employee will relinqui1b th• opportunity to bid by seniority, and will be assigned at the di1cration of the uniform patrol bureau commander. ·~1 employee in an other assignment, who is reassigned to the uniform patrol bureau will occupy the position vacated by the employee they are replacing. If other positions are available, the employee may request assignment to such position.11, but may only be assigned at the discretion of the patrol divi1ion commander. The officer will then be allowed t o bid at the next bid process. It is further under.stood ~;,11.1:. should a schedule change for unforeseen emergency circumstances arise, officers aay be assigned by the uniform patrol bureau commander from -one shift to the other to handle whatever emergency situation exist• during the duration of the emergency. ARTICLE 7, SPECIAL ASSIGNMENT Effective Januacy l, 1988, the Department will establish a written proce•s for selection and service including performance of employees for special assignments. The Director of Safety Services will consult with the Association regarding any future changes to the selection process . ARTICLE 8, LAYOFF Whenever there is lack of work, lack of funds, or under conditions where the City determines continued work wou '.'.d be inefficient o. nonproductive, the appointing authority ■hall designate the positions in which the layoff is to be made. • The order of layoff ■hall be determined by the City Manager on the basis of the quality and length of service provided by the employees in the affected areas. Quality of work will include the employee's total employment record. This record includes aMual • 8 performance evaluation■, couendationa, disciplinary actiona, education, training, etc. Any uployaa■ wbo bave not Y•t. achieved permanent or r ■gular stat~ !I~ wbo have l ■H than •ifhtun -(18) months of full-ti•• amployaant with tb• City ■ball 1:le laid off first, regardless of perfonance. Permanent aploy ... who are laid off have the right to be re ■111ployed in their respective cl•••• in inverse order of layoff, provided that such recall occ:un within one (l) year of layoff. Th• city•• obligation to re-.ploy an amployee ■hall be ■ati ■fied if it make ■ an offer of aployment to an amployee within a claaaification for whicb th• apl.oyH is qualified. In the event tbe employee fails to accept the offered employment, the offer will be deemed as denied and the uployee•• rights with the City shall in all respects be terminated at th& time. In the event the quality and length of service are equal, seniority ~hall prevail. An employee in a -higher rank if laid off may transfer to his/bar previocs loJWar rank provided the uployae bad permanent status in the lower rank. An employee ao transferred shall have the first right of ref'lsal to the fo1.11er high l ■vel position that the f3111ployee bad held, The recall list ■hall terminate aftar twelve (12) months. Empl~yees shall not continue to accrue ■ervice credit, including seniority, or be eligible for any City benefit ■ during layoff . In the event of a layoff, affected employees will be given as much advance notice as possible. ARTICLE 9. COMPENSATION A. For the period January l, 2000 through December 31, 2000, the salary schedule is as follows: EQYt;E OFFICERS i r-••~ Am!:l1Al, PolJ.-::1o Officer V $2,904 $34,846 Police Officer IV $3,089 $37,068 Police Officer III $3,397 $40,764 Police Officer II $3,736 $44,832 Police Officer I $4,109 $49,308 B. For the period Jilnuary 1, 2001 through December 31, 2001, • the ■alary schedule shall be a ■ follow■: POLIC!j QF[IC!jRS IK!lrl'.llliI Al!HlW. P~lice Officer V $3,020 $36,240 Police Off.icer IV $3,212 $38,544 Police Officer III $3,533 1 $42,396 Police Officer II -. $3,885 $46,620 Polics Officer I $4,273 $51,276 l!ll!!e salary For the purposes of determining an employee•• base wage, th• employee's regular straight time hourly wage rate and longevity shall be used, excluding all other forms of employee compensation. (The above provision shall be used only tor the purpose of determining pension benefits under the city and State pension plan,) In order to comply with Fair Labor standards Act, longevity will be used to de'.ermino overtime compensation and calculated at t.~c end of each year, Mar i t Increase The wage increase provided for Police Officer 4th Class through 1st Class shall not be considered automatic, but rather based upon meritorious service. Said merit increase may be granted or denied to any individual Police Officer upon recOllllDendation or. the Director of Safety Services at1d with the approval of the City Manager upon written notice to such individual Police Officer. The date in which the merit increase is approved shall determine the new merit anniversary date. ARTICLE 10, PERFORMANCE STIPENDS A.. Each Police Officer I shall be eligible for a stipend in an amount determined by the Director of Safety Services, up to a total of $500 each year. B. such stipends shall be awarded in the exercise of the Director's discretion, based upon specific written objective and subjective performance criteria developed by the Director and made available to employees, The 10 • • • ,w Director ■hall make ■uch criteria available prior to May 15, 2000 and .the Englewood Police Benefit Aa ■ociation uy reopen n99otiation■ concerning ■uch criteria pursuant to Article l,A, c. Eligible employees who believe they meat the criteria for ■uch an award ■hall submit application■ to the bployae Incident and Recognition Colllllittee on or before thirty (3 0) day ■ prior to the employee'■ nployMDt anniver■ary data. The Co1111ittae ■hall make a rac0l1111811dation to the Director regarding the amount ot the stipend, if any, to be awarded to th• employee, The amount racOllllendad ■hall not exceed the amount ■et forth in Paragraph A, above. Th• Director ■hall promptly con~ider and make a determination a ■ to each ■uch reconendation, D, Employees hired on or betore April 8, 1978 ■hall be paid longevity compensation in the amount ot $48.00 par month, or $576.00 per year. ARTICLE ll. OVERTIME WORK A. Employees covered by this Contract shall be compensated at time and one-halt ( 1 1/2) the employee's regular hourly rate ot pay tor all assigned hours worked over and above their regular DAILY work ■chedule. B. overtime shall not be pyramided, compounded or paid twice for t~e same hours worked. c. The City retains the right to assign overtime work to any employee qualified to pertorm the work, D. overtime available during a given watch shall be ottered on a voluntary basis to otticers working the preceding or ■uccaeding watch, as appropriate, in order of seniority. It no officer accepts, the least senior officer may be required to work the overtime, an acco1111odation may be authorized, or the City may, at its discretion, call any officer in to work the overtime. E. Employees who have worked overtime hours uy take time oft in lieu of overtime pay upon mutual agre111uent between the employee and the Ulployee•s supervisor. It there is no mutual agreement, the Ulployee ■hall be paid. Such ll tiae ott •ball b• taken during t.ha pay periocl in which it waa earned and •hall be paid in eccordAnca vitil th• Fair Labor Standard• Act. It the aployee ie unable to take such time ott as a result ot aargency or untorHeen cirCUJ11stances, the employee vill be con:pen ■ated at the overtime rate of pay tor auch tim ■,, r. Employees required to attend firearms q:u.alitication on their ott-duty time will be guaranttted t~ro (2) hours overtime pay it they successfully qualify during ■uch attendance. Ellployees required to att,,nd firearms qualification on their oft-duty time a11d who tail to quality will be compensated tor time actually ■pent in attendance at the qualification facility at their re,;u].ar rate ot pay unless payable as overtime pursuant ~o this Article. ARTICLE 12. CALL BACK A, An employee on otr-duty status who is called back to duty shall be credited with a minimum ot two (2) hours ot pay at the rate ot one and one-halt (1 1/2) the employee'■ regular hourly wag■ rate. B, An 11111ployee called back to work during the tir■t two (2) hours prior to th~ start ot their regular ■hitt shall be paid at the overtime rate tor all hours actually worked up to th.a starting time ot their regular shirt. C. Should any employee be required to testify betore any court or departmental administrative hearing as a result ot his/her otticial duties with the City, the time spent by such employee in providing such testimony shall be considered to be work time. It such appearance tor testimony is at a time when the employee would otherwise be otf duty, the employee shall be paid as provided under Section A above. The employee shall pay to the city a:.1 witness fees, and other compensation paid to the employee in conjunction with so testifying excluding •ileage tees. An employee who is called tor witness duty ■hall present to their supervisor the original summons or ■ubpoena trom the court or at the conclusion ot such duty, shall provide a signed statement trom the clei:k of the court, er other evidence indicating the amount ot time his/her person was required. 12 • • • D. Wh•n an em1iloyH ~• aubpoenaad H a vitneH in .11dvate litigation to '.u .tify, not in hi ■/her official ct;p"city but aa an indiv:dual, th• ta• ab••nt by reaaona t~ereot st.all be taken 11• any accrued leave or leave without: t>ay, A T'.T :CCLE !.3 • STANDBY Employees assigned to standby duty ahall be credited with -two and one-halt (2,5) hours of pay at the overtime rate of ~ay !or e !lch twenty-fo•Jr (24) hour period, or portion thereof, during which t~2y are on standby. Employees assigned to standby for l••• t.•sn a twenty-four (24) hour continuous period shall be credited with one (l) hour of pay at the overtime rate for each such assignment. ARrr.cLE 14. ,\CTXNG PAY All ac•1.,.7 :v •1'-fo~s will be compensated at 1001 of the pay for the posit ,011 .in which he/she is acting as approved by the Director of Sat~ty Services. The employee must be in the position for a period of thirty (30) consecutive calendar days before said employee becomes eligible for acting position compensation. &uch pay will be retroactive to the first day said employee assumes th• responsibilities of the position. ARTICLE 15, UNl:FORM CLEANING ALLOWANCE A, The city shall fum!sh, or reimburse tile cost of uniforms, including leather gear, insignias, shoes and clothing, required while on duty, and shall pay all costs of maintenance, repair and cleaning thereof, provided that reimbursement of such costs shall not be required if approval of the Division Chief is not obtained in advance. The City shall provide the necessary ~leaning. All employees assigned to the investigation bureau for a peri od of thirty (30) days or more and not required to be in uniform during work, shall receive a monthly clothing allowance of $60. All emplc,yees assigned to the Police Adminlstrative Division (e.g., Intern al Affairs and D,A.R.E. Officers) for a period of thirty (30) days or more shall receive a monthly clothing allowance of $40. The employee shall be responsible for all lost or stolen items identified above, or damage to the sallle, as a result of THE EMPiaYEE'S negligence or deliberate act • 13 B. ~• City 'ill provide on a replaceunt bad• a h .gh • quality wullet proot veat (!lack jacket). llepl•~•nt ehall be ad, one, every tiv, (5) year■, or at euch earlier tlJl.e a ■ th• c .ty is notitied ot any event or condition rendering ,uch a vest un•1f• tor its intended purpose. In the event of ■pecializad or cu ■t. !l i:!:ed vests, th• City will pay the aa11e dollar uount tor cha Cit·, isi;ued and authorized vest with the uployee paying the dH ~,aremc:es in cost. A. !mployaes birad prior to Oeceber 31, 1983, and covers! by this Contract shall accumulate annual leave monthly at the following rates. Length r.ours Hours ot service per Month per Year 0-9 10 120 10-19 13 .33 160 20 and above 1 4 .16 170 The maximum accumulation ct annual leave shall be as tol:ows: L!lnqth ot servi ce 0-9 10-19 20 and ,.;..,.;-.• .. 240 320 360 Emploi•aes hi.red January l, 1984, and thareatter al: all accumulate annual leave at the tollowing rates. T..ength ot servi ce 0-4 5-9 10-19 20 and above Hours per Month 8 lu 13 .33 14.16 14 Hours per Year 96 120 160 170 • • Tl' 1 maxilllWII acCW11ulation cf annual leave ■hall be •• follow■: ldDliltll ot..iUU!a ~ 0-4 192 ,-9 240 10-19 320 20 and above 360 B, Annual leave shall not be granted to any e~ployee until after completion of twelve (12) months consecutive service with the City unless otherwise authorized by the Director cl Safety services. In order to qualify for annual leave creo!it r.uring the month, the employee must have worked for at least one-half (1/2) of the working days of that month excluding authoriz~d paid leave. c. Annual leave shall neither be authorized nor computed for any purpose after the maximum acCW11ulation has been reached. The schedule for use of annual leave sbal: be determined by the needs of the department. Annual le'\ve shall be taken at a time convenient to and approved by the Director of Sa faty services . Employees shall not lo~e accumulated annual leave after the maximum has been reached if th€ employee has requested use of annual leave prior to maximum accumulation, and has been den~ed use of annual leave, Annual Leave Pay The rate of annual leave pay shall be the employee's regular stra~ght time hourly rate of pay for the employees regular job and charged on a working hour basis, excluding regub.r days off. Annual leave shall be allowed only to the total hourly amount accumulated at the bAginning of the leave, as verified by the Dire.,:tor of Safety Services. Employees may receive their annual leave pay not earlier than three (3) days prior to the start of their annual leave, provided the employee makes a written request to their supervisor fifteen (15) Lalendar days prior to the start of their annual leave. work puring Annual Leave If after the employee has begun their annual leave and the City requires the employee to work during the scheduled annual • leave period, the employ~~ shall be coMpensated as follow ■: 15 A, The employee shall be paid tor all hour• wcrlcad at the overtime rate. B, The employee shall not be charged with vacation time tor the number ot hours worked. ~ There ■hall be a one-week minimum on use ot aMuel leave time, unle.as otherwise authorized by the Director ot Sat,,ty Services or his/her designated representative. The maximum use of aMual leave shall be no greater than the amount accumrlated by the employee prior to the starting data of the employee's annual leave · request, and in no event shall the annual leave exceed four ( 4) consecutive weeks unless otherwise authorized by the Director of Safety Services. Ann•.:dl Leave Pav Ucon Seoaration Any employee -no is separated frcm the service of the City, i.e., retirement, termination or layoft, shall be compensated tor the unused aMual leavr1 time accumulated at the time of separation at the employee's regular hourly wage rate. In the case of voluntary separation, the employee shall be required to give two (2) weeks notice tot.he City. How Charge ,g Annual le.ive tor employees shall be charged on a working hour basis e:tcludi.ng regular days otf. Bidding ~9r vac~tions Each officer will bid one vacation, by seniority, for the year's period, J'anuary l through December 31. Additional vacation periods wi l l be granted, on a first requested basis, only after all seniority-bid va.:ations have been schedul ed. The bidding process for vacations will take place in November as scheduled by the uniform bureau collll11ander after completion of all bidding for watches and days otf. Vacationr. are expected to be scheduled in gooc: faith by each employee and shall specify the exact dates desired. 16 • In the uniform patrol blU"eau, not aore than four (4) ~tticera per wat.ch will l:e scheduled for vacatio11 or holiday leave at tlie aaJ1111 time, unless approved by the Director of Safr,ty ServicH, Within the bureau, not ■ore _ than two (2) officers wil l be echeduled tor vacation at any one time unless approved b y thJ Director of Safety services. Vacation within th• i1n •st.i gationa and administration divisions will be acheduled J:.y their diviaion cor.uaander according to seniority. ARTICYE 17, HOLIC\YS A, All officers covered by this Contract shall be •c~eduled for tan (10) holidays off with pay at the discretion of the Director of Safety Servica11 or designea, Scheduling will be dependent on the work load of the det"a rtment. Upon mutual agreement of the employee and the Director of .·afety Services, a maximum of five (!5) holidays may be can!u:,,j ,.,1, for pay in lieu of time off. At the employee's option, c,n;; , l ) holiday ahall be guaranteed to ba cashed out for pay in lieu .of tim~ off. The rate of pay shall be at the employee's regular hourly wage rate. In the uniform patrol bureau, not more than two (2) officers per watch will be scheduled for vacation or holiday leave ~t the same time, unless approved by the Director of Safety services or designee. Holidays will be bid after all vacations have been bid by seniority with vacations taking precedent over holidays. The bid time for holidays is the same as vacations according to bid schedule, except that any holidays not scheduled or used by August l of that year may be assi~~ad . If after the employee has begun their holiday and the City requires the employee to wo=k during the scheduled holiday period, the employee shall be ompensated as follows: l. 2. The emplo;•ee shall be paid for all hours worked z.t the overtime rate. The employee shall not be charged ~ith holiday time for the number of hours worked . 17 B, Officat·s assigned to the investigation bureau or other • special assignmen·~ shall be allowed the regularly oburved City holidays and uy be allowed a tloating holiday option, They may be allowed to exchange any of the below listed holiday■ for any nthar day in the year he/she is normally acheduled to work, Scheduling will be made with tile approval of the Director of safety servku or designee, Holicl.ays which may b e exchanged are the following: Washington's .~iri:hday Veteran's Day Friday after Thanksgiving Labor Day Memorial Day Christmas Eva or New Year's Ev• If a holiday falls on a detective's regularly scheduled day off, he will be given an altsrnate day off, This provision shall also applr l:o police office:-:-, regularly assigned to special duty by the Director of Safety Set" ',ces. ARTICLE 18. ADMINISTRATIVE LEAVE Adrtiinistrative le11ve with pay lllay be granted an ·:mployee at the discretion of the Director c • Safety services or designee. This leave is used when cirCU111s t ances require in the bast interests of the City and/or employee that the employee should temporarily be relieved from duty. ARTICLE l q. MILITARY LEAVE A. Any permanent or p:cobat.ion'!ry &mploy ee who enlists or is inducted into the ~llitary, naval, air or other armed services of the United States h time of war shall be en ':itled to a leave of absence without pay for the duration of such war or until honorably discharged, whichever occurs first, and for one (1) year thereafter. B, Any employee who shall be a member of the National Guard o= any other component of the military forces of the State, now o~ hereafter organized or constituted under the State or federal law, or who shall be a member of the reserve forces of the United States, now nr hereafter organizqd or constitute1 under fE,deral law, shall be entitled to leave of absence from his/her employment without loss of pay, seniority, status, efficiency rating, 18 • vacation, sick leave or other benefits for all the time when he/she is engag-,d '-'iL': auch organization or component in training or active service ordered or authorized ~y proper authority pursuant to law, whether for State or fed~ral purposes, but not exceeding fHteen (15) days in any calendar year. such leave shall be allowed in case the required military service is satisfactorily performed, which shall be presumed unless the contrary is established. C. Such leave shall not be allowed unle ■-the employee returns to his/her public position immediately upofl befog relieved fron such military servico and not later than the eicp itation or the time hereir. limited for such leave, unless he/she is prevented frou ao returning by physical or mental disability or other cause not a due ·to his/her own fa•lt or is required by proper authorities to cor,i;inue in such milita.:y service beyond the time herein limited for su•~h leave. D, The City shall provide ~ull pay to an employee on milicary leave, pursuant to Section B, above, less whatever wages the employee may have received by th~ military for s uch ~ervice. E. Any employee who is required to attend a wawkend reserve d uty may request that his/her schedulad duty days be rescheduled during the same pay period during which the request ed weekend f a lls . This request may be approved if such rescheduling can be accomplished at the convenience of the Police Divis i on. such request must be submitted to the Director of Safety Services as far in advance of the requested weekend as possible, but in no event shall it be submitted lass than six (6) weeks i :, adv .i ~c:a of the requested weekend, and the Director of Safety Seivicaa ■hnll respond within two (2) weeks after the request is received. Such request for rescheduling shall not arbitrarily be denied. ARTICLE 20. FUNERAL LEAVE T~e Director of Safety services shall grant leave with pay to ~n ~~p:oyee to attend the funeral of a member of the employee's famil y . The number of days granted shall be governed by the c i rcumstanceR of the case, but in no event shall they exceed seven (7) calendar days. For the purpose of this section, "employee's family " shall mean the employee I s spouse, or the children, 19 grandchildren, parents, grandparent•, brother ■ and ■i ■ter■ of the employee or of the employ ■•'• ■pouse. ARTICLE 21, JURY DUTY Leave may be granted to an employee fci · ■erving on jury 1"t,•, Th• employee ■hall be entitled to the differa11cc between ;, ,.s,lh1,~ regular compensation and the fees received for jury duty. ARTICLE 22. LEAVES OF ABSENCE (WITHOUT PAY) illg,;Jilllli Permanent employees covered by this contract may be granted a leave of absence without pay for reasons of education which ia allied to the duties of the city, settlement of an estate, child care, serious illness of a member of the employee•■ family, or other good causes, but shall not be used for the purpose of obtaining employment elsewhere. Leave withoct pay shall not exceed six (6) months of any year but may be extended for good cause upon reque~t for additional periods of time. The total leave time shall not lix,:eed one year. Upon return from approved leave, the employee will be restored to their for111er position it available or to a position comparable for which tho employee is qualified. During periods of unpaid leave, employees shall not continue to accrue service credit, or be eligible for any City benefits. Application for Leave A request for leave of absence without pay shall be submitted in writing by the employee to the Director of Safety services. The request shall indicate the reason the leave of absence is being recr~ested and r~e approximate length of leave time requested. consideration of Leave Request The Director of Safety Services may grant or 1eny leave requests, taking j nto consideration the department's •~·k force, work load and the employee's request. 20 • • Failun to Raturn It an employee tail• to return by th• da ce ot leave e:cpiration, th• employ•• •hall be con•idered to have voluntarily rti•i'iJlled trom th11 Hrvice ot th• City, unles• the appointing ~athority determines that unu•ual circwutances ex i~t. .. ARTICLE 23. PERSONAL LEAVE All employees covered by th~s Contract on an eight (8) hour work day shall be granted 48 personal leave hou r~ with pay and tho•• on a ten (10) hour work day •hall be grant.Id ~o personal leave hour■ with pay which an employee is entitled to u•• tor the following purpose ■: A. T~me lost a ■ a result ol illne•a/injury to the employee or tha employee' a ime·.liate tamily, B. Attend personal bus i r,ess, C, Leisure time , F~r any emp l oyee who has not U ■Qd the 48 or SO personal leav e hours ending October 31 o! each year or any portion ,hereof , the City will compensate said employee tor tl.e unused time at the employee's wage rate to be paid during the month o! December o! that year, Personal leave ti.me shall not exc~ed the 48 or 50 hours as designated above nor shall it be accumuln~ad or carried over !rem one year to the next. Personal leave ahall be scheduled and administered undar the direction o! the Director of Satr.ty Services tor personal business and lei1ure time. In the event ot illness/injury in which personal leave is nquested, the employee shall notify their supervisor or other person designated by the supervisor at least one (1) hour prior tc their scheduled reporting time, 21 ARTICLE 24, DISABILITY -TEMPORARY (NON JOB RELATED) • A, P•l:ioition Tempor"ry disability ia leave granted connected injury or illness of an employee prevents the employee from performing his/her employee. tor non-a.ervir.e which disability dutiea as a City B. Provision The City agrees to provide temporary disability leaYLW.i.th-pa-y~--- tor ample ees ab .nt. as_a~esu-l-t--0£-'-rt! ass/ njury as follows: 0-4 yeara 5-9 ye,,r9 10+ yaars 347 hours 520 hours 693 hours c. Accumulation an¢ Restoration Temporary disability lu,ve sha!l not be accwnulative except that on January l of each year, the City shall restore 1001 ot the numl:ler of hours previ.Jusly u!rnd by an employee as follows: 0-4 years up to a maximum of 174 hours 5-9 years up to a maximum of 261 houra 10+ years up to a maximum of 347 hours D, YtilhaUon l, Authorization for temporary disability l~ava with pay shall only be granted a!ter the first day of disability. 2. Authorizatic,;1 for temper 1ry disability sh ~·· .i. only be grantsd for the followi~g reasons: a. Personal illness or injury not service connected, including materni ty. b. Service connected injury or illness only after the ninety days descril:>ed in Article 25 has been eJd,.aui;ted. 22 E. Sick Lt•Y• Option All lick leave accrued by permanent ti!Dploy ·ees prior to January l, 1980 ahall vast ~ith the amployee, and MY be uaad in th• following ·maMer: 1. Attar the 6!13 hours as described abov,;i have besn used unlaaa the employee is entitled for retirement as a result of disability. 2. By cashing in all accrued aick leave accw:aulated f---------'un:""'d"'e..,r~th-•---aP":"ru.iouS-:plan-upon-nonial-or-d-tsabi-i-±ty retlrwn from the city at the rate of one hours pay for each two hours of accrued sick leave or one hours pay for each four hours upon separation from the City. • 3. By cashing in acc.ued sick leave under the previ~~• plan, once each ysar at the converslon rate of four (4) hours aick leave for one (l) hour pay, not to exceed a convarsicn of more than 400 hours each year. F. Reoortina ot Temporary Disability The employee or a member of the employee'• household st.all notify the employee's supervisor nt bast 30 minutes prior to ~.h• employee I s scheduled reporting time. No t.amporary disahility leave will :>,e granted tc an employee who fail., to notity their sup•rvisor prior to the be<,lMing o f the amploy.:11' s work ache:l.ule unless circumstances beyond the c, crol of the e~ployee would not permit. G. Yerification of Disability If the Director of Safety Services requires a physician'• stat ment of disabil . -'i, the City shall bear the cost of such physician's state~ent. H. Abuse of Temporary Disability Abuse of temporary disability occurs when an employee misrepresents the actual reason for requesting temporary disability or when an employee uses temporary disability leave for unauthorized purposes. An employee who makes a fa~se claim for temporary disability !eave shall be subje to disciplinary action . 23 ARTICLE 25, ON-THE-JOB INJURY --DISABILITY A, For any on-the-job injury which cause ■ any employee to be ab ■ent trom work as a result ot ■uch injury, the City shall pay to ■uch employH his/her full wages from the first day ot his/her absence from work up to and including the 90th calenda1 day ot such absence, le11 whatever sums received by the employee as disability wages under worlcmen '• compensation. After exhausticn of the ninety (90) days if the employee is still disabled, he/st,e~.utilJ..ze----·- leave unde hL.pro'.ltisions-ot-ArttcleT,r;--,rne-City reserves the right to require any employee on injury or disabi~ity have to 1ubmit to an examinatinn(s) by City-appointed physician(s) at the city's expense or ur.der the provision of workmen's compensation or the retirement/pen, in provisions es provided under State Statute. B, All inju~i ,s that occur during woi:king hours shall be reported to the emplc,yee•s supervisor within 24 hours of the injury or before the employee leaves their department ot employment unless circumstances beyond the control ot the employee would not permit, c. During the term of this Agreement, the City shall pay one-half (l/2) of the state-mandated contribution for death end disability pursuant to I 31-31-J ll(4), C,R,S,, tor officers hired after Ja.:-.uary l, 1997. ARTICLE 26, LIFE INSURANCE Term life ins•1r·mce will be proviC:ed by the City for employees Cl)Vered by this Contract in an '!mount equal to one year's sale.ry as specified in Article 9.A or B, whichever applies, not to exceed $50,000. ARTICLE 27, DENTAL INSURANCE A, The City will pay eighty-five percent (85\) of the premium cost for dependent and single coverage for dental insurance and employees will pay fifteen percent (151) ,,f the premium cost for dependent and single coverage tor dental insurance. B, The City agrees to continue to provide each employ8fl covered by this Contract the same level of dental b"nefits as 24 • , provided to tha as ot .:r~uary l, 1980, ex1.,pt t.'le Cit1 ehell improve said benefits accordinq to industry ■tandard,i each year, c. Any disputa concerning the interpretation ~r application ot benefits under the Dental Plan shall be subject to the dispute r1■0lution procedure only, (It is expressly under.toed that this Article is a no ,-griev&bla item under this Contract,) D, In c rdar to promote a batter und1rstanding ot th• City'■ procedure tor resolving employee dispute■ concerning the interpretation and application ot the City's h.alth and dental insurance program, the toll~wing procedures shall be utilized in those instances where an employee teals tha~ their health or dental insurance claim has not bean processed or paid in a manr.ar consistent with th• City's insurance plan. 1, It an employees feels that his/her health or dental claim has been incorrectly paid or denied, the employee shall first contact and inform the City•s Risk/Benefits Administrator in the Human Resources Department at City Hall, 2. It the disputed claim canr.ot be res<:,lved by the Benefits Coordinator, the claim will be resubmitted to thw insurance administrator tor furthei: review and consideration. J. It the claim c~nnot be resolved to the satisfaction ct the employee by the insurance administrator, the claim will be t~rwarded with all pertinent information to the City's insurance consultant tor further review enu inves'tigation and who shall attempt to resolve the dispute through information and mediation, 4, The written decision ~t City's insurance consultant concerning claim disputes involving out-ct-pocket expenses to the employee ot $50 or less shall be final, Claim disputes involving out-of-pocket expenses to the employee ot more than $50 ur.l ess resolved by City's insurance consultant to the satisfaction ot the omploycu1 shall be forwarded to the Colorado Foundation tor Medical Cara tor a complete review ot the pe~inant tacts (Jiving riu to the disput,. and shall suhmit to the City a written deci ■ion wldch ■hall be final. The cost tor 25 aployi.ng tho Colorado Pouncl.etion for Medical care ■hell be paid for by tta City, • ARTICLE 28, HULTH INSURANCE • EMPLOYEES/RETIREES A, The City will pay eighty-five percent (851) per month for the premium cost for dependant end single coverage end the employees will pay fifteen percent (l3t) of monthly premiWII coat for dapendent end single coverage in any of the health plans offered by the City, B. Tha Ch:y agrees to continue to provide t:;, each uployee covered by this Contract the sue level of health benefits as p::-ovided to them as of January 1, 1980, except the City shall improve said benefits according t~ industry standards each year. c. Any d~spute concerning tho interpretation or application of benefits provided under the Health Insurance Plan shell be subject to the dispute resolution procedure only. (It is expressly understood that this article is a non-grievable item under this Contract.) D, In order-~ promote a better understanding of the city's procedure for resolving employee disputes concerning the interpretation and application of the City's health and dental insurance program, the following procedures shall be utilized in those instances where a.~ employee feel•, that their health or dental insurance claim has not beel" proces!led or paid in a manner consistent with the City's insurance plan. l. If an employee feels that his/,!«:: hea lth or dental claim has bean incorrectly paid or denie d, the employee shall first contact and inf~rm the City's Benefit Coordinator in the Employee Services Division at City Hall. 2. If the disputed claim cannot be re~ol ved by the BenP.fits Coordin~tor, the claim wi ll be resubmitted to the insurance ll@inistrator tor further review and consideration. J . It the claim cannot be resolved to th.4 satisfaction of the employee by the i11surance adlllinistratc:r, the claim 26 • • will be forwarded with all pertinent information tc the city•• insurance consultant for further review and inv-■tigation and who ilhall attapt to r-■olve the dispute througl:. information and mediation. 4. 'l'h• written daci.Jion of City's insurance consultant concarnir:g claim dispute ■ involving out-of-pocket expanses to the employee of $50 or l••• ■hall be final. Claim diaputea involving ou·.t-of-pocket axpan■a ■ to the employee of more 1:han $50 unl••• resolved "Y the city•• insuranc~ consultant to the ■ati ■faction o! the uiployaa shall be forwarded to the Colorado Foundation for Medical Cara for a complete re'liew of th• pertinent fact ■ givinri ri ■a to the di ■pute and ■hall submit to the City a written decision which shall be final. • 'l'he cost for employing the Colc~ado Foundation for Medical Care shall be paid for by · :;.tty, ARTICLE 29, RETIREMENT BENEFI'l'S A. Retirement benefits shall be provi<'•.d for as stipulated under state statute. In addition, the cH · shall contir::.:: to provide the sue level of benefits as provided for in tl:.e Englewood Municipal Coda. B. Employee contributions will not be increased abovo the 51 to employees hired pcior to April 8, 1978 and 81 for employees hired after April 8, 1978 contribution levels unless required by state s•~atute. c. It is understood and agreed by both parties that any referral to health insurance for retirees or future retirees is not to be construed as a part :if this Contract, The City ~graes outside this Contract that it will continue to allow retirees and future retira .. s a conversion privilege to the health insur11.nce conversion plan av ail~ble through i;he City. The City a l so agrees to pay 50% of t:he cost of cove::age of the conversion plan or other plan selected by the retiree up to miu:imum of $75,00 per month for employees who retired on or before December 31, 1994; and up to a 11111ximum of $100,00 par month for employees who retire on or after January 1, 1995. 27 ARTICLE 30. RUL!S AND REGULATIONS Exce~t a1 limited by the expr••• tams ot this Contract, th• City retain ■ tile right to pr011ulgat1 reasonable rules, regulations, policies, procedures and directives. Said rules , regulations, policies, and procedures and directives which are an alleged violation of this Contra ct shall be subject to t he grievance procedure. ARTICLE 31. TUITION REFUND Upon recommendation of the Director of Safety serviC$S and after prlor approval of the Hl.llllan Resources director, the City of Englewood shall reimburse a permanent, full-time police officer upon suc;ceseful completion of an :.;pproved course or courses in education or vocational training up to the highest rate charged by ,,ny Colorado public post-secondary institution. The Cu.lrsa or training must be complet,id at an accredited college or university, must be related to ~.1e work, be d~sig!'1ed to improve competence in the j ob, and be of val'.1e to the police officer'■ service to the City. This shall i ·nclude all tuition, and required texts. A.ll.T I CLE 3:. DUES DEWCTION A, The City a,1reei: to duduct the Association dues once each pay period from the pay of those empli:y.:•s who individually request i n writing that such dedu,·t!o·ns be :n,.ade, sub:k ct to the garnishment law,; of tho State <Jf Coloradri. Tl,.:.: amount11 to be deducted shall be c.;rtified to the City Finance Director by the Treasurer of the :.Usociation, and ·che a;greg:1te deductions of all employees shall be remitted together witti an itllll.l.z:ed statement to tile Treasurer by the 15th of the succeeding month, after such deductions are made. The authorizati on shall be r evocable during the tRrm of the Contract, upon a t h irty (30) day written notice by the employaa to he City Finar.c e Directr,r, a. If no wages are paid an aathorized employaa on the las t ,.., ~::.riod c:,f a giv en pay period, deduction for that pay period will be mad •a from anif wages which may be paid to him/her on the next succee.d ir.g fi nal mom:hly City pay period. It i s expressly understood that t h e city assumes no liability and shall not be liable 1:or the collection or payment to the Association of any dues 28 • during any time that an aploy~• ia not actually working tor the City and actually on the payroll ot the city. In the event ot error on the chee <ott liet, the City will not be reaponaible to make adjuatllents, until notified by the Trea11urer ot the Association, c. The Associat on ■ball indemnity and hold the City harmless against any and all claims, suit:1, order■, or judgments brought or .:.~sued against the City as a :usult. ot any action take11 or not taken ~y the city under the provi~ion ot thi ■ Art.I.cl ... D. Changes in the dues amount to be deducted ■hall be limited t~ two (2) changes each year, and provided a thirty (30) day written notice is provided the Ci ty finance Director. E. Should the change in the deduction amount or method requ.lre a computer programming .:hange, the Association shall be respons ible tor that cost ot auc·11 change or changu,. at $JO per hour with a tour (4) hours maxbn r... Payment trom the Aa ■ociation shall .be made to the City Finan·:•. Director within ten (10) days of receipt of billing. ARTICLE 33. ASSOCIATION ACTIVITIES The City agrees that during worki 1g hours on t:1e City pre~,isas and without loss of pay, Association representa'.;ives may be allowed to: attend Association-management meetings; attend negotiation sessions; post A~sociation notices on City designated bulletin boards; solicit Association memberships during employee's non•·work time; and represent employees on grievances and disciplinary matters provided tJ-.e work load permits as determined by the Director ot Safety Services or designated representative and requires no overtime pay. AF.1'ICLE 34, LETTER OF CORRECTIVE ACTION A. oral Corrective Action -Whenever grounds for corrective action exists and ths supervbor determines that the incident, action or behavior o f the employee i such th~t more severe action is not immediately necess ,,ry, the supervisor should orally communicate to the employeti ~he supervisor's observation of the problem and offer assistance i n correcting the situation. Wber, a.'1 29 oral corrective action is given, the ■upervisor ■t.ould en1'ure that the employee's departm~~tal personnel rils is documented to ■how th• date or the corrective action and the nature of the corr•ctiva action. The employee should be advised that the corrective action will be documented in the employee's departmental rile. Exuplos or reasons that may result in an oral corrective act!on are listed under Englewood Municipal Coda, section 3-lM-4. B. Written Corrective Action When the supervisor determines that a written corrective action is appropriate and necessc1ry, the corrective action shall be addressed to the employee and shall include the violation; the specific behavior and the dates or the behavior (when appropriate) that support the charge; the warning that continuance of this behavior will result in disciplinary action; and an offer of assistance in correcting the behavior. A signed copy of. the corrective action by the supervisor shall be includec. in the employee's official personnel file in the Employee Relations Office, and the employee shall have the opportunity to submit written comments in response to the corrective action to be included in the file. After a period of one (1) year from the date of the filing of the writte~ corrective action, the employee's current and regular supervisor shall review said letter and provide a follow-up letter indicating the status of the written corrective action. Examples of reasons that may result in a written corrective action are listed under Englewood Municipal Code, Section 3-lM-4. r:. The emr,loyee retains the right to request an administrative relTiew of the written corrective action. The :Jirector of Safel:y services shall develop this administrative review proc~dure which shall at a minimum consist of a board with equal repr.·esent.ation of command staff to be sele,,:.:ee by the Director ~f Safety Services, 4nd Association members '..o be selected by the employee. This boarc. shall be advisory to the Director of Jafety Services, and its fin~ings shall be placed in the employee's personnel file . This Article shall not be grievable under this Contract. If this procedure l.s not observed, at the request of the Association a meeting may be held between the Department, tlle City Manager's office and the Assoc iation t o address this isr.ue. 30 • ARTICLE 35, DISCIPLINARY ACTION Disciplinary actions are those peraon~el action, adllliniatered against an employee tor an otten ■ive act or poor job pertoriaance, which actions adversely affect tile current pay, currant atatu,, or tenure of the employee, 1. Disciplinary action penalti-■ include suspension, demotion, and discharge of an employee. 2. Disciplinary a.::tion may be administered concurrently with corrective actions. 3. Reasons for disciplinary action are defined under J-lll-4 of the Municipal Code. An employee shall be allowed at his/her discretion one (l) association representative to be present during pr'!disciplinary meetings. This provision shall apply only when an employee desires the assistance of an Association repr.esentative and only when the employee believes that di•·ciplinary action as defined above may be taken against the employee. ARTICLE 36. GR T!:VANCE PROCEDURE A grJ~vance is defined as an alleged violation concerning the interpre ,tion or application of a specific provi.sion o~· this contract. The employee and the Association s:iall Ile required to follow tbe procedure as set out below. lli!Ll If the employee/Association is unable to settle the grievance or dispute orally and informally through his/her immediate sup ervisor within seven (7) calendar days of the date of the occurrence of tha grievance, or the employee's knowledge of it, the employee may within the s ·ucceeding seven (7) calendar days fi l e a writ,:en grievance with his/her supervisor. The supervisor sh.;.ll attempt to resolve the matter and shall respond in writing to tile employee ~ithin s3ven (7) calendar days. An Association or gen~·el grievance shall be presented directly by the President of EPl'..A or his deoignee to the Director of S&fet~• Services, 3l ~ \ YRJ., It the grievance still r~ihs unresolved, it shall be presented by the employee to the Division Chief in writing within seven (7) calenda.t' days following receipt ot the supsrvisor's response, The Division Chit,! shall respond in writing within seven (7) calendar days. It the ;rrievance stili. ramains unresolved, it ■hall be presented by the employee to the Director ot Safety Services in writing withir, seven (7) calendar days following receipt ot the Division Chief's response. The Director of Safety Services ahall ,:ssponcl in writing within aeven (7) calendar days. llilLi It the grievance still remains unresolved, it shall be presented by the emr,loyee to the City Manager in writing within &,•,en (7) caler,dar days following receipt ot the Director ot sarety Services' response, The City Manager or his/her designated representative shall :i:espond in writing within fourteen (14) calendar days. lli!Ll. If the grievance .is still unresolved, ·1e employee within f~urte~n (14) calendar days after the reply of the City Manager or his/her designated representative, may by written notice request t~e matter be heard by an arbitrator, I f within five days ot the ruquest tor arbitration the Association and the City caMot mutually agree on an impartial arbitrator, a request will be tiled with the American Arbitration Association for II panel of seven arbitrators to be sent to the parties. The arbitrator shall be selected by a method of alternative striking of names from the panel, with the first strike determined by a coin flip. The final name left on the panel shall be the arbitrator. Tr.d arbitratc•r shall be requested to issue II decision within thirty (30) da}·s after conclusion of testimony and argument. Each par~y shall be responsible tor compensation to its own representative& and witnesses. The tees ot the arbitrator shall be shared equally by the Association and the City. It either party 32 • desires a verbatim record of the proceedings, it may cause such a record to be made, provided it pays for the record and ~akes copies available to the arbitrator. It the other party wishes to have a cllpy o ·! the transcript, it shall share equallr all coats d.~ the tnnscript. Failare by an employee or the Association to comply with any time limitation shall con11titute a settlement cf the c;rievan,:e. Should the employer not respond within tho prescribed ti.me, the grievance will automatically proce,,d to the next step. At th• employee's option, the employer may ca allowa.cl ndcht!llnal til!lo to respond. T!le arbitrator shall have n,.1 power to add to or s\!bt::c ".·i: . ,:,1111 or change the terms of this Contract. Th• wr ii:Lut1 deci a .:.on _•! t.he arbitrator shall he final and binding upon the parties. The arbitrator shall limit his/her decision strictly to tl10 grievance .ubmitted which has been properly processed through the griav3ncu procedure outlined. Processing Grievance puring Working Hour s Grievan-:es may be investigated and processed by th.-. employee and one (l) on-duty association representative at th11 employee's request during work ing hours within reasonable time limits without loss of pay provided notice is given and the work load permits. AR'rICLE 37. EXCLUSIVENESS OF CONTRACT The City and the Association agree that the terms and provisions herein contained constitute the entire Contract between the parties and supersede all p=evious communications, representatives or agreements, either verbal or written, between the parties with respect to the 3ubject matt er herein. The City and the Association agree that all negotiable items havft been discus3ed during the negotiations leading to this Contract and, therefore, agree that negotiations will not be reopened on any item during the life of this Contract except by mutual agreement of the parties. 33 IN lfITNES/:1 WHEREOF, the partiu have cauaed thia conti·act to be signed by their respective repnsentativu, and their signatures placttd thereon, on this ___ day o! ________ , 19t_, at Englewood, Colorado. CITY OF l!NGLEWOOD Mayor 1,TTEST: City Clerk City Manager 34 ENGLEWOOD POLICE BENEFIT ASSOCIATION • • SEMPLE, MILLER A MOONEY, P.C. IIIHTINKMPU aas111U.D l'UIIC&I.~ ~IC.ODOWIIU IIATIILIIN Ill. INANNON ILIZAKT1I J. IYAff IVUI c. TOI.USON Daniel L BrolZlllall, Esq. CltyAltomey City of Englewood A11ant1111tLaw n, CIII-, hlltll•c, Suitt 13Vi 1UI Li...i■ Strnt DeliHT, CeMrNO 1'213 Ttle,u .. lll•S95.et41 Fu 3'3-IH•Htll October 29, 1999 ..,_ nlD C, IRJNLWWI BY FAX TRANSMISSION (303) 762,2331 3400 South Elati Street Easlewood. Colondo 80110 Ra: Cty of Eqlr,,wd~ Police Bemfit ,.\s.1ociatioll 2000 • 2001 Col.leclM Barpimag Agreement DtarDan; ~ we dlsc:uucd, a senwice wu omitted illadvertently from the &lla1 vmioa of Ille Enpwood/EPBA 2CXJO.D'll collecti¥e barpinillg agtlCJIICllt 111bmlnecl to CilJ Cowd Prior to appl'OYI! of the COl1traci, Council sbould be advised th at the final vcrsioD sbotlld ioeh:dc tho ColJ.OWffll scatc!ICC Ill the CDd o( Al1iclc 24.C., OD pqc 22: wcli restoration shall conii."'IUC each ~ until .111ch time a, die employee accruca the mmmum IJWllber of houn for wbicb lie or she ii eligible Wider Anidc 24.B. 'Ibis la;:,~f; WIS added to the contract U part 11! Ille overall WlWM: qreemell1 reached in nqori~tlons. II doe, DOI reflect. subsli.4tiYe cbange to the contract; il meN!y uplaim the City', h 111-5taDdiug practice wilb rapect 10 res101-ation of temporary disability leaw. Prior to w:anion of the comract by tbe parties, Ibis sentence will be added ro the contract. PBM/]sa enclosuce Sincerely, SEMPLE. MD.l.ER & MOONEY, P.C. t1k~ ~"<5 Patria B. Mooney cc: Ma. Sue Eaton COUNCIL COMMUNICATION Date Agenda Item Subject November 1, 1999 Collective Bugainlng Agreement Between the City llci and the EPBA for WOOand2001 Staff Sour::e Initiated By Human Resources Department Sue Eaton, Director of Human Resources I COUNCIL GOAL AND PRE'.'IOUS COUNCIL ACTION The previous Collecti-,e Ba:gaining Agreement witn the Engle wood Police Benefit .k.sociation was approved b y Council for 1998 an d 1999. RECOMMENDED ACTION Still requests Council approval of the Collective Bargaining Agre<.ment between the Enr,1ewood PolicP. Benefit Association and the Citv of Engl•iwood for the YP ~rs 2000 anr.i. 2001. The contract covers approximately 55 employees. BACKGROUND, ANALYSIS, AND AL TERNA ID'ES ID[NTIFIEO The City of Englewood and the Englewood Police BenPfit l ;.50Ciation enter~d into negotiations in May of 1999 in accordance with the City of Englewood .:.harter. The members of the Englewood Police Benefit Association duly ratified , by a majority vote , the Collecti ve Bargaining Agreement. 1he significant changes lo the contract are as follows : 1. Under Article 9 employees covered by the Contract will receive a four and four-tenths percent (4.4%) increase on the 1999 base wage rate effective January 1, 2000 and a four percent (4%) increase on the ~000 base wage rate effective January 1, 2001. In accordance with Article 1.A., wage rares may be subject to negotiation for the year 2001 . 2. Article 10, Longevity Compensation has been deleted and repla ced with Performance Stipends. Article 10.A. now reads : Each Police Officer I shall be eligible for a stipend in an amount determined by the Director of Safety Services, up lo • total of $600 each year. '' The contract was approved with the Wlderstanding that a proposal will be subljllitted to the EBPA regarding the criteria of how the Stipend can bE e1rned no later than May 15, 2000 3. The agreement limits the number of non-biddable positions in the Uniform Patio! Bureau to nine . (Article 6) ' , 1 IJ r l n11, FINANCIAL IMPACT The impact of the salary increase on base wages is approximately $106,302 for 2000 and $100,890 for 2001 . LIST OF ATTACHMENTS Proposed Resolution EBPA Collective Bargaining Agreement 'or 2000 and 2001